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OPA Oropharyngeal Airway

Standards - 1998 D.O.T Paramedic Curriculum

Indication - Maintaining an open airway in an unresponsive patient

without a gag reflex.

Condraindications - A Patient with an intact gag reflex.

Side Effects - 1. Can cause vomiting, if intact gag reflex

2. Spasms of the vocal cords
3. Improper size or technique can obstruct the airway

Steps for inserting the Oropharyngeal Airway

Step 1: Measuring the OPA
Select the proper size To select the approximate size OPA measure from the corner of the patients
lips to the bottom of the earlobe or angle of the jaw.

Step 2: Open the patients mouth (i.e. cross finger technique, tongue jaw lift maneuver).

Step 3: In adults, to avoid obstructing the airway with the tongue, insert the airway upside down, with
the tip facing toward the roof of the patients mouth.

Step 4: Advance the airway gently until resistance is encountered. Turn the airway 180 degrees so that it
comes to rest with the flange on the patients teeth.

Step 5: Ventilate patient as indicated.

*Another method of inserting an oral airway is to insert it right side up, using a tongue depressor to
press the tongue down and forward to avoid obstructing the airway. This is the preferred method
for OPA insertion in an infant or child.

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