Thought Forms and Ascension

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Taken from http://www.arcturians.


Thought Forms and Ascension

Mt. Shasta, California, USA

Thought Forms and Ascension

Thought Forms and Ascension

Copyright © 2007 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

Greetings, I am Juliano; we are the Arcturians. The next level in connecting to the fifth
dimension requires the technology of thought forms. Basically, thought forms create and
have created the reality of the third dimension. I know that you have studied with thought
forms, especially when using affirmations and creative visualizations. Perhaps you have not
considered that thought forms were the basic construct of the foundation for the creation of
the third dimension. Now new thought forms and new constructs are being downloaded into
the Earth, especially from the Central Sun. We have new information about these thought
forms. These thought forms are basic building blocks for the fifth dimension. These new
thought forms are basic fifth dimensional constructs that are inputted into the etheric
crystals. These thought forms are able to be contained in the etheric crystals so that they
can be activated and manifested.

It is significant that the etheric crystals are at this point the main structures that can hold
the new thought forms required to bring the Earth into the fifth dimension. There are many
existing thought forms already on the third dimension which are not of higher vibration.
These thought are third dimensional thought forms and often are created by lower density
beings including some world leaders who are seeking worldwide control. This worldwide
control is based on selfish or egotistical needs, not on fifth dimensional structures.
Nevertheless, these third dimensional thought forms do carry an energy and do carry a
strong influence on the development of this planet at this crucial time. And so you often
witness the manifestation or the attempted manifestation of these third dimensional thought
forms. Obviously, third dimensional thought forms also have power. Third dimensional
thought forms can be manifested on this planet. But, third dimensional thought forms are
limited and are based on a limited perception of reality that is usually without spiritual
energy. Left unchecked, these non-spiritual third dimensional thought forms create a lower
density reality on the Earth. This lower density reality is a rather painful picture because it is
based on limited perceptions and often constructed without taking into consideration the
biosphere, the animal kingdom and spirituality in general.

The children of the Elohim are also known as the Children of the Light. The ability of the
children of the Elohim, the Children of the Light, lies in their talents and ability in creating fifth
dimensional thought forms – new thought forms which now can be manifested on the third

In order to hold these thought forms though, it was necessary, and it continues to be
necessary, to provide containers for these thought forms. We will also call these thought
forms “thought constructs.” Six etheric crystals have been downloaded into the planet at
various locations and it is our intention with the assistance of you, the Arcturian starseeds, to
establish six more. This will bring us to a quite magical combination of 12 etheric crystals on
this planet. Each etheric crystal has a specific function. The new information and technology
that we wish to introduce focuses on the holding of the thought forms for the creation of a
fifth dimensional Earth.

The establishment of the etheric crystal at Mt. Shasta represented the first etheric crystal
that was particularly constructed and developed to hold the newer fifth dimensional thought
forms from the Central Sun that will manifest on the Earth.

Let me say something about the etheric crystals, and let me say something about the
etheric crystals as vessels. Vessels are containers and are mentioned in the work and
teachings that have been brought forth from the Kabbalah, which I may add is a galactic
teaching. Kabbalah is not limited to one religion. In the Kabbalah, the vessel is a container
which can hold a certain vibration. So, for example, if you use it in terms of physical Earth
terminology and symbols, then you can say that a vessel can hold a certain amount of
weight. If you put water in a vessel, then that vessel might be able to hold it. If you put sand
or rocks in the vessel and fill up that vessel, then that vessel might not be able to hold that
weight and break. If you put steel or some other very dense substance into that vessel, then
that vessel will crack and will not be able to hold the energy of what you have placed into it
because the vessel was not strong enough. In terms of you as an individual, I know that
each of you have already experienced being able to hold a certain vibration. In the galactic
Kabbalah teachings, each starseed has the ability to hold fifth dimensional energy and light.
In order to hold higher light, starseeds must first be activated. This activation in reality
provides a strengthening of your vessel so that you can hold higher vibrations.

Let us carry this analogy further. Higher vibrations are faster, more rapid. In the context
of what we are speaking of, each of you as a starseed is a vessel. A rapid vibration would be
considered a heavier weight in our analogy. If your vessel is attuned and strengthened, then
it can handle a higher vibration. If it isn’t attuned, then your vessel can “crack” under the
weight of higher vibrations. Many of you have already experienced the difficulty in going into
a higher vibrational situation such as the workshop at Mt. Shasta. In that situation, your
vessel did extremely well, but it lost its flexibility when you returned to the normal life.
Flexibility is another feature of the vessel. Your vessel not only needs to be strengthened,
but it also needs to have flexibility. So, for example, let us go back to the analogy of weight.
We must look at the vessel in terms of being able to carry heavy weight. Also, we need to
look at the vessel as being able to carry different temperatures. If you are in a hot
temperature, then maybe the vessel can do well. But if your vessel is in cold temperatures, it
would require a different flexibility and a different adaptation. We are trying to help you to
become vessels that are both capable of handling rapid higher vibrations and we are asking
that also your vessels be flexible. By being flexible, it means that it can operate in different
situations, including higher vibrations or lower vibrations, hot or cold temperatures.

