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Personalised Learning Plan

Student Name: Emma Doshin Date of Birth: 2006 Year Level: Year 5
School: Bundaberg State School School Contact Person: Krystal Atkins
Date of Plan: Monday 15 May 2017
Review Date: 19th June 2017
Student Support Team:
Indigenous Education Worker Teacher aide
Parents Elder within the community
Extended Family Network
Family/Community details:
Emma was born in Bundaberg, living her whole life in the community.
Her parents are very supportive
She has extended family of the Gureng Gureng peoples
Older sister who is one year older than Emma
Elder within the community Luke Nurreegoo Watson

Services/Agencies (Workers currently involved with the student):

Worker Role Agency/ Phone Length of
Organisation involvement
Teacher Aide- Miss Working one on one Bundaberg State School 0431165894 5 Weeks
Smith with Emma 0754508266 Miss Smith will work
with Emma over the
course of this PLP
Elder Luke Nurreegoo Assisting within the Personal Relationship 046559784 When Emma
Watson classroom when needed may feel, she needs to
speak with Mr. Watson
Resources/programs (physical resources and programs currently offered to the student):

Program for Students with Disability: No

Resource/ Purpose Funding source Contact person & phone no. Length of
program availability
Parent and School The purpose of PSPI is N/A Students Parents N/A
Partnership to engage parents to
Initiative (PSPI) be involves with their
childs learning
The Smith Family The smith families Volunteer 1300326459 Terms 1-4
Student2Student purpose is to help
break the cycle of

Understanding the student Analysis of PAT R

Student name: Emma. D Date for Review: 24th July 2017

Students skills, strengths, preferences, abilities and motivations:

Art Very artistic within Indigenous artwork
Works well in pairs
Learning Traditional Gooreng Gooreng Language
Learning history of the Aboriginal custodians of the area
Academic progress general remarks re overall strengths and areas for development:
Emma is:
struggling in reading, comprehension, Areas for Development & Steps to improve:
vocabulary and spelling Vocabulary
a sound achiever within Science, - Emma will have a dictionary and thesaurus on her desk
Maths, Humanities and Social - Give Emma a word of the day to learn
Sciences - Use ICT applications
doing well in Art and HPE
- Eliminate distractions
PAT- R Scores: - When reading take notes of key information
Vocabulary - Ask questions
Scale score 91.5 - Use ICTs to research content
Raw score 6 - Reading aloud allows the brain to recall information readily
Percentile Rank 1%.
Stanine 1
- Pair reading groups
Comprehension - Make a list of Emmas commonly misspelled words and have the correct
Scale score 103.4 spelling directly next to it for quick reference
Raw score 9 - Give Emma mnemonics to remember spelling rules
Percentile Rank 4%.
Stanine 1
- Provide Emma with books suitable to her reading level that also interest her
- Eliminate distractions
Scale score 96.5
- Provide Emma with a reading partner
Raw score 4
- Have a set reading time/ routine
Percentile Rank 11%.
- Have audio books where Emma will follow the book whilst listening to the
Stanine 3
Social skills:
Emma has great social skills when conversing about subjects that are of interest to her
Emma has no trouble discussing classroom topics with her elbow buddies however in a full class environment can become shy and distant
Emma uses problem solving, negotiating and compromising skills with peers
Emma is very critical of her own performance

Emma has a very close relationship with her parents and her extended family.
The community is a big part of Emmas life
Emma looks up to her elder sister who is in year six

Attendance and Engagement: (level of attendance regular, irregular and non-attendance and level of engagement in school activities).

Emmas attendance is attending most days a week, when the community has special days Emma is absent.
Student Name: Emma. D Date:
Goal Barriers to Achieving Strengths Related to Goal Strategies to Achieve Goal Actions &
Goal Time-Line
1 Vocabulary- One4One - Motivation - Increased - Implementation of This activity
S-Emma will use the dictionary to - EAL/D vocabulary Content and will be
learn one word a day in the word - Emmas confidence Language Integrated implemented
list given at the start of the term when reading and Learning over the course
writing of five weeks
M- At the end of each week Miss - Understanding that - Utilising an I-Pad to
Atkins will ask Emma to use the one words can have use the dictionary Every fortnight
words she has been given in a multiple synonyms app to research the Emmas
sentence word of the day, this Vocabulary
promotes words will be
A-Every fortnight Emmas engagement reviewed if by
Vocabulary words will be Miss Atkins if
reviewed if by Miss Atkins if she - Having rewards in she is unable to
is unable to place the words in place for Emma after place the words
sentence accurately each week in sentence
R-By Friday Emma has learnt five - Having a word wall
new words; this can be increased if for each word Emma
Emma is doing well successfully learns
she can place it on
T-By the end of five weeks Emma her word wall at the
has learnt 25 new words back of the classroom

