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42 Edgewater Crescent
Whitecourt, AB, T7S 0E1
(780) 396-9454- Home
(780) 778-3898- Work


To obtain successful admission into the 2017 Educational Leadership Program at the University of Lethbridge.


July 2017- ongoing Master of Education-Leadership

University of Lethbridge

December 2013 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education

University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta
B.A. Major: Native American Studies
B.Ed. Major: Native Education
B.Ed. Minor: Social Studies


September 2015- Current Grade 6 Team Leader

Percy Baxter Middle School, Whitecourt, AB
Effectively plan, manage and facilitate monthly team meetings
Facilitate a supportive, professional, and collaborative relationship
with my colleagues while acting as a role model, facilitator, coach,
and advisor.

September 2015-June 2016 Beginning Teacher Mentorship Program

Percy Baxter Middle School, Whitecourt, AB
Attending division Professional Development on how to be an
effective mentor
Collaborate with, and provide advice to our beginning teachers
Observe teaching, and give feedback

September 2014- Current Grade 6 Full Time Generalist


Percy Baxter Middle School, Whitecourt, AB

Teaching assignment: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social
Studies, Literacy, Numeracy, Physical Education, and Health
o Authentic Assessment for, of and as learning in each
o Differentiation based upon readiness, interest, content,
product, learning environment, learning style
o Experience with all of the Grade 6 Program of Studies,
and engaging in active use of the Alberta Competencies

December 2013-June 2014 Grade 7 Part Time Teacher

Percy Baxter Middle School, Whitecourt, AB
Teaching Assignment: Social Studies, Language Arts, and Science
o Authentic Assessment for, of and as learning in each
o Differentiation based upon readiness, interest, content,
product, learning environment, learning style
o Experience with the applicable Grade 7 Program of
Studies, and engaging in active use of the Alberta

September -December 2013 Professional Semester 3 Internship

Percy Baxter Middle School, Whitecourt AB
Grade 7- Teacher Associate: Christie Homeniuk
Teaching Assignment: Social Studies, Home Economics
o Taught one half of the time throughout a 4 month
internship assuming a leadership role within the
classroom focusing on relationship building, community
involvement, assessment methods, instructional
strategies, differentiation and parent interaction
Completed a Professional Inquiry Project answering the question
What instructional strategies could teachers use to engage 21st
century learners at a middle school level?

March- April 2013 Professional Semester 2- Student Teacher

Tatsikiisapop Middle School, Kainai Reserve
Grade 6- Teacher Associate: Donna Soldier
Teaching Assignment: Taught Social Studies (Provincial
Government Unit) to 3 classes, Math, and Health. All subject
were taught with the incorporation of FNMI notions, specifically
the Blackfoot Ways of Knowing (Nitsitipi)
o Taught one third of the time in the first half of the
practicum, and assuming a full time role in the last
half of the practicum focusing on relationship
building, community involvement, assessment
methods, instructional strategies, differentiation and
parent interaction

November- December 2012 Professional Semester 1- Student Teacher
Aahsaopi Elementary School, Kainai Reserve
Grade 1 Blackfoot Immersion - Teacher Associate: Brenda Fox
s Teaching Assignment: Lesson planning for: Social Studies,
Language Arts, Math, Science, Art and Blackfoot, incorporating a
Blackfoot perspective where ever was necessary


September 2015-Current Effective Behavioral System Committee Member

Collaborating with a team of teachers on current issues regarding
student behavior once a month
Taking a pro-active approach to student behavior
Think Tank Facilitator: meet with students who have received a
level 2 write up, and assist them in setting goals, and strategies for
effective behavioral management

Golf, Volleyball, Basketball

September 2015- June 2016 Literacy Committee Member

Discuss, collaborate and facilitate strategies to improve Literacy at
Percy Baxter Middle School according to our schools 2015-2016
School Advancement Plan
Collaborate with a Writer in Residence

Volleyball, Basketball

September 2014- June 2015 Alberta Assessment Consortium

Teacher Cohort
Participated in a research project designed to investigate the
Dimensions of Sound Classroom Assessment Practice. Our
research was designed to investigate the importance of Coaching
and the Importance of Establishing the Conditions for Peer
Final Product

September 2013- June 2014 Volunteering

Created and managed a Humanitarian Club of 15 students. Events
include Trick or Eat food drive and a Bake Sale
Coached Junior B Volleyball


May 2017 Enhancing School Communities: Collaborative Response Model in

Action Conference
Presented on Making it in Middle School. This presentation
provided an overview of the CRM at the middle school level,
sharing both celebrations and challenges experience along the
August 2014 Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium Conference
Presented on, "Project Based Learning and Debating in a Middle
School Environment.


September 2016- Current

Northern Gateway Public School Divisions Nominee for the Expert Working Group for Curriculum Design in
FNMIEC Soaring with Knowledge Conference
Northern Gateway Public School Divisions Math Sessions, Whats the Big Idea?

September 2015- June 2016

Daily 5 Conference
Google Education Summit
Beginning Teacher Mentorship Program at Northern Gateway Public Schools

August 2014- September 2015

Northern Gateway Public School Divisions Edwin Parr Nominee 2015
Middle School Conference
Junior High Math Workshop
Alberta Assessment Consortium Project Based Learning Presentation
Beginning Teacher Program at Northern Gateway Public Schools
Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium Conference


Available Upon Request

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