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Assessment Plan
Students will be assessed throughout the lessons formally and informally during
class discussions, and when they create their project. Teacher will use a variety of
activities to check for understanding including:
Cooperative learning: In class/ online discussions and brainstorming.
Writing to learn Activities: Graphic organizers/CLOZE Activity/ Concept
Metaphors: After discussing the theme and the metaphors in the song
presented in class students need to think about something important in their
lives and create a song/poem using the subjunctive and figurative language.
Project based-Students need to write a song/poem and present in class
Quizzes and a test.
Cooperative learning: brainstorming.
Brainstorming: How do you create the
Subjunctive in Spanish? Teacher access prior
knowledge and students activate their
thinking and engage in class.
Cooperative learning: In class/ online discussions
CLOZE assignment- Recognizing/ finding the subjunctive in music.
Quizlet flashcards- Study sets about the different forms of the

QUIZ- How to form the subjunctive in the present tense using
irregular/regular verbs. Conjugations of the verbs.
Graphic organizer- structure and forms of the Subjunctive using the
present, the present perfect and the imperfect.
Project based-Students create song/poem using the
different forms of the subjunctive.
Cooperative learning- class discussions/ group

project. In class presentations.
Test about the structure/forms of the
Subjunctive using the three tenses.

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