- Have the Gureng

Gureng word next to
the word she is
- Send a learning pack
home with Emma
each week
Goal Barriers to Achieving Strengths Related to Goal Strategies to Achieve Goal Actions &
Goal Time-Line
2 Comprehension: Improve 1 level- - Lack of - Breaking down the - Improve Emmas This activity
Highlighting! engagement text attendance rate will be
S-When working on - EAL/D - Identifying - Make the text Emma implemented
comprehension Emma is to important is given relevant to over the course
highlight each word that relates to information her life of five weeks
key information, she will use a - Improving - Having her
different colour for different Comprehension traditional language
categories of information this skills words included
activity is designed to help Emma within the answers
achieve the goal of going up one - Using reciprocal
level in comprehension teaching
- Send a learning pack
M- Having Emma complete a pre- home with Emma
comprehension test to measure each week
how well/ what need to be
improved in what level she is
sitting at; she will then be tested
again in five weeks to see if there
is improvement for comprehending

A- Every afternoon after

comprehension Miss Atkins will
check the activity to make sure
Emma is not missing key

R- Emma will receive a reward of

her choice out of the Treasure
Box if the comprehension
worksheet is correctly completed
every two weeks

T- Each week Miss Atkins will be

able to see improvements within
Emmas comprehension skills.
Goals Barriers to Achieving Strengths Related to Goal Strategies to Achieve Goal Actions &
Goal Time-Line
3 Spelling: 6/10 - EAL/D - This goal provides - Miss Atkins will be This activity
S- Emmas goal for spelling is to Emma with the sending the spelling list will be
achieve six out of ten each motivation to study her via email to Emmas implemented
Wednesday when we complete spelling words and parents each week over the course
spelling tests learn them, she is very - Spelling list will have a of five weeks,
self-motivated and mix of English and once reviewed
M- As her spelling tests are done wants to learn and do Emmas traditional after five week
in her book, Emma will provide better language. if any
Miss Atkins with the book before - Spelling list is alterations need
she is free to go to first break individualised to be made
there will be a
A- Miss Atkins will keep a close new PLP
eye on Emma and the words that written.
pose to be an issue will be
incorporated into her Vocabulary

R- Emma is very self-conscious

about her spelling, she has very
strong motivation to do well.

T- If Emma shows a pattern of not

achieving this goal by week five
Miss Atkins will advise of the
changes that will be made

Over the past six years Australia has incorporated a push towards having true equity within
the education outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students by equipping
teaching with the correct knowledge and skill set to appropriately teach Indigenous students
who are learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) (Gorman & O'Hanlon,
2014). Having Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in a classroom may call for a
Personalised Learning Plan to be constructed to support one learners needs. Emma is a year
five students, at Bundaberg State School who is currently performing low on Spelling,
Vocabulary and Comprehension.

Personalised learning is recognised by teachers to accommodate for each individual students

needs and goals to attain a higher achievement. With the implementation of a Personalised
Learning Plan for Emma at Bundaberg State School steps have been taken to ensure her
needs are being tailored to. Personalised Learning Plans are an ongoing strategy that develops
and applies the Australian curriculum to suit students. Personalised Learning Plans for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students (Australian Government, 2011). Research has
been shown that approaches made throughout a PLP can make a positive improvement to a
students learning (Australian Government, 2011). The medium-term goals provided in
Emmas PLP provide standards that she will strive to achieve over the period of five weeks
(Australian Government, 2011).

Within the Personalised Learning Plan there is a community Elder Luke Nurreegoo Watson.
Luke is a traditional community member who is of aid within the Bundaberg State School.
When planning a PLP consulting the Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander community is an
important step as it establishes a focus on syllabus perspective and content that relates to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples (Berwick & Bennett, 2008). Having input from the local
community allows for the content to be discovered at a local level, making the learning more
meaningful to the learner (Berwick & Bennett, 2008). Emma will also have one on one time
with Mrs Smith to teacher aid in the classroom who will sit with Emma when completing the
spelling, comprehension and vocabulary activities to ensure she is full accommodated for.

