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Clinical REVIEW

Improving the calf pump using

home-based exercises for patients
with chronic venous disease
When treating leg ulcers it is all too easy to lose sight of the underlying pathology and focus upon the visible
ulcer. A lack of attention to the calf pump mechanism in chronic venous disease has resulted in insufcient
emphasis on exercise therapy to address this neglected issue.This article focuses on what research has already
been done on the calf pump and some simple practical methods which clinicians can incorporate into their
strategy for venous ulcer care.

Judy Davies, Richard Bull, Ina Farrelly, Melanie Wakelin

These exercises have previously been How much reduction in ankle joint exibility occurs
KEY WORDS discovered to be effective among this in CVI and venous ulceration?
Venous ulcer patient group (Davies et al, 2007). Back et al (1995) measured ankle range of
Exercise motion (plantar and dorsiexion) in four
The calf pump groups:
Pain The calf pump is the essential mechanism 8 Healthy volunteers
Calf pump by which blood is returned to the heart 8 People with CVI but no ulceration
Ankle mobility from the lower limbs, and is aided by the 8 People with CVI and a healed ulcer
Patient participation foot pump, thigh pump and respiratory 8 People with CVI and an active ulcer.
pump mechanisms. Araki et al (1994)
demonstrated the signicance of a The study showed that a decrease in
failing calf pump in patients with venous ankle range of motion occurred before

hronic venous ulcers pose a insufciency progressing to ulceration. any ulcer developed: a difference of an
continuing challenge to nursing and In comparing three groups of patients average of 57 in healthy volunteers to
interdisciplinary care.The visible active ulcers, healed ulcers and chronic 39 in patients with CVI but no ulcer. A
nature of the ulcer wound bed makes it all venous insufciency without ulceration steady worsening of exibility occurred in
too easy to focus on wound healing, while there was no signicant difference in the next two groups. Those with healed
losing sight of the underlying pathology of either the pattern or amount of reux.The ulceration had an average of 29 ROM
a dysfunctional calf pump which is a major active ulcer group was distinguished from while those with active ulceration had, on
contributor to the ulceration. the other two only by means of indicators average, only 21. They also demonstrated
of calf muscle pump function (poorer that functions of calf pump efciency
This article will rst focus on the ejection fraction and residual volume (ejection fraction and residual volume
literature addressing the calf pump fraction).They concluded that in patients fraction) correlated signicantly with ankle
mechanism and its inter-relationship with venous insufciency, an impaired calf ROM.
with venous disease. It will then describe pump is a key factor in the progression to
a series of exercises that patients with ulceration. Back et al (1995) also showed that
chronic venous ulcers can be encouraged dorsiexion, when measured separately,
to do in order to reduce pain and increase What biomechanical factor plays the central dropped from 10 in normal limbs to
their range of motion (ROM), which in role in the calf pump mechanism? -5 in those with active ulceration a
turn improves the calf-pump mechanism. Research over the past 1012 years total difference of 15.This means that
points to ankle joint movement as the key the average patient with an open ulcer
biomechanical element in a functioning would not be able to stand in a normal
Judy Davies is Senior Tissue Viability Research Coordinator,
calf pump. When articially restricting the position with their feet at on the ground
Richard Bull is Consultant Dermatologist and Ina Farrelly
is Senior Podiatrist at East London Wound Healing Centre, movement of the ankle joint in healthy when not wearing heels. Being unable
Mile End Hospital, Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust, volunteers, Kugler et al (2001) showed to achieve a 90 angle between the foot
London and Melanie Wakelin is Statistician at the Centre that a signicant drop occurred in the and the ankle creates a pathological gait
for Health Sciences, Barts and the London Queen Marys efciency of the pump to affect a decrease pattern, as normal heel to toe walking is
School of Medicine and Dentistry, London in venous pressure during exercise. no longer possible.The duration of ulcer

