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Wargame: Red Dragon


Wargame: Red Dragon > Guides > Admiral Obvious's Guides

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Every Unit in the Game

By Admiral Obvious and 3 collaborators

The intent of this guide is to cover each and every unit in the game, from all nations, starting with broad generalizations on
what each nation specializes at, down to each nations individual units.

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Work in progress! It takes time to cover 1700 units! Update: revisions in progress, been a busy
semester, bobbobersin
If you are brand new to Wargame, or any game in the wargame series, i'd highly recommend going to
the guide noted below.

200-Page Guide to Wargame: Red Dragon

A Guide for Wargame: Red Dragon
By: DiscountGunfox
I wanted to do something a little different with this guide. I wanted to create a
guide that taught a new player all they need to know to dive right in - a one-
stop shop to teach all the basics, mindset, and units of...

The noted guide will easily help you learn the flow of the game, and the basics of the game itself.

This guide on the other hand, is going to get a bit more advanced than the general overview of the
game that the above noted guide did. We will do a broad generalization of the nations in game, then
cover each portion of said nations available units, since the above guide is actually a bit outdated by
this point. We will attempt to be unbiased as possible while going over these as well, but it's
impossible for a single person to not have SOME personal bias towards certain units. I will, and do
inform you in the guide when I have a personal bias towards\against a unit, so for such units take my
opinion of them with a grain of salt.

For more advanced details on how the game mechanics actually function, there is a
manual [] that picks apart the game, and puts the information in an easy to see
PDF. Someone also created a spreadsheet [] detailing AA unit TRUE rate of fire,
as well as assorted useful math derived from the game, and experimentation, for those who like that
kind of thing. There's also an armory app in development for building decks outside the game in
development I'll add a TL;DR kind of
section here soon, if people care, summarizing the mechanical details.

I should also note that I will probably butcher most of the spelling on the units in game, most notably
anything with an accent or special character involved. I use a US English keyboard, and don't really
want to be going through the Character Map tool for every unit that requires it.

This guide isn't really ready, but i'll hit the publish button and see what happens, it probably never will
be "done" as long as the game keeps recieving updates. Images will come soon... maybe... I assume

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you will be looking at the armory/deck builder while reading this, so not sure if it will be redundant... or
useful... let me know in the comments below if you care either way.

To be fair to players from both factions, I will be adding content for each side one at a time, so, for
example, i'm starting with the US, then I will go to East Germany, then the UK, then the USSR,
bouncing back and forth until the guide is finished.

Lastly, if it seems I short changed my description of some units (not much written, or very
condensed), it's mostly because I'm dealing with a 1000ish (not gonna bother counting) character
limit, and made the decision to cut out what should be prudently obvious.

Updates are likely to be small, and intermittent. At the time when I started writing this, there was no
news of an update coming to the game happening, there might be an update in the near future that
will be rebalancing everything, when/if that happens, I will update the guide.

Unit Classification
I was slightly surprised this wasn't covered in more detail in the above linked guide, so i'll go a bit into
detail on it here, just to cover all the bases. I will cover each unit's classification according to the
Armory organization system.

Logistics is pretty straight forward, you have command units, and you have supply units.

Command Vehicle: This is the category the game designates to any ground based command vehicle
that has no armor. These are almost always trucks, or cars, which make them fairly fast when
traveling on roads, but they are almost always defenseless. Virtually any unit can kill them with little
effort, so they should be kept away from the front lines if possible.

Command Armor: Similar to the above designation, but these vehicles have armor, which enables
them to withstand most mortar rounds (for a while). They are usually modified types of infantry
fighting vehicles, or armored personnel carriers, and as a result, usually have some type of light
armament. They will still die quickly when faced with serious enemies.

Command Infantry: Simple enough, a squad of infantry with a LR radio instead of a RPG, always has
a strength of 5. When deployed, they come in whichever type of transport you had chosen when you
made the deck, which could be anything from a car/truck, to a high end Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
They cannot capture zones while in a vehicle, but are usually hard to spot, which makes them great
for zone neutralization.

Command Tank: Its... a tank. These are usually the most expensive unit available to the nation, and
should be used sparingly, but, they are fully serviceable tanks, which can enable them to capture
otherwise hostile zones, provided they are escorted properly.

Command Helicopter: A helicopter which can quickly capture zones, since it ignores all terrain. This
unit type can't hide, and are almost always completely defenseless. They are great for supporting a
rapid assault into an enemy zone.

Supply Truck: A truck filled with stuff, be it spare parts for a tank, to rockets, or really anything else.
These are what keep your units alive in most situations, as it's far cheaper to fix a tank than buy a
brand new one. All of these can be captured by your enemy if left unattended. They also WILL
explode violently when destroyed.

Supply Helicopter: Same as the above, but capable of flight, and usually carry on average 2.5 times
the amount of stuff that supply trucks do.

FOB: The mighty FOB, carries enough supplies to keep a reasonable fight going for about two hours
(if nobody is using a LOT of rockets, or artillery).

Virtually every game in Wargame, at one point or another will revolve around infantry movement. As
most NATO troops will say "it always comes down to the infantryman, and his rifle". This is almost
always true. There are quite a lot of subdivisions of infantry in each category, and we'll try and go
over all of them here.

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AA Infantry: These are small groups of infantry, anywhere between 2 to 5 men each, specifically used
to take down helicopters (and to a lesser extent, planes). They usually are mostly defenseless
against other units however.

ATGM Infantry: Anti-Tank infantry, armed with portable long range, Anti-Tank-Guided-Missiles. This is
NOT the type of infantry you'd want in close range with a tank, they specialize in taking tanks out at
long range, and if engaged with tanks at close range, there's a 50/50 chance they won't make it out.
They rely on recon, quite a lot, to be effective.

Commando\Special Forces: The creme of the crop for the nation in particular. Usually have some sort
of specialization against some other type of enemy. For example Spetznaz, or Ji Lian both specialize
at digging infantry out of fortified positions, but are bad at dealing with even light armor, while the
SAS or FJB-40 are multirole, good at killing helicopters and tanks, but fairly bad at dealing with
infantry in most cases.

Engineer Squads: Squads of standard infantry, without a machine gun, but either carrying a
Incendiary rocket launcher, or a flamethrower. Generally, rocket launchers are best used for offense,
while flamethrowers are better for defense, since flamethrowers tend to "draw lines" in the ground,
where rocket launchers are more pinpoint accurate. Flamethrowers tend to be useful when clearing
forests, more than rocket launchers usually, since the detection range in forests is pretty small, a
flamethrower is usually going to be much more effective because they can usually shoot a bit faster,
and range mostly doesn't matter. When engaged in a contested sector (purple outline), this unit can't
use either the flamethrower, or rocket launcher, so this is a support unit.

Fire Support Teams: Usually a smaller squad of infantry with some form of mid-line anti tank weapon.
This type of unit is special because, while they don't have a squad machine gun, their Anti-Tank
weapon can be used directly against other infantry.

Light Infantry: This slightly broad term is about two different types of similar infantry units. Generally
light infantry has some form of high end ATGM/RPG in their squad, and typically a Squad Automatic
Weapon which can be used inside of contested sectors. These are usually higher quality, and more
expensive infantry, usually worth the cost.

Reserves/Militia: Cheapest infantry in the game, and it usually shows. Militia grade infantry usually
gets some form of hand-me-down rifle, and anti-tank weapon. While they usually cant withstand a
fight against, even the cheapest regular infantry, they do give you a lot of men that the enemy must
wade through. They usually occupy gaps, where the real force can't be, and definitely have their

Rifle Team Infantry: This is your most basic infantry unit, and probably the one you'd rely on most,
especially within cities, and towns. They have varying types of primary weapon, and RPG, but they
preform their job, usually occupying towns, or forests at ambush points against enemy armor. They
are almost always equal against other regular infantry, depending on the range, primary weapon ect..

Infantry Transports:
Every single unit of infantry in the game comes with one. The dividing line on what classifies each
type is a bit arbitrary, but there is some reason to it. The cost of all transports is added to the infantry
cost when deploying the units in game so remember to factor this in when considering price.

Light wheeled transports:

Mostly composed of a mix of very lightly armored unarmed transport trucks, soft skinned armed or
unarmed units like the HAMMER, M35 and M6 Mosegris, they are best used as battle taxis and offer
limited to no fire support and armored protection. They should be kept away from direct combat and
those with armament should use it either defensively or for light fire support against hostile units
already engaged with their dismounts.

Armored Personnel Carrier: Typically some type of armored vehicle (in some cases not). These
aren't really intended to stick around after unloading their infantry, they usually have just enough
firepower to defend themselves, but that's mostly it. They are usually cheap though.

Infantry Fighting Vehicle: Usually a type of heavily armed vehicle designed to unload infantry, and the
provide fire support to them while they are engaged. Most of these have a from of autocannon, or
mid caliber cannon. Some of the more expensive variants, like the BMP-3, or Bradley, come with a
high end ATGM to deter tanks.

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Transport Helicopter A form of light, and usually fairly large helicopter that does rapid insertion.
These almost never have armor, with the exception of a few Russian helicopters, which are really
independent attack choppers. They usually only have a MG otherwise, and occasionally some rocket

Unit Classification, Part 2.

This is probably going to be the most difficult section of your deck to fill out, because, unless you play
a support deck, you can't have everything you'd need in a game.

Anti-Aircraft Artillery: This term is for any type of ground based vehicle designed with the purpose of
killing, or at minimum suppressing aircraft with high rate of fire cannons. These can have radar
guidance which makes them more accurate, and able to fire at longer range, but vulnerable to SEAD
aircraft. These are usually cheaper than AA missiles.

Anti-Aircraft Missile: This is a term for any type of vehicle mounted ground to air missile. Most
commonly, non radar guided units will preform better against helicopters than aircraft, and vice versa.
Radar guided missiles are vulnerable to SEAD. These are usually much more expensive than AAA,
but are far more reliable than AAA alone.

Howitzers: Usually some form of self contained, really big gun, that specializes in indirect fire. These
units are capable of firing clear across the map in most cases, and are particularly good for either
suppressing enemies, or dropping smoke to cover movements.

MLRS: Some form of vehicle capable of firing A LOT of ordinance at a targeted area. These aren't
intended to actually inflict any major damage, but instead suppress anything within the targeted area
to near the point of breaking. Usually have a horrendous reload time, and are usually very supply
hungry. Can fire all four forms of explosive found in game, HE, HE/smoke, cluster or
napalm/thermobaric warheads.

Mortars: Short range "artillery", these usually have quite short range, but fire very rapidly, and are
very accurate, capable of performing near pinpoint indirect attacks. These usually can't kill units
outright on their own, but they usually deal A LOT of suppression. Good for destroying lighter units.

According to the game, there are only two types of tanks, and the division is pretty clear.

Cavalry Tanks:

These are almost all very lightweight, and for the most part cheap tanks used primarily to escort
infantry transports to their destination, and either provide fire support on location, or destroy enemy
light transports, sometimes other tanks.

Main Battle Tank:

Literally every other type of tank in the game is considered to be this, they usually have quality
armor, for sure able to defend themselves against, at least small arms fire, and resist most artillery
fire. The quality of the tank almost always is directly correlated to their price.

Probably the most important units in the game, without these, most of your units wouldn't be able to
function with a purpose, and you wold be effectively blind.

Recon Helicopter: These are probably the most reliable way to spot targets, since they can fly over
obstacles. They are often the most vulnerable as a result too, able to be attacked by all kinds of AA
units. They are fragile, but very useful. Some of these come armed with a light armament, such as
rocket pods, or a MG, and some are full fledged attack choppers, but otherwise usually have no
weapon to speak of.

Recon Infantry: A squad of infantry with training to spot units. These units are great of either
attempting a flank deep into the enemy territory, or are well used combined with other infantry units in
city sectors, particularly ATGM units. Quality and weaponry varies by nation.

Recon Special Forces: Either denotes a 2 man sniper team, or a very powerful infantry unit, which

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can also spot targets for the rest of the force. Snipers are incredibly difficult to spot, even by units
with Exceptional optics, and they obviously carry a sniper rifle, which can effectively panic an entire
infantry squad with a single shot, OR if they shoot at an unarmored unit, they are almost guaranteed
to score a critical hit. Actual recon SF squads usually are capable of handling their own against most
units they are faced with, and are usually a good choice for digging out tough enemy infantry, with

Recon Vehicle: Pretty much anything with track, or tires, with optics falls under this category. Each
usually has their own role similar to the base model of vehicle, but they have some form of enhanced

Vehicle Tab
Pretty much everything in this tab fits under "we couldn't fit it anywhere else". Their uses will vary
widely depending on nation.

Tank Destroyers
Typically some sort of vehicle modified to accept either an ATGM, or, in the case of most cheaper
units, some form of recoilless rifle. These are useful when you need to bolster your force against the
likelihood of enemy armor.

Flamethrower Vehicles
Some form of vehicle with a long range flamethrower. Very effective against infantry, and very light
armor, since these can usually blanket a whole town in fire.

Fire Support Unit

These are all sorts of unique units that perform different roles. They are effectively used for anything
that their true role supports. We will cover these in detail later on in the guide.

Anything capable of flight via vertical propeller. Most, if not all choppers in this category are armed.

Anti-Aircraft Helicopters:
Usually hard to find in most nations. Typically, only the "larger" nations have them. These are
helicopters, armed with some form of SAM (really an AAM now). Their primary role is to shoot down
other helicopters (or if you are lucky, potentially a jet).

Anti-Tank Helicopters:
A helicopter armed with an ATGM system. Quite effective at killing tanks, since, in almost every case,
tanks have no direct defense versus an ATGM helicopter, unless they get REALLY close.

Gunship Helicopters:
These are usually the more iconic helicopters most people would think of if they were asked "what is
a gunship chopper", like the Apache, or Mi-24. These types of helicopters usually have a rocket
system installed, along with an ATGM, or AAM, and some from of MG, or cannon.

Jets. These units usually only stay on the map for a few seconds, and can easily turn the tide of
battle if used properly.

Air Superiority:
These types of aircraft, independent on the price, are specifically used to maintain control of the
airspace. They are designed for the sole purpose of shooting down any other jet in the air.

Aircraft armed with air-to-ground anti-tank missiles. These are very potent against any vehicle in the
game, and usually are capable of one shotting any tank they encounter, with the exception of some
particularly heavy tanks. Some REALLY cheap jets are only armed with HE rocket pods in this
category as well.

Every nation has at least one of these. These are aircraft that perform different roles dependent on
the bomb they have attached. Either carrying HE bombs, for infantry, and light units, Cluster bombs
to damage armored units, and Napalm, for digging enemies out of fortified positions, as well as
making an instant smokescreen, since Napalm along with the damage caused by fire, will also block
line of sight while burning.

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There are only 3 of these in game. They are all armed with INCREDIBLY long range air to air missiles,
and can usually end up killing cheaper aircraft with ease. They are VERY vulnerable if something
manages to get past their initial volley however.

Usually some sort of aircraft with bombs AND missiles. Usually winds up doing average at both jobs,
but multirole aircraft provide nice flexibility when you need it.

Remember about how radar AA was vulnerable? This is why. SEAD aircraft are all armed with a
couple antiradar missiles, effectively following the tracking radar, which is tracking the plane. They all
have a high ECM value for their model of aircraft, and can be hard to shoot down without getting your
own aircraft involved.

The FOB is a forward supply base that can only be deployed at the start of a game, all nations have
access to this unit and it is recommended to take one to refit your units or refill supply vehicles at.
Holds a massive cache of 16000 units of supply but can be drained very quickly. Can even supply
supply ships on some maps if placed close enough to the water. Has decent health but can't move
and if found can easily be captured or shelled into nothing by hostile arty. Fun fact: every nation has
their own FOB with a cool little flag texture

cost of FOB: 75 points

The BLUFOR faction comprises of the nations which joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
which is why they are referred to as NATO, instead of BLUFOR, and the fact that in prior games, they
were known as NATO.

In general, their nations have lighter units compared to REDFOR (PACT), but they are usually
cheaper, most notably in the case of infantry transports. BLUFOR tanks generally have higher on-
the-move accuracy than REDFOR tanks, but almost never have an integrated ATGM system installed
like most REDFOR vehicles. When talking about per-price aircraft (planes) BLUFOR planes are
SLIGHTLY better than REDFOR, while REDFOR usually has superior AA options.


This ANZAC patrol ship is armed with a fire support mortar for coastal or naval bombardment and is
armed with a 40mm auto cannon and M2 browning for self defense, one of the smallest command
ships that can capture command zones.

Price: 100


JSDF destroyer, the second most powerful BLU naval unit in game, this large destroyer packs a
76mm main gun, as well as harpoon anti ship missiles and RIM-7M Sea Sparrows for CWIS and
shooting down aircraft, also possesses several CRAMs for CWIS defense, can capture and hold
objectives. Although more then capable of self defense, make sure to escort these destroyers with
smaller ships to ward off hostile forces looking to sink your flagship.

Price: 250

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This JSDF destroyer is the most dangerous ship in the BLU navy, armed with a 127mm main gun,
multiple harpoon ASMs and long range AA missiles, this ship is also blistering with CRAMs to shoot
down incoming missiles. A large target, make sure to escort this vessel.

Price: 420


This stealthy French Frigate is armed with ASMs, a 100MM main gun and radar variants of the
Crotale SAM, also has 2 small 20mm cannons for close range defense. Can be hard to detect on it's
own but should be protected with smaller ships if possible, able to capture objectives.

Price: 200

Oliver Hazard Perry

American Frigate armed with a 76mm main gun, AA missiles and a literal boat load of ASMs with
CWIS CRAMS for defense, only major downside to this ship it it's gun's placement limiting it's traversal
and the fact it fires missiles from a singular launcher. It is difficult to break through condensed CWIS
nets with one ship alone but it's large pool of missiles means it can keep CWIS busy for a long time to
allow for ASMs to be deployed to flank around the hostile fleet or can be grouped together to brute
force itself through the fleets defenses. Can capture zones.

Price: 165

Type 21

This large gunned British Frigate is armed with a long range 114mm main gun as well as exocit ASMs,
the Sea Cat AA missile and some 20mm auto cannons for close range fire support. This ship has
very little CWIS and should be escorted with other ships. Can capture zones.

Price: 135

A-6E TRAM Intruder

American A-6 packing 4 harpoon ASMs, should be escorted if possible as it has only 30% ECM and
no defensive armament. Best used in swarms or with the combined might of other ASM aircraft, helos,
ships and trucks.

Price: 140

AS 332F Super Puma

French ASM helo armed with 2 exocit's, can rearm by landing near a FOB or supply unit, best used to
scout for ships then combine their missiles with your other units to sink the hostile fleet.

cost: 60

AS565 MB Panther

French ASM helo with slightly more accurate, less powerful and more plentiful (4) ASMs then the
Super Puma, the missiles are semi active so they fire one at a time but can still be used in larger
numbers to overwhelm hostile CWIS screens.

Price: 60


South Korean Corvette armed with a large for it's size 76mm main gun, browning M2s and RGM-66D

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AA/CWIS missiles, these ships make perfect escorts for larger capitol ships as well as fire support for
landing troops, their armament is deceptive for their small size and can catch unfamiliar players off

Price: 75

Berliet Exocit

French ASM truck armed with 4 ASMs, best used to ambush ships trying to protect landing craft or
sailing close to land, remember to relocate and rearm to prevent arty and air strikes because they
are large, high priority targets.

Price: 70

CF-18 ASuW

Canadian version of the American F-18 armed with 2 ASMs, 2 AIM-9Ms and a 20mm vulcan. This
multi role can be used as a fighter in an emergency but is best left for attacking ships, the AIM-9s and
cannon are good for defense against hostile fighters trying to intercept but it helps to send escorts so
they can focus on the ships.

Price: 160


Corvette made in South Korea, armed with a 40mm main gun, 2 sea vulcan CWIS turrets and
Browning M2s, this ship is a great escort for you fleet, it's powerful AA/CWIS can help stem the tide of
incoming missiles and makes great fire support when defending landing craft.

Price: 75

This South Korean Corvette has no defense against ASMs but don't let that fool you, the massive
amount of auto cannons combined with the deck gun means that a few inside a large fleet will do a
number on hostile aircraft and when closed with the enemy fleet they will shred their ships up close,
escorted with a Cham-su-ri or two and a BAEK-KU or two, this makes the perfect nucleus for a naval
landing with a few landing craft full of units, great sea to land close fire support and will keep the
hostile helos away from your transports. When the going gets tough, give them the DONG!

Price: 85


Basic German ASM aircraft, has a 20mm vulcan for self defense but should not engage aircraft
unless all else fails, best used in swarms.

Price: 60

Advanced German ASM aircraft, upgraded missiles, twice the number, AIM-9s for self defense along
with a 27mm cannon and better ECM, this is a direct upgrade to the F-104G, can even be used as a
fighter in a pinch but should focus on keeping the sea lanes clear of hostile ships.

Price: 180

F-14 Tomcat
After years locked away in the naval tab, the F-14 flys again in the airtab along with the naval tab.
This interceptor has a massive range to it's missiles allowing it to engage aircraft from a massive
distance, It is also armed with a 20mm autocannon and AIM-9's for self defense but should avoid
dogfights with other aircraft.

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Cost: 155

F-16A BLOCK 15

An American designed F-16 used by Norway, this multi role aircraft packs 2 AIM-9Ls and a 20mm
auto cannon for self defense and 2 penguin ASMs, It can be used as both a fighter and ASM aircraft,
best used in swarms to overwhelm fleet CWIS.

Price: 110

F/A-18E Super Hornet

American top tier F-18, has 2 ASMs and 6 long range AAMs, can be used as both a fighter and ASM
aircraft, best used in swarms against hostile fleets but should have escort if focused on ships.

Price: 180


ANZAC variant of the American F111 armed with harpoon ASMs, has no defensive armament but
packs 4 missiles and should always have a fighter escort.


BLUFOR's only supply ship, although it has less capacity then the PACT LUDA, it is a faster ship that
can make resupply runs quick and painless, can rearm at FOBs placed close to the coast on some

Cost: 75

Lynx HAS.2

British ASM helo armed with 4 semi active ASMs, these are best used in groups to fight through
hostile CWIS defenses, good scouts to recon the sea lanes before massing for an ASM barrage on a
hostile fleet.

Price: 40


Danish ASM truck with 4 harpoon missiles, extremely useful when dealing with naval landings, make
sure to keep rearmed frequently, keep turned off until ready to fire.

Price: 70

Monitor 105

US made brown water support ship, armed with auto cannons for self defense and a powerful indirect
fire 105mm howitzer. Great for landings as well as off shore fire support, can also be used in mass to
harass hostile fleets.

Price: 50

Monitor Zippo

Armed with auto cannons and a flamethrower, this ship is the be all, end all of landing fire support, if
you are able to get them close enough to a hostile fleet they can do major damage.

Price: 30

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BLUEFOR Navy continued

This South Korean Corvette armed with 2 Harpoon ASMs, CWIS and a 76mm main gun, decently
armed, it makes a good escort vessel for larger capitol ships, it's small number of ASMs should be
saved to fire in large barrages with other ships and the vessel itself can hold its own against similar
sized vessels but should be grouped with other ships.

Price:125 points

Sea Buster

A Japanese ASM truck armed with 6 missiles, similar to the MOBA with more harpoons and a higher
price, should be fired in groups.

Price:85 points


Anti shipping variant of the US sea hawk, armed with two penguin ASMs, best used in groups to
engage ships to overwhelm hostile CWIS.

Price: 60 points


Swedish Coastal assault ship packing ATGMs, MK19s and M2 brownings, this ship can even be used
to attack other vessels due to it's hellfires being immune to CWIS, good for killing tanks before a
coastal assault and can do a lot of damage to helicopters.

Price: 70 points

Super Etendard

French ASM aircraft with a singular exocet and auto cannon for self defense, best used in swarms
and decently priced for an ASM aircraft.

Price: 80 points

Tornado GR.1B

British ASM aircraft carrying two sea eagle missiles, a pare of AIM-9Ls and an autocannon, can be
used as a last resort fighter but should be saved for ship attacks, best used in swarms.

Price: 140 points


This American landing craft is the workforce of the BLUFOR fleet, used to quickly move units onto the
beaches, cheaper, lighter armed but faster then it's pact counterparts, it's multiple M2 brownings can
do a number on hostile helos and lighter units when landing troops on a beach, can be reused to
transport traditionally called in units to a landing sight.

Price: 5 points


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American high speed hydrofoil armed with a massive payload of 8 harpoon ASMs and a 76mm deck
gun. It is extremely fast but has no CWIS to speak of, best used in hit and run groups or as escorts to
better defended ships, if properly covered they can destroy even the heaviest REDFOR ships with
their massive payloads.

Price: 100 points

US National Overview
The US is the overall largest nation in the game when it comes to quantity of unique available units.
They have a wide variety of quality in their units, as well as some very powerful, unique prototype

Logistics wise, the US has the most variety in their units, offering 2 types of command tank, as well as
3 types of armored command vehicles, along with the generic command truck. The US has some of
the highest capacity cargo units available to BLUFOR, as well as the HEMTT, armored cargo truck,
one of the only a few armored supply units in the game.

US infantry on their own is very good against other infantry in general, as well as having some very
high quality SAMs, such as the Stinger C, along with a very powerful fire support unit the SMAW. After
these two units however, the US is fairly lacking in infantry based ATGMs, and as a result, is
considered weak against armor. The special force unit, Delta Force, is considered to be decent
against infantry, but comparatively to other nations, a bit lacking, they are the cheapest special force
unit per point however, and come with unique transports.

Infantry transports are fairly mediocre, unless you were to be using a Marine theme unit, or generic
Rfileman squad. Riflemen squads have the option to be transported in the M2 Bradley, a decent IFV
versus infantry, with a high end ATGM for the price, and Marines come in the LVTP, a fairly well
armored, and amphibious unit, armed with a M2 machine gun, and for 5 points more to get the A1
variant, an automatic grenade launcher.

US support units, are mostly considered to be average, unless you were talking about AA solutions.
Overall, US artillery does not quite have the effective firing range most other nations do, but they
usually have a very low shot dispersion, meaning that shots fired will impact closer together. The US
does have a unique MLRS unit, the ATACMS, which fires a single 610mm rocket, clear across the
map, with near pinpoint accuracy. There are quite a few AA options available to the US, such as the
Vlucan, or PIVADS anti-air gun, as well as Chaparrals and HAWKs, and the Patriot anti-aircraft missile

US tanks are mostly comprised of either the M60 variants, or the M1 Abrams variants. In general
M60s are slightly inferior to most REDFOR tanks, unless they were able to close the distance. The
M60 Starship series is quite exceptional against light units, particularly infantry, since they have a
152mm direct fire mortar, a cheap, but effective ATGM, the Shillelagh, and a 20mm autocannon, with
the MBT-70 being a direct all around upgrade on this concept. Lastly there is the M1 series, often
considered to be more expensive than they should be, and while they have excellent stabilizers, they
are considered to be inferior to pretty much every other BLUFOR tank in the game for the same

The US in general is known for their high quality recon units. They are able to field the widest variety
of recon units on the BLUFOR side. Notably good, unique units include the Longbow gunship, which
is effectively a self spotting ATGM, using fire and forget Hellfire missiles, as well as M3 Bradley recon
IFVs. Pretty much all US recon infantry can hold their own, on their own, in a fair fight too.

The US vehicle tab is a bit generic when compared to most nations, but it includes some interesting
units, such as the Zippo's, the M728 CEV, Ontos, and the COMVAT. Each of these perform a unique

The US also has one of the highest variety in terms of helicopters, commonly Cobra and Apache
model helicopters, down to modified Hueys, from the Vietnam war, commonly carrying Rockets, and
grenade launchers.

The US air force is quite diverse, and contains some of the best, and most unique jets in the game,
including the Nighthawk, and the A-10 Thunderbolt. Very well rounded, with A LOT of choices.

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US Logistics
Basic tracked amphibious command vehicle with 2 frontal and 1 top, side and rear armor. these units
are armed with the M2 HMG for self defense and although somewhat light for a CV, they are available
in airborne decks. These units are best used to hold front line objectives where softer command units
(particularly those usable in airborne decks) would be ripped apart by artillery or bombs. They are
still somewhat soft and should always travel with an escort due it being a prime target for it's price
and ability to capture zones.

price: 115

M577 CPC
Similar to the the M114A1, this M113 hulled amphibious CV trades the M2 MG for one additional point
of side armor. These CVs can take a bit more punishment but are defenseless against hostile units
and are dependent on escorting units to keep them alive. Best when deployed on the front line
objectives or artillery hot spots with plenty of escorting units.

price: 120

Command variant of the M60 MBT, fairly good armor for a BLUFOR command tank, as well as a
decent fire rate on the main gun. These units can hold their own for a short time if needed but really
should always travel with a few escorting units. These units thrive in hotly contested zones where
artillery and hostile units are right on your door step as they can take a beating compared to soft
skinned CVs and APC/IFV derived command units.

price: 140

CMD M1 Abrams
Combining the armor and firepower of the M1 and the ability to secure and hold zones, this unit is
one of the best armored command units in the game. They can engage attacking units if needed but
really should avoid direct combat and let it's escorts deal with other hostile units. Fairly expensive and
limited in number, the M1 makes up for this with sheer firepower and durability.

price: 160

M151A1 CP
Basic wheeled command MUTT that can be used to quickly capture front line objectives or chill in the
rear, holding those that don't see a lot of action. They are very fragile and lack defensive armament
so great care should be taken when escorting these units to their objective and defending them when
they get there.

price: 100

M1025 Humvee CP
A direct upgrade to the older M151A1, these speedy wheeled command jeeps have twice the
strength (but no armor) of the MUTT, a defensive M2 machine gun and higher off road speed in
exchange for half the autonomy. They can defend themselves as a last resort but really should never
engage in direct combat whenever possible and still require escort around the battlefield.

price: 110

Command Variant of the multipurpose amphibous LAV, it packs a defensive M240 MMG and great
speed on and off road. It has light armor allowing it to survive longer then a soft target but still should
stay away from hostile units. Great for river crossings and beach assaults.
price: 120

US command infantry, armed with M16 rifles and M240 machine guns. These units excel in capturing
and holding forested and urban objectives and go places most command units cant. They are
somewhat fragile and should have other infantry and AFVs for protection whenever possible but as a
last resort they can defend themselves against soft targets.

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price: 100

Basic US command helo that can help capture remote zones or rush positions early in the game.
They are rather fragile, slow (for a helicopter) and not the most fuel efferent. This is made up for by
the very good optics and ability to ignore obstructions like water and hills and the ability to quickly
enter and exit command zones.
price: 100

CH-47C Super Chinook

A beefed up CH-47 supply helo with 2500 units of supply loaded into a fast moving platform. They
can both rearm troops on the front lines or stage behind them and help rearm supply trucks that can
spread out the logistics network when AAA is present.
price: 55

CH-53E Super Stallion

Highest capacity supply unit available to BLUFOR, this massive supply helicopter is a large target but
can rearm a large number of units with it's 3700 units of supply. They can quickly fly back and forth
between FOBs and the front line, keeping your other units fighting fit in even the most remote
locations on a map.

price: 75

M35 Cargo
Sometimes called the "eager beaver", this classic 800 supply truck is perfect for keeping your army
moving, shooting and alive. They are fairly fragile and like all supply trucks can be captured easily if
not escorted to their objective.

price: 15

Heavier armored supply truck with 1 front, side and rear armor allowing it to survive a bit longer when
under fire. They can haul 2400 units of supply to the front line quickly and safely as long as they
have an escort to prevent their capture.

price: 40

US Infantry
Assault Engineers
5 man squad of infantry, armed with the M202 Flash, Incendiary Rocket launcher. It has a very high
rate of fire for an Incendiary launcher, and the squad is armed with the fairly average M16. Great in a
support role, provided they aren't suppressed or under too much direct fire.

Cost: 15

Delta Force
Arguably the lowest quality special force unit in the game with one of the lowest quality LAW in the
game. They are very effective at dealing with most other infantry, but usually not any other infantry in
the Elite training category that you'd probably run into. Excellent against lesser infantry in CQC, good
assault unit to get your foot in the door in towns.

Cost: 30

LAAD Redeye
Overall, a fairly mediocre AA piece, but available in pre-1980 decks. 2 man squad, with 35%
accuracy, but readily available. Can be combined fairly well with other AA options, particularly other
Infared AA to convince the enemy you have way more Stingers than you actually do. Decent against
helicopters, but will never 1 shot any, and will effectively scare most players deploying aircraft, if they
can fire.

Cost: 10

LAAD Stinger A

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Effectively the same as the Redeye, but with a larger warhead, and improved targeting system, same
ranges. This deals 5 HE on impact, so it will knock out 4 hit point helicopters, like the Mi-2, and two
will have the potential to kill any regular jet in the game if both hit.

Cost: 15

LAAD Stinger C
Just a targeting upgrade over the Stinger A, this has a base 70% chance to hit, 15% less than the
max allowed effective accuracy in the game. You can't get many though, so they are intended to be
placed in critical air defense zones. These almost never miss, unless they have been heavily
suppressed, or are shooting a jet with a VERY high ECM rating. Very reliable.

Cost: 20

Light Riflemen
Effectively a regular 10 man infantry squad with a (mostly) mediocre ATGM. High availability,
reasonable price, and a decent MG mostly make up for the lack in ATGM power and accuracy.
Irritating that ATGM rarely hits it's target, and when it does, only deals 10 AP. Fairly good support
unit, provided not directly engaged.

Cost: 10

Light Riflemen '90

Same squad as above with a much more reliable ATGM. 50% accuracy, and a 15 AP power is
nothing to scoff at. While the ATGM is still light compared to most other infantry based ATGMs, it has
a good purpose now.

Cost: 20

The basic US rifle team. Fairly average all around with a very unreliable LAW. Honestly, these are
usually bought for the transports, and not the infantry themselves. Fairly long range LMG for infantry,
otherwise, not much else. Bad LAW means it will need support from other units to deal with armor
effectively. Probably won't stand up to most units, in all honesty, unless well supported.

Cost: 10

Riflemen '90
Upgraded LAW for the basic rifle team, this actually makes them reliable for denying the town to
enemy vehicles. The AT4 is a very reliable LAW when you need to remove enemy armor at close
range. Decent all around, but probably wont hold up well versus other infantry most of the time.

Cost: 15

The US fire support squad. Very powerful and accurate AT weapon. However, a possible penalty to
this is that it can be fired at infantry, effectively wasting ammo that can be used against tanks. Also,
has shock training, which enables them to fight other equally sized squads pretty well.

Cost: 20

US Marines
Effectively a 15 man riflemen squad with shock training, and a CQC SAW, weak AT weapon, but
pretty powerful. Infantry of choice if possible to get for the US commander. Large squad size, and
shock move speed make this a tough unit to kill.

Cost: 25

US Marines '90
Same upgrade as the Riflemen for AT weapon, and a much faster CQC machine gun. Arguably the
most cost effective US infantry in the Infantry tab.

Cost: 30

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US Transport
The basic tracked army infantry transport. 1 point of armor all around, and a M2 Browning. Is
amphibious, but a bit slow while doing so.

Cost: 5

Similar to the above, but with extra armor added to the front and sides at the cost of amphibious

Cost: 5


M113 amphibous recon APC armed with an M2 and 2 M60s. These APCs offer both good optics in
addition to a lot of firepower. Although not as fast as the V-150, they can put a lot of lead on hostile
dismounts. They also double the amount of ground you can cover with recon when pared with their
transported infantry.

Cost: 15

M998 Humvee
The US wheeled transport, very fast all around, and has great autonomy.

Cost: 10

UH-1H Huey
Basic US transport helicopter, pretty slow for a transport helicopter, but has a M60 machine gun. 4
points of health make this a bad unit to use anywhere near AA, as it's very easy to one shot.

Cost: 15

UH-60A Blackhawk
Fairly pricy transport helicopter, but one of the fastest available to the US. Also comes with twin
miniguns attached, making it a good suppression tool.

Cost: 25

UH-1N Twin Huey

Bulkier version of the UH-1N, comes with a minigun as it's armament, making it good in a support role
when neccesary. Also, much less likely to be 1 shot by AA missiles.

Cost: 20

This recon transport APC packing duel M240 MMGs. Functionally, all around better than the Humvee
for the same price. 1 point of armor all around, and amphibious in addition to good optics.

Cost: 15

CH-47C Chinook
This transport is for the Delta Force, and Rangers only. Fairly large, but bulky and fast chopper,
these are usually hard to shoot down, and also have a minigun as a defensive armament.

Cost: 25

CH46-C Phrog
The little brother of the Chinook. Slightly less speed and strength, but otherwise functionally the

Cost: 20

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M2 Bradley IFV
Available to the US Riflemen, both variants. Armed with a Bushmaster, and basic TOW missile. Very
powerful to support the otherwise fairly weak Riflemen

Cost: 20

M2A1 Bradley IFV

Similar to the above, but with the I-TOW in place of the TOW, and a targeting upgrade on the

Cost: 25

M2A2 Bradley IFV

Same concept as above, but uparmored, making this unit capable of taking some low power tank
rounds, as well as giving it the TOW 2 missile, arguably one of the best ATGMs in game.

Cost: 35

Marine based unit only troop transport. Supprisingly well armored for an amphibious unit, allthough
classified as a large unit in size. Armed wit a M2 Browning.

Cost: 5

Identical to the above, but with a M19 grenade launcher attached, making it a very powerful infantry
support unit in towns.

Cost: 15

US Support
Basic conventional US artillery piece, very high dispersion, but can be reduced quite a bit with shot
correction. Pretty high HE power per shot, fires 4 rounds in a barrage, and carries enough to move
around a small distance from the FOB.

Cost: 50

A step up from the basic M109. Upgrades maximum range, and decreases dispersion.

Cost: 80

M109A6 Paladin
Final version of the M109 the US has access to, very accurate for artillery of its class.

Cost: 120

M1097 Avenger
For all intents and purposes, this is a Jeep with Stinger missiles. This unit is very useful, as it's very
fast, and has no issue with firing on the move. It's entirely possible for this unit to chase down slower
helicopters if it gets the jump on them. It is weak though, and will probably die to any real retaliation
from the chopper being targeted.

Cost: 45

A pretty old, and very high caliber artillery piece, with a 203mm gun. Can fire very far, about 1/2 way
on a 10v10 map. 10 HE rounds. Probably shouldnt be used for smoke, unless you are desperate.

Cost: 70

Similar to the above, but with a muzzle brake, giving it much more range, and significantly reduces

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Cost: 90

A M113, without a roof, and given a mortar, short range compared to most mortars, but very low
dispersion, and high fire rate.

Cost: 30

Similar to the above, but with a larger mortar. Slightly slower fire rate, but bigger AoE for it's damage
to apply over.

Cost: 40

Same mortar on the M125, but mounted into a LAV, which makes this unit very quick to escape
counter battery.

Cost: 30

M163 Vulcan
A vulcan minigun mounted onto a M113, very high rate of fire for a BLUFOR SPAA piece, very
effective at killing helicopters, and also very good at stunning planes. Can also be used for direct fire
support against unarmored units.

Cost: 25

Same as the above, but with radar guidance, boosting effective firing range, and making the gun
much more accurate. Vulnerable to SEAD. Quite dangerous against aircraft, and most helicopters
that run into this won't survive.

Cost: 40

A unique artillery piece. This MLRS unit only fires one round at a time, across most maps, with no
deviation. It fires a very large cluster munition with an AP power of 20, which effectively makes it a
very long range sniper unit.

Cost: 150

M48 Chaparral
The first in a set of 3 AA Chaparral units, this one is the base, and has pretty much the effective
range and accuracy of a Redeye missile. Slightly longer range, less accurate. Can 1 shot quite a few
helicopters with it's 6 HE.

Cost: 40

M48A1 Chaparral
Slight upgrade over the above with it's missile. Very good anti helicopter range, decent anti aircraft
range for a non radar AA unit.

Cost: 55

M48A3 Chaparral
Another upgrade over the last. 50% accuracy, and a very long range anti helicopter ability along with
pretty good anti aircraft ability. Very effective screening unit against helicopters, also useful against
most aircraft with accuracy competitive with quite a few radar AA units.

Cost: 70

This is the first model of the HAWK the US gets, 9 HE power can pretty much almost single handedly

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kill any jet, and when combines with pretty much any other AA will succeed at it. Vulnerable to SEAD,
but will give SEAD aircraft a nice time out if it hits. Slow moving and very supply hungry, but a crucial
part of the US air defense network.

Cost: 60


Very similar to the above, but with boosted range and accuracy.

Cost: 80

Immensely long range AA unit, can't fire at helicopters though as a result of the design. Very good
choice for AA, but it's obviously going to be a prototype, so US and NORAD only. Very vulnerable to
SEAD, but makes a great bait unit to draw them out. Reliably kills high end jets, pretty much every
time, especially if you pick a well trained unit, at the cost of a backup.

Cost: 120

US Tanks
M1 Abrams
The base M1 Abrams, main battle tank. Superb accuracy, and 15 frontal armor, but surprisingly bad
gun power, at only 13 AP, it does get two machine guns for close defense too. One in the very small
selection of tanks that CANT hurt itself if it was able to fire at itself, max range. With this, you pay for
the armor and accuracy, and that's it.

