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1 of 28 Edu Notes: Property


(a) With respect to real property

Article 440 (1) accession industrial

The ownership of property give the right Example:

by accessions to everything which is produced Building

thereby, or which is incorporated or attached Planting

thereto, either naturally or artificially.


Accession Defined (2) accession natural

Is the right of the owner of a thing, real or Example:

personal, to become the owner of everything Alluvion

which is produced thereby, or which is Avulsion

incorporated or attached thereto, either naturally Change of river course

or artificially.
formation of islands

Accession vs. Accessory (b) With respect to personal property

(1) Conjunction or adjunction

(2) Commixtion or confusion

Accession Accessory
(3) Specification

Are the fruits of, or Are things joined to,

a d d i t i o n s t o , o r or included with, the
improvements upon principal thing for the Article 441
the principal. latters embellishment,
better use or (1) The natural fruits; (2) The industrial fruits; (3)
completion The Civil fruits.

Not necessary to the Accessory and the

Right of owner to the fruits
principal thing principal thing must go

Kinds of Accession General Rule

(1) Accession discreta The general rules is that all fruits belong
to the owner of a thing.

Is the extension of the right to ownership

of a person to the products of a thing which Exceptions
belongs to such person.

In the following cases, a person, other

(a) Natural Fruits
than the owner of a property, owns the fruits
(b) Industrial Fruits

(c) Civil Fruits

(a) Possession in good faith by another

(2) Accession continua

The possessor in good faith is entitled to

Is the extension of the right of ownership the fruits received before the possession is legally
of a person to that which is incorporated or interrupted.

attached to a thing which belongs to such person

(b) Usufruct

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The usufructuary is entitled to all the (1) Grass, as the vacate for horse, is ordinarily
fruits of the property.
natural fruits but is considered an industrial
(c) Lease of rural lands
fruits when it is cultivated as food for horses

(2) Wild mushrooms are natural fruits but

The lessee is likewise entitled to the fruits cultivated fruits but mushrooms are industrial
of the land with the owner.

(d) Pledge
Civil Fruits

The pledgee is entitled to receive the (1) Rents of buildings

fruits, income, dividends, or interests which

pledge earns or produces but with the obligation
Article 443
to compensate or set-o what he receives with
those with are owing him

(2) Prices of leases of lands and other property

(e) Antichresis
(3) The amount of perpetual or life annuities or
other similar income

The creditor acquires the right to receive He who receives the fruits has the
the fruits of an immovable of his debtor, but with obligation to pay the expenses made by a third
person in their production, gathering, and

Article 442
the obligation to apply them, first, to the interest if
owing, and then to the principal.
(1) Where the owner of the property recovers the
Natural fruits are the spontaneous same from a possessor and the possessor
products of the soil, and the young and other has not yet received the fruits although they
products of animals.
may have already gathered or harvested

(2) The possessor has already received the fruits

Industrial fruits are those produced by but is ordered to return the same to the owner

lands of any kind through cultivation or labor.

Obligation of the owner:

Civil fruits are the rents of buildings, the
price of leases of lands and other property and To reimburse the previous possessor for
the amount of perpetual or life annuities or other the expenses incurred by the latter for their
similar income.
production, gathering, and preservation.

KINDS OF FRUITS Eect of bad faith:

Natural Fruits A possessor in bad faith ordered to return

the fruits he had gathered, has a right to deduct
Two kinds of Natural Fruits the expenses of planting and harvesting.

(a) the spontaneous products of the soil

When good or bad faith of the possessor is
(b) the young and other products of animals

Industrial Fruits Where the fruits are still ungathered at

the time he gave up his possession.

Those produced by the lands of any kind through

human cultivation or labor
Where expenses exceed fruits

Only expenses incurred by the possessor
for the production, gathering and preservation
(not improvement) of the fruits are reimbursable.

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Even where such expenses exceed the IMMOVABLE PROPERTY

value of the fruits, the owner must pay the Art. 445. Whatever is built, planted or
expenses just the same because the law makes sown on the land of another and the
no distinction.
improvements or repairs made thereon, belong to
the owner of the land, subject tot he provisions of
The owner, however, may free himself of the following articles.

Article 444
(1) Accession follows the principal

the expenses by permitting the possessor to

complete the harvesting and gathering of the Means that the owner of the latter
fruits for himself.
acquires the ownership of the former.

Only such as are manifest or born are

considered as natural or industrial fruits.
(2) Incorporation or union must be intimate

With respect to animals, it is sucient Means that it must be such that removal
that they are in the womb of the mother, although or separation cannot be eected without
unborn. (Exception to the first paragraph)
substantial injury to either or both.

When natural fruits and industrial fruits deemed to (3) Eect of good faith and bad faith

Good faith exonerates a person from punitive
Natural and industrial fruits while still liability;

pending are real property. Their special nature Bad faith gives rise to dire consequences;

requires rules so that the time when they are

deemed to exist must be definitely fixed.
GR: a person who acts in bad faith has no rights.

Products of the soil - only when manifest or He may also be maid liable for damages.


Animals - only if existing in the womb of the HOWEVER, a person, whether in good or bad
mother, though unborn.
faith, is entitled to reimbursement for necessary
expenses of preservation as well as expenses for
cultivation, gathering and preservation.

Plants which produce only one crop and then (4) Eect where both parties in bad faith

perish are deemed manifest or existing from the

time the seedling appear from the ground;
The bad faith of one para neutralizes the
Fruits of plants and trees which live for years bad faith of the other;

and give periodic fruits are deemed manifest or

existing when they actually appear on the They shall both be considered as being in
plants or trees;
good faith.

Animals are deemed existing at the beginning

of the maximum ordinary period of gestation;
(5) Principle against unjust enrichment

In the case of fowls, the fact of appearance of

the chicks should retroact to the beginning of No one should unjustly enrich himself at
the expense of another.

Article 445 & 446 General rule on accession industrial

The accessory follows the principal; the

land is the principal and what is built, the

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Rights where land and materials belong to

Article 120 of the Family code with dierent owners
respect to improvements made on the separate
property of the spouses.
Article 447 presupposes that the owner
of the materials is in good faith. Good faith is
TN: NOWHERE in these articles (445 & 447) on always presumed and he is deemed a possessor
industrial accession is there any mention of the in good faith who is not aware that there exists in
case of a landowner building on his own land his title or mode of acquisition any flaw which
with materials owned by himself.
invalidates it.

Applies when both landowner and the owner of
the materials are in good faith; and

Recourse to the rules of accession are

totally unnecessary and inappropriate where the when landowner is in bad faith and the owner
ownership of land and of the materials used to of the materials is in good faith.

build thereon are concentrated on one and the

same person.
(1) Rights and liabilities of the owner of land who
used materials of another:

Art. 446. All works, sowing, and planting are If in good faith - he becomes the owner of the
presumed made by the owner and at his materials but he shall pay their value.

expense, unless the contrary is provided.

HOWEVER, the owner of the materials

Presumption as to improvements
can remove them if the removal can be done
without injury to the plantings, etc. for in such
(1) The works, etc. were made by the owner
case there is really no accession.

A land naturally has an owner and the law If in bad faith - he becomes the owner of the
accordingly presumes that he made the works, materials but he is obliged:

sowing, or planting;

to pay their value; and

(2) They were made at the owners expenses

to pay damages.

GR: It cannot be said that one who builds, plants (2) Rights and liabilities of the owner of materials
who acted in good faith:

Article 447 if the landowner acted in good faith, the owner

of the materials are entitled;

or sows on anothers land will do so at his

expense for the benefit of the owner.
1. To reimbursement for the value of the
The owner of the land who makes materials;

thereon, personally or through another, plantings, 2. To removal of the materials if the same
constructions or works with the materials of can be done without injury to the
another, shall pay their value; and if he acted in plantings, etc.

bad faith, he shall also be obliged to the

reparation of damages. The owner of the If the landowner acted in bad faith, the owner
materials shall have the right to remove them only of the materials is entitled:

in case he can do so without injury to the work

constructed, or without the plantings, 1. To indemnification for damages; and

constructions or works being destroyed. 2. To absolute right of removal whether or

However, if the landowners acted in bad faith, the not injury would be caused.

owner of the materials may remove them in any

event, with a right to be indemnified for damages.

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(3) Rights and liabilities of owner of materials who Requirement of good faith
acted in bad faith:

(1) Existence of good faith

Landowner is in good faith and the owner of

the materials is in bad faith:

Article applies only where the builder,
planter, or sower honestly believed himself to be
1. Owner of the materials is liable for any the owner of the land or, at least, to have a claim
consequential damages;
of title; or he proceeded with the knowledge,
2. No right of removal whether or not injury tolerance, consent, or permission of the owner.

would be caused.

(2) Where interest in land merely that of holder

Where both parties are in bad faith:

Does not apply where ones interest in

1. They shall both be treated as being in the land is merely that of a holder such as a mere
good faith
tenant or lessee under a rental contract, an
agent, or a usufructuary because they have no
adverse claim or title to the land or pretension to
Article 448
be the owner thereof.

The owner of the land on which anything (3) Special cases where the SC recognized the
has been built, sown or planted in good faith, existence of good faith beyond the limited
shall have the right tot appropriate as his own the definition:

works, sowing or planting, after payment of the

indemnity provided for in Articles 546 and 548, or One whose house, despite having been built at
to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the the time he was still co-owner, overlapped with
price of the land, and the one who sowed, the the land of another

proper rent. However, the builder or planter Builder had constructed improvements with the
cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is consent of the owner

considerably more than that of the building or Builders in good faith who relied on the consent
trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, of another whom they have mistakenly believed
if the owner of the land does not choose to to be the owner of the land

appropriate the building or trees after proper Son who built his house on a land with the
indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms knowledge and consent of his father to whom
of the lease and in case of disagreement, the belonged the land

court shall fix the terms thereof.

Children who built structures on the lots owned
by their parents who invited their children to
Good faith under this article consists in the occupy and use the lots and fully consented to
hones belief of the builder, sower, or planter, the improvements introduced by them.

that the land he is building, sowing, or planting

on, is his or that by some title he has a right to (4) Presumption of good faith

build, etc. thereon, and his ignorance of any

defect or flaw in his title.
Good faith is presumed, he who alleges
bad faith on the part of the builder, etc. has the
Application: burden of proof.

When a person builds in good faith on Presence of negligence

the land of another, on which he believes to have

a claim of title.
The good faith of the builder, etc. does
not necessarily preclude negligence which gives
Contemplates of a land whose ownership right to damages under Article 2176.

is claimed by two or more parties, one of whom

has built some works or sown or planted

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Case No 74: Rosales vs. Castelltort ISSUE:

GR 157044, Oct. 5, 2005 Under Art 448, who has the right of option?

