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KVPY 2011

Q1. An object is stationary if distance time graph is
(a) Parallel to distance - axis
(b) Parallel to time - axis
(c) A straight line having constant slope
(d) A straight line having variable slope
Q2. Figure shows the distance - time graph of your children A, B, C and D. which
child has highest speed?

d i s t a n c e

t im e
(b) A (b) B (c) C
(d) D
Q3. A car is moving with a uniform velocity of 40km/h. its acceleration after 1 hour is
(c) 40km/h2 (b) 20km/h2 (c) 10km/h2 (d)
Q4. Slope of a velocity - time graph gives
(d) Distance (b) Displacement (c) Acceleration (d)
Q5. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius r. the displacement after half a
circle would be.

(e) Zero (b) r (c) 2r (d)

2 r
Q6. A body A starts from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration along a straight
line. Another body B has some initial velocity and moves with larger acceleration
than that of A. the correct velocity line graphs of A & B are represented as

v e l o c i t y

(f) t i m e (b)

v e l o c i t y

t i m e

v e l o c i t y

(c) t i m e (d)

v e l o c i t y

t i m e

Q7. Uniform circular motion of an object is

(g) Non-accelerated (b) Accelerated (c) Uniform (d)

None of these

Q8. Speedometer measures

(h) Speed (b) Average speed

(c) Instantaneous speed (d) All of these

Q9. The speed of an object decreases if slope of distance - time graph

(i) Is constant (b) Increases (c) Decreases (d)


Q10. A radio signal takes 1.3 seconds to reach the earth from moon. If the speed of
the signal is 3 10 m / s . Distance of moon from earth is

(j) 3 10 km (b) 3.5 105 km (c) 3.9 105 km (d)

3.9 105 m

Q11. At room temperature

( 30 C )

a student sets up an apparatus to determine the

melting point of ice. He takes a beaker half filled with ice and dips a thermometer
in it. The correct observation is
(k) Temperature falls and becomes constant at 4 C .
(l) Temperature falls and becomes constant at 0 C till the whole ice melts.
(m) Temperature falls and ice starts melting with increase in temperature.
(n) Temperature keeps on falling tell 4 C , then it starts increasing.
Q12. Liquid A boils at 500C and liquid B at 1000C, which of them is more volatile.
(o) A (b) B
(c) Both A and B (d) None of these
Q13. A gas can be liquefied at
(p) Low temperature, low pressure (b) High temperature, high
(c) Low temperature, high pressure (d) High temperature, low
0 0 0
Q14. On converting 0 C , 6 C , 273 C into Kelvin, the correct sequence of
temperature will be
(q) 273 K, 267 K, 546 K (b) 273 K, 279 K, 546 K

(c) 273 K, 267 K, 0 K (d) 273K , 279K , 0 K

Q15. Which of the following increase with increase in temperature.
(r) Diffusion only
(b) Diffusion and kinetic energy
(c) Diffusion, kinetic energy, vaporization
(d) Solubility o solid in liquid, diffusion, kinetic energy, vaporization.
Q16. When salt in dissolved in water, which of the following is correct observation?
(s) The level of water increases
(b) The level of water decreases
(c) The level of water remains the same
(d) The level of water first decreases and then increases
Q17. Which condition of the following will increase the rate of evaporation?
(t) Increase in temperature of water (b) Less exposed surface
area of water
(c) Increase in humidity in atmosphere (d) Decrease in wind
Q18. Which one of the following will not undergo sublimations
(u) Naphthalene (b) Camphor
(c) Iodine (d) Potassium chloride
Q19. What will be boiling point of water at hill station?
(v) 1000C
(b) < 1000C
(c) > 1000C
(d) Either less than 1000C or more than 1000C
Q20. Which of following is incorrect statement?
(w) Gases can diffuse in gas, liquid and solids having pores
(x) Liquid can diffuse in solids and liquids
(y) Solids can diffuse in solids
(z) Solids cant diffuse in liquids

