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An aeroplane flies from city X to Y @
500 km. per hour, and returns back
from Y to X @ 700 km per hour. What
is the average speed of the aeroplane?
Step 1. take harmonic mean of these two
figures: 500 & 700.
Step 2: add: 1/500 +1/700
= 1200 / 350000
Step 3: multiply by 1200/350000
= 6/3500
Reverse it: 3500/ 6 = 583 approx. ans.
Following chart shows no. of students appeared in CAT =
total no of students were 104477. 64000 students were
able to get admission on the basis of the test. Out of
these students 25% were repeaters and remaining were
freshers. What % of repeaters were able to take

By observation, it is clear that the
angle of pie chart for repeaters is
about 75-80. No. of repeaters must
be close to (78/360*104477) =
22000 approx. out of 64000, 16000
are repeaters. This is (16/22*100) is
72% Ans. (approx.).
Data sufficiency: Is A a
male or female?
1. A has equal number of brother and
2 One of the sibling of A (of opposite
sex) has equal number of brothers
and sisters.
Cant be determined .
How many days do 4 men
and 6 children take to
complete a work?
6 men and 16 women complete the
work in 12 days
24 women and 8 children complete
the work in 8 days.
Cannot be determined with the given
Data sufficiency:
what is relation between X
and Y?
X is a doctor, and Y is one of the
parents of X.
Y has two children one son and one
Answer :
Cannot be determined.
These are the data regarding
admission in a college
Scien Comm
Arts ce erce Total

Boys 100 700

Girls 500

Total 300 600 1200

What is the number of boys taking
commerce, if it is given that the ratio
of boys in arts and commerce is 1:2?
There are total 600 students in arts
and commerce. So in commerce, we
have 400 students (2/3 *600).
What is the median among
the following: 2,77,
Step 1: put them in ascending order.
Step 2: find forth number (7+1 / 2 =
Ans : 43.
What is the average speed of a rider, who
rides four equal distances at the speed of
20,30,40,50 respectively?

Step 1: calculate harmonic average of

Step 2: 1/20 +1/30 +1/40+1/50 =
Step 3: multiply it by : 77 / 2400
Step 4: reverse it: 31.16 Ans.
These are energy transmission costs from one
city to another. We want to minimise
transmission costs. We shall transmit energy
only between cities with costs less than 400.
how many options do we have?
A 200 250 260 400 700
B 200 400 700 450 900
C 300 357 600 800
D 430 456 456 457
E 800 567 578 500 380
F 1200 789 600 500 400
We have only 7 options.
In the last exercise, we want to
transmit energy to E which are
the best 4 options in order?
The hierarchy is (least cost first) :
A,F (equal), B,C. ans.
A and F have costs of 400 only.
B has cost of 450 and c has cost of
600. So order is AFBC Ans.
There are 3 robbers. A farmer gives 1/3 of his
gold coins and 4 goats to first. He gives 1/3rd of
remaining goats and 4 gold coins to II. To the III
he gives 1/3rd of remaining gold coins and 4 goats.
Now he has equal no. of gold coins and goats. He
had total 46 goats and gold coins in the beginning.
One goat is equal to 3 gold coin. What was his
initial wealth?

Gold coin = x. Goats = 46-x;

First step: 2/3x ; 46-x-4 (left out after I robber)
(2/3x-4)2/3 = (((46-x)-4)*2/3)-4)
10/9x = 24 +8/3 = = 10/9x =80/3
X=80/3 *9/10 =24 Goats = 22 Value = 66
Total wealth: 66+24 = 90 Ans.
A computer programme has following algorithm:
Step 1: x=2, y=1; Step 2:x=x^2 Step 3:y=y^2+x+1; Step
4:if y>=50 stop
else go to step 2. what is the value of Y at the end.

In first iteration, x=4,y=6; in II we

get x=16, Y= 36+16+1 = 53
Therefore answer is 53 ans.
1000 liters of milk is traded by traders.
Ist trader removes 50 liters and add
that much water. II & III also does the
same. What is the level of pure milk
left now?

By alligation formulae:
1000(1 50/1000)^3 =
1000*.95*.95*.95 = 857.4 lit. approx.
If AM = 55.6, Median is
52.4, What is mode?
Formulae : mode = 3 median 2 AM
= 3*52.4 2*55.6
= 157.2- 111.2= 46 ans.
What is median of the
following: 12,14,16,18 ?
Median = N+1 /2
= 4+1 / 2 = 2.5
Average of 14 & 16 is 15 Ans.
Our exports and import of X were equal. In
the next 5 years, exports grew @ 10% every
year. In the same period Imports grew
@2,4,10,15,20 % respectively. At the end of 5
years, which were more exports or imports?
Let is assume exports & imports as 100.
After 5 years, exports will be:
Imports will be:
100*1.02*1.04*1.10*1.15*1.20=161.02 (both
are almost equal; exports are slightly

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