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Insect Molecular Biology (2012) 21(1), 3139 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2583.2011.01108.x

A comparison of Frost expression among species and

life stages of Drosophila

X. Bing1, J. Zhang2 and B. J. Sinclair Introduction

Department of Biology, The University of Western At subzero temperatures, some insects can survive ice
Ontario, London, ON, Canada crystallization in their body tissues (freeze tolerant), or
keep their body fluids in a super cooled liquid state (freeze
Abstract imb_1108 31..39
avoiding) (Lee, 2010). However, the majority of insects are
chill susceptible, and die at low temperatures because of
Frost (Fst) is a gene associated with cold exposure in
accumulated damage unrelated to freezing (chilling injury)
Drosophila melanogaster. We used real-time PCR to
(Lee, 2010). Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophil-
assess whether cold exposure induces expression
idae) is chill susceptible: adults and larvae suffer exten-
of Fst in 10 different life stages of D. melanogaster,
sive mortality after a 2 h exposure at -5 C, although
and adults of seven other Drosophila species. We
freezing does not occur until -20 C. Exposure to a prior
exposed groups of individuals to 0 C (2 h), followed
mild (sublethal) cold stress can increase the cold toler-
by 1 h recovery (22 C). Frost was significantly
ance of chill susceptible insects such as D. melanogaster
upregulated in response to cold in eggs, third instar
through rapid cold hardening (RCH) (Czajka & Lee, 1990).
larvae, and 2- and 5-day-old male and female adults in
Proposed mechanisms of RCH include elevated levels
D. melanogaster. Life stages in which cold did not
of glucose and trehalose, restructuring of plasma mem-
upregulate Fst had high constitutive expression. Frost
branes through changes in saturation composition
is located on the opposite strand of an intron of
(Overgaard et al., 2005, 2007; although MacMillan et al.,
Diuretic hormone (DH), but cold exposure did not
2009, found decreased glucose and no consistent
upregulate DH. Frost orthologues were identified in
changes in membrane composition after RCH pretreat-
six other species within the Melanogaster group
ments in D. melanogaster) and protection against cold-
(Drosophila sechellia, Drosophila simulans, Droso-
shock induced apoptosis caused by chilling injury (Yi
phila yakuba, Drosophila erecta, Drosophila ananas-
et al., 2007). Microarrays suggest significant differences
sae and Drosophila mauritiana). Frost orthologues
in constitutive global gene expression following selection
were upregulated in response to cold exposure in both
for cold tolerance in D. melanogaster (Telonis-Scott et al.,
sexes in adults of all of these species. The predicted
2009) or between populations with different cold exposure
structure of a putative Frost consensus protein shows
history in Drosophila subobscura (Laayouni et al., 2007).
highly conserved tandem repeats of motifs involved in
Microarrays have also identified a small number of genes
cell signalling (PEST and TRAF2), suggesting that Fst
upregulated by D. melanogaster during recovery from
might encode an adaptor protein involved in acute
cold exposure (Qin et al., 2005; Zhang, 2010), but there
stress or apoptosis signalling in vivo.
are few robust candidate genes associated with cold in
Keywords: Cold tolerance, gene transcription, Frost, Drosophila.
ontogeny. The most consistently reported cold-related candidate
gene is Frost (Fst), which is notably upregulated by adult
First published online 28 September 2011. D. melanogaster during recovery from cold exposure
Correspondence: Brent J. Sinclair, Department of Biology, The University (Goto, 2001; Qin et al., 2005; Sinclair et al., 2007). Goto
of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada N6A 5B7. Tel.: + 1 519 661 2111 (2001) concluded from putative protein sequence that Fst
extension 83138; fax: + 1 519 661 3935; e-mail: is homologous to mucins, and that the presence of a
Present addresses: 1Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Laurentian putative signal peptide at the N-terminus suggested that
University, Sudbury, ON, Canada; 2Department of Human Genetics, McGill
University and Genome Quebec Innovation Centre, Montreal, QC, the Frost protein would be secreted extracellularly. Frost
Canada. has high constitutive expression in D. melanogaster

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32 X. Bing, J. Zhang and B. J. Sinclair