The fact is that the thought forms that are needed to transform a planet are far beyond the
capability of any one person as a vessel to hold. Indeed, you have a symbology in the
Western religions which show how one person can carry the burden of being able to hold the
healing thought form of an entire planet. That one person who is able to hold the entire
thought form of a planet – that allows that planet to go into the fifth dimension. This person is
called the messiah. I do want to point out that the messiah is an example of the ideal. The
ideal being that one person is able to hold the thought form for an entire planet. This special
person is so connected with the divine light that it is truly incomprehensible to the normal
person. We are also aware that the energy of the messiah can be spread out to maybe 12
different persons. Together they would carry the messiah energy because it might be too
much for one person to hold.

We have approached this situation of the messiah from the perspective of the etheric
crystals. We, the Arcturians, have studied this messiah phenomenon partially through our
observations in other planets. We have asked ourselves the question about how can a
planet and one person hold such strong thought forms so that the planet will be successful in
manifesting and implementing the ascension. Fifth dimensional thought forms can transmute
the third dimension into the higher realms. We have done investigations just as your
scientists do. We have gone to many different planets in this galaxy. Some have
successfully made this transformation into the fifth dimension. Some have failed. Some
have worked hard. Some have, nonetheless, been stymied. Therefore, through our
development with our teachers and our spiritual masters, we developed the Arcturian Crystal
Temple. This Arcturian Crystal Temple was developed by our spiritual masters and teachers
for the express purpose of helping accelerate fifth dimensional thought forms on the Earth. It
has been our spiritual teachers that have explained to us that the quintessence of being
children of the Elohim lies in their ability to create a higher reality. To create a higher reality
requires higher thought forms. To have a higher thought form requires a vessel that will hold
that thought form.
To create a higher reality requires a vessel that will allow others to communicate with that
thought form. Most importantly, it will also be a vessel that can inter-communicate or intra-
communicate with higher energy from the Central Sun and with each other.

We now find ourselves excited and optimistic about the successful placement of these six
etheric crystals. In particular the downloading of the sixth one in Mt. Shasta has provided the
necessary vessels for holding the fifth dimensional thought forms that are being placed into
these crystals. Therefore, a successful manifestation and activation can occur.

I need to explain more about thought constructs. Originally, when we first started
communicating with you through the channel – 12, 14 years ago – we talked about thought
forms and we talked about thoughts. Some of the starseeds said: “Juliano, you are so
mental. Where is your heart, Juliano?” We do want to deal with the emotions. We want to
deal with love! Working with thought forms makes us appear so logical. The nature of
creation also includes the creation of thought forms for emotions. It is hard to conceive of
existence in only thought forms. It is difficult for you to visualize that you can have a
manifestation or a life without a body. The nearest that I can compare this situation to is your
dream life. Your dream life can be crazy and as colorful. It may be confusing and beautiful.
It may be divine. Know that in your dreaming you are experiencing yourself as a thought
form. In some ways I can say that the dream life is an opportunity to experience yourself in
your true nature. There is a great deal of subconscious emotions and unbridled passions in
these thought forms that you know as dreams. Dreaming gives you the experience of a
thought form and of existing in a thought form. In the dream state though, you might see
everyone in terms of existing in a body. Living in a dream thought form does exhibit an
image. That image can be in the form of a body, or the form of an astral etheric body.

Now, the downloading or the transfer of an image or a thought construct from a higher
realm into a lower realm has a power. That power is based on several factors. It is based on
the intention of the thinker and it is also based on the container in which the thought is held
and transmitted. Now quite interestingly, you have the concept of downloading higher
thoughts form in your earlier religions. Look into the Old Testament where you saw the
ancient Hebrews carrying the Ark. The Ark was actually holding a divine thought form! This
divine thought form was based on the creation and manifestation of a fifth dimensional city in
a location that would provide a huge upliftment to all peoples who were able to participate.

