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Name: Maria Camila Gonzlez Castillo

Subject: Produced Water Treatment

and Management
Date: 27/07/17


The produced water must be treated so that it can be used for reinjection or other such
irrigation. One the main steps is the desalination, for this we can use different process, the
process are divided in tow groups. The first group is where the water changes its physical state
during the process. Within this group we have distillation, freezing and formation of hydrates.
The second group is where the water doesnt changes its physical state during the process. The
process in this group are electro dialysis and reverse osmosis.

Distillation, process involving the conversion of a liquid into vapour that is subsequently
condensed back to liquid form. It is exemplified at its simplest when steam from a kettle
becomes deposited as drops of distilled water on a cold surface. Distillation is used to separate
liquids from nonvolatile solids [1] in our case the solids separate is the salt.

In the freezing process, when the water is at 0C it starts to form crystals of pure ice that are
separated from the solution. This is how the salt is separated from the water.

Electro Dialysis is a membrane process, during which ions are transported through semi
permeable membrane, under the influence of an electric potential. [2] Then the salts ions are
removing from the produced water.

The reverse osmosis is a method which uses a semi-permeable membranes, it membranes allow
the passage of water, but not that of dissolved salts. Osmosis, an integral part of the functioning
of all living cells, is a phenomenon in which a liquid (water in this case) passes through a semi-
permeable membrane from a relatively dilute solution toward a more concentrated solution.
This flow produces a measurable pressure, termed osmotic pressure. If, however, pressure is
applied to the more concentrated solution that exceeds the osmotic pressure, water flows
through the membrane from the more concentrated solution to the dilute solution. This process,
reverse osmosis, results in two streams of water: one relatively large volume with a low
concentration of dissolved impurities, and one relatively small volume with a high


(SA), (SF). Proceso de desalinizacin del agua Recuperated from:
[1] Encyclopdia Britannica, (02/21/16) Distillation Recuperated from:
[2] Lenntech, (SF) Electrodialysis Recuperated from:
[3] Graciela Morales and Maria Barrufet, Desalination of Produced Water Using Reverse
Osmosis Recuperated from:

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