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Clinical REVIEW

has also been shown to correspond with atrophy as shown by Leivseth et al (1992) ankle ROM: Padberg et al (2004)
the loss of ankle joint exibility. Helliwell in their experiment on guinea pigs. When were unable to achieve any signicant
and Cheesebrough (1994) showed that in one of the legs of the guinea pigs was improvement after three months of
patients with chronic leg ulceration, there partially immobilised, signicant muscle supervised exercise followed by three
was a loss of 0.78 of movement for every atrophy occurred when compared with months of unsupervised exercise. Klyscz
year of active ulceration. the unrestrained leg. Immobilisation, itself, et al (1995) on the other hand, showed
therefore, also needs to be acknowledged a signicant improvement in patients
What effect does reduced ankle mobility, with its as a risk factor. with CVI who had moderate ankle
associated problems with gait and calf-pump activity ROM (average 34.4). The twice-weekly
have on venous ulcer wound healing? The fact that compression bandaging, intensive gym-based programme yielded
This is the most crucial question, and only while being absolutely necessary, can also a signicant increase in dorsiexion from
one study by Barwell et al (2001) has impinge on ankle mobility needs to be 7.7 to 11.5 and a statistically insignicant
focused on this specically although other recognised here. Lentner et al (1997) increase in plantar exion from 26.7
studies have looked at it more generally, demonstrated on healthy volunteers that to 29.
in terms of reduced mobility.The study compression bandaging of different types
showed an astonishing difference in healing all restrict ankle joint mobility, with thick A pilot study by the authors (Davies et
rates in patients who had less than 35 bandages having a greater restricting effect al, 2007) implemented a practical, home-
ankle ROM, compared with those with than thinner ones. based exercise programme that could be
more than 35. Only 13% of those with easily followed by patients unable to attend
less than 35 had healed at 24 weeks, What gait changes occur in patients with a intensive gym programs.Ten patients with
compared with 60% of those with more history of venous ulceration? open venous ulceration, and who all wore
than 35, despite all of them being treated Walking is the normal way the calf pump compression bandaging, participated in
with multilayer compression bandaging.The functions in everyday life, so gait patterns the study.The exercise programme was
difference in healing rates is so signicant are particularly important in patients done three times each week for 24 weeks,
that one would think it would have with a history of venous ulceration.This with monthly monitoring visits. Once the
spawned a great deal of research interest, has only recently been addressed in study was over, patients were encouraged
but little has been done in response. research studies.Van Uden et al (2005) to keep doing the exercises without
demonstrated that patients with active supervision and a follow-up visit was done
Are there other biomechanical factors affecting or healed ulcers had a slower preferred at the end of the year.The programme
the calf pump? walking speed as well as taking shorter consisted of gait improvement and 510
Calf muscle strength may also affect steps, though the latter did not reach minutes of ankle exercises carried out
the efciency of venous return, as statistical signicance. Roaldsen et al (2006) three times a week if possible when
improvement in calf muscle strength also demonstrated a slower walking speed the leg was unbandaged.
correlates with improved venous return, in active and healed ulcer patients and
as demonstrated by Kan et al (2001). Calf decreased walking endurance. Ten patients took part.The median age
muscle wasting is commonly found in was 73 years with a range of 6380 years.
patients with long-standing venous ulcers. What research has been undertaken to develop There were four men and six women, with
Taheri et al (1984) demonstrated that therapeutic measures to counteract musculoskeletal a median of 20 years of ulcer duration,
muscle biopsies of patients suffering from calf pump deciencies? ranging from six to 51 years.The median
venous insufciency showed three types There are ve studies into the effects of size of ulcer was 9.8cm2, with a range of
of atrophy occurring in the gastrocnemius exercise on calf pump deciencies that 1.5cm to 93cm.
muscle which suggests that disuse, involve patients with chronic venous
denervation and ischemia all have a role to disease (Klyscz et al, 1995; Hartmann Two patients dropped out very shortly
play in muscle breakdown. et al, 1997; Yang et al 1999, Kan et al after screening so they were not included
2001, Padberg et al, 2004). All ve in the 12-week analysis. Another two
How much calf muscle volume reported that exercise improved venous dropped out at 12 weeks or later, and
itself contributes to venous insufciency haemodynamics, with three demonstrating were therefore not included in the 24-
is unclear although a recent study by an improvement in calf muscle strength. week analysis.
Moloney et al (2007) of nine patients Two of the studies (Klyscz et al, 1995;
with venous ulceration did not show a Hartmann et al, 1997) reported an The baseline mean ankle ROM for
correlation between calf muscle volume improvement in the subjective experiences the eight patients included in the 12-
and venous return. of the patient linked to the exercise week analysis was 18.5 measured using
programme including a decrease in a bi-plane ankle goniometer (Figure 1)
Is loss of ankle mobility related pain, oedema, leg restlessness and cramps, slightly less than the average for ulcerated
to calf muscle atrophy? and itching. patients cited above by Back et al (1995).
Ankle ROM is closely linked to contraction This reected the long-term nature of the
of the calf muscles and loss of exibility Only two of the above studies ulcers for this patient group. By week 12,
may contribute substantially to disuse specically set out to achieve improved there was an average increase of 8.7 (P =