It is interesting in the history of ancient Israel that the Ark was actually lost. That in one
sense means that the special container was no longer in existence, and therefore there was
no longer any manifested container to hold the thought form from the divinity. Indeed, the
thought form of the divinity comes from the highest realm and can have the highest
manifestation. But, remember that we look at the children of the Elohim as the Children of
God. Therefore, you are developing the talent and the expertise to implement thought forms
from higher realms into the third dimensional reality. You are learning to implement the fifth
dimensional thought forms into a third dimensional reality. This will allow that third
dimensional reality to transmute itself into the fifth dimension.
Our spiritual masters came up with the concept of etheric crystals because etheric
crystals are “inter-dimensional” crystals. They exist in the etheric realm which is a realm that
is accessible to the starseeds in meditations and astral traveling. The etheric realm is also a
realm in which fifth dimensional beings like us can easily send thought constructs to you.
These thought constructs are accessible and understandable in the etheric realm. In the
etheric realm, you are more open to infinite energy and infinite concepts as opposed to finite
concepts. You are open to transmutations of light. You are open in the etheric realm to the
understanding that the energy and thought constructs can come from other realms far
beyond your normal comprehension. That is what the Central Sun is like – a higher realm
that is beyond your comprehension. It does not mean that you cannot somehow contain a
thought image from the Central Sun. You must work on developing ways of transliterating
the energy from this higher Central Sun into a visible, viable construct that can be projected
into the etheric crystal.

Now, the etheric crystals are actual crystals, and therefore they carry many of the traits of
crystals that you see on the Earth. Normally Earth crystals are third dimensional crystals and
they can be programmed. They can hold thought forms and thought patterns. Many of you
are already using regular crystals for this purpose in your healings. Incidentally, the tachyon
stones are also a type of energetic vessel that can hold thought patterns that are “of the
speed of light.” This is another way of saying that the tachyon stones are programmed for
infinite energy, infinite light, which is a transmutation of normal third dimensional energy.
The etheric crystals carry many of the same traits of regular third dimensional crystals,
including the ability to hold a program. This becomes a key component in Arcturian spiritual
technology. These etheric crystals help one in the face of third dimensional chaos, or in the
face of emotional dejection including fear and depression. One can turn to the etheric crystal
and can interact with its higher program. The crystal will not be affected by the lower
vibrations, and therefore, it can continue to work for you.

Crystals on the Earth in third dimension need to be activated and need to be interacted
with. A crystal without a human interaction is not very effective. It is similar to having a
computer, but then the computer is not turned on. What good is the computer if it has the
highest gigabytes of speed and the greatest Intel chips, yet it is not turned on. It is useless.
It cannot do anything unless it is on. And so it is with the etheric crystals. The regular
crystals on the Earth must be turned on through your thought patterns and your thought
wave. Healers will understand this when they are using a crystal for healing. I ask you to
please communicate this thought, “I am turning on this crystal.” You will find that the power
of that crystal will increase dramatically after you have turned it on.

So it is with the etheric crystals. The difference is that we, the Arcturians, are continually
working with the crystals, and we have already turned them on. There may come a time
when the Earth enters an energy field, which we have referred to as a dark energy field, or a
null zone. There will be temporary lack of communication with the higher realms. There will
be a point where the fifth dimensional energy will temporarily be blocked. It will be similar to
an eclipse. Some have called this the Null Zone. There have been preliminary periods of
null zone energy returning to the Earth. In fact, the existences of the oceans’ dead zones are
null zones. They are now in different parts of the planet, including off of the Mississippi River
in the New Orleans area, near the Gulf of Mexico. This is an example of a dead zone where
no life forms exist any longer.

There are Null Zones in outer space, and unfortunately, the use and creation of nuclear
energy and nuclear radiation contribute to the creation of Null Zones around the biospheric
energy field of the planet. The Null Zones are also present in different areas as the solar
system is traversing around its orbit of the galactic center. Let it be said that the Earth is not
the first planet that has created aberrant energies. You know in the study of the universe
and cosmology, that there are black holes and there are nebulae exploding, and there are all
different forms of energy. There are certain nebulae clouds that are around the path that the
Earth is going on. Some of these nebulae clouds are not even measurable by the normal
measuring devices of the Earth scientists. Of course, some of it is dark matter. Dark matter
is matter that is not seen by the normal Earth perceptions or Earth instrumentation. All this is
a way of saying that the Earth can and will at some point enter such a nebula. This nebula
will be comparable to what you describe as the Null Zone. Therefore, during this time that
the Earth is in the Null Zone, the downloading and the communication of the ascended
masters and fifth dimensional light will be blocked. It will be a temporary blockage and not
permanent. You may acutely feel this blockage, but I remind you now that these etheric
crystals are programmed to hold our energy and to hold the energy of other ascended
masters. These etheric crystals are programmed to hold fifth dimensional light even in the
period when we are not connected to them. They will hold light even in the time when the
Earth has been blocked temporarily by the Null Zone or the Null Nebula which will be for only
a passing period.

