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Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education ~ Research Brief

The Secret to Finlands Success:

Educating Teachers
September 2010

About this Brief By Pasi Sahlberg

Director General, Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation
In the last decade, Finland

has emerged as the leading
ith its high levels of educational achievement and attainment, Fin-
OECD country in educational
land is regarded as one of the worlds most literate societies. More
achievement. In examining the
than 98 percent attend pre-school classes; 99 percent complete
sources of Finlands dramatic
compulsory basic education; and 94 percent of those who start the
rise to the top, research shows
academic strand of upper secondary school graduate. Completion rates in
one key element that has
vocational upper secondary school also reach close to 90 percent (Statistics
impacted Finlands success
Finland, 2010; Vlijrvi & Sahlberg, 2008).
above all others: excellent
teachers. This policy brief
Since it emerged in 2000 as the top-scoring OECD nation on the international
details the key elements of
PISA assessments, researchers have been pouring into the country to study
Finlands successful system,
the Finnish miracle. How did a country with an undistinguished education
examining teacher preparation,
system in the 1980s surge to the head of the global class in just few decades?
professional learning and
Research and experience suggest one element trumps all others: excellent
development, decision-making
teachers. This policy brief examines the crucial role that teachers and teacher
systems and practices for
education have played in the dramatic transformation of Finlands education
curriculum and assessment,
future policy issues for Finland,
and lessons that the United
The Teacher within Finnish Society
States can learn from Finlands
Education has always been an integral part of Finnish culture and society, and
teachers currently enjoy great respect and trust in Finland. Finns regard teach-
ing as a noble, prestigious professionakin to medicine, law, or economics
This brief is made possible by
and one driven by moral purpose rather than material interests.
a generous grant from the Ford
Teachers also are the main reason Finland now leads the international pack
in literacy, science, and math. Until the 1960s the level of educational
attainment in Finland remained rather low. Only 1 out of 10 adult Finns in
that time had completed more than nine years of basic education; achieving

sco e
a university degree was an uncommon attainment (Sahlberg, 2007). Back then,
the education level of the nation was comparable to that of Malaysia or Peru,
Stanford Center for and lagged behind its Scandinavian neighbors, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
Opportunity Policy in Education
Today, Finland publicly recognizes the value of its teachers and trusts their
Stanford University professional judgments in schools. Without excellent teachers Finlands
School of Education current international success would have been impossible.
Barnum Center, 505 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, CA 94305 These educational accomplishments seem all the more remarkable given that
Finnish children do not start primary school until age seven. The educational system in Finland today consists of an optional pre-school year at age six, followed by nine-year basic school (peruskoulu)a six-year primary school
650.725.8600 and a three-year lower secondary school (junior high school)compulsory to
all. This is followed by voluntary three-year upper secondary education with
2 Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education

two streams: general and vocational education. to explain why they have decided to become
Content experts and subject-focused teachers teachers. These highly capable candidates
provide instruction in the upper grades of basic complete a rigorous teacher education pro-
school as well as at the upper-secondary level. gram at government expense.

