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1st Semester 2006-07


Prof. H. Harry L. Roque, Jr.


      Political Law, defined

            Vicente G. Sinco, Philippine Political Law (p.1)
      The Constitution & Constitutional Law
            Sinco, (pp.66-77)
      Constitutional History
       Vicente V. Mendoza, From McKinley’s Instructions to the New Constitution (pp.1-53)
Cesar Adib Majul, The Political & Constitutional Ideas of the Philippine Revolution, (pp.177-205)
Sinco, (pp. 78-108)
      The 1935 Constitution
      The 1973 Constitution
            Aquino v. Enrile, 59 SCRA 183 (1973)
Philippine Bar Association v. COMELEC, 140 SCRA 455 (1985)
      The 1987 Constitution
Lawyers’ League for a Better Philippines v. Aquino, G.R. No. 73748, 22 May 1986.
            In Re Saturnino Bermudez, 145 SCRA 160 (1986)
            De Leon v. Esguerra, 153 SCRA 602 (1987)
            Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)
       Francisco v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 160261 (Nov. 10, 2003)
       Angara v. Electoral Tribunal, 63 Phil., 139 (1936)


The Concept of State

Sinco, (pp.3-16)

Elements of a State:
a. People

i. Citizens
ART. IV, §1
R. A. No. 9139
Moy Ya Lim Yao v. Commission on Immigration, 41 SCRA 292 (1971)
In Re Application for Admission to the Bar of Vicente Ching, 316 SCRA 1 (1999)
In Re Florencio Mallare, 59 SCRA 45 (1974)
Aznar v. COMELEC, 185 SCRA 703 (1990)

ii. Natural-born Citizens

ART. IV, §2
Co v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 199 SCRA 692 (1991)
Bengzon III v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 357 SCRA 545 (2000)

iii. Loss and Reacquisition

ART. IV, §3
R. A. No. 8171
Bengzon III v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 357 SCRA 545 (2000)
Labo v. COMELEC, 176 SCRA 1 (1989)
Frivaldo v. COMELEC, 257 SCRA 727 (1996)
Valles v. COMELEC, 337 SCRA 543 (2000)
Yu v. Defensor-Santiago, 169 SCRA 364 (1989)
Republic v. Guy, 115 SCRA 244 (1982)
Jao v. Republic, 121 SCRA 358 (1983)

iv. Effect of Marriage

ART. IV, §4

v. Dual Allegiance
ART. IV, §5

Mercado v. Manzano, 307 SCRA 630 (1999)

b. Territory
Art. II

Merlin M. Magallona, A Primer in International Law in Relation to Philippine Law (pp.79-88); Merlin M.
Magallona, A Primer on the Law of the Sea (1997)

c. Government
i. Definition
E. O. No. 292, §2(1),(2),(4), & (10)

ii. De Jure and De Facto governments

Co Kim Chan v. Valdez Tan Keh, 75 Phil. 113 (1945)
In Re Saturnino Bermudez, 145 SCRA 160 (1986)
In Re Letter of Associate Justice Reynato Puno, 210 SCRA 589 (1992)
Estrada v. Desierto, 353 SCRA 452 (2001)

iii. Constituent and Ministrant functions

ACCFA v. CUGCO, 30 SCRA 64 (1969)

iv. Parens Patriae

Government of the Philippine Islands v. Monte de Piedad, 35 Phil. 728 (1916)

d. Sovereignty
Sinco, supra (pp.17-30)
Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan Keh, 75 Phil. 113 (1945)
Macariola v. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 (1992)
Ruffy v. Chief of Staff, 37 Phil. 875 (1946)
Peralta v. Director of Prisons, 75 Phil. 285 (1945)
Alcantara v. Director of Prisons, 75 Phil. 749 (1945)

State Immunity
Art. XVI, §3

i. Characterization of Suit
Begosa v. Chairman, Philippine Veterans Administration, 32 SCRA 466 (1970)
Republic v. Feliciano, 148 SCRA 424 (1987)

ii. Rationale for Immunity

Sanders v. Veridiano, 162 SCRA 88 (1988)
United States v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 (1990)
The Holy See v. Rosario, 238 SCRA 524 (1994)

iii. Waiver of Immunity

Act No. 3083
C.A. No. 327, as amended by P.D. No. 1445
Sayson v. Singson, 54 SCRA 282 (1973)
Republic v. Purisima, 78 SCRA 470 (1977)
Amigable v. Cuenca, 43 SCRA 360 (1972)
Ministerio v. City of Cebu, 14 SCRA 464 (1971)
Santiago v. Republic, 87 SCRA 294 (1978)
Lim v. Brownell, 107 Phil. 344 (1960)
United States v. Ruiz, 136 SCRA 487 (1985)
Republic v. Villasor, 54 SCRA 84 (1973)

