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kr CY JUL 2017

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JUL 2017



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www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017


(GPS) .

24 GPS 3

60 .

change the way we live; change our lives

are the result of decades of basic research

Decades of research is behind

Lets consider location tracking.; One example is location tracking.

Smartphones have GPS receivers that

Smartphones come with GPS receivers that

can pinpoint the exact location/ position of the user

24 GPS 3

receive signals from three of the 24 GPS satellites orbiting Earth

Exact locations can be determined thanks to atomic clocks that are

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

because every GPS satellite is equipped with an atomic clock.


It took more than 60 years for atomic clock technology to give birth


Atomic clock technology could be applied to over 60 years after

its invention.

The process usually requires large amounts of scientific and

engineering efforts that link A and B.

The process involves numerous intermediate research efforts.

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017



Smartphone applications are becoming increasingly convenient. They are even

changing our lives. Such powerful features are the result of decades of basic

research. Lets consider location tracking.

Smartphones have GPS receivers that can pinpoint the exact position of the user. A

GPS receiver determines its position by receiving signals from three of the 24 GPS

satellites orbiting Earth. Locations can be determined with precision thanks to the

atomic clocks installed in all the GPS satellites. It took more than 60 years for atomic

clock technology to give birth to the location tracking feature of smartphones. It

takes a long time for basic research to produce practical benefits because the results

of basic science are not directly applicable to everyday problems. The process usually

requires large amounts of scientific and engineering efforts that link basic research

and real-life applications.


Increasingly convenient smartphone apps are changing our lives. Decades of

research is behind those powerful features. One example is location tracking.

Smartphones come with GPS receivers that determine their locations by using signals

from three of the 24 GPS satellites orbiting Earth. Precise pinpointing is possible

because every GPS satellite is equipped with an atomic clock. More than 60 years

intervened between the invention of the atomic clock and the development of location

tracking smartphones. It takes so long to translate basic research into real-life

benefits because the process involves numerous intermediate research efforts and


www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017



maintain the dynastic regime, which is now in its third generation

need to promote economic growth

the North Korean leadership; North Koreas leadership

the leadership the government

prefer relying on China

it lacks an effective means to get China to do what it wants

it doesnt have much leverage over China

(North Korea) might find it useful to

create a tense situation on the Korean Peninsula

heighten tensions on the Korean Peninsula

appease North Korea; placate

North Korea

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

on (/under) the pretext of preventing further deterioration;

preventing further escalation ( )

( )
unless North Korea exports ; as long as

Pyongyang refrains from exporting

make risky moves; take a big gamble

Washington might find the existence of North Korea useful because
it facilitates

Washington might find the existence of North Korea useful as a

justification of

counter Chinas rise; counter Chinas influence

21 will help the US lead the

Pacific Age in the 21st century; so that the US can lead the Pacific


www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017



While it needs to promote economic growth, the North Korean leadership also wants

to maintain the dynastic regime, now in its third generation. This is why Pyongyang

prefers relying on China, a socialist brother, to economic cooperation with South

Korea, which it regards as a poisoned apple. As it lacks an effective means to get

China to do what it wants, North Korea finds it useful to create tense situations on

the Korean Peninsula, prompting China, which doesnt want a full-blown crisis, to

provide support.

Even if the situation gets more serious, China will likely continue to appease

Pyongyang, giving it energy and food aid, on the pretext of preventing an even more

serious crisis. The US doesnt need to take drastic action, either, unless North Korea

exports nuclear materials or missile technology. Washington might even find the

existence of the trouble maker useful because it helps justify American efforts to

counter Chinas rise by expanding the US-led missile defense program and to

increase its own influence in the region to make sure that the US will lead the pacific

era in the 21st century.


While it needs to promote economic growth, North Korea is keen to protect its

dynastic regime, now in its third generation. This is why its leadership prefers relying

on China, a socialist brother, to pursuing economic cooperation with South Korea,

which it regards as a poisoned apple. As it doesnt have much leverage over China,

North Korea might find it useful to heighten tensions on the Korean Peninsula, forcing

China, which doesnt want a catastrophic crisis, to appease it.

Even if the situation gets worse, China will keep placating Pyongyang with energy

and food aid pointing to the need to prevent further escalation of tensions.

Washington doesnt need to take a gamble either as long as Pyongyang refrains from

selling nuclear materials or missile technology. Washington might even regard North

Korea as a convenient excuse for its efforts to counter Chinas rise by expanding the

US-led missile defense program and to increase its own influence in the region to

make sure that the US will lead the pacific era in the 21st century.

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www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017


alafolie@empal.com .

/ / . .

. (


120 .

2026 65

20% .

10 5 1 .

. ' '
' ' .

2014 82.4

73 . 8~9

' '

, , ,

The upper limit of human longevity is now approaching

120 years. According to the National Statistics Services

data on the elderly, the share of those aged 65 and

older in the nations population will reach 20% by

2026. This means that, about 10 years from now, one

in five Koreans will be elderly. Rapid population aging is

bringing more attention to the quality of life in old age.