Cost: 65

M1IP Abrams
M1 "improved protection" Abrams. Similar to the above, but with extra armor on the front and sides,
and with 2 more AP power.

Cost: 80

M1A1 Abrams
Basically the same armor on the IP Abrams, with an extra point on the back. The gun receives a small
but significant upgrade, giving it 19 AP power, and slightly boosts accuracy a bit. Goes a tiny bit
slower offroad though. Hefty price difference.

Cost: 115

M1A1[HA] Abrams
M1A1 Heavy/Homogeneous Armor. Identical gun as the above, but with better armor all around, going
up to 20 on the front. Low availability.

Cost: 140

M1A2 Abrams
The final Abrams in the game of this line, and is arguably the highest quality, particularly with it's gun,
hitting up to 24 AP at max range. It also has 22 points of armor on the front. You can only get 2 MAX.

Cost: 180

The US in Wargame uses quite a few tanks for their Marine decks. This tank is pretty old in general,
with a pretty mediocre gun, but it'll work against light enemy armor. Can't fire without stopping first.
Cheap to buy, and a high availability.

Cost: 25

This is the modernized version of the M48. Roughly identical all around, but a slightly more powerful
gun, and thicker armor.

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Cost: 35

Pretty much the same as above again, but with a stabilized gun, which at least lets it fire while moving
with 13 AP.

Cost: 40

Big upgrades all around from the AOS. It gets ERA, which in game knocks it's armor up to 12 and an
upgraded gun, giving it more range, and a lot more stationary accuracy. You can also buy A LOT of
these, which makes a good defensive line.

Cost: 65

M1A1[HC] Abrams
Effectively a cross between the A1[HA], and the M1A2. The gun is right in between the two in terms of
power and accuracy, and it has the armor of the M1A1[HA]. You can get 3 of these as well, again
splitting the line between the A1, and A2.

Cost: 155

M55A1 Sheridan
I personally like this tank, but that's just me. One of the game's few airborne, amphibious tanks. It can
fire the relatively average Shillelagh missile (pain in theto spell it correctly), or a 152mm HEAT
round that deals 5 HE or 11 AP. Overall, I find it good to support infantry fights with.

Cost: 35

What do you get when you take a M1A1, and strip down all the armor? You pretty much get this. A
very powerful cannon, mounted on a lightweight chassis. Very good rate of fire, with 17 AP power, but
only 3 armor on the front. Unusually high availability for a prototype of this power.

Cost: 55

M60A1 Rise Patton

Identical to the M60A1 AOS, but just a touch faster offroad speed for the same price.

Cost: 40

M60A3 Patton
This threads the needle between the M60 ERA, and the M60A1. Same gun power, but can fire a bit
further, and has a point more armor than the A1.

Cost: 50

Super M60
Prototype upgrade over the M60A3, adding a bit more armor to the tank, and giving it more accuracy,
and AP power (2 more than the M1 Abrams for the same price).

Cost: 60

M60A2E1 Starship
This unusual monstrosity of a tank is functionally identical to the Sheridan, but with much more armor,
and a lesser quality ATGM for the same price.

Cost: 35

M60A2E2 Starship
Very similar to the above, but with a 20mm autocannon making it a very powerful support unit, and
weirdly enough, very good at knocking out helicopters that come into range.

Cost: 40

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The prototype version of the M60 Starship that never really was needed (IRL). Functionally the same
as the last, but with a much longer range main cannon, and the upgraded Shillelagh missile.

Cost: 60

US Recon
AH-1J Cobra
This is a slightly modified version of the standard cobras (in the 2nd next section). It gets additional
optical ability, a grenade launcher in place of it's cannon/minigun and a full compliment of HE rockets.
Typically used as a form of support unit over recon, since it only has good optics.

Cost: 55

AH-64D Longbow
I will bet you a very small quantity of money that pretty much every REDFOR player hates having to
deal with these. This is a Gunship helicopter with exceptional optics, 16 hellfire missiles, armor, and a
cannon. Brutally effective against all ground units, since very few can fire back at this, and it usually
takes a high end AA piece getting pretty close to effectively deal with it. Most of the time, the more
reliable, and usually safe choice would be to throw a few planes at it, and have them make strafing
runs at it.

Cost: 150

Cavalry Scouts
Pretty much 1/2 a squad of Light Riflemen with recon training. This unit replaced the Mountaineers
(probably my favorite unit, but quite overpowered), this is the new, lighter, balanced version. This isn't
really a unit you'd want to mix in with other infantry, but the ATGM is decent enough to warrant this
unit to sneak into enemy sectors and kill high priority targets.

Cost: 15

M1025 Humvee M134

Very cheap, and quite well available for a recon unit. As like other Humvees, it has NO armor, and low
strength. It gets good optics though, and the M134 Minigun, which is surprisingly good as an AA unit
versus encroaching helicopters, like most transports

Cost: 15

M1025 Humvee Mk. 19

Another Humvee, like the above, but given the Mk. 19 Grenade launcher, like on the LVTP. Very
powerful in support of infantry, provided it can be kept out of range of the usual LAW, and ATGM.
Very little anti-helicopter capacity though compared to the M134.

Cost: 15

This is the non CV variant of the M114, it gets the same autocannon that's found on the M60
Starship, and the MBT-70, which makes it a decent support unit, if a tad inaccurate.

Cost: 20

This unit IS the Sheridan, but without the ATGM, and given good optics. I think it's alright, but removal
of the ATGM gives it much less tactical flexibility in my opinion.

Cost: 30

M551A1 [TTS]
Roughly identical to the base Sheridan, but this unit keeps it's ATGM, and gets Very Good optics,
which enables it to effectively target most ground vehicles that pass within it's line of sight. I like this
unit honestly, and I know a lot of people don't, but I can't say why.

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Cost: 45

It's a Jeep, with a guy holding Binoculars, I honestly can't say more than that about it, besides the fact
that it has Very Good optics and has no weapon... so... yeah...

Cost: 25

Mostly the same as the above, but armed and with Exceptional optics. If you are getting this involved
in fights, you are doing it wrong. It won't defend itself, it's just a very powerful recon unit, and nothing

Cost: 45

M3 Bradley CFV
Base M3 Bradley with recon optics, granting Very Good optics. Quite a bit more expensive than the
M2 Bradley, and a bit more expensive than the M2A2 as well, but quite useful.

Cost: 45

M3A1 Bradley CFV

Similar to the above. Recon optics on a M2A1. Quite powerful, but expensive unit.

Cost: 60

M3A2 Bradley CFV

Similar to the above again, M2A2 mod this time. Very expensive for a ground based recon unit, but
very flexible.

Cost: 80

Navy Seals
Probably one of the best Infantry units the US has. They are funnily enough armed with the Russian
AKM, a Grenade Launcher, and a pretty reliable CQC machine gun. Very good to storm towns with.
No anti-armor ability though, besides possibly stunning them with their grenade launcher.

Cost: 35

OH-58C Kiowa
This is pretty much the base US recon helicopter. 4 Strength means it usually will get 1 shot by AA,
but fairly cheap for a Very Good optic recon chopper. Armed with a minigun, but it's very unlikely to
be used.

Cost: 50

OH-58D Kiowa
Pretty much the same, but with a special optics bubble added on top of the Helicopter, and given a
pretty small rocket pod. Exceptional optics and a fairly decent rocket pod make this a little bit useful in
a combat role as a hit and run aircraft versus infantry.

Cost: 70

OH-58C Kiowa Wr.

Same as the above, but with a pod of 4 Semi-Active Hellfire missiles. Pretty much a very cheap and
weak version of a Longbow, but less expensive and more availability.

Cost: 95

Everyone would probably make this the default infantry if it was possible, they are quite powerful all
around, but they have a low availability. They can handle most units very well on their own, but
should be looked after, since their CQC ability isn't the greatest.

Cost: 20

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V-150 20mm
The V-150 with an autocannon, same as on the Starship, as well as it's M60 MG. Mostly useful in an
infantry support role, as well as the fact that it's bullet proof from the front.

Cost: 25

LAV-25 Scout
The LAV multipurpose vehicle again, this time armed with a Bushmaster cannon, usually found on the
Bradleys. Reliably accurate cannon, if a tiny bit slow rate of fire, make it a very good unit to support
infantry with, as well as the fact that it can deal out 2 AP damage in a single burst, which given
enough time can kill most APCs, and quite a few IFVs.

Cost: 25

US Vehicle Tab
This is a LAV with an I-TOW missile, pretty reliable AT unit, and fairly fast too so it can avoid being
shot back fairly well.

Cost: 40

M132 Zippo
The M113 troop transport, armed with a long range flamethrower. Pretty cheap, and works fairly well
when moving with similar transport units.

Cost: 20

M67A1 Zippo
I'm pretty sure this is a M48, with the main gun replaced with the Flamethrower. Fairly cheap for the
amount of armor it gets.

Cost: 30

Base US ATGM carriage, with armor. Holds a Tow missile. Pretty much the same as the M113A1,
except for some reason no top armor, so it's a bit more vulnerable to mortars.

Cost: 25

M901 ITV
I-TOW carrier. Also, essentially the amphibious version of the M113A3.

Cost: 40

M901A1 ITV
Same as above, but armed with the TOW 2.

Cost: 60

M151A2 TOW
A jeep armed with the basic TOW missile. Pretty fast when you need it to get somewhere, but can't
really move too well offroad, and it's a Jeep, so if something can get to it, it will probably die.

Cost: 20

M151A2 I-TOW
A jeep armed with the I-TOW. This unit is similar to the above, but with the I-TOW, and it will fire twice
as fast as the M901 ITV.

Cost: 30

M996 Humvee TOW-2

A Humvee armed with the TOW 2. Pretty maneuverable when you need it to be for an ATGM carrier,

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but just as weak as the jeeps above

Cost: 50

M50A1 Ontos
A unique type of fire support/anti tank vehicle. This has 6 independent recoilless rifles, which
effectively gives it the fire rate a bit above most tanks. It can deal 15 AP to armor, but it's pretty
unreliable to hit. I find that it's best role is for infantry support, since each shot inflicts 3 HE. This unit
has one point of armor all around, so it's pretty weak, but cheap and readily available.

Cost: 20

M163 CS
This is a modified "close support" version of the M163 Vulcan. The gun is modified a bit to allow for it
to engage targets with direct fire more effectively, at the cost of AA range all around. It also gets a
stabilizer so it can shoot while moving, although at a greatly decreased efficiency.

Cost: 20

A M2 Bradley, with the prototype COMVAT autocannon installed in place of the Bushmaster/TOW
combo. This is a very powerful cannon, able to shoot at the range of most cheap tanks, and it can
deal 5 AP power per burst. It's also incredibly accurate, at 70% base. A very good unit to have all

Cost: 30

M728 CEV
Combat engineer variant of the M60 tank. This unit is armed with a 165mm direct fire howitzer/mortar.
It deals 8 HE per shot, but it's got a pretty slow reload time, and generally great accuracy (which
shouldn't matter due to the blast radius of this thing). It's very slow offroad, but it's an excellent fire
support unit.

Cost: 35

V-150 76mm
This is the V-150 armed with a 76mm HEAT cannon. It deals 10 AP and is cheap all around, but the
gun is pretty inaccurate. It's OK as a support unit for an amphibious assault. Don't rely on it to do
much though.

Cost: 20

V-150 90mm
Same as the above, but with the Cockerill 90mm AP gun. Shorter max range as the 76mm gun, more
accurate, and can inflict AP damage, which makes this unit get progressively better, the closer it gets.
Same price and availability as the 76mm, as well.

Cost: 20

This is the non recon version of the LAV-25 Scout. They are identical units with the exception of the
optics, which on this is considered to be Poor. This costs the same though, and has a higher

Cost: 25

US Helicopters
AH-1T Seacobra IP
The base Marine Cobra variant. All Cobras are pretty fast in wargame, and have 6 strength, which
usually means they can resist at least one AA hit from most Infared SAMs. This variant is armed with
an autocannon, two Hydra 70mm rocket launcher pods, and 8 basic TOW missiles. A useful ground
support chopper.

Cost: 70

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AH-1W Supercobra
A prototype multi role gunship packing both the AGM-122 Sidearm SEAD missile, TOW 2 ATGMs and
a Vulcan autocannon. Their high speed and ability to destroy hostile radar AA as well as other
ground targets make them great escorts for helicopter formations. They do have limited ammo and
work best when supply units are available right behind the front line so they can land and rearm
between strikes.

Cost: 100

AH-1S Cobra
The base model of Cobra. Armed with twin miniguns in a small turret on the chopper, as well as A
LOT of rockets. Very good for suppressing or killing light units, but otherwise, mostly has no use.
Pretty much it's sole purpose is to be a hit and run vehicle.

Cost: 45

AH-1E Cobra
Functionally identical to the base Seacobra in every way, but with half the TOW missiles, and
requires a little less fuel.

Cost: 60

AH-1F Cobra
Quite similar to the Seacobra again, but this variant is armed with the I-TOW ATGM instead, so it's a
lot more reliable as a tank hunter.

Cost: 80

AH-64A Apache
This is the significantly less annoying to deal with older brother of the Longbow. Still carries a few
Hellfire missiles, but these are Semi Active, instead of Fire and Forget. This also gets the standard
rocket pod used for infantry suppression, and the autocannon.

Cost: 120

AH-1C Little Bird

This thing is a little monster versus infantry. It's armed with TWIN Mk 19 grenade launchers. It will
quite easily panic most unarmored units, and shake the morale of quite a few armored units. It is very
weak however, and usually easy to shoot down with not much effort. These are priced so that they
are almost disposable though.

Cost: 30

This is a prototype of the Blackhawk troop transport helicopter. This particular version is given four
Stinger missiles, which many times have shot down a jet in my experience, as well as the twin
miniguns AND two of the autocannons found on the Apache/Longbow. Probably a bit too cheap for
it's roles.

Cost: 65

This is that old base recon helicopter I covered before, but armed with Stinger missiles. It's quite
useful to have, especially to cover open areas of the map where your opponent might try to sneak
helicopters around.

Cost: 40

OH-60B Sea Hawk

This is a Marine variant of the Blackhawk, armed with 4 Hellfire missiles. Very powerful AT unit, but
weak against everything else, since after that, this thing is completely unarmed.

Cost: 80

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This is the old Vietnam Huey, armed with rocket pods. A cheap hit and run chopper, which honestly
doesn't really do much more than spread suppression, unless it was hitting infantry in the open.

Cost: 30

UH-1C Heavy HOG

Very similar to the above, but this version gets a Grenade Launcher, which while pretty inaccurate,
combined with the rocket pods, make a very good suppression unit for the price.

Cost: 35

US Aircraft
A-10 Thunderbolt II
The iconic A-10, armed with it's 30mm HEAT autocannon, and 6 Maverick fire and forget AGMs. This
aircraft is armored, which makes it a bit more difficult to shoot down all around, and it also has the
tightest turn radius in the game for an aircraft. Very slow for a jet though. It also eats a lot of fuel, so
be sure to use it quickly when needed, and evac as soon as possible, otherwise the refuel time will
get you.

Cost: 140

A-4F Skyhawk II
Basic ground attack aircraft for the US. Holds 4 227kg bombs, which isn't much, but it's something.
Pretty cheap aircraft, with no ECM.

Cost: 45

A-4M Skyhawk II
Similar to the above, but with rocket pods, as well as some ECM, not much else different, pretty good
for the price, and availability.

Cost: 60

A-6A Intruder
Quite available aircraft, you get to have 3 in a US only deck. It's armed with 12 individual 227kg
bombs. These particular bombs are the (apparently the word is blocked by steam censorship, look it
up in game...) variant, which pretty much makes them fall right where they are dropped, which could
be a little dangerous for the plane, since it drops a bit closer. 20% ECM, like the Skyhawk, faster, but
can't turn as tight.

Cost: 75

A-7E Corsair
One of the two aircraft the US gets that can drop napalm. This plane carries two bombs, which can
fairly accurately do pinpoint strikes on individual city sectors, but lacks in area denial as a result of
the capacity. 30% ECM isn't bad for the price.

Cost: 75

AV-8A Harrier
The base Harrier available to the US. Intended to be a multirole fighter, but the ECM on it (none), and
it's speed tend to betray it. Carries 2 500kg bombs, and two early model Sidewinders, which have
pretty bad anti-aircraft range.

Cost: 60

AV-8C Harrier
General improvements over the 8A model harrier. The aircraft can go faster, and has an upgraded
sidewinder over the last model. Armed with rocket pods as well. Receives 20% ECM.

Cost: 80

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AV-8B Harrier
Quite decent multirole aircraft, armed with modern Sidewinder missiles, two Mavericks and a pretty
high quality autocannon.

Cost: 120

EA-6B Prowler
SEAD variant of the base Prowler, armed with two antiradar missiles, and has 50% ECM, otherwise,
completely defenseless though. Pretty expensive, so it will need to be looked after. You can buy two
at rookie level, but I would strongly recommend against it, and go for a veteran unit instead.

Cost: 110

EF-111A Raven
SEAD variant of the Aardvark (covered next). It has the highest ECM in the game at 60%. It's
antiradar missile is also of high quality, but like the Prowler above, defenseless. You can only get

Cost: 140

F-111E Aardvark
This plane comes loaded with 12 340kg bombs, but that's it. It has 30% ECM too. It is a very powerful
plane if it unloads however, since it pretty much kills every unit of infantry in it's path, wether or not
they're in a city sector.

Cost: 130

F-111F Aardvark
Same as the above, but armed with cluster munitions. Quite powerful against pretty much every
vehicle in the game, but inherently useless against infantry, since infantry is immune to all forms of
AP damage.

Cost: 120

F-117 Nighthawk
The only prototype defined aircraft the US has. This aircraft has the unique ability of having
Exceptional stealth, which makes it hard for AA to spot it, until it gets pretty close. However, once AA
spots it, and gets a chance to fire, this is very weak, as it has no ECM. It's armed with two pinpoint
accurate Paveway fire and forget, laser guided bombs. It's quite powerful for precision strikes, if
looked after.

Cost: 150

F-15A Eagle
The first F-15 superiority fighter the US gets. Quite powerful aircraft, but potentially weak Sparrow
semi-active missiles, requiring the aircraft be pointed at the target for the missile to home in.
Otherwise, a high quality aircraft.

Cost: 130

F-15C Eagle
Quite similar to the above, but with higher ECM, and armed with AMRAAM fire and forget radar
guided missiles. This is in my opinion, the best air superiority fighter the US has, and the price
reflects it.

Cost: 170

F-15D Eagle
Take the good AA missiles off a F-15, give it bombs, and you have this, a F-15 armed with it's
cannon, four sidewinders, and four 1000kg bombs. A very potent strike aircraft, as well as a decent
fighter when required.

Cost: 160

F-16A Fighting Falcon

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This is a multirole aircraft, armed with a few Cluster bombs, a fairly mediocre Sidewinder, and a fairly
low ECM. Quite quick to the target, which is what you'd usually want in a cluster bomber.

Cost: 100

F-16C Fighting Falcon

Similar to the above, but with slightly better Sidewinders, and a bit more spread on the bombs.

Cost: 140

F-16C Block 52
This is the air superiority variant of the F-16, which is identical in game to the F-15C, but for 10 points
less 10% less ECM, and an option to buy two.

Cost: 160

F-4G Wild Weasel V

SEAD variant of the F4 fighters, armed with four SEAD missiles, and two fairly low end sidewinders.
Having the four SEAD missiles can be useful, but is usually overkill, unless there's a lot of radar AA.

Cost: 100

F-4J Phantom
Base F4 Phantom fighter. Armed with pretty weak missiles, but they work. Fairly high availibility for an
aircraft. Has no cannon, so it's weak if anything manages to close into cannon ranges.

Cost: 75

F-4S Phantom II
This is the "other" napalm bomber the US gets. It's armed with two Sidewinders, and 8 napalm bombs,
which is quite effective at burning out large areas.

Cost: 120

F/A-18A Hornet
The hornet is a multirole fighter, armed with semi active Maverick AT missiles, and 4 Sidewinder AA
missiles. Mostly used for ground attack over fighting aircraft by most people, since this is fairly weak
in a fight.

Cost: 135

F/A-18C Hornet
Similar to the above in a lot of ways, but with 4 Mavericks, that are fire and forget. Armed with two,
more modern sidewinders, but otherwise the same.

Cost: 160

F-14 Tomcat

After years locked away in the naval tab, the F-14 flys again in the airtab along with the naval tab.
This interceptor has a massive range to it's missiles allowing it to engage aircraft from a massive
distance, It is also armed with a 20mm autocannon and AIM-9's for self defense but should avoid
dogfights with other aircraft.

Cost: 155 points

UK National Overview
The UK in Red Dragon, is probably most well known for their armored units, most notably the whole
Challenger tank series, as well as their high quality infantry.

UK logistics units are fairly unique. Their armored command vehicles tend to be more armored than
most other BLUFOR nations, but they come with the distinct lack of amphibious ability, everywhere,

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with the exception of the HQ section, which is infantry in an APC. The UK does have the Stallwart, an
amphibious supply vehicle however.

UK infantry on their own is considered to be superior to a lot of units in their own way, since they
usually carry battle rifles, which are very accurate at range, or carry SMGs, which are very powerful in
contested sectors with other infantry. Most UK units do have high quality LAWs, but are slightly
inferior in terms of specialized AA, since they either have the Blowpipe (terrible in general), or the
Javelin, which needs constant line of sight to the target in order to hit. The UK also has the SAS (the
unit image is the branding image of this guide), they can engage everything fairly effectively, since
they have a Stinger missile, AND an AT4 LAW.

UK infantry transports tend to be lacking in combat ability in most cases, unless units are placed in
the Lynx (the second fastest chopper in the game), or regular infantry (Fusiliers) is called in, with

The UK support tab is mostly underwhelming in virtually every category, but they do have some
unique AA units. In general artillery is lacking a bit for the UK, in terms of variety, and quality. Most of
the "good" AA units are considered prototypes, such as the Marksman series of tanks, and the
Stormer HVM, which fires a multipurpose missile. The Rapier is considered to be inferior to most other
forms of AA, since each model is specialized to only killing a particular target at max range, either
helicopters, OR if you add radar, jets, at the cost of a lot of anti-helicopter range.

If you chose to play the UK, you probably did so because of the quality of armor on their tanks. Every
tank available to the UK has a much higher value in armor when compared to other tanks in their
price range, with the exception of the Scorpion which has a completely separate role. UK tanks have
a lower fire rate compared to tanks of another nation however. The Challenger 2 is widely known in
game for "eating" ATGMs, and still being able to function quite well, barely taking damage from any of
them in most cases.

UK recon, while a bit limited, does have a very high likelihood to be able to defend themselves when
needed to, since most of their recon units are based off their APCs, or IFVs, most coming with an
autocannon. UK recon infantry is particularly powerful as well, especially against other infantry.

There aren't that many interesting units in the UK Vehicle tab, and if you used up all the slots, you'd
pretty much have one of every unit available to them.

The UK has only models of the Lynx for helicopters. Most people only seem to use the Lynx 3, since it
has stinger missiles, and Hellfires. There are 3 other Lynxes, and they either have a TOW missile, or
a 20mm cannon.

The UK has a small selection of aircraft available to them, most of them multirole aircraft, or air
superiority fighters. They have arguably the best air superiority fighter in the game, the Eurofighter

UK Logistics
Lynx AH.1 CP
The basic Lynx transport helicopter. This is the fastest command helicopter in the game, able to go
300km/h where the next best competitor in the category can only go 250km/h. Unarmed, like most
command choppers.

Cost: 110

FV105 Sultan
A decent, if a bit pricy command unit. This has 2 points of armor on the front and sides. It's got a
cheap MG as well, which I wouldn't rely on for any form of close defense. Pretty fast in general, but
pretty bad autonomy.

Cost: 130

FV511 Warrior
The next step up from the Sultan, and my personal choice for the UK armored CV, if you can afford it.
It's a little bit slower than the Sultan, not by much though. The main reason to buy it would be
because of it's Rarden autocannon. It shoots pretty slowly, but it's perfectly serviceable for defending
itself against infantry, or encroaching armor.

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Cost: 140

CMD Chieftan MK. 10

Quite literally the Chieftan MK. 10 in the tank section covered later, but with a command role. Pretty
accurate and powerful gun, but pretty damn slow offroad, and a fairly slow reload time, like most UK
tanks. Quite respectable armor at 14 on the front.

Cost: 160

HQ Section
UK command infantry. Like most other command infantry, but these guys are armed with Battle rifles,
which gives them a bit of an advantage when shooting something at range, along with their LMG,
which isn't bad either. This unit is usually better off standing it's ground against other infantry, until
the enemy manages to close in on it, then they are either going to be dead, or you retreated them.

Cost: 100 + Transport

Rover CP
The UK command car. The only real reason it costs 110, instead of 100, is because it's pretty fast
offroad, otherwise, it's just a car.

Cst: 110

This unusual looking unit is the "other" wheeled command unit available to the UK. It's quite fast all
around, has pretty good availability, a point of armor all around, and a MG. A good choice in a
motorized, or support deck.

Cost: 120

ALVIS Stalwart
The Supply version of the Stalwart, which you will probably see a lot of. Pretty low supply capacity
and cheap, but the unit is amphibious, which can be used for a lot of sneaky resupplies over rivers if
the enemy isn't paying attention.

Cost: 15

Chinook HC.1
Supply Chinook for the UK. Still pretty durable, but doesn't carry as much supply as the American
Super Chinook, but it also doesn't cost as much.

Cost: 45

UK Infantry
The basic UK infantry unit. Quite similar to the US Riflemen in use, and effective loadout, except that
these guys are armed with battle rifles, which makes them decent for defense. These guys are
usually brought in solely for their Transport, the Warrior series, which i'll cover in detail later.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Fusiliers '90
This is almost a completely different unit when compared to the above, with the only real similarity
being the training. This unit is armed with an assault rifle throughout the squad, a VERY powerful
RPG, the LAW 80, which is capable of 1 shotting quite a few tanks alone with one hit, and a LMG,
which is capable of being fired while the unit is moving, but not in CQC (that i'm aware of).

Cost: 15 + Transport

These guys are the assault unit for the UK, when the Marines aren't available. 15 man squad size.
They are armed with a quite potent SMG, the Carl Gustav RPG, which is pretty powerful as an AT
weapon, and a pretty accurate CQC SAW. Their only real weakness is the choice of transport they

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are required to use, since all of them are quite flimsy to do an assault with.

Cost: 30 + Transport

Gurkhas '90
Very similar to the above, but with the even better LAW 80, and a much faster firing, but less
accurate CQC machine gun. If given the choice, i'd take these over the basic Gurkhas, since they are
the same price, and in a strictly UK deck, an availability difference of 2 isn't much.

Cost: 30 + Transport

LAAD Blowpipe
Oh god... why? This unit is pretty damn terrible, and the 5 point price reflects that. This is the least
accurate AA unit in the game, at only 20% accuracy. No amount of training really helps boost the
accuracy by much either. The unit also must maintain LOS to hit the target. The only good things I
can say about this is that it's cheap, and IF it manages to hit a 4 strength point helicopter, it will 1 shot
it. If for whatever reason you use a Pre-80s UK deck, don't go for this, use the Rapier instead.

Cost: 5 + Transport

LAAD Javelin
This is the much better alternative to the Blowpipe. It still requires LOS to the target, but the accuracy
is acceptable, and each warhead inflicts 5 HE, which will seriously mess up most helicopters, and jets.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Milan 1
Infantry armed with the base Milan ATGM. Pretty good range, and a quite decent warhead at 17 AP,
the only real problem is it's accuracy.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Milan 2
Pretty much identical to the above, but with an even more powerful warhead, hitting 24 AP, and a
minor boost to accuracy.

Cost: 20 + Transport

This unit is pretty much the Airborne only deck equivalent to the Gurkhas, with a 10 man squad size
instead of 15. As a result they can be carried in the Lynx transport chopper, instead of ground based

Cost: 20 + Transport

Paratroopers '90
Quite similar to the Gurkhas '90 again, but this unit gets an assault rifle throughout the squad.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Royal Marines
This unit is a very powerful defensive unit if kept out of CQC, as they have the highest accuracy of
any unit in the game, in terms of primary weapon. 10 man elite squad, a Carl Gustav, and a SAW.
Very powerful unit if kept stationary, otherwise, will likely be killed by a Shock unit in CQC.

Cost: 30 + Transport

Royal Marines '90

General purpose version of the above, armed with an assault rifle, the LAW 80, and the Minimi CQC
(less accurate, fast one). Powerful in pretty much every ground based role when you need them to

Cost: 35 + Transport


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The Special Air Service (I think). This is the all purpose unit of BLUFOR. They are armed with an
assault rifle, an AT-4, which is a decent LAW, and the A model Stinger. Usually very expensive to
deploy, but almost always worth it (if even just for the voice actor).

Cost: 35 + Transport

The UK Militia unit. Pretty bad primary weapon, as a battle rifle given to militia tends to emphasize the
downsides, and not the positive side, which would be accuracy. They shoot very slowly, and rarely hit
anything. They are armed with the M72, which, as much as I hate it in game, actually works out well
for a unit of this price, since they still get the 20 round per minute fire rate.

Cost: 5 + Transport (5)

UK Transports
This is the staple transport for the UK, every single unit, except for the Militia can use it. It's a very
fast, non resource intensive amphibious troop transport. It's got no armor, or weapon though, so they
only work as a ferry for units to get between places.

Cost: 10

The second staple transport of the UK. This is the armored wheeled troop transport, armed with a M2
Browning. It's not amphibious, but it's pretty fast offroad.

Cost: 10

All UK "basic" infantry can be carried in these. One point of armor all around, and a cheap MG, for 5
points. A good choice to get if you need a unit of infantry to be cheap.

Cost: 5

FV510 Warrior
The base UK Warrior. Fairly light armor, but good armor nonetheless. 2 points on the front and rear,
as well as the armament of the Rarden autocannon. Surprisingly, this unit doesn't incur a less
availability penalty.

Cost: 15

FV510 Warrior 90
Same unit as above, but completely tanked up, with 6 points of armor on the front, and 5 on the
sides. Still won't incur the less units penalty.

Cost: 20

FV510 Warrior Milan

Same as the above, but with Milan 2 ATGMs attached. This is a quite powerful unit in it's own right,
but imposes a stiff availability penalty to those that use it, effectively cutting infantry quantity by half.

Cost: 25

Lynx AH.1
This is the base Lynx troop transport helicopter. Quite expensive, but very fast, and classified as
small. This is capable of carrying pretty much every single UK unit.

Cost: 25

Lynx AH.7
Same Lynx as above, but instead of a cheap personal defense MG, this unit is armed with a pair of
SNEB rocket pods, which make this a very good hit and run aircraft as a result.

Cost: 30

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Puma HC.1
Only used by Gurhkas, and the SAS. This is pretty much used when you don't need/want the speed
of the Lynx, or are on short of cash, and need an infantry transport chopper.

Cost: 20

Buffalo IV
Royal Marine unit only. This relic from WWII is a choice of transport for the base Royal Marines. It's
got pretty terrible movement related abilities all around, but it has a lot of machine guns attached to it,
as well as a point of armor on all the sides.

Cost: 5

FV4333 Stormer
Another Royal Marine only transport. This one is actually quite fast in general, and has decent armor
of 2 points on the front and sides, but a fairly low quality MG. A pretty good deal at 5 points.

Cost: 5

FV 603 Saracen
This transport is only available to the Territorials Militia unit. Honestly not bad compared to the Saxon
at double the price. A bit slower, and armed with the M1919 which is mediocre, but functional, and
carrying Militia units. Quite spamable unit, like the Militia it's supposed to be carying.

Cost: 5

FV103 Spartan
Amphibious, good optics recon transport. Pretty fast for a tracked unit everywhere, which has multiple
uses, although it doesn't really have a defensive armament.

Cost:15 points

UK Support
The FV432 with the UK's only mortar. Pretty short range for a mortar, and fairly low HE power, but
incredibly low dispersion, and a very high fire rate.

Cost: 30

FV433 Abbot
Base UK artillery piece. Kinda short range, and kinda high dispersion, but is amphibious, carries quite
a few rounds with it, and when needed to, can function in TD mode (it rarely hits, but miracles

Cost: 50

M109A2 R.A
The UK's variant of the M109. Powerful shells, a decent range, if a bit short compared to most other

Cost: 80

UK prototype artillery. This chassis has a turret, so aim time is usually shorter than on most
comparative artillery. It shoots pretty far, and has quite a tight dispersion too. In emergencies, it can
fire a 16 AP KE round at anything approaching it too.

Cost: 130

FV434 Falcon
UK prototype AAA unit. A decent anti-helicopter vehicle for the price, although a fairly low rate of fire,
also amphibious.

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Cost: 30

Chieftain Marksman
A radar guided AAA setup mounted onto the Chieftain chassis. Very high amount of armor for an AA
unit, which in a few rare cases, can let it survive a hit from a low end SEAD missile. Decent accuracy,
and a good fire rate for a BLUFOR AAA unit.

Cost: 60

Challenger Marksman
Same unit as above pretty much, but with even more armor, which seems to be the only thing you are
paying for with this upgrade.

Cost: 70

M110 R.A.
The UK M110. Shorter range than the equivalent US M110, but other than that, equal.

Cost: 70

M110A2 R.A.
Same as the above, but with the muzzle brake, for the extra range and accuracy.

Cost: 90

This is the "classic" ATACMS, functioning pretty much exactly like the ALB US MLRS. Fires off 12 6
AP warheads.

Cost: 120

Stormer HVM
This is a unique unit, one of only two units in game armed with a prototype dual purpose missile
system. This unit in particular is best used versus aircraft, where the other dual purpose missile
(covered later) is better for AT roles. 5 HE on impact, and 12 AP on anything on the ground.

Cost: 75

Tracked Rapier
This is the Non-Radar Rapier. Very good anti helicopter range, and decent AA range, along with a
55% accuracy. This is a guided missile though, so it must be stopped to shoot.

Cost: 40

Tracked Rapier FSA

Rapier with radar guidance. Pretty badly damages it's anti helicopter range to the point that most can
shoot this unit with rockets before it gets a chance to fire at them. Quite good against aircraft though.

Cost: 50

UK Tanks
Challenger 1 Mk. 1
This is the base Challenger main battle tank. It's got massive amounts of armor for the price, with 19
on the front, and a respectable 10 on the side. It's gun is decent too, able to fire a 17 AP round with
reliable accuracy, stationary, or on the move. It is slow for a tank, and it's reload rate is a bit slow, but
that's mostly normal for tanks from the UK.

Cost: 105

Challenger 1 Mk. 2
Same unit as above, but with generally improved gun statistics, boosting accuracy and AP power.

Cost: 120

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Challenger 1 Mk. 3
Same as the above again, this time with a bit more armor added, bringing the front up to 20, and
adding more AP power to the gun, letting it reach 21 AP at max range.

Cost: 145

Challenger 2
The heaviest prototype tank in the game. It's got an incredibly accurate gun, and 23 points of armor
on the front, the best in the game. Gun statistics are improved across the board on this unit, bringing
it up to having the same fire rate as most standard tanks, as well as boosting accuracy, and AP
power again. This unit is designed to take a massive beating, and doesn't really care that much about

Cost: 170

Chieftain Mk. 2
This is a fairly old UK tank. Short range for a tank gun, and slow fire rate, but pretty accurate for the
price, as well as decent armor for the price, at 11 on the front. Pretty slow offroad though, almost to
the point that elite infantry can outrun it.

Cost: 35

Chieftain Mk. 5
Pretty much identical to the above, but with a better gun, that can shoot farther, and deals an extra
AP point in damage at max range.

Cost: 45

Chieftain Mk. 10
General upgrades over the above, boosting gun statistics all around, except fire rate, and notching
the front armor up to 14, which is pretty good for the price of the unit.

Cost: 65

Chieftain Mk. 11
Final variant of the Chieftain available to the UK, which receives an upgrade to it's main gun again,
this time allowing it to fire at the max range a tank gun can fire in this game. This gun also has slightly
superior AP power compared to the base Challenger.

Cost: 80

Scorpion Light Tank

This can't really be considered a light tank, it's more like an armored car with tracks. 2 armor on the
front, and amphibious. Decent range on it's 76mm HEAT gun, which used in certain situations can kill
some of the heaviest tanks in the game. Otherwise, this unit is best used as a fire support unit, to
help engaged infantry. Cheap to buy, and pretty self sufficient in terms of fuel economy.

Cost: 20

UK Recon
FV101 Scorpion
Recon variant of the scorpion noted above. Same price, a lot less availability, and good optics (which
compared to the medium it had before isn't much).

Cost: 20

FV107 Scimitar
Take the scorpion above, and replace it's main gun with the Rarden autocannon, and you get this, no
other differences to be noted, but this makes a good fire support unit.

Cost: 20

FV721 Fox
I like the Fox in real life, and as a result I use it in Wargame quite a lot. This is a small and fast

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armored car with the Rarden found on quite a few vehicles. With good optics, and it's pretty quick
speed, this unit is surprisingly good at getting behind enemy lines and spotting units. It does tend to
get 1 shot if spotted though.

Cost: 20

FV712 Ferret
This is the Ferret/Fox armored car, with a Swingfire ATGM system installed, and Very Good optics.
Useful as a self spotting ATGM unit, and a fast moving recon unit.

Cost: 45

FV701 Ferret
The base Ferret recon car. It's hard for me to find a use for it, since it's only got a pretty cheap MG,
and pretty much every other recon option would be better. There's not really an excuse to use it in a
pre-80's deck either, since the Scorpion variants, and Fox are available. I guess if you wanted a
really cheap unit with good recon optics it could work for you though.

Cost: 10

Rover Pinky
A car with Exceptional recon optics. It is armed with two different MGs, but if it has to use them, it will
probably be dead in a few seconds after firing, as it has no armor. Very useful if it can be kept

Cost: 45

Gazelle AH.1
A very fast, but weak, and unarmed exceptional optic recon helicopter. Very powerful as a spotting
unit, and fairly hard to hit due to it's very small size.

Cost: 65

Gazelle AH.1 SNEB

Same unit as above, but quite a lot slower (still pretty fast), and armed with twin SNEB rocket pods.

Cost: 75

Green Jacket
UK Shock recon infantry. A very useful defensive unit with their battle rifles, and their MG, both of
which do very well while stationary. They get the M72 as their AT weapon, which is pretty terrible, but
i'd expect this unit to be paired with some sort of ATGM unit.

Cost: 20 + 5

Elite UK recon infantry. If I remember correctly, their primary weapons are silenced, which means that
if you turned off their MG, even if they were shooting at something, they wouldn't be spotted, until
proximity detected. Very powerful on their own outright as assault units into enemy city sectors.

Cost: 30 + 5

UK Vehicle Tab
Centurion ARVE
This is the Engineer variant of the Centurion, an old, but durable tank. Armed with a direct fire
mortar/howitzer, which deals 8 HE on impact. Quite capable of wiping out infantry, and stunning most
armor, since it has a blast radius rivaling most 155mm artillery. Very slow reload rate, and incredibly
slow offroad, able to move the same speed as quite a few Elite infantry teams.

Cost: 40

FV102 Striker
This is probably the most reliable ATGM unit the UK has, with a pretty great range on the ATGM, 45%

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accuracy, and 22 AP. Not much else to say about it besides the 2 front armor.

Cost: 40

FV432 Rarden
The Rarden autocannon mounted onto the FV432 infantry transport. Quite high availability, and
cheap. Good unit to have on hand when performing assaults into enemy territory, or for defending
against enemy infantry or light armor.

Cost: 15

FV601 Saladin
This very old unit is a pretty basic armored car, armed with a 76mm HEAT gun. Decent in an infantry
support role, or for finishing off severely wounded tanks, if it hits.

Cost: 15

Rover Wombat
A rover armed with the UK's recoilless rifle. Pretty great range for a recoilless rifle, as well as decent
AP power, and nice HE power.

Cost: 15

Rover Milan
A rover with the base Milan strapped to it. Pretty inaccurate, but powerful warhead, as mentioned

Cost: 20

UK Helicopters
Lynx AH.1 TOW
A Lynx helicopter armed with 8 TOW missiles. Pretty accurate and reliable missile, mounted onto a
very fast and reliable helicopter.

Cost: 45

Lynx AH.7 TOW 2

Lynx with the extremely powerful TOW 2 missile, easily capable of severely damaging, or outright
killing most tanks, combined with the speed of the helicopter make this a very powerful unit versus
ground units.

Cost: 75

Lynx 3
Prototype version of the Lynx. Armed with 8 Hellfire missiles, which are pretty much the most powerful
ATGMs in the game available to BLUFOR, as well as getting 4 Stinger missiles. This helicopter can
actually keep pace with the Mi-24, and it's the only helicopter in BLUFOR capable of doing so.

Cost: 110

Lynx AH.7 20mm

A Lynx helicopter armed with twin 20mm guns. Useful as a fire support helicopter against soft targets,
and lightly armored targets, as well as pretty cheap, with high availability.

Cost: 30

UK Aircraft
Eurofighter Typhoon
As i've probably mentioned before, this is pretty much without a doubt the highest quality jet available
to BLUFOR. This is a prototype unit only available to the UK. 50% ECM, 4 AMRAM radar guided
missiles, and 4 high end sidewinder missiles make this unit very powerful. You can only get a single
Elite unit per card, and you can get 2 cards of this aircraft.

converted by
Cost: 175

Harrier GR.1
The base UK Harrier, just armed with two 500kg bombs, and it's cannons, no ECM. Very cheap, and
very high availability for an aircraft.

