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US 20140015015A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0015015 A1
Krivokapic et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 16, 2014

(54) FINFET DEVICE WITH A GRAPHENE GATE Publication Classi?cation

SAME (51) Int. Cl.
H01L 21/20 (2006.01)
(75) Inventors: Zoran Krivokapic, Santa Clara, CA 52 gosulcig?s (200601)
(US); Bhagawan Sahu, Watervliet, NY ( ) ' ' '
(Us) USPC 257/288; 438/478; 257/E29.255; 257/E21.09
(73) Assignee; GLOBALFOUNDRIES INC" Grand One illustrative device disclosed herein includes at least one
Cayman (KY) ?n comprised of a semiconducting material, a layer of gate
insulation material positioned adjacent an outer surface of the
?n, a gate electrode comprised of graphene positioned on the
(21) App1.No.: 13/545,621 layer of gate insulation material around at least a portion of
the ?n, and an insulating material formed on the gate elec
(22) Filed: Jul. 10, 2012 trode.


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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 7 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 8 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1


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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 9 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 10 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 11 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 12 0f 12 US 2014/0015015 A1

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US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

FINFET DEVICE WITH A GRAPHENE GATE Which the transistor is turned ON and becomes conductive.
ELECTRODE AND METHODS OF FORMING That is, if the voltage applied to the gate electrode of the
SAME transistor is less than the threshold voltage of the transistor,
then there is no current ?oW through the channel region of the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION device (ignoring undesirable leakage currents, Which are rela
[0001] 1. Field of the Invention tively small). HoWever, When the voltage applied to the gate
[0002] Generally, the present disclosure relates to the electrode exceeds the threshold voltage, the channel region
manufacture of sophisticated semiconductor devices, and, becomes conductive, and electrical current is permitted to
more speci?cally, to a FinFET device With a gate electrode How betWeen the source region and the drain region through
comprised of graphene and various methods of forming such the conductive channel region.
FinFET devices. [0008] There are many situations Where it Would be desir
[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art able to have the ability to produce transistor devices With
different threshold voltages. For example, loW threshold volt
[0004] The fabrication of advanced integrated circuits,
age levels are desirable in devices in the critical path of a
such as CPUs, storage devices, ASICs (application speci?c
integrated circuits) and the like, requires the formation of a circuit because such devices must operate at very high speeds
and they need to be able to drive a lot of current. As another
large number of circuit elements in a given chip area accord
ing to a speci?ed circuit layout, Wherein so-called metal oxide example, it is desirable that the devices used to make an
SRAM device have a relatively high threshold voltage so that
?eld effect transistors (MOSFETs or FETs) represent one
important type of circuit element that substantially deter the standby poWer consumption for the SRAM device is
mines performance of the integrated circuits. A PET is a relatively loW. The capability of producing integrated circuit
planar device that typically includes a source region, a drain
products With transistors that have differing threshold volt
region, a channel region that is positioned betWeen the source ages Will provide circuit designers With increased ?exibility
region and the drain region, and a gate electrode positioned in designing increasingly complex integrated circuit prod
above the channel region.
[0009] Various techniques have been employed in attempts
[0005] To improve the operating speed of FETs, and to to vary or control the threshold voltages of transistor devices.
increase the density of FETs on an integrated circuit device,