iii. Suits Against Government Agencies

Philippine National Railways v. IAC, 217 SCRA 401 (1993)
National Irrigation Administration v. Fontanilla, 194 SCRA 486 (1991)
Social Security System v. Court of Appeals, 120 SCRA 707 (1983)

iv. Suability vs. Liability

Merritt v. Government of the Philippine Islands, 34 Phil. 311 (1916)


i. Separation of Powers
Springer v. Government of Phil. Islands, 277 U.S. 189 (1928)
Angara v. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139 (1936)

ii. Non-delegation Doctrine

Pelaez v. Auditor General, 15 SCRA 569 (1965)
United States v. Ang Tang Ho, 43 Phil. 1 (1922)
People v. Rosenthal, 68 Phil. 328 (1939)
Ynot v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 148 SCRA 659 (1987)
Rodriguez v. Gella, 92 Phil. 603 (1953)
Araneta v. Dinglasan, 84 Phil. 368 (1949)
Chiongbian v. Orbos, 285 SCRA 253 (1995)
People v. Dacuycuy, 173 SCRA 90 (1989)

iii. Amendments & Revision

Gonzales v. COMELEC, 21 SCRA 774 (1967)

Tolentino v. COMELEC, 41 SCRA 702 (1967)
Javellana v. Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA 30 (1973)
Occena v. COMELEC, 104 SCRA 1 (1981)
Almario v. Alba, 127 SCRA 69 (1984)

ART. XVI, §1
Gonzales v. COMELEC, 21 SCRA 774 (1967)

Direct Proposal
ART. XVI, §2
Defensor-Santiago v. COMELEC, 270 SCRA 106 (1997)

Constitutional Convention
ART. XVI, §3
Tolentino v. COMELEC, 41 SCRA 702 (1967)

Plebiscite Requirement
ART. XVI, §4


i. Democracy and Republicanism

ii. Renunciation of War as Instrument of National Policy

Lim v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 151445, 11 April 2002

iii. The Incorporation Clause

Lim v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 151445, 11 April 2002

Secretary of Justice v. Lantion, 322 SCRA 160 (2000)
Lasco v. United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources, 241 SCRA 681 (1995)

iv. Civilian Supremacy

Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, 338 SCRA 81 (2000)

v. Protection of the People

vi. Separation of Church and State
vii. Independent Foreign Policy
viii. Freedom from Nuclear Weapons
BAYAN v. Executive Secretary, 342 SCRA 449 (2000)
ix. Promotion of Social Justice
x. Respect for Human Rights
xi. Recognition of the Sanctity of Family Life
Silva v. Court of Appeals, 275 SCRA 604 (1997)
Hernandez v. Court of Appeals, 320 SCRA 76 (1999)
xii. Recognition of the Role of the Youth
xiii. Recognition of Fundamental Equality Before Law
Philippine Telegraph & Telephone Co. v. NLRC, 272 SCRA 596 (1997)
xiv. Advancement of the Right to a Balanced and Healthful Ecology

Oposa v. Factoran, 224 SCRA 792 (1993)

C & M Timber Corporation v. Alcala, 273 SCRA 402 (1997)

xv. Priority to Education, Science & Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports
Guingona v. Carague, 196 SCRA 221 (1991)

xvi. Affirmation of Labor as Primary Social Economic Force

xvii. Self-Reliant and Independent National Economy
Tanada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18 (1997)
xviii. Indispensable Role of Private Sector
xix. Promotion of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform
xx. Recognition and promotion of Rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities
xxi. Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
xxii. Recognition of the Vital Role of Communication and Information
xxiii. Autonomy of Local Governments
xxiv. Guarantee of Equal Access to Opportunities for Public Service
xxv. Honesty and Integrity in the Public Service
xxvi. Policy of Full Public Disclosure
Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, G.R. No. 133250, 9 July 2002


The Nature of Legislative Power

Composition and Qualifications

ART. VI, §2
ART. VI, §5(1) (2)
R. A. No. 7941
Veterans Federation Party v. COMELEC, 342 SCRA 244 (2000)
Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party v. COMELEC, 359 SCRA 698 (2001)
Bengson III v. House of Representatives electoral Tribunal, 357 SCRA 545 (2001)
Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC, 248 SCRA 300 (1995)
Coquilla v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 151914, 31 July 2002
Domino v. COMELEC, 310 SCRA 546 (1999)
Tobias v. Abalos, 239 SCRA 106 (1994)
Mariano v. COMELEC, 242 SCRA 211 (1995)

Term of Office
ART. VI, §4
ART. VI, §7

Policy Against Gerrymandering

ART. VI, §5(3)
Ceniza v. COMELEC, 95 SCRA 763 (1980)
Equitable Representation
ART. VI, §

