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For the

July 28

Class Actions, Arbitration Clauses: The

Y Y N N N House nullified, 231-190, a Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau rule enabling
individuals to join class-action lawsuits
against financial companies. The rule bars
firms from using arbitration clauses to prevent
customers from filing lawsuits.
Defeat of Healthcare Repeal: The Senate
N N defeated, 49-51, a GOP-sponsored measure
to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, thus
ending the latest attempt by congressional
Republicans to take down the 2010 health
law. A yes vote was to repeal several key
parts of Obamacare. (HR 1628)
Make-or-Break Healthcare Vote: By a tally
N N of 51-50, with Vice President Mike Pence
casting the decisive vote, the Senate opened
debate on a House-passed bill that was the
vehicle for later votes to repeal or dismantle
the Affordable Care Act. A yes vote was to
start debate on HR 1628.
Preserving Todays Medicaid: Voting 48-52,
Y Y the Senate rejected a Democratic
amendment that sought to preserve the
Medicaid expansion in the Affordable Care
Act. A yes vote was to strip HR 1628 (above)
of several Republican measures to scale
back Medicaid as it functions today.
Rand Pauls Obamacare Repeal: The Senate
N N rejected, 45-55, a plan by Rand Paul, R-Ky.,
to repeal key parts of the Affordable Care Act,
including its Medicaid expansion and
individual and employer mandates. A yes
vote was to repeal but not replace the core of
Obamacare. (HR 1628)
Ted Cruzs Healthcare Plan: The Senate
N N defeated, 43 -57, a bid by Ted Cruz, R-Texas,
to allow insurers to offer bare-bones health
plans in a state if they offer ones that meet
federal coverage rules. A yes vote backed a
measure that boosted funding for former
Medicaid recipients. (HR 1628)
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Voterama in Congress
The Senate will take up the fiscal 2018 military budget in the week of
July 31, while the House will be in recess.

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