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POTUS 2017

Nina Boggan as:

Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Character Outline

I. Biographical Info

A. Childhood

- Born in Plymouth, Minnesota on May 5, 1960

- Grew up just outside Minneapolis

- Father wrote for StarTribune, mother was an elementary school teacher

- Valedictorian of high school class

B. Education and Career

- Graduated magna cum laude from Yale University in 1982, received JD

from University of Chicago in 1985

- Legal adviser to former vice president Walter Mondale, who inspired her

to pursue politics

- Elected as attorney for Hennepin County in 1998, served from 1999-2006

- Took office as a US Senator in 2007 representing Minnesota, re-elected in


C. Personal Life

- Married to John Bessler

- Has a daughter named Abigail Klobuchar Besslar

II. Personality Traits

A. Passionate about womens rights, and has no problem speaking out against those

who seek to oppress women. She does, however, approach these situations


III. Notabilities
A. Actions

- In the Senate, she ...championed numerous farm bills, befitting an

agricultural state, and took special interest in veterans affairs. In addition,

she was involved in a significant revision of the Senates ethics rules, as

well as international commerce initiatives and efforts to improve funding

for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education at the

secondary and university levels (McNamee)

B. Work

- Member of the Farm Bill Committee

- Worked with Secretary Vilsack to implement disaster relief for livestock

C. Important Quotes

- The economic well-being of our nation is tied to the health of our rural

economy. (U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar)

IV. Current Stances/Opinion of Candidates

A. A strong liberal

B. Concerned about farming and the environment, as she is from Minnesota

C. Extremely passionate about women's rights, pro-choice

D. Tolerant of most moderate Republicans, however, she is not a fan of former

president Donald Trump. She had this to say about the rumored Russian

involvement in his election:

The information finally came out that they have been trying to hack into

subcontractors and others who have contact with our elections system, not

to mention election officials. Theres more. We know that (Yokley).


"Amy Klobuchar on the Issues." OnTheIssues. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 June 2017.

"Articles, Facts & Infographics about Massachusetts Agriculture." Farm Flavor. N.p., 20

Apr. 2017. Web. 12 June 2017.

"KLOBUCHAR, Amy." Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. N.p., n.d.

Web. 7 June 2017.

McNamee, Gregory Lewis. "Amy Klobuchar | United States Senator." Encyclopedia

Britanica. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 June 2017.

"Minnesota Farm Facts." Minnesota Farm Guide. N.p., 09 Feb. 2015. Web. 12 June 2017.

Moore, Mark. "Nikki Haley Says Paris Climate Agreement Wasnt achievable." New

York Post. New York Post, 04 June 2017. Web. 12 June 2017.

Mowry, Curtis, Adam Pimentel, Elizabeth Sparks, and Brittany Hanlon. "WHOs Urban

Ambient Air Pollution Database." (2013): n. pag. World Health Organization. 2016.

Web. 12 June 2017.

"Nikki Haley on the Issues." OntheIssues. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 June 2017.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren Reacts To Expected U.S. Withdrawal From Paris Climate

Agreement." The Patriot Call. N.p., 1 May 2017. Web. 12 June 2017.

Smith, Oliver. "Mapped: The World's Most Polluted Countries." The Telegraph. Telegraph

Media Group, 02 Jan. 2017. Web. 12 June 2017.

"SRS - History Highlights." Savannah River Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 June 2017.

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar. U.S Senate, n.d. Web. 7 June 2017.

Yokley, Eli. "Klobuchar Asks for Briefing on Reported Russian Hack Attempt." Morning

Consult. N.p., 6 June 2017. Web. 7 June 2017.

Letter to the Editor
Elizabeth Warren - Champion for the Environment

Since I consider myself an advocate for shifting government funds to the environment, I

was delighted to hear about all the attention that Senator Elizabeth Warren has drawn to the

subject in her campaign. Throughout this election season, she has shown unwavering support for

cleaner energy sources, waste prevention, and natural farming methods. This is why I am

endorsing Senator Warren and will be doing all that I can to help her team win this election.