Frost in the Drosophila genomes, and to determine

whether expression of Fst orthologues is also upregulated
in response to cold exposure. Finally, the availability of Fst
orthologue sequences allows the conserved functional
elements of the Frost protein to be identified. Our fourth
objective was therefore to determine whether these con-
Figure 1. Location of Frost (Fst) on the opposite strand of an intron of
Diuretic hormone (DH) of the right arm of chromosome 3 in Drosophila served elements provide clues to the function of the
melanogaster. Based on the Flybase Genome Map ( protein and the possible role of Frost in Drosophila cold
Malpighian tubules and midgut (Wang et al., 2004).
There was no association between amongst-population
sequence variation at the Frost locus and variation in chill
coma recovery time in D. melanogaster from different Survival of a 2 h exposure to 0 C was highest in D. mela-
populations in Australia (Rako et al., 2007), but actin- nogaster adults and eggs, and lowest in third instar larvae
driven RNA interference (RNAi) knockdown of Fst expres- and prepupae (Fig. 2). Close to 100% of D. melanogaster
sion did increase chill coma recovery time and mortality adults survived a 2 h exposure to 0 C, which was signifi-
and decrease climbing ability after 12 h exposure to 0 C cantly higher than other species of Drosophila, whereas
(Colinet et al., 2010). Thus, although its role is unknown, it Drosophila willistoni had the lowest survival of the cold
is clear that expression of Fst is associated with cold exposure, with approximately 50% mortality (Fig. 2).
recovery in adult D. melanogaster. Frost is located on the Frost was significantly upregulated in response to cold
opposite strand of an intron in the diuretic hormone (DH) exposure in eggs, third larval instar (L3), prepupae, pupae
gene on the right arm of chromosome 3 (Fig. 1). Diuretic and younger adults, but not in 1st or 2nd larval instars (L1
hormone plays a significant role in water balance of and L2), wandering third instar larvae, and 20-day-old
insects (Chown & Nicolson, 2004), so it is interesting to adults. There was some variance in the extent of upregu-
note that the loss of ion homeostasis leading to water lation, with 5-day-old adults showing the greatest induc-
imbalance across the gut epithelium appears to cause tion (Fig. 3A). Basal expression of Fst was relatively
chilling injury (MacMillan & Sinclair, 2011). Diuretic similar to the egg amongst most life stages, although L1,
hormone has not been identified as a candidate in any L2 and female 20-day-old adults had significantly higher
previous studies of gene expression in response to cold, levels of constitutive expression than the egg, whereas
and the expression of DH during and after cold exposure pupae and 5-day-old males had low levels of constitutive
has not been investigated. expression relative to the egg (Fig. 3B).
To date, all measurements of gene expression in rela- Frost is located on the opposite strand of an intron of
tion to cold exposure in Drosophila have been conducted DH in D. melanogaster, but DH was not upregulated in
on adult flies. However, there are significant changes in either male or female 5-day-old adult flies that upregulated
both cold tolerance and its plasticity during development Fst transcript following cold exposure (Fig. 4).
of D. melanogaster (eg Jensen et al., 2007; Rajamohan Potential Fst orthologues were identified in D. simulans,
& Sinclair, 2008). Understanding patterns of candidate D. mauritiana, D. erecta, D. sechellia, D. yakuba and D.
gene expression in other developmental stages is one ananassae, all of which are in the Melanogaster group,
approach to determining whether responses to cold are within the Sophophora subgenus of Drosophila (Fig. 5).
part of a general stress response. Thus, the first objective Putative Fst orthologues were significantly upregulated
of this work is to measure constitutive and cold-induced following cold exposure in both males and females of all
expression of Frost in all life stages of D. melanogaster, species with the exception of D. erecta females (Fig. 6).
including a comparison of male and female adult flies of The outgroup gene found in D. willistoni was not signifi-
differing ages. The second objective was to determine cantly upregulated in response to cold exposure (Fig. 6).
whether expression of Fst and DH are correlated in adult An amino acid profile was calculated, and predicted
D. melanogaster, given their physical colocalization in the structural features are summarized in Table 2. The maxi-
D. melanogaster genome. mum identity of the predicted amino acid alignment was
The availability of complete genome sequences for a 61.8%. Genes in other genome-sequenced Drosophila
dozen species of Drosophila (Clark et al., 2007) makes species identified using BLAST failed to meet orthology
it possible to readily identify orthologues to Frost and criteria (Hirsh & Fraser, 2001), and did not display synteny.
other candidate genes. Low temperature tolerance varies Furthermore, only a partial mRNA sequence for D. mau-
amongst Drosophila species (eg Kimura et al., 1994; ritiana was available, which allowed analysis of expres-
Gibert & Huey, 2001; Gibert et al., 2001; Strachan et al., sion, but did not allow comparison of predicted protein
2011). Our third objective was to identify orthologues to structure. PREDICTPROTEIN and PSIPRED predicted a