device designers have greatly reduced the physical siZe of One technique involves introducing different dopant levels
into the channel regions of different transistors in an effort to
FETs over the years. More speci?cally, the channel length of
produce devices having different threshold voltages. HoW
FETs has been signi?cantly decreased, Which has resulted in
ever, given the very small channel length on current and future
improving the sWitching speed of FETs. HoWever, decreasing device generations, e.g., 10 nm gate length, it is very dif?cult
the channel length of a PET also decreases the distance
to uniformly dope such a small area of the substrate due to
betWeen the source region and the drain region. In some
inherent variations in the ion implanting process that are
cases, this decrease in the separation betWeen the source and
typically performed to introduce such dopant materials. As a
the drain makes it dif?cult to e?iciently inhibit the electrical
result of lack of uniformity in the channel doping, this tech
potential of the source region and the channel from being
adversely affected by the electrical potential of the drain. This nique has resulted in devices having reduced performance
capability and/or undesirable or unacceptable variations in
is sometimes referred to as a so-called short channel effect,
the threshold voltage of such devices as compared to desired
Wherein the characteristic of the FET as an active sWitch is
or target threshold voltages of such devices.
degraded. Due to rapid advances in technology of the past
several years, the channel length of PET devices has become [0010] Another technique for manufacturing devices hav
very small, e.g., 20 nm or less, and further reductions of the
ing different threshold voltage levels involves including so
channel length are desired and perhaps anticipated, e.g., called Work-function adjusting metals, such as lanthanum,
aluminum and the like, as part of the gate structures of various
channel lengths of approximately 10 nm or less are antici
pated in future device generations. devices, i.e., N-channel transistors and P-channel transistors,
respectively. HoWever, as the gate length of the transistors has
[0006] In contrast to a PET, Which has a planar structure,
there are so-called 3D devices, such as an illustrative FinFET
decreased, it has become increasingly more challenging to
effectively and e?iciently incorporate such additional mate
device, Which is a 3-dimensional structure. More speci?cally,
rials into the gate structure. Even if there is suf?cient room for
in a FinF ET, a generally vertically positioned ?n-shaped
active area is formed and a gate electrode encloses both sides
such additional Work-function adjusting materials, the fabri
cation of such devices is extremely complex and time con
and an upper surface of the ?n-shaped active area to form a
tri-gate structure so as to use a channel having a 3-dimen
sional structure instead of a planar structure. In some cases, an
[0011] The present disclosure is directed to various meth
ods of forming FinFET devices that may solve or at least
insulating cap layer, e.g., silicon nitride, is positioned at the
reduce one or more of the problems identi?ed above.
top of the ?n and the FinFET device only has a dual-gate
structure. Unlike a planar PET, in a FinFET device, a channel
is formed perpendicular to a surface of the semiconducting
substrate so as to reduce the physical siZe of the semiconduc [0012] The folloWing presents a simpli?ed summary of the
tor device. Also, in a FinF ET, the junction capacitance at the invention in order to provide a basic understanding of some
drain region of the device is greatly reduced, Which tends to aspects of the invention. This summary is not an exhaustive
reduce at least some short channel effects. overvieW of the invention. It is not intended to identify key or
[0007] With respect to either a PET or a FinFET, threshold critical elements of the invention or to delineate the scope of
voltage is an important characteristic of a transistor. Simplis the invention. Its sole purpose is to present some concepts in
tically, a transistor canbe vieWed as a simple ON-OFF sWitch. a simpli?ed form as a prelude to the more detailed description
The threshold voltage of a transistor is the voltage level above that is discussed later.
US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