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Clinical REVIEW

the exercises used in the study will be of plantar exions up to 25 when

described in greater depth in the hope the patient was able to. Once 25
that clinicians can encourage patients with repetitions was achieved, the patient
reduced ankle mobility to incorporate the graduated to the next colour of band
exercises into their treatment regimens. dropped back to 15 repetitions and
gradually built up to 25 again. Most
Gait improvement patients in the study graduated to
Patients were assessed for gait the most difcult (gold) Thera-Band
abnormalities as reduced ankle mobility, part way through the programme
Figure 1. Bi-plane ankle goniometer. pain and compression bandaging all and stayed on this until the end.The
impinge on a normal walking pattern, with aim of this exercise was to build up
patients often adopting a shufing type calf muscle, as elasticated resistance
of gait. Instruction in heel to toe walking provides a slight challenge to muscles,
was done and patients were encouraged but is still easy enough for an older
to put the heel on the ground rst, patient group
following through to the ball of the foot. 8 Dorsiexion stretches (Figure 3)
This type of normal gait requires active were done without the Thera-
ankle movement. Some patients with Band. Dorsiexion is usually more
very restricted ankle movement could compromised than plantar exion, in
Figure 2. Plantar exion using the Thera-Band. only adopt a partial heel to toe walk, but patients with venous ulcers due to
small gains were encouraged. When gait the tightening of the Achilles tendon.
changes were being taught, the clinician This stretch was done without the
always walked with the patient in case of Thera-Band, as applying too much
unsteadiness, and the patients own feeling pressure in this manner to the
of stability was always attended to, as Achilles tendon could introduce a risk
changes in gait were being made. of injury. The stretch has to be held
for at least 10 seconds, and preferably
Ankle exercises 15 as it takes this long for the brain
The exercise regimen was done with to register that a muscle or tendon
the aid of Thera-Bands (The Hygenic needs to lengthen slightly. The stretch
Figure 3. Dorsiexion exercise. Corporation, Akron, Ohio) a colour- was done in the same position as the
coded series of graduated 14cm wide plantar exion with the leg straight
0.006) to bring it to a mean of 27.2. For rubber bands (a non-latex band is also and angled towards the ground.
the six remaining subjects who continued available for people with latex allergy). The patient then brought their foot
to 24 weeks, there was a mean change Each colour provides a different level of towards them and held the foot in
from baseline of 7.6 which translated resistance so that patients can work their this dorsiexed position, exerting a
into a mean ankle ROM of 27.1. (P = way up the bands to the most difcult. slight stretch at the back of the calf,
0.011).The patients who had the worst while counting up to 10 slowly. The
mobility were found to have gained the The 5 to 10 minute regimen was stretch was repeated twice more.
most: the three worst-off patients had undertaken three times a week. Exercises The need to move the ankle was
only 812 of ankle ROM when screened were done while seated on the edge of emphasised as patients will often
and progressed to 2126 at week 12, an the chair. It was very important that they simply stretch their toes rather than
average gain of 13.7. kept the knee straight and the leg angled the whole of the foot
down towards the ground because if 8 The fourth step was a cool down with
Pain levels were also reduced with the leg is at a 90 angle to the body this some ankle circling.
the median pain score for the seven posture can cause pain in the lower back.
patients with week 12 data being 5.5 at Recommendations for practice
enrolment, and reducing to 2.0 at both There were four parts to the exercise Further randomised, controlled trials are
week 12 and 24. regimen: needed to see whether improvement in
8 Warm-up with ankle circling gait and ankle exibility correlates with
Suggested exercise for improvements in gait 8 Plantar exion (Figure 2) using the increased healing and/or decreased ulcer
and ankle ROM for patients with leg ulcers Thera-Band around the ball of the recurrence. However, enough evidence
This small, practical, home-based exercise foot, kept at a 50% stretch to achieve is available from the literature to
study showed that a few minutes of moderate resistance. Fifteen slow recommend that all patients with venous
simple ankle exercises each week, along plantar exions were performed ulceration should have appropriate
with gait improvement can help to bring against the resistance of the band. exercises incorporated into their
about a signicant increase in ankle ROM Over the next few sessions, there treatment regimen, if they are willing to
and a reduction in pain. With this in mind was a gradual increase of the number participate. Compression plus exercise