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Frost expression in Drosophila 33

Figure 3. (A) Mean SE abundance of Frost mRNA in different life

stages of Drosophila melanogaster after a 2 h exposure to 0 C relative
to abundance in control individuals, measured with real-time PCR. Note
the logarithmic y-axis, where values > 1 indicate upregulation. Frost
expression was normalized to Actin79B. Asterisks indicate significant
upregulation compared to control groups of the same life stage,
calculated in REST software (* P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001). (B)
Mean SE basal abundance of Frost mRNA, normalized to Actin79B,
relative to basal mRNA abundance in the egg. There is no significant
difference in mRNA abundance between columns with the same letter
(F11,35 = 92.658, P < 0.001; Tukeys post hoc P < 0.05). Asterisks
indicate significant up- or downregulation compared to egg (REST
software, P < 0.001 in all cases). Black bars: immature; white bars:
Figure 2. Mean SE survival of Drosophila after 2 h exposure to 0 C, adult males; grey bars: adult females.
measured 72 h post-exposure. (A) Survival of different life stages of
Drosophila melanogaster. L1, L2, L3, larval instars 13; W, wandering
third instar larvae; PP, prepupae; P, pupae; A2, A5, A20, adults 2, 5 and
20 days post-eclosion. Black bars: immature; white bars: adult males;
grey bars: adult females. The same letters above bars indicate that
survival is not significantly different amongst life stages (ANOVA on
arcsine-square root-transformed survival F12,40 = 11.37, P < 0.001,
Tukeys P < 0.05). (B) Survival by five-day post-eclosion adults of eight
different Drosophila species. White bars: adult males; grey bars: adult
females; D.mel, D. melanogaster; D.sim, D. simulans; D.mau,
D. mauritiana; D.yak, D. yakuba; D.sec, D. sechellia; D.ere, D. erecta;
D.ana, D. ananassae; D.wil, D. willistoni. ANOVA on arcsine-square
root-transformed survival indicated that survival was higher in females
than males (F1,40 = 4.3, P = 0.045), and differed significantly amongst
species (F7,40 = 13.5 P < 0.001; the same letters above bars indicate
that survival is not significantly different amongst species, Tukeys post
hoc P < 0.05), but there was no significant species sex interaction
(F7,40 = 0.58, P = 0.77).

conserved signal peptide, and a trans-membrane helix. Figure 4. Mean SE mRNA abundance of Frost and Diuretic hormone
The Eukaryotic linear motifs (ELM) server revealed large (DH) in 5-day-old adult Drosophila melanogaster during recovery from
conserved sections of low-complexity regions within the 2 h exposure at 0 C, normalized to Actin79B and relative to control flies
that were not exposed to cold. Note the logarithmic y-axis, where values
protein across species, with most of the protein being > 1 indicate upregulation relative to control. White bars: males; grey
disordered, and a high potential to be phosphorylated or bars: females.

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34 X. Bing, J. Zhang and B. J. Sinclair

Figure 5. Alignment of predicted amino acid

sequences, and the consensus amino acid
sequence, of Frost and its putative orthologues in
Drosophila. Dark shading indicates residues that are
100% conserved, grey shading indicates residues
that are 75% conserved amongst species. Alignment
was carried out using MEGA 5 (Tamura et al., 2007)
and the output was generated by DNAman (Lynnon,
Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada).

