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Professional Statement Before Practicum

For this semester, I, along with other teacher trainees of the seventh
semester will be going to primary school to complete our third practicum. Our third
practicum will be held for twelve weeks, which are from 6th February 2017 till 5th May
2017. For this practicum, I am going to teach my major subject, which is English
Language as the Second Language and also my second elective, which is Music

Before our practicum began, we had attended a briefing session with the
practicum unit at the ISO room to know more about our responsibilities during the
practicum. We were given the exposure on the information required in our portfolio
and also report book, the report that we need to complete such as weekly reflective
journals and also reports on extra-curricular activities, our attendance record and
also some guidelines that we need to adhere during our practicum session. Besides,
we were introduced to the e-practicum system, which is MyPOROMS where we write
our daily lesson plans and also weekly reflective journals online.

Having limited experience in teaching, this practicum session has given me

the opportunities to gain more insights in teaching English Language and also Music
subjects in the classroom. Through this session, I will have the chance to know more
about the latest English Language curriculum for the national schools and also the
resources used by the teachers in teaching English and Music. Besides, I will be able
to try out several methods and approaches learnt from several courses and to
evaluate the effectiveness of the methods and approaches. I believe, with this
observation and experience, I will be able to develop a better understanding about
the teaching of English Language in a classroom and therefore make improvement in
my future teaching. Furthermore, I will be able to venture more into the Music
Education whereby I can explore more interesting and interactive activities that can
be conducted during the music lessons.

Through this session, I can learn to be involved as a part of the school

community. I can know more about the school organization and the school culture.
Furthermore, I can learn more about the teaching and learning process in a
classroom through discussion and sharing sessions with the teachers in the

These are some of the goals that I wish to achieve through this experience:
i. Find out more about the structure and organization of a school
ii. Find out more about the school life as a teacher
iii. Find out more about the organisation of a classroom in developing effective
learning among students.
iv. Understand more about the current trend of our national educational system.
v. Find out more about how English subject is taught in primary schools.
vi. Find out more about the organisation of an English lesson in primary
vii. Find out more about how music subject is taught in primary schools.
viii. Find out more about interesting activities that can be conducted during the
music class.
ix. Find out the effectiveness of methods and approaches learnt
x. Be as fully involved as possible with the school community, including the
pupils, teachers and support staff.

To conclude, I sincerely hope that I will benefit tremendously throughout this

practicum session and I will manage to achieve my goals through the planning that I
have for myself. I will also be prepared to face any challenges and uncertainties
along the practicum session. I also hope that this experience will enable me to
develop into an excellent teacher in the future, as the saying goes, Experience is the
teacher of all things.

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