Cost: 50

Harrier GR.3
A step up a bit from the last Harrier. Pretty slow for a jet, 10% ECM, 2 decent Sidewinders, and rocket
pods make this an acceptable, if cheap multirole fighter. It's main use is it's rockets though. The
sidewinders on this aircraft alone can't kill any aircraft without scoring a damage causing critical hit.

Cost: 75

Harrier GR.5
This is actually a quite decent aircraft. 40% ECM, 4 500kg bombs, and two sidewinders identical to
the above. Pretty powerful bomber in quite a few situations.

Cost: 100

Harrier GR.7
Pretty much the same as the above, but instead of dumb bombs, this aircraft gets FOUR Paveway fire
and forget laser guided bombs, making this unit excellent for surgical strikes.

Cost: 120

Jaguar GR.1
A pretty basic cluster bomber. Terrible turn radius, terrible time over target, but pretty fast aircraft.
20% ECM will usually help a bit too.

Cost: 60

Jaguar GR.1A
Pretty much identical to the above in terms of performance, but this unit is armed with two AGMs
capable of dealing 30 AP, if they hit their mark.

Cost: 90

Sea Harrier FA.2

The UK SEAD aircraft, with 40% ECM, and two very good ALARM antiradar missiles. These missiles
can usually outrange pretty much every Radar AA unit in the game. Otherwise, identical to the
Harriers noted above.

Cost: 120

Sea Harrier FRS.1

A basic Harrier designed to be an air superiority fighter. 10% ECM, and pretty slow speed of the
Harrier usually make this an underdog in pretty much any fight against anything that can fly faster
than it, or isn't flying right at it. It will work when you get it close enough though, and there's enough
availability per card to permit some spamming.

Cost: 70

Tornado F.2
This is the UK "high end" air superiority fighter, if you aren't using any prototype units. I'd consider
this more of an interceptor class aircraft than an air superiority fighter, since the Skyflash AAM would
warrant that status. Usually a decent jet fighter, if not completely outpriced.

Cost: 110

Tornado F.3
Same as the above, but with extra ECM, and upgraded Skyflash missiles allowing the aircraft to fire
from outside the range of most conventional radar guided missiles, which in a 1 on 1 situation, usually
makes this aircraft hit the target first.

converted by
Cost: 135

Tornado GR.1
This is the Tornado F.2, but instead of the Skyflash missiles, this is instead armed with 4 cluster
bombs, which don't really individually do much damage against most types of tank.

Cost: 130

France National Overview

France has units which tend to be built around maneuverability instead of armor. Quite the opposite
of the UK. France also tends to field the most autocannons out of all the BLUFOR nations, pretty
much having an option to mount them on everything.

France doesn't have that many choices in terms of logistic units, a basic Jeep CV, an APC CV, a tank
CV, and a Helicopter based CV... now that I think about it, they have choice, but not variety. There
are two logistic units, a helicopter or a truck, and the truck, for all intents and purposes, has almost
the same capacity as the helicopter.

France has some high quality infantry, all around, be it their ATGM, AA, or the units themselves, they
are all easily capable of defending themselves. One potential downside though, is that almost every
unit is armed with an Assault rifle, instead of a SMG, or Battle Rifle, so they can't specialize in a
particular infantry versus infantry role. Pretty great overall though.

French infantry transports are pretty excellent all around, since pretty much every single one of them
comes with an autocannon, above 10 points, which make them excelent when used for fire support.

France has some very good support units as well, mostly in terms of anti-helicopter AA, primarily
because of the Crotale, which has the longest range of all AA missiles in the game, when targeting
helicopters. France also has the unique artillery unit, the Caesar. A very long range, fast firing
artillery truck.

French tanks are for people who like to play with hit and run tactics in mind. Their armor is always
mediocre, with the exception of the Lecleric. French tanks are usually very fast, and very accurate,
but they almost always have NO stabilizer, which means they must stop in order to shoot. French
tanks usually also come with the oft unnoticed effect of being defined as Medium in size, so they don't
suffer the extra 10% chance to be hit that most other tanks do.

French recon units tend to be light, and arguably poor quality, with the exception of the infantry units.
France doesn't have any armed vehicle that has above good optics (by armed, I mean more than a
MG) with the exception of the VAB Mistral.

France does have a few good vehicles within the vehicle tab, but are mostly uninteresting, since they
are pretty much all vehicles fitted with an ATGM.

France has some decent variety with their helicopters, like the rest of their units, they are some of the
fastest in the game. They also have the Tigre attack helicopter set, one for killing tanks, and one for
killing other helicopters.

French air units are generally pretty great all around. They are all quite capable of performing their
intended role, and they all have a bit higher ECM value on their aircraft compared to other nations at
the same price.

French Logistics
Gorupe De CMDT
This is the French Command infantry. They are armed with a pretty short range SMG, and the usual
French MG, the NF-1, which overall is a decent MG when it needs to be, but not much special about
it. One nice thing about this unit, is that if it's hidden and set to fire their primary weapon only, it's
incredibly unlikely that they will have been spotted by a conventional unit, untill they are allready
within the SMG range.

converted by
Cost: 100 + Transport

French command jeep. What can be expected from a command jeep. Pretty fast offroad speed, which
is worth noting.

Cost: 110

This is the command variant of the VAB (I love all of the french VAB's, mainly due to their utility).
Pretty fast offroad speed, amphibious, a point of armor all around to help deal with artillery, and an
M2 Browning for close defense. Assuming this hasn't been engaged by anything major, say a tank,
this unit can usually weasel out of most issues, if you pay attention to it.

Cost: 125

This is the French command tank. Not much of a tank if you go by it's armor honestly, with a max of 6
on the front. It does have a decent main gun, that fires 9 AP HEAT rounds (don't underestimate the
utility of a HEAT round), as well as the first instance of a tank having an autocannon, which honestly
isn't particularly great, but it's functional. Pretty fast for a tank, and a decent autonomy.

Cost: 130

Puma 330B PC
This is (I think) the third fastest command helicopter in the game. Medium size, and 6 strength make
this a decent command chopper for the price.

Cost: 110

Puma 330L Logistique

The supply variant of the above. 1000 units of supply is fairly low, especially compared to the car, but
it's always good to be able to have a rapid source of supply.

Cost: 30

VLRA Logistique
The supply truck. Conventional 800 units of supply, and a 60 km/h offroad speed, stats often shared
by quite a few other supply units. I can't think of much else to say about this...

Cost: 15

French Infantry
ATGM Milan F1
This is your first, most basic French ATGM team. Pretty low accuracy for an ATGM, but a pretty high
AP power of 17, which is actually quite good for the price.

Cost: 15 + Transport

ATGM Milan F2
Almost exactly the same as the above, but with 7 more AP power, and an extra 5% accuracy. Like the
above, fairly low accuracy, but extremely powerful if it manages to hit. It can seriously mess up even
the highest end tanks in the game, if it hits, and usually will 1 shot everything else.

Cost: 20 + Transport

ATGM Milan F3
This particular unit is a prototype. Very minor, but noticeable upgrade over the F2, reaching 26 AP
(the highest value for an Infantry based ATGM in the game), as well as an extra 5% accuracy.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Your most basic rifle team available to the French. Arguably weak against most things, in most

converted by
situations, but they are armed with SMGs as their primary, which can make them supprisingly
powerful in CQC. They also get the only 455 meter rocket launcher in the game, which is roughly on
par with the M72 LAW, except more accurate, and an extra AP point.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Chasseurs '85
This unit barely has any similarities to the above unit, besides the MG and training, even though they
are just supposed to be a direct upgrade. This unit is armed with the Famas assault rifle (performs
like any other assault rifle), and the LRAC F1, which roughly on par with the Carl Gustav M2, except
that this deals an extra point of AP.

Cost: 15 + Transport

The French special forces unit, tied with the Sweedes as having the most expensive infantry unit in
the game, ignoring transport costs. I hate to bluntly say it like this, but this is probably one of the best
"general purpose" Special Forces unit in the game with a 15 man squad size. They don't really have
anything exceptional about them, and there's nothing bad/wrong with them either. Just a great
general purpose unit.

Cost: 35 + Transport

I'm pretty sure thin unit represents the French Foriegn Liegon. Quite similar in many ways to the
commando marines above, but with the usual ability of a shock unit, and not an elite unit. Pretty great
all around unit.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Liegon '90
Another instance in which the upgrade isn't direct in a French infantry unit. This unit retains the same
assault rifle, but instead of the LRAC, gets the Eryx ATGM, which is very accurate, and powerful, but
a very short range for an ATGM, to the point that they will get shot at once this fires by anything with
moderate optics. They also get the Minimi MG, in place of their AA-52, which has a much shorter
range, and a touch less accuracy, but is a far more feasible choice in CQC combat.

Cost: 25 + Transport

This is the only French infantry based AA unit in the game, and it's only available in a "class A" deck
(if you played ALB, or EE you know what I mean, if not, it means just a regular, non era restricted
deck). Broadly comparable to the US Stinger C, but this unit sacrifices a bit of accuracy to get extra

Cost: 30 + Transport

The French Militia unit. Don't write these guys off as "that usualmilitia unit", this unit has saved
my bacon in a supprising ammount of games. Yes, they are a Militia grade unit, and shoot slow, but
they are very accurate with their rifle, and that makes them supprisingly useful as a support unit for 5

Cost 5 + Transport(5)

The French Marine designated unit. In game, they have a battle rifle, with a quite respectable
accuracy, as well as the AA-52. Overall, a better defensive unit than on offense.

Cost: 20 + Transport

RIMa '85
Quite similar to the Legion '85, but instead of the ATGM, this unit gets a rather awesome LAW, the
APILAS, which has a decent 700mm range, fires at a rate of 20 rpm, and each warhead deals 23 AP

converted by
Cost: 25 + Transport

Your basic flamethrower team. One notable exception that make these guys fairly unique is that they
have SMGs throughout the squad, which makes their engagement range closer, where they are
usually going to be more effective.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Franch Transports
Your most basic, and cheap transport. Pretty high quality for a 5 point transport if you don't mind an
average offroad speed and autonomy. A point of armor all around and an M2 Browning. Used to
carry pretty much everyone except for the more high end units at Shock+ level.

Cost: 5

Did I mention I like the VAB earlier? Just wanted to remind you, since I have some personal bias
toward this unit. Overall it's exactly the same as the AMX-13 above, but on wheels, and as a result, a
much faster unit, as well as having an amphibious capacity. This unit can transport every French unit
in the game

Cost: 10

VAB 20/30
Exactly the same as the above, but this unit is armed with a 20mm autocannon, which you will see on
quite a few of their vehicles. It's just as good of an autocannon as you'd see anywhere else in a
French deck, so why not use it as a default choice for a transport. It will incur an availability penalty of
roughly half of the unit you'd want though.

Cost: 15

Puma 330H
This is the basic French transport chopper. A defensive armament of an NF-1, which isn't great, but
will get the job done. It's got 6 strength, which may help it survive hits from most AA, and a decent
speed of 250 km/h, not the fastest transport, but definitely not the slowest.

Cost: 20

A5565 Panther
The French gunship transport helicopter, mostly available to the support units, and a select few
dedicated combat units. This is armed with a pair of SNEB rockets, which aren't too powerful, but they
are fairly accurate for a rocket pod. Strangely won't incur an availability penalty to support units, but
roughly drops availability to combat units by about a quarter.

Cost: 30

This is roughly the Franch equivalent to the Marder, or Bradley in this game. An IFV, which is
honestly pretty average at the job. 2 points of frontal and side armor, along with the usual
autocannon. The price is reasonable on it though and it doesn't incur an availability penalty, like on
the wheeled VAB equivalent.

Cost: 15

Puma 330H Pirate

Almost identical to the other Puma, but this version has an autocannon, which actually makes it a
quite decent fire support chopper, if it's not being aggressively targeted. The autocannon is roughly
equivalent to the autocannon found on most of the ground units, but with a very small, and largely
unnoticeable fire rate drop.

Cost: 25

converted by
French Support
AML 60
A unique mortar class unit. This vehicle has a 66mm mortar, compared to the usual 87, 107, or
120mm mortar usually fielded by most nations. As a result it's got a very good fire rate, and incredibly
low dispersion, but it pretty terrible when it comes down to damage output, and firing range. It
probably won't damage the lightest armored APCs in the game with a direct hit very much, unless it
used it's direct fire mode.

Cost: 20

AML 60/20 Serval

Same as the above, but with a longer barrel for greater range, and an autocannon for personal
defense, since it's not uncommon for this to bump into enemy units, due to it's range, which is still
pretty short.

Cost: 25

VPM 120
Prototype version of the VAB with a 120mm mortar. Pretty much identical to the 120mm from all other
nations, with the same fire rate, and damage, but with a tighter dispersion.

Cost: 60

AMX-13 AU 105mm
This is a modification of the AMX 13, fitted with a 105mm howitzer. Average stats all around, which is
to be expected for a unit of the price. Decent range, and damage, but fairly low rate of fire, and a
wide dispersion.

Cost: 50

This is the French turreted artillery. All around, fairly average, and arguably low quality for the price.
Decent range for a unit of it's class, but far from the best, as well as some noticeable dispersion, that
is largely removed with shot correction.

Cost: 110

AMX-13 Oiel Noir

This is the AMX 13 modded with a radar guided AAA cannon. One of the best AAA ranges in the
game, as well as a decent accuracy, but a fairly low rate of fire for an AAA unit. Well worth it for the
price though.

Cost: 35

AMX-30 Roland
A non radar AA missile. Very good range versus helicopters, with a pretty high damage value of 5 as
well. Also is capable of firing at aircraft, but not as well as the next unit, for obvious reasons.

Cost: 45

AMX-30 Roland 3
Same as the above, almost exactly, but radar guided. Adds an extra HE power to the missile, retains
the same helicopter range, and boosts accuracy by 15%.

Cost: 60

Another unique French artillery unit, this time a prototype. This is a howitzer mounted onto a truck.
This makes it very mobile, but very weak to counter battery. It's also got an amazing range, a very low
shot dispersion, and a quite decent rate of fire. It does have a very far minimum firing distance which
prevents if from firing at anything within about 3500 meters.

Cost: 120

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The best anti helicopter range AA missile in the game. 6 HE, 60% accuracy, and a range in excess of
3300 meters. Very powerful defensive unit.

Cost: 60

M270 LRM
The French MLRS. A generally average MLRS system. It does it's job, firing off 12, 11 HE missiles,
with a reasonably tight dispersion, and a reasonable range pretty quickly.

Cost: 120

This is the VAB, but with an AA gun. Not bad compared to the AMX-13 Oiel Noir, with some range
reduction due to not having radar, especially against planes. Just as mobile as the rest of the VAB
series too.

Cost: 25

VLRA Mistral
The standard French supply truck, but instead of supply, a missile is mounted on the back. Same
stats as the infantry based AA, but on a much faster mobile platform. This unit, unlike most other fire
and forget infrared missiles, can not fire on the move.

Cost: 35

French Tanks
AMX-13 Harpon
One of the two cavalry tanks France gets. A rather unique tank, as this gets a 75mm autocannon,
which has a "drum" of 8 rounds that it can fire in about 3 seconds before needing to reload, as well
as the obvious ATGM's strapped to the front of the tank. Usually quite good in a fire support role, due
to the rate of fire on it's cannon. The ATGM is decent, at 17 AP, but quite unreliable. It's really only
got the armor of a mid level APC too, so care should be taken with them, although they have a very
high availability.

Cost: 25

One of the few wheeled tanks in the game. Decent armor value of 3, which isn't bad for a cavalry
tank. This is quite often sent up with the initial wave of ground based transports to try and kill off the
enemy transports as they arrive. It's got a quite decent gun, able to fire a 16 AP round, although the
fire rate is a bit slow.

Cost: 40

The first "real" tank the French get. Quite low armor, at 6 on the front, and 3 on the sides, as well as
a HEAT only, 9 AP gun. It does have a quite good fire rate for a tank of it's price though, which is
worth noting.

Cost: 30

Exactly the same as the above, but given the autocannon found on most other vehicles, which helps
with close defense against infantry.

Cost: 35

An upgrade over the above. This version gets slightly stronger armor, boosting it by 1 everywhere
but the back. It also get's a weapon upgrade, enabling it to shoot 12 AP, KE rounds, instead of HEAT,
along with a boosted accuracy.

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Cost: 40

AMX-30B2 Brennus
The final non-prototype French tank in this tab. Mostly the same as the above, but with 11 armor on
the front, and 5 on the sides, which won't help much against a "real" tank, but it's helpful. It also gets
it's gun upgraded rather significantly letting it shoot to the max range a tank gun can fire, as well as
boosting max range AP power to 16.

Cost: 65

First prototype tank for the French. This has a stabilized gun, letting it fire while moving. Not accurate
while moving, but it can do it now. It's also got an AP power of 18, and 10 points of armor on the front,
comparable to the Brennus above.

Cost: 70

Almost identical to the above, but with an extra point of AP on the gun, and a bit more armor, hitting

Cost: 80

This is probably the best maneuver warfare tank in the game. A 70% accurate, and 70% stabilized
gun, with a fire rate of 12 RPM, and an AP power of 21, along with a front armor value of 21, and a
pretty great offroad speed for a tank. It is quite vulnerable to flanking though, so you must be careful
when using this unit to the best of it's abilities as a mobile firing platform as it's speed can get it into
some serious trouble. All french tanks have a notably high availability, and this is no exception. In a
French only deck, you can have 4 of these in a single card, or 2 hardened versions.

Cost: 165

French Recon
Alouette III
One of the two French recon helicopters. This is the unarmed one, with very good optics. It is
comparable to the REDFOR Mi-2, but a bit faster by 10 km/h, and with a better fuel efficency.

Cost: 40

AML 90
This is pretty much an armored car, with a tank cannon, and good optics. A quite decent gun for the
price, especially considering this is a recon unit. Decent AP power of 8, but a low accuracy. Very fast
offroad speed.

Cost: 20

This is basically the AMX-10 RC SB in the tank section above, but with armor removed to allow for
amphibious ability, and optics. The only other noticeable differences are the stealth rating, and a bit
less power and accuracy on the cannon.

Cost: 30

Pretty much the same thing as the AMX-13 Harpoon, as you can probably tell by looking at it, except
without the ATGM's and a bigger gun. Not particurlarly accurate main gun, but a very high fire rate,
which makes it great for infantry support and aggressive scouting.

Cost: 25

Commandos Para
Almost identical to the RIMa. The only diffrences are, firstly, the obvious recon optic feature, and the
fact that their MG isn't the CQC version of the NF-1.

converted by
Cost: 20 + Transport

Gazelle 341F Cannon

Thought France would have a category WITHOUT an autocannon? Think again. This is an extremely
fast, small and weak helicopter, with good recon optics. Along with it's inherent role as a scout/recon
unit, it's also decent in hit and run roles if kept away from AA. It's autocannon may not be great, or
particurlarly effective, but it's something.

Cost: 30

Take the Chasseurs, cut the squad size in half, get rid of their MG, and you get this recon team.
Because of the ranges on their weapons, they can be fairly hard to spot till they start firing.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Hussards '85
Same as the above with the Chasseurs '85. Decent small scale recon team, with a quite decent RPG,
like regular infantry. Pretty great CV hunters, especially with their choices of transports.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Your standard unarmed recon jeep. Very good optics, as per usual on a unit of this type. Very slow
offroad speed for a unit of it's type.

Cost: 25

This is pretty much the dedicated French scout car. It's got the armor of an APC, the usual NF-1 MG,
amphibious ability, and a very good all around speed. The only potential problem is that it's only
available in a post '85 deck.

Cost: 30

VBL Mistral
Same as the above, but with the Mistral AA missile on it. Strangely, this can fire on the move, while
the Mistral in the support tab can't. I can't think of any other recon unit offhand that has an AA
missile, so this is a pretty unique unit for light AA, scouting and amphibious landings.

Cost: 55

Your base VAB, but with Exceptional optics. Identical to every other VAB in performance. This unit
only has the M2 however, so it should be looked after, as they are fairly pricy, and come with a low

Cost: 55

French Vehicles
This is the exact same unit as the infantry transporting AMX-10P, however this does get a Milan F1
attached to it, which while it's rather powerful, is pretty inaccurate, as has been mentioned before.

Cost: 30

Same as the above, but with the Hot 1 ATGM, which has more range, slightly better accuracy, and a
higher AP value, at the cost of the autocannon, availability a bit, and the price.

Cost: 40

ERC-90 Sagaie

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Broadly comparable to the AMX-10 Cavalry/Recon tanks, but generally lighter duty all around, with a
slightly weaker gun, less armor, no optics essentially, and more speed.

Cost: 25

M201 106mm
The typical truck with a recoilless rifle strapped to it. Better used for fire support instead of an AT
role, mostly due to it's low AP power, and fairly high HE power for a recoilless rifle, although they do
have a place for light AT roles, esspecially against vehicles like MG armed troop transports.

Cost: 10

M201 Milan
Same as the above, but with the Milan 1 instead of the rifle.

Cost: 15

P4 Milan 2
Same as the above, but with the much more reliable and powerful Milan 2, and on a faster chassis
allowing for quicker relocation.

Cost: 25

VAB Mephisto
A VAB with the Hot 1 covered above. A very fast, and fairly flexible ATGM unit, provided it has a

Cost: 40

French Helicopters
Gazelle 341F Celtic
This is the exact same Gazelle helicopter found underneath the Recon section. It's performance is
the same exactly. The only difference is that this is armed with 4 Mistral AA missiles. Honestly not a
bad price for a very small defined, and very fast AA helicopter.

Cost: 70

Gazelle 342M Hot

The Gazelle again, armed with the Hot 1 ATGM. As mentioned before, quite powerful, but pretty
unreliable ATGM. Pretty high availability, and fairly low price for the potential power.

Cost: 40

Gazelle 342M Hot 2

Same as the above, but with the Hot 2 (obviously). Pretty reliable ATGM when you need it to be. It's
hard to tell the difference between the two by looking at the silhouette, since the only difference in
visual appearance is that this model doesn't have the ATGM fins protruding from the launcher.

Cost: 55

Puma 330H Cassiope

This prototype version of the puma is armed with a 30mm autocannon. Rarely used, although I can
see great potential for it to be used more, since it has a 60% accurate autocannon while stationary,
and 50% accuracy while moving full speed for a pretty cheap price.

Cost: 40

Tigre HAP
This AA gunship helicopter is arguably a copy of the Mi-24 series. It's got frontal and side armor, the
autocannon noted above, a pair of (fairly small) rocket pods, and the Mistral AA missiles all installed
into one package. A quite useful utility helicopter.

Cost: 100

converted by
Tigre HAD
Same as the above, but used in an AT role. This gets half the rockets, and switches out the AA
missiles for 8 Hot 2 ATGMS. Pretty much identical to the MI-24, but with weaker rockets, and much
better ATGMs.

Cost: 100

French Aircraft
Etendard IVM
I'm fairly certain that this is one of the slowest aircraft in the game, with a max speed of 600 km/h. It's
armed with 2 400kg bombs, and an autocannon. It does get 10% ECM, which is worthy of note.
Probably not your first choice, but France only has two "iron bombers" (HE bombers).

Cost: 45

Super Etendard
Same chassis as the above aircraft, this prototype version is able to reach 750 km/h. It gets 30%
ECM as well, instead of 10%. The main feature of this unit though is the pretty incredible AGM it has
attached, as it's got 70% accuracy, and 30 AP power. Pretty much enough to kill any vehicle in the
game if it hits frontally, with the exception of a select few tanks.

Cost: 90

F-8E(FN) Crusader
Honestly, not too bad for an air superiority fighter at the price point, mostly because this unit gets
"Exceptional" Air Detection. This isn't a particularly good aircraft in a 1V1 engagement, as you can
probably see, buy it's two fairly low end missiles, and fairly weak autocannon. This aircraft is instead
best used as an "early warning system", since it can usually see further than most higher end aircraft.
I primarily use it to find SEAD planes before my Radar AA does, just keep it circling.

Cost: 60

Jaguar A
France's SEAD aircraft. Pretty fast, but fairly low ECM of 30% for a SEAD plane. It's got two pretty
long range SEAD missiles, but the accuracy on them is set to 55% with base (Rookie) training, which
literally makes this a hit or miss unit.

Cost: 80

Mirage F1C
The first of many Mirage jet aircraft. This is the base air superiority fighter. It's got two fairly short
range Semi-Active radar missiles, that, in my opinion, this plane series relies on first, over everything
else. It's got 20% ECM which isn't bad for the price, and role, but it could be better, as well as two,
largely low quality IR missiles, mostly due to the range, and the fact that they only deal 4 HE power.
Still, a generally good air superiority fighter for it's price, and availability.

Cost: 90

Mirage F1C-200
Mostly the same as the above, but the IR missiles are improved, so they have greater accuracy, and
range. An additional 10% ECM, and lastly, a range boost on the autocannon, which is usually
irrelevant, but it's nice to have nonetheless.

Cost: 100

Mirage 2000C RDI

The final air superiority version of the above. This particular upgrade gives the aircraft an additional
10% ECM (again), as well as boosting the Semi active missile range by 700 meters (it matters), with a
10% accuracy boost.

Cost: 120

Mirage FICT
This is the cluster bomber variant of the F1C Mirage. It's still got the two IR missiles to deter enemy

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fighters, or strafe helicopters with, but the main feature here is the 6 450kg cluster bombs, which will
cover a rather wide area. It's also got 40% ECM, which is pretty amazing for an aircraft in this role.

Cost: 145

Mirage IIIC
The French napalm bomber. This is the only French plane with no ECM. It carries the IR missiles, like
all Mirage models do, along with 6 340kg napalm bombs, which is quite useful. I wouldn't trust it
though myself, unless preemptively napalming a target area, since not having ECM at all on a plane
of this price makes it quite risky to attack anything that might have AA.

Cost: 100

Mirage 5F
Same as the above, but with 8 400kg bombs instead, and 10% ECM. A decent bomber if kept away
from AA, as 10% ECM, while nice, doesn't help much.

Cost: 100

Rafale C F1
Considered by some to be the best plane in the modern world, and it's hard to dispute honestly. In
game, this is a prototype plane, with 50% ECM, 6 very high quality IR missiles, with 65% accuracy, as
well as 4 radar guided missiles, that also have 65% accuracy. It's also very maneuverable, as well as
quick. You can only buy 1 Elite unit (which just buffs everything up to about 80% accuracy) in a
strictly French deck.

Cost: 180

West Germany National Overview

West Germany has high quality units pretty much all around, if you looked for them. Virtually every
infantry unit is superior to all other BLUFOR nations when examined closely. They also have some of
the most reliable armor in the game. Their units can be quite pricey though. It's about quality over

West German logistics is pretty great overall, when compared to other nations. Having a high speed,
light armored amphibious APC, to the most expensive command tank in the game for BLUFOR (with
good reason) the Leopard 2. West Germany also does have some very high capacity supply units as
well, but they are a bit more expensive than other nations.

West German infantry is pretty high quality all around, especially with their LAW, every unit has a
LAW capable of hitting a target at 700 meters, with the exception of the militia, who have a
surprisingly good RPG as well. They also usually come with the best LMG in the game, in terms of fire

West German infantry transports also tend to be of high quality, and surprisingly cheap, especially
with the Marder series. Effectively better than a Bradley all around, with a slightly lesser quality

West Germany also has some very high quality AA units, most notably the Flakpanzer Gerpard found
within this category. There is also a decent selection of rocket artillery and mortars, but conventional
howitzers are lacking in quality.

Probably what defines Germany the most, would be their tanks, which are used by quite a lot of other
nations in the game. They have some of the highest quality tanks available, with a pretty amazing
stabilizer on virtually every tank, decent armor for the price, and amazing AP power. Comparatively
low availability though.

West Germany overall has some exceptional recon units, being able to effectively cover any role,
including the PAH-2 Tiger, quite literally an omni-purpose helicopter.

Overall, the West German vehicle tab is lackluster, pretty much only containing tank destroyers, as
well as a WWII flak vehicle.

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There are very few choices for German helicopters, either a small weak chopper with ATGMs, or a
prototype version with Stinger missiles.

West Germany does have a lack of a decent airforce, having only two Air Superiority fighters
available to them, and their ground attack aircraft could be better.

West German Logistics

The command infantry unit of West Germany. Not too unalike from other command infantry units. This
group is armed with a battle rifle, and the MG3, which is arguably the best MG in the game, for good
reason. I won't get into why here, because that would imply it's OK for this unit to get in a fight. It's

Cost: 100 + Transport

This is the common car CV shared with by a few nations. This thing is very fast in all circumstances,
which is the main reason the price is 10 points higher than usual.

Cost: 110

This is the Fuchs, the general purpose wheeled APC for West Germany. Very high on road, and off
road speed, very good amphibious ability and a point of armor all around. Great general purpose CV.

Cost: 120

The German M557. This unit is used by quite a few of the BLUFOR nations, and they are all identical.
This version however is unique, as it can travel a smidge faster off road, and over water for the same
price as the other nations M557. 2 points of front and side armor is something not to pass up.

Cost: 120

PzBefWg Leopard 1
The early German all around tank. This one given a command role. It's got some armor, starting at 8
on the front, making it reasonably durable against most lower end tanks, as well as a quite decent
gun, with a pretty good stabilizer on it too.

Cost: 145

PzBefWg Leopard 2
The Leopard 2, the bread and butter of most BLUFOR tank decks. A very potent gun, combined with
rather high quality armor for a command tank, make this a great unit for holding forward capture

Cost: 170

MatTrsp CH-53G
Same as the US CH-53, in it's entirety. Very fast speed, very big size, and very high capacity.

Cost: 85

V-LKV MD Jupiter
The base supply truck for West Germany. Pretty decent all around, with a good supply load of 1100

Cost: 20

Man Kati 6x6

Roughly the same as the above, but bigger, holding more supplies, being actually classed as a
bigger target, and actually getting 10 Strength which is unusual for a supply truck (not that it makes
much of a difference if the enemy plans on shooting it though).

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Cost: 30

West German Infantry

The fire support team for the nation. Overall a very good fire support unit, especially with the rate of
fire the unit has. Very high accuracy, very good AP power, and 2 HE power make this a very useful
support unit. This unit is also capable of being transported in Marders for a minimal availability drop.

Cost: 10 + Transport

The base Elite infantry unit for the nation. Overall a very powerful unit to use, especially in contested
city sectors. SMG's, the I.MG3, arguably the best MG in the game, due to it's fire rate, and
suppression ability, and the PzF 44, a quite good all around RPG.

Cost: 30 + Transport

Fallschrimjager '90
Same as the above essentially, but with generally improved weapons, this unit getting the H&K G11
(a rifle that probably would've been used if it weren't for the reunification of Germany), and the
upgraded RPG, to the PzF 3, which is functionally identical to the REDFOR Vampyr RPG. The rifle
does come with the minor downside of not getting a fire rate boost when within CQC though.

Cost: 35 + Transport

This AA unit is armed with the Redeye, and is the only non prototype MANPAD available. Overall it's a
bit mediocre, with a fairly low accuracy and HE power. It is reasonably cheap and high availability

Cost: 10 + Transport

Fliegerfaust 2
Same as the above, but with the Stinger C, doing nothing more than boosting Accuracy (by a lot) and
bumping the HE power up to 5. This unit is defined as a prototype however.

Cost: 20 + Transport

West German Militia. Overall, this unit isn't actually that bad. They have a reasonably good rifle
accuracy level, and a pretty decent RPG as well. Honestly, this in my (subjective) opinion is actually a
good unit for the price, once you get past the unloaded movement speed.

Cost: 5 + Transport (5)

This is the only "standard" infantry unit West Germany gets. A quite good unit for cross sector city
defense, or for use in forests. They are armed with a battle rifle, and the conventional MG3 machine
gun, both of which excel at taking down light units at range. Add the PzF 44 to the mix, and you have
a great defensive infantry unit.

Cost: 15 + Transport

PALR Milan
This is your first, most basic ATGM team. Pretty low accuracy for an ATGM, but a pretty high AP
power of 17, which is actually quite good for the price.

Cost: 15 + Transport

PALR Milan 2
Almost exactly the same as the above, but with 7 more AP power, and an extra 5% accuracy. Like the
above, fairly low accuracy, but extremely powerful if it manages to hit. It can seriously mess up even
the highest end tanks in the game, if it hits, and usually will 1 shot everything else.

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Cost: 20 + Transport

Same weapons as the Jager, except with the I.MG3 instead of the base MG3. This unit is a great
general purpose infantry unit, mostly due to their Shock training level boosting accuracy and fire
rates. The I.MG3 usually makes up for the fact that a battle rifle is usually going to lose within CQC
combat scenarios. This unit is also capable of being transported in the Marder IFV. along with the

Cost: 20 + Transport

Panzergrenadiere '90
Same as the above, but prototyped due to the fact that this unit is armed with the PzF 3, making them
exceptional tank killers, along with good general purpose infantry units.

Cost: 25 + Transport

West German Transports

TPz Fuchs
I'm reasonably certian this is the fastest ground based transport in the game, able to reach 105 km/h
offorad, as well as a high speed amphibious ability. A point of armor all around, and the MG3 make
this a decent unit to chase down unarmored targets, like most rocket artillery if given the

Csot: 10

TPz Fuchs Milan

Same as the above, but with the Milan 1 ATGM. Not much else to say about it here.

Cost: 15

This is the standard US M113 troop transport, but instead of being armed with an M2 Browning, this is
armed with the arguably equal MG3. Pretty slow, pretty lightly armored. Pretty cheap. Carries
essentially all the Infantry Germany has to offer.

Cost: 5

Dornier 205
The Huey. Pretty slow, and very flimsy, armed with a side mounted MG3. It's not much but it'll get the
job done.

Cost: 15

TrTrsp CH-53G
West Germany seems to be the only nation that uses the CH-53 as a transport helicopter instead of
just a supply barge. Very big chopper, very high speed, and very high fuel efficency, capable of
almost going corner to corner on a 10v10 map if refueld once.

Cost: 20

Marder 1
The initial Marder IFV available to East Germany. A decent autocannon, which shares the same stats
of the typical French autocannon. 3 front and 2 side armor also make it relatively durable for an IFV.

Cost: 15

Marder 1A1
Same as the above, but with the Milan F1 strapped onto the vehicle, making it serve decently well for
it's own AT role.

Cost: 20

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Marder 1A2
Same as the above again, but with an upgraded accuracy rating on the autocannon for the same
price as the A1, the only penalty is that it reduces unit availability.

Cost: 20

Marder 1A3
Almost the same as the last, except that this unit gets an upgraded armor package, buffing armor on
all sides by one, as well as upgrading to the Milan F2 for even better tank killing ability (assuming it

Cost: 25

Marder 2
You might as well call this one a prototype light tank at this point. It's got 10 armor on the front, 5 on
the sides, 4 on the back. It's also got a 70% accurate 50mm autocannon capable of dealing 6 AP to
targets, along with a 1 HE value. I've used this unit to wipe enemy transport convoys before. It usually
won't let you down if you can afford the price.

Cost: 40

West German Support

Flakpz. Gepard
The base Gepard radar AAA gun. Very good range for an AA gun, and reasonable accuracy at 45%
although it does have a comparatively low effective rate of fire, and also can't fire on the move. Quite
decent for the price.

Cost: 45

Flakpz. Gepard A1
Same as the above, but more accurate, and as a result, quite a bit more menacing. This variant can
also fire on the move too, which is worth noting, making it decent against helicopter rushes.

Cost: 55

Flakpz. Gepard A2
Prototype version of the Flakpanzer. This variant gets a further accuracy buff on it's cannons, and
also gets 4 Stinger infared AA missiles making it even more of a menace against most aircraft, and

Cost: 65

FRP Roland 2
This is the same Roland series of missile the French use. This variant splitting the line between the
French basic Roland and the Roland 3. As a result it's got greater anti aircraft range, lower anti
chopper range, and a 65% accuracy. This package is also mounted on a Marder chassis which
makes it slightly faster offroad compared to the French variants at the cost of a bit of front and side

Cost: 50

FRP Roland 3
Same as the above, but with the French Roland 3 AA missile, which is identical to the French version
with 3500 meter anti aircraft range, and 2800 anti chopper range.

Cost: 65

FRR Roland 3
Identical to the FRP Roland, but this one is mounted onto a truck granting significantly faster on road
speeds, and slightly faster offroad speeds at the cost of literally all of the armor, which may be an
issue if the enemy team starts targeting this with artillery compared to the FRP variants.

Cost: 65

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Wast German basic MLRS truck. Each one of these trucks carries 36 HE rockets, which is pretty
great for when you need to suppress enemy units. The dispersion is reasonably low too, but the
range for a MLRS unit is somewhat short. It does make a decent suppression and killing tool on 1v1
and 2v2 maps though, since the maps are small enough that these will work from almost anywhere on
the map.

Cost: 50

Same as the above, but with a faster offroad speed, which may, or may not be useful. Not much else
is different here, except that this gets a slightly higher HE value per rocket, which is usually a
negligable difference for such a price and availability difference.

Cost: 70

Identical to the UK M270 MLRS unit. 12 HEAT cluster missiles, essentially makes this unit the
BLUFOR equivelant to the Smerch, but with a little bit less range. Fires off 12 6 AP warheads.

Cost: 120

PzH M109G
A conventional M109 artillery piece. This one can easily be argued to be terrible, with a very short
range, and a very high dispersion for an artillery piece. Something one would only buy for it's 7 HE
power, and even then, why?

Cost: 50

PzH M109A3GA1
A better version of the above, by a large margin, with much better range, and manageable shot

Cost: 100

PzH M110
The standard M110 "tube" artillery piece. Pretty low shot dispersion, and very high HE power, but
supprisingly short range when compared to the M109 above.

Cost: 70

PzMrs Hs.30
This is the base Mortar for West Germany, using the Tampella mortar, which is a fantastic general
purpose Mortar with the max mortar range of 7700 meters, a very low dispersion for such a mortar,
and 5 HE shells.

Cost: 30

MzMrs M113
Same as the above, in an M113 for higher speeds, better fuel efficency, and amphibious ability.
Otherwise the two are identical.

Cost: 40

West German Tanks

KPz 70 Keiler
This is the German version of the MBT-70, as this tank concept was a joint venture with East
Germany, and the US. Both tanks have the same armor package with 12 armor points on the front,
and they both have the same speed and fuel efficency. The difference with the Keiler is that it gets an
actual anti tank gun, which fires further, has a bit more AP, and less HE power. It also can't fire the
ATGM. This tank is arguably better because of the main gun, although the MBT-70 in my opinion is a
better general purpose unit.

Cost: 70

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KPz M48A2G
This is the tank the above tank was intended to replace. The M48 is a pretty old, and overall
mediocre tank with 5 armor max on the front. However it does have a reasonable gun, worthy enough
in my opinion to be considered a cavalry tank instead of a MBT, since it does 9 AP damage with a
reasonable accuracy. This tank also has an incredibly high availability too.

Cost: 25

KPz M48A2G2
Same as the above, but with slightly different weaponry. This version gets a slightly better main gun
for tank killing, and switches out the M2 for the MG3. Not much else to say about it, since it's the
same price. It is less available than the above M48 though (which honestly shouldn't matter).

Cost: 25

Leopard 1A2
This tank in many ways can be compared to the above and be considered the same. It's not by any
means of course, but the basic stats are very similar. The guns share the same accuracy and AP
power. The staple difference here is the stabilization which is 35% compared to the guns 45%
accuracy, which is pretty amazing for such a cheap tank. It's also got an extra point of armor on the
front and back compared to the above, minus one side armor. A very decent tank.

Cost: 30

Leopard 1A4
Similar to the above (of course), the primary differences being the gun, getting it's accuracy up to
60%, and 45% while moving, an extra AP point, and 2 more armor on the front.

Cost: 40

Leopard 1A5
Another linear upgrade, this one boosting accuracy to 65%, which is pretty damn amazing for a tank
of the price, boosting the AP power by 4 more, and stabilizing the gun to 50% accuracy.

Cost: 65

Leopard 2
This tank can be easily compared to the M1A1 Abrams, or the M1IP Abrams, as this tank has 15
frontal armor, a 60% accurate main gun, 50% stabilization, and 16 AP power. It's very much of a
powerhouse tank, especially for the price. The terrifying thing about this is that it can be used in a
Pre-80's deck too if you wanted.

Cost: 80

Leopard 2A1
Same as the above, but with a bit more armor, slightly higher accuracy, and 2 more AP power. Still a
great tank.

Cost: 100

Leopard 2A4
Same as the above again, this time only boosting the stabilizer by 5%, and further up-armoring the
tank with 3 more points of armor

Cost: 130

Leopard 2A5
Arguably the best tank in the modern world. This tank in game has 22 points of armor on the front, a
70% accurate gun while stationary, and 65% while moving, firing 23 AP shells. There is essentially no
availability for this tank though, so caution should be had, even with a tank of this quality.

Cost: 170

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West German Recon
This is essentially a squad of Heimatschutzen with half the manpower in exchange for optics, and as a
result higher price. These guys can't be relied on to do much of anything really, but they do have an
optics value of Very Good, so they make good stationary spotters.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Bo 105M/VBH
West German standard recon chopper. Broadly comparable to the Redfor Mi-2, but faster. Not much
else to say about it.