Rule on Vacancies

PHILCONSA v. Mathay, 18 SCRA 300 (1966)

Parliamentary Immunities
Martinez v. Morfe, 44 SCRA 22 (1972)
Osmena v. Pendatun, 109 Phil. 863 (1960)
Jimenez v. Cabangbang, 17 SCRA 876 (1966)
People v. Jalosjos, 324 SCRA 689 (2000)

Full Disclosure & Conflict of Interest

ART. VI, §12

Incompatible & Forbidden Offices

ART. VI, §13
Adaza v. Pacana, 135 SCRA 431 (1985)

Practice of Law & Financial Interest

ART. VI, §14
Puyat v. De Guzman, 113 SCRA 33 (1982)
Arroyo v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 246 SCRA 384 (1995)

ART. VI, §15

Officers of the Congress

ART. VI, §16(1)
Defensor-Santiago v. Guingona, 298 SCRA 756 (1998)

Quorum Requirement
ART. VI, §16(2)
Avelino v. Cuenco, 82 Phil. 17 (1949)

Power to Control Proceedings

ART. VI, §16(3)
Osmena v. Pendatun, 109 Phil. 863 (1960)
Defensor-Santiago v. Sandiganbayan, 356 SCRA 636 (2001)
People v. Jalosjos, 324 SCRA 689 (2000)
Vera v. Avelino, 77 Phil. 192 (1946)
Paredes v. Sandiganbayan, G. R. No. 118364, 10 August 1995

The Journal and the Enrolled Bill Doctrine

ART. VI, §16(4)
United States v. Pons, 34 Phil. 729 (1916)
Mabanag v. Lopez Vito, 78 Phil 1 (1947)
Casco Philippine Chemical Co. v. Gimenez, 7 SCRA 374 (1963)
Astorga v. Villegas, 56 SCRA 714 (1974)
Morales v. Subido, 27 SCRA 131 (1969)
Arroyo v. De Venecia, 277 SCRA 268 (1997)

ART. VI, §16(5)

The Electoral Tribunals

ART. VI, §17
ART. VI, §19
Angara v. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139 (1936)
Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792 (1991)
Guerrero v. COMELEC, 336 SCRA 458 (2000)
Abbas v. Senate Electoral Tribunal, 166 SCRA 651 (1988)
Suanes v. Disbursing Officer of the Senate, 81 Phil. 818 (1948)
Lazatin v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 168 SCRA 391 (1988)
Garcia v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 352 SCRA 353 (1999)

The Commission on Appointments

ART. VI, §18
ART. VI, §19
Daza v. Singson, 180 SCRA 496 (1989)
Coseteng v. Mitra, Jr., 187 SCRA 377 (1990)
Guingona, Jr. v. Gonzales, 214 SCRA 789 (1992)

Inquiries in Aid of Legislation

ART. VI, §21
Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 Phil. 29 (1950)
Arnault v. Balagtas, 97 Phil. 358 (1955)
Bengzon, Jr. v. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, 203 SCRA 767 (1991)

The Question Hour

ART. VI, §22

Power to Declare Existence of State of War

ART. VI, §23(1)

Emergency Powers
ART. VI, §23(2)

The Origination Clause

ART. VI, §24
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630 (1994)
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 249 SCRA 628 (1995)
Alvarez v. Guingona, Jr., 252 SCRA 695 (1996)

The General Appropriations Clause

ART. VI, §25
i. Riders
ART. VI, §25(2)
Garcia v. Mata, 65 SCRA 517 (1975)

ii. Transfer of Funds

Demetria v. Alba, 148 SCRA 208 (1987)
PHILCONSA v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506 (1994)
Gonzales v. Macaraig, Jr., 191 SCRA 452 (1990)

Title & Subject of Bills

ART. VI, §26(1)
Central Capiz v. Ramirez, 40 Phil. 883 (1920)
Tio v. Videogram Regulatory Board, 151 SCRA 208 (1987)
Lidasan v. COMELEC, 21 SCRA 497 (1967)
Tobias v. Abalos, 239 SCRA 106 (1994)

Procedure for Passage of Law

ART. VI, §26(2)
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 249 SCRA 628 (1995)
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 325 SCRA 630 (1994)

Effectivity of Laws
Tanada v. Tuvera, 136 SCRA 27 (1985)
Tanada v. Tuvera, 146 SCRA 446 (1986)
E. O. No. 200 (1987)

Presidential Veto
ART. VI, §27
Gonzales v. Macaraig, Jr., 191 SCRA 452 (1990)
Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506 (1994)
Bengzon v. Drilon, 208 SCRA 133 (1992)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Tax Appeals, 185 SCRA 329 (1990)