glycosylated (Fig. 7). However, ELM did not predict a a conserved and possibly a consistent role in the
trans-membrane helix in any of the Fst orthologues. Fst molecular processes associated with recovery from cold in
orthologue predicted proteins have an average serine and D. melanogaster and its relatives. We also demonstrate
threonine content of more than 25%, and a P, E, S, T that Fst expression is not coregulated with DH, and that
content of 50% (Table 2). In addition, ELM predicted the latter is not upregulated in response to cold exposure,
well-conserved multiple tandem repeats of various even though there is a close link between cold injury and
amino acid sequence motifs in the PEST region (Table 2, water balance (MacMillan & Sinclair, 2011). We could not
Fig. 7), along with long segments of well-conserved low- identify strong orthologues outside the Melanogaster
complexity (or disordered) regions. group, and an apparently related gene in D. willistoni was
not upregulated in response to cold exposure we also
note that D. willistoni had the lowest cold tolerance of the
species examined.
We have shown that Frost is upregulated in response to There was variation in the extent of cold induction of Fst
cold exposure in most life stages of D. melanogaster, and transcription across the life stages of D. melanogaster.
that Fst orthologues within the Melanogaster group of the Some stages, such as Wandering third instar and L1 and
Sophophora subgenus are upregulated in response to L2 larvae and older adults did not upregulate Fst in
cold exposure in adults. Together, these imply that Fst has response to cold, although it is interesting to note that

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Frost expression in Drosophila 35

Figure 6. Relationships amongst Frost orthologues in Drosophila, and the upregulation of their mRNA abundance after cold exposure. A
neighbour-joining tree of Drosophila Frost orthologues was generated from a genomic DNA alignment. The scale indicates the distance as calculated
from multiple alignments, expressed as substitutions per site. Bootstrap values (1000 replicates) are shown at nodes. BLAST-identified Frost orthologues,
including all Drosophila species, were aligned using ClustalW, and the phylogeny was subsequently created using Mega5 (Tamura et al., 2007). Mean
SE abundance of Frost and Frost orthologue mRNA in 5-day-old adult Drosophila, normalized to Actin79B after 2 h exposure to 0 C, and expressed
relative to control flies, which were not exposed to cold. White bars: adult males; grey bars: adult females; D.mel, D. melanogaster; D.sim, D. simulans;
D.mau, D. mauritiana; D.yak, D. yakuba; D.sec, D. sechellia; D.ere, D. erecta; D.ana, D. ananassae; D.wil, D. willistoni. ns indicates that no significant
upregulation of the gene was detected after cold exposure, all other values are significantly different from 1 (P < 0.01 in all cases, calculated by REST
software), indicating upregulation relative to the control.

20-day-old female adults and L2 larvae had the highest of Fst for survival of, and recovery from, cold tolerance
basal expression. If Fst is integral to recovery from a 0 C (Colinet et al., 2010). An alternative explanation for the
exposure, then this increased basal expression could lack of upregulation may be that some life stages have
explain the high survival in these stages (although we note different kinetics of transcriptional response to cold.
that male 20-day-old adults did not upregulate Fst in Frost and its orthologues were upregulated in response
response to cold or have elevated basal expression, yet to cold exposure in all of the Melanogaster-subgroup
their cold tolerance did not differ from females at the same species that we investigated, and the predicted amino
stage). Global expression profiling also suggests con- acid sequence and structure were also fairly highly con-
stitutive upregulation of Fst during some larval instars served amongst these species. However, it is unclear how
(Chintapalli et al., 2007). Nevertheless, the extent of and why Fst became an integral part of the cold recovery
upregulation or constitutive expression of Frost did not process in this subgroup, which comprises largely chill-
appear to be closely related to cold tolerance across life susceptible species with relatively limited cold tolerance
stages or species, which is consistent with the observation (Nyamukondiwa et al., 2011; Strachan et al., 2011). There
that clinal variation in cold tolerance is not associated with were no orthologues found in the other genome-
Fst genotypic variation in adult D. melanogaster (Rako sequenced Drosophila species, which include more cold-
et al., 2007). As all life stages had some transcription of hardy species (Nyamukondiwa et al., 2011; Strachan
Fst, this observation is not inconsistent with the necessity et al., 2011). Thus, although Fst is clearly associated with
the response to cold in the Melanogaster group, it is not
associated with any substantial difference in cold toler-
ance between species in the Melanogaster group and
other species of Drosophila.
Frost is thus established as a transcript clearly associ-
ated with recovery from cold exposure in these species,
but transcription data shed little light on the actual function
of the protein. Previous studies (eg Qin et al., 2005;
Colinet et al., 2010) have suggested that the D. melano-
gaster Frost protein might be a mucin-like protein, based
on the presence of PTS motifs (high in proline, serine and
Figure 7. Motifs of the consensus predicted Frost protein based on
sequence information from six species of Drosophila. Predictions were threonine), trans-membrane helices and the presence of
made using PREDICTPROTEIN (Rost et al., 2004), PSIPRED (McGuffin an N-terminal signal peptide. As Fst is highly transcribed
et al., 2000), SignalP 3.0 server (Emanuelsson et al., 2007), and the in adult and larval Malpighian tubules and the midgut
Eukaryotic linear motifs server (Gould et al., 2010). Mucin-like regions
previously identified in BLAST searches (eg Goto, 2001) all reside in the (Wang et al., 2004; Chintapalli et al., 2007), Frost might be
tandem repeat region of TRAF2 and PEST motifs. aa, amino acids. a mucin-like protein that plays a role in protecting the gut

