Wisma Godong Teh Jamus Asli Hub:0857-359-349-61

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Suplayer teh hijau kiloan, suplayer teh hijau organik, suplayer teh hijau termurah, suplayer
teh hijau, teh hijau untuk diet, teh hijau yang bagus, teh hijau terbaik, tempat kulakan teh
hijau organik, jual teh hijau kesehatan, suplayer teh putih, suplayer teh rasa kopi jamus,
suplayer teh hijau jamus, grosir teh hijau jamus, juragan teh hijau, juragan teh putih
berkwalitas, juragan teh putih obat, suplayer teh hitam, pakar teh hijau, pakar teh putih,
suplayer teh rasa kopi terbaik, minuman teh rasa kopi, manfaat teh rasa kopi, suplayer sabun
teh putih, sabun teh putih terbaik, sabun teh putih termurah, supalayer teh putih di sragen, ,
supalayer teh putih di ngawi,

White tea is a lightly oxidized tea grown and harvested primarily in China, Taiwan, India,
Northern Thailand and Eastern Nepal.
White tea comes from the buds and leaves of the Chinese Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves
and buds are allowed to wither in natural sunlight before they are lightly processed to prevent
oxidation or further tea processing.
The name "white tea" derives from the fine silvery-white hairs on the unopened buds of the
tea plant, which gives the plant a whitish appearance.The beverage itself is not white or
colourless but pale yellow.

White tea (along with other teas) is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant and contains
polyphenols, a phytonutrient that is thought to be responsible for the tea's health benefits.

White tea contains high levels of catechins, some of which reduce the occurrence of
atherosclerotic plaques and the severity of strokes and prevent cancer in non-human studies.

The base process for manufacturing white tea is as follows:
Fresh tea leaf Withering Drying (air drying, solar drying or mechanical drying)
White tea
White tea belongs to the group of tea that does not require panning, rolling or shaking.
However, the selection of raw material in white tea manufacture is extremely stringent; only
the plucking of young tea leaves with much fine hair can produce good-quality white tea with
lots of pekoe.


Like black and green tea, white tea is also derived from Camellia sinensis. Thus, white tea
shares many of the same chemical properties and health effects of tea. However, white tea
contains the most antioxidants. The particular amount and ratio of the polyphenol compounds
found in tea varies widely from one type of white tea to another, frequently overlapping with
chemical compositions found in green tea. This is due both to the variation between strain of
Camellia sinensis, as well as the preparation process itself. These compounds have been
shown to protect against certain types of cancer both in vitro and in vivo.
Plants and White Tea Available.

TWININGS Pure White Tea [25X1.5g]

ISI 25 tea bag

Dari berbagai sumber dapatkan disimpulkan beberpa khasiat teh putih seperti berikut:

Antioksidan teh putih 100 kali lebih efektif dari vitamin C

Antioksidan teh putih 25 kali lebih efektif dari vitamin E
Antioksidan teh putih setara dengan 10 gelas jus apel
Segelas teh putih sebanding dengan 12 gelas jus teruk segar asli
Mencegah penuaan dini
Menangkal radikal bebas
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
Mencegah pengerutan pada wajah
Menyehatkan kulit
Menyegarkan kulit
Membantu proses pemutihan kulit secara alami
Mencegah pengerasan dan penyempitan pembuluh darah
Melancarkan perdaran darah
Meningkatkan ketahanan pembuluh darah
Mencegah stroke
Mengurangi resiko tekanan darah tinggi / hipertensi
Mengurangi resiko jantung koroner
Mengeluarkan racun dari dalam tubuh (detoks)
Antisinar ultraviolet / melindungi dari sengatan matahari
Menyehatkan gigi dan gusi
Mengurangi resiko gigi berlubang
Mencegah kegemukan / obesitas
Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh
Membantu melangsingkan tubuh
Mencegah kanker
Menurunkan kolesterol
Melindungi jantung, hati dan semua ANGGOTA peredaran darah
Menurunkan kadar gula darah
Membantu mencegah dan mengatasi gelaja diabetes
Mengurangu stress dan menenangkan
Menambah energi
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HP. 0857-359-34-61 / 082292553725 (WA)

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