[0013] Generally, the present disclosure is directed to a [0021] The present subject matter Will noW be described
FinFET device With a gate electrode comprised of graphene With reference to the attached ?gures. Various structures,
and various methods of forming such FinFET devices. One systems and devices are schematically depicted in the draW
illustrative device disclosed herein includes at least one ?n ings for purposes of explanation only and so as to not obscure
comprised of a semiconducting material, a layer of gate insu the present disclosure With details that are Well knoWn to
lation material positioned adjacent an outer surface of the ?n, those skilled in the art. Nevertheless, the attached draWings
a gate electrode comprised of graphene positioned on the are included to describe and explain illustrative examples of
layer of gate insulation material around at least a portion of the present disclosure. The Words and phrases used herein
the ?n and, an insulating material formed on the gate elec should be understood and interpreted to have a meaning con
trode. sistent With the understanding of those Words and phrases by
[0014] One illustrative method disclosed herein involves those skilled in the relevant art. No special de?nition of a term
forming at least one ?n in a semiconducting substrate, form or phrase, i.e., a de?nition that is different from the ordinary
ing a layer of gate insulation material adjacent the ?n, form and customary meaning as understood by those skilled in the
ing a gate electrode comprised of graphene, Wherein at least art, is intended to be implied by consistent usage of the term
the layer of gate insulation material is positioned betWeen the or phrase herein. To the extent that a term or phrase is intended
gate electrode and the ?n, and forming an insulating material to have a special meaning, i.e., a meaning other than that
on the gate electrode. In some embodiments, the step of understood by skilled artisans, such a special de?nition Will
forming the layer of gate insulation material is performed be expressly set forth in the speci?cation in a de?nitional
prior to the step of forming the gate electrode, While, in other manner that directly and unequivocally provides the special
embodiments, the step of forming the layer of gate insulation de?nition for the term or phrase.
material is performed after the step of forming the gate elec [0022] The present disclosure is directed to a FinFET
trode. device With a gate electrode comprised of graphene and vari
ous methods of forming such FinFET devices. As Will be
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS readily apparent to those skilled in the art upon a complete
reading of the present application, the present method is
[0015] The disclosure may be understood by reference to applicable to a variety of devices, including, but not limited
the folloWing description taken in conjunction With the to, logic devices, memory devices, etc. Moreover, the tech
accompanying draWings, in Which like reference numerals niques disclosed herein may be employed to form N-type
identify like elements, and in Which: and/or P-type FinF ET devices. With reference to the attached
[0016] FIGS. 1A-1F depict one illustrative method dis ?gures, various illustrative embodiments of the methods and
closed herein of forming a FinF ET device With a gate elec devices disclosed herein Will noW be described in more detail.
trode comprised of graphene; [0023] FIGS. 1A-1F depict one illustrative method dis
[0017] FIGS. 2A-2F depict another illustrative method dis closed herein of forming a FinF ET device 100 With a gate
closed herein of forming a FinF ET device With a gate elec electrode comprised of one or more monolayers of graphene.
trode comprised of graphene; and In a FinFET device, the height or thickness of the gate elec
[0018] FIGS. 3A-3L depict yet another illustrative method trode is a very important characteristic because the greater the
disclosed herein of forming a FinFET device With a gate height or thickness of the gate electrode, the greater the mag
electrode comprised of graphene. nitude of parasitic gate-to-source and gate-to-drain capaci
tances. In general, the formation of a FinFET device involves
[0019] While the subject matter disclosed herein is suscep
tible to various modi?cations and alternative forms, speci?c the formation of one or more ?ns in a semiconducting sub
embodiments thereof have been shoWn by Way of example in strate. As Will be understood by those skilled in the art after a
the draWings and are herein described in detail. It should be complete reading of the present application, the ?ns for the
FinFET devices disclosed herein may be manufactured using
understood, hoWever, that the description herein of speci?c
embodiments is not intended to limit the invention to the any desired technique. For example, the ?ns may be formed
particular forms disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is prior to ?lling various trenches that Will eventually become
isolation structures for the FinFET device With an insulating
to cover all modi?cations, equivalents, and alternatives fall
ing Within the spirit and scope of the invention as de?ned by material. The ?ns may also be formed using a so-called dama
the appended claims. scene-like technique. In the damascene-like technique, a plu
rality of trenches are formed in the substrate that de?nes the
?ns and the isolation trenches, all of the trenches are ?lled
With an insulating material, an etch mask is formed to cover
[0020] Various illustrative embodiments of the invention the isolation regions While exposing the region Where the ?ns
are described beloW. In the interest of clarity, not all features Will be formed, and an etch process is performed that is
of an actual implementation are described in this speci?ca non- selective relative to the substrate and the insulating mate
tion. It Will of course be appreciated that in the development rial. The non-selective etch process is performed for a su?i
of any such actual embodiment, numerous implementation cient duration such that a portion of the thickness of the layer
speci?c decisions must be made to achieve the developers of insulating material in the ?n region is removed Which
speci?c goals, such as compliance With system-related and thereby exposes the ?ns to the desired height. Thus, the
business-related constraints, Which Will vary from one imple present invention should not be considered as limited to any
mentation to another. Moreover, it Will be appreciated that particular technique for manufacturing the ?ns of a FinFET
such a development effort might be complex and time-con device.
suming, but Would nevertheless be a routine undertaking for [0024] FIG. 1A is a simpli?ed vieW of an illustrative Fin
those of ordinary skill in the art having the bene?t of this FET semiconductor device 100 that is formed in and above an
disclosure. illustrative semiconducting substrate 10. The substrate 10
US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