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Clinical PRACTICEClinical

should be seen as the twin cornerstones Hartmann BR, Drews B, Kayser T (1997) talo-calcaneonavicular joints caused by
of therapy for this patient group. WUK Physical therapy improves venous compression bandages. Phlebology 12: 2530
hemodynamics in cases of primary varicosity:
Moloney MC, Lyons GM, Egan M, Wallis
results of a controlled study. Angiology 48(2):
Acknowledgements 15762
F, Burke PE, Kavanagh E, Grace PA (2007)
Thank you to the North East London Does size matter? The impact of calf muscle
Helliwell PS, Cheesebrough MJ (1994) volume on venous return in patients with
Consortium for Research and Development Arthropica Ulcerosa: A Study of Reduced venous leg ulcers. Phlebology 22(2): 659
for providing statistical support from Mrs Ankle Movement in Association with
M J Wakelin and to Phil Page and The Padberg FT, Johnston MV, Sisto SA
Chronic Leg Ulceration. J Rheumatol 21(8):
(2004) Structured exercise improves calf
Hygenic Corporation (Akron, Ohio) for 15124
muscle pump function in chronic venous
donating the Thera-BandsTM and handles. Kan YM, Konstantinos T, Delis T (2001) insufciency: A randomized trial. J Vasc Surg
Hemodynamic effects of supervised calf 39(1): 7987
Muscle Exercise in Patients With Venous Leg
Roaldsen KS, Rollman O, Torebjork E,
References Ulceration. Arch Surg 136(12): 13649
Olsson E, Stanghelle JK (2006) Functional
Araki CT, Back TL, Padberg FT et al (1994) Klyscz T, Nicolaus M, Mohr C, Horstmann T, ability in female leg ulcer patients a
The signicance of calf muscle pump function Steins A, Hahn M, Junger M (1995) Clinical challenge for physiotherapy. Physiother Res
in venous ulceration. J Vasc Surg 20(6): 8729 Improvement in patients with Chronic Int 11(4): 191203
Venous Incompetence (CVI) With an
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Venous Pressure Dynamics of the Healthy
Barwell JR, Taylor M, Deacon J, Davies C, Kooloos JGM, Haenen JH, Wollersheim H
Human Leg. J Vasc Res 38: 209
Whyman MR, Poskitt KR (2001) Ankle (2005) Gait and calf muscle endurance in
Motility is a Risk factor for Healing of Chronic Leivseth G, Clausen T, Everts ME, Bjordal E patients with chronic venous insufciency.
Venous Leg Ulcers. Phlebology 16: 3840 (1992) Effects of reduced joint mobility and Clinical Rehabilitation 19: 33944
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Davies JA, Bull RH, Farrelly IJ, Wakelin MJ Yang D, Vandongen YK, Stacey MC (1999)
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(2007) A home-based exercise programme Effect of exercise on calf muscle pump
improves ankle range of motion in long-term Lentner A, Spath F Wienert V. (1997) function in patients with chronic venous
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Key Points

8 Leg Clubs seek to influence

beliefs and behaviour by
engaging patients to take
ownership of their care,
empowering patients to be
involved in making decisions
pertaining to their own

8 The Leg Club concept provides

a model that addresses many
factors likely to inuence
healing of chronic leg ulcers, by
addressing the effects of social
isolation by providing a venue
for social interaction and peer

8 The Leg Club delivers an

environment for truly patient-
centred holistic care through
a synergistic combination of
four binding principles: non-
medical setting; collective
treatment; open accessibility;
no appointment required;
integrated well leg regimen.

8 Research has demonstrated

benets of the model in
measures such as quality
of life, treatment costs and
recurrence rates.

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