DOCTRINE: Where the builder, planter or sower Under Article 448, the landowner can choose
has acted in good faith, a conflict of rights arises between appropriating the building by paying the
between the owners, and it becomes necessary proper indemnity or obliging the builder to pay the
to protect the owner of the improvements without price of the land, unless its value is considerably
causing injustice to the owner of the land. In view more than that of the structures, in which case the
of the impracticability of creating a state of forced builder in good faith shall pay reasonable rent. If
co-ownership, the law has provided a just solution the parties cannot come to terms over the
by giving the owner of the land the option to conditions of the lease, the court must fix the
acquire the improvements after payment of the terms thereof.The choice belongs to the owner of
proper indemnity, or to oblige the builder or the land, a rule that accords with the principle of
planter to pay for the land and the sower the accession, i.e.,that the accessory follows the
proper rent. He cannot refuse to exercise either principal and not the other way around. Even as
option. It is the owner of the land who is the option lies with the landowner, the grant to
authorized to exercise the option, because his him, nevertheless, is preclusive. The landowner
right is older, and because, by the principle of cannot refuse to exercise either option and
accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the compel instead the owner of the building to
accessory thing. remove it from the land.The raison detre for this
provision has been enunciated thus: Where the
FACTS: builder, planter or sower has acted in good faith, a
Spouses-petitioners Rodolfo V. Rosales and Lily conflict of rights arises between the owners, and it
Rosqueta-Rosales (petitioners) are the registered becomes necessary to protect the owner of the
owners of a parcel of land designated as Lot 17, improvements without causing injustice to the
Block 1 of Subdivision Plan situated in Los Baos, owner of the land. In view of the impracticability of
Laguna. creating a state of forced co-ownership, the law
has provided a just solution by giving the owner of
Petitioners discovered that a house was being the land the option to acquire the improvements
constructed on their lot, without their knowledge after payment of the proper indemnity, or to oblige
and consent, by respondent Miguel Castelltort the builder or planter to pay for the land and the
(Castelltort). It turned out that respondents sower the proper rent. He cannot refuse to
Castelltort and his wife Judith had purchased a exercise either option. It is the owner of the land
lot, Lot 16 of the same Subdivision Plan, from who is authorized to exercise the option, because
respondent Lina Lopez-Villegas (Lina) through her his right is older, and because, by the principle of
son-attorney-in-fact Rene Villegas (Villegas) but accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the
that after a survey thereof by geodetic engineer accessory thing.
Augusto Rivera, he pointed to Lot 17 as the Lot
16 the Castelltorts purchased. Case No. 75: JM Tuazon Co., Inc. vs. Via de
Lumanlan, GR. No. L-23497, April 26, 1968
Negotiations for the settlement of the case thus
began, with Villegas offering a larger lot near FACTS:
petitioners lot in the same subdivision as a J.M. Tuason & Co Inc (Tuason) filed a case
replacement thereof. In the alternative, Villegas against Lumanlan after the latter unlawfully
proposed to pay the purchase price of petitioners entered into its property known as Santa Mesa
lot with legal interest. Both proposals were, Heights Subdivision (situated at Barrio North
however, rejected by petitioners whose counsel Tatalon, Quezon City). Lumanlan took possession
directed Castelltort to stop the construction of and of 800 sq m land and constructed her house on
demolish his house and any other structure he the said land. Tuason prays for ejectment and
may have built thereon, and desist from entering damages for occupancy.
the lot. Petitioners subsequently filed a complaint
for recovery of possession and damages with Lumanlan argues that she had brought the
prayer for the issuance of a restraining order and property from one Pedro Deudor and that there is
preliminary injunction against spouses- a Compromise Agreement between Deudor and
respondents Miguel and Judith Castelltort before Tuason stating that she was one of the buyers
the RTC of Calamba, Laguna recognized therein.
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CFI: Lower Court ruled in favor of Tuason, holding

that it is the registered owner and the question 5. Without the compromise agreement, Lumanlan
being purely one of possession. Lumanlans must justify her possession on the basis of a
evi dence (C ompromi se Agreement) was pretended superiority of the Deudors old Spanish
completely immaterial. nformacion posesoria over Tuasons Certificate of
Title No. 1267. But the Court has already ruled in
Upon appeal, CA ruled in favor of Lumanlan, previous cases that Lumanlan is barred from
holding that the Compromise Agreement was a assailing the decree of registration in favor of
valid defense against the possessory action filed Tuasons predecessors 20 years after its
by Tuason. Under paragraph 7 of the said issuance.
agreement, Tuason bound and committed itself to
sell to Lumanlan the lot occupied by her at a 6. The agreement provides that the Deudor
reasonable price. Lumanlan has the right to buyers should sign new contracts with it at current
compel Tuason to accept payment for the lot in prices specified for the sales of lots. Article 1474
question and that the agreement legalized the of the Civil Code does not apply in this case
possession of Lumanlan. because Lumanlan is not a buyer from Tuason
since there is no contract between the two.
Whether or not J.M. Tuason and Co., Inc is the 7. Lumanlans argument that she should be
rightful owner of the said land? YES deemed a builder in good faith does not hold
water. In a related case (Tuason v Macalindong),
HELD the Court ruled that there being a presumptive
1. A careful analysis of the compromise knowledge of the Torrents titles issued to Tuason,
agreement will show that in no way did it obligate the buyer from the Deudors cannot say now that
Tuason to sell to those buyers the lots occupied she believes her vendor had rights of ownership
by them at the price stipulated by the Deudors, over the lot purchased. She had chose to ignore
but at the current prices and terms specified by the Torrens title of Tuason and relied instead upon
the OWNERS (Tuason) in their sales of lots. (See the Deudors claim of ownership, perhaps
notes for paragraph 7 of compromise agreement) because such course appeared to her as more
advantageous; hence, she has only herself to
2. Paragraph 7 also imports that these buyers of blame for the consequences now that the
the Deudors must (1) recognize the title of the Deudors' claim has been abandoned by the
OWNERS (Tuason) over the property purportedly Deudors themselves, and can not pretend good
bought by them and from the Deudors, and (2) faith.
sign, whenever possible, new contracts of
purchase for said property. The agreement also 8. Lumanlan could have asked that she recover or
states that the sums paid by them to the be credited with the amounts paid by her to the
Deudors...shall be credited to the buyers. Deudors. Equity demands, however, that her right
to claim such return, or to have the amount offset
3. All that Tuason agreed to was to grant the against the sums she was sentenced to pay
Deudor buyers preferential right to purchase at should be reserved.
current prices and terms upon recognizing the
title of Tuason and signing new contracts and to Case No. 76: Quevada vs. Court of Appeals, GR.
credit to them for the amounts they had paid to No. 140789. Sept. 19, 2006

the Deudors.

4. Lumanlan never claimed that she had signed a Before the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC), the
new contract with Tuason for the puchase of the
plainti/respondent said that he is the lessor of a
lot occupied. Instead of recognizing the title of
Tuason as required by the agreement, she used parcel of land with a residential house in
paragraph 6 of the agreement for her special Sampaloc, Manila.

defense, arguing that Deudor and Tuason entered

into the compromise agreement where Deudor Sometime in 1994, he and defendant/petitioner
and his co-owners renouced, ceded, waived, and entered into a Contract of Lease for the period
quitclaimed all their rights in the property in favor from August 15, 1994 to August 15, 1995, at a
of Tuason without her knowledge and consent. monthly rental of 2,500.00. After expiration of the
Now she does not rely on the compromise lease, they entered into another Contract of
agreement but she assails it. -_- Lease, commencing from August 15, 1995 to
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April 15, 1996. After the expiration of the 3. Whether petitioner can be reimbursed for the
extended Lease, the petitioner continued value of the house on the property

possessing the premises, but without payment of

any reasonable compensation. Because of the 4. Whether there is an implied trust

petitioners refusal to vacate the premises, private

respondent referred the matter to the barangay HELD:

court for conciliation.

1. The action for ejectment or, more specifically,
unlawful detainer or desahucio is under the
On January 20, 1998, private respondent served proper jurisdiction of the MeTC. The Lease
upon the petitioner a notice to vacate the leased Contract was not extended again after its
property within a period of fifteen (15) days, to expiration on April 15, 1996. Petitioners
pay 5,000 rental starting May, 1996, and every continued use and occupancy of the premises
month thereafter until the premises shall have without any contract between him and private
been vacated. On the other hand, petitioner respondent was by mere tolerance or permission
answered that as early as November 1985, he of the latter. Possession by tolerance is lawful,
built a house on the lot which was finished in but such possession becomes unlawful when the
1986 and occupied the house as his residence. A possessor by tolerance refuses to vacate upon
Lease of Contract was executed for him to pay demand made by the owner.

the rentals at 2,500.00 a month, but only with

respect to the land and as an assurance that as 2. Private respondent may bring the action for
soon as petitioner would be in financial position unlawful detainer, even though he is not the titled
to do payment, the former will transfer the title to owner of the leased property. Such action has
the latter.
for its object the recovery of the physical
possession or determination of who is entitled
The private respondent did not give him a chance to possession de facto of the leased premises,
to pay the purchase price and refused to accept not the ownership of the lot and not its legal
the monthly rental of the lot. Because of his possession, in the sense contemplated in civil
refusal, petitioner opened an account in trust law.

for the private respondent where the monthly

rentals could be deposited.
3. Petitioner should be paid for the value of the
portion of the house covered by the lease, to be
Petitioner added that there was an implied trust oset against rentals due. The parties shall agree
by virtue of the true agreement whereby the upon the terms of the lease and in case of
purchase price of the lot would be paid by the disagreement, the court shall fix the terms
private respondent and for the latter, later on, to thereof.

transfer the title after he shall have paid the

purchase price. The MeTC of Manila, Branch 30, 4. There is no implied trust. Petitioner fails to
ruled in favor private respondent. Petitioner support his assertion that such has been created
appealed, but the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of in his favor and that the purchase of the land by
Manila, Branch VII, armed the decision of private respondent is for and in his behalf.

MeTCs Decision. Petitioner then went on appeal

again asking for reversal of the RTC Decision. DECISION: The petition is PARTLY GRANTED.
The CA rendered its assailed Decision arming The Decision and Resolution of the CA in CA-
the appealed decision. Petitioners Motion for G.R. SP No. 53209, dated September 16, 1999
Reconsideration was denied. Hence, this petition and November 11, 1999, are hereby AFFIRMED
for review by Marcelito D. Quevada, assailing the BUT WITH THE MODIFICATION that the case is
Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals.
REMANDED to the court a qou.