may have a variety of con?gurations, such as the depicted rations, even ?ns 20 With a reentrant pro?le. In the example
bulk con?guration, or it may have other con?gurations, such depicted in FIG. 1B, the surface 228 of the layer of insulating
as, for example, a so-called silicon-on-insulator (SOI) con material 22 is the as-deposited surface of the layer 22. In
?guration. The substrate (or at least the ?ns) 10 may be made this example, the surface 228 of the layer of insulating mate
of silicon or they may be made of any other semiconductor rial 22 may be positioned slightly above the upper surface 168
material, such as silicon, silicon/ germanium, a III-V com of the mask layer 16. Portions of the insulating material 22
pound semiconductor material, a II-VI compound semicon Will eventually become the local isolation regions betWeen
ductor material, or silicon/carbon or combinations thereof, the ?ns 20.
etc. FIG. 1A depicts the illustrative FinF ET device 100 at the [0026] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 1C, one or more chemical
point of fabrication Wherein a patterned mask layer 16, such mechanical polishing (CMP) processes may be performed to
as a patterned hard mask layer, has been formed above the planariZe the surface 228 using the mask layer 16 as a polish
substrate 10 using knoWn photolithography and etching tech stop layer. After such a CMP process, the surface 228 of the
niques. Thereafter, an etching process, such as a dry or Wet layer of insulating material 22 is substantially level With the
etching process, is thenperformed on the substrate 10 through surface 168 of the mask layer 16.
the patterned mask layer 16 to form a plurality of trenches 14. [0027] FIG. 1D depicts the device 100 after several process
This etching process results in the de?nition of a plurality of operations have been performed. First, an etching process
?ns 20. In some applications, a further etching process may be Was performed to reduce the thickness of the layer of insulat
performed to reduce the Width or to thin the ?ns 20, ing material 22. This process resulted in the layer of insulating
although such a thinning process is not depicted in the material having a recessed surface 22R. The recessing of the
attached draWings. For purposes of this disclosure and the layer of insulating material 22 de?nes the approximate ?n
claims, the use of the terms ?n or ?ns should be under ished height of the ?ns 20 for the completed device. In one
stood to refer to ?ns that have not been thinned as Well as ?ns illustrative example, the ?nal ?n height of the ?ns 20 may
that have been subjected to such a thinning etch process. The range from about 5-50 nm. Additionally, another etching
overall siZe, shape and con?guration of the trenches 14 and process Was performed to remove the patterned hard mask
?ns 20 may vary depending on the particular application. The layer 16. Thereafter, a layer of gate insulating material 24 is
depth 14D and Width 14W of the trenches 14 may vary conformably deposited on the ?ns 20 and above the layer of
depending upon the particular application. In one illustrative insulating material 22. In one illustrative embodiment, the
embodiment, based on current day technology, the depth 14D layer of gate insulating material 24 may be comprised of a
of the trenches 14 may range from approximately 30-150 nm material such as, for example, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride,
and the Width 14W of the trenches 14 may range from about hafnium oxide, a high-k (k value greater than 10) insulating
20-50 nm. In some embodiments, the ?ns 20 may have a ?nal material, etc., it may be formed by performing a variety of
Width 20W Within the range of about 5-30 nm. In the illus knoWn techniques, e.g., atomic layer deposition (ALD),
