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Predictions of Technologies In the Movie Minority Report and Their Development

and Availability Status Today

Kristin Parsons

ED 407

Athens State University

July 2017

Predictions of Technologies In the Movie Minority Report and Their Development

and Availability Status Today

The movie Minority Report, produced in 2002, was set in a future time of

2054 and made use of advanced technology in the course of daily living. The

way society viewed the integration of technology in the movie is similar to the

way society views integration of technology in society today. Just as current

technologies such as internet, automobiles, airplanes, smart phones, and kitchen

appliances are part of current daily life, future technology was part of daily life in

the world of 2054. This integration of technology is not even wondered at in the

present time, yet when a person thinks of the future, the predictions of

technology can seem unbelievable. The movie production team assembled a

team of advisors to assist in predicting technology advances and how these

advances would be integrated into a future society (Technologies in Minority

Report, 2017). Such predictions do not always hold true, yet some of these are

beginning to show some reality. Some of the predictions in Minority Report

include interfacing with computers through gestures, three dimensional

holograms, robotics, and automated or driverless cars.

Predicting the future is obviously not easy; otherwise everyone would

know the future. Knowing this was not easy, the director of The Minority Report

solicited help. He assembled a team to do nothing but have the task of

predicting how the world would look in the future time of 2054, the calendar date

of the movie. These were not just the average people off the street, but rather

researchers into future technology. Some of these researchers were from the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Defense Advanced Research

Project Agency. Already at the forefront of technology, these forward thinkers

were able to project how this technology might evolve, and how it would be

integrated into society (Brayson, 2015). Many of the technologies predicted in the

movie are already on a development path.

One of the technologies predicted in the movie Minority Report is gesture

based computer interfaces. Gesture based computer interfaces are computers

that respond to gestures. The computer recognizes the gestures and allows

people to communicate with it without using mechanical devices. The computer

uses math algorithms to interpret human gestures and respond accordingly

(Gesture recognition, 2017). Although gesture based computer interfaces are not

yet part of our normal lives, Microsoft researchers are currently researching and

developing them. Jamie Shotton, a Microsoft researcher implies that the

accuracy of the interfaces is such that users began to feel like an avatar hand is

their real hand. According to New Atlas, Microsoft is working on three projects

involving gesture-based interfaces (Irving, 2016). Implementing gesture based

interfaces in the classroom would provide several benefits. Using this technology

in the classroom would help to free up the teachers hands. Work surface would

not be needed for a computer mouse. It would also help limit the spreading of

germs because children would not have to touch a mouse or the computer


Another technology predicted in the movie is three-dimensional (3-D)

holograms. A 3-D hologram is an actual three-dimensional image that is


freestanding. It does not require a device to see it. Instead of a simulation it is an

actual image (Rouse, 2005). 3-D holograms are not used on a day-to-day basis

in our daily lives but developers have been working on them for several years.

The biggest challenge in developing 3-D technology is the limitation of

holograph-generation techniques. In a study published in January 2017,

Professor YongKeun Park and his research team from the Korea Advanced

Institute of Science and Technology, found a solution to one of the major

problems. This study should help to improve the size limitations and viewing

angle of the holographic displays (A new approach to 3-D holographic displays

greatly improves the image quality, 2017). Integration of 3-D holograms in

education could prove beneficial. 3D images could be used to walk with children

to and from school to help them not be scared. This technology could also be

used to show children a personal trainer that could not be in the classroom.

Another beneficial way it could be implemented is by projecting images of

animals or other things being studied in the classroom.

Robotics is another technology predicted in the movie. Robotics is a

branch of science and engineering which incudes the design, construction,

operation, and use of robots. Through robotics, machines are developed that can

substitute for humans. Robots are used today in dangerous situations that might

be fatal to humans (Robotics, 2017). Although robots are already incorporated

into a limited part of society, they are still being developed. In 2015 the National

Institutes of Health announced their funding of three innovative co-robots. These

are robots that work together with people. These co-robots are expected to help

the elderly, people with impaired vision, and be a social companion for children

(Breazeal, Ye, & Shen, 2015). Implementation of robots in an educational setting

could be of aid to the students and teachers. Robots could be used to protect

children when adults are not available. If a physical altercation occurs, robots

could help to break it up. Although robots can be costly, they could prove to be


Automated or driverless cars are another technology incorporated in the

movie. An automated vehicle has the capability to sense things in its environment

and to navigate accordingly without human involvement. Driverless cars are not

readily available in society but they are being developed. The automated cars

that are actually allowed on public roads still require a driver that could easily

take control of the vehicle if the situation arose. The main challenge is safety and

all of the regulations and legalities associated with automated cars. Researchers

continue to develop these cars and work on the problems and challenges that

are currently associated with them (Autonomous car, 2017). Automated cars

could be a benefit to education. Children could use an automated car to get to

and from school without having to have someone drive them. Driverless cars are

more efficient with time thus allowing children to get to school faster. This

technology could also be implemented for fieldtrips or other school activities.

Researching these four technologies proved very interesting. Although I

have not experienced these technologies first hand, I can see where they could

prove beneficial to some parts of society. As a future teacher, I especially can

see the learning opportunities with the gesture based computer interfaces and

the three dimensional holograms. Although incorporating new technology into

society can sometimes bring apprehension, after researching these technologies

I can see the benefits they could bring to society.

The producers of Minority Report had to project themselves into a future

time in order to make the movie realistic. Even though many of the technologies

that were on display in this movie might seem impossible, the advanced interface

with computers, the holograms, the field of robotics, and automated

transportation are well on their way to reality. One could argue that these

technologies might someday even be integrated into society not just as separate

pieces, but integrated with each other. In fact, these could be integrated to the

point that technology begins to control humanity, rather than humanity controlling

technology. Safeguards should be identified, as technological advances are

developed to ensure technology serves humanity instead of humanity serving



A new approach to 3-D holographic displays greatly improves the image quality.

(2017, January 27). Retrieved July 01, 2017, from


Autonomous car. (2017, June 28). Retrieved July 01, 2017, from


Brayson, J. (2015, November 05). How Minority Report Predicted the Future With

Surprising Accuracy. Retrieved July 01, 2017, from



Breazeal, C., PH.D., Ye, C., PH.D., & Shen, X., PH.D. (2015, December 02). NIH

funds development of robots to improve health, quality of life. Retrieved

July 01, 2017, from https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-


Gesture recognition. (2017, June 21). Retrieved July 01, 2017, from


Irving, M. (2016, June 28). Microsoft gets hands-on with gesture-based computer

interfaces. Retrieved July 01, 2017, from http://newatlas.com/microsoft-


Robotics. (2017, June 28). Retrieved July 01, 2017, from


Rouse, M. (2005, April). What is hologram? - Definition from WhatIs.com.

Retrieved July 01, 2017, from


Technologies in Minority Report. (2017, June 24). Retrieved July 01, 2017, from


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