Q21. Rotation of crops helps in

(aa)Attacking insects (b) Altering chemical
nature of soil
(c) Improving soil fertility (d) Proliferating weeds.
Q22. The process of cross breeding two different verities of crop plants each having
desired characteristic is known as:
(bb) Selection (b) Creasing (c) Hybridization (d)
Q23. Which of the following is incorrect for green manure
(cc)It supplies organic matter (b) It supplies nitrogen
(c) It prevents soil erosion (d) It allows leaching
Q24. Sustainable agriculture involves
(dd)Mixed cropping (b) Mixed farming (c) Crop rotation (d)
All of the above
Q25. Which of the following is incorrect about fertilizer
(ee)It is nutrient specific (b) It is water insoluble
(ff) It is readily absorbed by plants (d) It is compact and easy
to transport
Q26doubt. Which of the following is a micronutrient
(gg)Phosphorus (b) Potassium (c) Nitrogen (d)
Q27. To solve the food problem in our country which among the following is
(hh)Increased production and storage of food grain
(ii) Easy access of people to the food grain
(jj) People should have money to purchase the grains
(kk)All of the above
Q28. Find out the correct sentence about manure
(ll) Manure contains large quantities of organic matter and less quantity of
(mm)It increases water holding capacity of sandy soil
(nn)It helps in draining out excess water from clayey soil
(oo)It excessive use pollutes environment because it is made from animals
(pp)i, iii (b) ii, iii (c) iii, iv (d) i,
ii, iii
Q29. Which of the following nutrient is not available of fertilizer
(qq)Nitrogen (b) Phosphorus (c) Potassium (d)
Q30. Preventive and control measure adopted for storage of grains include.
(rr) Strict cleaning (b) Use of neem leaves
(c) Fumigation (d) All of the above

Q31. An electric iron draws a current of 4A when connected to a 220V mains. Its
resistance must be.

(ss) 1000 (b) 44 (c) 55 (d)

none of these
Q32. Identify the circuit in which the electrical components have been properly
+ -


+ -
(tt) A (b)

+ -

+ A
V +

+ -

+ V
A +
(c) (d)
+ -

+ A
V -

Q33. A cell, a resistor, a key and ammeter are arranged as shown in circuit
+ - - +

( I ) ( I I )
- +

- +
( I I I )
The current recorded in the ammeter will be
(uu)Maximum in (I) (b) Maximum in (III)
(c) Maximum in (II) (d) Same in all three
Q34. What is the maximum resistance which can be made using five resistors each of


5 .

(vv) 1 (b) 25 (c) 5 (d)

None of these

Q35. Two resistors of resistance 2 and 4 when connected with a battery will
(ww)Same current flowing through them when connected in parallel.
(xx)Same current flowing through them when connected in series.
(yy)Same potential difference across them when connected in series.
(zz)Different potential difference when connected in parallel.
Q36. When length of a conductor is increased the resistivity of material of conductor.
(aaa)Increases (b) remains unchanged
(c) decreases (d) uncertain
Q37. The unit of specific resistance is
(bbb)Ohm (b) ohm. metre (c) ohm. metre2 (d)
ohm per metre
Q38. Which has more resistance, copper wire of length 12cm. or copper wire of length
(ccc)Wire of length 12cm (b) Wire of length 30cm
(c) Same in both the resistance (d) Uncertain
Q39. If A1 and A2 are the area of cross - section of the wires of same material and A 2 >

A1 and if the current in the two conductors and I1 and I2 respectively then which of
the following is correct.
(ddd)I2 > I1 (b) I1 > I2 (c) I1 = I2 (d)
None of these

3 3

3 3

The equivalent resistance of the resistors if connected as shown in the figure is

(eee) 12 (b) 6 (c) 15 (d)

None of these

Q41. A substance that oxidizes itself and reduces others is known as

(fff) Oxidizing agent (b) Reducing agent
(c) Dehydrating agent (d) None of these
2H2S + SO2 2H2O + 3S
Q42. In the reaction , choose the statement which is false.

(ggg) H2S is oxidized (b) SO2 is reduced (c) H2S is reduced (d)
All are correct

x Fe + y H2O Fe3O4 + z H2
x, y, z in balanced equation respectively are
(hhh)3, 4, 4 (b) 3, 4, 2 (c) 2, 4, 3 (d)
3, 4, 1
Q44. A compound x green coloured solid, gets oxidized to reddish brown solid in
presence of air. x on heating gives brown coloured solid y and two pungent
smelling gases A and B. A turns acidified potassium dichromate solution
green. x, y, A, B and type of reaction is
CuSO4 , CuO, SO2 , SO3
(a) , decomposition
FeSO4 , Fe, SO2 , SO3
(b) , decomposition
FeSO4 , Fe2O3 , SO2 , SO3
(c) , decomposition
FeSO4 , Fe2O3 , SO3 , SO2
(d) , decomposition
Q45. The following reaction is an example of
4NH3( g) + 5O2( g) 4NO( g) + 6H2O ( l )

(iii) Displacement reaction (ii) Combination reaction

(iii) Redox reaction (iv) neutralization reaction
(jjj) (i) & (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i) and (iii) (d)
(iii) and (iv)
Q46. Which of the following can be used for storage of fresh sample of an oil for a long
(kkk)Carbon dioxide or oxygen (b) Nitrogen or chlorine
(c) Carbon dioxide or Helium (d) Helium or nitrogen
Q47. Which of the following reaction has not been correctly represented?
BaCl 2( aq) + H2SO4( aq)
BaSO 4 +2HCl ( aq)

