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Energy is the ability to do work. Any activity that requires muscular or mental effort is called
work. There are two different kinds of energies kinetic energy and potential energy.
Where m is the mass of an ball, g is the gravitational force, and h is the height gained by an object.

Mass of ball = .01kg

Gravitational force =9.8m/ 2
Height = .84m

Potential energy:
Potential energy means the energy stored in the body due to its position in force field. The more formal
definition is that potential energy is the energy difference between the energy of an object in a given
position and its energy at a reference position. Potential energy exists when a force acts upon an object
that tends to restore it to a lower energy configuration. This force is often called a restoring force.

For example, when a spring is stretched to the left, it exerts a force to the right so as to return to its
original, un-stretched position. Similarly, when a mass is lifted up, the force of gravity will act so as to
bring it back down. The action of stretching the spring or lifting the mass requires energy to perform.
The energy that went into lifting up the mass is stored in its position in the gravitational field, while
similarly, the energy it took to stretch the spring is stored in the metal.

The Calculations for potential energy are given by:

X(m) T (s) .84-x(m) P (J)

1 .127 3.15 .713 .070
2 .160 3.169 .680 .067
3 .208 3.19 .632 .062
4 .140 3.208 .700 .069
5 .293 3.229 .547 .054
6 .351 3.249 .489 .048
7 .394 3.269 .446 .044
8 .453 3.289 .387 .038
9 .520 3.310 .320 .031
10 .585 3.330 .255 .025
Potential E Calculations:
Formula to Calculate Potential Energy:

1) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 713) = .070

2) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 680) = .067

3) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 632) = .062

4) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 700) = .069

5) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 547) = .054

6) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 489) = .048

7) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 446) = .044

8) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 387) = .031

9) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 320) = .031

10) = (. 01) (9.8 2 ) (. 255) = .025

Kinetic energy:
Kinetic energy means energy in motion. Kinetic energy of a particle is a scalar quantity; it depends on
only the particles mass and speed, not its direction of motion. Kinetic energy can never be negative, and
it is zero only when the particle is at rest. Also, a particle gains or loses energy because it interacts with
other objects that exert forces on it.

For example, if a golf ball is dropped from a certain height, say 2 meters, the kinetic energy of the ball
will be zero initially because there is no motion in the ball. As the ball goes down, the kinetic energy of
the ball increases. The kinetic energy of the ball will be maximum at ground.

The Calculations for kinetic energy are given by:

V(m/s) T (s) V2(m/s) K (J)

1 1.50 3.159 2.250 .011
2 .23 3.179 .53 .003
3 2.21 3.199 4.884 .024
4 2.37 3.219 5.617 .028
5 4.17 3.239 17.389 .087
6 2.66 3.259 7.076 .035
7 2.81 3.279 7.896 .039
8 3.15 3.299 9.923 .050
9 3.32 3.320 11.156 .056
10 3.34 3.340 11.765 .059

Kinetic E Calculations:

Formula to Calculate Kinetic Energy:

= 2 2

1) = 2 (. 01) (2.250 ) = .011J
2) = 2 (. 01) (. 53 ) = .003
3) = 2 (. 01) (4.884 ) = .024
4) = 2 (. 01) (5.617 ) = .028
5) = 2 (. 01) (17.389 ) = .087
6) = 2 (. 01) (7.076 ) = .035
7) = 2 (. 01) (7.896 ) = .039
8) = 2 (. 01) (9.923 ) = .050
9) = 2 (. 01) (11.156 ) = .056
10) = 2 (. 01) (11.765 ) = .059

Calculating the Sum of both Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy:

P(J) K(J) P + K (J)
.070 .011 .081
.067 .003 .070
.062 .024 .086
.069 .028 .097
.054 .087 .141
.048 .035 .083
.044 .039 .083
.038 .050 .088
.031 .056 .087
.025 .059 .084

Plotting the values of potential energy, the kinetic energy, and the sum (potential energy plus kinetic
energy), on a single graph as functions of time.

potential energy, the kinetic energy, and the sum (potential energy plus
kinetic energy)






3.15 3.169 3.19 3.208 3.229 3.249 3.269 3.289 3.31 3.33

Representing lines:-

Potential Energy:

Kinetic Energy:

Sum of Potential and Kinetic Energy:

Energy conversion as a mass falls

1. We have set the motion sensor to point down from above the ball.

2. Then, we released the ball and recorded the position and velocity as functions of time as the ball
fell to the floor.

3. We have chosen some values of time during the balls trip.

4. Next, the values of height above the floor and velocity have been recorded, and from those
values potential energy, kinetic energy, and their sum have been calculated.

5. Finally, we plotted the graph of Potential energy, kinetic energy, and their sum vs. time.

Procedure 2:
Maximum kinetic energy vs. release height for a pendulum:


1. Now, we have set the motion sensor to point horizontally towards the bob of a stationary
pendulum about 30 cm away. We used the motion sensor to measure the distance to the bob as
it hanged at rest.

2. Then, we pulled the bob about 10 cm to the side, and calculated the height it gained above it
equilibrium position using Pythagorean theorem is given below:

Height: .115m - .05m = .065m

3. Next, we released the bob and recorded the distance and horizontal velocity as a function of
time using the computer is given below:

= 1.11

4. We recorded the speed in the middle of the swing (maximum velocity) and measured the mass
of the pendulum bob.

Mass of the pendulum bob = .286kg

5. Finally, using the collected measurements, the maximum kinetic energy at the bottom of the
swing and the maximum potential energy at top of the swing have been calculated.

The maximum kinetic energy at the bottom of the swing:

Potential E:

Height: .115m - .05m = .065m

= .286 9.8 065 = .182

The maximum potential energy at top of the swing:

Kinetic E :
= 2

= 1.11

= .286 (1.11 )2 = .176

Error Percentage:
% = .182
100 = 3.30%

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