Cost: 45

The sniper team. In general this is a very bad combat unit, and it can't really do much against armor,
since they only get the M72, with 2 rockets. However, they are insanely hard to spot, and fast moving
for infantry.

Cost: 25 + Transport

ILTS Aufk.
The recon jeep. Very good offroad speed, and very good optics mostly explain it's price. Otherwise,
completely unarmed, and unarmored.

Cost: 25

Sonderwagon III
An armored car armed with a 76mm HEAT gun. Good optics, and a very low fuel requirement make it
a decent fire support unit when needed to be. It barely has any armor though, at 2 on the front, and 1
everywhere else. German version of the FV601

Cost: 20

Pah-2 Tiger
This is the prototype German Assault/Recon helicopter. It's a jack of all trades really, with Stinger
missiles, a rocket pod, and 4 Hot 2 ATGM's. It's also got armor on the front and sides, and a good
stealth rating which is unusual for a helicopter.

Cost: 120

SpPz Luchs
A more modern APC like recon vehicle. This is armed with a 20mm autocannon, and the MG3. It's
also faster, can go farther without refuling and is amphibious. It also has the same availability as the

Cost: 25

SpPz Luchs A1
Same as the above, but with better optics, and an accuracy upgrade for the autocannon. Quite useful
utility unit.

Cost: 45

SPz 11-2 Kurz

I honestly didn't know this unit existed until I started doing this guide, since nobody seems to use it.
This is a small, good optic recon vehicle, with an autocannon. There's not much else going for it,
since it's rather slow offroad, but it does have a reasonably good fuel efficency.

Cost: 15

PzAufk Leopard 1
The Leopard tank, with recon optics. This unt when compared to the usual Leopard 1A2, has slightly

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less frontal armor, a slightly superior gun, no MG, and the optics of course. Quite a good general
purpose, and high availability support tank.

Cost: 30

West German Vehicles

Flakpz. M42A1
This is a late WWII, early Korea era AA unit, built off of the M41 light tank used by a few other nations
in Wargame. It's not the greatest of AA units, although the guns will function. A unique feature of
these guns is that they deal a 1.5 HE damage on impact, effectively meaning damage will appear to
scale from 1 to 3, then 4 to 6 as a result of how wargame rounds out it's damage values. It's also got
a few AP rounds that deal 2 KE AP damage for attempting to kill light units such as transports.

Cost: 15

ILTIS Milan 1
The basic car, with the Milan F1. Not much else I think I should cover here, except for the extremely
high speed, at 110 offroad speeds, and the fairly low ammo count.

Cost: 20

ILTIS Milan 2
Same as the above, with the F2. Not much else to cover here.

Cost: 25

One of the last "hunting tanks" Germany made. A relatively weak gun, with low AP (HEAT) power, and
accuracy, which is usually made up with a rather high rate of fire at 12 rounds per minute, and a high
availability. 3 armor on the front, and a small profile do protect it from the weaker AT weapons fairly
well too.

Cost: 20

Marder VTS1
A prototype Marder with the L7 gun found on most BLUFOR Main Battle Tanks. A quite decent AP
power of 15, and a decent accuracy of 40%. A point greater armor all around than the
Kanonenjadgpanzer, but the gun has a very low rate of fire, at only 6 base rounds per minute. They
do have auto loaded main guns, allowing them to function better then comparable units when
demoralized. Decent for if you want to avoid the use of ATGM's for a fairly cheap price.

Cost: 25

Raketenjagopanzer 1
A fairly unique unit, armed with SS-11 ATGM's, which are broadly comparable to a Milan 1, but even
less accurate. A decent alternative to the Kanonenjadgpanzer for the same price, if you'd prefer
ATGM's over a fairly fast firing gun.

Cost: 20

Raketenjagopanzer 2
Same as the above, but on a bigger hull, which has more armor, and moves faster, and actually
almost has optics.

Cost: 25

Jaguar 1
A Kanonenjadgpanzer hull, but instead of the gun, this unit gets a Hot 1 ATGM, which is better than
the SS-11 missiles, by far in all respects, and a point less armor on the front.

Cost: 40

Jaguar 2
Same as the above, but trades off the HOT 1, for the I-TOW ATGM, which has less punch by 4, but it

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a much more reliable ATGM to hit with.

Cost: 45

Wiesel 1 Mk20
A very tiny armored vehicle with a 20mm autocannon, similar to the ones found on most French units.
Low accuracy and AP power, but it does make a good fire support tool for suppressing enemy
infantry units. Very poor fuel efficency is something to note, but the vehicle has a small fuel tank, so
it's not hard to refuel it.

Cost: 15

Wiesel 1 Tow-2
Same chassis as the above, but with the TOW 2, which is arguably the best BLUFOR ATGM, with a
70% accuracy, and 25 AP power.

Cost: 50

West German Helicopters

Bo 105P/BSH
This prototype unit is the only AA helicopter West Germany gets. It's got 4 Stinger C Infared missiles,
which are very reliable. The only major downside with this unit is the fact that it, itself only has 4
strength, which makes it very easy to kill.

Cost: 50

Bo 105P/PAH-1
Same chopper as the above, but with the Hot 1 ATGM's. Not much to say about it. It's decently
powerful as an AT unit though, if the 50% accuracy is on your side.

Cost: 50

Bo 105P/PAH-1A1
Almost identical to the above, but with the Hot 2, which has a greater accuracy, at 55%, and a higher
AP value, set to 25.

Cost: 60

West German Aircraft

Alpha Jet A
This is the German napalm bomber. A very high availability for a plane, as well as a low price, but the
jet itself is one of the slowest in the game, just barely beating the A-10 Thunderbolt in speed, and has
no ECM. Most likely a throwaway plane.

Cost: 50

This is the base German Air superiority Fighter. It's only got 4 Aim-9F missiles, which are short range,
and largely inaccurate, and of course the autocannon. I suppose this is a decent jet for the price,
having 20% ECM as well, but I rarely see these successfully shoot down a fighter that costs more
than them.

Cost: 70

This is the prototype version of the above, with much more reliable weaponry, having more accurate,
longer range Aim-9 missiles, as well as the Amram radar guided AA missiles. 40% ECM is great too,
but the plane is very pricy, and has a low availability.

Cost: 140

F-4F Peace Rhine

Same plane as the base F-4F, but with the more accurate Aim-9 missiles, as well as 2 Maverick AT

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missiles. Quite a decent plane in both roles, of air superiority against bombers and the like, and quite
decent in an AT role.

Cost: 120

Tornado ECR
The East German SEAD plane. A very good, very expensive plane, with 4 Antiradar missiles, as well
as 4 IR missiles for close defense, along with a 50% ECM, and high speed. An availability of 1 per
card does make the loss of one of these, very painful however.

Cost: 150

Tornado IDS
A plane with largely the same functionality as the Peace Rhine, but with bombs instead of missiles,
and a slightly higher ECM value.

Cost: 130

Canada National Overview

Canada, albeit not the most powerful nation in game, by far, has quite a few very powerful specialized
units. They are desperately lacking in reliable AA solutions on their own.

Canadian command units are pretty average, and usually get the job done. None of them are
particularly of note. Canadian cargo units tend to be faster than most other cargo units in the game,
but generally have a lighter capacity than most other nations.

Canadian infantry, on their own are fairly powerful, provided they don't get involved in close quarters
combat, since pretty much all Canadian infantry units are armed with battle rifles, with two exceptions.
They usually have a decent LAW to use as well in most cases.

All Canadian infantry transports are amphibious (except for the prototype standard infantry IFV), or
flying. In general they are all pretty fast, and well armored, but lightly armed.

Canada has very few units within it's support category, and the only radar capable vehicle is the
prototype Centurion Marksman AAA. They do get the ADATS in this category, which is effectively a
high power ATGM that can also fire at planes. In fact, every AA piece available to Canada, besides
infantry based units, are all prototypes. Otherwise, their mortars, and artillery are a bit low quality.

Canadian tanks in Red Dragon, are mostly outdated. They get old Centurions, which aren't bad, and
Leopard 1s, which also aren't bad, but faced against any major armor, these will be scuttled pretty

Overall, Canadian recon is what can be expected. Mostly modified infantry transports, or helicopters.
They do get the very useful Recce unit, which is a sniper team, armed with a 50 caliber sniper rifle,
that deals AP damage against vehicles, and usually scores a critical hit on each shot.

The Canadian vehicle tab is mostly unimpressive, with the exception of the Chimera. A very powerful
case made tank destroyer. Otherwise, it's mostly just ATGM carriers.

Every helicopter available to Canada is considered a prototype, all 3 of them built off the same
helicopter, used in anti ground roles.

Canada gets a small, but very powerful airforce, with cheap ground attackers, and very powerful air
superiority fighters, based off the F-18.

Canadian Logistics
Command Squad
The basic Canadian Command Infantry unit. Armed with a battle rifle, and a decent MG, both of which
make them OK static defenders against enemy infantry if it comes down to it.

Cost: 100 + Transport

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Basic command jeep. Not much else to note about it here.

Cost: 100

A slightly more "advanced" command jeep. This unit moves significantly faster off road, able to move
the same speed of tracked vehicles on road, which can be essential for the survival of this type of

Cost: 110

Grizzly CP
This is the staple Canadian troop transport, used for a CV role. Very good maneuverability all
around, and a point of armor all around. Is also armed with an M2 MG, but that rarely does anything

Cost: 125

An unarmed, armored, tracked CV, with 2 frontal, and side armor, which do help a lot when facing
artillery bombardment.

Cost: 120

CMD Leopard C1
The Leopard C1 found under the tank tab. Exactly the same stats, and has a very decent gun for a
CV. A bit lightly armored like the usual Leopard 1 variant though.

Cost: 150

CH-147 Cargo
A cargo Chinook. High speed, and 2500 unit supply capacity, as well as a high durability, if the enemy
wants to try and shoot at it.

Cost: 55

M35 Cargo
A rather old, and basic cargo truck. Carries 800 units of supply. You can get quite a few of them in
fou need them though.

Cost: 15

Canadian prototype cargo truck. Much higher supply capacity, at 1750, as well as a much higher off
road speed, if required.

Cost: 30

Canadian Infantry
An awful AA missile, with only 20% accuracy, and a pretty short range. Very cheap though, and there
is a massive availability.

Cost: 5 + Transport

Canadian Airborne
The base Canadian Paratrooper unit. Armed with a battle rifle, a Carl Gustav LAW, which is very
powerful, and accurate, as well as a CQC, honestly a bit mediocre MG for CQC combat especially.
Very good static defenders though.

Cost: 20 + Transport

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Canadian Airborne '90
General upgrades all around, this time the unit gets the C7 assault rifle, a minor upgrade to the
Gustav, giving it 2 more AP power, and the Minimi CQC machine gun. A great general purpose
infantry unit.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Canadian Rifles
Canadian basic rifle infantry. Armed with a battle rifle, the C6 MG, which is decent, and the M72
(which I hate). Decent against light enemy units.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Canadian Rifles '85

Just barely better than the above, switching the rifle over to the C7, as well as upgrading the M72 to
the A4 variant, giving slightly better accuracy, and more AP power. This unit also has the option to be
carried in the TH-495, which is effectively a Canadian Bradley, or BMP-2.

Cost: 10 + Transport

A fire support team armed with the C7, and a Fire Support variant of the Eryx, which is very accurate,
and has a ton of AP power, going up to 25, but has a very short range for an ATGM.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Effectively the same as the base Canadian Airborne, but with a static LMG, insdead of the CQC
capable SAW the airborne has, as well as a lesser training value. Quite decent general infantry, if a
bit pricy.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Highlanders '90
Compare again to the Airborne, but this time the '90 variant. This time the major difference (besides
training again) is that this unit gets the Eryx, which as stated before, is insanely powerful, if short

Cost: 25 + Transport

Javelin G\L
This is the much better alternative to the Blowpipe. It still requires LOS to the target, but the accuracy
is acceptable, and each warhead inflicts 5 HE, which will seriously mess up most helicopters, and jets.

Cost: 15 + Transport

A fire support team, this time using the Carl Gustav. They also get an SMG, which is noteworthy.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Conventional flamethrower infantry, with SMGs. Not much else to say about them, except that they
can use the TH-495.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Canadian Transports
One staple transport of Canada. Very fast all around, including amphibious ability, as well as armed
with an M2. Very high availability as well.

Cost: 10

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Essentially the same as the above, but with a lesser quality MG, and 2 armor on the front and sides,
which do often help a lot.

Cost: 10

The typical M113 troop transport. This variant has an M2 for close defense. Otherwise, not much
that's worthy to note of here.

Cost: 5

Prototype canadian troop transport, with 2 armor on all sides, decent speeds for a tracked unit, and a
decent 25mm autocannon.

Cost: 15

The basic Huey with the usual door mounted MG. As noted beofre, this is fairy slow, and very weak.

Cost: 15

Largely the same as the above, but more durable, and armed with a Minigun in place of the MG in the

Cost: 20

The Chinook. High speed, and large size, with a high durability pool make this a decent helicopter to
have on hand for a variety of reasons.

Cost: 25

Canadian Support
Bison 81mm
What it says on the tin. This is a Bison troop transport with the 81mm mortar in the back. Moderate
range, moderate damage, and a fairly good dispersion value. 2 front and side armor also do help
against counter battery.

Cost: 35

The only Canadian "AA" unit, and a prototype. Armed with the Javelin AA missile, and an MG. Not
much else for me to note about it.

Cost: 35

Centurion Marksman
The only Canadian AA gun in the game, which is also unsuprisingly a prototype. Very good AA range
versus helicopters, and jets, as well as a decent range. It's also got quite a bit of armor, and can
survive SEAD strikes, with luck.

Cost: 50

An M113 with the omni purpose ADATS missile attached to it. Very powerful in both roles of ATGM,
and AA missile, due to having an AP value of 25, and a HE value of 7. Rather limited availability

Cost: 110


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An alternative to the Bison, on a slower, cheaper platform. Otherwise they are largely the same.

Cost: 30

M109 R.C.H.A
The basic M109. Pretty bad in general, with a pretty short range for artillery of it's type, and a pretty
high dispersion. 7 HE ain't bad though.

Cost: 50

M109A2 R.C.H.A
Largely the same, with more range, and slightly better dispersion. Still unreliable at best to hit near
your intended target though.

Cost: 80

Canadian Tanks
Centurion Mk.5
The base Canadian Centurion. Overall, a pretty mediocre tank, with the exception of it's armor, which
is pretty decent in general for the price, at a value of 9. The 8 AP KE gun is a bit worrying though, as
most tanks have armor above this value. Incredibly slow off roads too.

Cost: 25

Centurion Mk.6
Essentially the same as the above, but with a slightly better gun, in all respects. Not much else to
note here.

Cost: 30

Centurion Mk.11
Same as the above again, with more range, and a little more AP power.

Cost: 35

Centurion Mk.5AT
Same as the Centurion Mk. 5, with the same armament, excluding the obvious S-11 ATGM system
strapped to the front of the tank. Generally mediocre compared to most other tanks that can shoot
ATGMs, but i've used these to good effect versus enemies before, so it shouldn't be underestimated,
especially in swarms.

Cost: 30

Leopard C1
The Canadian Leopard. Just like most other conventional Leopard tanks, with 8 armor, and a very
accurate gun. The AP power on this model is rather low however, at 12.

Cost: 40

Leopard C2
Prototype Canadian upgrade of the above, increasing the armor quality a bit, and significantly
increading the AP power of the gun up to 17, as well as the usual accuracy boost. A very powerful,
and dangerous tank to face, if a bit of a glass cannon. Pretty high availability too.

Cost: 65

Leopard C2 Mexas
Essentially the same as the above, but with a much better armor package, going up to 14 on the front
instead of 10, which makes it quite comparable to the armor of most, same price REDFOR tanks.

Cost: 80

Canadian Recon

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A rather basic recon helicopter, on par with the Huey in terms of speed. It's got very good optics
though, and a minigun for personal defense, which actually works supprisingly well versus infantry
(don't try it if you can avoid it though, obviously).

Cost: 50

Ferret Mk. 1
A cheap armored car. Good optics, an M2, and decent general speeds. I wouldn't reccomend this
unit, but it does do it's job.

Cost: 10

Cougar Recon
A Grizzly, with a 76mm HEAT gun, and good optics. It makes a great fire support unit when combined
with other wheeled units, although it's accuracy can be a bit low, and it must not be moving in order to

Cost: 20

A Bison, with Very Good optics, and given a Bushmaster autocannon. A great general purpose
ground based recon unit, with mostly everything, except serious AT power.

Cost: 45

An exceptional optic variant of the ILTIS car. Very high speeds make it a very useful "active" recon

Cost: 45

M113 C&R Lynx

A M113 with optics.Not really great, but I would reccomend it over the Ferret in this case, since it can
swim, which may be seful in certian cases.

Cost: 10

Canadian Special Force recon. Overall they are simply OK as a Commando recon unit, armed with an
AR, a (fairly low quality) SAW, and the M72. They are comparatively cheap though.

Cost: 25 + Transport

This unit it likely to be taken in any Canada involved deck if possible. This unit is a sniper team, but
instead of the typical rifle caliber sniper rifle, this unit gets a .50 caliber sniper rifle, which has the
longest range in the game for a sniper, and also, an AP value of 1 assigned to it.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Canadian Vehicle Tab

This prototype "tank" is very powerful all around, with 20 frontal armor, and a 60% accurate main
gun. Very useful in armored pushes, and used for static defenses, but potentially weak when
ambushed, since this unit does not have a turret, and must turn to face it's attackers, usally leaving
one side exposed to another enemy.

Cost: 120

Same as the Cougar Recon mentioned before, but with Poor optics instead of Good. Same price, but
this card has double the availability.

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Cost: 25

A Buffalo with a TOW 2. Very accurate, and powerful ATGM.

Cost: 60

M113 106mm M40

An M113, with a recoilless rifle. Decent for general purpose fire support, with 12 AP, and 2 HE
HE/HEAT rounds.

Cost: 15

M150 TOW
Same as the above, with a TOW missile. Decent accuracy, if comparatively low AP power of 15.

Cost: 25

M150 I-TOW
Same as the above again, but with the I-TOW. 20 AP powr, and 60% accuracy are not to be

Cost: 35

M113 TUA
A M113, with the TOW 2. Not much else to say.

Cost: 55

M38A1 106mm
Same as the M113 variant, but on the back of an unarmored car.

Cost: 10

M151A2 TOW
A TOW on a slightly faster car.

Cost: 20

A TOW 2 on the ILTIS, which makes for a great, and cheap way to get extra TOW 2 missiles on the
field compared to armored alternatives.

Cost: 40

Canadian Helicopters
CH-118 Gunship
A conventional Huey, with 4 strength, as is usual for basic Hueys. This prototype version happens to
be armed with twin miniguns, as well as 14 pretty accurate, but low power HEAT rockets. I've used this
unit very effectively as a harassment helicopter, many times before. As a result, I do reccomend it, if
you can handle the micro invloved, since their ammo doesnt last long if being used right.

Cost: 45

CH-135 Gunship
The slightly more durable variant of the Huey, armed with a pair of 70mm rocket pods. Decent hit and
run choppers, but in my experience, rarely outright kill infantry squads on it's own, unless it's a 5 man
or less squad.

Cost: 30

CH-118 SS-11
A Huey with a bunch of SS-11 ATGMs strapped to it. I personally have bad experiences with this
compared to the Centurion AT, and wouldn't reccomend this, but your experience may be different,

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since a 17 AP missile still hurts a lot, if it hits.

Cost: 35

Canadian Aircraft
CF-101B Voodoo
Basic Air Superiority fighter. Armed with 4 pretty terrible IR missiles, with a very low accuracy value of
25%. I've never even see these missiles hit alone, so I strongly reccomend avoiding this one. Can be
used for helo hunting.

Cost: 45

CF-104 Starfighter
A 0 ECM multirole fighter, armed with rockets, and some low end Aim-9 missiles. The rocket pods are
very decent though.

Cost: 70

CF-116 Freedom Fighter

A basic bomber, armed with 3 500 kg bombs. 0 ECM, as usual, but 3 500KG bombs will usually kill
anything they happen to land on.

Cost: 70

CF-18 Hornet
First Canadian plane with ECM. This aircraft is very fast in general, has 2 decent AIM-9 missiles,
capable f killing a jet if they both hit, as well as 8 cluster bombs, which will seriously damage anything
they land on, and outright kill most lighter units like transports.

Cost: 125

CF-118 Hornet
Air superiority variant of the above. With 6 Aim-9 missiles, and 2 Sparrow semi active missiles. This
plane is a very deadly fighter at close ranges, and the Sparrow missiles actually work torwards this
goal. The comparatively low ECM for a fighter may be something noteworthy here though.

Cost: 130

EF-101B Electric Voodoo

Prototype version of the Voodoo noted above, with 50% ECM, and 2 SEAD missiles. Very powerful,
and quite hard to kill. Very good aircraft for the price.

Cost: 90

Denmark National Overview

Denmark is overall pretty restricted in terms of variety, but come with some of the most powerful
infantry, and air control units in the game.

Command unit variety is pretty much the same as it is for Canada, almost entirely, except Denmark
gets a Centurion command tank instead of a Leopard.

Danish infantry, all around is incredibly powerful, all coming with a MG3 for a machine gun, including
the Militia class unit. They are fairly light in terms of ATGM ability though.

There aren't that many Danish infantry transports... at all. They are all 5 points each, and they do the
job of getting you there.

Denmark has barely any artillery, but some great, and unique AA options, including the EOTS HAWK
(a HAWK, not using radar guidance), and the Otomatic, which is effectively a tank destroyer that can
reliably kill planes.

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Denmark is again in the same boat as Canada in terms of tanks. They get Centurions, and basic

Overall, Denmark doesn't have that many particularly good recon units, but what they do have can be
very powerful, especially the special forces recon.

Denmark's vehicle tab is solely just ATGM carriers, take e'm or leave e'm.

Denmark has only 3 helicopters, and they are either ATGM carriers, or are armed with 20mm

Denmark gets some very unusual looking aircraft, which are all fairly average for their role. Denmark
does get the F-16 however, which while is an alright plane, can be beaten by most enemy aircraft of
the same price.

Danish Logistics
M/151A1 KV
Classic command MUTT, fairly fast on road and decently priced, useful for holding sectors that are
already secure but can be used on the front lines if properly protected.

Cost: 100

M/113A1 FFC

Command M113, it can swim, has decent armor and can defend itself in a pinch with it's .50 M2
browning. can take some artillery fragments and small arms but should avoid direct contact with
hostile forces.

Cost: 110

FFC Centurion

Armed with a 84mm main gun, M2 Browning HMG and with relatively thick armor, this command tank
is perfectly suited to hold hotly contested objectives. It's not the best armed or armored command
tank on the battlefield but it's armor and armament allow it to defend itself against hostile units
(however like all CVs, it should be escorted) and protect itself from hostile artillery strikes.

Price: 130 points


Command infantry squad outfitted with the powerful MG3 and Gv M75, a copy of the C3 battle rifle,
these units are still fragile and should always be protected when capturing a zone. They will fight
relatively well for command troops due to their high end small arms but are helpless against armored
targets due to the lack of AT an massed soft targets.

Price: 100 points

Forsynings Jupitter

Similar to it's West German counterpart, this supply truck has a large payload and decent speed both
on and off road, it gets your ammo, spare parts and fuel where they need to go fast at a decent price.

Price: 20 points

Unimog Cargo

Although newer then the Jupitter, this truck is slower off road and carries a little less then half the
supply as it's bigger, older counterpart. They do come at half the price so they are a decent
alternative method of resupply if one wants something slightly less expensive.

Price: 10 points

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Danish Infantry

Standard line infantry armed with domestic G3 clones, the low powered but fast fireing M72 LAW and
the potent MG3, these troops will hold their own against most line infantry and if properly supported
by numbers and fire support, more elite squads.

Price: 10 points


Elite special forces infantry armed with the 5.56 spewing M/85, M3 RR and the FN Minimi, these
troops will mulch just about anything from tanks to infantry if used properly. They are fast, powerful
and well armed but can only be deployed via MD Jupiter trucks and Lynx helicopters.

Price: 35 points

Haer Hjemmevaernet

Reservist infantry who's militia training is made up for by their employment of the MG3 machine gun
at longer ranges and up close with their M/49 SMGs, their only real weak point militia wise is their low
powered, low ROF Super Bazooka. If grouped together or used with support of other infantry, their
low price and high availability can give you an edge when clearing out a hotly contested forest or

Price: 10 points


FIST team packing the M2 CG RR, and domestic G3 rifles, these troops will do a number on any
armor unlucky enough to get within range and can do a number on hostile infantry at ranged
engagements, should be backed up by "traditional" style infantry squads and be used to provide
them with fire support.

Price:10 points

Ildstottegruppe '85

Similar to the '75 version, these troops pack the longer ranged, more powerful M3 CG, improving
their ability to support infantry and destroy tanks at the cost of lower availability and a 5 point price

Price: 15 points


Shock troops armed with L. MG3 SAWs, Gv M/75 battle rifles and the deadly M2 CG, these shock
troops hit hard, move fast and are carried in sturdy, swift and swimming M113s, don't underestimate
these troops when you encounter them in city or forest fighting.

Price: 20 points

Livgarden '85

Like their '75 era counterparts, these shock troops mean business and pack the longer ranged, more
powerful M3 CG RR at the cost of availability and an extra 5 points.

Price: 25 points

LLRKT Hamlet

Domestic copy of the US Redeye, these low cost MANPADs make up for low firepower, accuracy and

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range with high availability and a low price, these units are good for dealing with hostile helos and
can occasionally cause issues for fixed wing aircraft, make a good part of a layered air defense

Price: 10 points


Stinger C armed MANPAD team that at twice the cost and lower availability bring much more powerful,
longer range and more accurate IR AA missiles compared to the older Hamlet/Redeye squads, best if
used similar to the Hamlet teams to protect units on the front line but with higher performance.

Price: 20 points

Danish Transports

The only transport helicopter available to Danish troops, it's quick, well armed for it's role as a light
transport (MG-3 door gun) and will get your troops where they need to go in a hurry.

Price: 25 points


Tracked, amphibious and lightly armored, this classic APC can transport most infantry and can
provide light fire support with it's M2 machine gun. Very useful when having to cross rivers or land
troops on hostile beaches.

Price: 5 points


In exchange for a later introduction date and a little speed, this upgraded M113 possesses additional
front and side armor that will help keep the troops inside safe and allow it to take a little more abuse
then the A1 model.

Price: 5 points

M6 Mosegris

Originally produced by Canada during WW2, these quick, unarmed, lightly armored APCs are a great
(and only) way to get your militia infantry where they need to go. Although they have armor on the
rear, sides and front, they have no top armor and only have a strength of 5. They should avoid
incoming fire whenever possible and are best used as battle taxi's to move troops back and forth.

Price: 5 points

MD Jupiter

German made transport truck used to move around command, recon and special forces troops, they
have no armor and but are cheap and quick, best used as a pure battle taxi.

Price: 5 points

Danish Support
GMC M450

Although this truck mounted quad .50 can't engage fixed wing aircraft, it will do a number on hostile
helos and soft targets. This light SPAAG is great for fire support and will mulch anything from infantry
up to lightly armored vehicles. When close enough to hostile helicopters it can shred even armored

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KAs and Hinds with sustained fire.

Price: 10 points


M113 packing an 81mm mortar, this light artillery will fire rapid bursts of shells that are great at taking
on infantry and soft targets although sustained fire will panic and eventually destroy even heavenly
armored targets. Able to cross rivers and land on beaches, this unit is perfect for shoot and scoot

Price: 30 points

SHK M/109G

An american classic with German upgrades, this 155mm howitzer is great for taking on even heavily
armored tanks with sustained fire but it truly shines at uprooting entrenched infantry and destroying
hostile AAA or ATGMs. Always remember to relocate after you fire and keep an eye out for hostile
artillery that you can counter battery.

Price: 50 points

SHK M/109A3

Upgraded with greater range and better accuracy thanks to a longer gun, this is a direct upgrade to
the older M/109G. This unit also holds additional ammunition so when deployed away from a FOB or
supply units it can keep the rain falling longer before it needs to rearm.

Price: 100 points

M/727 HAWK

The basic model of the American made heavy SAM, this unit is great at taking down fixed wing aircraft
and is a nightmare to encounter with helicopters. Their only weaknesses are their low strength
(although they do have front and side armor), low ammunition capacity and the fact they need to be
turned off when dealing with hostile SEAD.

Price: 40 points

M/727 I-HAWK

A direct upgrade to the older HAWK, this SAM has upgraded missiles with longer range and greater
accuracy in exchange for an additional 20 point cost.

Price: 60 points


This deadly prototype SAM features all the perks of the I-HAWK with the addition of EOTS guidance,
meaning that even when turned on it is completely immune to SEAD aircraft.

Price: 75 points


Ever wondered what would happen if you put a 76mm naval gun on a Leopard 1 hull? This is the
result, the ONTOMATIC's main gun can be used on both aircraft and even tanks, it's rapid fire rate
and it's large caliber equal a closed casket to anything unfortunate enough to come into range of it's
gun. This prototype SPAAG is radar guided so be careful when you see or know the other team has
SEAD aircraft on station.

Price: 80 points

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Danish Tanks
Centurion 84mm

The basic British made Centurion is armed with a low caliber gun but possesses decent armor for a
low end tank. Armed with it's 84mm cannon and a .50 M2 machine gun, this tank's main weakness is
it's slow speed offload as well as it's low AP and HE power on it's main gun, it is still a good fire
support platform and can do a number on even higher end tanks if it can close the distance, best
used in groups to support better armed tanks or to escort infantry and their transports.

Price: 25 points

Centurion 105mm

A faster, up gunned upgrade to the older 84, this tank is still somewhat slow off road but possesses a
harder hitting and longer range main gun then it's older counterpart. for 10 points you get additional
range, better accuracy, stabilizers and a higher AP main gun and 5 extra KM/H.

Price: 35 points

Centurion MK5/2-DK

A further upgrade to the previous centurion, for another 10 points you get an additional 5 KM/H, even
more AP, accuracy and stability to the main gun. This 45 point tank is a formidable opponent to the
mid to high end T-54/55s and T-62s you might face but might have issues with higher end platforms
such as the T-64, 72, 80, ect.

Price: 45 points

Leopard 1A3-DK

German designed Leopard 1A3 with Danish upgrades, this tank is fast, accurate and powerful but
has relatively thin armor. These tanks are great for hit and run attacks and can do a lot of damage to
hostile armor if properly supported.

Price: 40 points

Leopard 1A5-DK

Further upgrade to the 1A3-DK, this tank like it's German brother possess a more powerful, accurate
and stabilized main gun, additional armor and better optics compared to the A3-DK. This tank is the
best Denmark has and although no match for the highest end tanks one on one, it can be used in
groups and ambushes to engage much higher end hostile tanks.

Price: 65 points

Danish Recon

An unarmed MH-6 Littlebird with very good optics, this very small recon helo is small, making it hard
to detect and hard to hit but it's strength of 4 means that it should be kept out of the fight.

Price:45 points

Scout Defender

Like the Cayuse, this recon helo is very small and fragile but in exchange for only good optics you
gain 14 70mm FFAR rockets. These are useful for finding and killing lightly armored units like ATGM
teams or carriers, artillery infantry or hostile recon units. they only have a few rockets so make sure
to rearm whenever you get the chance.

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Price: 30 points


SF recon teams armed to the teeth with I-MG-3 SAWs, Hovea M/49 SMGs and the infamous M2 CG
RR. They will crush, kill and maim anything unlucky or dumb enough to get in their way without
support. They can be used for CV hunting, supplementing traditional infantry with their better optics
or just hiding in the woods calling out any hostiles they see.

Price: 30 points

Jaeger '90

Like their '75 counterparts, these troops are armed with the best of the best. packing suppressed
MP-5s for ambushes (just make sure if you try this turn the SAW off), the infamous 5.56 Minimi SAW
and an upgraded M3 CG RR, these are not infantry that should be underestimated.

Price: 35 points

An American Walker Bulldog light tank tricked out for recon duty, it's main gun and armor are weak by
tank standards but when it comes to recon units they are fairly well armed. These can be used by
themselves for forward recon or be mixed in with your regular tanks to give them a little more
firepower and the benefit of better optics.

Price: 10 points

M41 DK1

More accurate, harder hitting and more fuel efficient upgrade to the classic M41A1, these light recon
tanks also have slightly thicker armor then their predecessors. They are a direct upgrade to the older
version and work best when used with similar tactics.

Price: 25 points


This amphibious recon vehicle is simply a M/92 PNMK with some of the ammo swapped out for better
optics. They work well with their FSV cousins and make efficient hunter killer teams when pared

Price: 25 points


Recon MUTT armed with the deadly MG-3, packing very good optics, great off road speed, it's only
downside is it's lack of armor and low strength. Although powerful, the MG should only be used in self
defense or as a last resort.

Price: 25 points


Prototype light recon vehicle armed with an MG-3, it has a high off road speed, light armor and a
strength of 10. Like it's unarmored MUTT cousin, it should stay out of direct combat and only use it's
MG in self defense or as a last resort.

Price: 30 points


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Basic 5 man recon team with regular training, they are armed with GV M/75s and M72 LAWs, they are
great to hide in bushes or forests to keep tabs on hostile troop movement and can be used in cites
with other infantry to give them a heads up on incoming attacks. Their small squad size means they
should avoid direct combat but they can lend other squads a hand in a pinch and if forced to can
fight back fairly well.

Price: 15 points

Danish Vehicles
Laro 106mm RR

A danish Landrover mounting the classic M40, great for ambush and hit and run tactics, it's lack of
strength and armor are made up for by it's rapid speed and potent armament, easily destroying
hostile units many times it's price due to it's HEAT rounds.

Price: 10 points

Laro TOW

Landrover mounting a basic ATGM, this fast moving unit can take on anything from APCs to tanks as
long as it keeps it's distance, it can only carry limited ammunition so care should be taken to keep it
rearmed in the field.

Price: 25 points

Laro TOW-2

A direct upgrade to it's older counterpart, it fires upgraded TOW's that are both harder hitting and
more accurate then the base model, allowing it to take down even the heaviest tanks with ease.

Price: 45 points

M/113A1 TOW

Tracked, amphibious and lightly armored, these ATGM packing boxes on tracks can dish out a lot of
hurt to tanks and other AFVs. They are more durable then their Laro counterparts but should be kept
out or range of hostile units and stay out of direct fire. Perfect for escorting their infantry carrying

Price: 25 points

M/113A1 TOW 2

Armed with top of the line TOW 2's, this unit is a direct upgrade to the older model, it is a major threat
to any hostile ground vehicles within it's range but care must be taken when hostile helicopters,
mortars and howitzers are operating in the AO.

Price: 55 points.


Amphibious 25mm autocannon armed FVS on a M113 hull, this vehicle is great for escorting the
lighter armed M113s and infantry as well as supporting tanks and forming hunter killer groups with
their Vildkat recon counterparts.

Price: 20 points

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Danish Helicopters
Fennec 20mm

Light attack helicopter armed with twin 20mm autocannon gun pods, these nimble choppers can
make quick work of lightly armored targets and hostile helicopters (as long as they are no armed with
AA missiles). Great when pared with their tank busting TOW armed counterparts.

Price: 30 points

Fennec TOW-2

Swapping gun pods for ATGMs, these helicopters will blast through hostile tanks and AFVs with ease,
care must be taken to properly protect them from AAA and they do need to rearm frequently. They
work well with their 20mm packing cousins to provide well rounded air support for ground troops.

Price: 55 points

TOW Defender

MD500/little bird armed with 4 basic TOW missiles, this very small helicopter is fragile but hard to hit.
It can dish out a lot of damage with it's 4 TOWs but needs to rearm frequently and should be kept
away from anything that can fire at it.

Price: 40 points

Danish Aircraft
F 35 Draken

This multi role fighter bomber is armed with the hard hitting 10 HE AGM-12C Bullpup, one of the few
high explosive AGM's in the game allowing it to attack infantry in addition to vehicles, this also allows
one to fire position on unseen targets. It also packs 4 AIM-9L's and autocannons to protect it when
hunting ground targets or allowing it to aggressively attack hostile aircraft.

Price: 100 points

F 35 Draken WDNS

Switching the AGMs and IR AA for 6 500 pound bombs, this variant is best used only for ground
attack but can in emergency use it's autocannons for self defense. It is great for destroying grouped
units, vaporizing infantry and lightly armored units and doing serous damage to even heavily armored

Price: 120 points


Armed with quad 20mm auto cannons and 76 hydra rockets, this ground attack aircraft will wreck any
lightly armored units and infantry. It can do a number on better armored targets, completely
destroying them if used in pares or more. Their quad 20mms are great for hunting helicopters and
can do a number on hostile fixed wing aircraft as a last resort.

Price: 65 points


Multirole fighter bomber armed with a 20mm Vulcan, 2 AIM-9L's and 12 cluster bombs, it can

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heavenly damage or completely destroy most armored vehicles and can both defend itself or engage
most attack aircraft but should avoid direct contact with hostile ASFs.

Price:115 points

F-16A BLOCK 15

ASF F-16 armed with AIM-9M sidewinders and AIM-7M Sparrows and a 20mm Vulcan autocannon, it's
capable of engaging both fixed and roto wing threats. The only major drawback of this aircraft is it's
limited payload of 4 missiles total.

Price:120 points


Multirole aircraft armed with AGM-65s for tank busting and aim-120A AMRAAMs and a 20mm
autocannon for aircraft, this plane has 40% ECM meaning it can pull off some high risk strikes with a
better chance of completing the mission.

Price: 160 points


F-104 armed with a 20mm autocannon and 4 MK 77 napalm bombs. Perfect for clearing out
entrenched forces or cutting off roads and passes, this unit excels at melting infantry and other soft
targets but it will panic and with enough time destroy better armored ground units.

Price:80 points


Canadian made F-104 derivative armed as an ASF, it packs 4 aim-9Ls and a 20mm Vulcan
autocannon allowing it to hunt both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. One downside to the F-104s is
their poor turn radius but in groups they can overwhelm even high end fighters.

Price:60 points

Sweden National Overview

Sweden is definitely a unique country, as represented in Wargame. They use, effectively their own
equipment for everything, and are fairly strong while doing so.

Swedish logistics units in general are pretty generic, like most other nations, with the exception that
they use their own APC, and command "tank". They have very light capacity supply units, but they
are fairly cheap.

Swedish infantry units are surprisingly powerful, particularly using their ATGM, or AA missiles, which
are unique to Sweden, their ATGM is tied with the French prototype Milan F3 for the highest AP
power for an infantry based ATGM in the game. Sweden also has one of the most powerful special
forces unit in the game for cross-sector defense.

Swedish infantry transports are largely unimpressive, with the exception of the STRF 1940, which is
quite capable of dealing with most REDFOR IFVs when neccesarry.

Sweden has some of the best artillery units available to BLUFOR, the Amos, a double barreled
mortar, and the Bkan, an artillery piece with an autoloader, capable of firing almost double the
density of a comparatively sized artillery piece. They also get some unique, but largely ineffective

Sweden also has some surprisingly good armor as well. They have either, old Centurions, a modified
Leopard 2, and their own, case made tanks, the STRV 103 Series which have average armor, can

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only shoot forward, but have amazing rates of fire for any tank.

Sweden doesn't have that many recon options, and for the most part, excluding the recon infantry,
can't really handle well in a fight.

Sweden is also light in the Vehicle category, they only have a few AT units in here, including a few
cheap, but well armed mobile gun platforms.

Sweden barely has any helicopters, only an I-TOW carrier, cheap, but fairly reliable AT ability.

Sweden has a small, unique airforce, with planes that have either poor survivability, but a lot of
availability, or vice versa. They can usually handle well on their own, but are almost always inferior to
other jets of the same price.

Swedish Logistics

Swedish command troops armed with domestically produced G3's and 6.5mm M240s. They are best
kept away from direct combat and should always have other units protecting them. Come in a variety
of transports for any situation.

Price:100 points

Stabstgb 1313

Fast moving wheeled command vehicle, unarmored and with low strength. These relatively
inexpensive command vehicles can quickly capture an hold a zone but only when properly protected.

Price:105 points

Stripbv 3021

Amphibious command IFV with light armor and a 20mm autocannon, it can defend itself from hostile
helos and lightly armored units that stray too close but should be protected by other units. Can
survive a few shells or mortars landing near it but should relocate when fired on.

Price: 130 points

Stripbv 90

This prototype Swedish command IFV is armed with a dummy 40mm main gun and only possesses a
MMG for self defense. It makes up for this with relatively thick armor and decent speed. This unit can
survive a few shells and possibly a frontal hit from low powered AT but really needs to avoid combat
and should be supported by other units.

Price: 130 points

Stristrv 103B

Command S tank armed with a 105mm main gun and MMG. This unit lacks a turret and the ability to
fire on the move but makes up for this with a small size, high fire rate and decent armor. This unit can
defend itself but like all command units it requires protection and is a prime target for hostile forces.

Price:150 points

Amfibiebil 101

Domestic copy of the amphibious UK made Alvis Stalwart, this supply truck is able to bring fuel ammo
and spare parts/men to places other ground supply units would find impossible. It is quick in the water
and on land and holds a decent load of 800 supply units.