Zn ( s) + H2SO4( aq))
ZnSO 4 +H2( g)

C + O2( g)
CO2( g) + heat
(nnn) ( s)

2KCl O3( s) 2KCl ( s) + 3O2
Q48. Which of the following reaction is not a redox reaction as well as a displacement
2HgCl 2 + SnCl 2
Hg2Cl 2 + SnCl 4

(qqq) ZnO + C
Zn + CO

2Al + 6HCl
2Al Cl 3 + 3H2

H2S + Cl 2
2HCl + S
Q49. Which one of the following is not a balanced equation?

(ttt) Fe + Cl 2
FeCl 3

Mg + CuSO4
MgSO4 + Cu

NaOH + HCl
NaCl + H2O Zn + S
(c) (d)
Q50. Which one of the following is not a chemical reaction.
(uuu)Souring of milk (b) Rusting of iron
(c) Dissolution of sugar in water (d) Digestion of food in our
Q51. In simple organisms exchange of gases occurs through.
(vvv)Osmosis (b) Diffusion (c) Imbibition (d)
All the above
Q52. Oxygen released dividing photo synthesis comes from
(www)Water (b) CO2 (c) Glucose (d)
Q53. Respiratory tract is lined with ciliated epithelium. The function of cilia is to
(xxx)Trap dust (b) Push out mucus with
trappted germs
(c) Trap germs (d) Push in air vigorously
Q54. First step of photosynthesis is
(yyy)Formation of ATP (b) excitation of chlorophyll
by photon
(c) Ionisation of water (c) Reaction of CO2 with RuBP

Q55. Proteolytic enzyme of pancreatic juice is

(zzz)Pepsin (b) Trypsin (c) Amylase (d)
Q56. Gaseous exchange occurs in lungs in the region of
(aaaa)Trachea (b) Bronchi (c) Bronchioles (d)
Q57. A few drops of iodine solution were added to rice water. The solution turned blue-
black in colour. This indicates that rice water contains
(bbbb)Complex proteins (b) Fats
(c) Simple proteins (d) Starch
Q58. The correct sequence of anaerobic reaction in yeast is
Cytoplasm mitochondria
(cccc)Glucose pyruvate Ethanol + CO

Cytoplasm Cytoplasm
(dddd)Glucose pyruvate Lactic Acid
Cytoplasm mitochondria
(eeee)Glucose Pyruvate Lactic Acid
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm
(ffff)Glucose Pyruvate Ethanol + CO2
Q59. What is the correct sequence of parts in human alimentary canal?
(gggg)Mouth " oesophagus " stomach " large intestine " small intestine
(hhhh)Mouth " stomach " oesophagus " small intestine " large intestine
(iiii)Mouth " stomach " Oesophagus " small intestine " large intestine
(jjjj)Mouth " Oesophagus " stomach " small intestine " large intestine
Q60. Which is the correct sequence of air passage during inhalation?
(kkkk)Nostrils " larynx " pharynx " trachea " lungs
(llll)Nasal passage " trachea " pharynx " larynx " alveoli
(mmmm)Larynx " nostrils " pharynx " lungs
(nnnn)Nostrils " pharynx " larynx " trachea " alveoli

Q61. Joule per coulomb (i.e., Joule/coulomb) is equivalent to

(a) Ohm (b) Watt (c) Ampere (d) Volt
Q62. An ammeter has 20 divisions between mark 0 and mark 2 on its scale. The least
count of the ammeter is
(a) 0.02 A (b) 0.01 A (c) 0.2 A (d) 0.1 A
Q63. Ohms law is not obeyed by
(a) Electrolytes (b) Alloys
(c) Semiconductor diodes (d) Both electrolytes and
Q64. A Rheostat in an electric circuit is connected to
(a) Apply a constant resistance in the circuit
(b) Apply a variable resistance in the circuit
(c) To stop the flow of current in the circuit
(d) to start the flow of current in the circuit
Q65. A fuse wire in household circuit is connected in
(a) Series (b) Parallel
(c) Series with earth wire (d) Between live and neutral
Q66. Which physical quantity remains unchanged in parallel combination.
(a) Voltage (b) Current (c) Resistance (d) None
of these
Q67. If four resistors each of value 1 are connected in parallel, the effective
resistance of the combination is

(a) 0.5 (b) 0.25 (c) 4 (d) 4

Q68. Which one is a suitable method of fine the accurate pH value?
(a) pH metre (b) pH paper
(c) Universal indicator (d) Litmus solution
Q69. Which one is correct statement about universal indicator?
(a) It is a mixture of HCl and NaOH
(b) It is a mixture of many indicators
(c) It is a solution of phenolphthalein in alcohol
(d) It is s solution of phenolphthalein in water
Q70. The pH of a sample Y is found to be 10. This sample may be which one of the

(a) NaOH (b) HCl (c) Water (d)


Q71. Which one of the following is not required to find the pH of a solution?