trative example depicted in FIGS. 1A-1F, the trenches 14 and chemical vapor deposition (CVD), etc., and its thickness may
?ns 20 are all of a uniform siZe and shape. HoWever, such vary depending upon the particular application. In one par
uniformity in the siZe and shape of the trenches 14 and the ?ns ticular example, the layer of gate insulation material 24 may
20 is not required to practice at least some aspects of the be a layer of high-k insulating material having a thickness of
inventions disclosed herein. In the example depicted herein, about 2-3 nm.
the trenches 14 are formed by performing an anisotropic [0028] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 1E, a graphene formation
etching process that results in the trenches 14 having a sche process 25 is performed to form graphene material 26 on the
matically depicted, generally rectangular con?guration. In an layer of gate insulation material 24. In one illustrative
actual real-World device, the sideWalls of the trenches 14 may example, the graphene formation process 25 is a spin-coating
be someWhat inWardly tapered, although that con?guration is process Wherein graphene colloids are coated on the exposed
not depicted in the draWings. In some cases, the trenches 14 surfaces, including the exposed surfaces of the layer of gate
may have a reentrant pro?le near the bottom of the trenches insulation material 24, and thereafter alloWed to dry so as to
14. To the extent the trenches 14 are formed by performing a form the conductive graphene material 26, Which may be
Wet etching process, the trenches 14 may tend to have a more comprised of one or more monolayers of graphene. In one
rounded con?guration or non-linear con?guration as com illustrative example, the graphene material 26 Will function as
pared to the generally rectangular con?guration of the the gate electrode for the FinF ET device 100. In one example,
trenches 14 that are formed by performing an anisotropic the process 25 uses dilute chemically converted graphene and
etching process. Thus, the siZe and con?guration of the air-sprays them onto the device 100, Wherein the process may
trenches 14, and the manner in Which they are made, should be performed at room temperature. In general, for relatively
not be considered a limitation of the present invention. For small-siZed substrates, the graphene colloids may be sprayed
ease of disclosure, only the substantially rectangular trenches on the substrate, While, for larger substrates, the colloids may
14 Will be depicted in subsequent draWings. be applied by a spin-coating process.
[0025] Then, as shoWn in FIG. 1B, a layer of insulating [0029] After the graphene material 26 is formed, a masking
material 22 is formed in the trenches 14 of the device 100. The layer, such as a patterned hard mask layer (not shoWn), may
layer of insulating material 22 may be comprised of a variety be formed above the channel region of the device 100. There
of different materials, such as silicon dioxide, silicon oxyni after, portions of the graphene material 26 and the layer of
tride, SiCN, etc., and it may be formed by performing a gate insulation material 24 that are not covered by the mask
variety of techniques, e.g., chemical vapor deposition (CVD), ing layer may be removed. For example, a plasma-based
spin-coating, etc. In one illustrative embodiment, the layer of ashing process may be performed to remove the exposed
insulating material 22 may be a ?oWable oxide material that is portions of the graphene material 26 and a dry etching process
formed by performing a CVD process. Such a ?oWable oxide may thereafter be performed to remove the exposed portions
material is adapted for use With ?ns 20 of different con?gu of the layer of gate insulation material 24. Thereafter, side
US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