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Price:15 points

P93 Scania

Faster off road then the Amfibiebil 101 and carrying an additional 300 supply units, this is offset by
it's lack of amphibious capability. It is never the less a decent supply truck and will keep your units in
good fighting order.

Price:20 points


Swedish version of the CH-46 used to resupply troops in the field. It will quickly get your supplies to
the front line or can be staged in the rear and transfer their cargo into empty supply trucks. it is fairly
fast at 270 kph and hardy with a strength of 8, it can take some fire if need be but should avoid overly
hot LZs.

Price: 25 points

Swedish Infantry

Old school Swedish reservists packing Swedish Mausers, Miniman AT rockets and domestically
produced BARs. One notable feature about these troops is that they are not only reservists with MGs
but non static MGs. They can't be used in CQB like SAWs but can fire on the move. They are pretty
high end when it comes to reservist infantry but should be used in larger numbers or with the support
of other troops.

Price: 10 points


Elite Swedish SF packing AK4's, M2 CG RRs and KSP m/58B SAWs. These guys are tough fighters
with 15 man squads that can mulch most infantry and vehicles as long as they are supported and not
outnumbered. They are only able to ground insert in unarmed Amfibiebil amphibious trucks and
helicopters, potentially limiting their ability to insert into heavenly occupied areas.

Price: 35

kustjagare '90

Like their '75 variants, these 15 man SF squads are armed with even more lethal weapons such as
the AT12T LAW and the AK5 rifle. They are now even more deadly up close thanks to their higher
fire rare assault rifles and can crack open even the strongest armored tanks and AFVs.

Price: 35 points

Lvgrp RBS 70

5 man MANPAD team with a powerful 4 HE missiles and M/45B SMGs. They are a lot sturdier then the
contemporary 2 man teams. They are guided and not F&F so should not move until they hit their

Price: 20 points

Lvgrp RBS 90

Direct upgrade to the older RBS 70 with longer range, better accuracy. They are overall provide a
slightly larger and more reliable AA net at a slightly elevated cost. They are still guided and not F&F

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but still have a large size compared to most MANPAD teams.

Price: 25 points


Airborne shock troops packing AK4's, M77 RR and and a SAW. These troops are fast, deadly and
tough at 15 man squads. Their AT has relatively long range and decent AP so they catch a lot of
FSVs off guard. They are great for initial land grabs or behind the lines insertion, perfect for

Price: 30 points


Line troops with the AK4 battle rifle, M2 CG RR and KSP M/58 MG. They have really good AT for line
troops and are able to deploy a variety of platforms from APCs (wheeled and tracked) and IFVs to

Price:15 points

Pansarskytte '90

Packing less accurate but higher fire rate and AP AT4s, these line troops are great for city fighting
and have have additional transport options compared to the '75 version. Consider them a direct
upgrade in everything but AT accuracy.

Price: 15 points

Pvgrp RBS 56

5 man ATGM team with a heavy duty 26 AP missile. They will cream any armor dumb enough to get
too close to their position, their 5 man size allows them to take a little more punishment compared to
traditional 2 man teams and pack M/45B, that allow for self defense.

Price: 30 points


Flamethrower troops armed with M/45B SMGs and M/41 flamethrowers. These troops are the ultimate
city clearing unit due to their great CQB armament. With proper AT support and other infantry to back
them up, no troops are safe from incineration.

Price: 15 points

Swedish Transports

Amphibious transport truck able to carry your troops across water, they are unarmed and fragile but
are relatively cheap and fast. These trucks are able to rapidly transport reinforcements into relatively
secure areas or moving around rear line support troops that are less likely to come under direct fire.
They can also deploy troops into secured naval zones allowing for large scale flanking maneuvers
because of their low price.

Price: 10 points


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Fast, amphibious and with decent armor, this APC will get your troops to their destination quick and
safely. They are extremely fast in the water as well as on land allowing for rapid transport of troops
from naval zones as well as crossing rivers. Their 2 frontal and side armor let them take a decent
amount of punishment from small arms and artillery shelling as well as lower AP weapons.

Price: 10 points

PBV 302A

Amphibious IFV armed with a 20mm autocannon and 2 frontal armor in addition to 1 armor on the top,
sides and back. They are fairly priced and decent for both fire support and protecting the troops they
carry. Suitable for coastal assault as well as river crossings.

Price:15 points

STRF 9040

Heavy duty IFV with 4 front, 3 side and 2 top and rear armor. They are armed with powerful and
accurate 40mm autocannons making them great for destroying hostile ASVs and infantry. They are
just as fast as the lighter armored PBV 302A but are unable to cross water. When assaulting towns
they can take point followed by lighter armored transports.

Price: 25 points

TGB 13

Quick unarmored low strength transport vehicle for moving recon and command troops. They are
extremely fast off road and can push recon troops deep behind hostile lines and rapidly transport
command troops onto an objective. They are unarmed so should not get involved in direct combat.

Price: 5 points

TGB M/42

Lightly armored wheeled APC armed with 2 domestically produced Browning M1917 machineguns.
They are inexpensive, have an extremely high fire rate but should not engage targets directly but be
used in support of their dismounted infantry. They have no top armor so care should be taken when
howitzers and mortars are in the area.

Price: 10 points


Swedish UH-1 armed with an MMG, it is able to carry airborne shock, command, SF recon and
infantry teams into combat. It is fairly fragile so should discharge troops if in safe LZs when possible,
can provide limited fire support after unloading troops.

Price: 15 points


Swedish seaknight armed with a 7.62 minigun, it is better armed, faster and stronger and more
expensive then the HKP 3C but is less maneuverable meaning more time spent landing to unload.
They are great for fire support after unloaded and are great for behind the line harassing ops. These
helicopters have massive fuel efficiency allowing them to redeploy your troops wherever they are
needed several times before needing to refuel.

Price: 20 points

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Swedish Support

Prototype dual 120mm mortar system, It has HEAT rounds for self defense but should stay far behind
the front line. The fire rate is very high allowing for extremely rapid and heavy mortar support. They
are very cost effective for only 65 points and are great for destroying infantry, light and with
sustained fire heavy AFVs.

Price: 65 points

Bkan 1A

Rapid firing 155mm howitzer able to deal with even armored threats. This howitzer will rapidly and
accurately cripple or destroy any target on the battlefield. It is lightly armored allowing it to survive
light counter battery but should be shift moved after firing on a target like all artillery units. Armed with
a MMG for self defense, it lacks direct fire defensive capability. Limited ammo capacity so care should
be taken to frequently rearm.

Price: 120 points

Bkan 1C

Upgraded with better fire control from the 1A model allows this 155mm howitzer to aim faster and fire
more accurately then it's older counterpart. This SPH is a direct upgrade to it's older model at the
cost of a higher price and prototype status. Like the 1A, it only holds 14 shells so having supply units
nearby is important for sustained fire.

Price:130 points

LVKV fm/43

Classic circa 1943 SPAAG upgraded with better engines. Armed with two 40mm autocannons, they
will make short work of hostile helicopters and can down careless fixed wing aircraft. The biggest
downside to this unit is it's extremely low fuel economy, making them dependent on refueling relatively

Price: 10 points


Prototype SPAAG armed with upgraded 40mm radar guided autocannons. They are accurate and
hard hitting but need to be turned off if hostile SEAD is spotted. They are great for protecting your
front line troops and tanks from hostile helicopters and fixed wing aircraft and can be used as fire
support when needed.

Price: 40 points


Prototype SPAAG based on the STRF 9040 hull, it is one of the few support tab SPAAGs with AP
ammo for it's highly accurate 40mm autocannon. This unit excels at destroying helicopters and
aircraft, punching through armored air frames like the SU-25, MI-28, MI-24, ect. They can keep pace
with their IFV cousins and can easily destroy lightly armored vehicles and provide fire support on soft
targets as well.

Price: 50 points


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Amphibious and armored RBS-70 launcher, this vehicle is also armed with a self defense MMG
allowing additional firepower against helicopters and a means of defense against ground units. They
still should be used with escorts or to escort ground troops, they are great for naval landings and
river crossings. They carry 12 missiles each allowing for sustained non radar air defense.

Price:25 points


American made classic heavy SAM. although lightly armored in the front, the low strength and lack of
defensive armament means you need to escort these heavy hitters. They use the basic MIM-23A
HAWK missile but are still deadly when used against aircraft and helicopters. They are slow moving
off road and have limited ammo so support in the form of escort and resupply is needed to get the
most out of this system. They are radar guided so care needs to be taken when hostile SEAD aircraft
are in use.

Price: 40 points

Rover RBS-70

MANPADs mounted on fast moving land rovers, these units are fragile but fast and can provide short
range air defense for rapidly moving assaults. They carry limited missiles so frequent rearmament is
needed for continued usage. They do need to stop moving to fire.

Price:30 points

Rover RBS-90

A direct upgrade to the RBS-70 model, they carry better missiles with greater range and accuracy
and also have a twin launcher to speed up followup shots. Like their older counterpart they require
escort, frequent rearmament and can only fire when stationary.

Price: 35 points

Swedish Tanks
STRV 102

British designed Centurion armed with a 105mm main gun, this tank is slow but well armored. They
can take on most tanks in their price range without any issues but should always have AA escort.
They are perfect for escorting infantry and their transports or higher ends tanks and are a decent
choice when it comes to inexpensive armored support.

Price: 30 points


Upgraded Centurion with a more accurate main gun that fires more powerful AP ammunition. It also
can travel further without refueling (with larger fuel tanks that require more fuel to fill). This tank is a
direct upgrade to the standard 102 but is still one of the lower end tanks best used in support of
higher end armor when facing high end tanks.

Price: 35 points

STRV 104

A further Swedish upgrade, this adds reactive armor, speed, gun range, AP and stability to the earlier
models. It has increased armor by 1 point all around with the exception of the top. These upgrades
give a decent lethality and surviveability upgrade compared to earlier versions.

Price:45 points

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STRV 105

Top of the line Centurion prototype with the best Swedish upgrades installed. It is faster with a longer
range, higher AP, accuracy and stabilized main gun. This tank is the be all end all of the Centurion
family and is a great all around mid tier tank. They are best used pared with other armor and recon
due to their poor optics to get the most out of their long range guns.

Price:55 points


The classic Swedish S tank, they lack turrets and stabilizers but have extremely high rates of fire for
their 105mm main guns. They are small and great for use in ambushes with their thick frontal armor,
they are relatively soft on the sides, back and top and should always be attack moved when in

Price: 55 points


This upgrade to the 103B has a longer ranged, more accurate and higher AP main gun, It also has
upgraded frontal, side and rear armor and better fuel economy. This allows it to take and give more
punishment then it's older brother.

Price:80 points


The ultimate S tank has an even more accurate main gun, higher AP and further armor
improvements. This prototype upgrade is one of the best ambush tanks in the game. It is a direct
upgrade to the older S tanks.

Price:90 points

STRV 121

Swedish produced and German designed leopard 2A4 with the more potent 120mm ammo used in
the Leopard 2A5, it has the same high AP but at the cost of the additional armor of the A5 model.
This tank is the best in the Swedish arsenal and although a prototype comes with two cards. These
tanks can go toe to toe with other high end armor but work best when supported by combined arms
tactics in addition to lower end tanks as backup.

Price:155 points

Swedish Recon
EPBV 3022

Amphibious recon vehicle based on the PBV 302A. It has less ammo and no troop carrying capacity
compared to it's APC equivalent but has additional fuel economy (and a bigger fuel tank) and much
better optics. These can be mixed in with your IFVs to spot potential threats to them and the infantry
inside or to support other AFVs and tanks spot targets. They are also good for spoting targets for
ATGMs allowing one to get the most out of their long range.

Price: 20 points


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Although lacking an autocannon like it's APC counterpart, the STRF 9040, this dummy gun, machine
gun armed prototype recon vehicle keeps it's great armor and gains exceptional optics. These can
spot threats far in advance of the formations it is mixed in with and can easily slip behind hostile lines
or wait at the front and spot troops for your other units.

Price: 55 points


Swedish shock recon troops packing M/45 SMGs, M2 CGs and KSP M/58 non static MG. They are
good in CQB with their SMGs but can't use their MGs up close, however, they can fire their KSPs on
the move. They are tough, deadly and great for behind the lines scouting or providing dug in troops
added support and longer range vision.

Price: 20 points


Unarmed recon helicopter useful for scouting for troop movements and directing fire for
artillery/ATGM/ect. It is fragile and unable to defend itself so should avoid AA and anything else that
can fire at it. Can be used to good effect when pared in hunter killer teams with PVHKP 9A ATGM

Price: 40 points


Unarmed recon jeep with very good optics, this scout is quick and easy to hide. It is unable to defend
itself so it should either be sent with escorts or stay away from direct engagements. Can both keep
pace with troop formations and easily observe hostile units from concealed hide sights.

Price: 25 points

Swedish Vehicles
IKV 103

Swedish 'Stug like" tank destroyer armed with a 105mm main gun and HEAT rounds. These assault
guns/tank destroyers are stealthy with their small size and make great ambush weapons. Their HEAT
rounds can damage and with sustained fire destroy even heavenly armored tanks as well as make
quick work of infantry. They have a decent rate of fire and are well worth their price, their only true
downsides being relatively weak armor and limited operational range before needing their fuel tanks
topped off.

Price:10 points

IKV 91

Amphibious tank like tank destroyer armed with a 90mm main gun with HEAT rounds and an MMG.
Aside from the better speed, fuel economy and ability to swim lacked by the older IKV 103, It fires
more powerful ammunition from a stabilized, turreted main gun both faster and more accurately.
These units are perfect for fire support and escort of IFVs/APCs as well as supporting heaver tanks.
They are extremely useful for both river crossings and coastal assault, allowing for deep flanking
maneuvers behind hostile lines.

Price: 25 points

IKV 105

Prototype amphibious, up gunned IVK 91 with a larger 105mm KE main gun. This vehicle sacrifices
the HEAT trait (which is good at long range but lacks range related damage increases, making it a
situational advantage/disadvantage) and some rate of fire in exchange for higher AP, stability,

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accuracy and optics.

Price: 35 points


Amphibious ATGM carrier armed with a self defense MMG. Unlike most of the equivalents in it's class,
this vehicle has minor defensive abilities against unsuspecting helicopters and infantry, however it is
still wise to escort this unit and avoid putting it the tip of the spear, allowing it to focus on distracted or
advancing tanks.

Price: 30 points

PVTGB 9031 m/77

Rapid off road tank destroyer armed with a 90mm HEAT RR. These vehicles are the perfect ambush
weapon able to damage and with additional fire destroy any armored target. They are also effective
fire support for infantry clearing towns, providing heavy support from the edge of town at a low price.

Price: 10 points

PVRBV 9034 m/84

Direct upgrade from the base model, this unit offers higher AP damage output at the same low price
for exchange for slightly lower availability and the inability to be used in CAT C deck. Used similar to
their older counterparts, they provide effective fire support and the ability to damage and destroy any
ground based threat with ten shots max.

Price: 10 points


Swedish ATGM carrier known as the "pimp mobile" by old time forum users. this extremely fast, heavy
hitting RBS-56 packing monster might be fragile but it can and will destroy anything short of the best
tanks in a few shots. They are fragile and should not lead the charge, either providing concealed
support or backing up the better armored AFVs as they roll up on hostile positions.

Price: 35 points

Swedish Helicopters

Sweden's best and only ATGM helo, these units are great for tank hunting when pared with HKP 6A's
or used to back up advancing troops. They have a limited ammo capacity and should rearm
whenever possible to keep air support for ground troops consistent. They have good fuel economy
allowing them to save supplies at the front by only rearming and waiting for lulls to pull back and

Price: 50 points

Swedish Aircraft
A 32 Lansen

Napalm bomb armed attack aircraft armed with 3 bombs and powerful quad 20mm autocannons. This
attack aircraft can uproot pesky infantry from towns and units hidden in the woods. It is also really
good for helicopter hunting due to the massive fire rate of it's autocannons which should only be
used on fixed wing aircraft as a last resort.

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Price: 75 points

AJ 37 Viggen

Armed with 2 locally made AIM-4s for self defense and 2 locally made AGM-65s, this ground attack
aircraft will bust up tanks and can offer limited support as a helo hunter, it is rare to kill fixed wing
aircraft with it other then with extreme luck via critical hits or with the support of other aircraft, it's AIM-
4's best being used for self defense and as a last resort.

Price: 100 points

AJS 37 Viggen

Armed with powerful gliding cluster bombs and 2 locally made AIM-9s, this aircraft is great for taking
out clustered groups of AFVs, it's AA armament is limited like it's older brother so it can only be safely
used for helo hunting, self defense or as a last resort.

Price: 130 points

J 35D Draken

Armed with twin 30mm autocannons and AA rockets, this unique ASF makes up for it's lack of range
with high damage output up close. It is perfect for helo hunting and engaging ground attack aircraft
but caution should be used when engaging missile armed aircraft. In groups or pared with other
aircraft they can shred anything unlucky enough to get too close.

Price: 50 points

J 35F Draken

Sacrificing half it's AA rockets and one autocannon, this multi role packs powerful ground attack
rockets in addition to it's AA armament. It is still formidable up close but like the D model it should
either work with other aircraft or be sent out in groups against hostile fighters. It's rockets are great
for taking out soft targets but sustained fire will absolutely destroy armored threats.

Price:60 points

J 35J Draken

Packing a single 30mm autocannon and 6 short range AA missiles (2 AIM-4s, 4 AIM9s), this ASF is
deadly up close due to the fact both missile types fire separately, allowing it to fire all 3 weapons at
once. They are great for helo hunting, defending against hostile attack aircraft and can can support
other ASFs or fight in groups against even high end ASFs.

Price: 75 points

JA 37 Viggen

JA 37 ASF armed with the US designed, British upgraded skyflash long range radar AAM, AIM-9s and
a 30mm autocannon, this ASF has 30% ECM and a great arsenal for taking on anything from helos to
other ASFs.

Price: 105 points

JAS-39 Grippen

Best Swedish fighter available in game, this powerful ASF is armed with F&F AMRAAMs, AIM-9s and a
27mm autocannon perfect for shredding anything in the sky. They are highly maneuverable have
40% ECM and are great for escorting attack aircraft and defending your troops from hostile attack
aircraft and helicopter gunships.

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Price: 150 points

SK 60B

Attack jet armed with HE AGM's it is one of the few AGM aircraft that can both fire on position and
target infantry. They are not as powerful against armor compared to HEAT AGMs but are much more
versatile allowing them to attack any ground or sea targets they face. They are slow and require
escort and have no means of AA defensive capability so keep they away from other fixed wing and
AAM armed helos.

Price: 60 points

Norway National Overview

Norway, overall in Red Dragon is pretty soft compared to other nations, with exception to their
infantry. Overall Norway is best used defensively, since there are virtually no units capable of holding
an offensive action over open ground.

Norway has a couple Command units, which overall aren't that impressive compared to other nations,
but there is some variety involved, having virtually every type of CV you'd need. Logistics is a bit light
on the ground, with only a single truck, but this is made up for with their supply chopper, which is very
fast, for a supply chopper, and can carry a fair amount of supply.

Norway has some very high quality infantry, especially their Light Infantry, which is very potent
against other infantry, and tanks that wander too close. Generally, with the exception of standard
infantry, AT capabilities are quite good all around.

Norway generally has some very good transports, depending on the need, including a wheeled 3
point armor APC, as well as the basic Huey transport helicopters, and a few lighter tracked transports
with autocannons.

Norway is pretty light in the Support category, with the Exception of their Radar AA, which is arguably
some of the best in the game against Jets, as well as the fact that thay are fairly self sufficient, with
the exception of the NOAH HAWK. Otherwise, their mortars and artillery is a bit light.

Norway uses, for the 1990's in this game, fairly ancient tanks. Their most well armored tank is the
Leopard 1A5, which has an excellent gun, but definitely not enough armor if faced with any ATGM.
Otherwise, they have some older M48s, and even the older M24 Chaffees from WWII.

Norway again is using some outdated units, even in their Recon category. Overall their vehicles used
for recon are from WWII, but their recon Special Force unit is a sniper team, which has many uses.

Norway only has tracked AT units in their vehicle category, like most other nations. They do get the
TOW 2 on one of their vehicles however, which is worth noting.

Norway has no independent helicopters, they just don't.

Norway is quite a bit like Sweden in terms of airforce, not particularly big, but enough to get the job
done, for cheap. They get some high quality jets, as well as the cheapest SEAD jet in the game, with
a high availability, the F5A-PUFF.

Norway Logistics

Norwegian command troops armed with AG-3s and MG3's. These units are great for holding zones
with city blocks or woods to hide in. They are well armed but should avoid direct engagements with
hostile units, preferably relying on other units to protect them.

Price: 100 points

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M557 KPV

Unarmed M113 based CV with better front and side armor then a normal M113 in exchange for
defensive armament. They are amphibious and quick for tracked vehicles and can survive a few
indirect shell hits but should avoid combat whenever possible.

Price: 120 points

KoVogn M48A5

Command tank packing a 105mm main gun and M2 browning, it is decently armored and can defend
itself in a limited capacity. These units are durable for a CV but still should be protected whenever
possible to prevent loosing the command zone they are holding.

Price: 120 points

Rover KPV

Fast, unarmored wheeled CV that is great for rapid land grabs. These units are fairly fragile and are
dependent on other units to protect them. If it is ever seen it is best to move it to another spot in the
command zone to prevent hostile artillery from destroying it.

Price: 110 points


Armored wheeled APC based CV with a defensive M2 machinegun, these units are a good balance of
armor and speed. They are still dependent on escort into hostile zones and as with all CVs they are
prime targets so make sure they are properly protected. Their add on armor prevents them from
crossing rivers or seas limiting it to bridges and landingcraft.

Price: 140 points


civilian supply helo used during wartime as a supply transport, this helicopter is a quick way to rearm,
repair and refuel troops or rearm supply trucks slightly behind the line. It is relatively fast at 300 kph
and has a strength of 6 as well as a large capacity of 1500 supply units.

Price: 35 points

M621 logk

American designed M35 transport truck that carries a modest amount of supply units at a decent
speed for a low cost. There are the only ground based supply units available to Norway so they are
extremely useful for situations where it's not safe to fly your AS.332's. They can rearm safely behind
the lines from your supply helos reducing the time it takes for ground based resupply into areas that
are not safe to use helos.

Price: 15 points

Norway Infantry

Shock troops packing AG-3s, M2 CGs and L.MG3s, they are great for rapid deployment with their
selection of wheeled and helicopter transport options. They are well equip to deal with both soft and
armored threats and are great for rear line raiding. They come in 15 man squads allowing for higher
availability then smaller squads.

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Price: 30 points

Fallskjermjeger '90

Direct upgrade to the '75 troops with longer range, more powerful but slower firing AT (Eryx ATGMs
instead of M2 CGs). These prototype troops actually work well with their older counterparts, allowing
the '90 troops to engage targets at range while the '75 troops engage targets faster at closer ranges
such as towns or woods.

Price: 30 points


10 man SF team armed with C7s, Eryx ATGMs and L.MG3s. They are well armed for city fighting and
have relatively long range and powerful AT. Although manpower wise they are weaker then
Fallskjermjeger their training and rifles make them deadly up close. They are similarly armed and
share the same transports allowing them to work together relatively easily.

Price: 35 points


Norwegian line troops packing AG-3's, M72s and MG3s. They have accurate rifles and fast firing
machine guns although their AT weapons lack high AP and accuracy, they are able to shoot them off
rapidly. These infantry come in a good selection of transports allowing them to be inserted into a
variety of situations quickly under light armor or more slowly with heavier IFV fire support.

Price: 10 points

Gevaermenn '90

A direct upgrade to the '75 troops, these infantry carry upgraded M72A4s and have access to higher
end transports then their older geared brethren. The additional accuracy and AP on their LAWs
make them much more deadly to armored targets and their high end transport options make a large
difference in the field.

Price:15 points


Norwegian militia troops armed with old school Krag-Jorgensen bolt actions and M72s, they are great
for plugging gaps in your line or as support for other infantry. They are slow moving but are good for
holding cities or assisting with clearing or defending woods, their low price and high availability allows
them to be deployed en mass to hold or assault large towns on urban maps.

Price:5 points

RBS 70

SACLOS (non F&F) MANPADS with in a 5 man team. These troops should avoid engaging hostile
ground troops but their larger size allows them decent self defense capabilities. Their missiles are
powerful and have a long range allowing them to keep both fixed wing and roto wing threats at bay.
Like all infantry MANPADS they work best in dug in positions such as towns or woods.

Price: 20 points

RBS 70 MK2

Upgrade to the older RBS-70 allowing for even longer range against helicopters and planes. Like

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their older counterparts they come in 5 man teams allowing for decent self defense. These troops are
a direct upgrade to the older RBS-70 but come at a higher cost and lower availability.

Price: 25 points


Hardy Shock troops useful for holding and clearing towns. They are armed with AG-3s, M2 CGs and
the infamous L.MG3s making them great all around shock troops. They are able to rapidly air insert
to flank or QRF into a contested area or arrive via more traditional ground based APCs and IFVs,
leaving them as very flexible troops in the field.

Price: 20 points


FIST teams armed with AG-3s and M2 CGs, they can engage armored threats as well as dismounted
infantry. They can be effective in both city and forest fighting when supported by other infantry by
providing both fire support against hostile troops and engaging armored threats with their high AP

Price: 10 points

Stormingenior '90

Trading the M2 CGs of their '75 counterparts for Eryx ATGMs, this unique FIST team is able to
engage dug in troops from a much longer range as well as hostile AFVs that pose a threat to the
other troops they are supporting, the one downside being the lower fire rate of the ATGM compared
with the RR and when stunned their missiles will be unable to hit their target.

Price: 15 points

Norway Transports

Extremely fast, amphibious wheeled transport with 2 front and side and 1 top and rear armor. This
APC is one of the best for coastal assaults or river crossings with it's 50kph in the water. On land it
can travel at 100kpm off road allowing for extremely quick insertion of troops. It has great armor for
the speed it travels at and can provide limited fire support for troops with it's M2 Browning.

Price: 10 points


Trading it's water crossing capability for an additional 1 point of armor to the front and sides, this
beast of an APC is still 100kph off road and even more survivable then the older XA-180. These
transports can take a few hits and keep their troops inside alive and are more durable fire support
platforms when the need arises.

Price: 10 points

Bell 204

Civilian version of the UH-1B with identical stats only differing in it's origin. These helos are not the
fastest or strongest but are very useful for insertion of troops behind he lines or to quickly reinforce a
position. They are armed with MG3s that allow them some defensive capabilities and can be used as
light fire support after unloading their troops.

Price:15 points

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A purely military made model of the Bell 204, these units are almost indistinguishable aside from the
decks they can be used in and the troops types they carry. They are not the fastest or strongest
transport helos but will get your men where they need to go quickly. They have MG3s that can
provide limited fire support but should not engage unless their target is distracted with another unit
(such as the dismounted troops).

Price: 15 points

Bell 412

Faster, stronger and with better fuel efficiency then it's single turbine counterparts, this UH-1
derivative is slightly more durable and faster. It is still armed with an MG3 but should only be used
defensively or for fire support on units that are too preoccupied in combat to return fire.

Price:20 points


Heavy prototype IFV with a 30mm autocannon and 4 front, 3 side, 2 rear and top armor. These units
are perfect for assaulting heavenly defended towns where their armor will protect their troops and
once unloaded it can provide fire support with it's powerful autocannon. It is able to take down
anything from infantry to lightly armored AFVs and helicopters. Their availability is limited as are the
troops they can carry.

Price: 25 points


The classic American made M113 is amphibious, lightly armored all around and armed with a .50
machine gun for self defense and fire support for dismounted troops. They are available to most
infantry types and although not as well armed as the Norwegian IFVs they can be used for river
crossings and coastal assaults. They are inexpensive and will do their job in most situations with
proper support.

Price: 5 points


Beefed up M113 based IFV trading it's ability to swim and .50 browning machinegun for a powerful
20mm autocannon and MG3 MMG. They can decimate infantry and lightly armored AFVs. These IFVs
can provide decent support for their dismounted troops, packing more firepower then a normal M113
but at twice the cost.

Price: 10 points

Norway Support

Large caliber American made MLRS sporting powerful cluster munitions. The perfect weapon for
attacking large formations of AFVs and tanks as well as deeply entrenched SAM sights as well as
counter battery fire on stationary artillery. These units require a decent amount of supply to provide
continued support and require a lengthy reload but can really turn the tide of a battle if used
properly, they should be like all artillery be kept at least slightly behind your front line and should
have units protecting them from units that breach or sneak behind your lines.

Price:120 points

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US made 155mm SPH perfect for taking out soft targets like SAMs and infantry. With sustained fire
they can destroy AFVs and even tanks. It is important to relocate the battery after firing to prevent
counter battery fire and to make sure they are protected from hostile units as their defensive MG3
has very limited use against hostile units.

Price: 50 points


An upgrade to the standard NM109, this SPH has longer range, higher ammo capacity and better
accuracy to it's older brother. A direct upgrade, they are still ill suited to life on the front line and
should be protected and kept at least a short distance away from hostile units.

Price: 100 points


Rapid firing, amphibious M113 mounted 81mm mortar perfect for danger close use. The 3 HE shells
are good for soft targets but can stun and destroy better armored targets with sustained fire. They
are great for town assaults and work great with the classic "shake and bake" (softening targets with
HE rounds then deploying smoke for advancing forces) strategy.

Price: 30 points


Like it's smaller cousin, the NM125, this amphibious mortar trades fire rate, accuracy and ammo
capacity for a higher HE and longer range 107mm mortar. They pack a considerable punch and can
cause a lot of damage very quickly, deploying their payload then melting back behind your lines
before they provoke counter battery fire.

Price: 40 points


Amphibious RBS-70 armed M113 that is perfect for escorting formations of it's APC brothers. It's the
perfect unit for helo hunting and can do a number on any fixed wing aircraft unlucky enough to fly into
it's range. They can take a bit of punishment and are immune to SEAD but should always be escorted
to prevent ground units from destroying them, leaving the airspace open for a hostile counter attack.

Price: 25 points


20mm autocannon mounted on a quick moving truck. They can keep pace with any formation allowing
them to keep the skys clear of planes and choppers trying to stop or slow your assault. These units
are inexpensive allowing for them to be mixed in with your troops across your lines. providing air
defense for everything from slower tanks and APCs to your fast moving wheeled vehicles.

Price: 15 points


Hard hitting I-HAWK that will destroy any air unit with only 1 or 2 shots. They are radar guided
allowing for long range protection at the exchange of being targeted by SEAD. These units need to
be resupplied frequently and need protection but in exchange provide a large no fly zone around
your troops.

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Price: 70 points


Prototype F&F AMRAAM's on a truck. They can fire extremely fast but can be targeted by SEAD,
making turning them on and off an important tactic. They can be used alongside the NM45 as they
share the same prime mover (and speed), allowing for the NSAMS to supplement your 20mm AAA
with longer range while the non radar NM45s take care of SEAD aircraft hunting your hopefully
inactive NSAMS.

Price: 85 points

Norway Tanks
Leopard 1NO

Fast, powerful but lightly armored, the Leopard 1 is a great system for quick Blitzkrieg land grabs or
defensive action against approaching armor when in concealed positions. They have a quick fire rate
from their 105mm main gun allowing them to provide rapid fire support when escorting infantry and
allowing for rapid follow up shots against better armored tanks. They work well to support your higher
end Leopard 1s or can be used to flank targets that are being engaged by your M48s.

Price: 25 points

Leopard 1A1NO

Upgraded with a longer range and harder hitting 105mm main gun and additional frontal armor, this
direct upgrade allows these tanks to be used more aggressively without risking their destruction and
increasing their ability to fire on targets before they can return fire.

Price: 45 points

Leopard 1A5NO

Swapping a few shells for better front, side and top armor, additional accuracy, AP, range, stability
and better optics, this upgraded leopard 1 is a major threat to even high end tanks up close and able
to hold it's own against anything in it's price range. These heavy hitters might lack the armor of some
of the highest end tanks but have massively powerful armament for their armor level.

Price: 65 points

Leopard 1A5NO2

Prototype upgrade granting the leopard 1 12 frontal armor and an additional point of AP for it's main
gun, this is the best tank in Norwegian inventory, capable of fighting mid range T-72s and similar
systems, these tanks are able to hold their own against all but the best armor available to REDFOR.
They work well when supported by their less expensive brethren in combined arms against hostile

Price: 70 points


Light tank straight out of WW2, what it lacks in armor, fuel efficiency and AP it makes up for in it's low
price and availability. They work great as infantry support and can even reinforce higher end tanks
when assisting with the destruction of low end AFVs and light armor. Their KE 75mm main gun can in
some cases destroy high end armor when encountered up close in forests or when provided with a
flank shot.

Price: 10 points

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Basic M48 armed with a 90mm main gun, they are decent fire support against infantry and can fight
tanks of similar prices as well as lightly armed AFVs but can't fire on the move. They work well when
supported by the more nimble Leopard 1, providing the base of fire so the leopards can flank around
their targets.

Price: 20 points


Armed with a larger 105mm main gun, it trades some ammo for better AP, accuracy and range, a
direct upgrade to the older A1 model, these tanks still cant fire on the move and should always be
attack moved when in the field. They are a good tank for their price and can both escort APCs and
their troops or support formations of higher end tanks.

Price: 25 points

Norway Recon
AS. 350

Civilian helicopter used in wartime as a scout helicopter, the AS. 350 is hardy, quick and has very
good optics. It is great for artillery spoting and paroling your lines but should be kept away from AAA
or anything that can attack it due to it's lack of armament.

Price: 55 points

M8 Panserbil

Classic american made scout car armed with a rapid firing 37mm KE main gun and a .50 MG. This
recon unit is a great fighting scout and is surprisingly effective for both fire support and taking out
encroaching AFVs and even light tanks. They work well alone as scouts or as backup for larger
formations providing fire support and long range optics to spot threats before they see you.

Price: 15 points


Scout snipers packing AG-3s, M72s and the formidable PSG1 perfect for surveillance and picking off
unsuspecting troops while supporting other infantry. They should not get up close and personal with
hostile units and should only use it's 2 M72's as a last resort against immediate threats. They can
turn the tide of city fights when used carefully and also make great picket troops.

Price: 25 points


Upgraded M24, armed with a 90mm main gun with HEAT rounds and a .50 MG, this light recon tank
has very good optics and decent firepower. It lacks a stabilizer but can damage even the best tanks
due to it's HEAT shells. These are perfect for deep behind the line scouting or support of armored

Price: 35 points

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Standard line recon team armed with AG-3s and M72s. They have very good optics and are great for
picket duty as well as direct support of fighting infantry. Their small squad size and lack of MG means
they are not great at engaging hostile units directly but they can be used to support friendly troops
engage targets in addition to spoting them.

Price: 15 points

Rover REKV

Fast moving unarmed scout Landrover with very good optics. They are best used to observe or move
behind the front line troops because they are fragile and unable to defend themselves. They are
extremely fast and can be very useful when pared with TOW 2 MUTTs in hunter killer groups.

Price: 25 points

Norway Vehicles
M151A2 TOW-2

US made MUTT armed with the devastating TOW 2 ATGMs capable of destroying most armor in the
field. They do have limited ammo so need constant resupply between engagements but their small
size and quick speed allow for flexibility in the field. These units are fragile and need to be protected
by sturdier units or used in hit and run ambushes.

Price: 40 points


M40 106mm RR on an amphibious M113, it is well armed for tank busting with their HEAT rounds and
fire support against dismounted troops. They are great for protecting and supporting their APC
counterparts and even follow them across water as well as an ambushing hostile armor from
concealed positions. They can keep up with most tanks and tracked APCs allowing for decent off
road maneuverability. They have light armor but are better used in ambush scenarios.

Price: 15 points


TOW armed M113 with a decent load of ATGMs, these AFVs are great for tank hunting behind a line
of friendly tanks or dug in in concealed launch sights to defend against armored pushes. They are
amphibious allowing them to keep up with M113 APCs for coastal or river crossing assaults.

Price: 25 points


A direct upgrade to the NM113 RAKPV with a duel ATGM launcher with a higher ROF for their more
accurate, higher AP TOW 2s. They have additional frontal, side and top armor allowing them to
survive slightly more punishment then their predecessors without loosing any speed or amphibious

Price: 55 points

Norway Helicopters
Norway has no attack helicopters, leaving them relent on their fixed wing assets and in emergency
situations their empty transports

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Norway Aircraft
F-104G Starfighter

Multirole fighter bomber armed with a 20mm autocannon, 2 AIM-9Ls and 2 BL-755 clusterbombs. This
aircraft is a decent light fighter and tank buster. It can do a number on most similarly priced fighter
aircraft and bombers but should be escorted when focusing on ground attack aircraft so you don't
over shoot the target.

Price: 60 points


Canadian made starfighter armed with a 20mm autocannon (best only used for self defense and last
resorts) and 3 napalm bombs. It is great for clearing out cities and woods of dug in troops and is a
great area denial system but should be escorted when hostile ASFs are in the area.

Price: 65 points

F-16A Fighting Falcon

F-16 fighter bomber armed with 2 powerful 1000 pond bombs that can vaporize ground targets and a
20mm Vulcan autocannon and 2 AIM-9Ls for attacking low to mid end fighters and hostile bombers or
ground attack aircraft. These planes can defend themselves but should have an escort when
attacking ground targets so they can focus on their targets.

Price: 125 points


Prototype F-16 ASF armed with a 20mm autocannon, AIM-9Ls and AMRAAMs for destroying any
threats in the air, be they fixed or roto wing. This is the best Norwegian fighter aircraft available and
makes a perfect escort to formations of your ground attack aircraft.

Price: 150 points

F-5A Freedom Fighter

Packing 2 20mm autocannons and 8 powerful Zuni rockets, this aircraft is perfect for destroying soft
ground targets and even tanks with sustained fire. It can be used as a helo hunter bust should only
attack fixed wing targets if there are no other options. They are particularly effective for engaging
dismounted or dug in infantry or lightly armored APCs, IFVs and FSVs.

Price: 50 points


SEAD aircraft armed with 2 20mm autocannons, 2 AIM-9Ls and 2 SEAD missiles allowing it to be used
as a high ECM light fighter as well as a radar AA hunter. They are vital for making holes in the hostile
AAA network to clear the path for ground attack aircraft but are useless against anything that is not
Radar Guided.

Price: 80 points

Australian-New Zealand "National" Overview

ANZAC in wargame is definitely unique, they are pretty much a combination of the lighter units, and

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weapons from pretty much all other BLUFOR nations in the game, using US, Canadian, British,
German, French, and Swedish eqquipment.

ANZAC is surprisingly flexible in terms of it's CV, having one for pretty much whatever role you can
think of, including a Leopard 1 variant. ANZAC also gets some great supply options to work with,
including a Chinook, and the German Man Kati.

ANZAC infantry is pretty decent all around, well able to handle other infantry, but are fairly average
when it comes to armor, or aircraft.

ANZAC uses very lightly armed and armored infantry transports, but they are almost all amphibious.
As far as i can tell thus far, having the transports on hand in a fight won't help as much as other
nations would, since there are no autocannons.

ANZAC support is VERY limited, only 4 unique cards, both artillery are underwhelming, but fairly fast
firing, and the only AA option here is the Rapier, with the same problem, pick Choppers, or Aircraft.

ANZAC armor is very light, but very mobile, they only have Leopard 1 variants, and Scorpions,
including a unique 90mm variant.

ANZAC has quite a few quality light Recon units, all of which are well able to defend themselves, or at
least make the enemy think twice about engaging them. They might not be tough, but they are well

ANZAC has quite a few choices in the Vehicle category, mostly ATGM carriers, but they also have the
Vickers Mk. II, which for all intents and purposes, is a functioning Leopard 1A5 gun mounted onto a

ANZAC only gets the Bushranger, with HEAT rocket pods, capable of killing quite a few pre-weakened
tanks on it's own. Otherwise, it makes a great suppression tool, combined with it's twin miniguns.

ANZAC gets more than a few jets from other nations, each one quite specialized to their role, there
are quite a few to choose from, in all price ranges.

ANZAC Logistics
Bell 206 CP

Swift and small command helicopter great for initial land grabs or for holding objectives they might
require a rapid withdraw. Like all CV helos it can't really hide in concealment but can still use the
terrain features like hills, woods and towns to block line of sight.

Price:100 points


Armored, amphibious and unarmed command vehicle based on a modified M113 hull. This vehicle
can survive a few shell hits but needs units to defend it if caught in the open or engage by hostile
units. They are useful for coastal assaults or river crossings and have a decent speed in the water.

Price: 120 points

CMD Leopard AS1

Command Leopard 1 armed with a potent 105mm main gun and an MG3 MMG. This command tank
has a fairly accurate main gun and decent stabilization but should always have other units protect it in
the field. They are relatively fragile for a tank but well armored for a CV so they are best used in
heavenly contested zones.

Price: 145 points

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Rover CP

fast moving but fragile command Landrover perfect for inexpensively holding zones. They can keep
pace with wheeled AFVs and APCs so they work well when used in fast moving formations. They are
completely defensiveness and need to be escorted and protected from hostile units.

