Spirit (Written by Apolo Imon)

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There is a Spirit that carries out every desire, will and consecrated
intention you conceive, irregardless of morality, intention or
demographic and psychographic status.

This Divine Spirit brought about the first ever molecule on earth
just as it brought about the very first star and planet in the galaxy.

There could be no other word to describe this Spirit but,

impersonal. Impersonal, meaning it works unerringly with and for
all living organism alive in our world today.

This Spirit is responsible for carrying out both positive desires and
negative desires.
You must understand that a desire is powered by love or fear, and
the desire to not want something is enough desire to manifest
that very thing you fear.

This Spirit is all inclusive and never exclusive, meaning it never

says no, as this goes contrary to the Law of Energy, which can
never be created nor destroyed but transformed from one state to
Every time we invest in a thought or feeling we are giving this
Spirit permission to manifest events and situations that recreate
this thought or feeling to an exact degree.
Allow me explain.

You see, when you invest in the thought of abundance, and

express the feeling of gratitude for the abundance you have, or are
yet to receive, you are directing this Spirit to manifest situations
and events that must recreate this same emotion of gratitude, once
experienced. In other words, feeling rich and being thankful for
wealth empowers this Spirit with Divine energy that It uses to
manifest countless situations that will and must make you feel rich
and thankful.

Spirit is the author of matter.
All that exists today is a direct result of this Spirit in action.

You can easily conceive this Spirit as your genie, giving you any
and everything you ask It. The only difference here is, your wishes
and results are unlimited. The infinite nature of God, allows this
Spirit to manifest any and everything that can possibly be felt, seen
or heard.
Many sages have spoke of this Divine Spirit, however, its of great
surprise to me how very little people on earth know of this Spirit
that is constantly working.
There can be no possible way to halt this Spirit from working, for
It is governed by Law.

The acknowledgment or non acknowledgment of this Spirit does

not hinder It from working.
However, i must let you know that the acknowledgment of this
Divine Spirit is the first step in the understanding and application
of Divine Law.

This Spirit is responsible for all healing, miracles and even magic.

This Spirit is so powerful and full of possibilities it serves everyone,

everywhere, every time, at the same time.
This Spirit is Omnipresent.

This Spirit was the same Spirit that hovered the earth on its very
first cosmic day, and is responsible for the creation of all animal
and humanoid kingdoms here on earth and in the Heavens.
The thing you must realize about this Spirit is, It is no respecter of
religious beliefs but a servant to all strongly held beliefs.
We all take part in the errand sending of this Spirit, whether we
are consciously aware of it or not.

When you wake up in the morning, the vibration and energy you
emit at these early hours of the day, gives this Spirit a certain
errand to carry out.
This Spirit never asks why, or how, or when, Is simply DOES.

It is the innate nature of this Spirit to Be! and so It is always

looking for a way to manifest Itself at every given time.

This Spirit can manifest Itself as a child equally as It can manifest

Itself as a Mercedes Benz.
And so it becomes safe to say that, ALL that exists, is Spirit. In
one form, or the other.
There is nothing on this earth and beyond that has no element of
Spirit. For Spirit, Is, the Word.

One easy way to describe Spirit is, a sponsor obligated to carry out
your desires under contract.
The verity that a sponsors contract is governed by judiciary law is
the same way a Spirit Contract is governed by Spiritual Law.
There is no escaping of duty.

What is most interesting is, this Spirit Contract has no expiry date
but can be infinitely renewed to fit the desire and will you
currently hold.

Many names have been given to this Spirit over the eons, however,
naming or not naming It does not increase or reduce Its
importance and essence by any means.
I can confidently tell you that this Spirit is responsible for this
book as it is responsible for all books, musical pieces and financial
accomplishments. This Spirit is Omniscient.
Let it be known that is Spirit is powered by two vital elements.
Thoughts and emotions.

Considering the fact that everything that ever was and is was first
conceived in the One Universal M1ND, it becomes clear that our
conscious mind-which is master of our unconscious mind and
student of the Super conscious mind- is the avenue through which
commands can be passed on to this Divine Spirit.
However, these commands are of little power if not charged my
repetitive thoughts and emotions.

A simple way to put this is to consider each thought and emotion

as a dollar, and the Universe an infinite warehouse with Spirit
being your broker. Every time you spend a thought or emotion
you are giving Spirit a dollar or more to spend on whatever you
ask It to.
This simple but intricate process is what we call creation, and
nothing can escape this process.
It must also be known, while considering this analogy that a
broker sells as well as he buys, and so it should be no surprise if
you invest in the thought or emotion of lack and Spirit considers
that thought as you not certain of Its broking skills to acquire and
deliver, thereby diverting Its attention to one who believes in It, as
It is subservient to all.
However, because of Law, It cannot take back what It has given
or take what you do not have, It simply must proceed to not
buying from the warehouse as It senses your vibration of lack
which is telling It, yes, i lack and yes, i want more lack and so It
This Spirit is obedient.

Another way to look at Spirit is as dough, which can be

transformed to make either bread, biscuits or pastry.
No matter what form It takes, It remains Spirit.
And so, this Spirit is all knowing and intelligent. This means all Its
creations, by default, are all knowing and intelligent. With no
More times than often we send this Spirit on errands without
knowing we have. By doing this, we attract in our lives unwanted
circumstances which, in reality, were subconsciously wanted.

This may seem confusing but the understanding of this statement

is the beginning of transcendental transformation in both the
physical and spiritual world.
I shall therefore commence to inform you that, this Spirit, like Its
Master, knows nothing of good or evil. It is wholly Holy, and so
all It does, regardless of human morality, is Holy.

The wise man is one who realizes that this Spirit does not judge
but simply complies, and by this realization, channel his energy
towards only what he wants, and never what he does not want by
adamantly refusing to think or feel any event or emotion he
chooses not to manifest.
The foolish man now becomes the one who chooses to focus on
what he does not want rather than what he wants by partaking in
an undisciplined thought pattern that is latently harmful to his
However, many men do not know they do this because they have
been programmed, through years and even decades of wrong
thinking and inherited belief patterns that continually hold them
back or leaves them in a stagnant state of despondency and
melancholy. This, indeed is a sad case.
Nonetheless, i must reassure you that this same Spirit that has
brought about all negative events you have subconsciously asked It
to create and recreate, holds the same power to nullify these effects
and manifest positivity simply by you consciously telling It to. And
so, it is with high spirits i let you know that all hope is never lost.
For Spirit, is always at work.
Thank you for reading this tenth installment of my book series
May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are.

Written by Edgal

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