The Finnish education system does not employ Until the mid-1970s, primary school teachers were
external standardized student testing to drive the prepared in teacher colleges. Middle and high
performance of schools; neither does it employ a school teachers studied in subject departments of
rigorous inspection system. Instead of test-based Finnish universities. By the end of the 1970s, all
accountability, the Finnish system relies on the teacher education programs became university
expertise and accountability of teachers who are based. At the same time, scientific content and
knowledgeable and committed to their students. educational research methodologies began to enrich
the teacher education curriculum. Teacher educa-
Becoming a Teacher tion is now research-based, meaning that it must be
Among young Finns, teaching is consistently supported by scientific knowledge and focus on
the most admired profession in regular opinion thinking processes and cognitive skills used in
polls of high school graduates (Helsingin Sano- conducting research (Jakku-Sihvonen & Niemi,
mat, 2004). Becoming a primary school teacher 2006). The entry requirement for permanent em-
in Finland is a very competitive process, and only ployment as a teacher in all Finnish basic and high
Finlands best and brightest are able to fulfill those schools today is a masters degree. Preschool and
professional dreams. Every spring, thousands of kindergarten teachers must have a bachelors degree.
high school graduates submit their applications
to the Departments of Teacher Education in eight Wages are not the main reason young people be-
Finnish universities. Normally its not enough to come teachers in Finland. Teachers earn very close
complete high school and pass a rigorous matricu- to the national average salary level, typically equiva-
lation examination, successful candidates must lent to what mid-career middle-school teachers earn
have the highest scores and excellent interpersonal annually in the OECD nationsabout $38,500 in
skills. Annually only about 1 in every 10 appli- U.S. dollars (OECD, 2008). More important than
cants will be accepted to study to become a teacher salaries are such factors as high social prestige,
in Finnish primary schools, for example. Among professional autonomy in schools, and the ethos of
all categories of teacher education, about 5,000 teaching as a service to society and the public good.
teachers are selected from about 20,000 applicants. Thus, young Finns see teaching as a career on a par
with other professions where people work indepen-
There are two phases to the selection process for dently and rely on scientific knowledge and skills
primary school teacher education: First, a group that they gained through university studies.
of candidates is selected based on matriculation
Educating Teachers for
examination results, the high school diploma is-
Knowledge-Society Schools
sued by the school, and relevant records of out-of-
International indices suggest that Finland is one of
school accomplishments. In the second phase:
the most advanced knowledge societies (Sahlberg,
1. Candidates complete a written exam on as- 2007). Schools have played an important role in
signed books on pedagogy. transforming Finland from a traditional industrial-
agrarian nation into a modern innovation-based
2. Candidates engage in an observed clinical knowledge economy. This would not have been
activity replicating school situations, where possible without considerable improvements in
social interaction and communication skills how Finnish teachers are prepared.
come into play.
Universal high standards
3. Top candidates are interviewed and asked All teachers hold masters degrees. Primary school
The Secret to Finlands Success: Educating Teachers 3

teachers major in education, while upper grade Strong preparation in content and pedagogy
teachers concentrate their studies in a particular A broad-based curriculum ensures that newly pre-
subject, e.g., mathematics, as well as didactics, pared Finnish teachers possess balanced knowledge
consisting of pedagogical content knowledge spe- and skills in both theory and practice. It also means
cific to that subject. There are no alternative ways that prospective teachers possess deep professional
to receive a teachers diploma in Finland: the insight into education from several perspectives,
university degree constitutes a license to teach. including educational psychology and sociology,
curriculum theories, assessment, special-needs edu-
Teacher education aims at balanced development cation, and pedagogical content knowledge in se-
of the teachers personal and professional compe- lected subject areas. All eight universities have their
tences. Particular attention is focused on building own teacher education strategies and curricula that
pedagogical thinking skills that enable teachers are nationally coordinated to ensure coherence, but
to manage the teaching process in accordance locally crafted in order to make the best use of the
with contemporary educational knowledge and universitys resources and other nearby resources.
practice (Westbury et al., 2005). Candidates in
primary teacher education study three main ar-
As a general rule, primary school teacher education
eas: (1) the theory of education, (2) pedagogical
includes 60 ECTS credits of pedagogical studies
content knowledge, and (3) subject didactics and
and at least 60 more ECTS credits for other courses
practice. Each student completes a masters the-
in the educational sciences. The masters thesis
sis. Prospective primary school teachers normally
requires independent research, participation in
complete their theses in the field of education.
research seminars, and presentation of a final educa-
Secondary teachers select a topic within their
tional study. The common credit weighting associ-
subject. The level of academic expectations for
ated with this research work in all universities is 40
teacher education is similar for all teachers, from
ECTS credits. The renewed teacher education cur-
elementary to high school.
riculum in Finland expects primary school teacher
candidates to complete a major in educational sci-
Finnish teacher education is aligned to the Euro- ences and a total of 60 ECTS credit in minor stud-
pean Higher Education Area (2009) framework ies of subjects included in the National Framework
being developed under the ongoing Bologna Pro- Curriculum for basic schools.
cess. Currently, Finnish universities offer a two-
tier degree program. An obligatory three-year Subject teacher education follows the same prin-
bachelors degree program is followed by a two- ciples as primary school teacher education, but is
year masters degree program. These two degrees arranged differently. A prospective subject teacher
are offered in multi-disciplinary programs con- majors in the field he or she will be teaching (e.g.,
sisting of studies in at least two subjects. Studies mathematics or music). For this subject, advanced
are quantified in credit units within the Euro- studies involving 90 ECTS credits are normally re-
pean Credit Transfer and Accumulation System quired. In addition, 60 ECTS credits are required in
(ECTS) used in 46 European countries. ECTS is a second school subject. Generally, the Department
based on the assumption that 60 credits measure of Teacher Education organizes courses in peda-
the workload of a full-time student during one gogical studies in collaboration with subject-matter
academic year, and each ECTS credit stands for programs offered by certain faculties, which also
around 25 to 30 working hours. Teacher educa- are responsible for teacher education of their own
tion requirements are 180 ECTS credits for a students. Academic subject faculties, who also have
bachelors degree followed by 120 ECTS credits an important role in teacher education in Finland,
for a masters degree. Successful completion of a issue masters degrees for subject teachers.
masters degree in teaching (including the bach-
elors degree) generally takes from five to seven- There are two main ways to become a subject
and-a-half years (Ministry of Education, 2007). teacher. Most students first complete a masters de-
4 Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education