In the Earth crystals, you are used to you turning the crystal on and communicating with
it. Some of the crystals that you might find actually have been programmed by other beings.
Some of the crystals you find may be programmed by the Atlanteans, some by native
peoples. These Earth crystals have held the programming. Now you, with your mind, turn
on the programming and then you work with the programming. I want you to use the same
basic idea in relating to the etheric crystals. Know that at this moment they are all turned on
and interacting with us and with the Crystal Temple. Should the Earth pass through this Null
Nebula, these etheric crystals will not affect the programming. You as the starseeds will still
be able to receive the energy and thought forms from them.

I, Juliano, and our other spiritual masters are now downloading a powerful image of the
fifth dimensional Earth into each of the crystals. We are doing this through the Mt. Shasta
crystal and this image is being transferred to each of the other crystals. You can visualize
this image in terms of The City of Light, or the image The City of the Just. I want you to hold
that image from the etheric crystal that you are closest to. Hold the image of The City of
Light. We will go into a meditation now as you and I focus on this image of The City of Light
which will be a beautiful thought construct. We are helping to plant the images of The City of
Light into the Earth. We will go into meditation now.

Know that the fifth dimensional Cities of Light around them have a special shimmering
energy field. This shimmering energy field is a unique aspect of shimmering energy which
allows fifth dimensional energy beings to see the city, to be in the city and to function in the
city. Yet, third dimensional beings will come up to the city but not seem to see it or not seem
to understand what is special about the energy. Other beings will not be attracted to staying
with the energy. The shimmering energy around a fifth dimensional city or an area is so
powerful that it creates an energy field of its own, and lower vibrational beings are actually
repulsed or pushed away. It is similar to the way a magnet is of an opposite polarity and can
be attracted or rejected, depending on the different charges. My friends, we are now using
the etheric crystals to download more images of fifth dimensional cities of light which are
protected by shimmering vibrational light fields. Eventually, these fifth dimensional cities will
coagulate into the fifth dimensional Earth! That is how the Earth is going to ascend through
your work. I now turn the next part of the lecture over to Chief White Eagle. I am Juliano.

Hey! Hey Ya Ho Ya Hey! All my relations! All my words are sacred. Greetings, my star
family. I am the Chief White Eagle. The star family is like any family. We are tightly knit and
we are a highly evolved family. I know that all Earth families are not tightly knit, but our fifth
dimensional families are soul families who are close. We are all tightly knit. Many of you
have wondered why the Native American Ascended Masters are staying with the Earth.
Many of you have already committed to returning to other planets, or to your home planet. I
have said that most of the Native American Ascended Masters are committed to returning to
the Earth and to staying with the Earth. Maybe now you understand why – because our
grandfathers’ spirits are still here on the Earth. The native people’s ancestors are in
Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and many of the other areas, such as Costa Rica. The
grandfathers and grandmothers are still there waiting. Many of the ancestors are in the
mountains that we have activated where the etheric crystals are. There are ancestral spirits
in Poaz, in Grosse Valley, in Mt. Shasta, in Lake Moraine, in Bodensee, and in Lago Puelo.
The ancestors are happy to integrate and to work with the shimmering light. They are
already there and they are willing to work. They are committed because they know from their
etheric teachings, and from their etheric thought projections, that the time is coming when
this great activation of the Cities of Light is upon them. They are waiting.

I, Chief White Eagle, am also committed to helping this Earth through these thought
patterns. I see a great talking circle like a powwow, a great etheric tipi, huge in the fifth
dimension. I see that etheric tipi being downloaded into the etheric crystals, and I see us as
a great nation of etheric beings gathering. I see us in New Zealand and I see us in Australia
gathering in a great circle of beings, holding this great light, this great circle of light. The
powers of the Cities of Just and of Light are magnified by the circle. The Grandfather,
Grandmother ancestral spirits are coming to the circle. I am holding this great gathering and
projecting this image so that the great ancestral spirits will be able to work with you and
interact with you. Hey ya hooo, heeeyyyyy.

We are shimmering with you, my brothers and sisters. Our tipis in the etheric realms are
activated, and we are only waiting for you to find places to set up these great circles on
Earth. You do not have to have a tipi. All you need to do is set up circles of people and think
of the great symbols of the tipi and how they have been given by the star family to the Native
Americans. This tipi symbol shall be used by all lightworkers. Hey ya hooooaaa. I am Chief
White Eagle. Blessings to you all.

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