(a) pH paper (b) Litmus paper

(c) Universal indicator (d) Standard value pH chart

Q72. A colourless sample was tested with a strip of pH paper. The colour of the strip
changed to reddish pink. The sample should be

(a) Tap water (b) Distilled water

(c) Sodium hydroxide (d) Lemon juice

Q73. What is the name of the reaction between HCl and NaOH?

(a) Combination (b) Displacement (c) Dissociation (d)


Q74. To prepare a temporary mount of a leaf and to observe stomata, we take.

(a) A dry leaf (b) A crushed leaf

(c) The lower epidermis of leaf (d) The upper epidermis of a


Q75. We put the cover slips on the slide very gently to avoid
(a) Entry of air bubbles (b) Crushing of the material

(c) Oozing of glycerin (d) Folding of the material

Q76. We place leaf peel in water so that

(a) Peel remains green (b) Guard cells become rigid

(c) Peel does not dry up (d) Peel is washed

Q77. The excess of stain while preparing a temporary stained mount of a leaf is
removed by

(a) Washing with water (b) Washing with CaCl2


(c) Soaking with filter paper (d) Absorbing with cotton wool

Q78. In which of the following solvent leaf is boiled to remove chlorophyll?

(a) Water (b) Alcohol (c) Iodine solution (d)

Strach solution

Q79. Which of the following part of leaf will become blue-black after treatment with
iodine solution.

(a) Uncovered part of leaf (b) Covered part of leaf

(c) Both of these (d) The entire leaf will become

blue black Q80. A metallic structure with a specific cut out used in the
photosynthesis experiment is called

(a) Auxanometer (b) Ganongs light screen

(c) Potometer (d) Porometer

Q81. The energy produced as a result of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) is in the
form of
(a) Fats (b) DNA (c) protein (d) ATP
Q82. Level of water will not increase if a small seedling is placed in place of
germinating seeds because
(a) No CO2 will be released (b) O2 will be released

(c) CO2 released will get used up by the plant (d) None of the above

Q83. Seeds which are taken in the flask during respiration, experiment must be
(a) Dry (b) Just wet (c) Germinating (d)
Q84. A freshly prepared lime water become milky when carbon dioxide gas in passed
through it. This is caused by the formation of which one of the following?
(a) Calcium oxide (b) Calcium chloride
(c) Calcium carbonate (d) Sodium Carbonate
Q85. When a few droops of phenolphthalein are added to a solution of sodium
hydroxide a pink colour is produced. What will be the colour of the final mixture
when excess of HCl is added to it?
(a) Orange (b) Blue (c) Light pink (d)
Q86. The basic nature of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is due to the presence of which
one of the following ion in solution
(a) Hydrogen ions (b) Chloride ions (c) Hydroxide ions (d)
Sodium ions
Q87. What is the form of zinc metal available in the Chemistry Lab to be used for
performing experiments?
(a) As zinc filings (b) As zinc rod (c) As zinc granules (d) As
zinc pellets

Q88. Three resistors each of resistance 6 are connected in series. Their equivalent

resistance is 18 . Their equivalent resistance when connected in parallel will be

(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

Q89. Three resistors are connected in series with a battery. The current in each
resistor is 1.5 A. The current drawn from the battery is
(a) 4.5 A (b) 3A (c) 1.5 A (d) 1.0 A
Q90. Which physical quantity remains unchanged in parallel combination
(a) Voltage (b) Current
(c) resistance (d) None of the above

Q91. Which of the following is not observed when a strip of aluminium is placed in
ferrous sulphate solution?
(oooo)Green colour of solution disappears
(b) The solution becomes colourless
(pppp)Dusty grey diposite is found on the surface of aluminium strip
(qqqq)The solution becomes blue in colour.
Q92. A student added zinc granules to copper sulphate solution taken in a test tube.
Out of the following the correct observation(s) made by him will be.
(rrrr)Zinc granules have no regular shape.
(ssss)Zinc granules have silvery grey colours
(tttt)The colour of zinc granules changed to brown.
(uuuu)(i) only (b) (ii) only (c) (iii) only (d) (i), (ii)
and (iii)
Q93. In the reaction between iron and copper sulphate, iron metal acts as:
(vvvv)Oxidizing agent (b) dehydrating agent
(c) Catalytic agent (d) Reducing agent
Q94. A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from the aqueous solution
of the later. From the following sets tell which one represent a correct pictures of
both the possible () reactions and impossible () reactions between metals and
the solutions of different salts?
Sets Metal ZnSO4 FeSO4 CuSO4 Al2(SO4)3
(a) Zn
(b) Fe
(c) Cu
(d) Al
Q95. The correct formula to calculate the percentage of water absorbed by raisins is
W1 + W2 W1 W2
100 100
(wwww) W 1 (b)
W 1