Aspects of Power to Appropriate

i. Uniform and Equitable System of Taxation
ART. VI, §28(1)
ii. Progressive System of Taxation
ART. VI, §28(1)
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 249 SCRA 628 (1995)
iii. Authority to Delegate Tariff Rates
Garcia v. Executive Secretary, 211 SCRA 219 (1992)
iv. Exemptions from Taxation
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 249 SCRA 628 (1995)
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 325 SCRA 630 (1994)
Centeno v. Villalon-Pornillos, 326 SCRA 197 (1994)
Abra Valley College, Inc. v. Aquino, 162 SCRA 106 (1988)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, 298 SCRA 83 (1998)
v. Vote Required for Grant of Exemption

Limitations on Use of Public Funds

ART. VI, §29
Manosca v. Court of Appeals, 252 SCRA 142 (1996)

Requirement for Increase in Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

ART. VI, §30
First Lepanto Ceramics, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 237 SCRA 519 (1994)
Fabian v. Desierto, 295 SCRA 470 (1998)

Prohibition Against Grant of Title of Royalty or Nobility

ART. VI, §31

Initiative and Referendum

ART. VI, §32
Garcia v. COMELEC, 237 SCRA 279 (1994)


ART. VII, §1
Marcos v. Manglapus, 177 SCRA 668 (1989)
Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 650 (1994)
Pimentel v. Aguirre, 336 SCRA 201 (2000)
Laurel v. Garcia, 187 SCRA 797 (1990)
Beltran v. Makasiar, 167 SCRA 393 (1988)


The Vice-President
ART. VII, §3

Term Limits
ART. VII, §4

How Elected
ART. VII, §4
Defensor-Santiago v. Ramos, 253 SCRA 559 (1996)

ART. VII, §5

ART. VII, §6

Rules on Succession
ART. VII, §§7-11
Estrada v. Desierto, 353 SCRA 452 (2001)
Resolution on the Motion for Reconsideration, 356 SCRA 108 (2001)

Multiple Office & Other Activities

ART. VII, §13
Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317 (1991)
Resolution on the Motion for Reconsideration dated 1 August 1991
Dela Cruz v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 138489, 29 November 2001.

Prohibited Appointments
ART. VII, §13

Appointments by Acting President

ART. VII, §14

Midnight Appointments
ART. VII, §15
De Rama v. Court of Appeals, 353 SCRA 94 (2001)
In Re Appointment of Valenzuela, 298 SCRA 408 (1998)

The Appointments Clause

ART. VII, §16
Sarmiento v. Mison, 156 SCRA 549 (1987)
Bermudez v. Torres, 311 SCRA 733 (1999)
Manalo v. Sistoza, 312 SCRA 239 (1999)
Calderon v. Carale, 208 SCRA 254 (1992)

Ad Interim Appointments
ART. VII, §16

Matibag v. Benipayo, G.R. No. 149036, 2 April 2002

Executive Control and The “Take Care” Clause

ART. VII, §17
Mondano v. Silvosa, 97 Phil. 143 (1955)
Villena v. Secretary of the Interior, 67 Phil. 451 (1939)
Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB v. Executive Secretary, 360 SCRA 718 (2001)
Ang-Angco v. Castillo, 9 SCRA 619 (1963)
Lacson-Magallanes Co., Inc. v. Pano, 21 SCRA 895 (1967)
De Leon v. Carpio, 178 SCRA 457 (1991)

Commander-in-Chief Powers
ART. VII, §18
Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, 338 SCRA 81 (2000)
Lacson v. Perez, 357 SCRA 756 (2001)
Ruffy v. Chief of Staff, 75 Phil. 875 (1946)
Aquino v. Military Commission No.2, 63 SCRA 546 (1975)
Olaguer v. Military Commission No.34, 150 SCRA 144(1987)

Pardoning Power
ART. VII, §19
People v. Casido, 269 SCRA 360 (1997)
People v. Patriarca, Jr., 341 SCRA 464 (2000)
Monsanto v. Factoran, Jr., 170 SCRA 190 (1989)
Sabello v. DECS, 180 SCRA 623 (1989)
Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, 301 SCRA 96 (1999)
Espuelas v. Provincial Warden of Bohol, 108 Phil. 353 (1960)
Barrioquinto v. Fernandez, 85 Phil. 642 (1949)
Torres v. Gonzales, 152 SCRA 272 (1987)

Borrowing Power
ART. VII, §20

Foreign Affairs Power

ART. VII, §21
Bayan v. Executive Secretary, 342 SCRA 449 (2000)
Commissioner of Customs v. Eastern Sea Trading, 166 SCRA 533 (1989)
Secretary of Justice v. Lantion, 343 SCRA 377 (2000)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. John Gotamco & Sons, Inc., 148 SCRA 36 (1987)