Wall spacers (not shown) may be formed adjacent the gate etching process has been performed to remove the exposed
structure for the device 100, i.e., adjacent the layer of gate layer of metal 32 selectively relative to the graphene material
insulating material 24 and the graphene gate electrode 26, by 26. This leaves the remaining portions of the graphene mate
depositing a layer of spacer material, e.g., silicon nitride, and rial 26 on the layer of gate insulation material 24. The Work
thereafter performing an anisotropic etching process. function of the graphene material 26 may then be adjusted by
[0030] FIG. 1F depicts the device 100 after a layer of insu depositing one or more SAMs, as described above. Then, as
lating material 28 and a plurality of conductive gate contacts before, a masking layer, such as a patterned hard mask layer
30 have been formed on the device 100. The layer of insulat (not shoWn), may be formed above the channel region of the
ing material 28 may be comprised of a variety of different device 100. Thereafter, portions of the graphene material 26
materials, e.g., silicon dioxide, a loW-k insulating material (k and the layer of gate insulation material 24 that are not cov
value less than about 3), etc., and it may be formed using ered by the masking layer may be removed. For example, a
traditional techniques, e.g., by performing a CVD or ALD plasma-based ashing process may be performed to remove
process. The conductive gate contacts 30 may be comprised the exposed portions of the graphene material 26 and a dry
of a variety of different materials, e. g., nickel, titanium, pal etching process may thereafter be performed to remove the
ladium, etc., and they may be formed using traditional tech exposed portions of the layer of gate insulation material 24.
niques used to form conductive contacts, e.g., damascene Thereafter, sideWall spacers (not shoWn) may be formed adja
techniques. cent the gate structure for the device 100, i.e., adjacent the
[0031] FIGS. 2A-2F depict another illustrative method dis layer of gate insulating material 24 and the graphene gate
closed herein of forming a FinFET device 100 With a gate electrode 26, by depositing a layer of spacer material, e.g.,
electrode comprised of graphene. FIG. 2A depicts the Pin silicon nitride, and thereafter performing an anisotropic etch
FET device 100 at the point of fabrication that corresponds to ing process. FIG. 2F depicts the device 100 after the layer of
that shoWn in FIG. 1D. That is, the layer of insulating material insulating material 28 and the plurality of conductive gate
22 has been recessed and the layer of gate insulation material contacts 30 have been formed on the device 100, as previously
24 has been formed as previously described. described.
[0032] Inthis illustrative process How, as shoWn in FIG. 2B, [0036] FIGS. 3A-3L depict yet another illustrative method
a layer of metal or a metal alloy 32 is formed on the gate disclosed herein of forming a FinFET device 100 With a gate
insulation layer 24. The layer 32 may be made of any type of electrode comprised of graphene. FIG. 3A depicts the Pin
metal, copper, aluminum, nickel, tungsten, etc., and it may be FET device 100 at the point of fabrication after several pro
formed by performing a variety of known techniques, e.g., cess operations have been performed. First, the ?ns 20 and the
electroplating, physical vapor deposition, etc. To the extent layer of insulating material 22 Were formed and the layer of
that any barrier and/or seed layers are employed in forming insulating material 22 Was recessed as described previously,
the layer 32, those layers are not depicted in the draWings so in connection With the process How described previously up
as not to obscure the presentation of the various inventions to the point depicted in FIG. 1D. Next, a layer of insulating
disclosed herein. As an example, in the case Where the metal material 38 is conformably deposited on the device 100. In
or metal alloy 32 is comprised of copper, a barrier layer (not one illustrative embodiment, the layer of insulating material
shoWn) of, for example, tantalum may be formed prior to 38 may be comprised of a material such as, for example,
formation of the copper metal or metal alloy so as to reduce or silicon dioxide, etc ., it may be formed by performing a variety
prevent migration of copper. of knoWn techniques, e. g., ALD, CVD, etc., and its thickness
[0033] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 2C, a graphene groWth for may vary depending upon the particular application. In one
mation process 34 is performed to form one or more mono particular example, the layer of insulation material 38 may be
layers of graphene material 26. In this illustrative embodi a layer of silicon dioxide having a thickness of about l-2 nm.
ment, the graphene formation process 34 is a selective CVD Thereafter, another layer of insulating material 40 is con
based groWth process, Whereby the graphene material 26 formably deposited on the layer of insulating material 38. In
forms on the outer surfaces of the layer of metal 32, even general, the layer of insulating material 40 should be made of
Where the outer surface of the layer of metal 32 is resting on a material that is selectively etchable relative to the layer of
the layer of gate insulating material 24. In one illustrative insulating material 38. In one illustrative embodiment, the
example, the graphene groWth formation process 34 may be a layer of insulating material 40 may be a layer of silicon nitride
CVD-based process that is performed for a duration of having a thickness of about l-5 nm, and it may be formed by
approximately 25 minutes at a temperature Within the range performing, for example, an ALD process.
of about 900-l000 C., at a pressure of about 500 mTorr using
a How rate of about 35 sscm of methane (CH4). [0037] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 3B, the previously described
layer of metal or a metal alloy 32 is formed on the device 100.
[0034] At this point, the Work function of the graphene
material 26 may be adjusted by depositing appropriate so As noted previously, to the extent that any barrier and/or seed
called SAMs (self-assembled monolayers). In one illustrative layers are employed in forming the layer 32, those layers are
not depicted in the draWings so as not to obscure the presen
embodiment, SAMs such as amine (NH2) or methyl (CH3),
etc., are used to adjust the Work function of the graphene tation of the various inventions disclosed herein. The metal
material 26. In general, a SAM such as amine effectively layer 32 may be formed by directly depositing the metal layer
donates electrons to the graphene material While a SAM 32 so as to over?ll the trenches and thereafter performing a
effectively attracts or removes electrons from the graphene CMP process to remove excess portions of the layer of metal
material 26. 32.
[0035] Then, as shoWn in FIG. 2D, a plasma-based ashing [0038] Then, as shoWn in FIG. 3C, an etching process, such
process may be performed to remove the exposed portions of as a Wet etching process, is performed to remove exposed
the graphene material 26 selectively relative to the layer of portions of the layer of insulating material 40 relative to the
metal 32. FIG. 2E depicts the device 100 after a dry or Wet layer of metal 32 and the layer of insulating material 38. This
US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

