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/a, pa per annum, per year

ACEA Association des Constructeurs Europeens d Automobiles

Bcm Billion Cubic Metres (109 cubic metres)

boe Barrel of oil equivalent

BOF Blast Oxygenated Furnace

C Carbon

CAP Common Agricultural Policy

CDM Clean Development Mechanism

CEEC Central and Eastern European Countries

CH4 Methane

CHP Combined Heat and Power Generation

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

CO2 Carbon dioxide

COP Conference of the Parties to the UNFCC

DG II Directorate General for Economic Affairs

DG XII Directorate General for Research

EC European Commission

EU European Union

EU-MS European Union Member State

EUR90 Euro in constant currency of 1990

FGD Flue-gas desulphurisation

FSU Former Soviet Union

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GHG Greenhouse Gas

GTCC Gas Turbine Combined Cycle

GW GigaWatt, or 109 Watt

HFC Hydro-fluorocarbon

HG Halogenated Gas

European Union Energy Outlook to 2020 5


HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning

IEA International Energy Agency

IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle

IIASA International Institute of Applied System Analysis

IMF International Monetary Fund

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPP Independent Power Producers

JI Joint Implementation

kWhe kWh electricity

kWhth kWh thermal

LNG Liquified Natural Gas

MCP Mixed Complementarity Problem

MER Market Exchange Rate

MEUR Million Euro

Mt, Mtn Million Metric Tons

Mtoe Million toe

N2O Nitrous Oxide

NOX Sum of NO (nitric oxide ) and NO2 (nitrogen oxide)

O&M Operation and Maintenance

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OPEC Organisation of Oil Producing and Exporting Countries

PFBC Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion

PFC Per-fluorocarbon

Pkm Passenger-kilometre

PPP Monetary units converted to a common unit by using purchasing power parities

R&D Research and Development

REC Regional Electricity Companies

SF6 Sulphur hexa-fluoride

6 European Union Energy Outlook to 2020


SO2 Sulphur fluoride

t, tn Metric ton or 1000 kilograms

tkm Ton-kilometre

toe Tonne of oil equivalent (41.86 GJ)

TWh Terrawatt-hours (1012 Watt-hours)

UN United Nations

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNIDO UN Industrial Development Organisation

US DOE / EIA Energy Information Administration of the US Department of Energy


m mills 10-3

K Kilo 103

M Mega 106

G Giga 109

T Tera 1012

P Peta 1015


AU Austria

BE Belgium

DK Denmark

FI Finland

FR France

GE Germany

GR Greece

IR Ireland

IT Italy

LX Luxembourg

European Union Energy Outlook to 2020 7


NL Netherlands

PO Portugal

SP Spain

SV Sweden

UK United Kingdom

8 European Union Energy Outlook to 2020

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