Table 1. Structure of subject teacher education program at the University of Helsinki

Bachelors level (25 ECTS credits) Masters level (35 credits)

First Term (18 credits) Third Term (17 credits)

Developmental psychology and learning (4) Social, historical and philosophical
foundations of education (5)
Special education (4)
Evaluation and development of teaching (7)
Introduction to subject didactics (10)
Advanced teaching practice in Teacher
Second Term (7 credits) Training School or Field School (5)
Basic teaching practice in Teacher
Fourth Term (12 credits) Research seminar (4)
Training School (7)
Final teaching practice in Teacher
As part of Masters program: Training School or Field School (8)
Research methodology (6)

gree with one major subject and one or two minor Integration of theory, research, and practice
subjects. Students then apply to the department of Finlands commitment to research-based teacher
teacher education for their focus subject. One aca- education means that educational theories, research
demic year (60 ECTS credits) is spent in pedagogi- methodologies and practice all play an important
cal studies, focusing on subject-oriented teaching part in preparation programs. Teacher education
strategies. The other way to become a subject curricula are designed to create a systematic path-
teacher is to apply directly to the teacher educa- way from the foundations of educational thinking
tion program when applying to study a subject. to educational research methodologies and then on
Normally, after the second year of subject studies, to more advanced fields of the educational scienc-
students start pedagogical studies in the education es. Each student thereby builds an understanding
department. The curriculum for this second path- of the systemic, interdisciplinary nature of edu-
way is identical to the first, only scheduled dif- cational practice. Finnish students also learn the
ferently within the bachelors and masters tracks, skills of how to design, conduct, and present origi-
typically over four academic terms as shown in an nal research on practical or theoretical aspects of
example of the University of Helsinki in Table 1 education. Another important element of Finnish
(above). research-based teacher education is practical train-
ing in schools, which is a key component of the
Instruction in Finnish teacher-education depart- curriculum, integrated with research and theory.
ments is arranged to reflect pedagogical principles
that newly prepared teachers are expected to prac- Teaching practice is integrated into both theoreti-
tice in their own classrooms. Although each uni- cal and methodological studies. Over the five-year
versity teacher has full pedagogical autonomy, ev- program, candidates advance from basic practice to
ery department of teacher education in Finland has advanced practice and then to final practice. During
a detailed and often binding strategy for improv- each of these phases, students observe lessons by
ing the quality of its teacher-education programs. experienced teachers, practice teaching observed
Subject-focused pedagogy and its research in, for by supervisory teachers, and deliver independent
example, science education are well-advanced in lessons to different groups of pupils while being
Finnish universities. Strategies of cooperative and evaluated by supervising teachers and Department
problem-based learning, reflective practice, and of Teacher Education professors and lecturers.
computer-supported education are common in all
Finnish universities. A Finnish higher education There are two main kinds of practicum experi-
evaluation system that rewards effective, innova- ences within teacher education programs in Fin-
tive university teaching practice has served as an land. The firsta minor portion of clinical train-
important driver of these positive developments. ingoccurs in seminars and small-group classes
The Secret to Finlands Success: Educating Teachers 5

