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1: Tick the correct answers from the following: 8

Questions A B C D

i. Choose the amphoteric Rubidium Sulphur

Barium oxide ZnO
oxide oxide trioxide

ii. The basis of modern Atomic Ionization

Electro affinity Atomic mass
periodic law is number energy

iii. Soda lime is often H2S and

H2O and NO2 H2O and CO2 H2S and CO2
employed to remove both CO2

iv. CaSO4 not Na2CO3 not

Anhydrous Anhydrous
Dead burnt gypsum is useful for useful for
Na2SO4 Na2SO4
setting softening

v. What is the name for

Carnallite Dolomite Beryl Epsomsalt
MgSO4 .7H2O

vi. The oxide of boron B2O3 is Ionic Basic Amphoteric Acidic

vii. Modulate electrical

Carboundum Diamond Graphite Silica
conductivity is show by

viii. Calcium and

Magnesium Calcium Sodium
Ordinary glass is sodium
silicate silicate silicate


Q. No. 2 Attempt any five 05 questions in the following: 2x05=10

i. How does hydrogen resemble with elements of group IV-A?

ii. The first electron affinity of oxygen is negative, but second is positive. Why,
iii. Why CO2 is acidic in character?
iv. How covalent halides differ from ionic halides.
v. What is lime mortar? Give equations for its hardening.
vi. What is the role of gypsum in cement industry?
Q.No.3 Attempt any five 05 questions in the following: 2x05=10

i. Why CaCl2 is added in molten NaCl in Downs cell?

ii. How KO2 can be used by mountaineers?
iii. Why ionic hydrides are very good reducing agents?
iv. BeO is an amphoteric oxide. Explain.
v. How will you convert boric acid into borax and vice versa?
vi. What is importance of boron bead test?
Q.No.4 Attempt any Three 03 questions in the following: 02x03=06

i. How does AL react with conc. HNO3?

ii. What is chemical garden?
iii. Why are liquids silicones preferred over ordinary organic lubricants?
iv. What are lead pigments? Give their common names as well.
Note: Attempt any Three 03 questions in the following: 04x03=12

Q.No.5 Differentiate between SiO2 and CO2.

Q.No.6 What are silicones? Explain their properties and silicones.
Q.No.7 How sodium hydroxide manufacture by nelson cell.
Q.No.8 Compare of properties of alkali and alkaline earth metals.
Q.No.9 What is oxidation state? Explain their trend in periodic table.
Note: Attempt any one 01 questions in the following: 01x04=04

Q.No.10 How iodoform is prepared.

Q.No.11 Write the procedure of production of aspirin.


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