Power over Budget

ART VII, §22

Opening Address
ART VII, §23


Judicial Power

Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L. Ed. 60 (1803)

Manila Electric Co. v. Pasay Transportation Co, 57 Phil. 600 (1932)

Grave Abuse of Discretion

Garcia v. Board of Investments, 191 SCRA 288 (1990)
Daza v. Singson, 180 SCRA 496 (1989)

Prudential Considerations
Ashwander v. TVA, 297 U.S. 288 (1936), Brandeis, j. (concurring)
People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 58 (1937)
Matibag v. Benipayo, G.R. No. 149036, 2 April 2002
Soriano v. Estrada, G.R. Nos. 146528, 146549, 146579, 146631, 26 February 2001.

i. Actual Case or Controversy

Cruz v. Secretary of Natural Resources, Mendoza, j. (concurring), 347 SCRA 128 (2000)
ii. Political Questions
Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 82 S. Ct. 691, 7 L. Ed. 2d 663 (1962)
Casibang v. Aquino, 92 SCRA 642 (1979)
Tanada v. Cuenco, 100 Phil. 1101 (1957)
Sanidad v. COMELEC, 73 SCRA 333 (1976)
Abueva v. Wood, 45 Phil. 612 (1924)
Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, Puno, j. (concurring), 338 SCRA 121-136 (2000)
Estrada v. Desierto, 353 SCRA 452 (2001)

ii. Standing
Joya v. PCGG, 225 SCRA 568 (1993)
Kilosbayan v. Morato, 246 SCRA 540 (1995)
Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, 338 SCRA 81 (2000)
BAYAN v. Executive Secretary, 342 SCRA 449 (2000)
Del Mar v. PAGCOR, 346 SCRA 485 (2000)
Anti-graft League of the Philippines, Inc. v. San Juan, 260 SCRA 250 (1996)

iii. Taxpayer’s Suit

Pascual v. Secretary of Public Works, 110 Phil. 331 (1960)
Telecommunications and Broadcast Attorneys of the Philippines v. COMELEC, 289 SCRA 337 (1998)
Sandoval v. PAGCOR, 346 SCRA 485 (2000)

iv. Ripeness
Rescue Army v. Municipal Court of Los Angeles, 331 U.S. 549 (1947)

v. Mootness
Gonzales v. Narvasa, 337 SCRA 733 (2000)

ART. VIII, §§2, 4 & 5.
Mantruste Systems Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 136 (1989)
Firestone Ceramics v. Court of Appeals, 334 SCRA 465 (2000)
Fortich v. Corona, 312 SCRA 751 (1999)
Fabian v. Desierto, 295 SCRA 470 (1998)
In Re Cunanan, 94 Phil. 534 (1954)
Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, 301 SCRA 96 (1999)
In re Integration of the Bar of the Philippines, 49 SCRA 25 (1972)
In re Atty. Edillon, 84 SCRA 554 (1978)


The Judicial and Bar Council


Appointments to the Judiciary


Term of Office
ART. VIII, §11

ART. VIII, §10
Nitafan v. Commission on Internal Revenue, 152 SCRA 284 (1987)
Administrative Supervision
Maceda v. Vasquez, 221 SCRA 464 (1993)
Judge Caoibes, Jr. v. Ombudsman, 361 SCRA 395 (2001)

Power to Discipline
People v. Gaccott, Jr., 246 SCRA 52 (1995)

Fiscal Autonomy

Prohibition against Administrative Functions

ART. VIII, §12
In re Judge Manzano, 166 SCRA 246 (1988)

Certification Requirement
ART. VIII, §13
Consing v. Court of Appeals, 177 SCRA 14 (1989)

Substance of Decisions
ART. VIII, §14
Yao v. Court of Appeals, 344 SCRA 202 (2000)
Francisco v. Permskul, 173 SCRA 324 (1989)
Valdez v. Court of Appeals, 194 SCRA 360 (1991)
Komatsu Industries Phils, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 289 SCRA 604 (1998)

Period to Decide
ART. VIII, §15

Annual Report
ART. VIII, §16


ART. IX-A, §2

ART. IX-A, §3

Power to Appoint Employees

ART. IX-A, §4

Fiscal Autonomy
ART. IX-A, §5

Power to Promulgate Rules

ART. IX-A, §6
Aruelo, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 227 SCRA 311 (1993)

Quasi-Judicial Functions
ART. IX-A, §7
Orocio v. Commission on Audit, 213 SCRA 109 (1992)
Mison v. Commission on Audit, 187 SCRA 445 (1990)
Cua v. COMELEC, 156 SCRA 582 (1987)
Dumayas, Jr. v. COMELEC, 357 SCRA 358 (2001)
Mathay v. Civil Service Commission, 312 SCRA 91 (1999)
Garces v. Court of Appeals, 259 SCRA 99 (1996)
Filipinas Engineering & Machine Shop v. Ferrer, 135 SCRA 25 (1985)