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36 X. Bing, J. Zhang and B. J. Sinclair

following cold exposure. However, Syed et al. (2008) did associated with apoptosis and cell signalling during the
not identify Frost as a potential mucin in their genome- stress response (Bradley & Pober, 2001; Tompa, 2002),
wide analysis, and our analysis of consensus sequences which is consistent with a potential role of apoptosis in
suggest that the PTS motifs that had been previously cold shock injury in D. melanogaster (Yi et al., 2007). Goto
reported are more likely to be PEST motifs (incorporating (2001) noted that PEST motifs often indicate rapid degra-
a glutamine as well, Rogers et al., 1986), and the addition dation, suggesting that the responses mediated by Frost
of this glutamine is likely to change the dynamics of the may be rapid and transient. Together, these suggest that
repeats such that they probably cannot be considered Frost might play a role as a signalling protein during acute
PTS analogues. Furthermore, a transmembrane helix was stress response and apoptosis. Further elucidation of
predicted by only one piece of protein prediction soft- the role of Frost and its orthologues could include RNAi
ware (PSIPRED), and only in D. melanogaster. Thus, with knockdown experiments (eg Colinet et al., 2010) or
neither the characteristic PTS region nor trans-membrane tissue-specific expression studies, but to allow significant
helices of mucins, the consensus Frost protein does not improvements in understanding, the development of an
appear to be a mucin-like protein. antibody or green fluorescent protein fusion protein would
The predicted protein sequences of Frost orthologues allow the Frost protein to be investigated.
(and the consensus sequence) suggest high net charge
and low hydrophobic amino acid content typical of disor-
Experimental procedures
dered regions (flexible regions of proteins that lack
secondary structure under physiological conditions and Fly rearing and sample collection
which typically contain PEST motifs; Tompa, 2002; Dyson Flies were mass-reared on banana-yeast-proprionic acid medium
& Wright, 2005). The structural plasticity of disordered at 22 C, 50%RH, 13:11 light : dark as described previously (Nya-
regions allows them to be highly reactive, for example by mukondiwa et al., 2011). We used eight species of Drosophila,
primarily from long-standing laboratory colonies (Table 1). Droso-
glycosylation or phosphorylation or by proteolysis through
phila melanogaster were used at 10 stages of development:
calpain cleavage and ubiquitin-proteasome degradation
egg (8 h after oviposition), larval instars I (L1), II (L2), feeding (L3)
(Dyson & Wright, 2005). Tumour necrosis factor receptor and wandering (W) instar III, prepupae (PP), pupae (P), adult
consensus motifs are in tandem with the PEST regions in male and female two (A2M or A2F for males and females,
Fst and its orthologues, and these motifs are generally respectively), five (A5M or A5F) and 20 (A20M or A20F) days

Table 1. Primer pairs for quantitative real-time PCR in this paper

Primer sequence Source (collection location) Product length (bp)

