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Reading Passage 8 (UpperIntermediate & Advanced)

Budgeting In Turkey - 1

(Trkiyede Bteleme - 1)

Turkey is a member of the OECD which joined the organisation at its creation in 1960.
Since then there has been remarkable economic progress in the country, but this
development has been accompanied by many shocks and upheavals. These convulsions
originated sometimes in external economic circumstances, such as the oil crises of the
1970s and the Russian default of 1998, but more often in internal economic and political

Trkiye OECDnin organizasyona 1960ta (organizasyona) kuruluunda katlan bir yesidir.

O zamandan sonra lkede dikkate deer bir ekonomik ilerleme olmutur ancak bu gelime
birok ok ve karklkla birlikte olmutur. Bu sarslmalar bazen 1970lerin petrol krizleri ve
Rusyann 1998deki temerrd (ykmlln yerine getirmemesi) gibi d ekonomik
koullardan, ancak daha ok ierdeki ekonomik ve politik durumlardan kaynakland.

Since the 1960s, Turkey has gone through many political and economic crises with
severe repercussions on the management of public finance. The latest crisis occurred in
2001 and resulted in a very difficult economic situation.

1960lardan bu yana, Trkiye, kamu maliyesinin ynetiminde ciddi yansmalarla birok

politik ve ekonomik kriz geirmitir. Son kriz 2001de ortaya kt ve ok zor bir ekonomik
durumla sonuland.

Since then a positive development has begun which has led to rapid economic growth
and enormous improvements in public finance management.

O zamandan beri, hzl ekonomik bymeye ve kamu mali ynetiminde ok byk ilerlemeye
gtren olumlu bir gelime balamtr.

(Originally published by OECD in English under the title:

OECD Journal on Budgeting, Volume 7 Issue 2, OECD 2007,
OECD does not guarantee the accuracy of the translation and accepts no responsibility
whatsoever for any consequence of its interpretation or use).


Upheaval: Karklk, ayaklanma

Convulsion: Sarslma

Default: Temerrt (ykmlln yerine getirmeme)

Repercussion: Yansma

Enormous: ok byk

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