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Sales of Three Fast Food Outlets and Their Promotional Activities

in The First Quarter Of 2012

Figure 1 shows sales of three fast food outlets and Figure 2 displays their promotional
activities in the first quarter of 2012. There is a correlation between sales of the three fast food
outlets and their promotional activities.

In January, sales of Ken Burger decreased though free drinks were given out and reached
the lowest (RM1900) in February when there was no promotional activity. However, sales of
Ken Burger increased tremendously in April with Gift Voucher promotion and recorded the
highest sales of RM4200.

Mario Pizza recorded the highest sales in February (RM1600) with 50% Discount on
Next Item promotion. However, with Buy 1 Free 1 promotion, sales of Mario Pizza
plummeted in March and continued to drop in April with its lowest sales of merely RM400.

Sales of Rays Fish and Chip increased slightly in February though no promotional
activity was held. In March, it reached the highest sales (RM400) with Free Drink promotion
and the sales remained unchanged till April.

In conclusion, sales of the three fast food outlets were influenced by their promotional

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