Senator Warren has expressed her support for clean energy sources for years, and has

especially made it a priority in her policy speeches this election season. One point she brought up

during a recent press conference that I found to compelling was that Research has shown that

clean energy is actually cheaper than fossil fuel energy. This is a great argument against

conservatives who may argue that renewable energy is too expensive. Senator Warren is a strong

advocate for re-entering the Paris Agreement ("Sen. Elizabeth Warren Reacts To Expected U.S.

Withdrawal), which I think is a step in the right direction in terms of repairing the damage

already done to our planet. Elizabeth Warren is effective in her stance on the environment; she

sticks to the facts.

As I am a Senator from Minnesota, the 5th U.S. state in agricultural production

(Minnesota Farm Facts), farming is a huge determining factor in the social, political, and

economic prosperity of my state. Much my work in the Senate revolves around improving local

farmers conditions. Senator Warren represents another farming state, Massachusetts, whose

7,700 farms are 80% family owned ("Articles, Facts & Infographics about Massachusetts

Agriculture"). Her support for required labeling on genetically engineered food shows her
commitment to converting back to natural farming methods. I believe that family farmers will

see much more help from the government if Senator Warren is elected president.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has shown her support for a cleaner earth for years. Her

attitude on changing the way our country functions to save the environment is extremely

admirable. I am excited to see what she will accomplish in helping family farms to become a

larger part of the food industry, as they will help create a healthier America. I will be supporting

Elizabeth Warren - champion for the environment.

Daily Log

Wednesday - The key for today was to make a connection with the media.

Press Conference #1 - Russells Room

Nikki Haley:
- Former governor of South Carolina
- Ambassador to the United Nations
- Believed that under the Obama administration, the economy declined But how though?
- Passionate about fighting terrorism
- Fight for a prosperous economy and safety for all
- Main point was bringing back jobs
- Protect human rights being threatened by radical terrorist organizations
- Suspiciously vague
Elizabeth Warren:
- We marched for women, we marched for science, and we even marched for our
presidents tax returns.
- We fear for our neighbors... students.. mothers, sisters, and daughters.
- We fear for our children, growing up in a country led by hate.
- Our leadership must be for all people, big on peace and diversity
- Strongly supports peace in the Middle East
- Nations foundation should not be hate ad fear, but love and faith.
- Strives for a more perfect union.

Press Conference #2 - Russells Room

- Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, and Kevin McCarthy support Haley
- Paul Ryan: Past few months have been destructive, Haley will unite unlike Trump,
Hillary Clinton wastes this country.
- Did not like Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)
- Kept talking about how bad the past was, but encouraged Democrats not to dwell on the

Meeting With Senator Warren - Russells Room

- Proposed an event - she agreed to it CONTACT HER TONIGHT
- Told me selections for VP would be made soon

Press Conference #3 - Russells Room

Elizabeth Warren:
- Humanitarian aid is crucial to fighting terrorism
- Understands conservative viewpoints, so unity will come naturally
- Standard education across this country, favor public schools
- Education and improving infrastructure will help the economy
- Pro-capitalism with control: spurs innovation and creativity
- Encourage legal immigration, but welcome those escaping terrorism
- Pro-choice, encourage women to be strong
- More funding for infrastructure (similar to New Deal)
- Public service is the reason
- Preserve some ObamaCare - pre-existing conditions
- Trump Care was a dismal mistake.
- Travel bane promotes a hateful rhetoric in our country.
- No mandatory minimums
- We have an unfortunate amount of voter suppression in this country
- Its vital that people are able to vote.
- Rejoining the Paris agreement is crucial in at least continuing a discussion on climate
change, even if people dont agree.
- We put guns in the hand of people who are mentally unstable. We need to fight that.
Nikki Haley:
- Wasnt even there for the press conference
- Existing abortion laws do not agree with science.
- All abortion is murder.
- New healthcare plan should be market-driven, and shift power back to the states.
- We must have strong borders.
- Didnt answer my question about illegal immigrants coming from unsafe situations.
- On gun control: Individual rights come first.
- The Haley administration believes that voter fraud has no significant impact on national

Thursday - The main goal of today was organizing campaigns and laying out policy goals. I
also had to write an opinion piece or letter to the editor.

