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Body; Element of earth. Mind; Element of spirit. Spirit; Element

of Soul. Soul; Element of God. God; Element of All.

As the Essenes believed. The tree is likened to man, for its roots
are planted deep into the earth (Body), but its branches (Spirit) are
extended towards the Heavens (Soul/God).
The unity of these esoteric elements become the transcendental
truth we deem as cosmic consciousness, or in easier words, union
with God, the ever indwelling Element of all.
For first, the Adam man (Human), then the Spirit man (Divine).
Man has no greater purpose in life than this. To become, Divine.
For man is Divine for the soul is Divine. But mans corporeal
desires holds him back from attaining this edenic state of
consciousness which he once held in the garden (consciousness) of
Eden (Heaven on Earth).

The power of God is available to every man for every man has
within him, the presence, element and Divine plan of God.
Matter of fact, man, is, the Divine plan of God cloaked in matter,
waiting to be unveiled after the seventh epoch of creation has been
reached. This seventh epoch of creation is what we deem as the
end of the world as we know it. For on this day, all men shall be
rid of earthly desires and unite with the natural and cosmic forces
of the Heavens and Holy Earth, invoking the manifestation of the
Divine Will and plan of The Father, here on earth.
This process, is all man lives for.
No man shall escape this process of cleansing that must lead to the
unveiling of his Divine nature, for no man is privy to his Divine
nature, for no man can hide from God, for God lives in all men.

The soul is pure, sinless, holy and Divine.

The body is not and so the body must die.
The spirit is the chain linking these two elements and so the spirit
is the only of these elements that can be held responsible for
choice. Not the body, for it is earthy and programmed to die. Nor
the soul, for it is Godly and eternal.

And so after the first death-which shall be experienced by all men

irregardless of the dimension of inhabitation-the spirit, goes on a
journey that has no end. The eternal journey to Oneness.
Many men have resumed this journey here on earth and therefore
have experienced the first death and first resurrection while being
alive on earth. Displaying and portraying Godly attributes that
may seem mystical and mysterious but in reality are natural,
Divine and predestined.

One of these men was Jesus. The Christ. The Greatest White
Brother and Teacher to grace the surface of the earth.
Another of these men was Siddartha Gautama. The Buddha. The
devout ascetic and teacher who also graced the surface of this
Another of these men was Moses. The LawGiver. The Father of
the Essenes and Man of God who also graced the surface of this
Another of these men was Muhammad. The prophet Mohammed,
founder of islam, teacher and uniter of Arabia.

The list goes on and on but this list is of no value if you do not
decide to be on it.
For all men, must eventually become Divine and this process, for
some, is profound and evident here on earth, while, for many,
shall be encountered after the physical disintegration of the flesh.
For then and only then can they realize the Divinity of the soul
and morbidity of the flesh, leading the spirit-now free from
earthly desires-unto to this eternal journey to Oneness that must
be reached, if cosmic resurrection is to be imminent.
And so we must realize that the individual transcending of each
man is of less power than the united transcending of the whole.
However, this transcendental union must be undertaken solely
individually, for no man can partake in another mans
The union of spirit and God is wholly personal.
Nonetheless, it is the impersonal union of all men with the Infinite
One that shall bring about the end of times or what we may now
know as the seventh epoch of creation.
On and after this cosmic day, man shall become divine and shall
then possess a semi-light body that has become separate from
matter (mortality) and one with God (Immortality).
This practice of reaching a state where each man shall become one
with God has been shed light upon by John, the Beloved in the
Lost Jesus Scroll. Each man is privileged and able to practice the
twenty one invocations of the Angels that leads us to Divinity
while on earth. However, not every man is privy to this
knowledge. Why? for there was and still is, a secret order whose
ancestors were single handedly initiated by The Christ and whose
practices and doctrines must be maintained as precious and
delicate as pearls that must never, ever! be cast to swine.

Are you swine?

Answer this question in all honesty and ye shall know why you
may, or may not be privy to this knowledge. For each man must
undergo a process of dedicated cleansing of both body, mind and
soul before he or she can be worthy of such knowledge. Even after
this, not all initiates are allowed into the inner circle of the Holy of
Holies. This was made so by Moses, and many other Givers of the
Law, so that the beauty of perfection would be realized as the
horrid but necessary reality of imperfection is diminished.
For what is the value of a wife if the bride price was not paid?
Or what is the value of Gold if you could simply find and pick it
up from the surface of the streets?
For this reason a very few, but many in number have been
allowed, and deemed worthy of this truth and they make up the
family of subtle power we call The Great White Brotherhood.
White, for holy, and not race.
This means all men can become part of this silent but powerfully
functioning order if they submit to the various doctrines and
teachings of this secret order initiated by Jesus, the Christ, and
preserved by His devout disciples. About a hundred and twenty of
them. However, the twelve we knew where the first initiates,
holding sentimental value and therefore holding greater secrets
that were gradually passed on as every other member of this order
was evolving and reaching higher levels of consciousness for the
purpose of eventually establishing organizations all over the world,
from Africa to Asia to Europe, that will, must and shall continue
the works, invocations, teachings and doctrines of Christ even and
especially after his ascension to the Infinite One.

These teachings were known to the founders of the church and

early elders of christianity. However, because of their delicate and
what some would like to call controversial nature, they where
kept hidden from the public in the walls of the Vatican and many
other unknown locations till this day.
This was done as a result of ecclesiastical necessity, for this was
the only safe way to propagate a theological doctrine that serves
the purpose, missions and aims of the Church.
However, today, we are all allowed to have a taste of this bread
and wine if only we seek earnestly for it. The act of seeking is
necessary to show how worthy and ready you are to begin your
eternal journey to Oneness and for this reason i leave you no
reference of any sort.
Nonetheless i leave you with this.
That all men are Divine and all men must eventually become One
with God, and this is a must! if we are to welcome and usher in
the second coming of the Christ Head. The only devil that can
delay this eventuality is that part of you that still longs for earthly
desires. That egotistical part of you that thinks you separate from
all men, inevitably thinking you separate from God.
For i tell you this today. In order to resurrect the dead (The God
within), you must first kill the living (The devil without).
You must denounce the flesh and all that partakes to it and incline
to all that is Holy and Divine.
This is not an easy task, why should it be? however, it is a possible
one. Many men before now have done it, many are doing it today
and many shall do it tomorrow, question is, when do you want to
begin this eternal journey to Oneness? Now, when all of your
physical and spiritual senses are alive, giving you the communion
and union with the Divine here on earth that shall lead you to a
subtle earthly death and a much more powerful Heavenly rebirth?
Or after your flesh is destroyed, when you have no choice but to
face the unerring fire of purification in its pure form?
The choice, as always, is yours.
However, you must remember this.
That no man shall escape this purification of the spirit (judgment),
and all men shall bare witness to this beautiful and lovely cosmic
day we call the seventh epoch of creation. And so i must ease your
spirits by telling you that this world shall not end in fiery flames
and destruction but in the unification and communion of man and
God. This is the Divine plan of The Father and no prodigal son
can stop this, we can only delay it.
For it is the destiny of earth to become Holy again and it is the
destiny of Heaven to live on earth again.
So also is it the destiny of man to become Divine again as it is the
destiny of God to live with man once again.
Although He lives in us, His final and absolute manifestation is yet
to come, for Holiness cannot dwell with unholiness. For this
reason we must cleanse the Mother earth and make it conducive
for the arrival of The Father, and what better way to begin and
conclude this process than the earnest cleansing of ourselves.
Thank you for reading this seventh installment of my book series
May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are.

Written by Edgal

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