The Civil Service Commission

ART. IX-B, §1
Gaminde v. Commission on Audit, 347 SCRA 655 (2000)

Scope of the Civil Service

ART. IX-B, §2
Bliss Development Corporation Employees’ Union v. Civil Service Commission, 237 SCRA 271 (1994)
Cuevas v. Bacal, 347 SCRA 338 (2000)
Canonizado v. Aguirre, 323 SCRA 312 (2000)
Civil Service Commission v. Salas, 274 SCRA 414 (1997)

Security of Tenure in the Civil Service

ART. IX-B, §2(3)

Right to Self-Organization
Bangalisan v. Court of Appeals, 276 SCRA 619 (1997)
Association of Court of Appeals Employees v. Ferrer-Calleja, 203 SCRA 596 (1991)

Central Personnel Agency

ART. IX-B, §3
Delos Santos v. Mallare, 87 Phil. 259 (1950)
Civil Service Commission v. Dacoycoy, 306 SCRA 425 (1999)
Lazo v. Civil Service Commission, 236 SCRA 469 (1994)
Orbos v. Civil Service Commission, 189 SCRA 459 (1990)
Lapinid v. Civil Service Commission, 197 SCRA 106 (1991)

Oath or Affirmation
ART. IX-B, §4

Salary Standardization
ART. IX-B, §5

One-year Ban
ART. IX-B, §6
Prohibition on Multiple Offices
ART. IX-B, §7
Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317 (1991)
Flores v. Drilon, 223 SCRA 568 (1993)

Prohibition on Multiple Compensation

ART. IX-B, §8
Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317 (1991)
Santos v. Court of Appeals, 345 SCRA 553 (2000)
Peralta v. Mathay, 38 SCRA 256 (1967)
Sadueste v. Municipality of Surigao, 72 Phil. 485 (1941)

The Commission on Elections

ART. IX-C, §1
Cayetano v. Monsod, 201 SCRA 210 (1991)
Brillantes, Jr. v. Yorac, 192 SCRA 358 (1990)

Powers & Functions

ART. IX-C, §2
Montejo v. COMELEC, 242 SCRA 415 (1995)
Mercado v. Board of Election Supervisors, 243 SCRA 422 (1995)
Beso v. Aballe, 326 SCRA 100 (2000)
Laurel v. Presiding Judge, RTC-Manila, Br.10, 323 SCRA 778 (1999)

Internal Organization
ART. IX-C, §3
Villarosa v. COMELEC, 319 SCRA 470 (1999)
Abad v. COMELEC, 320 SCRA 507 (1999)

Extraordinary Powers
ART. IX-C, §4
National Press Club v. COMELEC, 207 SCRA 1 (1992)
Social Weather Stations, Inc. v. COMELEC, 357 SCRA 496 (2001)
Unido v. COMELEC, 104 SCRA 17 (1981)
Sanidad v. COMELEC, 181 SCRA 529 (1990)

Recommendation on Pardons
ART. IX-C, §5

Free and Open Party System

ART. IX-C, §6

Prohibition on Block Voting

ART. IX-C, §7

Representation of Political Parties

ART. IX-C, §8

Election Period
ART. IX-C, §9

Bona fide Candidates

ART. IX-C, §10

Expenses for Elections

ART. IX-C, §11

Commission on Audit

ART. IX-D, §1

Powers and Duties

ART. IX-D, §2
Development Bank of the Philippines v. Commission on Audit, 231 SCRA 202 (1994)
Development Bank of the Philippines v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 88435, 16 January 2002
Uy v. Commission on Audit, 328 SCRA 607 (2000)

Prohibition Against Exemption from Jurisdiction

ART. IX-D, §3
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 203 (1993)

Annual Report
ART. IX-D, §4


Local Government Units

ART. X, §1
Metro Manila Development Authority v. Bel-Air Village Association, 328 SCRA 836 (2000)

Local Autonomy
ART. X, §2
R. A. No. 7160, §§2-3
City Government of San Pablo, Laguna v. Reyes, 305 SCRA 353 (1999)
Ganzon v. Court of Appeals, 200 SCRA 271 (1991)

Local Government Code

ART. X, §3
R. A. No. 7160

General Supervision
ART. X, §4
Pablico v. Villapando, G.R. No. 147870, 31 July 2002
Pimentel v. Aguirre, 336 SCRA 201 (2000)
Drilon v. Lim, 325 SCRA 135 (1994)