Programs that are included in Emmas PLP include the Parent and School Partnership
Initiative that allows parents to be present for the child. This can be done either within the
classroom, a parent can take a reading group with rotations and connect with the students.
Having parents involved in their childs learning is the most beneficial way to promote

achievement (Shanahan, 2012). A secondary learning program implemented within the
Bundaberg State School is The Smith Family learning program focusses on helping children
within Australia who are below average by fully participating fully with their education. The
Smith Family program Student2Student works my matching students with a peer buddie
who can help them advance their reading and motivate them to be engaged in reading (The
Smith Family, 2017) .

The first goal within this PLP is to increase Emmas Vocabulary. As Emma speaks her
traditional language at home, her vocabulary levels are low. Within this PLP an activity of
One4One has been accommodated to suit Emmas needs while still encouraging her to
increase her vocabulary level. This activity is designed using the Content and Language
Integrated Learning (CLIL) a dual focused approach that incorporates Emmas additional
language into her learning (Coyle , Hood, & Marsh , 2010). Coyle (1999) explains that for
CLIL to be successful lesson should include foundations of content, communication,
cognition and culture incorporating these four elements will provide Emma with progressive
skills the relate to the vocabulary activity, by having the additional language incorporated it
will motivate Emma to attain the new vocabulary and with the thinking skills used will allow
for multiple perspectives to be formed for herself and her learning. Another strategy to
implement within this activity is the use of Ipads to motivate Emma in the activity. Clark &
Luckin (2013) believe that Ipads support seamless learning and can motivate students by
keeping them engrossed in the activity for longer.

The second medium-term goal is a focal point on Comprehension, Emma is given a text and
she will have questions to answer in regards to the text. Within the text she will highlight the
key words that stand out. The strategies used to customise the PLP for Emmas learning
outcomes include having her traditional language words throughout the text so she can
understand the context and information being read. Schmidt (2012) comments that he also
utilises this strategy to adequately accommodate for his students. A strategy that has been
chosen to aid in the improvement of Emmas comprehension will be reciprocal teaching.
Reciprocal teaching is an instructional method that features concrete approaches to the text of
comprehension (Rosenshine & Meister, 1994). Reciprocal teaching is a strategy that uses a
four-step process of questioning, summarising, clarifying and predicting (Doolittle, Hicks,
Triplett, Nichols, & Young, 2006).

The third goal is to improve Emmas spelling level by aiming to achieve a score of six correct
words out of the list of ten. This strategy has been chosen for Emma as it does not put an
immense amount of stress on her. Emmas spelling list will be a mix of her traditional
language words and English. Having words that are relevant to Emmas life will make the
learning experience more beneficial. Wallace (2006) confirms that spelling lists should be
individualised to suit each students levels and needs. Spelling is a foundational skill to
strengthen the connection among the letters and their sounds (Jones, 2009).

A fundamental part in Emmas life is the great connection she has with her parents and
family. Emmas older sister has been helping Emma at home with her learning pack. Emmas
learning pack is a folder sent home on a Monday with the weekly spelling list, text for
comprehension and the vocabulary words of the week. Muller (2009) explains that having
partnerships between family and school is a way to redefine the boundaries of education.
These partnerships enlarge parental and the community capacity whilst creating environments
for students to learn more efficiently, having these steps in place allows for learning to be
extended beyond the school gates. Emmas parents were included in the planning of the
Personalised Learning Plan to ensure all parties were on the same page for this to make an
impact on Emmas achievements. Miss Atkins will have a meeting with Emmas parents half
way through the PLP to ensure everyone is still content with Emmas learning goals and if
any adjustments need to be considered.

In conclusion, this Personalised Learning Plan has been customised to support Emma with
her learning and aim to help Emma achieve higher in the three areas of comprehension,
vocabulary and spelling. Specific teaching strategies have been implement to facilitate
Emmas learning. As Emma is EAL/D activities have been adjusted to suit her needs and will
benefit her in future learning. The Smith Family and the Parent and School Partner Initiative
are both programs designed to support Emma with her learning. The Elder within the
Bundaberg region has also agreed to assist Emma if she is every needing to contact him
regarding any issues she may be facing on a day to day basis. The aim of this PLP is to
improve Emmas learning outcomes and with the strategies that are incorporated within the
PLP make Emmas learning are more engaging and enjoyable experience.


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