Drosophila melanogaster (Left) 5-CGATTCTTCAGCGGTCTAGG-3 Sinclair et al., 2007 92
(Right) 5-CTCGGAAACGCCAAATTTTA-3 (London, ON, Canada)
Drosophila sechellia (Left) 5-GAATCCGTGGAATCCAAATG-3 GM26233 237
(Right) 5-ACAACATCATCCTCGGTGGT-3 (Cousin Island)
Drosophila simulans (Left) 5-CACCACCGACTCTGAGGACGGT-3 CG9493 Line KY237 134
Drosophila yakuba (Left) 5-TGGTAATGGTCATGGTCACG-3 GE24753 269
Drosophila mauritiana (Left) 5-CATCATGGCAACAATCATGG-3 G105 CG9434 219
(Right) 5-ACCGCTACCTTCTTCAGTGG-3 (Mauritius)
Drosophila erecta (Left) 5-CACGGAAACAACATTCATGG-3 GG17348 262
Drosophila ananassae (Left) 5-TTGGAGGCAATTGGATTAGG-3 GF18404 195
(Right) 5-CGTGATTGTGACCGTTTCC-3 (Kagoshima)
Drosophila willistoni (Left) 5-GGTGCCCGCTGGAAGGCAAT-3 GK11989 195
(Right) 5-TTCAGCTCGCCGATTGCGCA-3 (Guadeloupe)
Actin 79B
D. melanogaster (Left) 5-CCAGGTATCGCTGACCGTAT-3 CG7478 158
All other species (Left) 5-CACACCTTCTACAATGAGCTGCG-3 CG7478 120
(Actin 79B orthologues) (Right) 5-CATGATCTGGGTCATCTTCTCGCG-3 (London, ON)
Diuretic hormone
D. melanogaster (Left) 5-GCTCTGAATGATGAAAGCCACAGCG-3 CG8348/ 176

Primers were obtained from the literature or designed from database sequences using PRIMER-3.
Product length was calculated by PRIMER-3.
Source numbers refer to the transcript identities in Flybase ( or a published primer.

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Frost expression in Drosophila 37

Table 2. Amino acid composition of putative

Frost orthologues in Drosophila Conserved motifs Signal
Species S-T-P-E % (number of repeats) peptide

Drosophila simulans 52 PEST (15) Yes

TRAF (12)
SH2 (5)
Drosophila sechellia 50 PEST (16) Yes
TRAF (16)
SH2 (5)
Drosophila melanogaster 50 PEST (11) Yes
TRAF (11)
SH2 (5)
Drosophila erecta 48 PEST (11) Yes
TRAF (7)
SH2 (5)
Drosophila yakuba 49 PEST (12) Yes
TRAF (12)
SH2 (5)
Drosophila ananassae 46 PEST (13) Yes
TRAF (13)
SH2 (6)
Drosophila willistoni 46 PEST (18) No
TRAF (16)
SH2 (18)

Compositions were calculated from predicted amino acid sequences of Frost orthologues using
MEGA v. 5 (Tamura et al., 2007).
PEST motifs [serine (S) + threonine (T) + proline (P) + glutamic acid (E)] comprise approximately
half of the total amino acid sequence in Frost and its orthologues.
The presence of signal peptides was determined with the SignalP 3.0 server (Emanuelsson et al.,