Price:110 points


Prototype amphibious LAV hulled CV armed with a GPMG for self defense. It is extremely fast both
offroad and in the water allowing for extremely fast land grabs. They are lightly armored allowing them
to survive light contact but should always have other units covering them in hostile zones.

Price: 140 points


ANZAC command troops with L1A1 rifles and L7A1 machineguns, they are good for holding urban
objectives or ones with large amounts of woods. They can fight for self defense but should always be
escorted by friendly infantry or armor and avoid direct contact with hostile units.

Price: 100 points

CH-47C Chinook

Fast moving heavy supply helo with 2500 units of supply. It can be used to directly rearm, repair and
refuel units or be kept behind the lines to refill supply trucks. They are fairly strong and extremely fast
but are slightly slow to land.

Price: 55 points

Unmog Cargo

Light supply truck that is decently fast off road and able to rapidly transport 500 units of supply each.
These trucks are relatively fragile but for the most part should not spend a lot of time on the front line

Price: 10 points

Man Kati 6x6

Heavy cargo truck with high speed on and off road. It has no armor but a strength of 10 allowing it to
survive nearby indirect fire. They carry 1750 units of supply each which allows a small number to
rearm even large formations of units with supply to spare.

Price: 30 points

ANZAC Infantry
Assault Pioneers

L1A1 and M9 flamethrower armed troops perfect for melting their ways through towns and woods.
They are some of the few battle rifle armed flamethrower teams in the game giving them decent long
range and close range firepower. In addition to a wide array of transports they also have exclusive
access to the powerful M113A1 Minigun APCs, giving them even better anti infantry capabilities.

Price: 15 points

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ANZAC shock troops armed with L1A1s, M2 CGs and Bren L4s, they are perfect for hit and run
attacks against behind the lines targets or getting up close and personal with troops in towns and
woods. They can destroy most infantry and AFVs if properly supported and deployed and are a great
all around shock squad.

Price: 20 points

Commandos '90

Direct upgrade to the '75 troops armed with AUGs and Minimis, they are even more deadly up close
then their predecessors and can quickly clear out towns rapidly and with extreme prejudice, they also
have access to more transport options.

Price: 20 points


One of the best line infantry squads in the game due to their Bren saws, these troops can get up
close and personal with other troops and still have their MG able to fire. Their M72s and L1A1's are
nothing to write home about but for line infantry they bring some unique capabilities to the table.

Price: 10 points

Diggers '90

A direct upgrade to their '75 predecessors, these line infantry are some of the best in game due to
their AUGs and Minimi SAWs. They also have upgraded M72A4 LAWs allowing them to have
increased firepower against armor but they truly shine when fighting other infantry units and can ride
in the fast moving ASLAV-PC.

Price: 15 points


Basic ATGM 2 man infantry team packing the Milan F1, they are decent tank hunters but like all 2
man teams are fragile and should be protected by other troops. They also do need to frequently
rearm to keep hostile armor at bay.

Price: 15 points


FIST team armed with L1A1s and M2 CGs, they are great for taking out tanks and infantry when
supported by other infantry. They have high accuracy and decent AP allowing them to deal a lot of
damage quickly and efficiently but they should not directly engage dismounted troops directly and be
used in a supporting role with the assistance of reservist, line, shock or SF infantry who's larger
squad sizes will allow them to take more damage.

Price: 10 points


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Non F&F MANPAD with a long range and high accuracy, these 5 man teams are more durable then
most MANPAD units and come with AUG rifles allowing them a bit of defense against hostile troops.
They still are best used with other squads escorting them allowing them to focus on hostile helos and
fixed wing aircraft.

Price: 20 points


Basic F&F IR MANPADS that are less accurate, powerful and shorter ranged then the RBS-70, they
have a higher fire rate and can move as soon as they fire their missile. They come in smaller 2 man
squads so they should avoid hostile infantry or assist their escorting troops while the enemy is
focused on the more durable squads. They are inexpensive and come in larger numbers allowing
them to cover larger sections of your line with AA.

Price: 10 points


ANZAC SF with AUG paras, M3 CGs and M60E3 SAWs allowing them to go toe to toe with anything
from infantry to heavy armor. They can be used alone or to support line and shock troops, being a
highly useful unit for everything from behind the lines raiding or leading town assaults. They are
limited in number and although powerful they can be outnumbered by cheaper infantry and when
spoted will attract a lot of fire from a competent opponent.

Price: 35 points

ANZAC Transports

fast moving, wheeled and amphibious prototype transport based on the LAV-25 hull, these units have
decent armor (2 front and side and 1 top and rear) allowing for quick and safe transport of their
passengers. They are armed with M2 brownings allowing for fire support and can help their
dismounted troops clear out towns. They are great for coastal assaults and river crossings do to their
extremely high water speed.

Price: 10 points

M113A1 30/30

M113 armed with 2 M1919s allowing for an extremely high rate of fire against hostile infantry and
helos. They are amphibious and decently armored allowing them to safely unload their troops and
provide powerful fire support once they arrive. These APCs can put down an extremely high rate of
suppressing fire compared to anything else in it's price range.

Price: 5 points

M113A1 30/50

Although they are modeled with a M1919 and M2 browning, this APC can only use it's .50 cal
machine gun. It has better range, accuracy and higher HE then it's 30 cal counterpart but lacks the
withering rate of fire. This sidegrade performs like a standard M113 with all the bells and whistles
(amphibious,lightly armored, decent off road speed).

Price: 5 points

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M113 Minigun

Only used by the deadly assault pioneers, this powerful M113 APC can melt most lightly or
unarmored targets is seconds with it's M134 minigun. It still possesses the same armor, speed and
amphibious capability found in it's more mundane counterparts, it's only downside being it's limited
selection of transportable infantry, however it's rate of fire works well when pared with it's
flamethrower troops.

Price: 10 points


Amphibious, fast but unarmed, this copy of the British Stalwart is a good inexpensive way to transport
troops over land or water. It is unarmed and only has 5 strength so care should be taken to avoid
direct contact with hostile units, best used only as a battle taxi to move your troops from place to

Price: 10 points


Able to transport command and recon troops quickly but not as fast or over water like the stolly, this
truck makes up for it with a low price of 5 points, exactly half that of it's faster swimming competitor. It
is also only 5 strength and unarmed so it is best to completely avoid hostile units and focus on
shuttling troops around where they are needed.

Price: 5 points

CH-47C Chinook

Extremely fast, 10 strength transport helo armed with a minigun. It can rapidly deploy troops
anywhere on the map they are needed and can provide decent fire support after unloading them.
They are a bit slow to land but are extremely fast in the air.

Price: 25 points

UH-1H Huey

Standard M60 packing American made transport helocopter. It is best used for inserting troops
quickly to a contested objective or for covert insertions behind their lines. They are somewhat fragile
and lightly armed and should only be used as fire support against preoccupied units or ones that
can't shoot back after unloading troops.

Price: 15 points


Faster, stronger and with twice the operational range, this American made export blackhawk is a
direct upgrade to the UH-1H. It is armed with an M60 door gun but should only engage targets after
unloading their troops and avoid anything that is not preoccupied that can shoot back.

Price: 25 points

M113A1 LRV

M113 amphibious APC with good optics, light armor and a .50 and .30 caliber machineguns. These
ANZAC answers to the American M113 ACAV don't pack as big of a punch with one less MG but still
are great for recon and can serve as fire support for infantry in a pinch as well as transporting your
recon infantry.

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Price: 15 points

ANZAC Support

This light 105mm SPH might not hit as hard as larger caliber guns but it is the best in ANZAC
inventory. They have a decent shell capacity and a manageable 5 HE and have an M2 for self
defense. Like all SPH in game, they are best used when moved after firing to prevent counter battery
and are more accurate when firing on targets in visual range of friendly units, allowing for corrected
shots. Overall for the price you pay this is a decent SPH and is the best and only option available to

Price: 50 points


81mm mortar on an M113 hull, this amphibious mortar can put a lot of rounds down on a target
quickly and accurately before relocating. These units are best used against soft targets but sustained
fire can destroy armored targets. They carry a large amount of ammo so they don't need to be
rearmed as frequently as larger caliber systems.

Price: 30 points

Tracked Rapier

Amphibious, lightly armored (in the front and rear) medium range non radar SAM. The Rapier is great
for destroying fixed and rotowing aircraft. It has 8 missiles ready to fire allowing it to rapidly engage
anything unlucky enough to enter it's range. It is good to escort this unit as well as relocate every now
and then to avoid hostile artillery fire and hunter killer teams.

Price: 40 points

Tracked Rapier FSA

Higher accuracy, longer fixed wing (but shorter helo range) SAM, they also have longer range
detection for aircraft but are able to be engaged by SEAD. They are best used pared with their non
radar cousins allowing for them to be turned off when SEAD is active while their non radar versions
can engage the threat.

Price: 55 points

Centurion MK5/I

British made 84mm armed tank, while slow and lacking accuracy, stability and AP, this tank makes up
for it with thick armor. Best used for support of heaver tanks or to shepard APCs, the MK5/I is great
for fire support against dismounted troops and can destroy most AFVs and low to mid range tanks
when properly supported. They make a good backbone for any force and can form the nucleus for
small battle groups that incorporate AAA , infantry, ATGMs and beefier tanks.

Price: 20 points

Leopard AS1

The basic German made Leopard 1 available to ANZAC boosts decent stability, accuracy, firepower

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and speed in exchange for light armor. The polar opposite of the Centurion, they work well together,
the leopards taking the flanks and exploiting units preoccupied with dealing with the better armored

Price: 35 points

Leopard AS1+

A direct upgrade to the older model, this AS1+ has a more accurate, better stabilized and longer
ranged main gun with higher AP. These tanks still are lightly armored compared to similarly priced
options but make up for their weaknesses with their ability to shoot, move and maneuver quickly
across a hectic battlefield.

Price: 55 points


American made light tank packing a 76mm main gun, while poor in armor, AP and fuel economy, this
tank is extremely nimble allowing for rapid movement across rough ground. They are best used to
support APCs or to bulk up armored formations. Although glass cannons, they can be very effective
with dealing with AFVs and other light tanks. They have poor fuel economy so it is best to refuel right
behind the line, giving the added bonus of giving you time to organize your formations for an armored

Price: 10 points

Scropion Light Tank

Amphibious light tank with a 76mm gun that fires heat rounds. It is great for river crossings and
coastal assaults, it's only downsides being thin armor and lack of a stabilizer. They also make great
ambush weapons where a formation of them can quickly damage, panic and destroy much heaver
armor because of the HEAT rounds they fire. Always attack move when

Price: 20 points

Scorpion 90

Prototype up gunned Scorpion with a more accurate, higher AP 90mm KE firing main gun. Although it
is still unable to fire on the move, this light tank is extremely useful for crossing water and make great
support platforms for APCs as well as the perfect ambush weapon. When attacking always attack
move these units.

Price: 30 points


Quick, unarmed, 6 strength very good optics recon helicopter. The AS.350 is great for artillery
spoting and tracking troop movements but should try and avoid direct contact due to lack of a
defensive armament. They can be pared with a flight of bushrangers to form hunter killer teams to
deal with concealed units.

Price: 55 points

Bell 206

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Slower and at only 4 strength, the main advantage of this very good optics recon chopper compared
to the AS.350 is the 7.62 minigun, allowing for light fire support and defense against hostile units. It
might be slightly slower and slightly more fragile but the M134 can come in handy in a pinch such as
chasing down unarmored CV/recon/ATGM jeeps, fire support on already engaged infantry and
fighting off other helicopters.

Price:50 points

Ferret MK.2

Armored recon car packing good optics, high speed and a 30 caliber machinegun. They work well
pared with their ATGM packing cousins as well as picket units or formation leads. They should avoid
engaging in combat unless providing support for infantry against distracted troops as their light
armament is mostly for defensive use.

Price: 10 points


Recon LAV with high speed, good optics and a 25mm autocannon and M240. They are great fighting
recon that can be used to both covertly observe or dish out 7.62 and 25mm death to any targets they
find. They work well with their vehicle tab cousins and can form effective hunter killer teams. They are
amphibious allowing them to cross rivers and perform coastal assaults.

Price: 25 points


Better suited to concealed observation then it's 25mm armed counterpart, the ASLAV-S is still fast
and amphibious but trades the autocannon and MMG for an M2 browning and exceptional optics.
They are great for spoting targets for artillery, ATGMs and airstrikes and can rapidly relocate when

Price: 55 points

M113A1 MRV
Scorpion turret on an M113, this potent combination of amphibious APC hull and light tank turret with
good optics makes the perfect fighting recon unit. It uses HEAT round that can damage even the best
armor and with sustained fire even destroy a T-90. They make great hunter killer teams with the
M113A1 FSVs, allowing for flexible, light amphibious strike teams.

Price: 20 points


Basic 5 man recon team with M72s and L1A1s, they make great picket troops and although they
should not go one on one with larger squads they can support friendly infantry in towns by spoting
targets and lending their support to hostile troops that get too close. They come in a wide variety of
transports allowing them to fulfill a lot of roles in different decks.

Price: 15 points


Like their UK counterpart, these SF are deadly against infantry, although they lack stingers, they
have very good recon optics and silenced SMGs for covert elimination of hostile troops. They can be
used to both observe and destroy most targets they encounter and when their other weapons are
turned off, they can engage hostile troops without giving away their position as long as they don't get

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too close.

Price: 25 points


Unarmed recon Landrover with a high speed and very good optics. They are best used to observe
and report and work well when spoting for other units that can protect them. They can be easily
hidden behind hostile lines but they are completely defenseless by themselves.

Price: 25 points

LRPV Rover

Manned by SF, this browning M2 and GPMG armed rover can both fight back (best if used
defensively or to support dismounted troops that are keeping the hostile infantry busy) as well as use
it's exceptional optics to see things the standard model can't. They are still fragile and should avoid
direct combat unless they have no other choice.

Price: 45 points

LPRV Perentie

With twice the strength of the LRPV rover, higher speed and trading the .50 for a 40mm MK19, this
beast of a recon unit can slip through a line, do some damage then pull back before hostiles can
react. They are great for use with infantry as they can decimate hostile troops as long as they are
busy fighting yours.

Price: 50 points

ANZAC Vehicles

Amphibious LAV-25 that can destroy anything from helicopters to troops to light armor. They are very
fast on land or water, have a deadly armament and make perfect escorts for infantry and their APCs
as well as great hunter killer teams with their recon cousins.

Price:25 points


A direct upgrade to the basic model, this amphibious LAV comes with the deadly TOW-2 ATGMs
allowing it to function as both fire support against infantry and light armor and as a tank destroyer
against bigger threats. They greatly benefit when pared with the recon LAV models due to the optics
allowing you to get the most out of their ATGMs. They have low ammo capacity so rearming
frequently is a must to maximize combat effectiveness.

Price: 45 points


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Ferret armored car packing 6 ENTAC ATGMS, they are great for tank busting as well as engaging
FSVs and APCs/IFVs. They are quick and can keep pace with their recon cousins to form hunter killer
teams or be used to directly support armor from behind or as ambush weapons against advancing

Price: 20 points

Vickers MK11

This extremely well armed, fast moving amphibious wheeled monster of a prototype FSV can destroy
anything from tanks to infantry. They are fast, deadly and are a nightmare to deal with after they
breach your lines. They should always be backed up by AA as aircraft are one of the few weaknesses
of this FSV.

Price: 45 points

Jeep M40

Classic Jeep mounted RR perfect for fire support and ambushing armor. They work best either
supporting infantry clearing towns or set up to ambush hostile armor. Their HEAT rounds can do a
number on even the best tanks and with enough of them spread out, they can decimate unprepared
armored formations.

Price: 10 points

Rover Wombat

Faster and with better range, AP and suppression compared to the Jeep M40, this unit can be seen
as a direct upgrade. It is still great for fire support as well as ambushing armor and also possesses
HEAT rounds that can damage any armored target in game.

Price: 15 points

Rover Milan

Milan F1 armed landrover perfect for tank and FSV hunting, best used for hit and run tactics, they
have limited ammo and need to rearm frequently but provide a fast moving tank killer at the cost of
ammo, armor and strength.

Price: 20 points

M113A1 FSV

M113 amphibious APC hull with a Saladin armored car turret on top, this combination produces a
slower but amphibious HEAT spewing little FSV perfect for destroying both armor and soft targets.
The HEAT rounds will damage anything regardless of armor and will also make quick work of infantry,
they can keep up with their APC cousins and work well grouped with either recon model M113.

Price: 15 points

M113 Milan

Prototype amphibious tank destroyer made by mounting a Milan F1 ATGM on a standard M113 (and
filling the troop compartment with missiles). Able to keep up and go anywhere it's FSV, recon and
APC cousins can go, they are a great way to give your M113 swarm the ability to fight off tanks at
longer ranges.

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Price:25 points

ANZAC Helicopters

The best and only attack helicopter in ANZAC use, the bushranger is no pushover, packing miniguns
and tank destroying HEAT rockets (that with their high rate of fire can even destroy heavy tanks
extremely fast), it's slow speed and low strength are made up for by it's heavy firepower against both
hard and soft targets, works best if pared with recon helos and they require frequent rearms to
remain effective.

Price: 45 points

ANZAC Aircraft
A-4K Skyhawk

Tank hunting attack aircraft armed with 2 AGM-65Bs and 2 20mm autocannons. Although slow and
possessing low ECM, this aircraft is perfect for dealing with specific targets such as CVs, heavy tanks
and ATGM vehicles but due to it's limited number of AGMs it is best used on single targets of high

Price: 85 points

A-4K Kahu

Direct upgrade with higher AP, more accurate and longer range AGM-65Gs and 30% ECM. These
attack aircraft still have limited payload and are best used to focus on individual targets of high
threat. They can also be called in waves to engage more numerous targets but work best when
escorted by friendly fighters.

Price: 125 points

BAC Strikemaster

Standard napalm bomber with 2 napalm bombs and a 7.62 machine gun. They are good for
uprooting dug in troops in towns and can clear units out of woods as well as area denial on roads and
bridges. They can be used for helo hunting for their low speed but their low fire rate can make it take
a few passes to shoot them down, they should only target fixed wing aircraft as a last resort.

Price: 50 points


A side grade to the Strikemaster, it trades the machine gun for 4 more napalm bombs and additional
speed. They can blanket a larger area in flames compared to the Strikemaster but lacks the
defensive armament. The speed can allow for more reactive strikes as well as help it escape from
chasing aircraft.

Price: 90 points


The be all, end all of bomber aircraft, this prototype monster packs 4 1000 pound bombs and 30%
ECM. It will vaporize anything from infantry to heavy tanks in 2 runs or less. The shear area of effect
of the bombs is massive and can destroy massed units that are grouped too close together. They

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should fly with escorts mainly due to the large target they present to hostile fighters.

Price: 140 points

F-4E Phantom II

ASF phantom armed with a 20mm autocannon, 4 AIM-9s and 4 AIM-7s. They work great for
intercepting attack aircraft and can hold their own against similarly priced fighters. Their high speed
and large payload is offset by their low ecm of 10%, they are still great fighters and are the best pure
ASF in the ANZAC arsenal.

Price: 90 points

F/A-18A Hornet

Multirole fighter bomber with a 20mm vulcan autocannon, 4 AIM-9s and 4 500 lb bombs. They are
great dogfighters and strike aircraft but should focus on one mission at a time (they can defend
themselves when bombing targets but work best when escorted by other aircraft so they can focus on
their targets). They have 30% ECM allowing them to survive attacks from hostile AA and aircraft.

Price: 125 points

Mirage IIIO[A] /h1]

Mirage III multirole armed with 6 227 KG bombs, twin 30mm autocannons and 2 AIM-9s allowing it
to function as both a light fighter or light bomber. It can hold it's own against similarly priced aircraft
in the air and also provide effective and deadly air support. They work best when escorted when
focusing on ground targets so they don't have to break off to engage a threat and then have to re
position to bomb it's target.

Price: 65 points

Mirage IIIO[F]

Mirage III packing 2 30mm autocannons, 2 R.550 Magic short range AAM and a single R.530 long
range AAM. These aircraft are decent dogfighters and can absolutely destroy escorted ground
attack aircraft. They work well pared with each other or other aircraft and make great escorts for
their bomb armed cousins.

Price: 70 points

Japan National Overview

Japan is pretty much comprised of unique units, which specialize at unique roles, overall they aren't
exceptional all rounders, unless you combine units together in the same force.

Japan has quite a few CV choices available to the player, but the supply end is rather light.

Japan has very high quality infantry compared to most nations, each unit able to fulfill it's specialized
role quite well. Standard infantry, and light infantry however use slightly inferior AT weapons,
predominantly recoilless rifles, which while they may have range, have very low AP power, and rate of
fire. Japan does have one of the longest range, and most accurate infantry based ATGM in the game

Japan dosen't have that much variety in terms of transport, but they are all particularly good at, most

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of the time, dealing with other infantry.

Japan has quite good support units. While artillery may be short range, they are still potent. Japan
also gets a version of the Flakpanzer Gerpard, a HAWK, and a few Infrared AA carriers.

Japanese armor is quite comparable to German armor, but with much lighter armor, more speed, and
a LOT less fuel efficiency. They have arguably the best BLUFOR high end tank in the game as well, if
you define fire rate as best, the KYU-MARU-SHIKI.

Japan doesn't have much in terms of Recon, but each unit is very powerful, including the OH-1 Ninja.

Japan doesn't have much of a Vehicle category, with the exception of their entire line of truck
mounted, unique ATGMs.

Japan either gets a small Tow helicopter, or a version of the Cobra. Not much choice, but both good

Japanese air overall isn't that impressive. There's some variety, but overall, with the exception of the
F-15, the air isn't that powerful. Japan does get the F-1 however, which has two laser guided bombs,
so, even if the F-1 dies, the bombs will still track, and land on top of the target if it moves.

Japanese Logistics
Hachi-Ni Shiki CV

Fast moving, lightly armored wheeled command vehicle armed with a .50 MG. These units are great
when paired with wheeled units like the HMV and TAN-SAM Short Arrow. They are still relatively lightly
armored compared to other armored CVs, allowing them to survive light incoming fire but should
always avoid direct contact with hostile forces.

Price: 130 points


Japanese command squad armed with the Howa 64 Shiki battle rifle and the 62 Shiki machinegun.
These units are useful for holding urban and wooded objectives where they can easily conceal
themselves. They can fight in self defense but should always have other infantry or units defending
them due to the high priority, price and large target put on command units.

Price: 100 points

Mitsubishi CV

A standard command jeep best used for securing rear area objectives or for quickly taking forward
ground with it's high speed on road. These units are defenseless and fragile, always requiring an
escort due to their high cost and the danger they pose when holding an objective. They are relatively
inexpensive for a command unit and can keep pace with fast moving columns of advancing troops.

Price: 100 points


Prototype Toyota made Humvee like wheeled jeep CV. A direct upgrade to the older Mitsubishi, it's
much faster off road with it's only trade off being slightly worse fuel economy (same range but larger
fuel tank). These units are still very fragile and unarmed so care should be taken to safely escort
these units to their objectives.

Price:110 points

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Nana-San Shiki CV

Amphibious, tracked .50 cal armed CV perfect for holding contested objectives that require a
hardened, armored CV. These units are great for coastal assaults and river crossings allowing them
to capture or contest objectives similar systems can't. They can defend themselves as a last resort
but even with their light armor they are best left out of combat and protected by friendly troops.

Price: 115 points

Nana-Yon Shiki A CV

command tank packing an autoloaded 105mm HEAT main gun and a M2 Browning .50 cal
machinegun. These CV tanks can take more punishment than lighter CVs and can defend
themselves if attacked but still work best when supported by friendly troops. They are great for
heavily contested objectives that most other command vehicles would be unable to survive in.

Price: 125 points

Chugata Cargo

Standard 500 unit supply truck with fast road and decent off road speed. The best and only ground
supply unit for Japan, these cargo trucks are best used to rearm, refit and refuel your units during
prolonged engagements. It is helpful to always have a few ready behind your line so they can quickly
refit your units before rearming at a FOB or other supply unit.

Price: 10 points

KV-107 Shirasagi

1000 supply unit helicopter, perfect for extremely fast or hard to reach resupply missions, these
relatively durable supply helicopters can reach units that would be unsafe or impossible for ground
supply units to reach. Their ability to bee line directly to their objective is only offset by their
vulnerability to AA as well as letting your opponent know where your units are if they are able to
watch them land. They can be used to rearm your trucks right behind the line and let your Chugatas
distribute the supply out discretely while the KV-107 heads back to the FOB for more.

Price: 25 points

Japanese infantry

Japanese 2 man ATGM with a decent range, high accuracy and AP power. These teams work well
with recon infantry and vehicles but do not fare well up close. They have extremely limited anti helo
and infantry armament and are best used to support larger squads hold cities and forests. They have
a limited supply of missiles so frequent armament is extremely important to keep these teams combat

Price: 20 points


Japanese airborne shock troops packing the Howa 64 BR, M67 RR and the 62L Shiki SAW. These
hardened shock squads will make short work of armor and infantry and their fast moving wheeled and
rotor wing transports allow for rapid deployment behind hostile lines and on the fringe of a flank. They
work very well as hunter killer teams due to their heavy armament and fast moment speed.

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Price: 25 points


Although only available in transport helicopters, these nasty SF troops are deadly when it comes to
taking on hostile infantry. they have limited AT firepower in the form of the M72 but their real strength
is fighting infantry. Their SAWs and SMGs can chew through hostile troops right in their city block.
They also make a decent forest fighting unit and can be used in CV hunter killer roles but should
have support when taking on hostile heavy armor.

Price: 25 points

Kutei '90

A direct upgrade to their '75 counterparts, these troops trade their M66 SMGs, 62L SAWs and M72
LAWs for Howa 89F carbines, Minimi SAWs and M2 CG RRs, their enhanced firepower is also
complemented by expanded transport options allowing them to ground insert as well as rapidly deploy
from helicopters. They are decent against armor and possess even higher anti infantry firepower.

Price: 30 points


FIST teams packing the hard hitting and long range M67 RR, these troops are deadly against armor
and work well for supporting other infantry at destroying hostile troops. They can absolutely wreck
soft targets but should never engage infantry alone, working best when pared with a network or
MANPADs, standard infantry squads and longer range ATGMs creating a network of overlapping
firepower in any contested city.

Price: 15 points


2 man MANPAD team armed with the Type 91 (a domestic upgrade to the classic Stinger), these
fragile but deadly units can absolutely wreck hostile fixed and rotowing aircraft with their 5 HE
warheads and high accuracy. These teams will need to frequently rearm in order to maximize their
ability to provide local air defense. They are very fragile and should have other squads cover them
from hostile ground units. They are a direct upgrade to the Stinger.

Price: 25 points


2 man MANPAD team using the FIM-92A Stinger SAM. These units might lack strength but make up
for it with their deadly air defense capabilities. These units are vital for protecting other infantry and
ground units in cities and woods from hostile air attack. They only carry 6 missiles so it is best to
deploy them with supply units to keep the sky clear of hostile aircraft.

Price: 15 ponts


Standard Japanese line troops packing Howa 64 battle rifles, M72 LAWs and 62 Shiki LMGs. These
units are perfect bread and butter infantry for anything from city assaults to forest ambushes. They
are inexpensive, come in large numbers and have a large variety of transport options. Like all infantry
they work best in towns and woods where they are protected by cover and can maximize the use of
their short range weapons.

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Price: 10 points

Syoujyu-Buntai '90

A direct upgrade to the '75 model, these troops pack M2 CG RRs and Howa 89 assault rifles and also
have access to additional transport options in the form of high end WAPC APCs and Hachi-Kyu Shiki
IFVs. These units are truly deadly against infantry and armor but work best when supported with
combined arms tactics from friendly armor, AAA, ect.

Price: 15 points

Japanese Transports

Standard transport trucks perfect for quickly moving recon and command infantry around the
battlefield. They lack armor and armament so are best used as battle taxis, moving your troops
around then pulling back behind the front line until they are needed to relocate them again. They
have great fuel efficiency and decent off road speed, a steal for 5 points.

Price: 5 points

Hachi-Kyu Shiki

Thick armored IFV packing a 35mm autocannon and Jyu-MAT ATGMs. These IFVs can safely get
your troops to the front line and once there provide extremely lethal fire support, destroying anything
from tanks to infantry. They have 4 front, 3 side, 2 rear and 1 top armor allowing it to take some
major damage before getting destroyed and even a fatal hit should allow some of the troops inside to
survive. These IFVs are powerful but should work together with the infantry they carry in addition to
working with the support of tanks and AAA units.

Price: 25 points


Prototype wheeled transport with 5 strength, no armor and a 62 Shiki LMG and extremely high speed
on and off road. These units can provide some fire support for their dismounted troops but are very
fragile. They work well for rapid assaults and flanking maneuvers due to their high speed. They are a
great asset for any deck and can transport anything from line troops to SF and ATGM/MANPAD
teams at a low price.

Price: 10 points

Kyu-Roku WAPC

Fast moving wheeled prototype APC armed with a Mk19 AGL with 2 front and 1 top, rear and side
armor. They are not the best armored APCs but are very fast moving and can put down heavy duty
fire support. Best used for rapid land grabs or quick reinforcement when it is unsafe to deploy
transport helos, these APCs will get their troops to their objective safely and can lay down a lot of HE
on both soft and armored targets.

Price: 15 points

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Nana-San Shiki

Amphibious APC armed with an M60 LMG and M2 HMG, this APC packs a lot of firepower compared
to similarly priced platforms. It's ability to land troops on beaches and cross rivers is unique among
Japanese transports, allowing it to bring troops places that would be inaccessible by other transport
options. They are a great option for 5 points and their 1 armor on the top, side, rear and front allow
for decent protection from light punishment while providing light fire support.

Price: 5 points


Heavy duty transport helicopter with massively long range, 8 strength and a deadly M134 7.62
minigun for fire support. These 270 KPH work horses can get infantry deep behind hostile lines safely
and in style. They are great for anything from large scale airborne landings or little black ops behind
the lines small scale landings.

Price: 20 points


The bread and butter of Bluefor transports, this type 62 Shiki armed helicopter is an inexpensive,
quick and small transport. Although fragile at 4 strength, these helicopters work well for rapid
insertion of troops behind the lines or in initial land grabs. These helicopters can provide limited fire
support but should unload their troops first.

Price: 15 points

Japanese Support
105 SP

A light, amphibious SPH perfect for blowing anything from soft to heavy targets to hell. These 5 HE
SPH can destroy even heavy armor with sustained fire. These howitzers have a decent ammo load,
decent accuracy but low range. Their ability to swim allows them to go places SPH normally can't,
allowing them to really hit the enemy where they least suspect it. Best used in shoot and scoot
attacks, they should stay behind the front lines and have escorting units protect them from attack.

Price: 50 points

155 SP

Longer range, harder hitting but less accurate then the 105 SP, this beefy SPH can crack open most
targets in a few shells, they work best from safer positions behind the front lines and should always
be protected and practice shoot and scoot tactics. They also are great for laying smoke before an
assault allowing your troops to safely advance.

Price: 60 points

203 SP

The largest SPH in Japan's inventory, this monster 10 HE destroyer of worlds can destroy unarmored
units in one direct hit. They have a large blast radius, long range and high accuracy but only hold 2
shells each, leaving them highly depended on resupply vehicles, they are great for counter battery
fire but themselves are a large target so moving between each barrage is extremely important to
avoid hostile response.

Price: 90 points

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7 HE MLRS perfect for suppressing and destroying soft to lightly armored targets in a large area.
Unlike most MLRS, they have a defensive M2 machinegun but should stay away from direct combat
and have escorting units as well as supply vehicles to keep them rearmed. They can clear out
infantry, destroy AAA and even stop and route assaulting formations of hostile armor. for 50 points
this MLRS is a steal, although they tend to use a lot of supplies so remember to keep ammo close.

Price: 50 points

81 MSP

Amphibious M113 mounted 81mm mortar, they have a lot of ammo, accuracy and fire rate but a short
range. They are best kept away from combat but do have limited defensive ability with their M2
machine guns. They are best used on lighter targets and can also smoke positions to allow your
troops to safely advance forward. Their high fire rate allow them to quickly suppress anything from
armor to ATGMs and AA.

Price: 30 points

107 MSP

Harder hitting, longer range but less accurate amphibious M113 mortar. They hit harder with 4 HE
shells but fire slower. They are still best used on soft targets but like their smaller cousin they can
destroy armor with enough shells. they have less ammo then the smaller 81mm 81 MSP but still have
a lot of rounds to bring into battle (72 each). They make great support units when assaulting cities
and can shake and bake hostile troops with a mix of smoke and HE allowing you to panic, injure and
blind your opponents before attacking them with your other units.

Price: 40 points

Kairyou HAWK

Heavy SAM armed with the classic HAWK missile, they are only 5 strength but do possess 1 side and
front armor but should always have escorting ground units. They can down anything with only 2
missiles (1 if you get a critical hit) allowing you to wreck any fixed wing aircraft or helicopters that try
and attack your troops on the ground. They only have 3 missiles so it's best to keep supply units
near them to keep them rearmed and being high priority targets it's best to relocate them every now
and then to prevent hostile counterattacks from artillery. They are radar guided so they should be
turned off when SEAD is in their AO and work best with optically guided or IR AA to supplement their

Price: 60 points

Kin-Sam Closed Arrow

Japan's prototype answer to the american avenger, this type 91 packing IR SAM is fast, deadly and
accurate. Able to fire on the move, this allows the Kin-Sam to protect fast moving advances without
needing to stop moving. They have a total of 8 missiles but work best when they are able to rearm
between engagements. They will take care of hostile helos and fixed wing aircraft but should always
have an escort when facing ground units.

Price: 55 points


American made M42 duster, this twin 40mm packing AAA is unable to be targeted by SEAD and has a
high damage of 1.5 HE allowing it to destroy most helicopters and fixed wing aircraft that stray into it's
range. They might lack accuracy but their low price and high numbers allow you to deploy them in
large numbers across your front line.

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Price: 10 points


Nicknamed after it's fictional equivalent in the Gundam anime, this powerful SPAAG is the best Japan
has to offer. Packing twin 35mm radar guided autocannons, this beast of a weapon can shred
helicopters, fixed wing aircraft and unlucky ground units that get too close. It is important to remember
to turn it's guns off when hostile SEAD aircraft are deployed, allowing your SPAAGs to live to fight
another day.

Price: 55 points

Tan-Sam Short Arrow

Like a slower, longer ranged less accurate Closed Arrow, this light SAM packs 8 missiles ready to
blow both fixed and rotor wing aircraft out of the sky. Although not as fast as it's smaller cousin off
road, these units can still keep pace with all but the fastest, allowing them to both relocate quickly
where needed and run from incoming threats. These units are on the soft side with 10 strength and
no armor so it is best to keep they escorted whenever possible, their 8 missiles will be depleted
surprisingly fast so it is important to keep some resupply vehicles nearby.

Price: 65 points

Japanese Tanks
Kyu-Maru Shiki

The best tank in the Japanese arsenal, this prototype monster packs a 120mm main gun, M2
machinegun and 20 front, 9 side, 3 back and top armor allowing them to survive a lot of punishment.
With insane 12 ROF on their main guns, these tanks can blaze a path of destruction through
formations much greater in size. These speedy 70 kph MBTs are almost a mix of the leopard 1 and 2
in the sense they are great for pushing flanks, have high fire rates like the leopard 1 and with armor
and firepower comparable to the leopard 2. These tanks tend to be overlooked for their great stats
and offer a lot of to bring to the table.

Price: 170 points


American made Walker Bulldog light tank, these nimble cav tanks are quick, nimble and deadly. What
they lack in AP and armor they make up for in speed. These units work best in fast hit and runs
attacks and aside from their poor fuel economy they are very effective for providing fire support and
hunting lower end tanks when in formation with better armored, slower tanks. The main importance is
to remember to have resupply on hand to keep them combat effective.

Price: 10 points

Nana-Yon Shiki A

Auto loaded workhorse tank reminiscent of a cross between the HEAT armed AMX-30 and the fast
moving, stabilized Leopard 1. Their HEAT rounds can damage any threat on the battlefield and their
high fire rate and auto loader allow small groups of these tanks to absolutely demolish even the best
armor in game. They also offer a great platform for infantry fire support but their light armor means
they should keep their distance so they can lay into soft targets.

Price: 35 points

Nana-Yon Shiki C

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Using higher AP KE rounds, this MBT variant is much better up close to hostile armor. Their ability to
do more damage to heavy armor at close range allow them to do high damage to similarly priced
tanks. They still have a high rate of fire due to their auto loader and 10 ROF, they can put a lot of
rounds down range very quickly on both armored and soft targets alike.

Price: 40 points

Nana-Yon Shiki E

Upgraded C model with better range, accuracy and stability then the older models along with higher
AP power. Their increased range means also pares well with their KE main gun, allowing them not
only to fire at targets at higher range but also utilize the bonus of closer range increasing KE
damage. The blistering rate of auto loaded fire really allows this tank to chew through targets rapidly,
allowing them to rapidly destroy light targets and decrease the time needed to crack tougher nuts.

Price: 50 points

Nana-Yon Shiki G

Prototype MBT equipped with ERA, a MK19 GL and higher AP firepower. These upgrades give much
needed frontal and side armor, making them slightly more durable but still leaving them as glass
cannons. They can mulch soft and armored targets up close with their high fire rate on both their
main gun and AGL. Overall these tanks are very unique, allowing them to perform both great fire
support as well as engage other tanks of similar price with great results when one takes advantage of
their ROF and auto loader.

Price: 60 points

Roko-Ichi Shiki

Trading the speed and stabilizer of the M41A1 for much better armor, these tanks make both great
ambush weapons as well as fire support/ anti medium armor platforms. Their low price and high
availability mean they are able to effectively deal with most threats of similar capabilities. They do
suffer from poor fuel economy and do need to frequently top off to stay effective but if properly
managed, these units offer a lot of capabilities unheard of on similarly priced systems.

Price: 15 points

Japanese Recon
Hachi-Nana Shiki

Fast moving wheeled recon vehicle packing a 25mm autocannon. These good optics scouts are
great fighting recon, able to spot and provide fire support for other units in addition to concealing
themselves to observe and report. Their high speed and decent firepower make these units decent
hunter killer units and great spotters/escorts for ATGM units. They work very well in pares and can be
mixed in armored formations to spot for tanks and mulch infantry and helicopters that get too close.

Price: 30 points

JSDF Rangers

"Leading the way" with their M66 SMGs, M72 LAWs and Howa DMRs, these stealthy shock recon
teams can do anything from observing HVTs for air and artillery strikes to blowing the brains (more
likely center mass) out of unsuspecting infantry from 1050 meters. They are good up close due to
their SMGs and great at range with the DMRs but only have light AT, best reserved for self defense

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or targeting high priority targets like command units. They have a diverse amount of transport options
allowing them to deploy anywhere you need them.

Price: 20 points

Mitsubishi M2

Lightly armed and fast moving, this fragile but very good optics packing scout is discrete, concealable
and perfect for concealed observation. Their high speed on roads and decent off road speed allow
them to quickly fill blind spots in your line. Their M2 is best used in self defense but in emergencies
they can be used for light fire support for infantry they are scouting for. They work great with their
ATGM and RR equipped variants to spot targets for them, extending their ability to engage a target
before they are seen.

Price: 25 points


Lightly armed scout helicopter perfect for observing troop movements and hunting down high priority
targets like CVs and other high priority targets. They are not the fastest helicopters but their high
relative speed allow them to patrol large areas and quickly respond to an emergency when your
attack helicopters are not deployed in the AO.

Price: 30 points

OH-1 Ninja

Prototype stealth scout helicopter armed with 4 Type 91 AA missiles. These fast, stealthy and
exceptional optic scouts also moonlight as extremely viscous AA helos, perfect for hunting other
helicopters in addition to unsuspecting fixed wing aircraft. These 6 strength units are somewhat
durable but should be used for hit and run raids or as discrete observers.

Price: 90 points

Japanese Vehicles
Mitsubishi 106mm

Fast moving, tank killing 106mm HEAT RR mounted on a fast, wheeled platform. These units can also
be used to deadly effect as fire support when pared with infantry and their transports. Their ability to
damage and with at max, 10 shots destroy any hostile ground unit in game allows these inexpensive
units to become extremely cost effective killers when used in combined arms groups.

Price: 10 points

Mitsubishi MAT

ATGM with greater range, accuracy and AP power then the 106mm M40, these low end ATGMs are
still very powerful weapons against lighter AFVs in addition to getting side shots on higher end armor.
Their small size allow them to hide where least expected , shooting advancing units in their side and
rear. They only hold 4 ATGMs each meaning that they should frequently withdraw and rearm during
lulls in a battle.

Price: 10 points

Mitsubishi Jyu-MAT

With much longer range, AP and higher accuracy compared to the older MAT, these long range

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ATGMs are perfect for pegging targets before they are ever seen. They have limited ammo capacity
meaning that they need to rearm after every 4 shots. These fast moving elusive TDs excel at hit and
run attacks.

Price: 15 points

Mitsubishi Chu-MAT

Trading a bit of range for much higher AP and accuracy, these high end ATGMs can easily destroy
light to medium armor in only a few shots. They also have a faster reload compared to the older MAT
ATGM platforms but still lack a large ammo capacity, meaning frequent rearming is needed to
continue fighting.

