Minority Report

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Predicting Emerging Technologies

Based on the Minority Report

Malory R. Robison

Athens State University


Minority Report is a movie that was created in 2002. In this movie predictions

were made about future technologies in the year 2054. As the world has developed

technologically most of these predictions have already been proven accurate. The

technologies may not be used in the exact manner as they were in the movie but they

are being developed and implemented in the world today. This paper will explore four of

the technologies predicted in the movie and how they have came about in the world

today. Ways one can implement these technologies in future classrooms will also be


Process of Prediction

When planning the production of the film Minority Report the director, Steven

Spielberg, gathered fifteen experts together to discuss technologies that could be

developed by 2054. The predictions were not just off the wall ideas that the experts

thought would be cool. They were actual ideas that were being developed in the world.

The way the technologies were perceived or used in the movie may not be exactly what

they are today but the prediction of the basis of the technology was accurate.

Gesture-Based User Interface

Gesture-Based User Interface is one of the technologies that were predicted in

the Minority Report. Gesture-Based User Interface has already been introduced to the

world today. Most kids have encountered this technology as well. Gesture-Based User

Interface is when a computer can interpret gestures given by humans. The gestures can

be made with the face, body movement, body language emotion, and by emotions.

Gesture-Based User Interface is available today. In 2006 the world was

introduced to this technology when the original Nintendo Wii came out. This game

responded to user gestures while they held onto a controller. In 2010 another form of

this technology was introduced. Microsoft launched Kinect, a gesture based game that

recognizes the users limbs without the need of gloves or controller. The technology is

beginning to be used in other areas of the world such as offices. These gesture-based

UI is allowing people to see a bigger picture and analyze that picture in depth.

I would like to apply gesture-based UI in my future classroom. With using this

technology I can take my students on a virtual tour of a building or location we are

discussing. I can use a gesture-based UI to take a closer look into a model. For

example, a closer look into a plant cell can help the students better visualize and

understand what we are discussing. Gesture-based UI will also be a way I can have my

students interact with their learning. They can manipulate the UI when analyzing

something. This technology can keep my students engaged.

Voice-Automated Homes

In the Minority Report, John's house was fully voice automated. In one scene he

controlled doors, lights, and the projector with just his voice. Although this technology

seemed farfetched in 2002 it has become another norm in society that is used in many

applications. When talking about voice controlled technology, it is any application where

the device takes voice commands from the user and the device responds appropriately.

There are many examples of voice controlled technology today. Amazon makes

a device called Alexa that wirelessly connects your house and makes it smart. Alexa

can do many of the things John's house can do. In 2011, Apple introduced Siri, an

artificial intelligence application that automates tasks based on user input by voice

commands. Voice-automated systems can be found in homes, offices, and even cars.

Voice-Automated systems are developing and improving as time goes on. Before we

know it, we will be able to voice command almost anything we want done.

I would like to implement voice command systems in my future classroom as

well. One way I can implement them is by having a system that does basic things such

as, turning my lights on and off, turning on the heat or air conditioning when states, or

turning on my devices. Voice-automated commands can also be used to find answers to

questions quickly. For example, if we are having a class discussion and a student ask a

question I do not have the answer to I can use the voice automated system to find the

answer to the question.

Driverless Cars

In the Minority Report, all the automobiles were autonomous. I'm assuming that

the person would put in a location and then let the car drive them there. An autonomous

vehicle is one that does not need any help from a driver to safely navigate to the desired


Fully autonomous cars are not on the market as of right now but there are cars

being sold with autonomous features. Most new cars can easily park themselves as well

as brake to avoid collisions. There are dozens of companies striving to bring the fully

autonomous car to the market and with all progress they've made in the last few years I

find it easy to think that we will soon be living in that kind of reality.

Although autonomous cars do not directly relate to my classroom, it does directly

relate to the school system as a whole. If there are autonomous cars, there will be

autonomous buses for schools. In the world of autonomous transportation, there would

be virtually no accidents and far less traffic.


Electronic-papers are another form of technology that was introduced in the

Minority Report. E-papers or, Electronic-papers, are display devices that look like that of

ordinary ink on paper. This technology prediction might seem to be one that was not as

advance as the others. To me, that is true. However, e-papers are used so much in the

world today.

Electronic papers are definitely being used today. One form of E-papers are

online newspapers. Today, you can look up just about any major newspaper and read it

electronically instead of having the paper in your hands. Another form of E-papers are

E-book readers. Since 2004 there have been many types of E-book readers produced.

I feel that most classrooms today use some form of E-papers. I will continue to

do so in my future classrooms. Schools are actually starting to use electronic books vs.

actual textbooks. My students can create work electronically. For example, I may have

them type up a paper to turn in or complete weekly blogs about what they learned that

week in class.

Personal Interest

When exploring the emerging technologies introduced in the Minority Report, there were

various things that I found interesting. First, seeing all the things they predicted in some

ways being true or becoming a reality is really neat. The technologies may not be used

in the exact way they were used in the movie but the basis of the technologies is

emerging in the world today. While thinking of ways to implement these emerging

technologies in my future classroom, I found it interesting how much you can include

student interaction with the use of technology. There are so many ways one can use

technology to learn and I think it is very important for teachers and students to always

be open to new emerging technologies.


Watching the Minority Report now knowing that these were predictions of

technology that would occur in 2054 but are occurring in 2017 and have been occurring

for many years shows how fast technology is advancing. When considering using

technology in ones classroom they should think about have fast technology has

evolved in just fifteen years. In order for students in our classrooms today to be

successful in the future they need to be introduced to emerging technology. They need

to be able to adapt to the advances technology has everyday. Learning to use these

resources is a vital skill our 21st century students need to have. Minority Report is also

an eye opener to the idea that students need many opportunities to be inventors. By

having our students conduct higher order thinking we are creating a foundation for the

future of our world.



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(n.d.). Retrieved July 02, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesture_recognition

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