VP Picks
- Ambassador Haleys VP pick was Paul Ryan
- Senator Warrens VP pick was Cory Booker

Press Conference #1 - Russells Room

Nikki Haley:
- You and I both know what this election is about. Its about creating jobs.
- Improve infrastructure to create jobs
- Made in America Initiative - providing targeted tax cuts to encourage growth in the
U.S. manufacturing industry
- Lasting healthcare law
- Tax cuts
- More flexibility and power to states to develop healthcare
- Implementation of solar energy Not normally a Republican thing?
- Relief for Syrian and Muslim refugees Not normally a Republican thing?
- Radical terrorist organizations are the root of the problem
- [North Korea] poses as a nuclear threat to the U.S. and its regional allies.
- With the help of nations around the world, we can control North Korea. Kept talking
about improving foreign relations, but used the word control?
Elizabeth Warren:
- We must work as a country to create a two state solution.
- Clean energy, like solar energy and wind power
- Research has shown that clean energy is actually cheaper than fossil fuel energy.
- Infrastructure must be safe for all Americans Both basically said the same thing, what
sets them apart?
- China 9%, Europe 15%, U.S 2.5% on infrastructure, U.S. looking for cuts
- More investments toward public education is crucial.
- Higher education must be accessible to all.
- 1.4 trillion = student loan debt
- 70% of college students suffer from the financial burden of higher education - it should
be equally accessible to all Nice use of statistics
- Defend Israel, keep it as a Jewish nation
- Iran needed stronger supervision of its nuclear activity.
- Diplomatic, humanitarian action in Syria, not military
- Non-lethal action, however, our military will not be unprepared
- Many of the issues I feel passionate about are bipartisan.
Hillary Clinton:
- Apparently there is a dramatic shift in political ideology
- Lower Americas National Debt (LAND) Policy
- When a candidate belongs to a party, they have the responsibility to adhere to its
- Will not be constrained to a platform
- Increase taxes
- Cut some social programs - uncontrollable expenditures
- Raise the eligibility age The people will not like that
- We are the dirtiest country there is. How pathetic is that? A bit harsh
- Will not drop out, believes she can take votes from both candidates and win
Bodhi Arnold Selected as Assistant FBI Director
- While working under the Warren campaign, I discovered a conspiracy of hacking.
- I wanted to further my investigation freely

A Few Words from Abhin Kruella

- For those who have been falsely convinced- taken away by security
- President Nakamura: Ruth Vader Ginsburg passed away
- This leaves a huge imbalance in the Supreme Court.
- Allison Russell nominated as new Supreme Court justice
- Aidan asked: Why is everyone getting fired and arrested? Cant you just wait for them
to finish speaking?
- Was she fired so she could be nominated? President Nakamura says: You guys are

Meeting with Senator Warren (9:15) - Russells Room

- I will host a summit with democratic leaders
- Monday at 9:45
- discuss policy, scandals, fundraising, any gaps in speeches, role of each politician,
differences in campaigns
- Speeches
- Would she like to speak?
Intro for Eric
Intro for Ryan
Elizabeth Warren
Cory Booker
- Nora - Grapes platter
- Jenny - Cups and platter
- Rachel - Sparkling cider
- Wilson - Cheese thing
- Claire - Chips
- Nina - Crackers and bowls
- Sam - Lemon bars