Price: 20 points

Rensou 106mm

A smaller cousin of the American Ontos, this duel 106mm RR packs 1 point of armor all around
excluding it's roof. It has a high ROF of 10 for it's duel M40A1C RRs and also has an M60 MMG for
fire support and defense against hostile helicopters. They are decent tank killers with their HEAT
ammo and can provide great fire support. They are perfect ambush weapons systems with the only
drawback of having a low fuel efficiency and only holding 8 106mm rounds.

Price: 15 points

Japanese Helicopters

US made Cobra gunship packing a 20mm auto cannon, Hydra 70mm rockets and 8 I-TOW ATGMs,
these quick and nimble gunships will make short work of armor and infantry alike. They can hold their
own against other helicopters as long as they don't have AA missiles. Best used in combination with a
recon helicopter, these multi purpose platforms can take on everything from large tank formations or
contested infantry swarmed cities.

Price: 80 points


These light tank hunting helicopters make up for their low strength of 4 with high mobility and
powerful TOW ATGMs. They lack any anti infantry armament and work best as pure tank/AFV
hunters. they only hold 4 missiles each so care needs to be taken to remember to rearm these units
frequently, allowing you to keep them on station when they are needed most.

Price: 40 points

Japanese Aircraft

Deadly multi role armed with 2 smart bombs, a 20mm Vulcan autocannon and 2 AIM-1s, these fighter
bombers work great when it comes to destroying soft to armored targets in addition to attack
helicopters and other aircraft. They are best used with escorts if going in for ground attack so they
can focus on their targets but when deployed as fighters, can do a number on most aircraft of similar

Price: 100 points

F-104J Ryu

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An inexpensive fighter packing a 20mm vulcan and 4 AIM-1s. Best used to intercept attack aircraft,
bombers and lower end fighters, they are low priced, work well in groups and can overwhelm even
high end ASFs when deployed in groups or supporting other fighters. They also make great
helicopter hunters but their low maneuverability means they are not the best for making multiple runs.

Price: 60 points


The best fighter Japan has to offer, this US made monster packs a Vulcan auto cannon, 4 AIM-9Ms
and 4 AIM-7Ms. They have 40% ECM and exceptional air detection allowing them to go toe to toe with
some of the best. Their semi active missiles might not be as effective as F&F ones but they still very
deadly fighters against almost any threat in the air. They are also make great escorts for strike
aircraft and will make an opponent think twice about dispatching fighters.

Price: 145 points


Medium priced fighter packing a 20mm auto cannon, 4 AIM-9Fs and 4 AIM-7E's, these fast movers
can play hell with hostile strike aircraft as well as fighters. Working best in groups or pared with other
aircraft to escort, these well rounded aircraft can make quick work of most threats. In pares they can
deal even with the best fighters and their high TOT allow them to make great ASFs, paroling behind
your ADN waiting to jump anything trying to engage your troops.

Price: 90 points

F-4EJ Kai

F-4 Fighter bomber packing long range AIM-7Fs, a 20mm auto cannon and 8 340 kg bombs. These
multi roles can do anything from shooting down fighters and bombers to bombing large formations of
ground targets. They have a respectable 20% ECM allowing them a little protection from hostile fire
but they work best striking ground targets with escorts or supporting other aircraft engage hostile
fixed wing assets.

Price: 125 points

F-86F Kyokko

American made classic armed with 6 browning M2 machine guns for self defense and helo hunting
and 2 napalm bombs. They are great for area denial, clearing out cities and woods and setting choke
points like valleys, bridges and roads. They should normally fly with escorts due to their minimal AA
armament. Napalm is great against soft targets and armor alike but care should be taken not to cook
friendly troops.

Price: 60 points

South Korea National Overview

South Korea in Wargame pretty much entirely uses either really old American equipment, or new age
equipment either built by themselves, or shared from other nations like France, or Germany.

South Korean Logistical units are almost identical to the US units, except without the M1 Abrams,
supply is also similar, without the CH-53.

Overall South Korean infantry widely varies based on price, high quality infantry is worth more, and
usually has better equipment, while cheaper infantry uses WWII surplus in most cases.

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South Korea essentially gets identical transports as the US does, except with some minor
modifications on each of their vehicles.

South Korea has a decent support tab. They have one of the best artillery pieces available to
BLUFOR, the K9 Thunder, a modernized version of the M109. South Korea also gets essentially the
entire American AA suite as well, just barely inferior, with the HAWK PIP II, instead of the PIP III.

You only really get 2 choices when you play South Korea, really old M48s, or modern M1 Abrams like
K1 tanks. The M48s aren't particularly powerful, but they are plentiful, where the K1s are quite the

South Korea doesn't have that many choices when it comes down to recon, but in pretty much every
case, they are all quite combat effective if used properly.

South Korea, as mentioned before is using some really old equipment, including old Tank Destroyers
from WWII, they are included along with the regular ATGM carriers associated with the Vehicle tab.
This tab has the unique for this game, M18 (the Hellcat), it has the highest offroad speed of any
tracked vehicle in game, at 100 km/h.

South Korea has a few nice helicopters, mostly including the Cobra variants, especially the AH-1T,
which has 8 Tow 2 missiles, along with the regular rockets, and cannon.

South Korea is a split between very high end expensive things, and low end cheap things. They have
quite a few very expensive F-16 variants, along with some F4 variants, and on the cheap end, they
have F-86 Sabres, for quite a low price.

South Korean Logistics


SK command troops packing M16s and M60s for self defense, they are best kept away from the
fighting and should always have a few units backing them up. They work well on heavily wooded or
urban objectives where they can dig in in places that would be impractical to standard command

Price: 100 points

K111 Jihwi-Cha

A basic fast moving but soft skinned command MUTT. These units are quick and inexpensive allowing
for early game land grabs and work great for holding objectives in the rear that are less exposed to
direct fighting. Their speed and small size are their only asset in a fight so they are best kept away
from direct combat.

Price: 100 points

M113A1 Jihwi-Cha

Lightly armored command M113, it can cross rivers and land on beaches fairly easily making them
useful on almost any map. They are lightly armored and armed with an M2 allowing them to better
hold front line objectives. They are still relatively fragile and as with all command units they are HVTs
for a competent opponent due to their cost and importance.

Price:110 points

K277 Jihwi-Cha

Prototype amphibious and armored CV packing a hefty .50 M2 heavy machinegun. A direct upgrade
to the M113 Jihwi-Cha, they are both faster, better armored and have slightly better fuel economy.
Best used in similar ways as the M113 Jihwi-Cha, they can survive a bit more of a beating but still
should be kept away from direct fighting.

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Price:130 points

M48A3 Jihwi-Cha

The beefiest CV in the South Korean lineup, this command tank packs 5 front, 3 side and 1 rear and
top armor allowing it to take much more punishment then the M277 or M113. They also have a 90mm
main gun and M2 to help fight back against hostile troops. Like all CVs they still should be protected
by friendly units because their high importance and price put a large bounty on their heads. Best
used to secure the hottest of the hot zones on the map on in areas of heavy shelling.

Price:120 points

UH-1A Yidong-Jihwi-So

The perfect tool for quick land grabs, aerial assaults or the finisher of a naval invasion, these
helicopters are not the fastest or most durable but their ability to go anywhere and negate terrain
features like mountains and water allow them to really thrive in a quickly changing battlefield.

Price: 100 points


2500 supply unit helicopter perfect for rapid replenishment of ammo, fuel and parts (or a few FGNs
for infantry squads). These units thrive on maps where there are lots of obstructions, allowing you to
bring supplies to remote locations fast and in large numbers.

Price: 55 points

K-511 Cargo

Local version of the M35, these 800 supply unit trucks are the best and only for South Korea to keep
their units in fighting condition. They are quick on roads, pack a decent amount of supply and can
turn a loosing battle around by keeping your troops in the fight without having to pull back to a FOB.
Make sure they are protected and don't let them get captured!

Price:15 points

South Korean Infantry


Packing M202 Flash incendiary rocket launchers and M16 rifles, these sappers will do a number on
any infantry or soft targets unlucky enough to meet them in the field. The 4 tube launchers allow for a
withering fire rate (although this is situational because of the fire produces, follow up shots might
require a re positioning) that can quickly drain their 8 rocket supply. These troops are very
dependent on regular supply and work very will with standard squads to assist with mop up as well as
defending against hostile armor.

Price:15 points


South Korean 15 man marine squad. These shock troops are ready to take the beach heads with
their M16s, M72s and their cut down M60s. They work great in cities and forests and come in a
variety of amphibious and helicopter transports. Although their AT is not the best, they can do a
number on most threats on the battlefield as long as they are properly supported.

Price: 25 points

Haebyung '90

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A direct upgrade to their '75 counterparts, these prototype marines are armed with the K2 assault
rifle, PZF 3 AT and the K3 machinegun. Their increased firepower against both armor and soft
targets make these squads perfect for dealing with any threat. They are most at home in urban or
forested objectives and like all infantry should avoid open ground.

Price: 30 points

Hyu-SAM Mistrial

5 man prototype MANPAD squad packing K2s and Mistrials. Their long range, high accuracy and
high HE power make them a threat to anything that can fly. Their high HE allow them to down almost
anything with 2 shots (3 for the monstrous B-5) making them extremely dangerous for helicopters and
fixed wing aircraft.

Price: 30 points

Hyu-SAM Redeye

A classic 2 man M16 armed redeye MANPAD team, these units are both inexpensive and plentiful
allowing them to be deployed in large numbers. Although only 3 HE, their missiles are a strong
deterrent against hostile helicopters and aircraft and when supported with other AAA they can make
a very deadly no fly zone over your front or rear line objectives.

Price: 10 points

Hyu-SAM Stinger

The middle ground between the lighter redeye and heaver mistrial, these 2 man K2 armed teams
have higher availability then the mistrial and better firepower over the redeye, they help fill a gap
between the two. As with all MANPADs, they allow easily concealable, immune to SEAD and relatively
inexpensive AA options.

Price:15 points


Powerful FIST teams packing the long range M67 RR and M16 rifles. These troops make life for
hostile infantry and armor assaulting a town or treeline a living hell. Although they lack the ROF of
some FIST teams, they make up for it with a very long range and a high accuracy. They work best
supporting other infantry squads.

Price: 15 points


South Korea's basic line infantry armed with M16s, M72 LAWs and M60 machine guns. These troops
provide a great base of fire and are vital for protecting more fragile specialist FIST, ATGM and
MANPAD teams in addition to supporting shock and SF troops. They have a decent output of
firepower for their price but they lack heavy duty AT weapons.

Price: 10 points

Sochong-Su '85

A direct upgrade from the '75 variant, they come with additional transport options as well as better
weapons in the form of the K2 rifle and the M72A4. They have a much better performance against
armor then the '75 version allowing them to crack open hostile armor faster and more efficiently. The
high ROF of their LAWs make them deceptively powerful tank killers.

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Price: 10 points


Best of the best South Korean SF troops, they work well for both real line harassment in addition to
taking high value positions in cities and towns. They have both a powerful AT weapon in the form of
the M2 CG as well as the M727 carbine and M60 'Shorty' for anti infantry usage. They have a decent
selection of transports allowing them to insert in decently armored APCs, fast wheeled transports or
helicopter insertion.

Price: 30 points

Prototype South Korean militia packing the powerful M14 battle rifle and the M20A1 super bazooka.
These inexpensive and plentiful units work very well to support large scale offensives as well as
deploying alongside MANPAD and FIST teams to back them up. They also are an expensive rear line
defensive option to deter and detect probing actions and hold back assaults until they are reinforced.

Price: 5 points

South Korean Transports


Domestic version of the US made M35, this unarmored and unarmed transport truck is a great way to
quickly move troops forward to the front lines. Their lack of weaponry and armor limit them to simple
battle taxis to deploy and move troops around quickly. they have great fuel efficiency and great on
road and fair off road speed. For 5 points they are a great way to save on the cost of command and
recon troops.

Price: 5 points


Amphibious IFV packing a powerful 25mm auto cannon. This low cost IFV can both provide fire
support for it's transported troops in addition to engaging hostile light armor and helicopters. Their 2
front and side and 1 top and rear armor allow them decent protection from indirect shelling, small
arms and allow them to survive a few hits from some light AT weapons.

Price: 15 points

KAFV 40/50

Similar to it's autocannon armed counterpart, this deadly prototype IFV trades it's AP firepower for
additional HE damage in the form of an M2 MG and a K4 AGL. Great against soft targets and able to
lightly damage and suppress armored units. Although not as flexible as it's 25mm packing brother,
the added HE output allows this IFV to clear out cities, towns and woods of hostile troops alongside
it's dismounts.

Price: 15 points


The Bluefor bred and butter US made M113 amphibious APC is a great cost efficient transport for a
large variety of infantry types. The .50 cal MG is great for fire support for dismounted troops and the
1 point of armor all around helps protect the troops carried inside. They are slightly slower then the
beefier K200 and KAFV's but is still a relatively fast APC that can work well with it's younger cousins.

Price: 5 points


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Sharing the hull of KAFV IFVs, this lighter armed APC is still a decent threat in combat due to it's
armor, M60 MMG and .50 MG, they can safely move their troops into the fight and once there give
fire support against lighter vehicles and soft targets. A direct upgrade to the M113 in speed and
armor, this APC is a good choice for attacking better defended locations.

Price: 5 points


Wheeled amphibious APC perfect for rapid movement of troops. The .50 MG can put down a decent
amount of fire on hostile troops but it's light armor means it should dismount it's own before engaging,
their high speed and ability to swim make these units great for flanking maneuvers and unloading
troops where the opposition least expects it.

Price: 10 points

K900 (recon)

Although lacking the sick camo and gun shield of it's non recon brother, this recon APC offers good
optics and stealth for a slightly higher price. It's amphibious capability and high speed on and off road
allow this beast to quickly transport it's recon troops as well as scout ahead to cover more ground.

Price: 15 points


50. cal armed amphibious APC perfect for beach landings and river crossings. While not the fastest
on land or in the water, this APC can go just about anywhere along with it's troops. They are great for
landings on hostile beaches and river crossings to exploit holes in the defense of the opponent.
While not exactly well armed or armored, they can still support their shock or SF dismounts in a pinch.

Price: 5 points

Bell 205

The SF/recon infantry version of the UH-1H, although statistically the same but has greater deck
availability then it's general purpose counterpart. It's M60 can help suppress and engage light targets
as well as fend off lightly armed hostile helicopters. They can put their troops in places that would be
inaccessible or remote for most ground or sea transport units giving them great flexibility in the field.

Price: 15 points


Available to both SF and recon troops in addition to standard infantry, these light transport
helicopters pack M60s for self defense and light fire support. Although statistically identical to their
Bell 205 brothers, their higher restriction deck type wise is made up by their ability to transport a
larger variety of troops.

Price: 15 points


Faster, stronger and with better fuel economy then the older Bell 205 and UH-1H, these prototype
helos can take a bit more of a beating, fly further and faster. They are best used to deploy troops
behind hostile lines, for early game land grabs or to assist in naval landings. Their M60s allow them
light defensive and offensive armament against light targets.

Price: 25 points

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South Korean Support
K136 Kooryong

South Korean MLRS packing 36 HE K30 130mm rockets. These artillery units can destroy, damage
and traumatize anything unlucky enough to be under their steel rain. Although relatively light for an
MLRS with only 7 HE, these units can destroy soft targets like infantry and AA with ease and with
sustained fire heavenly damage or heavier armor. Best used on highly clustered targets such as
troops mobilized to attack or defensive networks built in a city or treeline, they can devastate and
soften up a target before an attack.

Price: 80 points


Amphibious M113 107mm mortar, this beast can put a lot of 4 HE shells in a small area in a very short
amount of time. The perfect tool for taking on infantry or light armor, their short range is made up for
a rapid fire rate.

Price: 40 points


Faster, better armored but with a smaller 81mm mortar compared to the bigger KM106 and K242
SPMs, this lighter amphibious mortar fires faster, carries more ammo and is more accurate but has 1
less HE and shorter range then the 107mm counterparts. Their improved front armor and speed off
road allows this mortar to relocate quicker and survive a bit more punishment then the KM106.

Price: 30 points


Packing the larger 107mm amphibious mortar of the KM106 on the faster moving and better armored
hull of the K281, this versatile unit is a great counter against soft targets and hostile AAA. It's higher
range and HE (at the cost of accuracy, fire rate and ammo) compared to the lighter K281 and has
better armor and speed off road and in the water (and 5 points more expensive) then the older M113
based KM106.

Price: 45 points


155mm SPH perfect for destroying soft targets and with sustained fire, hostile AFVs and tanks. This
mid range artillery unit might lack the firepower of the larger KM107 and KM110 or the aim speed of
the K9 but makes up for it with it's lower cost then the latter and much higher ammo capacity of the
former. Best used to soften up targets before an attack or destroy high priority units like AAA or
command units, these howitzers are a great tool in any deck when a tough nut needs cracking, like all
artillery units, it is best to shoot and scoot to prevent retaliation from hostile counter battery fire. It's
.50 MG should only be used for self defense and it is important to provide escorting troops and best if
they are kept a bit away from the front lines.

Price: 80 points

K9 Thunder

The most expensive SPH in the SK lineup, this deadly fast aiming 155 can be gone before it's shells
even hit (depending on the distance from the target) making them very hard to counter battery (as
long as you remember to relocate them after firing!). Like all artillery, it is best to keep them away
from the fight to prevent hostile action and their .50 should only be used as a last resort.

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Price: 125 points


The "smaller" of South Korea's big guns, these 9 HE monsters have better speed, fuel economy and
range then their bigger cousin. They are great for picking off HVTs like command and AA units and
will absolutely wreck soft targets. They should be kept away from direct combat and work best when
ammo (be it a FOB or supply unit) are kept on standby.

Price: 60 points


Although slower, slightly less fuel efficient and with less range then their smaller brother the KM107,
the extra point of HE (10) and added accuracy allow these massive guns to erase a soft target with
only one shell. They are the be all end all of fire support and are best kept away from direct combat
and with supplies on hand. Best used to mulch pesky AAA, ATGM vehicles or well dug in troops.

Price: 70 points


A domestic version of the American VADS, this amphibious M113 SPAAG can absolutely shred
hostile fixed and rotowing aircraft that stray too close. It's high fire rate allows this SPAAG to also do a
number on infantry and other soft targets due to the massive ROF of it's 20mm autocannon. Their
lack of radar allow them to function in areas where SEAD would risk radar guided AAA allowing them
to still function safely.

Price: 25 points


PVADS system mounted on the K200 hull. Faster moving and better armored then the older M113
hull, these radar guided SPAAGs make short work of both fixed and rotor wing aircraft that get too
close. They are capable of getting hit by SEAD missiles so it is important to turn them off when facing
such a threat.

Price: 40 points


The best SPAAG in South Korean inventory, this amphibious monster has thick armor for a SPAAG,
decent speed on road, off road and in the water. The twin 30mm autocannons allow these SPAAGs to
destroy both aircraft and soft ground targets. They have a higher combined fire rate then even the
infamous 20mm Vulcan. Make sure to carefully use these when dealing with SEAD aircraft.

Price: 55 points


American made HAWK SAM, slightly upgraded compared to the older basic HAWKs used by other
nations, these heavy SAMs are deadly against fixed wing aircraft and any helicopters unlucky enough
to get too close. They have a large kill radius allowing one missile to take out multiple tightly grouped
aircraft. The main weakness of these units are their slow speed off road, limited ammo (always deploy
with supply units) and ability to be targeted by SEAD (keep them off when SEAD is near) but overall
they are very powerful AA units when used carefully.

Price: 60 points

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An upgrade to the standard I-HAWK, these heavy SAMs have greater range against helicopters and
better accuracy overall. They can do a lot of damage with their 3 missiles but work best with supply
units nearby.

Price: 70 points

South Korean tanks


Domestically made tank similar to the American M1, these beefy tanks pack powerful 105mm
cannons, a 50. and 7.62 MG and thick armor. They have high off road speed and decent accuracy
on their main gun. Unlike the M48, these units have a stabilizer that lets them fire on the move,
combined with their high speeds they are a force to be reckoned with.

Price: 90 points


A direct upgrade to the older K1, this prototype MBT has better armor and optics. They trade in their
smaller 105mm guns for a 120mm with greater accuracy, stability, AP power and suppression. The
best tank available to South Korea, they can go toe to toe with all but the best tanks in game. when
pared with the older K1 and M48s, they can provide a formidable offensive or defensive force against
hostile armor and soft targets.

Price: 140 points


A 90mm and 50. cal armed American made MBT. These tanks lack stabilizers but when stationary
have decent accuracy and firepower for their price. They can deal with light to medium armor in
addition to soft targets, making them ideal to back up newer M48s or K1s in addition to your other
units. Like all stabilized units, they are best used when attack moved.

Price: 25 points


With add on side armor (1 extra point) and a longer ranged, higher AP 105mm main gun, these
upgraded units pack a bigger punch then their 90mm counterparts in exchange for some ammo. The
side armor is welcome when providing fire support against towns or when pushing forward through
potential ambush positions. Best used with the attack move command.

Price: 35 points


Although lacking the add on side armor (same armor as the A3K), the longer range, higher AP
prototype upgrade allows them to reach out and hit targets at a greater range. Still lacking stabilizers,
they are great defensive tanks or when attack moving, allowing the support the older M48s and K1s
from the rear.

Price: 45 points

South Korean Recon


Recon MUTT packing very good optics and a M240 machine gun for self defense and emergency fire
support. These units are fast, stealthy and observant, allowing them to keep up with faster units or
insert before larger troop movements to get a feel for what's ahead.

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Price: 25 points

Fiat 6616

Prototype amphibious wheeled recon unit packing both a 20mm autocannon and a 40mm AGL in
addition to very good optics. Able to stun and destroy soft targets extremely fast in addition to being a
threat to light armor, these fighting recon units are deadly against infantry and even helos.

Price: 45 points


Prototype amphibious tracked recon vehicle packing a M2 machine gun and a Cockerill MK.8 90mm
main gun and good optics. When pared with the wheeled Fiat 6616, these two units form powerful
hunter killer scout teams, able to destroy armor and soft targets with supreme ease. They also have
decent armor and speed for a light gun recon vehicle allowing them to both observe and destroy
hostile units.

Price: 30 points


Unarmed very good optics recon helicopter, these swift and nimble helicopters are best kept away
from hostile units with AA weapons although their small size allow them tough to hit. They can form
hunter killer teams with attack helicopters or spot targets for artillery and ATGMs. They are also really
useful for doing fly overs near areas you plan to attack but are unable to defend themselves.

Price: 45 points


Standard 5 man recon team armed with M16s and M72s. They make great discrete scouts to hide in
tree lines or deployed alongside other troops in cities. They can assist other troops with fighting
infantry but should not attack hostile troops by themselves unless there is no other option.

Price: 15 points


Recon SF troops packing M727 carbines, M2 CG RRs and the deadly Minimi. They can be used for
everything from observation to support of standard troops and even behind the lines commando
action. The carbines and SAWs they pack make them deadly against infantry up close while their AT
can crack open most armored units with a few shots.

Price: 30 points

South Korean Vehicles


US made amphibious M113 flamethrower vehicle. Able to clear out whole towns and forests with their
powerful flamethrowers, they can also force fire and generate a wall of smoke and flame to conceal
troop movements when smoke mortars or howitzers are not available. There can keep up with your
tracked APCs and IFVs allowing you to have powerful fire support at your disposal to support your
infantry. Their light armor will also allow them to get close enough to burn out towns but they are best
kept out of range of hostile AT and if ATGM troops are present smoke or a wall of flames should be
used to allow these units to get close.

Price: 20 points

M113 M106mm M40

Amphibious M113 FSV packing the M40 RR. The HEAT rounds allow them to engage all armored
threats in addition to soft targets. They make great ambush weapons or fire support for advancing

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troops and their transports. They can follow other amphibious units making them great for flank

Price: 15 points


A powerful ATGM pared with the M113 amphibious hull make this unit a great ambush weapon or
tank support unit. It's ATGMs can destroy most light units quickly and can destroy even heavy armor
with sustained fire. They only use a single tube launcher which slightly slows fire rate compared to
twin tube systems but when used in groups this can be negated.

Price: 25 points


A direct upgrade to the standard model, the amphibious M113 hull is retained but the missiles are
upgraded with better accuracy and AP. They have a better chance to hit a target and when they do
hit they do a lot more damage compared to the older basic TOW. Best used to support your tanks or
as ambush weapons in addition to helping troops protect towns when hostile tanks or APCs/IFVs are

Price: 35 points


The famous hellcat TD might lack an armored roof and possess light armor all around but it's insane
100 KM/H off road speed allows this stabilized TD to shoot and scoot like nothing else. They don't
have the best AP or fire rate but they can still do a number on hostile armor and soft targets. They
also have an M2 for additional use against infantry and helicopters but their Achilles heel is their
unarmored roofs and poor fuel economy (best used with nearby supply units).

Price: 10 points


Trading accuracy and speed for more armor, better fuel efficiency (although still low) and higher
range and AP compared to the M18. These 90mm main gun armed sherman hulled TDs still lack roof
armor but have better front and side armor. They are best used as fire support or ambush weapons.

Price: 10 points


Packing 4 M2 brownings, this FSV "pseudo SPAAG" (not able to engage fixed wing aircraft) will shred
soft targets, light armor and helicopters that get within range. A great ambush weapon in forests
when dealing with hostile infantry and helos, these inexpensive FSVs are surprisingly deadly against
anything their rounds can damage. They also can heavily stun hostile units with their high fire rate
which works really well when assaulting towns with infantry support.


South Korean Helicopters


Similar to the AH-1S, this cobra packs two types of rockets (FFARs and Hydras) but instead of the
twin mini guns, a 20mm auto cannon. Perfect for destroying light armor and soft targets, the ability to
fire both types of rockets and the 20mm all at once will heavenly stun if not straight up destroy
anything caught in it's arc of fire. They are relatively fast and durable and work well with their ATGM
packing counterparts or recon helos.

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Price: 55 points


Armed with the powerful TOW-2 in addition to Hydra rocket pods and the classic 20mm autocannon,
these powerful attack helicopters can crack open most armor with only a few ATGMs. They are
accurate and powerful options when faced with hostile armor but should stay away from hostile AA
units. Their rockets and auto cannon allow for good fire support against soft targets too and work well
when pared with infantry and FSVs for city assaults.

Price: 90 points


Armed with the lighter I-tow, this helocopter is still a potent tank hunter in addition to infantry support
gunship. It's lower price can allow it to bust tanks and troops without breaking the bank. The one
disadvantage compared with it's peers is it's unavailability in marine decks, however when available it
is a powerful tank killer platform.

Price: 80 points

MD500 I-tow

Light anti tank helo perfect for destruction of hostile armor. Their low cost allows them to minimize
point risk as well as bring in much needed air support when low. Their one disadvantage is a lack of
weapons that can engage soft targets and limited ammo in addition to a slower, more fragile frame
compared to the AH-1s. Their small size can help avoid incoming fire and as long as they rearm
frequently they can create a large threat to hostile armor.

Price: 50 points

South Korean Planes

A-37B Dragonfly

An extremely unique multi role, packing 2 anti armor cluster bombs, 2 conventional HE bombs and 2
AIM-9B's this jack of all trades, master of none can blow up infantry, crack open tanks and blast
helicopters and fixed wing aircraft out of the sky. It's not as efficient at the said tasks as dedicated
platforms but it's multi mission profile allow it to perform multiple tasks all in one attack run if heavily
micro managed. They are relatively slow and their lack of ECM means they are best used with escorts
of fighters and SEAD.

Price: 70 points

F-16C Peace Bridge

High speed, 20% ECM, 6 AIM-9M and 20mm auto cannon perfect for fighter or helo hunter duty.
Their lack of long range missiles can result in issues when fighting longer range ASFs but when
pared with their KF-16C counterparts, they can cover both ranges easily and work well together as

Price: 100 points


With better ECM and long range missiles, this prototype counterpart to the Peace Bridge is a
formidable fighter against everything with fixed wings (helos are slightly harder to engage). When
pared together, they provide similar capabilities of a long/short range missile ASF but with with twice
the autocannon firepower and increased chances of a shoot down (if one aircraft is lost, the other
can finish the job).

Price: 130 points

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F-4D Peace Pheasant I

Heavy duty bomber packing 25 10 HE bombs, the perfect unit for clearing towns or woods of soft and
armored targets alike. The lack of AA capabilities means escort is vital to their survival but they do
have 10% ECM as a last resort when engaged. Their high speed and large payload make these
great options to counter large scale pushes.

Price: 120 points

F-4E Peace Pheasant II

With additional ECM (20%), an autocannon for self defense/helo hunting and 4 AGM-65Bs, these
nasty tank hunters will make short work of hostile armor. Their improved ECM and auto cannon
increased survival when attacked, they still work best with escorts. It is important to use with recon so
they can engage with their F&F AGMs.

Price: 90 points


The perfect unit for area denial and clearing out hard points (towns, woods, ect.), these powerful
napalm bombers are the worst nightmare of hostile infantry. Anything stuck in a pool of napalm,
armored or not, is not going to have a good day. They can also slow movement by blocking roads
and bridges in addition to cutting off escape routes.

Price: 80 points

KF-E5 Jegong-Ho

Packing 6 AIM-9Js and two 20mm auto cannons, they lack the speed, ECM, accuracy and air
detection of the F-16C Peace Bridge, they have a large payload of missiles and can do a number on
any hostile aircraft of similar price range (they make quick work of bombers and helos). Best used in
groups, they make great escorts for higher end fighters or attack aircraft.

Price: 75 points

F-86F Saber

Packing quad brownings and rocket pods, this vintage attack aircraft can mage a great light
helicopter hunter or soft target/light armor destroyer. Their slow speed and lack of ECM make them
easy targets but their low cost and high HE damage output in a small area (less likely to hit friendlies
then bombs) make them very cost effective fire support for troops when the enemy is danger close.

Price: 65 points


Prototype beast of a SEAD plane with 2 HARMS, 4 AMRAAMs and and a 20mm vulcan. These aircraft
can work as both fighters (they have a great armament and high ecm (50%)) as well as conventional
SEAD. These expensive units are low in number and costly to replace so care should be taken to
prevent their loss.

Price: 160 points

(The) Netherlands National Overview

The Netherlands is the First (and at this moment, only) DLC locked nation in the game, which has
quite a varied mix of units, with some French, German, US, UK, and a selection of independently

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manufactured equipment.

The Logistics Tab for the Netherlands doesn't have very many particularly new units within it,
however, most of their units have rather high speeds, including the cargo units. The cargo capacity is
small however, but made up with speed they can reach their intended targets.

The Netherlands overall has a very decent Infantry Tab, if you exclude relative lack of AA ability
(which is a major weakness to the Netherlands as a whole), and potentially weak AT options with
lower priced infantry.

The Netherlands has effectively only a handful of transports, most of which are uninteresting, with the
exception of the home built YPR variants, which are essentially upgraded M113's, with a model that
has an autocannon on top of it.

The Netherlands is considered weak in terms of AA ability, mainly because of their Gepard AA
vehicles not having any stabilization (however, they are more accurate than their German
counterparts). In fact, no unit from the Netherlands can fire at a plane or helicopter while moving
(excluding the usual rifle/cannon). This weakness is largely made up with their artillery however, with
a higher rate of fire equivalent to the South Korean K9 Thunder, a truck mounted mortar, on par with
the French AML, and arguably the most eye catching part, the M752 Lance Tactical Missile
Launcher, which is in effect a third less powerful than a B-5 bomb, but with much more suppression.

The Netherlands overall doesn't have many (if any) unique tanks, using the British Centurion at an
entry level tank, as well as a 105mm variant of the AMX-13 (with the autoloader). Later tanks are
entirely German Leopard tanks, up to and including the Leopard 2A5.

The Recon Tab for the Netherlands isn't too unexpected, mainly vehicles converted over into recon
roles. One quite powerful unit here though is the KCT elite infantry recon squad, as well as a Leopard
1A5 variant with Very Good optics.

There's nothing really unique in the Vehicle tab for the Netherlands, just ATGM carriers.

The Netherlands, to my personal surprise, actually has Apache model helicopters. One of which is
Identical to the US Longbow, but without the optics and lacks the F&F hellfires, and one of which is
solely armed with rocket pods for a much cheaper price, and reasonably high availability.

The air tab for the Netherlands is a bit threadbare, mainly relying on the F-16, of which there are 5
variants to get things done. They also get a few interesting looking, if very non-useful jets, which
primarily serve as bombers.

Dutch Logistics
Laro CO

Basic command jeep with a high on and off road speed, they lack armor or strength but still make
good real line CVs or for fast land grabs where speed out values armor. They can keep up with fast
wheeled transports or quickly secure areas taken by airborne troops.

Price:110 points


Wheeled command APC that balances speed and armor in a decent package. They have .50 cal
MGs for self defense but work best when escorted and should avoid combat whenever possible.
Their ability to keep up with their APC cousins make them very useful when used to capture
objectives secured by motorized troops.

Price: 120 points

Staf Eenheid

Command troops armed with uzi smgs and FN mag mmgs, these command troops are better able to
defend themselves up close due to their main armament being tailored for CQB then most command

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squads. They should still be kept away from direct combat, digging in in buildings surrounded by
friendly troops or dug in in well defended forests.

Price: 100 points

UH-14 CO

High speed command helicopter best used for fast land grabs, holding zones that might need to be
quickly evacuated, securing zones after a naval landing or as a defacto recon helicopter. They are
large targets for hostile fighters and AA and hard to hide on the ground. They are either well or
poorly suited units completely dependent on personal play style.

Price: 110 points


Dutch Infantry

Dutch flamethrower troops perfect for CQB in cities or clearing out forests. They are armed with uzi
SMGs and the deadly M9 flamethrowers. These units have relatively short range but any hostile
troops unlucky enough to get too close will not last long. these units work best when supporting other
infantry units that can engage troops at greater range with longer range rifles and machine guns as
well as deal with hostile armor with their AT. The flamethrowers themselves can be used in a limited
capacity against softer vehicles and can stun and even destroy armor with sustained fire.

Price: 15 points


Standard Dutch line infantry, these bread and butter units mulch infantry and soft targets with the
deadly FN FAL battle rifle and FN MAG machine gun while tougher armored targets can be
dispatched with the fast firing but low AP M72 LAW. These units have a large variety of transport
options and can deal with most threats when properly supported but specialized infantry units and
backed with armor and AAA. Like all infantry, they work best in the cover of buildings or forests.

Price: 10 points

Korps Mariniers

Deadly marine SF teams with FAL battle rifles, FALO magazine fed saws and the powerful M2 CG.
With a variety of insertion options (everything from APCs with or without landing craft to helicopters)
allow these units to harass and distract behind hostile lines, assault towns and perform naval
landings. They are deadly against armor and infantry alike but are still soft targets so use of cover is
very important.

Price: 35 points

Korps Mariniers '90

Like their older '75 variant, these prototype SF units are great at killing soft or armored targets alike.
They trade rifle accuracy and range for stability and a much higher fire rate, AT accuracy for AP and
fire rate and switch from magazine fed to belt fed saws. Their C7 carbines and minimi saws are great
up close against infantry while their AT4s can dish out fast and punishing AP to tanks that get too

Price: 35 points


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Dutch prototype reservist troops armed with FAL battle rifles and M72 LAWs. Inexpensive and
available in both trucks and ACPs, these reservists offer inexpensive infantry with light AT, a decent
rifle and much more flexibility compared to most other reservists.

Price: 5 points

Standard Stinger A manpad team perfect for light AA duty with uzis for self defense. They work well
for defending cities and forests as well as places where normal AA can't go (mountainsides). The
50%, 5 HE missiles they use can down most aircraft in 2 shots (3 for B-5/Avia 28), making them a
great counter to both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.

Price: 15 points


Dutch shock troops armed with FALs, M2 CGs and deadly CQC FN MAGs. Although their MG is
stationary, they can still demolish troops in the same building complex. Their wide selection of
transports, powerful AT and decent availability allow these units to both support other infantry in
towns or forests deal with mixed threats of hostile hard targets and infantry.

Price: 20 points

Stoottroepen '90

A prototype side grade to the '75 version, these shock infantry trade the FAL's range and accuracy
for the C7's better stability and fire rate. Their AT4s pack a bigger 1 ap punch and faster fire rate
then the M2 CG at the cost of accuracy. The minimi has greater accuracy, stability, fire rate and
ammo at the cost of both range and suppression. While the '75 model works better at slightly longer
ranges, up close the '90s really shine as vastly more powerful shock infantry.

Price: 20 points


Dragon packing 5 man FIST teams perfect for dealing with hostile armor as well as dismounted
infantry. Their ATGMs have longer range then traditional unguided AT but need to maintain LOS to
hit their target as well as the time it takes for the missile to impact. They work best when used to
support line troops by targeting armor out of their reach or assisting with the destruction of hostile
infentry. Their long range means they can hit most infantry outside of their range, allowing them to
panic and destroy hostile troops before they can even return fire.

Price: 10 points

Vuurploeg '95

Prototype upgrade to the older '75 version, these ATGM FIST teams might have less missiles but
make up for it in AP, accuracy and range. They can hit targets harder, more accurately and further
away then the older standard M47 dragon, their super dragon might not be the best ATGM but the
fact they can fire on dismounted troops and their escorts and transports almost 2000 meters away
makes these units very dangerous.

Price: 15 points

Dutch transports

Dutch UH-1 huey armed with the FN MAG GPMG, these low strength, low speed (for a helicopter)
transports can move your infantry over land, water and behind hostile forces. They can quickly
reinforce front lines, move troops to places ground transport can't and even deploy units on beach
heads or during initial early game land grabs.

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Price: 15 points


Faster and higher strength then the UH-1, this Dutch Lynx has the same FN MAG machine gun for
self defense and light fire support but it's speed and durability allow it to pull off higher risk insertions
and have a better chance of getting their troops to the destination alive.

Price: 25 points


French deigned APC with 3 front, 2 side and 1 top and rear armor. Armed with a .50 browning
machine gun, these inexpensive, tracked APCs can provide fire support for their dismounted troops
and can take a bit of a beating from lighter artillery and low end autocannons. They have a decent 65
kph allowing them to keep pace with escorting tanks and AAA.

Price: 5 points

DAF YA 4440

Inexpensive 5 point truck perfect for rapid troop deployment. Their lack of armament and 5 strength
means they should only be used as battle taxis, shuttling troops around and avoiding direct combat.

Price: 5 points


Amphibious APC with 1 front, side and rear but no top armor. These sluggish transports might lack
speed, fuel economy and roof armor but make up for it with their low price and three machineguns (2
M2s and a FN MAG). They are decent APCs for landing troops on beaches after deploying from
landing craft but care should be taken to not deploy them too far from shore due to their gas guzzling
tendencies. They can provide absolutely lethal fire support for dismounted troops with their 3
machine guns if the situation presents itself. It is important to keep these APCs refueled to maximize
combat efficiency.

Price: 5 points


Amphibious US designed APCs commonly seen used by many Bluefor nations. The Dutch tend to use
the upgraded YPR-765 family for most of their troops leaving the M113s reserved for recon and
flamethrower teams. Although less common then their larger cousin, these APCs still have a decent
speed on land and sea and 1 armor on all sides. They can support their troops with their M2 machine
guns after unloading.

Price: 5 points

YP-408 PWI

Indigenous Dutch wheeled APC perfect for rapid troop movement. The M2 HMG allows them to
engage soft targets, helicopters and light AFVs. Their main selling point is their 90 kpm off road
speed and 2 frontal, 1 side, rear and top armor allowing them to survive light abuse. They work really
well for rapidly deploying troops to forward positions early in game or quickly reinforcing holes in your
line/ exploiting those in the enemies.

Price: 10 points


In essence a beefed up amphibous M113 with additional speed, armor (2 front and side) and size
(bigger then the M113 but still medium sized), these APCs are the bread and butter of Dutch

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transports. They can keep up with the faster leopard 2 MBTs as well as the various other units based
off the same/similar hulls. They have M2 Brownings for self defense and light fire support for their
dismounted troops.

Price: 5 points


IFV based on the YPR-765 hull, these AFVs can provide effective fire support for your infantry
against light AFVs and soft targets. They are highly cost effective transports with a decent amount
firepower for their 15 point price. Other then the auto cannon, they perform exactly the same as their
lighter armed cousins.

Price: 15 points

Dutch Support
AMX-105 MK.61

Basic French made light howitzer perfect for area saturation and destruction of soft targets like AAA,
other artillery and infantry. Their shorter range, lower accuracy and HE compared to 155mm systems
is made up for by it's lower cost. Like all indirect fire units, care should be taken to re position
frequently to prevent counter battery fire.

Price: 50 points


With a higher caliber compared to the AMX-105, these larger guns have longer range, higher HE and
accuracy at the cost of fire rate. Armed with a .50 machine gun for self defense, it is still best to keep
these howitzers as far away from direct combat as possible and when needed closer to the line,
escorting units should be used. It is important to always move after firing and to keep supply units
close so you always have shells when you need them.

Price: 80 points

M109A5 NL

Direct upgraded prototype howitzers featuring better range, accuracy and fire rate then the older
A3s, these top line howitzers can quickly lay waste to hostile AAA and other soft targets and be gone
before the shells even impact.