Income Generation Powers

ART. X, §5
Manila Electric Co. v. Province of Laguna, 306 SCRA 750 (1999)
PLDT v. City of Davao, 363 SCRA 522 (2001)
Resolutio on Motion for Reconsideration

Just Share in National Taxes

ART. X, §6
Pimentel v. Aguirre, Jr., 336 SCRA 201 (2000)

Equitable Share from Development of National Wealth

ART. X, §7
R. A. No. 7160, §§289-294

Term of Office of Local Officials

ART. X, §8
Borja v. COMELEC, 295 SCRA 157 (1996)
Socrates v. Hagedorn, G.R. No. 154512, 12 November 2002
Adormeo v. COMELEC, G. R. No. 147927, 4 February 2002
Lonzanida v. COMELEC, 311 SCRA 602 (1999)

Local Sectoral Representation

ART. X, §9

Plebiscite Requirement
ART. X, §10
Padilla v. COMELEC, 214 SCRA 735 (1992)
Miranda v. Aguirre, 314 SCRA 603 (1999)
Cawaling, Jr., v. Executive Secretary, 368 SCRA 453 (2001)
Mariano v. COMELEC, 252 SCRA 211 (1995)
Tan v. COMELEC, 147 SCRA 727 (1986)

Metropolitan Political Subdivisions

ART. X, §11
Metro Manila Development Authority v. Bel-Air Village Association, 328 SCRA 836 (2000)

Classification of Local Governments

ART. X, §12

Local Government Coordination

ART. X, §13

Regional Development Councils

ART. X, §14

Autonomous Regions

ART. X, §15

General Supervision over Autonomous Regions

ART. X, §16

Residual Powers
ART. X, §17

Organic Act for Autonomous Regions

ART. X, §§18-20
Ordillo v. COMELEC, 192 SCRA 100 (1990)
Abbas v. COMELEC, 179 SCRA 287 (1989)


Public Office as Public Trust

ART. X, §1
R. A. No. 6713

Impeachable Officers
ART. X, §2
In re Indorsement from Gonzales, 160 SCRA 771 (1988)

Procedure for Impeachment

ART. X, §3
Sison & Hilbay, Impeachment Q & A (pp.1-12)
Estrada v. Desierto, 353 SCRA 452 (2001)
Romulo v. Yniguez, 141 SCRA 263 (1986)
In re Gonzalez, 160 SCRA 771 (1988)

The Sandiganbayan
ART. X, §4
Uy v. Sandiganbayan, 354 SCRA 651 (2001)

The Office of the Ombudsman ART. X, §§5-7

Qualifications ART. X, §§8-9

Rank ART. X, §10

Term ART. X, §11

ART. X, §12-13
Almonte v. Vasquez, 244 SCRA 286 (1995)
Bureau of Internal Revenue v. Ombudsman, G. R. No. 115103, 11 April 2002
Camanag v. Guerrero, 268 SCRA 473 (1997)
Almonte v. Vasquez, 244 SCRA 286 (1995)
Acop v. Office of the Ombudsman, 248 SCRA 566 (1995)
Garcia v. Mojica, 314 SCRA 207 (1999)
Raro v. Sandiganbayan, 335 SCRA 561 (2000)
Macalino v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 140199-140200, 6 February 2002
Laurel v. Desierto, G.R. No. 145368, 12 April 2002

Fiscal Autonomy
ART. X, §14

Recovery of Unlawfully Acquired Properties

ART. X, 15
Presidential Ad-Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on Behest Loans v. Desierto, 317 SCRA 272 (1999)

Non-Accomodation Clause ART. X, §16

Statement of Assets and Liabilities ART. X, §17

Allegiance ART. X, §18


Goals of National Economy

ART. XII, §1

The Regalian Doctrine

ART. XII, §2
Cruz v. Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, 347 SCRA 128 (2000)
Miners’ Association of the Philippines v. Factoran, 240 SCRA 100 (1995)

Classification of Public Lands

ART. XII, §3
Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, G.R. No. 133250, 9 July 2002
Lee v. Republic, 366 SCRA 524 (2001)
Pagkatipunan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 129682, 21 March 2002

Rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities ART. XII, §5

Social Function of the Use of Property ART. XII, §6

Persons Qualified to Acquire Public Lands

ART. XII, §§7-8
Krivenko v. Register of Deeds, 79 Phil. 461 (1947)
Register of Deeds of Rizal v. Ung Sui Si Temple, 97 Phil. 58 (1955)
Roman Catholic Apostolic Prefect of Davao v. Register of Deeds, 102 Phil. 596 (1957)
J.M. Tuazon & Co. v. Land Tenure Administration, 31 SCRA 413 (1970)
Meralco v. Castro-Bartolome, 114 SCRA 799 (1982)
Director of Lands v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 146 SCRA 509 (1986)
Republic v. Court of Appeals, 155 SCRA 344 (1987)
Republic v. Guzman, 326 SCRA 91 (2000)
Yap v. Court of Appeals, 312 SCRA 603 (1999)
Republic v. Court of Appeals, 235 SCRA 567 (1994)
Ong Ching Po v. Court of Appeals, 239 SCRA 341 (1994)
Godinez v. Pak Luen, 120 SCRA 223 (1983)

