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Media Release

Minister for Indigenous Affairs

Senator the Hon. Nigel Scullion
Leader of the Nationals in the Senate
Country Liberals Senator for the Northern Territory

$667,392 for Family Violence Prevention Legal Service in

Kalgoorlie and Geraldton

Monday, 31 July 2017

The Coalition Government will provide $667,392 to support the Aboriginal Family Law Service,
WA, in its work to address family violence experienced by Indigenous women and children in
Kalgoorlie and Geraldton.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said the funding formed part of the $25 million
Indigenous-focused package under the Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce
Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

We know that community-based, culturally-appropriate solutions are required to reduce the

rate of family violence experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and
children, Minister Scullion said.

This funding will enable the Aboriginal Family Law Service, WA to hire an additional two social
workers to provide intensive support to victims of family and domestic violence in Kalgoorlie
and Geraldton.

Western Australia Family Violence Prevention Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation CEO,
Corina Martin, said: We are very pleased that the Federal Government has acknowledged the
need to work with Aboriginal organisations in order to better support addressing family violence
within our communities.

This funding will enable social workers to work within our legal service and benefit clients who
require intensive support due to intergenerational trauma, ongoing family violence and child
protection matters they live with daily. We thank Minister Scullion for acknowledging that
positive outcomes require different approaches such as this.

Minister Scullion also announced that We Al-li, a specialist Indigenous organisation, would
receive $848,289 to develop and deliver trauma-informed training to all 14 Family Violence
Prevention Legal Services across Australia. The Family Violence Prevention Legal Services
Secretariat will also receive $300,000 to assist with implementing this training.
This funding is in addition to the base funding of more than $92 million over four years for all
14 Family Violence Prevention Legal Services nationwide, Minister Scullion said.

We have actively sought the views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on how best
to address family violence. The Aboriginal Family Law Service, WA has been identified based
on its expertise, as well as local needs in the community. I commend it for its important work in
in Kalgoorlie and Geraldton.

Media contact:
Minister Scullion Russel Guse (0419 432 418)

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