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Bushras Balancing Act.

Date: August 2017 Teacher: Louise

Kia ora Bushra, over the last few weeks I have noticed how much you have grown in confidence and self-
esteem. Bushra, you are now feeling confident enough to step out of your comfort zones and give new
experiences a go. Today Bushra, we all went outside to enjoy the beautiful sun rays and get some vitamin D,
and Bushra you were very eager to get outside and play with your friends. Bushra, you were immediately
drawn to the balancing beams and the big climbing boxes. I could see that you were a little hesitant to get
your body up onto the boxes and beams but with some encouragement and guidance from me you got there.
Bushra, you held my hand as you began to balance your feet and body across the high beams, I could see you
really enjoying this experience.

Bushra, once we had practice and worked together at this experience for a wee while, I walked away to
observe other children, while observing the other children I could see that you were ready for the next with
the balancing experience. I observed you walk across the high beam all by yourself and I could see the sense
of self- achievement in your smile, as all of us teachers cheered and praised you once you had done this. We
are so proud of you and how far you have come, you should be proud of your achievements too my friend.

Bushra through this experience you are learning control of your body and you are exploring your
environment, you are also learning that your abilities are valued and respected. You are beginning to
understand the limits and boundaries of what your body can do. Bushra, I look forward to watching you grow
and blossom into a competent little learner. We will continue to provide experiences that cater for your gross
motor skills and build your confidence up.

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