W2 W1 W1
100 100
W1 (d)
W1 W2

Q96. A student dissolved 15g of sugar m 250ml of distilled water in beaker A and 200g
of sugar in 250ml of distilled water in beaker B. The weight of dry raisins put into
beaker A was equal to weight of dry raisins put into beaker B. After 10 hours he
observed that.
(xxxx)Raisins in beaker A were swollen and in beaker B were shrunken.
(yyyy)Raisins in beaker B were swollen and in beaker A were shrunken.
(zzzz)Raisins in beaker A and B were swollen.
(aaaaa)Raisins in beakers A and B were shrunken.
Q97. A student recorded following readings while performing the experiment.
Weight of dry raisins = 40g
Weight of raisins after soaking = 60g
The percentage of water absorbed by raisins is
(bbbbb)25% (b) 50% (c) 60% (d) 80%
Q98. When a glass slab of RI = 1.7 is placed on a cross marked on a sheet of paper, it
appears to be raised by 1.2cm. The thickness of glass slab is
(ccccc)2.90cm (b) 2.814cm (c) 2.914cm (d)
Q99. When a ray of light travels from air to glass and strikes the surface of reparation
at 900, then it
(ddddd)Bends towards the normal (b) Bends
away from the normal
(c) Passes unbent (d) Returns back into air.
Q100. On what factors does the lateral displacement of the emergent ray depends.
(eeeee)On increase in thickness of medium (b) On increase in angle of
(c) Increase in refractive index of medium (a) All of these
Q101. In Mendeleevs Periodic Table, gaps were left for the element to be discovered
later. Which of the following elements found a place in the periodic table later?
(fffff)Germinium (b) Chlorine (c) Oxygen (d)
Q102. Which three elements out of A, B, C, D, E with atomic number 2, 3, 7, 10, 30
respectively belong to the same period?
(ggggg)A, B, C (b) B, C, D (c) A, D, E (d) B, D,
Q103. Which of the following has larger atomic size?
(hhhhh)Na (b) Mg (c) K (d) Ca
Q104. Arrange the following elements in the order of their decreasing metallic
character. Na, Si, Cl, Mg, Al.
(iiiii)Cl > Si > Al > Mg > Na (b) Na > Mg > Al > Si > Cl
(c) Mg > Na > Al > Si > Cl (d) Al > Mg > Na > Si > Cl
Q105. Which of the following does not increase while moving down the group of the
periodic table?
(jjjjj)Atomic radius (b) Metallic character
(c) Valence electrons (d) Number of shells in an
Q106. 14 elements after Lanthanum are called:
(kkkkk)Lanthanides (b) Actinides
(c) d-block elements (d) p-block elements
Q107. Fertilization in flowering plants produces
(lllll)Embryo (b) Endosperm (c) Nucleus (d) Both
(a) and (c)
Q108. Receptive part of carpel is
(mmmmm)Placenta (b) Style (c) Stigma (d) Ovary
Q109. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual reproduction in
a flower?
(nnnnn)Pollination, fertilization, seedling, embryo
(ooooo)Seedling, embryo, fertilization, pollination
(ppppp)Pollination, fertilization, embryo, seedling
(qqqqq)Embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilization
Q110. The number of chromosomes in parents and offspring of a particular species
remains constant due to
(rrrrr)Doubling of chromosomes after zygote formation
(sssss)Halving of chromosomes during gamete formation
(ttttt)Doubling of chromosomes after gamete formation.
(uuuuu)Halving of chromosomes after gamete formation.
Q111. Length of pollen tube depends on the distance between.
(vvvvv)Pollen grain and upper surface of stigma.
(wwwww)Pollen grain on upper surface of stigma and ovule.
(xxxxx)Pollen grain in anther and upper surface of stigma
(yyyyy)Upper surface of stigma and lower part of style.
112. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba, spirogyra and yeast is that.
(a) They reproduce asexually (b) They are all unicellular
(c) They reproduce only sexually (d) They are all
Q113. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for transport of
sperms is
(zzzzz)Testis vas deferns urethra (b) Testis ureter
(c) Testis urethra ureter (d) Testis vas deferns
Q114. Water in deep sea appears bluish. It is due to the.
(aaaaaa)Presence of algae and other plants found in H2O
(bbbbbb)Image of sky formed in water.
(cccccc)Absorption of light by the sea.
(dddddd)Scattering of light
Q115. The three primary or basic colours are
(eeeeee)Red, blue, yellow (b) Yellow, green, orange