process results in the de?nition of a plurality of cavities 44, the graphene materials 26A, 26. This leaves the remaining
i.e., regions that Were formerly occupied by the layer of portions of the graphene materials 26A, 26 positioned on the
insulating material 40. layer of gate insulation material 24. Then, as before, a mask
[0039] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 3D, the previously described ing layer, such as a patterned hard mask layer (not shoWn),
graphene formation process 34 is performed to form one or may be formed above the channel region of the device 100.
more monolayers of graphene material 26. As noted before, Thereafter, portions of the graphene materials 26A, 26 and
the graphene formation process 34 is a selective CVD-based the layer of gate insulation material 24 that are not covered by
growth process, Whereby the graphene material 26 forms on the masking layer may be removed. For example, a plasma
the outer surfaces of the layer of metal 32, even Where the based ashing process may be performed to remove the
outer surface of the layer of metal 32 is resting on the layer of exposed portions of the graphene materials 26A, 26 and a dry
insulating material 40. The Work function of the graphene etching process may thereafter be performed to remove the
material 26 may then be adjusted by depositing one or more exposed portions of the layer of gate insulation material 24.
SAMs, as described above. Thereafter, sideWall spacers (not shoWn) may be formed adja
[0040] Then, as shoWn in FIG. 3E, a conformable deposi cent the gate structure for the device 100, i.e., adjacent the
tion process, e.g., an ALD process, is performed to form the layer of gate insulating material 24 and the graphene gate
previously described layer of gate insulating material 24 in electrode materials 26A, 26, by depositing a layer of spacer
the cavities 44 (betWeen the layer of insulating material 40 material, e.g., silicon nitride, and thereafter performing an
and the graphene material 26) and above the ?ns 20. As part anisotropic etching process. FIG. 3L depicts the device 100
of this deposition process, portions of the layer of gate insu after the layer of insulating material 28 and the plurality of
lating material 24 may form above portions of the metal layer conductive gate contacts 30 have been formed on the device
32, and they may be removed by performing a CMP process 100, as previously described.
using the metal layer 32 as a polish stop layer. [0047] The particular embodiments disclosed above are
[0041] Thereafter, as shoWn in FIG. 3F, a patterned mask illustrative only, as the invention may be modi?ed and prac
layer 48, such as a patterned hard mask layer, is formed above ticed in different but equivalent manners apparent to those
the device 100 so as to expose regions above the ?ns 20. The skilled in the art having the bene?t of the teachings herein. For
patterned mask layer 48 may be comprised of a variety of example, the process steps set forth above may be performed
materials, e.g., silicon dioxide, and it may be formed using in a different order. Furthermore, no limitations are intended
traditional deposition, photolithography and etching tools to the details of construction or design herein shoWn, other
and techniques. than as described in the claims beloW. It is therefore evident
[0042] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 3G, another layer of metal that the particular embodiments disclosed above may be
32A that is similar to the previously described layer of metal altered or modi?ed and all such variations are considered
or a metal alloy 32 is formed on the device 100. As noted Within the scope and spirit of the invention. Accordingly, the
previously, to the extent that any barrier and/or seed layers are protection sought herein is as set forth in the claims beloW.
employed in forming the layer 32A, those layers are not
depicted in the draWings so as not to obscure the presentation What is claimed:
of the various inventions disclosed herein. The metal layer 1. A FinFET device, comprising:
32A may be formed by directly depositing the metal layer at least one ?n comprised of a semiconducting material;
32A so as to over?ll the trenches de?ned by the patterned a layer of gate insulation material positioned adjacent an
mask layer 48 and thereafter performing a CMP process to outer surface of said ?n;
remove excess portions of the layer of metal 32A using the
patterned mask layer 48 as a polish stop layer. a gate electrode comprised of graphene positioned on said
layer of gate insulation material around at least a portion
[0043] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 3H, the previously described
graphene formation process 34 is performed yet again to form of said ?n; and
one or more monolayers of graphene material 26A. As noted an insulating material formed on said gate electrode.
before, the graphene formation process 34 is a selective CVD 2. The device of claim 1, Wherein said semiconducting
based groWth process, Whereby the graphene material 26 material is comprised of one of silicon, silicon/germanium, a
forms on the outer surfaces of the layer of metal 32A, even Ill-V compound semiconductor material, a ll-Vl compound
Where the outer surface of the layer of metal 32A is resting on semiconductor material, or silicon/carbon or combinations
the layer of gate insulating material 24. The graphene mate thereof.
rial 26A conductively contacts the graphene material 26. 3. The device of claim 1, Wherein said gate insulation
[0044] Then, as shoWn in FIG. 31, an etching process, such material is comprised of silicon dioxide or a high-k insulating
as a Wet etching process, is performed to remove the patterned material.
mask layer 48 selectively relative to all adjacent materials. 4. The device of claim 1, Wherein said layer of gate insu
[0045] Next, as shoWn in FIG. 3], a plasma-based ashing lation material is positioned on said outer surface of said ?n.
process may be performed to remove the exposed portions of
the graphene materials 26A and 26 selectively relative to the 5. The device of claim 4, Wherein said layer of gate insu
lation material is positioned on an upper surface and tWo side
layers of metal 32A, 32. The process exposes the layers of
metal 32A, 32 for further processing. For example, at this surfaces of said ?n.
point, the Work function of the residual portions of the layers 6. The device of claim 1, Wherein said gate electrode is
of metal (or metal alloy) 32A, 32 may be adjusted by depos positioned above an upper surface and tWo side surfaces of
iting one or more of the SAMs identi?ed above. said ?n.
[0046] FIG. 3K depicts the device 100 after a dry or Wet 7. The device of claim 1, further comprising at least one
etching process has been performed to remove the exposed conductive contact positioned in said layer of insulating
portions of the layers of metal 32A, 32 selectively relative to material that is conductively coupled to said gate electrode.
US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