post-eclosion. Five-day-old males and females of the other

RNA extraction and quality control
Drosophila species were used.
Eggs, larvae and pupae were collected under the microscope, Total RNA was isolated using the RNeasy Kit (Qiagen, Valencia,
rinsed of food with de-ionized water and blotted dry with a CA, USA) according to the manufacturers instructions. Extracted
tissue. Larval stages were confirmed for a subsample by the RNA was re-suspended in DEPC-treated water. The purity and
morphology of anterior spiracles and size of the mouth hook quantity of RNA was assessed using Nanodrop ND-1000 (A260/
(Ashburner, 1989). Prior to cold exposure, eggs and larvae A280 and A260/A230 > 1.8; Nanodrop Technologies, Wilmington,
were placed back into fresh 35 ml vials with 4 ml media to DE, USA). RNA samples were treated with DNase I (Invitrogen,
reflect rearing conditions and for practical reasons (Jensen Carlsbad, CA, USA) to remove genomic DNA and isolated RNA
et al., 2007), and sealed in plastic bags. Pupae were treated was stored at -80 C until reverse transcription. A total of 5 mg
similarly, but without food in the vial. Virgin male and female of RNA was used for single-stranded cDNA synthesis from
flies were collected within 8 h of eclosion under CO2 anaesthe- polyadenylated mRNA, using Oligo-dT primers and SuperScript
sia, transferred in groups of 30 to 35 ml vials with food and held II Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen). Three to five treatment
at 22 C for at least 48 h before treatment (Nilson et al., 2006), groups each of 100 eggs through second larval instar, 30 third
and were not subsequently anaesthetized. Adult flies were cold- larval instar and adults were used for real-time PCR (RT-PCR),
exposed in 35 ml vials, with food. Vials containing Drosophila giving cDNA extracts from at least three different generations per
were placed in sealed plastic bags, which were submerged in treatment group. Expression of DH following cold exposure rela-
ice-water slurry (0 C) for 2 h cold exposure, and then allowed tive to control was determined in 5-day-old adult male and female
1 h to recover at 22 C (Sinclair et al., 2007). Control groups of flies only.
animals were kept in food vials at 22 C for the full period of
exposure/recovery, and otherwise treated exactly as the treat-
ment groups of animals. For larvae and adults, only individuals Real-time PCR
that were moving at the end of the recovery period were col- Primer sequences for RT-PCR were either sourced from the
lected for RNA extraction. Samples for RNA extraction were literature or designed from transcript sequences from Flybase
snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 C. To obtain (, using Primer3 (
biological replicates, each experiment was repeated three times primer3/), with DNA primer length of 2025 bases and G/C
on separate generations. content around 60% (Table 1). Primers were synthesized by Invit-
Survival of a 2 h exposure to 0 C was measured by removing rogen, and were tested on cDNA using conventional PCR ampli-
three to eight vials of individuals to 22 C. Survival was measured fied by Taq polymerase (Invitrogen) to ensure that there was a
as the ability for adults to move in a coordinated fashion 72 h single product of the desired length. All cDNA samples from the
post-exposure. For juvenile stages, survival was assessed as same life stage or species were pooled and separated into sub-
successful eclosion of adults. samples to generate a standard concentration curve from 1.6 to

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38 X. Bing, J. Zhang and B. J. Sinclair

1000 mM for each primer pair. The reaction efficiencies of the

standard curves were close to 1, and r2 > 0.99, with unique peaks Acknowledgements
in melting curves indicating unique products. Expression of each Thanks to Drs Chris Guglielmo, Amanda Moehring, Greg
target gene was normalized to Actin-79B throughout, using a
Thorn and Nusha Keyghobadi for access to equipment,
published primer for D. melanogaster, and a single general
primer designed to work for all of the other species (Table 1). Drs Andr Lachance, Anthony Percival-Smith and Alex-
RT-PCR was performed using the SYBR Green PCR Master ander Timoshenko for advice and Dr Hiroko Udaka and
Mix (Applied Biosystems, Warrington, UK) on a Rotor-Gene 6000 Heath MacMillan for assistance and advice in the labora-
Cycler (Corbett, San Francisco, CA, USA) with the following tory. The manuscript was improved thanks to critical and
programme: 10 min at 95 C; up to 45 repeats of 15 s at 95 C, constructive comments from several referees. This work
15 s at 55 C and 30 s at 72 C followed by a melting curve. was supported by funding to B. J. S. from the Canadian
Analysis was performed for each biological replicate in technical
Foundation for Innovation, an Early Researcher award
triplicate, alongside a negative control and a triplicate of pooled
from the Ontario Ministry for Research and Innovation and
sample used to generate a standard curve for calibration. Both the
target gene and reference gene were amplified in the same run for an NSERC Discovery grant.
each sample. Variation in threshold cycle (Ct) values of technical
replicates did not exceed 0.9 cycles in any sample, and the
average difference in Ct value was 0.2 0.3 cycles per sample. References
Threshold cycles were normalized to Actin-79B expression
Ashburner, M. (1989) Drosophila: A Laboratory Handbook. Cold
using the efficiency correction method in REST 2009 software
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
(Qiagen). Relative expression was calculated in two ways accord-
Bradley, J. and Pober, J. (2001) Tumor necrosis factor receptor-
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