Buddy Doyle

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The entertainment world is full of forgotten artists, talented people who just never quite made it. One
name that will not be remembered by anyone is the name of Buddy Doyle. Doyle was born on April
20, 1894 in Brooklyn, New York. Born Benjamin Taubenhaus) to Russian immigrants, he began
acting in high school in minstrel shows in Brooklyn, New York. After he was discovered by comedian
and vaudeville actor Lew Dockstader, his career as an impersonator, comedian, and singer landed
him lead roles in all the major vaudeville circuits.

He had to quit vaudeville to fight during World War I, but returned after the war had ended. On
Broadway he performed in the original 1923 revue Artists and Models. His film credits include At a
Talkie Show (1929) and The Great Ziegfeld (1936), which he understudied for before playing Eddie
Cantor. He also performed in several editions of The Ziegfeld Follies and was a replacement actor for
Henry Williams in the 1928 Broadway production of Whoopee. Buddy was not only a performer but a
song writer as well. He wrote a song with Gene Austin entitled All That You Left Me Were Two Empty
Arms in 1926.

In 1927, Doyle married the beautiful Peggy Hoover. Peggy Hoover was an American dancer and
actress for vaudeville, Broadway, and regional theater. She began dancing as a child in Denver,
Colorado under Gladys Moore. During her freshman year of high school she was picked up by
vaudevillian Gus Edwards to perform in his fifteenth annual revue at the Orpheum Theatre in Denver.
Hoover would continue to perform with Edwards for several years in shows across the United States
and in London. She also appeared in Bobby Sanford's well-received Showboat Revue and performed
in multiple editions of Earl Carroll's Vanities. She made her Broadway debut in Hello, Yourself in

Buddy died suddenly during an appendix operation on November 9, 1939 in New York City, New
York. He was only 45. Peggy Hoover later remarried and continued her career in radio and
melodrama under the name Peggy Bloodgood. It's sad because as forgotten as Eddie Cantor is today -
Buddy Doyle is forgotten even more...

Buddy Doyle (20 de abril de 1894 en Brooklyn, Nueva York - 9 de noviembre de 1939 en New York City, Nueva York )
Fue un imitador, comediante ,compositor y cantante. Recordado como Eddie Cantor en The Great Ziegfeld (1936)

Buddy Doyle comenz a actuar en High School secundaria en demostraciones del trovador en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Despus
de ser descubierto por el comediante y actor de vodevil Lew Dockstader, su carrera como imitador, comediante y cantante le
consigui papeles principales en todos los circuitos de vodevil ms importantes

Tuvo que abandonar el vodevil para luchar durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero volvi despus de que la guerra hubiera
terminado. En Broadway actu en la original de 1923 Artistas y modelos. Sus crditos cinematogrficos incluyen At a Talkie
Show (1929) y The Great Ziegfeld (1936), que estudi antes de interpretar a Eddie Cantor. Tambin actu en varias ediciones de
The Ziegfeld Follies y fue un actor de reemplazo para Henry Williams en la produccin de Broadway de 1926 de Whoopee.
Buddy no slo era un intrprete sino tambin un escritor de canciones. l escribi una cancin con Gene Austin titulada Todo lo
que me dej fueron dos brazos vacos en 1926.

En 1927, Doyle se cas con la hermosa Peggy Hoover. Peggy Hoover fue una bailarina y actriz estadounidense para el vodevil,
Broadway y teatro regional.

Buddy muri repentinamente durante una operacin del apndice el 9 de noviembre de 1939 en New York City, Nueva York.

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