8. A FinFET device, comprising: performing at least one patterning process to remove at

at least one ?n comprised of a semiconducting material; least portions of said exposed residual portion of said
a layer of gate insulation material that is positioned above graphene material to thereby de?ne said gate electrode
an upper surface and tWo side surfaces of said ?n, said comprised of said graphene material.
layer of gate insulation material comprising a high-k 21. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said gate
insulating material; electrode comprises:
a gate electrode comprised of graphene positioned on said forming a sacri?cial material layer adjacent opposite sides
layer of gate insulation material, said gate electrode of said ?n;
being positioned above said upper surface and said tWo forming a ?rst layer of metal or a metal alloy on opposite
side surfaces of said ?n; and sides of said ?n adjacent said sacri?cial material layer;
an insulating material formed on said gate electrode. performing at least one etching process to remove said
9. The device of claim 8, Wherein said layer of gate insu sacri?cial material positioned betWeen said ?rst layer of
lation material is positioned on said upper surface and on said metal and said ?n to thereby de?ne a cavity betWeen said
tWo side surfaces of said ?n. ?rst layer of metal or metal alloy on each side of said ?n;
10. A method for forming a FinF ET device, comprising: performing a ?rst chemical deposition process to form a
forming at least one ?n in a semiconducting substrate; ?rst graphene material on outer surfaces of said ?rst
forming a layer of gate insulation material adjacent said ?n; layer of metal or metal alloy Within said trenches
forming a gate electrode comprised of graphene, Wherein betWeen said ?n and said ?rst layer of metal or metal
at least said layer of gate insulation material is posi alloy;
tioned betWeen said gate electrode and said ?n; and forming said gate insulation material on said ?rst graphene
forming an insulating material on said gate electrode. material Within said trench and above an upper surface
11. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said at least of said ?n;
one ?n comprises performing at least one etching process forming a second layer of metal or a metal alloy above an
through a patterned mask layer to de?ne a plurality of upper surface of said ?n, said second layer of metal or
trenches in said substrate, Wherein said trenches de?ne said metal alloy being conductively coupled to said ?rst
?n. graphene material that is positioned on opposite sides of
12. The method of claim 10, Wherein the step of forming said ?n;
said layer of gate insulation material is performed prior to the performing a second chemical deposition process to form a
step of forming said gate electrode. second graphene material on outer surfaces of said sec
13. The method of claim 10, Wherein the step of forming ond layer of metal or metal alloy, Wherein said second
said layer of gate insulation material is performed after the graphene material is conductively coupled to said ?rst
step of forming said gate electrode. graphene material that is positioned on opposite sides of
14. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said gate said ?n;
insulation layer comprises forming said gate insulation layer removing portions of said ?rst and second graphene mate
above an upper surface and tWo side surfaces of said ?n. rials to thereby expose remaining portions of said ?rst
15. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said gate and second layers of metal or metal alloy and to thereby
insulation layer comprises forming said gate insulation layer de?ne residual portions of said ?rst and second graphene
on an upper surface and tWo side surfaces of said ?n. materials; and
16. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said gate removing said exposed portions of said ?rst and second
insulation layer comprises forming said gate insulation layer layers of metal or metal alloy to thereby de?ne said gate
from a high-k insulating material. electrode comprised of saidresidual portions of said ?rst
17. The method of claim 10, further comprising depositing and second graphene materials.
a self-aligned monolayer material on said gate electrode. 22. A method for forming a FinFET device, comprising:
18. The method of claim 17, Wherein said self-aligned forming at least one ?n in a semiconducting substrate;
monolayer material is one of amine (NH2) or methyl (CH3). forming a layer of gate insulation material on said ?n;
19. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said gate forming at least one monolayer of graphene on said gate
electrode comprises performing a spin-coating process to insulation layer;
deposit graphene colloids above said layer of gate insulation
material. performing at least one patterning process to remove at
least portions of said at least one monolayer of graphene
20. The method of claim 10, Wherein forming said gate
positioned aWay from a channel region of said FinFET
electrode comprises: device to thereby de?ne a gate electrode comprised of
forming a layer of metal or a metal alloy on said layer of remaining portions of said at least one monolayer of
gate insulation material; graphene; and
performing a chemical deposition process to form forming an insulating material above said gate electrode.
graphene material on outer surfaces of said layer of
metal or metal alloy; 23. A method for forming a FinFET device, comprising:
removing portions of said graphene material to thereby forming at least one ?n in a semiconducting substrate;
expose remaining portions of said layer of metal or metal forming a layer of gate insulation material on said ?n;
alloy that are positioned above a residual portion of said forming a layer of metal or a metal alloy on said layer of
graphene material; gate insulation material;
removing said exposed portions of said metal or metal performing a chemical deposition process to form at least
alloy to thereby expose said residual portion of said one monolayer of graphene material on outer surfaces of
graphene material; and said layer of metal or metal alloy;
US 2014/0015015 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

removing portions of said graphene material to thereby

expose remaining portions of said layer of metal or metal
alloy that are positioned above a residual portion of said
graphene material;
removing said exposed portions of said metal or metal
alloy to thereby expose said residual portion of said
graphene material.
performing at least one patterning process to remove at
least portions of said exposed residual portion of said
graphene material aWay from a channel region of said
FinFET device to thereby de?ne a gate electrode com
prised of said graphene material; and
forming an insulating material above said gate electrode.
* * * * *

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