Senate Vote on Supreme Court Appointment - Approved

Senator Perry Joins Warren Campaign - Russells Room

- Suspected to be disloyal to the Haley campaign all along
- Although I may not agree with everything he stands for, I think Senator Perry will be a
great addition to our team. - Sen Warren

Press Conference #2 - Russells Room

Elizabeth Warren:
- Announcement from FBI Director -- No tangible evidence, Kruella will resume his role
in the Warren campaign
- Deflected questions about Kruellas rehiring
- Political rhetoric can sometimes get a little vulgar.
- Not only is there no evidence of that but it is completely ridiculous. on poisoning
- Coming from the Democratic party, weve been working at [renewable energy
alternatives] for a long time. The Republican party has come at this more recently.
Nikki Haleys Press Secretary McGlade:
- Ms. Clinton has not proposed a serious threat to Ms. Haleys chances at president.
- President Knockmore seeks financial compensation for endorsement of the Haley
campaign What he doesnt realize is that the President did the same with Clinton

Friday - Today is debate day.

VP Debate - TV Studio
Cory Booker:
- Theres a lot of wasted money in the upper class, so tax increases not in the middle but
upper class
- Renewable energy creates jobs
- Most oil comes from other countries, localize jobs
- Its important to use strength but also diplomatic strategy and opening dialogue in order
to fight ISIS
- One issue that I disagree with with my candidate is that shes very anti-corporation. If
regulation is helping, it should remain, but if it is hurting it should not.
- With my campaign our most important issue is education.
Paul Ryan:
- Im very concerned with Bookers idea of negotiating with terrorists. reply I think we
should open dialogue with nations, not terrorists.
- Obamacare was a horrifying act that hurt millions of Americans.
- I wouldnt say that disagree with Nikki Haley on anything.
- We are going to ensure that there are security negotiations between Israel and
- I think there are two main things that we need to focus on. I think that the Obama
administration has hurt so many businesses with the DF Act.

Presidential Debate - Russells Room

Basically just repeated what theyve been saying for the past two days.
Donald Trump interrupted the debate.
Hillary Clinton:
- I think America will support me because I have real policy goals. What makes hers
more real than the other candidates?
- Good use of statistics
- Education is one of the few areas where I would like to increase our spending.
Nikki Haley:
- I think it is time for new faces to be seen.
- Maintaining national borders
- I am a strong woman, a strong Christian.
Elizabeth Warren:
- Being a woman is not a preexisting condition
- Gun shows are a loophole in regulating gun possession
- More funding for Planned Parenthood

Supreme Court Case - Fillmans Room

Question: Will Barack Obama be allowed to run as vice president, as he has already served two
terms as president?
Verdict: The court finds in favor of the plaintiff. Former president Barack Obama is not eligible
to run for vice president of the United States. This will open up more opportunities for tyranny..

Press Conference #1 - Russels Room

- Addressed mostly attack ads and scandals
- Sarah Palin is now part of Hillary Clintons campaign
Monday - Lots of big campaign events today.

Haley Rally - Russells Room

Democratic Policy Summit - Fillmans Room

- There were lots of questions on Rick Perrys switch to the Warren campaign
- His responses sparked more questions
- Main point was what made the difference in the two candidates
- Strong difference was stance on gay marriage
- Haleys campaign does not align with her real life ideology, that's why they are so
Daily Reflections


The first day of POTUS was focused on getting to know the candidates and introducing

yourself as a politician to the press. For me, it was really important to pinpoint which issues were

going to be determining factors for who I would be endorsing.

The choice seemed obvious at first, as I am a Democrat, but when Hillary Clinton

announced that she would be running as an independent, I had to reconsider. Ultimately, I went

with Elizabeth Warren as she was determined to implement policy to mend the damage done by

previous administrations.

Another important step in establishing myself as a politician was creating a relationship

with the press. I was interviewed twice, and I showed my support for Senator Warren. I spoke

about the importance of farming to my state, Minnesota, and how Senator Warrens policy on

climate change and renewable energy resources would create jobs in that field.