Case No. 77: Macasaet vs. Macasaet, GR.
1. Whether the action for ejectment is proper
154391-92. Sept. 30, 2004

2. Whether such action can be brought by private Facts:

respondent who is not the titled owner of the Petitioners Ismael and Teresita Macasaet and
Respondents Vicente and Rosario Macasaet are
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first-degree relatives. Ismael is the son of Civil Code was inapplicable. The CA opined that
respondents, and Teresita is his wife.
under Article 1678 of the same Code, the children
The parents alleged that they were the owners of had the right to be reimbursed for one half of the
two (2) parcels of land covered by Transfer value of the improvements made.

Certificate of Title (TCT) Nos. T-78521 and Not satisfied with the CAs ruling, the children
T-103141, situated in Banay-banay, Lipa City; brought the case to the Supreme Court.

that by way of a verbal lease agreement, their

son and his wife occupied these lots in March Issues:

1992 and used them as their residence and the WON the children can be ejected

situs of their construction business.

Ismael and Teresita denied the existence of any Based on the parents love reasons for
verbal lease agreement. They claimed that their gratuitously allowing the children to use the lots,
parents had invited them to construct their it can be safely concluded that the agreement
residence and business on the subject lots. They subsisted as long as the parents and the children
added that it was the policy of their parents to benefitted from the arrangement. Eectively,
allot the the land owned as an advance grant of there is a resolutory condition existing between
inheritance in favor of their children. Thus, they the parties occurs like a change of ownership,
contended that the lot covered by TCT no. necessity, death of either party or unresolved
T-103141 had been allotted to Ismael as advance conflict or animosity the agreement maybe
inheritance. On the other hand, the lot covered by deemed terminated. When persistent conflict and
TCT-78521 was allegedly given to petitioners as animosity overtook the love and solidarity
payment for construction materials used in the between the parents and the children, the
renovation of their parents house.
purpose of the agreement ceased. The children
On December 10, 1997, the parents filed with had any cause for continued possession of the
the MTCC of Lipa City an ejectment suit against lots. Their right to use became untenable. It
their children for failure to pay the agreed rental ceased upon their receipt of the notice to vacate.
despite repeated demands.
And because they refused to heed the demand,
The MTCC ruled in favor of the parents and ejectment was the proper remedy against them.

ordered the children to vacate the premises. It The children had no right to retain possession.
opined that the children had occupied the lots, The right of the children to inherit from their
not by virtue of a verbal lease agreement but by parents is merely inchoate and is vested only
tolerance of the parents. As their stay was by upon the latters demise. Rights of succession
mere tolerance, the children were necessarily are transmitted only from the moment of death of
bound by an implied promise to vacate the lots the decedent. Assuming that there was an
upon demand. The MTCC dismissed their allotment of inheritance, ownership nonetheless
contention that one lot had been allotted as an remained with the parents.

advance inheritance, on the ground that The childrens allegation that the indebtness of
succcesional rights were inchoate. It disbelieved their parent to them has been paid through
that the other parcel had been given as payment dation cannot be given credence as there were
for construction material.
no sucient proof of a settlement or contract of
On appeal, the RTC upheld the findings of the dation to settle the alleged debt, and is
MTCC. RTC allowed the parents to appropriate inconsistent of the separate action by the
the building and other improvements introduced children to recover the same debt.

by the children, after payment by indemnity As a rule, the right of ownership carries with it the
provided for bt Article 448 in relation to Article right of possession.

546 and 548 of the Civil Code.

On an appeal by both parties to the CA which Rights of a Builder in Good faith

were consolidated, the CA sustained the finding

of the lower courts that the children had been As applied to the present case, accession refers
occupying the subject lots only by the tolerance to the right of owner to everything that is
of their parent. Thus, possession of the subject incorporated or attached to the property.
lots by the children became illegal upon their Accession industrial building, planting and
receipt of letter to vacate it. The CA modified the sowing on an immovable is governed by
RTC Decision by declaring that Article 448 of the Articles 445 to 456 of the Civil Code.

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As the court found that the children possession covered veranda and a concrete hollow block
of the two lots was not by mere tolerance, the fence, at their own expense, and with appellants
applicable rule would be Article 448. This article consent, which renovation was made without
has been applied to cases wherein a builder had altering the form and substance of the subject
constructed improvements with the consent of property. Also, appellees argued that what they
the owner.
removed was merely the improvements made on

the subject property, which removal had not
Case No. 78: Mores vs. Yu-Go. GR No. 172292. caused any substantial damage thereto as, in
July 23, 2010
fact, it remained intact. By way of counterclaims,
they demanded payment of actual damages,
attorneys fees and litigation expenses.

Indeed, full reimbursement of useful

improvements and retention of the premises until The trial court promulgated its Decision in favor
reimbursement is made applies only to a of the spouses Mores ruling that Defendants,
possessor in good faith, i.e., one who builds on who are possessors in good faith, were able to
land with the belief that he is the owner thereof.
prove by preponderance of evidence that they
removed only the improvements they introduced
It does not apply where ones only interest is that without destroying the principal building, after the
of a lessee under a rental contract; otherwise, it plaintis refused to pay them the reasonable
would always be in the power of the tenant to value of the improvements. x x x However, the
"improve" his landlord out of his property.
appellate court disagreed that spouses Mores
were in good faith, believing that the relationship
between the Yu siblings and the spouses Mores
This case stemmed from an injunction suit filed is one between a lessor and a lessee, making
by plainti-appellants Yu-go, alleging that, Article 1678 of the Civil Code applicable to the
sometime in March 1983, appellees Mores, present case. The options given by Article 1678,
pleaded to appellants that they be allowed to the right of appropriating the useful
stay in the subject property in the meantime that improvements after reimbursing 50% of its value
they did not own a house yet. Said property was or the right of removal of the useful
co-owned by plainti-appellants. They readily improvements, are given by law to the lessor -
agreed without asking for any rental but subject the Yu siblings. Hence the appellate court
only to the condition that the said stay would last ordered the spouses Mores to pay the Yu siblings
until anyone of appellants would need the subject moral damages worthP100,000 and denied
property. Forthwith, appellees and their children Mores Motion for Reconsideration for want of
occupied the same as agreed upon.

In November 1997, appellants made known to ISSUE:

appellees that they were already in need of the Whether or not the appellate court awarding the
subject property. However, appellees begged that Yu siblings moral damages in the amount of
they be given more time. Extensions of time were P100,000 is rendered with grave abuse of
repeatedly given to appellee but, instead of discretion and is not in accord with the decisions
heeding such demand, appellees hired some of this Court.

laborers and started demolishing the

improvements on the subject property on RULING:

January 20, 1999.

The petition has merit.

Consequently, appellants instituted the said The good faith referred to by Alida Mores was
action for injunction where they also prayed for about the building of the improvements on the
the reimbursement of the value of the residential leased subject property. However, tenants like the

building illegally demolished. Appellees filed their spouses Mores cannot be said to be builders in
Answer where they denied the material good faith as they have no pretension to be
averments of the complaint. They claimed that o w n e r s o f t h e p r o p e r t y. I n d e e d , f u l l
appellees were the ones who caused its reimbursement of useful improvements and
renovation consisting of a 3-bedroom annex, a retention of the premises until reimbursement is
11 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

made applies only to a possessor in good faith, the house of the defendants occupies a
i.e., one who builds on land with the belief that he portion of 5 square meters of the land
is the owner thereof. It does not apply where pertaining to plaintiffs which the defendant
ones only interest is that of a lessee under a obviously built in good faith, the provisions of
rental contract; otherwise, it would always be in Article 448 of the new Civil Code should
the power of the tenant to "improve" his landlord apply.
out of his property.

The appellate court is correct in ruling that Article An action for partition of a parcel of land was
1678 of the Civil Code should apply in the filed by the spouses Del Campo in the CFI of
present case. Article 1678 reads: If the lessee Cebu. Plaintiffs and defendants are co-
makes, in good faith, useful improvements which owners pro indiviso of this lot in the
are suitable to the use for which the lease is proportion of and 1/3 share each,
intended, without altering the form or substance respectively. The trial court appointed a
of the property leased, the lessor upon the commissioner in accordance with the
termination of the lease shall pay the lessee one- agreement of the parties. The commissioner
half of the value of the improvements at that time. conducted a survey, prepared a sketch plan
Should the lessor refuse to reimburse said and submitted a report to the trial court on
amount, the lessee may remove the May 29, 1976, recommending that the
improvements, even though the principal thing property be divided into two lots: Lot 1161-A
may suer damage thereby. He shall not, with an area of 30 square meters for the
however, cause any more impairment upon the spouses Del Campo and Lot No. 1161-B with
property leased than is necessary.
an area of 15 square meters for Obesia.
Upon surveying, it was shown that the house
With regard to the ornamental expenses, the of Obesia occupied the portion with an area
lessee shall not be entitled to any reimbursement, of 5 square meters of Lot 1161-A of the
but he may remove the ornamental objects, spouses Del Campo. The parties manifested
provided no damage is caused to the principal their conformity to the report and asked the
thing, and the lessor does not choose to retain trial court to finally settle and adjudicate who
them by paying their value at the time the lease is among the parties should take possession of
the 5 square meters of the land in question.

There is thus no reason for the appellate courts ISSUE:

award of moral damages to the Yu siblings. We Whether or Not Article 448 of the Civil Code
agree with the trial courts finding that the is applicable to a builder in good faith when
spouses Mores "removed only the improvements the property involved is owned in common.
they introduced without destroying the principal
building, after the [Yu siblings] refused to pay HELD:
them the reasonable value of the improvements." When the co-ownership is terminated by the
When the spouses Mores demanded partition and it appears that the house of
reimbursement, the Yu siblings should have Obesia occupies a portion of 5 square meters
oered to pay the spouses Mores one-half of the of the land pertaining to spouses Del Campo
value of the improvements. Since the Yu siblings which Obesia obviously built in good faith,
failed to make such oer, the spouses Mores had the provisions of Article 448 of the new Civil
the right to remove the improvements.
Code should apply.