(c) Red, green, yellow (d) Red, green, blue

Q116. The dispersive power of a prism depends upon
(ffffff)Material of prism (b) Angle of prism
(c) Size of prism (d) None of the above
Q117. A human eye can see both nearby and distant objects clearly. The reason is
(gggggg)The muscles connected to eye lens can adjust their focus.
(hhhhhh)The retina can change position.
(iiiiii)Near pt of eye is 25cm.
(jjjjjj)The iris and eyelids are responsible for regulation of light.
Q118. Presbyopia is an eye defect in which, a person can see.
(kkkkkk)Nearer objects clearly (b) Distant
objects clearly
(c) Both distant and nearby objects (d) None of above
Q119. Stars twinkle due to
(llllll)Atmospheric refraction (b) Atmosphere reflection
(c) Scattering of light (d) Dispersion of light.
Q120. Choose the correct depiction for dispersion of white light on passing through a

W h i t e R e d

(mmmmmm) V i o l e t (b)

W h i t e G r e e n

R e d
W h i t e V i o l e t

(c) Y e l l o w (d)

W h i t e B l u e

G r e e n

Q121. What is the density of water in SI unit at 40C?

(a) 1 kg / m3 (b) 10 kg /m3 (c) 100 kg / m3 (d) 1000
kg / m3
Q122. If the mass of solid body is doubled, its density.
(a) Becomes two times (b) Becomes four times
(c) Remains the same (d) Becomes half
Q123. The density of salty solution of water as compared to the density of pure water is
(a) Less (b) More
(c) Same (d) Dependent upon amount
of salt added
Q124. Mass of a body is defined as
(nnnnnn)The force with which a body is attracted towards the centre of earth
(oooooo)The quantity of matter contained in the body
(pppppp)Force acting on a body divided by velocity produced in the body
(qqqqqq)None of the above
Q125. The SI unit of mass is
(a) Kg wt (b) g wt (c) kg mg
Q126. Two bodies having same mass are attached to the hooks of the two spring
balances separately. Both masses were fully immersed in beakers A and B
having the same liquid. It is found that the level of liquid after fully immersing the
body in beaker A is more than that of beaker B. If UA and UB symbols represent
the upthrust exerted by the liquid on bodies A and B respectively, then
(a) UA = UB (b) UA = UB

(c) UA < UB (d) None of the above, more

data needed
Q127. Calorie / g oC is the unit of
(a) Latent heat (b) Specific heat (c) Heat (d)
Q128. When water is converted into ice.
(a) Heat is released (b) Heat is absorbed
(c) Temperature is decreased (d) Temperature is increased
Q129. The boiling point of pure water in the plains is 100 0C. At the top of a mountain,
the boiling point of this water will be
(a) 373 K (b) Less than 1000C \
(c) More than 1000C (d) Exactly the same, i.e,
100 C

Q130. Tick the incorrect statement

(rrrrrr)Rate of cooling = Rate of fall of temperature
(ssssss)Rate of cooling = Rate of fall of temperature
(tttttt)Rate of cooling of a body is defined as the amount of heat lost by the body
per second.
(uuuuuu)The rate of cooling gradually goes down as the liquid temperature falls.
Q131. Tick the incorrect statement. The rate of cooling of a liquid depends on
(vvvvvv)The difference of temperature of the liquid and that of the surrounding
(wwwwww)Specific heat of the liquid
(xxxxxx)Area of the liquid exposed to the surroundings.
(yyyyyy)None of the above factors.
Q132. Which one of the following systems is formed when alum is added to water with
constant stirring with a glass rod?
(a) Suspension (b) Colloidal solution (c) True solution (d)
Q133. Which one is observed in case of a colloid of starch in water?
(a) Its components are separated by filtration (b) Its particles are seen by
naked eye
(c) It shows Tyndall effect (d) It is transparent and
Q134. What is the correct designation of X, Y and Z respectively for the size of the
particles in the figures given below?