in the Department of Education, where students in supervision and teacher professional develop-
practice basic teaching skills in front of their peers. ment and assessment strategies.
The secondthe major teaching practicehap-
pens mostly in special Teacher Training Schools Professional Learning and Development
governed by the universities, which have similar Finnish teachers possessing a masters degree have
curricula and practices as normal public schools. the right to participate in post-graduate studies to
Some student teachers also practice in a network supplement their professional development. Many
of selected Field Schools. Primary school teacher teachers take advantage of the opportunity to
education students devote approximately 15 per- pursue doctoral studies in education, often while
cent of their intended study time (about 40 ECTS simultaneously teaching school. For doctoral stud-
credits) to practice teaching in schools. In subject ies in education, students must complete advanced
teacher education, practice teaching comprises studies in the educational sciences. This means
about one third of the curriculum. that subject teachers much change their focus from
their initial academic concentration, e.g., chemis-
Although Teacher Training Schools constitute try, to education, so that they not only understand
the main portion of the network where Finnish their subject expertly, but also how the content can
students complete their practice teaching, some be better taught.
normal public schools (called Municipal Field
Schools) also serve the same purpose. (See Figure While Finnish teacher education has been praised
1, below.) Schools where practice teaching occurs for its systematic academic structure and high
have higher professional staff requirements, and overall quality (Jussila & Saari, 2000), professional
supervising teachers have to prove that they are development and in-service programs for teachers
competent to work with student teachers. Teacher are more variable. In Finland, induction of new
Training Schoolsare also expected to pursue re- teachers into their first teaching position is less
search and development roles in collaboration with uniform than initial preparation. It is up to each
the Department of Teacher Education and, some- school and municipality to take care of new teach-
times, with the academic faculties who also have ers induction to their teaching assignments. Some
teacher education functions. These schools can, schools, as part of their mission, have adopted
therefore, introduce sample lessons and alterna- advanced procedures and support systems for new
tive curricular designs to student teachers. These staff, whereas other schools simply bid new teach-
schools also have teachers who are well-prepared ers welcome and show them their classrooms. In

Figure 1. Structure of the University of Oulu and the organization of teacher education


Administration Board Teacher

Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of
Science Humanities Education
Municipal Field
Training Schools
Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of School
Technology Economics Medicine

Research Independent Regional

Coordination Units Units Faculties with
Units teacher education
6 Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education

some schools, induction is a specific responsibility the focus of the training, based on current national
of school principals or deputy principals, while in educational development needs, and the training is
others, induction responsibilities may be assigned contracted out to service providers on a competitive
to experienced teachers. Teacher induction is an basis. The Finnish Ministry of Education (2009), in
area that requires further development in Finland, collaboration with municipalities, plans to double
as has been pointed out in a recent European Com- the public funding for teacher professional develop-
mission report (2004). ment by 2016.