Petition is Granted with Modification as to In applying Article 448 of the New Civil Code,
damages awarded to the Yu siblings
the plaintiffs have the right to appropriate
said portion of the house of defendants upon
Case No. 79: Del Campo vs. Abesia GR. No. payment of indemnity to defendants as
L-49219. April 15, 1988
provided for in Article 546 of the Civil Code.
Otherwise, the plaintiffs may oblige the
DOCTRINE: When the co-ownership is defendants to pay the price of the land
terminated by the partition and it appears that occupied by their house. But if the price
12 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

asked for is considerably much more than the built had nipa roofing but was later changed to
value of the portion of the house of galvanized iron sheets; that at the beginning, it
defendants built thereon, then the latter had no partition downstairs and the second floor
cannot be obliged to buy the land. The was an open space; that the conversion from a
defendants shall then pay the reasonable recreation hall to a residential house was with the
rent to the plaintiff upon such terms and knowledge of Eufrocino Roxas and was not
conditions that they may agree. In case of objected to by any of the Board of Directors of
disagreement, the trial court shall fix the the plainti; that most of the materials used in
terms thereof. The defendants may opt to converting the building into a residential house
demolish or remove the said portion of their came from the materials left by Coppola, a film
house, at their own expense, if they so producer, who filmed the movie "Apocalypse
decide. Now"; that Coppola left the materials as part of
his payment for rents of the rooms that he
Case No. 80: Boyer-Roxas vs. Court of Appeals, occupied in the resort; that after the said
GR. No. 100866. July 14, 1992
recreation hall was converted into a residential
house, defendant Guillermo Roxas moved in and
occupied the same together with his family
Plainti, Heirs of Eugenia V Roxas, Incorporated, sometime in 1977 or 1978; that during the time
was incorporated on December 4, 1962 (Exh. Eufrocino Roxas was still alive, Eriberto Roxas
"C") with the primary purpose of engaging in was the general manager of the corporation and
agriculture to develop the properties inherited there was seldom any board meeting; that
from Eugenia V. Roxas and that of y Eufrocino Eufrocino Roxas together with Eriberto Roxas
Roxas; that the Articles of Incorporation of the were (sic) the ones who were running the
plainti, in 1971, was amended to allow it to corporation; that during this time, Eriberto Roxas
engage in the resort business (Exh."C-1"); that was the restaurant and wine concessionaire of
the incorporators as original members of the the resort; that after the death of Eufrocino
board of directors of the plainti were all Roxas, Eriberto Roxas continued as the general
members of the same family, with Eufrocino manager until his death in 1980; that after the
Roxas having the biggest share; that accordingly, death of Eriberto Roxas in 1980, the defendants
the plainti put up a resort known as Hidden Rebecca B. Roxas and Guillermo Roxas,
Valley Springs Resort on a portion of its land committed acts that impeded the plainti's
located at Bo. Limao, Calauan, Laguna, and expansion and normal operation of the resort;
covered by TCT No. 32639 (Exhs. "A" and "A-l"); that the plainti could not even use its own
that improvements were introduced in the resort pavilions, kitchen and other facilities because of
by the plainti and among them were cottages, the acts of the defendants which led to the filing
houses or buildings, swimming pools, tennis of criminal cases in court; that on August 27,
court, restaurant and open pavilions; that the 1983, because of the acts of the defendants, the
house near the Balugbugan Pool (Exh. "B-l") Board of Directors of the plainti adopted
being occupied by Rebecca B. Roxas was Resolution No. 83-12 series of 1983 (Exh. "F")
originally intended as sta house but later used authorizing the ejectment of the defendants from
as the residence of Eriberto Roxas, deceased the premises occupied by them; that on
husband of the defendant Rebecca Boyer-Roxas September 1, 1983, demand letters were sent to
and father of Guillermo Roxas; that this house Rebecca Boyer-Roxas and Guillermo Roxas
presently being occupied by Rebecca B. Roxas (Exhs. "D" and "D-1") demanding that they
was built from corporate funds; that the vacate the respective premises they occupy; and
construction of the unfinished house (Exh. "B-2") that the dispute between the plainti and the
was started by the defendant Rebecca Boyer- defendants was brought before the barangay
Roxas and her husband Eriberto Roxas; that the level and the same was not settled

third building (Exh. "B-3") presently being The petitioners point out that their occupancy of
occupied by Guillermo Roxas was originally the sta house which was later used as the
intended as a recreation hall but later converted residence of Eriberto Roxas, husband of
as a residential house; that this house was built petitioner Rebecca Boyer-Roxas and the
also from corporate funds; that the said house recreation hall which was converted into a
occupied by Guillermo Roxas when it was being residential house were with the blessings of
13 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Eufrocino Roxas, the deceased husband of Eufrocino Roxas, who during his lifetime,
Eugenia V. Roxas, who was the majority and controlled and managed the corporation.
controlling stockholder of the corporation. In his Eufrocino Roxas' actions could not have bound
lifetime, Eufrocino Roxas together with Eriberto the corporation forever. The petitioners have not
Roxas, the husband of petitioner Rebecca Boyer- cited any provision of the corporation by-laws or
Roxas, and the father of petitioner Guillermo any resolution or act of the Board of Directors
Roxas managed the corporation. The Board of which authorized Eufrocino Roxas to allow them
Directors did not object to such an arrangement.
to stay within the company premises forever. We
rule that in the absence of any existing contract
between the petitioners and the respondent
WON, the authority thus given by Eufrocino corporation, the corporation may elect to eject
Roxas for the conversion of the recreation hall the petitioners at any time it wishes for the
into a residential house can no longer be b e n e fi t a n d i n t e re s t o f t h e re s p o n d e n t
questioned by the stockholders of the private corporation.

respondent and/or its board of directors for they

impliedly but no leas explicitly delegated such Case No. 81: Sarmiento vs. Agana, GR
authority to said Eufrocino Roxas.
No. 57288. April 30, 1984


NO. Again, we must emphasize that the While one Ernesto was still courting his wife, the
respondent corporation has a distinct personality latter's mother had told him the couple could
separate from its members. The corporation build a residential house on a certain lot. They
transacts its business only through its ocers or constructed a residential house.

agents. (Western Agro Industrial Corporation v.

Court of Appeals, supra). Whatever authority Subsequently, the land was sold to petitioner
these ocers or agents may have is derived from Sarmiento, who asked Ernesto and his wife to
the board of directors or other governing body vacate. Sarmiento filed an Ejectment suit against
unless conferred by the charter of the them.

corporation. An ocer's power as an agent of the

corporation must be sought from the statute, In the evidentiary hearing, Sarmiento submitted
charter, the by-laws or in a delegation of authority the deed of sale of the land which showed the
to such ocer, from the acts of the board of price to be PHP15,000. On the otherhand,
directors, formally expressed or implied from a Ernesto testified that the residential house then
habit or custom of doing business. (Vicente v. cost PHP30,000-40,000, which was not
Geraldez, 52 SCRA 210 [1973])

In the present case, the record shows that

Eufrocino V. Roxas who then controlled the The MTC found that Ernesto was a builder in
management of the corporation, being the good faith and the house had a value of
m a j o r i t y s t o c k h o l d e r, c o n s e n t e d t o t h e PHP20,000. When the case was elevated, the CFI
petitioners' stay within the questioned properties. of Pasay ordered Sarmiento to exercise his
Specifically, Eufrocino Roxas gave his consent to option, to reimburse Ernesto for the sum of the
the conversion of the recreation hall to a house or allow them to purchase the land, within
residential house, now occupied by petitioner sixty days. Upon expiration of the period, Ernesto
Guillermo Roxas. The Board of Directors did not was allowed to deposit the sum of PHP25,000
object to the actions of Eufrocino Roxas. The with the Court as the purchase price for the land.

petitioners were allowed to stay within the

questioned properties until August 27, 1983, ISSUE:

when the Board of Directors approved a WON private respondents are builders in good
Resolution ejecting the petitioners,
faith. -- YES

We find nothing irregular in the adoption of the

Resolution by the Board of Directors. The HELD:

petitioners' stay within the questioned properties Ernesto and his wife were builders in good faith in
was merely by tolerance of the respondent view of the peculiar circumstance under which
corporation in deference to the wishes of they had constructed the residential house. As far
14 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

as they knew, the land was owned by Ernesto's Remedies of Landowner if Builder/Planter
mother-in-law, and could reasonably be expected Refuses to pay
to later on give them the land.

(1) Option of owner to sell land or aected
The owner of the building erected in good faith portion thereof

on a land owned by another, is entitled to retain

the possession of the land until he is paid the Where a person built a portion of his
value of his building. The owner of the land, has house on anothers land, it would be unfair or
the option either to pay for the building or to sell impractical for the latter to pay for said portion of
his land to the owner of the building. But he the house which is not only prejudicial but is
cannot, as Sarmiento did, refuse both to pay for certainly a nuisance to his property.

the building and to sell the land and compel the

owner of the building to remove it from the land If the builder fails to pay for the land the
where it is erected.
landowner can avail of his remedies under the

Option Given to Landowner

(2) Remedies where builder or planter refuses to
Option alternative or preclusive pay

Generally, the landowner can exercise a They may assume the relation of lessor-lessee,
remedy of his own liking. He is given the option, and should there be disagreement on the terms
of the lease, the courts could fix them; or

They may sell the property at public auction

(a) To appropriate the improvement upon and apply the proceeds of the sale, first, to the
payment of the required indemnity based on value of the land and the excess to the
its present or concurrent value, pursuant to improvements.

Article 546 and 548; or

Should no other arrangement be agreed upon,
the owner of the land does not automatically
Liability of builder, etc. to account for fruits become the owner of the improvement.

(c) Reason for the Option

Whatever fruits (rents) he receives during the

period of retention must be deducted from Whatever is built, planted or sown on the
whatever indemnity is due to him; and in case it land of another, the improvements or repairs
exceeds the value of the indemnity, the excess made thereon, belong to the owner of the land.

shall be returned to the owner of the land.

(1) Just and equitable solution to conflict of

However, If the building is occupied by the rights

builder himself who acted in good faith, the

landowner has no right to collect rents for the The law provided a just and equitable
occupants of the land while the latter retains solution by giving the owner of the land the
the building.
option or choice to acquire the improvements
after payment of the proper indemnity or to oblige
(b) To oblige the builder or planter to pay the the builder or planter pay for the land and the
price of the land, and the sower, to pay the sower to pay the proper rent.

proper rent.

(2) Principle of Accession

When this right cannot be exercised

The owner is entitled to the ownership of
(1) When other provisions of law govern
the accessory thing because the accessory
(2) Improvement constructed on ones own land follows the principal and not the other way
subsequently sold

(3) Builder, a belligerent occupant

15 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

(3) Benefit to builder


Instead of being outrightly ejected from WON the petitioners are in good faith

the land, he can compel the landowner to make a

choice between the two options, either to pay the
improvement or to sell the land.

Case No. 82: Ochoa vs. Apeta., GR No. Sept. 13, Good faith is an intangible and abstract quality
2007 with no technical meaning or statutory definition,
and it encompasses, among other things, an
honest belief, the absence of malice and the
absence of design to defraud or to seek an
Since 1910, the above-named petitioners and unconscionable advantage. It implies honesty of
their predecessors-in-interest have been intention, and freedom from knowledge of
occupying Lot No. 1580 consisting of 886 square circumstances which ought to put the holder
meters situated in Malaban, Bian, Laguna. The upon inquiry.8 The essence of good faith lies in
lot is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) an honest belief in the validity of ones right,
No. T40624 of the Registry of Deeds of that ignorance of a superior claim and absence of
province. They built their houses and apartment intention to overreach another.9 Applied to
building thereon.
possession, one is considered in good faith if he
Sometime in May 10, 1982, Mauro Apeta and is not aware that there exists in his title or mode
Apolonia Almazan, respondents, found that they of acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.10

are the true owners of Lot No. 1580 being Using the above parameters, we are convinced
occupied by petitioners.
that petitioners and their predecessors-in-interest
On January 22, 1988, respondents filed with the were in good faith when they built their houses
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 24, Bian, and apartment building on Lot No. 1580 since
Laguna a complaint for recovery of possession they were convinced it was covered by their TCT
and damages against petitioners, docketed as No. T-40624.