(a) X = solution Y = suspension Z = sol
(b) X = sol Y = suspension Z = solution
(c) X = suspension Y = sol Z = solution
(d) X = suspension Y = solution Z = sol
Q135. Which term is missing in the figure that describes the preparation of a

(a) Calcium (b) Egg albumin (c) Sugar (d) Fine

Q136. A system of a solid in a liquid is stable, its components are not separated by
filtration and its shows Brownian motion. This system represents which one of
the following?
(a) True solution (b) Suspension
(c) Colloid (d) Each one of the three
Q137. What is the range of particle size ins system which show Brownian motion and
Tyndall effect?
(a) Between 0.12 nm to 1 nm (b) Between 1 nm to 10 nm
(c) Between 100 to 300 nm (d) Above 103 nm
Q138. What is obtained on heating iron filings and sulphur powder in the mass ratio of 7
and 4?
(a) A heterogeneous mixture of Fe + S (b) A mixture of FeS + Fe
(c) A homogeneous compound (FeS) (d) A mixture of FeS + S
Q139. What is observed when dilute H2SO4 is added to a mixture of iron filings and
sulphur powder?
(zzzzzz)A mixture of H2 + H2S is formed
(aaaaaaa)A colourless and odourless gas is liberated and a greenish solution
(bbbbbbb)A gas with the dour of rotten eggs is liberated and a greenish solution
(ccccccc)Iron (II) sulphide (FeS) is formed
Q140. Which one is not observed when carbon disulphide is added to a mixture of iron
filings and sulphur powder taken in a boiling tube?
(ddddddd)Iron filings remain unaffected
(eeeeeee)Sulphur powder dissolves and a yellow solution is formed
(fffffff)Iron sulphide (FeS) is formed by the combination of iron of the mixture and
sulphide of CS2.

(ggggggg)Solid sulphur reappears when yellow solution is evaporated.

Q141. When a mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder is heated with dilute sulphuric
acid a gas is liberated. This gas is
(a) SO2 (b) H2 (c) A mixture of SO2 and SO3 (d) H2S

Q142. Samples of iron sulphide were taken separated by a group of four students of
class IX. A gas was liberated when each student added equal volumes of dilute
hydrochloric acid. They reported the observations as shown in the table. Which
student was serious and sincere to record each observation correctly?

Student Colour of the gas Odour of the gas Flammability of the gas Action on lead
acetate paper
(a) Colourless Bad smell Nonflammable Paper turns
(b) Colourless Odourless Nonflammable No action
(c) Green Bad smell Nonflammable No action
(d) Colourless No smell Nonflammable Paper turns

Q143. ISI stands for

(a) Indian School Institute (b) International products
(c) Indian Standard Institute (d) International Standard
Q144. The cheaper materials which are added to superior food items for more profit are
(a) Drugs (b) Adulterants (c) Antibiotics (d)
Q145. Which of the following will give positive iodine test?
(a) Sugars (b) Boiled eggs white part
(c) Proteins (d) Potato Extract
Q146. In which form the carbohydrates are stored in animals?
(a) Cellulose (b) Starch (c) Glycogen (d)
Q147. Vipin was rushing with a bottle of tincture iodine. Some iodine Solution splashed
on his yellow coloured cotton shirt and also on the white table cloth. The stains
on the table cloth was yellowish brown while that on his shirt was blue-black. The
most plausible scientific reason for this is that the
(hhhhhhh)Shirt was dyed with metanil yellow (b) Shirt was starched after
(iiiiiii)Table cloth was starched but not the shirt (d) Shirt had absorbed sweat
Q148. Ritu added only two drops of iodine to a rice extract in test tube A. Paul added a
little rice extract to iodine solution in test tube B. They should then observe
(jjjjjjj)A change of colour to blue-black in test tube A but not in test tube B
(kkkkkkk)A change of colour to blue-black in test tube B but not in test tube A
(lllllll)A change of colour to blue-black in both test tubes A and B
(mmmmmmm)No change of colour in any test tube.
Q149. A blue-black colour with I2 solution indicates the presence of

(a) Fats (b) Glucose (c) Starch (d)

Q150. Which of the following test is performed to check the presence of metanil yellow
in the food extract
(a) H2SO4 (b) Na2CO3 test (c) HCl test (d) HNO3
Q151. If a neutral atom has three cells completely filled up, then the atomic number of
the atom is
(nnnnnnn)28 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 20
Q152. Gold foil was used in Rutherfords scattering experiment because it.
(ooooooo)Has high refractive index (b) Has high density
(c) Is highly malleable (d) Is highly ductile
Q153. Who carried out the discharge tube experiment for the first time.
(ppppppp)Crookes (b) Goldstein (c) Chadwick (d)
Q154. A proton is represented by
A +1 A0 A 1
(qqqqqqq) 0 A (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 1

Q155. The other name of 11H is

(rrrrrrr)Protium (b) Deuterium (c) Tritium (d)

Q156. The size of nucleus is
15 16 17
(sssssss) 10 m (b) 10 m (c) 10 m (d)

