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I believe that mathematics, while still somewhat scary to me, is important in everyday

life. I play many different roles in my life, varying from a full-time student, to a full-time lab

technician, to a soldier in the Army. In every role of my life, I am constantly faced with

problems that need to be solved through the use of mathematics and comprehension of

formulas. Whether it being simple addition, to more complex problem solving.

I consider using problem solving techniques and developing the ability to think critically

as a very advantageous skill to possess, whether I am in the classroom solving a chemistry

equation, in my lab balancing out samples, or in the field with my platoon counting bullet shells.

I can conclude that the use of mathematics can invariably improve the quality of my life.

I am more able to solve problems, assess situations, and act accordingly.

Many people continuously state that they never use math and that math is pointless but when

you stop and think about it, math is all around us. Cooking dinner for your family tonight?

Better ensure the serving sizes are correct and the rations will be enough. Need to fill up on gas

and you only have a $20, will it be enough? The speed of which a bullet will hit a target at a

distance of 300 meters away? Hopefully you know the distance equals rate times time. Math is

all around us, even though were evolving, math will stay a sturdy foundation that once

understood, we have the ability to solve almost any problem.

Word count:264

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