Civil Case No. B-2777. Respondents alleged in

the main that they are the lawful owners of Lot Under the foregoing provisions, the landowner
No. 1580 covered by Certificate of Title No. can make a choiceeither by appropriating the
RT-599 (10731) issued by the Registry of Deeds building by paying the proper indemnity or
of Laguna.
obliging the builder to pay the price of the land.
In their answer to the complaint, petitioners The choice belongs to the owner of the land, a
specifically denied the allegations in the rule that accords with the principle of accession
complaint, contending that they are the owners of that the accessory follows the principal and not
Lot No. 1580 as shown by TCT No. T-40624 the other way around. He must choose only one.

issued by the Registry of Deeds of Laguna.

During the proceedings before the RTC, upon Following the above provisions, respondents, as
agreement of the parties, the trial judge owners of Lot No. 1580, may choose between
commissioned Engr. Romulo Unciano of the appropriating as their own the houses and
Bureau of Lands of Region IV to conduct a apartment building constructed thereon by
resurvey of the disputed property. The result of petitioners and their predecessors-in-interest by
the resurvey (approved by the Bureau of Lands) paying the proper indemnity or value; or obliging
shows that Lot No. 1580, occupied by petitioners to pay the price of Lot No. 1580 which
petitioners, was registered in the name of is not more than that of the improvements

Margarita Almada, respondents predecessor-in-

interest; and that the lot covered by TCT No. Right of the landowner to Remove or Demolish
T-40624 is not Lot No. 1580, but Lot No. 1581 Improvment
registered in the name of Servillano Ochoa,
petitioners predecessor-in-interest. This lot has (1) Obligation of owner to exercise option

been occupied by Isidro Jasmin.

Since the option is given to the

landowner and it is limited the choices provided
16 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

by law , he cannot refuse to exercise his right of were, however, rejected by petitioners whose
choice and compel the builder to remove or counsel directed Castelltort to stop the
demolish the improvement.
construction of and demolish his house and any
other structure he may have built thereon, and
(2) Where owner has no option
desist from entering the lot. Petitioners
subsequently filed a complaint for recovery of
When the owner has not been active in possession and damages with prayer for the
exercising his right, the owner is deemed to have issuance of a restraining order and preliminary
waived his right to recover possession of his injunction against spouses-respondents Miguel
property and the construction thereon. His only and Judith Castelltort before the RTC of
remedy would be to recover damages for the Calamba, Laguna

value of the property taken.


(3) When owner entitled to remove

Under Art 448, who has the right of option?

When after having chosen to sell his land, HELD:

the other party fails to pay for the same.

Under Article 448, the landowner can choose
between appropriating the building by paying the
(4) Character of Improvement
proper indemnity or obliging the builder to pay
the price of the land, unless its value is
Must be of a permanent character, considerably more than that of the structures, in
attached to the soil with an idea of perpetuity, but which case the builder in good faith shall pay
if it is of a transitory character or is transferable, reasonable rent. If the parties cannot come to
there is no accession and, therefore, the terms over the conditions of the lease, the court
landowner has every rich to have the same must fix the terms thereof.The choice belongs to
removed from his property.
the owner of the land, a rule that accords with the
principle of accession, i.e.,that the accessory
Case No. 83: Rosales vs. Castelltort, Supra. follows the principal and not the other way
around. Even as the option lies with the
landowner, the grant to him, nevertheless, is
Spouses-petitioners Rodolfo V. Rosales and Lily preclusive. The landowner cannot refuse to
Rosqueta-Rosales (petitioners) are the registered exercise either option and compel instead the
owners of a parcel of land designated as Lot 17, owner of the building to remove it from the
Block 1 of Subdivision Plan situated in Los land.The raison detre for this provision has been
Baos, Laguna.
enunciated thus: Where the builder, planter or
sower has acted in good faith, a conflict of rights
Petitioners discovered that a house was being arises between the owners, and it becomes
constructed on their lot, without their knowledge necessary to protect the owner of the
and consent, by respondent Miguel Castelltort improvements without causing injustice to the
(Castelltort). It turned out that respondents owner of the land. In view of the impracticability
Castelltort and his wife Judith had purchased a of creating a state of forced co-ownership, the
lot, Lot 16 of the same Subdivision Plan, from law has provided a just solution by giving the
respondent Lina Lopez-Villegas (Lina) through her owner of the land the option to acquire the
son-attorney-in-fact Rene Villegas (Villegas) but improvements after payment of the proper
that after a survey thereof by geodetic engineer indemnity, or to oblige the builder or planter to
Augusto Rivera, he pointed to Lot 17 as the Lot pay for the land and the sower the proper rent.
16 the Castelltorts purchased.
He cannot refuse to exercise either option. It is
the owner of the land who is authorized to
Negotiations for the settlement of the case thus exercise the option, because his right is older,
began, with Villegas oering a larger lot near and because, by the principle of accession, he is
petitioners lot in the same subdivision as a entitled to the ownership of the accessory thing.

replacement thereof. In the alternative, Villegas

proposed to pay the purchase price of
petitioners lot with legal interest. Both proposals
17 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Case No. 84: Depra vs. Dumlao., GR No. wherein the first case was for ejectment and the
L-57348. May 16, 1985 other was for quieting of title.

DOCTRINE: The owner of land on which ART. 448. The owner of the land on which
improvement was built by another in good faith is anything has been built sown or planted in good
entitled to removal of improvement only after land faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his
owner has opted to sell the land and the builder own the works, sowing or planting, after payment
refused to pay for the same. where the lands of the indemnity provided for in articles 546 and
value is considerably more than the improvement, 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted to
the landowner cannot compel the builder to buy pay the price of the land, and the one who
the land. In such event, a forced lease is sowed, the proper rent.

created and the court shall fix the terms thereof in

case the parties disagree thereon.
However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged
to buy the land if its value is considerably more
than that of the building or trees. In such case, he
Francisco Depra, is the owner of a parcel of land shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land
registered, situated in the municipality of does not choose to appropriate the building or
Dumangas, Iloilo. Agustin Dumlao, defendant- trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall
appellant, owns an adjoining lot. When Dumlao agree upon the terms of the lease and in case of
constructed his house on his lot, the kitchen disagreement, the court shall fix the terms
thereof had encroached on an area of thirty four thereof.

(34) square meters of Depras property, After the

encroachment was discovered in a relocation Builders/Sowers/Planters Right to Retain
survey of Depras lot made on November 2, 1972, Improvement
his mother, Beatriz Depra after writing a demand
letter asking Dumlao to move back from his Until indemnity which includes necessary
encroachment, filed an action for Unlawful and useful expenses has been paid in full by the
Detainer. Said complaint was later amended to landowner who was elected to appropriate the
include Depra as a party plainti. After trial, the improvements, the builder, etc., may retain both
Municipal Court found that Dumlao was a builder the land and the improvements even against the
in good faith, and applying Article 448 of the Civil real owner.

Code. Depra did not accept payment of rentals

so that Dumlao deposited such rentals with the Case No. 85: Nuguid vs. Court of Appeals GR.
Municipal Court. In this case, the Municipal No. 151815. February 23, 2005
Court, acted without jurisdiction, its Decision was
null and void and cannot operate as res judicata FACTS:

to the subject complaint for Quieting of Title. The Pedro P. Pecson owned a commercial lot located
court conceded in the MCs decision that Dumlao at Quezon City, on which he built a four-door
is a builder in good faith.
two-storey apartment building. For failure to pay
realty taxes, the lot was sold at public auction by
t h e C i t y Tr e a s u r e r o f Q u e z o n C i t y t o
Whether or not the factual situations of Dumlao Nepomuceno, who in turn sold it for P103,000 to
and Depra conform to the juridical positions the spouses Juan and Erlinda Nuguid.

respectively defined by law, for a "builder in good

faith" under Article 448, a "possessor in good Pecson challenged the validity of the auction sale
faith" under Article 526 and a "landowner in good before the RTC of Quezon City. In its Decision,
faith' under Article 448?
the RTC upheld the spouses title but declared
that the four-door two-storey apartment building
was not included in the auction sale. This was
Owner of the land on which improvement was armed in toto by the Court of Appeals and
built by another in good faith is entitled to thereafter by this Court, in its Decision dated May
removal of improvement only after landowner has 25, 1993, in G.R. No. 105360 entitled Pecson v.
opted to sell the land and the builder refused to Court of Appeals.

pay for the same. Res judicata doesnt apply

18 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Nuguid spouses moved for delivery of Whether or not the petitioners should reimburse
possession of the lot and the apartment building.
the respondent for the improvements of the
building -- YES

In its Order of November 15, 1993, the trial court,

relying upon Article 546 of the Civil Code, ruled HELD:

that the Spouses Nuguid were to reimburse It is not disputed that the construction of the four-
Pecson for his construction cost of P53,000, door two-storey apartment, subject of this
following which, the spouses Nuguid were dispute, was undertaken at the time when
entitled to immediate issuance of a writ of Pecson was still the owner of the lot. When the
possession over the lot and improvements. In Nuguids became the uncontested owner of the
the same order the RTC also directed Pecson to lot on June 23, 1993, by virtue of entry of
pay the same amount of monthly rentals to the judgment of the Courts decision, dated May 25,
Nuguids as paid by the tenants occupying the 1993, in G.R. No. 105360, the apartment building
apartment units or P21,000 per month from June was already in existence and occupied by
23, 1993, and allowed the oset of the amount of tenants. In its decision dated May 26, 1995 in
P53,000 due from the Nuguids against the G.R. No. 115814, the Court declared the rights
amount of rents collected by Pecson from June and obligations of the litigants in accordance with
23, 1993 to September 23, 1993 from the tenants Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code. These
of the apartment.
provisions of the Code are directly applicable to

the instant case.

After conducting a hearing, the lower court

issued an Order dated, directing the spouses to Under Article 448, the landowner is given the
pay the sum of P1,344,000 as reimbursement of option, either to appropriate the improvement as
the unrealized income of Pecson for the period his own upon payment of the proper amount of
beginning November 22, 1993 up to December indemnity or to sell the land to the possessor in
1997. The sum was based on the computation of good faith. Relatedly, Article 546 provides that a
P28,000/month rentals of the four-door builder in good faith is entitled to full
reimbursement for all the necessary and useful
expenses incurred; it also gives him right of
Pecson filed a petition for review before this retention until full reimbursement is made.