1018 m
Q157. An element has an electronic configuration of 2, 8 and 7. Its valency is
(ttttttt)1 (b) 7 (c) 17 (d) 8
Q158. Which one of the following disease is not caused by bacteria?
(uuuuuuu)Typhoid (b) Anthrax (c) Tuberculosis (d)
Q159. Making anti-viral drugs is more difficult than making anti bacterial drugs because.
(vvvvvvv)Viruses make use of host machinery
(wwwwwww)Viruses are on the border line of living and non-living.
(xxxxxxx)Viruses have very few biochemical mechanisms of their own.
(yyyyyyy)Viruses have a protein coat.
Q160. Choose the wrong statement.
(zzzzzzz)High blood pressure is caused by excessive weight and lack of
(aaaaaaaa)Cancers can be caused by genetic abnormalities
(bbbbbbbb)Peptic ulcers are caused by eating acidic food.
(cccccccc)Acne is caused by staphylococci.
Q161. Vectors can be defined as
(dddddddd)Micro-organisms which cause marry diseases
(eeeeeeee)Animals carrying the infecting agents from sick person to a healthy
(ffffffff)Infected person.
(gggggggg)Diseased plants
Q162. The disease which begins abruptly and last only for a short duration is known as.
(hhhhhhhh)Acute disease (b) Chronic
(c) Congenital disease (d) None
Q163. Droplet method of transmission of disease is found in
(iiiiiiii)Common cold (b) AIDS (c) Hepatitis (d)
Q164. A protozoan disease is
(jjjjjjjj)Sleeping sickness (b) Kala-azar (c) Malaria (d) All
the above
Q165. A fan is marked 900 r.p.m. (revolutions per minute). What is the frequency of
movement of its blades?
(kkkkkkkk)10 Hz (b) 15 Hz (c) 90 Hz (d) 900
Q166. If the distance between a crest and its consecutive trough is L, then the
wavelength of wave is given by
(llllllll)L (b) 2 L (c) 2 (d) 4 L
Q167. Which of the following is not the bone found in the middle ear.
(mmmmmmmm)Femur (b) Hammer (c) Anvil (d)
Q168. Sound and light waves both
(nnnnnnnn)Have similar wavelength (b) Obeys the laws of
(c) Travel as longitudinal waves (d) Travel through vacuum.
Q169. The part of the medium in which the pressure and density are maximum when a
sound wave travels through it is
(oooooooo)Crest (b) Trough (c) Rarefaction (d)
Q170. Which of the following is not based on reflection of sound?
(pppppppp)Megaphone (b) Sound board (c) Microphone (d)

Q171. While studying the reflection of sound, 2 students used different reflecting
surfaces. The best result would be obtained by the student using the reflecting
(qqqqqqqq)Thermocol sheet (b)
Polished, plane metal sheet
(c) Rough cardboard sheet (d) Cushioned chair
Q172. In an experiment for determining the velocity of propagation of pulse in a slinky /
string, we prefer a long slinky/string.
(rrrrrrrr)Because pulse cant be formed in a short slinky / string
(ssssssss)Because short slinky / string is cheap.
(tttttttt)So that pulse may move easily through it.
(uuuuuuuu)So that time taken by pulse to move from one end of the slinky /
string to other is more.
Q173. In the experiment of verification of laws of sound, sound is directed along.
(vvvvvvvv)Axis of the tube (b) Normal to
axis of tube
(wwwwwwww)Both (a) and (b) (d)
Neither (a) nor (b)
Q174. Which of the following sound waves are the lewdest?


(xxxxxxxx)I (b) II (c) III (d) Both I
and II
Q175. If the reflecting surface and source of sound both are in plane of table, the
position of ear of observer will be.
(a) On same plane (d) Perpendicularly above the
(c) On plane at an angle of 450 to table (d) On plane at an angle of
60 to table.

Q176. In the experiment of verification of laws reflection of sound, sound received in

ears should be.
(yyyyyyyy)Direct sound from clock
(zzzzzzzz)Sound reflected from any reflecting surface
(aaaaaaaaa)Sound coming through tube after reflection
(bbbbbbbbb)Sum total of direct sound and reflected sound
Q177. In the experiment to find velocity of pulse in a slinky, we need.
(ccccccccc)Only a metre scale (b) Only
a stop watch
(c) Both a and b (d) Neither a nor b
Q178. A longitudinal wave is represented by
(ddddddddd)Density - distance graph (b) displacement distance
(c) Density - displacement graph (d) Any of these
Q179. A sound wave covers a distance of 9.5m in 0.5 sec. its velocity is
(eeeeeeeee)19 m/s (b) 1.9 m/s (c) 4.7 m/s (d) 47.5
Q180. A long, soft and flexible spring is called
(fffffffff)Pulse (b) Rope (c) Wire (d) Slinky

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