If people in the past simply wondered How long will

live?, now the question is How long will I live a

healthy life? According to the 2014 data, Koreans

average life span stands at 82.4 years, but their

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

healthy life span is 73 years. This means that most

people spend the last eight or nine years of their lives

struggling with poor health. It is inevitable, therefore,

that many older Koreans have to spend money on

health care.

Old age brings many changes in ones physical,

economic, social and emotional life. Among them,

depressed feelings and loneliness have been found to

have an especially big impact on the quality of life for

older people. So, as one ages, it becomes more

important to have family members, friends and close

neighbors that one can talk to.

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

Old Age in health status, Europe, country, is

America, by health risks Australia, New projected to
the Numbers and health Zealand, Japan, rise from 5.8

care, is Singapore, Hong million today

By Dale
available at Kong, Cuba and to 19 million in
agingstats.gov. Costa Rica. 2050.

It contains a
July 21, 2010
number of In 2008, an Living longer
surprises, and estimated 39 does not come

raises a million people in cheaply. After

The population
number of the United adjustment for
of older
questions, for States were 65 inflation,
Americans is
those or older just annual health
growing faster
interested in over 13 percent care costs for
than ever and
how Americans of the the average
living longer
are aging. population. By senior
than ever, but
2030, when all increased from
not as long as
Americans who surviving baby $9,224 in 1992
in much of
live to age 65 boomers will be to $15,081 in
Europe and
can now expect over 65, the 2006, the
elsewhere in
to survive on report projects report says.
the developed
average 18.5 there will be 72
world, Heart disease
more years, million seniors,
according to remains the
four years about 20
Older leading killer of
more than in percent of the
Americans people over
1960, population.
2010: Key 65, but now
according to (Seniors already
Indicators of patients die of
the report. Of make up 20
Well-Being, a the disease at
those who percent of the
report only half the
survive to age population in
compiled by 15 rate (1,297
85, women Germany and
federal deaths per
have an 21.5 percent in
agencies. 100,000
average 6.8 Japan.)

years to live, people) they

The full report,
and men, 5.7 The 85-and-over did in 1981.
with tables
years. But life United States Cancer,
detailing senior
expectancy is population, the strokes, lower
even longer in fastest-growing respiratory
most of cohort in the diseases and

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

Alzheimers Among people obesity rate has to $12,440 for

disease were 85 and older, increased those making

the other top 34 percent among people more than

killers. The have no natural 65 and over, $30,000.

reported rate teeth, from 22 percent Officials said

of death from compared to in 1994 to 32 the lowest

Alzheimers 20 percent of percent in 2008, income seniors

rose almost those 65 and increasing the tend to have

thirtyfold, from older. The risks of coronary the worst

6 per 100,000 problem is artery disease, health

in 1981 to more prevalent Type 2 diabetes, problems and

176.9 per among those various cancers, are often in

100,000 in living in asthma and nursing

2006. Officials poverty (42 other homes, which

said the percent) than respiratory are relatively

increase in other groups problems, expensive and

mostly (23 percent). osteoarthritis are mostly

reflected and eventual paid through

improvements Although disability. Medicaid.

in diagnosis vaccinations

and reporting are covered by Health care Healthy seniors

in the 1980s. Medicare, only costs for seniors with no chronic

50 percent of rose unevenly conditions

Men have non-Hispanic across races and from all

much higher blacks and 55 income groups. backgrounds

suicide rates percent of In 2006, the averaged

than women Hispanics average medical $5,186

43 deaths per reported cost for non- annually in

100,000 men receiving a flu Hispanic blacks health care

ages 85 and shot in the past was $18,098 costs,

older, 12 months, annually; for compared to

compared to 3 compared with Hispanics, $25,132 for

per 100,000 70 percent of $14,144. Those those with five

women. Non- non-Hispanic making less or more

Hispanic white whites. than $10,000 a chronic

men have the year averaged conditions. The

highest suicide As in the rest $21,033 in average cost

rate (48 per of the health care for residents of

100,000). population, the costs, compared long-term care

www.cyenglish.co.kr CY JUL 2017

facilities was covered more 2007, the

$57,022, and over time. median net

for those living worth of

in the The report households

community, found seniors headed by

only $12,383. are better whites 65 and

educated and older was
Health care better off $280,000, six
claimed 28 financially than times that of
percent of out- they were 40 older black
of-pocket years ago. High households
expenditures school ($46,000). In
among the graduates 2003, white
poor and made up 24 households had
nearly poor in percent of on average
2006, people 65 and eight times the
compared to older in 1965, net worth of
12 percent in compared to black
1977. 77 percent in households.
2008. Only 5
Average percent of The report
prescription seniors had a pointed out that
drug costs for bachelors or recent increases
people 65 and higher degree in net worth
over were then; 21 might evaporate
$2,107 in percent had with the collapse
2004, one in 2008. of housing
compared to values.
$600 in 1992. There has been

The average a small

out-of-pocket increase in the

cost of drugs proportion of

increased seniors with

more slowly high incomes

because and a small

private and decrease in the

public proportion

insurance living in

poverty. In


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