Court. The Court handed down the decision

remanding to the trial court for it to determine the While the law aims to concentrate in one person
current market value of the apartment building on the ownership of the land and the improvements
the lot. The value so determined shall be thereon in view of the impracticability of creating
forthwith paid by Spouses Juan and Erlinda a state of forced co-ownership,it guards against
Nuguid to Pedro Pecson otherwise the petitioner unjust enrichment insofar as the good-faith
shall be restored to the possession of the builders improvements are concerned. The right
apartment building until payment of the required of retention is considered as one of the measures
devised by the law for the protection of builders
in good faith. Its object is to guarantee full and
On the basis of this Courts decision, Pecson filed prompt reimbursement as it permits the actual
a Motion to Restore Possession and a Motion to possessor to remain in possession while he has
Render Accounting, praying respectively for not been reimbursed (by the person who
restoration of his possession over the subject defeated him in the case for possession of the
256-square meter commercial lot and for the property) for those necessary expenses and
spouses Nuguid to be directed to render an useful improvements made by him on the thing
accounting under oath, of the income derived possessed. Accordingly, a builder in good faith
from the subject four-door apartment from cannot be compelled to pay rentals during the
November 22, 1993 until possession of the same period of retention nor be disturbed in his
was restored to him.
possession by ordering him to vacate. In

addition, as in this case, the owner of the land is
prohibited from osetting or compensating the
necessary and useful expenses with the fruits
received by the builder-possessor in good faith.
19 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Otherwise, the security provided by law would be (4) Where land registered under the Torrens
impaired. This is so because the right to the system

expenses and the right to the fruits both pertain

to the possessor, making compensation Any purchaser for value, without notice,
juridically impossible; and one cannot be used to who buys the land on reliance on such title will
reduce the other.
take the property free from the builders lien.

The text of the decision in G.R. No. 115814 Builder/Planter/Sower in Bad Faith
expressly exempted Pecson from liability to pay
rentals, for we found that the Court of Appeals Instances of Bad Faith:

erred not only in upholding the trial courts

determination of the indemnity, but also in Case No. 86: Rodriguez Sr. vs. Francisco GR.
ordering him to account for the rentals of the No. L-13343. Dec. 29, 2962
apartment building from June 23, 1993 to
September 23, 1993, the period from entry of Exequiel Ampil executed a deed of sale covering
judgment until Pecsons dispossession. As the land in favor of defendant Maximo Francisco.
pointed out by Pecson, the dispositive portion of Sometime thereafter, the defendant took
our decision in G.R. No. 115814 need not possession of the premises which, upon his
specifically include the income derived from the death, was continued by his heirs up to the
improvement in order to entitle him, as a builder present, publicly and in the concept of owner.
in good faith, to such income. The right of Despite the sale, the Torrens title continued until
retention, which entitles the builder in good faith 1937 in the name of the vendor Exequiel Ampil.

to the possession as well as the income derived

therefrom, is already provided for under Article Upon the foregoing facts the trial court adjudged
546 of the Civil Code.
plainti the rightful owner of the disputed land
and ordered defendant to deliver its possession
Eect of Alienation by Owner of Land with to him, but found defendant to be a possessor in
Improvements good faith and hence free from liability for

(1) Where purchaser paid only price of land

The judgment appealed from was armed in so

A purchaser, in accordance with Article far as it declared plainti the owner, and therefore
453, who buys land with improvements belonging entitled to the possession, of the land in
to another knowing such fact, places himself in question. SC is of the opinion, did not necessarily
the position of an owner of land who has acted in make appellee a possessor in bad faith. It has not
bad faith
been shown that Maximo Francisco was notified
or had actual knowledge of the said proceeding
(2) Where purchaser paid also value of for consolidation of ownership in appellant.


The possession having begun in good faith the

The action may still be brought against presumption is that it continued to be enjoyed in
him without prejudice to his right to recover the the same character until it could be proven that
former owner.
the possessor was not unaware that his
possession was wrongful (Article 528 and 529,
It can be presumed that the purchase Civil Code).

price of the land includes the improvements.

However, we agree with appellant's alternative

(3) Option given to purchaser
contention that on the date of the service of
summons upon appellee in this case, considering
A purchaser in good faith is given the that the former was thereafter declared owner by
choice, if the former owner had not exercised his final judgment, appellee's possession in good
option, either to pay for the value of the house, or faith was interrupted and hence from that time he
require the builder to pay for the value of the lost the right to the fruits.


20 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Considering, however, that there is no evidence defendant Yap when he purchased them with
as to when the cultivation of the land started and knowledge of the fact that there were other co-
when it was finished in the year 1950, appellee owners.

should be held liable for damages, consisting of Although the bad faith of one party neutralizes
the fruits of the land in question, only from the that of the other and hence as between
year 1951.
themselves their rights would be as if both of
them had acted in good faith at the time of the
Therefore, defendant-appellee, as administrator transaction, this legal fiction of Yap's good faith
of the estate of the deceased Maximo Francisco, ceased when they sold the properties as theirs
is ordered to pay, plainti-appellant.
alone; but so did the court's declaration of
liability for the rents thereafter is correct and
Case No. 87: Mindanao Academy, Inc. vs. Yap proper.

GR. No. L-17681. Feb. 26, 1965

A possessor in good faith is entitled to the fruits
By deed entitled "Mutual Agreement," executed only so long as his possession is not legally
on May 10, 1964, Rosenda A. de Nuqui (widow of interrupted, and such interruption takes place
deceased Sotero Dionisio) and her son Sotero upon service of judicial summons (Arts. 544 and
Dionisio, Jr. sold three parcels of residential land 1123, Civil Code).

and another parcel of land in favor of Ildefonso D.

Yap. Included in the sale were certain buildings Case No. 88: Lumungo vs. Usman, GR.
situated on said lands as well as laboratory No. 25359. Sept. 28, 1968
equipment, books, furniture and fixtures used by
two schools. The buyer, Ildefonso D. Yap, FACTS:
obtained possession of the properties by virtue of Dominga Usman sold and transferred her rights in and
the sale, took over the operation of the two to 3 lots in question to Jose Angeles. The latter made
the purchase with the knowledge of the dispute
between Atty. Usman, Domingas husband and by the
plaintiffs. Angeles, upon taking possession of the land
The court a quo rendered judgment that the planted the same with coconuts and most of fruit
Mutual Agreement was null and void and that bearing trees.
defeddant (Yap) is ordered to restore to the
plaintis in said case all the buildings and ISSUE:
grounds described in the Mutual Agreement Whether or not, Jose Angeles is entitled to the
together with all the permanent improvements reimbursement of the coconut tree he planted on the
thereon. The trial court held that Erlinda as well property under litigation
as her husband acted in bad faith, because
"having reasonable notice of defendants' having HELD:
unlawfully taken possession of the property, they NO. It should be noted that such improvements are not
necessary expenses of preservation which a builder,
failed to make reasonable demands for (him) to
planter or sower in bad faith my recover under the first
vacate the premises to respect their rights paragraph of Arts. 452 and 456. The facts and finding
of the RTC and CA leave no room for doubt that Jose
Angeles was a purchaser and builder in bad faith.
The lower court correctly found that both vendors
and vendee in the sale acted in bad faith and According to Art. 449, He who builds, plants or sows in
therefore must be treated, vis-a-vis each other, as bad faith on the land of another, loses what is built,
having acted in good faith. The return of the planted or sown without right to indemnity.
properties by the vendee is a necessary
consequence of the decree of annulment.
Case No. 89: Santos vs. Mojica, GR.
There can be no doubt that Erlinda D. Diaz is No. L-25450, January 31, 1969
entitled to recover a share of the said rents in
proportion to her own interest in the lands and Facts:

the interest of her four co-owners which she had

acquired. Rosenda Nuqui and her son Sotero, it On 19 March 1959, Teodorico, Carmen, Antero,
is true, acted in bad faith when they sold the Vidal, Catalina, Melanio, Manuel, Felicidad,
properties as theirs alone; but so did the Aurelio, Pacita and Eleuteria, all surnamed
21 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Allanigue (being brothers and sisters), brought an for certiorari and prohibition in the Supreme
action (Civil Case 217- R) before the CFI Rizal Court.

against their sister, Lorenza Allanigue, her

husband, Simeon Santos, Maria San Agustin and The Supreme Court denied the petition, with
Felicidad San Agustin, for partition of a 360-sq. costs against the petitioner Leonardo Santos.

m. lot situated at San Dionisio, Paraaque, Rizal,

and for the annulment of certain conveyances Successor-in-interest bound by the judgment in
involving the same. Defendants having been Civil Case 217-R Property, 2003 ( 182 )
declared in default, the trial court, after hearing Haystacks (Berne Guerrero) Leonardo Santos is
the plaintis evidence, rendered judgment bound by the judgment in Civil Case No. 217-R
ordering the partition of the lot among the 11 because he is a successor-in-interest of his
plaintis and the defendant Lorenza Allanigue. In parents, Simeon Santos and Lorenza Allanigue,
a subsequent order the court set o Lorenza defendants in Civil Case 217- R, and his right, if
Allanigues share against the amount that she had any, is claimed under them. The fact that the sale
failed to pay as rents to the plaintis as directed to Leonardo Santos from his parents was
in the decision. A writ of execution was issued on registered, is of no moment because, he is bound
the judgment ordering the defendants to vacate by the judgment against them.

the lot and deliver its possession to the plaintis. Improvement of the house made after
Leonardo Santos, not a party defendant but a predecessor-in-interest were summoned; Santos
son of defendants Simeon Santos and Lorenza a builder in bad faith, no right of indemnity
Allanigue, owned a house standing on the lot. He Leonardo Santos house having been built and
filed with the sheri a third-party claim, and with reconstructed (after March 1962) into a bigger
the court, a motion to recall the writ of execution one after his predecessors-in-interest, his
insofar as his house was concerned. The motion parents, had been summoned in 1959 in Civil
was denied. On 15 March 1962, the defendants Case 217-R, he must be deemed a builder in bad
and movant Leonardo Santos having failed to faith. As builder in bad faith he lost the
remove their houses from the lot within the period improvement made by him consisting of the
given them, the court ordered the sheri to reconstructed house to the owners of the land
demolish said houses. On 2 April 1962, Leonardo without right to indemnity, pursuant to Article 449
Santos and the defendants in the case, as of the Civil Code (He who builds, plants or sows
petitioners, filed in the Supreme Court a petition in bad faith on the land of another, loses what is
for certiorari and prohibition (GR L-19618), built, planted or sown without right to indemnity.)

against Judge Angel H. Mojica, the Provincial Options of the landowner in good faith The
Sheri of Rizal and the plaintis in the case, as owners of the land became owners of the
respondents. In its decision of 28 February 1964, improvement consisting of the house built in bad
the Supreme Court denied the petition after faith if they chose to appropriate the accession.
finding that Leonardo Santos did not follow the (Article 445 and 449, Civil Code.) However, said
procedure sanctioned by law in vindicating his owners could choose instead the demolition of
alleged ownership, i.e., he should have filed an the improvement or building at the expense of
ordinary civil action to vindicate his alleged the builder, pursuant to Article 450 of the Civil
ownership of the house and the portion of land Code, which, in part, provides The owner of the
on which it was built. After the said decision of land on which anything has been built, planted or
the Supreme Court had become final, the lower sown in bad faith may demand the demolition of
court (Judge Angel H. Mojica), on motion of the the work, or that the planting or sowing be
plaintis in the same Civil Case 217-R, ordered removed, in order to replace things in their former
the demolition of the defendants houses. The condition at the expense of the person who built,
defendants having voluntarily removed their planted or sowed. In the present case, the
houses, the only house that remained standing Allanigue brothers and sisters chose to have the
on the lot was that belonging to Leonardo house or improvement built by Leonardo Santos
Santos. Subsequently, the Judge, on motion of demolished pursuant to their motion for
the plaintis, issued an order dated 9 December demolition.

