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98. In carrying out this study, I have been impressed with the commitment of those involved in
teacher education to the well-being of the profession. I believe that there is a considerable degree
of consensus on the need to ensure that the highest standards are maintained in teacher education
and a determination to improve these standards and to raise the status of the profession. But I
note that there are still differences about how you might exactly achieve these objectives, and the
particular role of higher education. Nevertheless, I dont doubt that there is a collective will to
move forward.

99. I have sought to describe the distinctive contribution that higher education makes to the
training and education of teachers and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current
arrangements. I have set out a number of proposals, or areas, where I believe that the role of
higher education might be strengthened or where the current range of functions might be revised
to enhance the role and contribution of HE. In view of the short timescale in which this study has
been carried out, I recognise that more work needs to be undertaken to evaluate the proposals
and to test them out on the stakeholders in TET. At the same time, I believe that the proposals
should not be considered in isolation but need to be viewed as part of a package within the wider
context of teacher education and training.

100. In conclusion, I believe that it would be desirable for a national committee to be established
to consider the arrangements for teacher education in more detail, with particular regard to the
recommendations contained in this report.

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