Concerns have also been raised recently about The Teachers Tools:
the variability of in-service education. Munici- Curriculum and Assessment
palities, as the overseers of primary, middle and Since teacher education became part of academic
high schools, are responsible for providing teach- university studies in the 1970s, Finnish teachers
ers learning opportunities, based on their needs. professional identity and status have gradually
Whereas some Finnish municipalities organize increased. During the course of Finlands education
in-service programs uniformly for all teachers, in reforms, teachers have demanded more autonomy
others, it is up to individual teachers or school and responsibility for curriculum and student
principals to decide how much and what type of assessment (Aho et al., 2006). The professional au-
professional development is needed and whether thority and autonomy that teachers have in Finland
such interventions will be funded. Although is an important factor in explaining why so many
schools are equitably financed, the central govern- young Finns consider teaching as their most ad-
ment has only limited influence on the budget deci- mired future job.
sions made by municipalities or schools. Therefore,
some schools receive greater allocations for profes- While the National Curriculum Framework for
sional development and school improvement than Basic School and similar documents for upper
others, especially where, during times of economic secondary education provide guidance to teachers,
downturn, professional development budgets are curriculum planning is the responsibility of schools
the first to vanish. and municipalities. The school-level curriculum is
approved by local education authorities and teach-
Teachers annual duties include three days devoted ers and school principals play a key role in curricu-
to planning and professional development. Accord- lum design. Teacher education provides them with
ing to a Finnish national survey, teachers devoted well developed curriculum knowledge and plan-
about seven working days per year on average to ning skills. Moreover, the importance of curricu-
professional development in 2007; approximately lum design in teacher practice has helped shift the
half was drawn from teachers personal time. About focus of professional development from fragmented
two-thirds of primary and secondary school teach- in-service training towards more systemic, theoreti-
ers participated in professional development that cally grounded schoolwide improvement efforts.
year (Kumpulainen, 2007).
Along with curriculum design, teachers play a key
In response to concerns that participation in pro- role in assessing students. Finnish schools do not
fessional development may be decreasing (Ministry use standardized testing to determine student suc-
of Education, 2009), the government is planning cess. There are three primary reasons for this. First,
substantial increases in professional development while assessment practice is well-grounded in the
budgets and considering ways to require that all national curriculum, education policy in Finland
teachers must have access to adequate profes- gives a high priority to individualized education
sional training financed by municipalities. The and creativity as an important part of how schools
state budget annually allocates some $30 million operate. Therefore the progress of each student in
to professional development of teachers and school school is judged more against his or her individual
principals through various forms of pre-tertiary and progress and abilities rather than against statistical
continuing education. The government determines indicators. Second, education developers insist that
The Secret to Finlands Success: Educating Teachers 7

curriculum, teaching, and learning should drive with and improvement of teaching methods, some
teachers practice in schools, rather than testing. of the most important aspects of their work are
Student assessment in Finnish schools is embed- conducted outside of classrooms.
ded in the teaching and learning process and used
to improve both teachers and students work Future Policy Issues in Finland
throughout the academic year. Third, determining Finland improves its schools and teacher educa-
students academic performance in Finland is seen tion programs through continuous evaluation and
as a responsibility of the school, not the external review. In 2007, the Ministry of Education identi-
assessors. Finnish schools accept that there may be fied these issues as important to address:
some limitations on comparability when teachers
do all the grading of students. At the same time, 1. Responding to the changing society. Declin-
Finns believe that the problems often associated ing age cohorts and growing retirements create a
with external standardized testingnarrowing challenge for preparing enough new teachers for
of the curriculum, teaching to the test, and un- the future. Meanwhile, Finnish schools must ac-
healthy competition among schoolscan be more commodate a growing number of immigrant and
problematic. Since Finnish teachers must design special-needs students. Teacher education must
and conduct appropriate curriculum-based assess- continue to adapt to prepare educators for work in
ments to document student progress, classroom a changing social and cultural world.
assessment and school-based evaluation are im-
2. Offering systematic professional develop-
portant parts of teacher education and professional
development. ment for all teachers. Teacher education and
teacher professional development should form a
stronger continuum, with induction available to
Although Finnish teachers work consists primar-
all teachers and included as part of lifelong pro-
ily of classroom teaching, many of their duties lay
fessional development. Municipalities should be
outside of class. Formally, teachers working time
required to ensure that each teacher has access to
in Finland consists of classroom teaching, prepa-
relevant professional development.
ration for class, and two hours a week planning
school work with colleagues. From an internation-
3. Creating a teacher education strategy for
al perspective, Finnish teachers devote less time to
each university. Each university offering teacher
teaching than do teachers in many other nations.
education should have an updated, comprehensive
For example, a typical middle school teacher in
teacher education strategy, coordinated among the
Finland teaches just less than 600 hours annually,
universitys various units, and guaranteeing mobil-
corresponding to about four 45-minute lessons
a day. In the United States, by contrast, a teacher
at the same level devotes 1,080 hours to teaching Figure 2. Average net teaching hours per year in
over 180 school days as shown in Figure 2 (OECD, Finland, the United States, and OECD countries
2008). This means that a middle school teacher in 1200
the United States, on average, devotes about twice
as much time to classroom teaching compared 1000
with his or her counterpart in Finland. 800