1965, directing the sheri to demolish the house Res Judicata; Identity of the case The present
of Leonardo Santos. Hence, the present petition petition is barred by the prior judgment of the
Court in GR L-19618. Petitioner Leonardo
22 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Santos, was one of the petitioners in that case Real property taxes

against the same ocial and private respondents

in the instant petition; having an identity of NOTE: Necessary expenses shall be refunded to
subject matter (the portion of the lot and the every possessor, including one in bad faith but
house standing on said portion alleged by only th possessor in good faith is entitled to
petitioner to belong to him), and identity of cause retain the thing until he is reimbursed. (Art. 546)

of action (the order of the Judge for the removal

or demolition of the houses standing on the lot). 2. Right of retention (Art. 546); Right to
The prior judgment, based on merits, had expenses of production

become final. The judgment thus in GR L-19618

is res judicata in the instant case on the question Art. 546. Necessary expenses shall be
of the validity of the order of demolition of 9 refunded to every possessor; but only the
December 1965.
possessor in good faith may retain the thing until
he has been reimbursed therefor.

Article 449, 450, & 451

Useful expenses shall be refunded only
to the possessor in food faith with the same
Art. 449. He who builds, plants or towns retention, the person who has defeated him in the
in bad faith the land of another, loses what is possession having the option of refunding the
built, planted or sown without right to indemnity.
amount of the expenses or of paying the increase
in value which the thing may have acquired by
Art. 450. The owner of the land on which reason thereof.

anything has been built, planted or sown in bad

faith may demand the demolition of the work, or
that the planting or sowing be removed, in order Rights of Owner of the Land (Art. 450 451)
to replace things in their former condition at the
expense of the person who built, planted or 1. 3 Alternative rights of a landowner in good
sowed; or he may compel the builder or planter faith:

to pay the price of the land, and the sower the a. To appropriate what has been built,
proper rent.
planted, or sown in bad faith without
any obligation to pay any indemnity
Art.451. In case of the two preceding therefor except for necessary expenses
articles, the landowners is entitled to damages for the preservation of the land, plus
from the builder, planter or sower.

b. To ask the removal or demolition of

Consequences for Bad Faith what has been built, etc. at the
builders, etc. expense, plus damages

(1) Loses what is built, planted or sown without c. To compel the builder or planter to pay
right to indemnity
the price or the value of the land,
whether or not the value of the land is
(2) Owner may demand demolition, have the considerably more than the value of the
planting or sowing removed at the expense of improvements, and the sower to pay
the person who built, planted or sowed
the proper rent, plus damages

(3) Builder or planter to pay the price of the land; NOTE: Basis for the damages is the amount
Sower pay the proper rent
which reasonably corresponds with the value of
the properties lost or destroyed as a result of the
Rights of Builder/Planter/Sower in Bad Faith occupation in bad faith, as well as the fruits from
the properties that the owner of the land
Examples of necessary expenses for the reasonably expected to obtain.

preservation of land
Defense work to prevent erosion

Litigation in defense of the land against

claims of usurpers

23 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Art. 453 is also not applicable because it requires

Article 453
that both parties should be in bad faith.

If there was bad faith, not only on the Petitioner has no right to reimbursement of the
part of the person who built, planted or sowed on value of the house which he has erected on the
the land of another, but also on the part of the residential lot of the Evangelistas, much less to
owner of such land, the rights of one and the retention of the premises until he is reimbursed.
other shall be the same as though both had acted The rights of the petitioner are more akin to those
in good faith.
of a usufructuary who, under Art. 578 may make
on the property useful improvements but with no
It is understood that there is bad faith on right to be indemnified therefor.

the part of the landowner whenever the act was

done with his knowledge and without opposition
on his part.
Article 454

Case No. 90: Floreza vs. Evangelista, GR. When the landowner acted in bad faith
No. L-25462 and the builder, planter or sower proceeded in
good faith, the provisions of article 447 shall
FACTS: apply.

The Evangelistas were the owner of a residential

lot in Rzal. They borrowed 100.00 from Floreza.
Floreza then occupied the lot and built a house Article 455
on light materials with the consent of Evangelista;
additional loans were made by Evangelista.
If the materials, plants or seeds belong to
a third person who has not acted in bad faith, the
Floreza demolished the house of light materials owner of the land shall answer subsidiarily for
and constructed one of strong materials. Floreza their value and only in the event that the one who
has not been paying rentals since the beginning made use of them has no property with which to
of their transactions. Eventually, Evangelista sold, pay.

with right to repurchase within 6 years, their land

to Floreza. Seven months before the expiration of This provision shall not apply if the owner
the repurchase period, the Evangelistas were makes use of the right granted by Article 450. If
able to pay in full. Floreza refused to vacate the the owner of the materials, plants or seeds has
lot unless he was first reimbursed for the value of been paid by the builder, planter or sower, the
the house he built.
latter may demand from the landowner the value
of the materials and labor.

Evangelistas files a complaint. RTC ruled based

on Art. 448, saying that the Evangelistas have (1) Owner of materials acted in good faith
the choice between purchasing the house or regardless of the good or bad faith of the
selling the lot to Floreza. CA ruled that Art. 448 others.

was inapplicable and that Floreza is not entitled

to the reimbursement of his house and could He is entitled to reimbursement for the
remover same at his own expense.
value of the materials principally from the builder,
etc. because he is the one who made use of the

Whether or not Floreza is entitled to

reimbursement of the cost of his house
If the latter is insolvent, the owner of the
land shall be subsidiarily liable, because he is
benefited by the accession when he appropriates
No. Issue of reimbursement is not moot because what is built etc.

if Floreza has no right to retention, then he must

pay damages in the form of rentals. CA was (2) Owner of material acted in bad faith but the
correct in saying that Art. 448 is inapplicable other in good faith

because it applies only to builder in good faith.

24 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

If the materials were used with his negligence, which give right to demand under
knowledge and without opposition on his part, article 2176

but the owner of the land and the builder, etc.

acted in good faith, he forfeits his rights to his Article 457
materials without the right to be indemnified, as
the case falls under Article 449 and makes
himself liable for any consequential damages.
To the owners of lands adjoining the
banks of rivers belong the accretion which they
(3) Only builder, etc. acted in bad faith
gradually receive from the eects of the current of
the waters.

If the owner of the land appropriates the

accession, the builder, etc. shall be principally Alluvion
liable to the owner of the materials for their value
plus damage.
The accretion which the banks of rivers
gradually receive from the eects of the current of
In case of insolvency, the owner of the the waters and which belong to the owners of
land shall be subsidiarily liable to the owner of lands adjoining the said banks.

the materials for value but not for damages for he

acted in good faith.

(4) Only owner of land acted in good faith

The process whereby soil is gradually
deposited on lands adjoining the banks of a river.

T h e l a n d o w n e r c a n e x e rc i s e h i s
alternative right under Articles 449 and 450 with a Requisites of alluvion or accretion
right to demand damages from both.

(1) The deposit or accumulation of soil or

(5) All acted in bad faith
sediments must be gradual and

Article 455 will apply for, in accordance (2) The accretion results from the eect or action
with Article 453, their rights shall be the same as of the current of the water of the river; and

though all of them acted in good faith.

(3) The land where accretion takes place must be
adjacent to the bank of a river.

(6) Liability of landowner (Requisites to be liable)

Reasons given for granting a riparian owner the

(a) The owner of the materials has not acted in right to any land or alluvion deposited by a river;
bad faith;

(b) the builder, etc. has no property with which to (1) To compensate him for the danger of loss or
diminution that he suers because of the
(c) The landowner appropriates the accession to location of his land;

(2) To compensate him for the encumbrances
and various kinds of easements to which his
(7) Right of Builder, etc. who pays owner of property is subject;

(3) To promote the interest of agriculture for the
riparian owner is in the best position to utilize
(a) The builder, etc., acted in good faith;
the accretion.

(b) The owner of the land appropriates the

Accretion aecting lands registered under the
Torrens system.
Article 456
(1) In case of diminution of area

In the case regulated in the preceding The torrens registration of the land does
articles, good faith does not necessarily exclude not protect the riparian owner against diminution
25 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

of the area of his land through gradual changes in Issue:

the course of the adjoining stream.

Whether or not the respondents have a better
claim over the lot-an accretion of Cut-cut Creek.

(2) In case of increase of area


An alluvion is automatically owned by the Respondent has the right over the lot in question.

riparian owner from the moment the soil deposit

can be seen, does not automatically become Under Article 84 of the Spanish law now known
registered land, just because the lot which to be Article 457 of the Civil Code states that to
receives such accretion is covered by a Torrens the owners of land adjoin the banks of rivers
Title, thereby making the alluvial property belong to the accretion which they gradually
receive from eects of the current of the water. It
is explicit to say that the alluvial deposits along
Case No. 91: Oce of the City Mayor vs. Ebio., the banks of a creek do not form of the public
GR.. No. 178411, June 23, 2010 domain as the alluvial property automatically
belongs to the owner of the estate to which it
may have been added. The only restriction by law
Respondent Ebio claimed that they were the to the owner is that the adjoining property must
absolute owners of the lot in question. However, register the same under the Torrens system by
petitioner Oce of the City Mayor insisted that acquisitive prescription.

the subjected land is public domain and cannot

be appropriated through private ownership. The Furthermore, with regards of the state being an
said land was an accretion of Cut-cut Creek. interested party of the case, the SC held that the
Respondent has been the original occupant and state is neither a necessary nor an indispensable
possessor of the said parcel of land was their party to an action where no positive act shall be
great grandfather and from then on, Pedro requiring for it or where no obligation shall be
continuously and exclusively occupied and imposed upon it, such in the case at bar.

possessed said land. Furthermore, Pedro had

already obtained for tax declaration over the Hence, SC Denied the petition of the Oce of the
property in his name. Since then, respondent City Mayor for lack of merit.

religiously paying real property taxes.

