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Women are by far, the most powerful humanoid beings in


This simple fact can easily be understood once we realize that,
whatever controls desire. All forms of desire. Holds the most
Now you can akin the power of women to the power of money,
simply because, to the rest of the humanoid beings-men-these
two powerhouses go hand in hand.

You see, virtually everything a man eventually lives for, is for a

woman. Even with the inclusion of gay men as they also were
born into this world by a woman and are inclined to live a
prosperous life that would, in time, please that very woman that
brought him into this earth.

Women are powerful!

A delicate specie i must say, but dont be fooled by this facade.

I would not dwell too deeply into this topic as it would require a
whole book to fully enumerate the powers of a woman.
However, try, i shall.

You see, what all men must understand is, the masculine figure
and societal positional blessings the male specie is entitled to, is
simply but an illusory, egotistical form of power.
Real power lies in the ability to alter situations, outcomes,
decisions, thoughts and emotions with one single act.

For the sake of clarity, i shall liken this act to what we call, sex.

I choose to speak on sex first because, sex, being a blessing to
humankind on its own, is the foundation of every womans
Let me explain.

The process of childbirth-a very vital and fundamental part of

womanhood- is the beginning of all forms of life.
Scientifically and spiritually speaking, it simply and only requires
the female body to manifest the power and might of humanoid
creation. This verity is so strong that, without the presence of a
woman, a man can never, ever have an offspring. Biologically and
However, it is key to note that without the presence of man, any
woman can bring forth offsprings, as it is only too often seen in
the few reasons a sperm bank exists.

This being said, it is safe to state that, if the female race was
separated from the male race, and each race had the chance to
acquire all necessary elements to feed, survive and reproduce.
In a matter of years, you would realize that, no matter how many
sexually enticing items any many can think of, all humanlike
affectionate robots, all sensually arousing films, games or photos.
The male race would be terminated and erased completely from
the surface of this earth simply because there are no wombs to
manifest another generation.

Let us think this through clearly.

Now if we move on to the issue, the very vital issue of desire. We
would find out that the very one thing, every living man
unanimously desires, is the love of a woman.
Now that i think of it, it becomes rather too obvious that women
are evidently the most powerful humanoid sentient beings ever to
The love of a woman, wether maternal or otherwise, is what keeps
every living man alive, kicking, happy and ambitious.
You would be a liar, and a bad one at that, if you disagreed with
this fact.
I cannot overemphasize this verity.

The love of a mother, brings you into this world and sustains you
up at least, to an age were you can think and act for and by
The love of a partner gives you light, sensual and sexual pleasures.
mental and emotional ecstasies, physical and psychological
The love of a wife, builds and keeps a home.
This same love of a wife can destroy and leave a home in a state of
melancholy if repressed.

The love of Mother Earth is Divine, unconditional and impersonal.

Let me mention here that, for a seed to bare fruit it must be
female. For an animal to reproduce animal, meat and food for
mankind, it must involve the female species.
For God, to send forth blessings, little beings and creations into
our world, He must first, require the services of a female specie.

This same female specie, is so powerful it can produce as much as

seven to twelve-and in some cases even more-human beings
within a particular moment. Is this not marvelous?
So marvelous it is, that the life of this very female specie could be
seized in the process of manifesting these miracles.
So marvelous it is, that even when the other half of the equation,
the male, has neglected and ignored this very same female specie,
in infinite cases, she still finds a way to nurture, train and build
up these offsprings of hers up to the point where they can fend for
Marvelous indeed, is the woman race.

Now while it may be extremely easy to point out the flaws of this
very specie of mankind, let it be known that no machine, no
matter how perfectly designed and built, can never go a lifetime
without developing faults of some sort, especially if these machines
have been overworked, stressed, sometimes abused, and
This, virtually, is imposible.
And so it is important i let you know that the female race, in
general can never be akin to a machine. For the female race, is
Divine. However, its not a far fetched metaphorical concept when
we consider that, machines, just as women, where made by a
divine body. A Divine Body we call God.

Furthermore, the beauty and perfection of the female species, is so

intricately divine. Even a blind man, need but touch to realize that
the creation of this very female form must have been produced on
a very, very good day!

Personally, the structure of the female body is the most artistic

work of art i, once again, personally think is Gods best work of
art. I plea to be objected.

Men need sex. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need comfort. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need companionship. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need care. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need a good meal. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need children. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need inspiration, drive, ginger!. This, a woman can and
shall provide.
Men need a mother, wife. This, a woman can and shall provide.
Men need love. This!, a woman, has ALWAYS provided.
On these notes, i rest my case.

However, before i leave, i must make it clear, that to the same

degree that these very species are beautiful, powerful and blissful,
to that same degree are they dangerous, cunning and by all means,
I shall not be doing justice to this idea of a womans power
without verifying the possibilities of their sometimes necessary
misuse of power.

Nonetheless, this is not why we are here.

We are here, on this page, by now to realize that there can never
be a competition between the male race and the female race. For if
this may be, however way possible, the female race must! have the
upper hand.
And to my fellow testosterone beings out there thinking, well in
the case of strength, men have the upper hand, i tell you.
You lie my friend.
Firstly i shall oblige you to engage in a birth giving simulation, if
you possibly can reproduce the sort of pain it requires to pull that
I shall also oblige you to enact, unwillingly soiling your underwear
for a time period every month to depict the uncomfortable
experience we call menstruation, which, in reality, comes with
much more discomfort that just a soil.

Certainly, you may have had the foreskin of your penis cut off as a
kid, or otherwise-kudos for that one point-but this had never
hindered you from having sex with ease, for the first time.
I think you know where I'm going with that.
And lastly i would jokingly, but seriously ask you to successfully
write a career defining exam, with bare, luscious and enticing
mammary glands staring you in the eye.
Thats right! I guess not.
Thank you for reading this eleventh installment of my book series
May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are.

Dedicated to Mo Abudu

Written by Edgal

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