Level of Religiosity and Gender. Sarjana's Thesis, Department of

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Mutia, Imma Rahma. 2017. Trend Of Islamic Consumption Behavior Based on the
Level Of Religiosity and Gender. Sarjanas Thesis, Department of
Economic Development, Faculty of Economics, State University of
Malang. Advisor: Dr. Dwi Wulandari, SE, MM.

Keywords: Religiosity, Gender,Islamic Consumption Behavior

Islam already organize all human activities in daily life, including the life
of consumption. Islam has rules that must be understood and should be performed
by every Muslim to guide the consumption activities to keep it out of the values of
religiosity. Religiosity refers to the level of interest in someone with religion then
appreciate and internalize every religion values so as to give effect to the actions
and outlook on life. People with high religiosity values will always make every
effort to obedient to religious values, accustomed to religious rituals, believes all
things about the science of religion and religious experience. Religiosity is a
matter that can increase a self control, including consumption behavior.
Religiosity have implications for the consumption behavior of a Muslim in daily
life. Moreover, author also relate the consumption behavior of a Muslim by
This study uses a case study with a qualitative descriptive approach. The
data collection is done by using interview and observation techniques. To
maintain the validity of the data, carried out activities triangulation data. Activity
data analysis starts from the stage of the review of the data, phase identification
and classification of data, and the data evaluation stage. The scope of this study is
limited to students of Faculty of Economics, Economics Development, State
University of Malang and answer how Islamic consumer behavior Muslim trend
based on the level of religiosity and gender.
The results showed that the level of religiosity and gender has an influence
on the consumption behavior of Islamic students. This means that when students
have a high level of religiosity then the student will behave in accordance with
Islamic Shari'a consumption. If related to gender, consumption behavior on male
students not according to the Islamic Sharia which is the utility is the main
purpose on their consumption not mashlahah. While the female respondents found
two different behavioral tendencies, whereby if the respondent's behavior was
associated with the level of religiosity that has it can be concluded that women
with high levels of religiosity that has consumer behavior in accordance with the
value of Islam. While women who have a low level of religiosity, she had
consumptive behavior which is does not reflect Islamic consumption behavior


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