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As per the IS 2309, Lightning Protection is considered for the Control room building as per the
Fig. 5 and Fig. 7 of IS 2309.

Minimum dimension of component have been selected as per the Table-4 of IS 2309:

1. Air termination and horizontal mesh - 25 x 3 GI Flat

Down conductor: - 25 x 3 GI Flat

(Minimum size of 20 x 3 GI Flat is required as per the Table -4 of IS 2309)

2. Earth Electrode : - 40mm dia M.S rod 3000mm long

3. All joints will be welded and after welding it will be painted in black

4. Horizontal mesh on the roof of the building will not be more than 20m x 10m in general

5. Number of down conductor is considered to be following :

i). One for each 20m of perimeter of the structures protected

(As per Cl. No. 12.2.3 of IS 2309)

6. Vertical down conductor will be fixed with cleat and clamped on the outer surface of the wall and
Structure. Further the vertical down conductor will be buried in ground and connected to rod earth
electrode and the Earth electrode will be connected to nearest earthing grid as per IS: 3043.

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