Economic & Planning Agency

ART. XII, §§9-10

Preference to Qualified Filipinos

Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, 267 SCRA 408 (1997)

Regulation of Franchises
ART. XII, §11
JG Summit Holdings v. Court of Appeals, 345 SCRA 143 (2000)
Tatad v. Garcia, 243 SCRA 436 (1995)
Bagatsing v. Committee on Privatization, 246 SCRA 334 (1995)
People v. Quasha, 93 Phil. 393 (1953)
King v. Hernaez, 4 SCRA 792 (1962)

Filipino First Policy

ART. XII, §12

Practice of Profession
ART. XII, §14
Javellana v. DILG

Policy on Private Corporations

ART. XII, §16

Government Takeovers
ART. XII, §17-18

Anti-Trust Clause
ART. XII, §19
Garcia v. Corona, 321 SCRA 218 (1999)
Tatad v. Secretary of the Department of Energy, 281 SCRA 330 (1997)

Central Monetary Authority

ART. XII, §20

Policy on Foreign Loans

ART. XII, §21

Sanctions for Violation

ART. XII, §22

Social Justice and Human Rights

ART. XIII, §§1-2

Philtread Workers Union v. Confesor, 269 SCRA 393 (1997)
Bangalisan v. Court of Appeals, 276 SCRA 619 (1997)
Jacinto v. Court of Appeals, 281 SCRA 57 (1997)

Agrarian and Natural Resources Reform

ART. XIII, §§4-5
Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 175 SCRA 343 (1989)

Gonzales, Jr. v. Alvarez, 182 SCRA 51 (1990)

Luz Farms v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 192 SCRA 51 (1990)

Stewardship Principle

Rights of Subsistence Fishermen

Tano v. Socrates, 278 SCRA 154 (1997)

Incentive to Landowners

Urban Land Reform and Housing ART. XIII, §§9-10

Health ART. XIII, §§11-13

Women ART. XIII, §14

People’s Organizations ART. XIII, §§15-16

Human Rights

The Commission on Human Rights

ART. XIII, §17

ART. XIII, §17

Powers and Functions

ART. XIII, §§18-19
Simon v. Commission on Human Rights, 229 SCRA 117 (1994)

Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports

State Mandate on Education

ART. XIV, §§1-3
U. P. v. Judge Ayson, 176 SCRA 571 (1989)
Mindanao University v. DAR, 215 SCRA 86 (1992)
Villar v. TIP, 135 SCRA 706 (1985)
Tangonan v. Cruz Pano, 137 SCRA 245 (1985)

Ownership Requirement
ART. XIV, §4

Tax Exemption
ART. XIV, §4(3)(4)

Academic Freedom
ART. XIV, §5(2)
Miriam College Foundation v. Court of Appeals, 348 SCRA 265 (2000)
U. P. Board of Regents v. Court of Appeals, 313 SCRA 404 (1999)
University of the Philippines v. Civil Service Commission, 356 SCRA 57 (2001)
U.P. v. Judge Ayson, 176 SCRA 571 (1989)
Alcuaz v. PSBA, 161 SCRA 7 (1988)
Licup v. University of San Carlos, 178 SCRA 637 (1989)

Right to Choose Profession ART. XIV, §5(3)

Highest Budgetary Priority

ART. XIV, §5(5)
Guingona, Jr. v. Carague, 196 SCRA 221 (1991)


National Language ART. XIV, §6

Official Languages ART. XIV, §7

Science and Technology

Priority for Research and Development ART. XIV, §§10-11

Regulation of Technology ART. XIV, §12

Protection of Intellectual Property ART. XIV, §13

Arts and Culture ART. XIV, §§14-18

Sports ART. XIV, §19

The Family

Foundation of the Nation ART. XV, §1

Marriage ART. XV, §2

Guarantees ART. XV, §3

Care for Elderly ART. XV, §4


The Philippine Flag
ART. XVI, §1
Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent of Schools in Cebu, 219 SCRA 256 (1993)

Other National Symbols ART. XVI, §2

The Armed Forces of the Philippines ART. XVI, §4-5

National Police Force

ART. XVI, §6
Agbay v. Deputy Ombudsman for the Military, 309 SCRA 726 (1999)
Alunan III v. Asuncion, 323 SCRA 623 (2000)

Ownership of Mass Media

ART. XVI, §11

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