Case No. 92: Republic vs. Abrille., GR. No.

Pedro executed a notarized transfer of right L-39248, May 7, 1976
ceding his claim for over the entire parcel of land
in favor to Mario Ebio.

The Republic, represented by the Director of

The Sanguniang Barangay of Vitalez passed a Lands, filed a complaint for Annulment of
resolution seeking assistance from the City Certificate of Title alleging that the subdivision of
Government of Paranaque for the construction of a parcel of land owned by defendant into two lots
an access road along Cut-cut creek. Aected included an excess area of 82,127 square meters;

re s i d e n t s fi l e d o p p o s i t i o n s t o t h e C i t y
Government. In 2003, residents were surprised the land registration Commissioner approved
when several ocials from the barangay and the said petition for subdivision and in view of which
city planning oce proceeded to cut eight transfer certificate of title, which included the
coconut trees planted on said lot. Threatened of excess area, were by the Register of Deeds. The
the claim of ownership and being evicted from lower court rendered judgement cancelling the
the said lot, respondents went to RTC Paranaque new certificates of title containing the area and
and applied for a writ of preliminary injunction. ordered the Register of Deeds to issue new ones
RTC issued an Order denying the petition of the in lieu thereof after the increased portion had
respondents. Respondents elevated the matter to been deducted. Hence appealed to the CA, the
the Court of Appeals, CA issued an Order latter certified the case to the SC since it involved
arming their claim. Petitioner Oce of the City purely questions of law.

Mayor raised the Issue to the Supreme Court.

26 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

duplicate original certificate of title to the
Whether or not the excess 82,127 square meters applicant by the register of deeds upon
be registered on the name of private persons.
payment of the prescribed fess.

Since not all of the requisite are present, lower
The lower was correct in cancelling the transfer court decision is armed.

certificate of title with regard to the increase area

of 82,127 square meters.
Case No. 93: Grande vs. CA., GR. No. L-17652,
June 30, 1962
Under Sec. 44 of ACT 496, which the
predecessor-in-interest of the herein defendant- Facts:

appellant took, is good only insofar as it covers Petitioners are the owners of a parcel of land,
previously registered lands. In the instant case, with an area of 3.5032 hectares by inheritance
part of the tract of land, particularly the 82,127 from their deceased mother Patricia Angui. A
square meter, has not yet been brought under the gradual accretion on the northeastern side took
operation of the Torrens System. Furthermore, place, by action of the current of the Cagayan
there was no notice to all parties in interest, River, so much so, that by 1958, the bank thereof
particularly the director of lands.
had receded to a distance of about 105 meters
from its original site. Petitioners instituted the
For an application to have his imperfect title present action in the Court of First Instance of
under ACT. 496, the following requisites should Isabela against respondents, to quiet title to said
be satisfied:
portion (19,964 square meters) formed by
accretion when in September, 1948 respondents
(1) Survey of land by the Bureau of Lands or a entered upon the land under claim of ownership.

duly licensed private surveyor;

The Court of First Instance of Isabela, on May 4,
(2) Filing of application for registration by the 1959, rendered a decision adjudging the
ownership of the portion in question to
(3) Setting of the date for the initial hearing of the petitioners which was reversed by the CA
application by the court;
declaring that prescription had already
(4) Transmittal of the application and the date of supervened in favor of the defendants-
initial hearing together with all the documents respondents.

or other evidences attached thereto by the

Clerk of court to the Land Registration Issue:

whether respondents have acquired the alluvial
(5) Publication of a notice of the filing of the property in question through prescription.

application and date and place of the hearing

in the ocial Gazette;
(6) Service of notice of the upon continuous No dispute that both under Article 457 of the new
owners, occupants and those known to have Civil Code and Article 366 of the old, petitioners
interest in the property by the sheri;
are the lawful owners of said alluvial property, as
(7) Filing of answers to the application by any they are the registered owners of the land to
person whether named in the notice or not;
which it adjoins. However, we agree with the
(8) Hearing of the case by the court;
Court of Appeals that it does not, just as an
(9) Promulgation of Judgement by the court;
unregistered land purchased by the registered
(10)Issuance of the decree by the court declaring owner of the adjoining land does not, by
the decision final and instructing the land extension, becomeipso factoregistered land.

Registration Commission to issue a decree of Ownership over the accretion received by the
confirmation and registration;
land adjoining a river is governed by the Civil
(11)Entry of the decree of registration of the Land Code and registration which is governed by
Registration Commission;
registration decrees confirms the title protecting
(12)Sending copy of the decree of registration to the owner from prescription of third persons.
the corresponding Register of Deeds; and
h o w e v e r, t h a t p e t i t i o n e r s n e v e r s o u g h t
(13)Transcription of the decree of registration registration of said alluvial property thus never
book and the issuance of the owners became registered property, and hence is not
27 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

entitled or subject to the protection of property is bounded on the east by Talisay River,
imprescriptibility enjoyed by registered property on the West by Bulacan River and on the North
under the Torrens system. Consequently, it was by the Manila bay. Both rivers flow towards the
subject to acquisition through prescription by Manila Bay. Because of constantly flowing water,
third persons.
extra land of about 17hectares (thats about the
size of Disney Park!) formed in the northern most
Case No. 94: Ignacio vs. Director of Lands., GR. section of the property. It is this property he
No. L-12958. May 30, 1960 sought to register.

The RTC denied the registration claiming this to
Faustino Ignacio filed an application to register a be foreshore land and part of public domain
parcel of land (mangrove) which he alleged he (remember, accretion formedby the sea is public
acquired by right of accretion since it adjoins a dominion). His Motion for Reconsideration
parcel of land owned by the Ignacio. His likewise burned. In 1960, he attempted registry
application is opposed by the Director of Lands, again, claiming that the Talisay and Bulacan rivers
Laureano Valeriano, contending that said land deposited more silt resulting on accretion. He
forms part of the public domain. The Trial Court claimed this land as riprarian owner. The Director
dismissed the application holding that said land of Lands, Director of Forestry and the Fiscal
formed part of the public domain. Thus the case opposed.

at bar.

Then a new party surfaced. Mr Emiliano Navarro

jumped into the fray opposing the same
Whether or not the land forms part of the public application, stating the he leased part of the
property sought to be registered. He sought to
protect his fishpond that rested on the same
property. Sinforoso was not amused and filed
ejectment against Mr. Navarro, claiming that
1. The law on accretion cited by Ignacio in Navarro used stealth force and strategy to
inapplicable in the present case because it refers occupy a portion of his land. Pascual lost the
to accretion or deposits on the banks of rivers case against Navarro so he appealed. During the
while this refers to action in the Manila Bay, which appeal, his original land registration case was
is held to be part of the sea
consolidated and tried jointly. (alas Pascual died)
The heirs of Pascual took over the case.

2. Although it is provided for by the Law of On 1975, the court decided that the property was
Waters that lands added to shores by accretions foreshore land and therefore part of public
caused by actions of the sea form part of the domain. The RTC dismissed the complaint of
pubic domain when they are no longer necessary Pascual for ejectment against Navarro and also
for purposes of public utility, only the executive denied his land registration request. Pascuals
and the legislative departments have the heirs appealed and the RTC was reversed by the
authority and the power to make the declaration IAC. The Apellate court granted petition for
that any said land is no longer necessary for registration! The reason? The accretion was
public use. Until such declaration is made by said caused by the two rivers, not manila bay. Hence
departments, the lot in question forms part of the it wasnt foreshore land. (BUT the confusion lies
public domain, not available for private in the fact that the accretion formed adjacent to
appropriation or ownership.
Manila Bay which is sea!) Aggrieved, the
Director of Forestry moved for reconsideration
Case No. 95: Heirs of Emiliano Navarro vs. IAC., (Government insists it is foreshore and hence,
GR. No. 68166, Feb. 12, 1997 public domain). The Apellate court denied all
motions of the Director and the Government.


Sinforoso Pascual sits in the midst of a land The matter went to the SC.

registration case. The story begins on 1946 upon

his desire to register land on the northern section
of his existing property. His current registered
28 of 28 Edu Notes: Property

Article 458
Whether or not the accretion taking place on
property adjacent to the sea can be registered
under the Torrens system.
The owner of estates adjoining ponds or
lagoons do not acquire the land left dry by the
natural decrease of the waters, or lose that
It cannot be registered. This is land of Public inundated by them in extraordinary floods.

domain. Pascual claimed ownership under Article

457 of the Civil Code saying that the disputed 14- Definition

hectare land is an accretion caused by the joint

action of the Talisay and Bulacan Rivers Art 457: (1) Ponds

Accretion as a mode of acquiring property and a small body of stagnant water without
requires the concurrence of the following an outlet, larger than a puddle and smaller than a
requisites: (1) that the accumulation of soil or lake, or a like body of water with a small outlet.

sediment be gradual and imperceptible; (2) that it

be the result of the action of the waters of the (2) Lagoon

river; and (3) that the land where the accretion a small lake, ordinarily of fresh water, and
takes place is adjacent to the bank of the river.
not very deep, fed by floods, the hollow bed of
which is bounded by elevations of land.

Unfortunately, Pasucal and Heirs claim of

ownership based on Art 457 is misplaced. If (3) Lake is a body of water formed in depressions
theres any land to be claimed, it should be land of the earth, ordinarily fresh water, coming from
ADJACENT to the rivers Talisay and Bulacan. The rivers, brooks or springs, and connected with the
law is clear on this. Accretion of land along the sea by them.
river bank may be registered. This is not the case
of accretion of land on the property adjacent to
Manila Bay.

Furthermore, Manila Bay is a sea. Accretion on a

sea bank is foreshore land and the applicable law
is not Art 457 but Art 4 of the Spanish Law of
Waters of 1866. This law, while old, holds that
accretion along sea shore cannot be registered
as it remains public domain unless abandoned by
government for public use and declared as
private property capable of alienation.

Article 4 of the Spanish Law of Waters of August

3, 1866 provides as follows:

Lands added to the shores by accretions and

alluvial deposits caused by the action of the sea,
form part of the public domain. When they are no
longer washed by the waters of the sea and are
not necessary for purposes of public utility, or for
the establishment of special industries, or for the
coast-guard service, the Government shall
declare them to be the property of the owners of
the estates adjacent thereto and as increment

The IAC decision granting registration was

reversed and set aside. Registration cannot be

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