Today, I focused a lot on organizing campaign tactics, meeting with Senator Warren to

align our policy implementation goals, and discussing our connections to the public.

I took extensive notes during the press conference, especially while Senator Warren was

speaking. I gathered that the most of her policies relate to education, infrastructure, and

diplomacy. These topics, however, were very broad. I spoke with Senator Warren and confirmed

that I will be hosting a Democratic Party Policy Summit on Monday. We agreed that it will

encourage communication amongst Senator Warrens team to really start to be active in

promoting her ideas.

I held a meeting with all Democratic politicians endorsing Senator Warren, and I

organized who will speak at the summit from this group. We also discussed refreshments.

Tomorrow I will handle the media coverage of it and if the vice and president candidates will be



Today I attended the debates, as well as tied up any loose ends on organizing the banquet.

The debate seemed to go well for the vice presidential candidates, except that it seemed they

were not given much time to speak. I would have liked to have hear more from both candidates.

The presidential debate, I would argue, was unproductive. The candidates spoke about

parts of their policy that had already been mentioned numerous times in press conferences and

public speeches. I also started to see some elements of both the Haley and Clinton campaigns

that would need fact checking. Hillary Clintons use of the sentence America is the dirtiest

country in the world, shocked many.

Also, I would like to do further research on Haleys policy in the POTUS simulation,

becuase I have hear rumors that it is completely opposite to her real life beliefs.


The Democratic Policy Summit, in my opinion, was one of the most important events of

the day. As I was the one organizing it, I had a lot of responsibilities early in the day. I had to

organize the room and set out food. I advised everyone on their speeches, and organized the

speakers of the event. From this, I learned that a lot goes into planning a political event;
including contacting press, decorating, assigning roles, and making sure everyone is generally

under control.

I researched a lot on Nikki Haleys actual policy, and I uncovered that she is not as

moderate as some of her campaign team is attempting to make her seem. I think the urge to

appeal to CAP students is overshadowing, the actual point of adhering to the politician's

personality and ideology.

Fact Checking

Nikki Haleys Ideology

As I was listening to Nikki Haleys campaign speeches, I noticed that many of the topics

she was speaking on were somewhat bipartisan, but her views were mostly moderate, even

liberal at times.

A particular topic that confused me was her support for clean energy resources.

According to On The Issues, she Supports offshore drilling near South Carolina coast, and

wants to Open the Savannah River Site nuclear reactor fuel project. These are all

characteristics of a politician whose main priority is not the environment and clean energy.

Hales campaign team may have confused her signing of a solar energy bill as governor

of South Carolina for a dedication to clean energy. She had almost the opposite approach in her

statement on the Paris Agreement, a worldwide effort to better the environment and stop the use

of non-renewable resources. She said the Paris Agreement was not achievable, and argued that

all it will do is kill jobs (Moore). Signing one bill that loosens restrictions on solar energy does

not make her an advocate for clean energy on a national scale.

I believe that Haley is attempting to appeal to the liberal audience of CAP and may be

straying from her real life ideology. This may be accidental, but research shows that this is not an

accurate portrayal.

Hillary Clintons Statement on Americas Environment

At the Presidential Debate, Hillary Clinton made some extreme remarks on the current

condition of the United States environment. She said that America was the dirtiest country in

the world. This could be interpreted many different ways.

Research, however found this statement to be incredibly inaccurate. An interactive map

on The Telegraph shows that The United States and Canada are actually among some of the least

populated countries in the world. The higher concentrations of smog and waste are seen in Asian

countries such as China and India. No cities in the United States even appeared on the list of the

worlds most polluted cities by the World Health Organization.

This research shows that Clintons statement was rash, and not even remotely true. The

United States may contribute to pollution because of manufacturing, but the country itself is far

from being the dirtiest country in the world.

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