This, however, does not imply that teachers in
Finland work less than they do elsewhere. An 400
importantand still voluntarypart of Finnish 200
teachers work is devoted to the improvement of 0
classroom practice, the school as a whole, and Primary school Middle school High school
work with the community. Because Finnish teach-
Finland United States OECD average
ers take on significant responsibility for curricu-
Source: (OECD, 2008)
lum and assessment, as well as experimentation
8 Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education

ity across institutions. These strategies should also

put a strong focus on enhancing the universitys
Aho, E., Pitknen, K. & Sahlberg, P. (2006). Policy
role in providing in-service training and profes- development and reform principles of basic and secondary
sional development to teachers. education in Finland since 1968. Washington, DC: World
4. Strengthening research on teacher educa- European Commission (2004). Common European prin-
ciples for teacher competences and qualifications. Brus-
tion. Research on teacher education should be
sels: Directorate-General for Education and Culture.
strengthened through a better, more coordinated Available at:
national research program that includes conduct- pdf/01-en_principles_en.pdf.
ing research on effective teacher education. European Higher Education Area (2009). Bologna Pro-
cess. Vienna: Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and
Research. Available at:
Lessons from Finlands Success hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/Bologna_booklet.
No single thing can explain Finlands outstanding pdf.
educational performance. However, most analysts Helsingin Sanomat (2004). Ykkssuosikki: Opettajan am-
observe that excellent teachers play a critical role. matti [Top favorite: Teaching profession]. February 11,
Among the successful practices that we can take 2004.
Jakku-Sihvonen, R. & Niemi, H. (Eds.) (2006). Research-
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teacher educators. Research Report 25. Turku: Finnish
The development of rigorous, research- Educational Research Association.
based teacher education programs that Jussila, J. & Saari, S. (Eds.) (2000). Teacher education as a
prepare teachers in content, pedagogy, and future-molding factor: International evaluation of teacher
educational theory, as well as the capacity to education in Finnish universities. Helsinki: Higher Educa-
tion Evaluation Council. Available at: http://www.kka.
do their own research, and that include field
work mentored by expert veterans; Kumpulainen, T. (Ed.) (2008). Opettajat Suomessa 2008
Significant financial support for teacher [Teachers in Finland 2008]. Helsinki: Opetushallitus.
education, professional development, rea- Ministry of Education (2007). Opettajankoulutus 2020
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tence and improving opportunities for continuing educa-
which teachers have considerable authority
tion in education. Committee Report 2009:16. Helsinki:
and autonomy, including responsibility for Ministry of Education.
curriculum design and student assessment, OAJ (2008). Teacher education in Finland. Helsinki: The
which engages them in the ongoing analysis trade union of education in Finland. Available in the In-
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tracting the most able young people to teaching is Statistics Finland (2010). Education. Retrieved September
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(2005). Teacher education for research-based practice
mentation of externally mandated standards and
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Stanford Center for
Opportunity Policy in Education

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