Price: 130 points

Cheetah PRTL

German made Gerpard SPAAG perfect for dealing with hostile fixed wing aircraft and helicopters.
They lack stabilizers and can be hit bu SEAD missiles but make up for this with their high rate of fire
and accuracy. They can make great fire support when needed and their Leopard 1 hulls allow them
to take a bit of punishment, however they should avoid getting too involved in ground fights and need
to be turned off when SEAD is nearby.

Price: 45 points

Cheetah PRTL A1

A direct upgrade to the older variant, this powerful SPAAG packs more accuracy then it's German
equivalent at the cost of stabilizers. They cut down anything in the air even faster then their older

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counterparts but make juicy targets for hostile SEAD aircraft. They still make great makeshift fire
support but work best when supporting or being supported by other units.

Price: 55 points

Laro Mortiear

Landrover mounted 60mm mortars that have high speed in exchange for armor and strength. Their
low HE is made up for the massive fire rate and ability to quickly move before counter battery fire can
destroy them. They work best against soft targets but sustained fire can damage and destroy
armored targets.

Price: 25 points

YP-408 PW-MT

Fast wheeled prototype APC mounted 81mm mortar perfect for light fire support. Their high speed
and light armor make them very hard to counter battery when moved often. Their larger rounds do
higher HE compared to the 60mm on the Laro but are still relatively light. Best used to destroy
infantry, soft targets/light armor or to smoke a position to assist with troops moving up.

Price: 30 points


Amphibious American made M113 APC packing a powerful 107mm mortar. they make quick work of
soft targets and infantry as well as AAA and ATGMs. Their smoke rounds can be extremely useful for
advancing units towards hostiles who have longer range weapons deployed or to allow your units to
move without risking incoming fire. Their ability to swim ashore as well as cross rivers make them very
useful on maps with a lot of water.

Price: 40 points


American made heavy SPH prefect for indirect fire against soft and even armored targets. Their
massive range and high HE allow a large amount of firepower to be brought down into a small area.
They have very low ammo capacity at only 2 rounds so it is highly important to keep them rearmed,
however their short barrages allow them to relocate very quickly.

Price: 60 points


With less range but higher HE and accuracy then the smaller M107, these massive howitzers can
destroy a 10 man squad or unarmored vehicle in a single direct hit. They still lack ammo for sustained
fire and are heavily dependent on supply units to function. Their main advantage is the ability to bring
a massive amount of concentrated firepower down on a singular target in a very short amount of time.

Price: 90 points

M727 I-Hawk

American made long range SAM perfect for destroying fixed wing aircraft and any helicopters unlucky
enough to get too close. Their low speed and ammo can leave them vulnerable in addition to using
radar guidance. They are best used to defend friendly troops with the help of SPAAGs and other AAA
systems. Turn them off when SEAD is nearby and make sure to relocate frequently.

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Price: 60 points

M727 I-Hawk PIP II

A direct upgrade to the older I-Hawk, the added anti helicopter range and accuracy allow these units
to better deal with rotor wing threats and higher ECM aircraft. They are still radar guided and slow off
road and require frequent resupply but pose a great threat to hostile aircraft.

Price: 70 points

M727 I-Hawk HEOS

Prototype upgrade to the I-Hawk that trades the accuracy and anti helicopter range of the PIP II for
SEAD immunity. These heavy SAMS are difficult to destroy without prompt response if moved
frequently and can be mixed with their radar guided cousins to give SEAD aircraft a nasty surprise
when hunting for radar guided units. Best used when frequently relocated and resupplied.

Price: 75 points

M752 Lance

The be all, end all of both armored and soft targets alike, this tactical missile launcher can level city
blocks, AAA and even armor. They have a massive range, high accuracy and massive HE damage in
exchange for a slow reload and high supply cost. These unis excel at clearing out heavenly fortified
areas or taking out HVTs like command units, AAA or artillery.

Price: 120 points

Dutch Tanks
AMX-13 FL-15

French built light tanks up gunned with auto loaded 105mm cannons and FN mags. Their light armor
is made up for in their high fire rate and decent punch for price range. These tanks make excellent
infantry support or as escorts for heaver armor. Their small size make them decent ambush weapons
in addition to fire support. They can destroy most AFVs and in larger numbers or with flank shots
beefier armor.

Price: 35 points

Centurion MK.7

British made MBT packing a 105mm main gun, FN mag and relatively thick armor. Their low speed off
road can cause some issues when pared with faster tanks like the leopard 1/2s and AMX-13s but still
provide decent fire support against softer targets when mixed with better tanks. They also make great
infantry support tanks due to the above average armor for their price range.

Price: 35 points

Leopard 1 NL

German made tank comparable to the Leopard 1A2, they have high speed off road and a decent fire
rate in exchange for lighter armor. They work best to flank around targets with their speed while the
beefier tanks attack head on. Their high speed also lets them keep up with some of the faster infantry
transports off road but their lighter armor can make them susceptible to lighter AT weapons if they
get too close.

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Price: 30 points

Leopard 1-V

Similar to the Leopard 1A4 in armor but with the A5s gun stats (with one less AP), this powerful MBT
excels at destroying light to medium armor and any soft targets it's supporting infantry can spot in
concealment. They are great for aggressive play in addition to ambushing hostile units with their high
accuracy and fire rate.

Price: 55 points

Leopard 2A1 NL

German made MBT with higher armor and AP then the older Leopard 1s at the cost of fire rate.
These tanks can go toe to toe with all but the best AFVs on the battlefield and benefit from high
speed and good stabilizers.

Price: 100 points

Leopard 2A4 NL

Like it's German cousin, this heavy duty MBT is deadly against both soft and armored targets. It has
slightly better AP power due to newer ammo allowing it to hit a tad harder. These tanks can deal with
most threats on the battlefield but work best in conjunction with support from infantry, AAA and other
units. They are high priority targets from ATGMs so care should be taken to use smoke and AAA to
cover them from air launched and ground systems.

Price: 145 points

Leopard 2A5 NL

One of the best tanks in the game, this German made monster will crack open the toughest tank in
only a handful of shots. These tanks work best when covered by other lighter armor and infantry as
well as AAA to prevent their destruction. The 22 frontal armor will take a lot of punishment but the
danger these tanks pose make them big targets for hostile units.

Price: 170 points

Dutch Recon
AMX-13 FL-12

Recon AMX-13 with better optics in exchange for main gun range, AP and accuracy. They work very
well with their tank counterparts, finding hidden targets they can use their longer range to destroy or
simply adding firepower with their own armament. They are rather fragile for a tank but have decent
armor for a recon vehicle. They posses auto loaded main guns allowing them to dish out fire quickly
even when panicked.

Price: 30 points

Leopard Verkenning

Essentially a Leopard 1-V with medium stealth and very good optics. One of the best recon tanks in
game, this unit can be mixed with it's standard cousins to spot for them or independently scout ahead
of your other units. They can destroy most things they spot with their 15 AP main gun while keeping
anything it can't in sight long enough to allow other units to deal with it.

Price: 65 points

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German made BO-105 helicopter equip for reminiscence. They have very good optics and a very
small size allowing them to spot targets and avoid incoming fire (but it's best to keep them away from
any AAA). They can help scout for gunships or line up corrected shots for artillery, making these
useful tools for gathering intelligence on hostile unit positions.

Price: 45 points


Basic 5 man recon team packing FALs and M72 LAWs. They have very good optics and a great
selection of transports allowing them to mix well with other infantry units. They work best as observers
but in a pinch they can support friendly troops in direct combat or be slipped behind hostile lines to
observe unit movements and possibly destroy HVTs.

Price: 15 points


Recon SF troops that can just as easily observe and report or take matters into their own hands.
They are armed with the deadly UZI SMGs, M2 CG RRs and the FALO SAWs, perfect weapons for
CQB against infantry and able to crack open fairly substantial armor. They can helicopter insert
where they are least expected in the rear where they can target CVs, artillery and AAA.

Price: 30 points

Laro C&V

Exceptional optics recon jeep armed with a FN MAG for self defense. They are very easy to conceal
and their high speed allows them to quickly slip into or away from a observation position. They can
keep up with all but the fastest units off road. They are very soft targets with no armor and only 5
strength so they should avoid direct combat unless in extreme emergencies.

Price: 45 points


Prototype exotic looking scout car armed with a 20mm auto cannon and good optics. They have 1
armor all around and their 100 km/h off road speed lets them chase lighter targets down or run away
from anything they can't engage. Their medium size and stealth allow them to avoid hostile units until
an opportune time to fire presents itself.

Price: 25 points

M113 C&V

Amphibious tracked scout vehicle based on a modified M113 hull. These units are lightly armed with
.50 cal Browning for self defense but have 2 front and 1 top, side and rear armor allowing them to
aggressively scout areas where softer recon units would be put at risk. The ability for them to cross
water allows them to both follow their APC cousins or sneak around behind hostile lines to spot
targets for artillery and airstrikes.

Price: 10 points

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M113 C&V 25mm

Performing similar to it's lighter armed cousin, this amphibious tracked scout trades the .50 cal MG for
a 25mm auto cannon. They can hunt down lighter targets as well as set up and observe hostile units.
They can hold their own against helicopters that stumble into them at close range in concealment as
well as mulch any infantry or light AFVs they encounter. They can keep up with and provide fire
support to infantry and their tracked transports when assaulting towns.

Price: 25 points

YP-408 C&V

Fast, wheeled prototype scout based on the YP-408 APC. These units trade their infantry
compartments and M2 browning for good optics and powerful 25mm auto cannons. They can keep up
with their ATGM and APC cousins as well as chase down routing light units as well as finding targets
for the rest of your army, navy and air force.

Price: 25 points


Trading it's auto cannon for better optics (exceptional) and a Browning HMG, these swift Dutch recon
vehicles still have light armor to protect them and medium stealth to conceal themselves. They are
best used to covertly observe hostile unit movements and should only engage targets defensively or
as a last resort.

Price: 55 points

Dutch Vehicles

French built AMX-PRI hull mated with the American made TOW missile. These single tube tracked
ATGM launchers have a modest load of 8 rounds with 3 front, 2 side and 1 top and rear armor to
protect them from light return fire. Like all ATGM units, they work best when used to either ambush
hostile armor or in conjunction with friendly armor, allowing the tanks to take the brunt of the assault
where the ATGMs are used to both assist in the destruction of hostile armor with their HEAT missiles
or damage high end tanks while your armor is able to get closer to added KE damage.

Price: 25 points


Although less armored then it's older counterpart, this fast wheeled ATGM carrier packs the more
powerful and accurate I-TOW, allowing it to hit harder and faster then the AMX-PRAT at the cost of
durability. Their high speed lets them keep pace with fast moving infantry transports, providing them
with anti armor support while the slower tracked units catch up to join the fight. They hold 12 missiles
allowing them to stay in the fight longer before they need to rearm.

Price: 40


Trading the speed of the YP-408 PWAT for amphibious capability, twin missile launchers and the
more powerful and accurate TOW 2, these nasty tank destroyers can deal with high end armor
quickly and efficiently. Although their reload time is slower, their actual fire rate is faster due to
employing a 2 tube launcher. They have better side armor then the YP-408 PWAT but less frontal
armor then the older AMX-PRAT. They can cross rivers and land on beaches with ease making them
very useful for flanking maneuvers.

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Price: 60 points

NEKAF 106mm

Jeep mounted M40 RR perfect for light fire support or ambushing armor. they fire HEAT rounds
capable of damaging any ground unit in game, destroying them with a maximum of only 10 shots.
Their low price and high availability allows them to be deployed in large numbers to effectively
engage and destroy superior units with their larger numbers. They are great when brought in to
support infantry fight at the edge of towns against dug in hostile troops.

Price: 10 points

Laro I-TOW

Land Rover mounted ATGM vehicle commonly used to ambush hostile armor. They can relocate from
firing position to firing position quickly due to their fast wheeled on speed road in addition to their 95
KM/H off road speed. They carry 6 missiles that although they can get quickly to the front lines are
also quick to deplete their ammo.

Price: 35 points

Laro TOW-2

A direct upgrade to the older I-TOW model, this unit features enhanced lethally in the form of higher
AP and accuracy ATGMs. They can destroy most MBTs in a handful of flank shots but even on the
best armor a single hit will still do at least 1 damage due to the HEAT nature of the warheads.

Price: 45 points

Dutch Helicopters
Alouette ss-11

French made helicopter packing 6 SS-11 ATGMs for cracking open armor. They are somewhat slow
for helicopters and their ATGMs have somewhat low AP, however this is made up for with their
mobility and speed that allows quick response and eases the process of flanking for side or rear
armor shots. They have a decent amount of ATGMs for a anti tank helicopter but it is important to
have supply units handy to keep them rearmed.

Price: 35 points

AH-64 TD

Packing a whopping 16 AGM-114A hellfires, a 30mm autocannon, 8 strength and 1 front and side
armor, these tank hunters are fast, powerful and have enough ammo to stay on station for long
amounts of time. Although it lacks the exceptional optics and F&F AGM-114C of the American
Longbow, they require less micromanagement when it comes to the prevention of missile waste and
are not as expensive.

Price: 130 points

AH-64 Escort

Similar in some ways to it's ATGM spewing cousins, this well armored gunship packs 76 Hydra 70mm
rocket pods in addition to it's 30mm autocannon. These helicopters can absolutely butcher soft
targets like infantry and light AFVs. Their light armor allows them to take a bit of small arms fire but

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like all helicopters their main defense is their speed. They can zip around the battlefield with their 280
KM/H speed.

Price: 65 points


German made light attack helicopter perfect for harassing light armor and soft targets. Their small
size can help keep them from getting shredded by small arms or AAA but their low strength of 4
leaves these helicopters as very squishy targets. They are best used for hit and run attacks or for
supporting other advancing units or pared with other helicopters.

Price: 30 points

Dutch Aircraft

Classic American made light fighter packing 4 AIM-9Ls and a vulcan 20mm auto cannon. They
feature decent speed but low turn rate, making them effective hit and run, boom and zoom helo
hunters or decent interceptors. Their lack of long range missiles makes it important to call them is fast
when needed. They can engage even high end fighters in numbers and work well with better
platforms as supportive ASFs.

Price: 60 points

F-16A Block 1

Basic F-16 packing 6 AIM-9Ls, high speed and 20% ECM. They can do a number on helicopters,
ground attack aircraft and hostile fighters but their lack of long range missiles can cause issues when
engaging fleeing aircraft or when attacking fighters that have longer range armament. When they get
close enough they make great dog fighters and when deployed in groups or mixed formations.

Price: 90 points


Trading out 4 of their AIM-9Ls for 2 Ms and 4 AMRAAMs, these 40% ECM aircraft are fast, deadly
and cost efferent. They are great interceptors and can handle similarly priced ASFs as well as any
ground attack aircraft unlucky enough get one on their tail. They are not the best helicopter hunters
but overall in the long run they tend to do a better job against fixed wing fighters then their older
cousins mainly due to their weapon range.

Price: 160 points

F-16A Block 5

Multi role fighter bomber with 4 500 pound bombs, a vulcan 20mm and 2 AIM-9Ls. They can hold
their own against the occasional fighter but work best when escorted towards their targets so they
can focus on bombing ground targets or shooting down aircraft, not both at once. Their 20% ecm
makes these aircraft relatively evasive but should avoid areas with heavy AA or fighter cover without
proper support.

Price: 120 points

F-16A Block 10

Trading their multi use 500 pound bombs for cluster munitions, these fighter bombers are not very
capable at killing infantry when compared to their Block 5 counterparts but can crack a tank open like
a can opener. Against aircraft they perform the same, the main choice between the two being better
armor killing power for multi use bombs (or just taking both units).

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Price: 120 points

F-16A Block 15 OCU

Prototype multi role aircraft with AGM-65Ds for tank hunting and a Vulcan 20mm and 2 AMRAAMs for
use against hostile aircraft. This unique mix of a long range tank hunter and long range fighter
provides a flexible platform that also has 40% ECM and exceptional air detection to boot. They can
hold their own against singular aircraft/AFVs but their low ammo count limits their use in large fur
balls/ ground pushes.

Price: 145 points


Ground attack aircraft with quad Brownings for strafing/self defense and Zuni rockets for ground
attack. They work best against point targets such as ATGM AFVs and infantry. They work great when
supporting troops in towns where they can put a lot of HE danger close in a small area. Have no ECM
to speak of and their slow speed can cause issues when fighting in contested airspace.

Price:50 points


Multirole fighter bomber packing a set of 20mm autocannons, 2 AIM-9Ls and 5 light cluster bombs.
They are not as fast as the F-16A Block 10s but come at a lower price and higher availability. They
can also defend themselves when needed and function as light fighters but should fly with escorts
when attacking ground targets. Their low ECM of 10% can still help the evade a bit of fire but they
should not venture into areas with large amounts of AA/fighter cover.

Price: 90 points


Although lacking the AIM-9s of it's tank hunting cousin, these ground attack aircraft posses deadly
napalm bombs. They can burn infantry out of buildings, deny access to roads and choke points as
well as stun, and with time kill armor. They work well when pared with the NF-5As, stunning armor and
roasting infantry while the latter finishes off any AFVs that escape incineration and deter/destroy fixed
and rotor wing aircraft that attempt to respond.

Price: 90 points

Israel National Overview

Israel is the second DLC nation to be introduced into Wargame. They have a very good selection of
very powerful units, with major focus on armor in pretty much every unit they use, including transports
with up to 10 armor on the front, however they only have access to one IFV (more of a transport tank
then IFV).

Israeli logistics units are very much comparable to the US logistics units, and almost all serve the
same purposes, but with better armor in most cases.

Israeli infantry are quite powerful all around, often using a mix of Russian equipment, such as the
RPG-7V along with American equipment, such as the M16 rifles, Belgian weapons like the FAL/FALO
in addition to locally made firearms like the Uzi an Galil. They also get the Spike ATGM, which at this
moment is one of the most dangerous ATGM in the game.

Israeli transports in general are lightly armed, but VERY well armored, and when not well armored,
they usually have a lot of small arms attached to them. Some elite units also get a CH-53 with very

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powerful ATGMS attached to them, on par with aircraft in terms if power.

Israeli support is generally pretty weak in terms of non radar AA ability, but very good in terms of
radar guided AA. They also get some very interesting MLRS systems, and the biggest mortar in the

Israel is a very powerful nation in terms of tanks, primarily due to their frontal armor, which is amazing
for the price, but these usually come at the cost of decent side armor, and a (seemingly) low
availability. They do have very powerful guns in most cases as well.

Israel has a few unique units for recon, including a recon SPAAG, a 5 man Rifle/DMR recon team and
a SF recon with ATGMs. Most of these units are rather powerful, or in general rather useful for their

Israel has a modest vehicle tab, including, mostly a bunch of ATGM launchers (one of which is
disguised as a tank) and lastly, an M4 Sherman with a 105mm HEAT gun, typically found on cheaper
french tanks.

Israel gets a small selection of helicopters, including Little Birds armed with ATGM launchers, a few
Cobra models, and an AH-64A Apache.

Lastly, Israel has a rather good selection of aircraft, with multiple choices for multiple roles. A very
strong air power, with slightly inferior equipment than US fighters in most cases. Still extremely
powerful for their price point with everything from SEAD and LGBs to napalm and rocket CAS.

Israeli Logistics

Basic command troops with Uzi SMGs and FALO MMGs, they are fairly capable in CQB due to their
armament but like all command squads should avoid direct conflict with hostile units. They work best
when used in forested or city filled objectives. They have a potent selection of hardy transports that
allow them to take slightly tougher objectives then most command squads.

Price: 100 points


Fast moving command truck perfect for holding quiet zones away from the front or for rapid
deployment to hotly contested front line areas. They are rather fragile with their small size and high
speed. They are unarmed and should always move with escorting units.

Price: 110 points


Although slower then the M325, these captured AFVs have twice the strength as their lighter
counterpart in addition to a defensive .50 cal MG and 1 front, side and rear armor. They are fragile
towards top attack weapons like bombs but can shrug off light small arms fire and indirect artillery fire.
They have minimal defensive capability so it is best to deploy these with protective escorts and to
avoid direct combat. They are still rather fast off road (but slower then the M325) allowing them to
quickly take objectives with other wheeled units.

Price: 115 points


M113 based amphibious tracked command vehicle perfect for holding front line or naval objectives.
they have 1 top and rear and 2 front and side armor, allowing these units to survive light incoming
fire. Their lack of defensive armament and status as a command unit makes them juicy targets. They
should be kept away from hostile units to prevent their destruction. They can also cross rivers and
land on beaches allowing them to capture objectives via flanking or run from hostile units where they
can't follow.

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Price: 120 points

Achzarit PIKUD

Heavily modified APC derived CVs made from captured T-55 hulls, these hardy command units can
take a beating but lack defensive armament. They have the armor of a low end command tank
without the added cost of packing a main gun. They can take a lot of punishment but need to be
escorted and protected from hostile units.

Price: 130 points

Merkava 1 PIKUD

Well armed and armored command tank that can both inflict and receive a lot of punishment in the
field. Their 16 front armor can hold up against low to mid tier tanks but suffer from relatively soft side
and rear armor (5 and 3 respectively), however their 3 top armor can shake off light shelling. They
can fight back rather well with their 105mm main gun and 7.62 and .50 MGs but should stay away
from the fight and deploy with escorts.

Price: 160 points

Sayfan PIKUD

Command Kiowa helicopter great for initial land grabs and fast withdrawal from contested objectives.
Like all command helicopters they have very good optics allowing them to function as makeshift recon
helos when needed as well as let it see threats before they are able to fire on it. They can't land in
cover or concealment so hills/depressions or sight obstructions like towns or forests should be used
to hide these units.

Price: 100 points


US made M35 supply truck perfect for rearming friendly units. They hold a decent 800 units of supply
and have decent off road speed. They can be captured if left untended and like most supply units are
rather fragile so care should be taken to protect and conserve them in combat zones, allowing them
to keep your other units fighting.

Price: 15 points


US made HEMTT heavy duty armored supply truck, they have 1 front, side and rear armor allowing
them to endure light punishment from small arms and indirect artillery. They heft a massive 2400
units of supply into the field allowing them to rearm, refuel and repair a large number of units before
needing to top off at a FOB.

Price: 40 points


US made CH-53 supply helicopter with a high supply capacity (1500 units of supply) and high speed.
These large helicopters make big targets to hostile AA and artillery when landed. They work best
stationed behind your lines where they can top off other supply units to directly rearm, repair and
refuel friendly forces. They can go places most other supply units can't and their high speed makes
them useful for rapid blitzkrieg assaults.

Price: 35 points

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Israeli Infantry

2 man M16 and Stinger A packing MANPAD teams used for local air defense. They can hide in towns,
forests and rip both rotor and fixed wing aircraft out of the sky with their 5 HE missiles. They are
fragile and limited when it comes to ammo capacity (6 missiles) making them dependent on other
infantry to protect them and on supply units to rearm them.

Price: 15 points


2 man redeye and uzi armed MANPAD teams that provide light AA defense to dug in infantry. They
work best when deployed with protective infantry and close to the edge of towns and woods where
they can engage hostile helicopters and planes that get too close. They have a high availability and
low price that makes up for their lower accuracy and HE compared with the stinger, allowing them to
deploy in large numbers in one area or be spread across a front line, making air assaults tedious and
risky for your opponent.

Price: 10 points


2 man spike LR armed prototype ATGM teams with M16s for self defense. They have great range,
accuracy and AP allowing them to destroy heavy armor quickly and efficiently, Their HEAT missiles
can do at a minimum 1 damage to any AFV but few can shrug off it's 21 AP. They work best when
dug in and are fragile targets for artillery, infantry and helicopters, working best during combined
arms usage.

Price: 25 points


Uzi and M47 dragon armed 5 man FIST teams that can bust tanks as well as soft targets. The low AP
of their ATGMs is made up for their long range against infantry. They work well with standard infantry,
allowing them to reach out and hit targets at longer ranges before pulling back and so conventional
infantry units finish off stranglers. Their HEAT missiles can destroy any ground unit in 10 shots or
less, letting them slowly wear down hostile heavy armor.

Price: 10 points


Israeli marines packing the galil AR, RPG-7V AT and galil ARM SAW. They are great 15 man shock
units perfect for anything from naval landings to clearing towns and woods of hostile troops. They do
decent damage against armor and can hold their own against most infantry if properly supported.
They do have limited access to amphibious transports for marine troops but can still deploy in
Bardelas APCs for beach assaults or have conventional transports come ashore in landing craft.

Price: 25 points


MK19 and uzi 5 man FIST team that offers light anti armor and heavy anti infantry capability. When
pared with units with better AT and AA they can tear through hostile troops. They can boost the
infantry killing power of conventional troops or provide an unpleasant surprise for infantry trying to
engage your ATGM and MANPAD teams. Require supply units for sustained combat.

Price: 15 points

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Israeli prototype militia unit with the classic FAL and RL-100 blindicide, perfect for supporting higher
end infantry units or used in large numbers against smaller groups of hostile infantry. What they lack
in firepower they make up with their low price and high availability. They can inflect a decent amount
of damage to AFVs. They are relatively slow dismounted so they work best when used in cover such
as towns and woods or with smoke to cover their movement.

Price: 5 points


Standard rack and file line infantry with M72s FALs and FALOs. They fight well at longer ranges with
their battle rifles but lack a longer range MG. The M72s they use have a high fire rate but low AP and
accuracy, making them ideal up close in urban or forested areas. They form the nucleus of any
infantry attack and can be used to support shock and SF units deal with greater threats.

Price: 10 points

Rovaite '90

Packing better AT then the older 75' version, these line infantry have the less accurate, higher fire
rate and range FN MAG and the M16 AR (better for close range then the FAL) against infantry allows
them to longer range and higher efficiency at closer range. A direct upgrade when it comes to AT,
their other weapons are more of a side grade to the older version.

Price: 10 points

Shayetet 13

Deadly SF unit packing the AKM, PKM and the B300 (local version of the dreaded SMAW). They can
destroy most tanks in a few good hits and can demolish any infantry they encounter. They can be
used behind the lines to attack key targets as well as provide support to other infantry when taking
forests and towns. Diverse transport options allow these units to deploy in a variety of situations to
best complete their missions.

Price: 30 points


Airborne shock paratroopers that deploy for fast wheeled transports or swift transport helos. They
pack the deadly uzi, RPG-7V and FN MAG, allowing them to deal with a variety of threats. They are
great for early land grabs, naval landings or behind the lines flanking. They can deal with most troops
and AFVs they encounter but care must be taken to give them proper support both at or behind the
front lines to get the most out of these units.

Price: 20 points

Taznhanim '95

A direct upgrade to the older version, they trade their uzis for the CAR-15 (not as good up close but
with better long range usage), the B300 (local SMAW) AT launcher for the shorter range, lower AP
and less accurate RPG-7V. They lack the armored BTR-152 transports but have the faster off road
Hamer and the more durable Anafa utility helo compared to the older Bell 205A.

Price: 25 points

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Israeli transports

American made M113 amphibious APC with an M2 browning and 2 FN MAGs. These powerful APCs
have 1 armor all around and can put enough lead downrange to turn a 15 man infantry unit into
Swiss cheese in a few seconds. They can deploy troops across rivers and on beach assaults, making
these APCs useful for flanking your opponents.

Price: 5 points


Side grade to the Bardelas, this M113 trades speed and amphibious capability for extra front and
side armor (1 point each). They can shrug off small arms and light AT fire and dish out a tremendous
amount of return fire from it's 3 machine guns. They work well when deploying in dangerous urban or
wooded areas but when it comes to maneuvering their older, lighter cousin is a better option.

Price: 5 points


Captured wheeled APC packing an M2 browning, 1 armor on the front, side and rear (the open top
leaves them exposed to direct artillery hits, conventional and cluster bombs) allowing them to take a
bit of punishment in the field. They can rapidly move your infantry on and off road across long
distances quickly in initial land grabs or when reinforcement is needed quickly.

Price: 10 points


US made humvee armed with an FN MAG, these fast moving wheeled transports lack armor but
feature 10 strength allowing them to take light small arms fire for a short duration. They have very
high autonomy allowing them to perform deep raids behind hostile lines or move troops from zone to
zone as you take ground. They make great transports for ATGMs and MANPAD teams to reinforce
ground taken by other infantry or for carrying line, shock and SF infantry quickly to the front line.

Price: 10 points

M325 Nun-Nun

Light transport truck with 5 strength, high speed on road and good fuel economy. They are rather
fragile at 5 strength and no armor as well as the fact that they lack defensive armament. They make
good battle taxis for select infantry units but are useless in a fight. They can quickly transport and
relocate troops around the map rapidly at a low cost.

Price: 5 points


Centurion hulled heavy APC with 8 front, 5 side, 4 rear and 2 top armor. This strange looking
monster can slowly transport your troops safely into dangerous areas and dish out fire support with
it's two FN MAGs. They are rather slow off road but make up for it with their heavy armor and duel
MGs. They can soak up a lot of incoming fire and even when destroyed, there's a good chance some
of the troops inside will live to fight another day.

Price: 10 points


Heavily modified APCs made from captured T-55 hulls, these well armored APCs have 10 front, 6
side, 5 rear and 2 top armor. They also pack 3 FN MAG MMGs that put out a surprising amount of
offensive firepower. They can shred dismounted troops and soft targets while surviving a large
amount of punishment. They can both safely transport their troops almost anywhere (without water

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obstructions) and dish out a massive amount damage on a point target.

Price: 15 points

Merkava IIA

Powerful tank turned IFV mounting a 105mm cannon, M2 machinegun and a MK19 AGL. They might
not carry as much ammo as a normal tank but they are the ultimate infantry transport, able to deal
with armor and dug in troops with ease. They have great armor for an IFV at 18 front, 6 side, 4 rear
and 4 top, meaning that even if it's destroyed a good deal of the troops inside will make it out. They
work very well when assisting their infantry, suppressing and destroying other infantry engaged by
dismounts or taking on armor that is out of their AT range.

Price: 90 points

RAM recce

M2 armed, good optics recon transport with 1 front, side and rear armor. They are fast, stealthy and
able to not only quickly transport recon infantry wherever they are needed but add an additional set
of eyes to observe a larger area. They are exposed to top attacks due to their open top but can do
forward recon while their dismounts dig in and observe or stay back while they insert into towns or
woods behind hostile lines.

Price: 15 points


Classic US made half track packing an M2 machinegun, 1 front, side and rear armor (but lacking an
armored roof) and high offroad speed. They are only used by militia troops but are one of the best
options available to this humble class of infantry unit. They do suffer from poor fuel economy and
require frequent refueling but when gassed up they can both take and dish out a decent amount of
fire for their price.

Price: 5 points

Bell 205A

Classic US made UH-1 Huey (civilian designation) with an FN MAG and the ability to quickly take your
troops anywhere quickly. They are great for naval landings, river crossings, initial rushes, rapid
reinforcement and deploying troops behind hostile lines. They are rather fragile and somewhat slow
for a helicopter but can ignore water, hills and other obstructions that slow down ground units.

Price: 15 points


A direct upgrade to the older Bell 205A, they feature twin engines that give higher autonomy and
strength at the cost of fuel economy. They are also available to marine decks compared to their older
cousin making them useful transports during naval invasions. They are still somewhat fragile and
should avoid hot LZs with large amounts of AAA so care should be taken to use SEAD, artillery and
potentially risky airstrikes to clear the way for the air cav.

Price: 15 points

Yas'ur Nimrod

Fast, 10 strength and armed to the teeth, this prototype SF transport helo can deploy the best of
your troops anywhere on he map. They have great fuel economy, high speed and pack ATGMs
capable of cracking open a top line MBT in a few shots. These large helos are high priority targets
and have limited ammo capacity but when carefully used with their dismounts they can do anything
from sniping command units to tank hunting.

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Price: 80 points

Israeli support

Fast wheeled SPAAG made from a Soviet BTR-152, American turret (modified from the quad M2 M45
mount used on the Danish GMC M450 and South Korean Seung-Gong-Po) packing French two
20mm autocannons. This chimera abomination is fast, SEAD resistant and can dish out lethal fire on
ground and air targets alike. They lack top armor but have 1 front, side and rear armor that can
protect them from light incoming fire. These units are the staple of any fast moving formation of units,
able to keep pace with their transport cousins while protecting them from hostile fixed and rotor wing
aircraft, providing fire support if needed.

Price: 25 points


American made PVADS radar guided M113 hulled amphibious SPAAG. Although not the longest
ranged SPAAG in game, the high fire rate of these 20mm packing monsters will turn any hostile fixed
wing, rotor wing or ground target into a fine paste. They should be turned off when SEAD is nearby,
allowing the offending aircraft to fly over and get blasted in the back or shot down by nor radar
AA/aircraft. They are good options to support river crossings or landings and can provide your
M113s with air defense in addition to added firepower.

Price: 40 points


Trading the swimming capability of it's predecessor for longer range, higher accuracy, stabilizers,
additional armor, autonomy and 8 IR stinger missiles in a 4 round pod, this massive upgrade allows
these prototype SPAAGs to engage SEAD with their guns off, hit targets at longer range with higher
accuracy and survive counter attacks slightly better then the older Hovet. They might not be able to
swim but on land they can keep up with other M113 based systems, allowing them to keep up with the
APCs they escort.

Price: 60 points


American M48A1 Chaparral with a quad launcher for ground based AIM-9 derived MIM-72Fs. They
have front and side armor but are exposed from above and to the rear. They can take down most
aircraft in 2-3 shots (3 for aircraft like the B-5/Avia 28) and are immune to SEAD. They make short
work of helicopters that attempt to stray too close to your formations, allowing them to cover your
advancing troops or set up ambushes for those units that get too close.

Price: 55 points


American made amphibious M113 mounted 81mm mortar perfect for light fire support and smoking
positions for your troops to advance. They have a large ammo capacity for an indirect fire unit
allowing them to rain hell on multiple targets without needing to rearm. They work best when used
against soft targets and light AFVs but sustained fire can and will destroy heavier targets. They can
cross rivers and land on beaches to provide fire support for your amphibious forces or even shell
positions from the safety of the water.

Price: 30 points


Heavy duty 160mm mortar on an open topped sherman hull. They have very high HE and produce
large smoke bursts they can help conceal troop movements or allow them to get closer to hostile
units. They have similar firepower to light howitzers and although it lacks the range it makes up for

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this with faster aim time and reloads. They have 2 front and side a well as 1 rear armor, allowing them
to shrug off near misses from counter battery fire or light AT/small arms but are best kept away from
the fight. They have exposed roofs meaning that direct hits from artillery or other top attack munitions
will easily destroy them. They also have low autonomy so refueling and additionally rearming them
frequently are important to keep them alive and combat effective.

Price: 60 points

Sherman mounted MLRS, like a modernized calliope that ditched it's main gun and defensive
armament in exchange for deadly napalm warheads. This 240mm monster has 2 frond and side and
1 top and rear armor, allowing it deliver it's deadly payload and possibly survive light counter battery
fire. They can clear out entire forests and towns, incinerating any units caught in it's hellish rain while
your units mercy kill any traumatized, scorched survivors. You can also hold off advancing troops with
a well placed barrage, a perfect weapon for area denial.

Price: 70 points


Prototype Centurion hull packing 4 massive 290mm 15 HE rockets. Performing similar to the Dutch
Lance but with higher HE output but spread over a larger area. They are best used for dealing with
HVTs, CVs, tightly packed dug in troops, AAA, command units and high end MBTs. The chance of
anything surviving a direct hit is very low and even then the detonations of the other rockets will
mostly finish the job. The slow rate of fire can give hostile forces time to relocate but most likely the
intended target will still be destroyed along with any nearby targets.

Price: 90 points


AMX-13 mounted 160mm cluster MLRS that cracks open armor like nothing else. The low AP of the
rounds is made up for the fact it fires 36 of them in rapid succession. The 2 front, 1 side, rear and top
armor allow them to survive light retaliatory fire but movement is critical to avoid and survive counter
battery fire. They work best when clearing out large formations of hostile armor or shelling suspected
command vehicle locations (they won't hurt command troops but can still panic and stun them).

Price: 100 points


Basic US made M109A2 SPH packing a deadly 155mm main gun. They can shell both armor and soft
targets back into the stone age as well as deploy smoke screens to conceal troop movements, both
advances and withdraws. Care needs to be taken to relocate after firing and to keep eyes out for
counter battery fire. They are best deployed behind your line with supply and escort units.

Price: 80 points


Prototype M106A6 derived SPH that trades longer range for direct fire KE shells and offroad speed.
They aim fast, hit hard and can be gone before the first shell impacts the target with proper
micromanagement. They can pound most ground targets into a pulp with a few shells and can
provide smoke screens to protect your troops on he ground.

Price: 130 points

Romach ERFB

M107 with rocket assisted projectiles, enhancing it's range to almost 50000 meters! They can hit
targets almost anywhere on the map with smoke or HE, they have rather low ammo capacity so it is
important to deploy them with supply units. they can destroy most targets with 2-3 direct hits and are
great for destroying HVT units like command units and AAA. Best used when relocated after firing to
prevent hostile counter battery retaliation.

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Price: 90 points


Trading the range of the Romach for higher accuracy and HE, these massive SPHs can vaporize soft
targets with one direct hit. They can provide both HE and smoke support to troops on the front line
and work best when kept protected by other units and supplied to keep their sustained fire landing on
hostile units.

Price: 90 points


US made I-HAWK long range radar SAM perfect for dealing with anything that flys. They can destroy
most helos with one hit and any air unit with only 2. They only have 3 missiles so care should be
taken to resupply them whenever possible, relocating them to avoid counter battery fire and turning
them off when SEAD is in your AO.

Price: 60 points

Shenav II

I-HAWK PIP-II upgrade to the older version, they have better anti helo range and accuracy. They are
slow offroad and have limited ammo so care should be taken to escort and rearm these units
whenever possible. They should be turned off when SEAD flys over then turned back on to hit them
in the rear after they fly over.

Price: 70 points


Prototype Merkava I based hull SPH packing a high end, fast firing and aiming 155mm main gun. It
has a very powerful self defense direct fire mode with high AP and accuracy in addition good armor.
price: 120 points

Israeli tanks
Mag'ach 6

US made M60 Patton with ERA panels for better armor and a several other upgrades. They maintain
a high 10 ROF for their 105mm main guns and have an M2 (without the fancy cupola) to deal with
soft targets like infantry and helicopters. These tanks posses 12 frontal, 5 side, 3 rear and 2 top
armor allowing them to soak up a decent amount of damage and return the favor with their 15 AP
main guns. They are rather powerful mid tier tanks and provide a plethora of capabilities for their

Price: 55 points

Mag'ach 6 Bet Gal

A direct upgrade to the older version, this modified M60 Patton has better optics, range, accuracy,
stability and AP allowing it to more efficiently engage other tanks and AFVs. They lack armor
upgrades but make up for this with still having decent armor due to the ERA add on bricks. These
tanks can be mixed with the older models to both add firepower to your armor formations as well as
confuse and panic hostile units due to the minimal visual differences, when not fully identified they
can easily be confused with the older models and underestimated or large formations with both tanks
mixed can cause an opponent to assume you have a large group of Bet Gals instead of a mixed

Price: 70 points

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Mag'arch 7C Gimel

A prototype further upgrade of the M60 design, it's slower then the American Super Patton but packs
more frontal armor (with less side and rear), longer range, higher accuracy, stability and AP. These
tanks can take a beating from light and medium AT and can destroy most light APCs/IFVs in a single
shot. They can do a number on hostile tanks as well and their ability to resist a few rounds from
lighter LAWs allow them to effectively function as infantry support.

Price: 95 points

Merkava I

Basic version of the famous Israeli domestic staple, these tanks pack a powerful 105mm main gun, a
7.62 and .50 MG and thick frontal armor at the cost of relatively thin side armor. These tanks are
really tough nuts to crack from the front but care should be taken to protect their flanks with other
units. Weapons that could barely scratch the frontal armor could cripple or destroy these tanks with a
single well placed shot. They make great assault units when facing their targets and in controlled
defensive environments they are difficult nuts to crack.

Price: 65 points

Merkava IIB

A direct upgrade to the older I, this powerful mid line tank has 2 additional front armor and an added
point on the top, rear and sides. They have longer operational range (100 more autonomy) and
better AP on the main gun as well as better optics, allowing them to see targets and better hit them at
longer rangers. These tanks can hold their own with heavy armor from the front but are still easy to
disable or destroy with flank shots. They are best deployed with friendly units as flank guards to
protect them from aggressive hostile maneuvering.

Price: 80 points

Merkava IIIB

Swapping the MMG for an AGL and the 105mm cannon with the bigger 120mm, these prototype
tanks have much greater firepower against ground units (at a slight cost of anti helo weaponry) and
possess stronger armor and higher speed. Gun stats are all around better and the AGL makes it
deadly against infantry and even armor when fighting up close. One of the best heavy infantry
support tanks in game, these units can both effectively deal with infantry and easily deal with high
end tanks as well.

Price: 155 points

Merkava IIID BAZ

Trading the MK19 for the accurate and powerful LAHAT ATGM, this prototype tank trades main gun
ammo for the power to reach out and destroy hostile armor at longer ranges then conventional gun
only tanks. This tank also has higher armor, a better stabilizer and higher AP on the main gun. These
tanks have great front armor but are still soft on the sides and rear in comparison to their frontal
armor. they can go toe to toe with the best armor in game and the ability to engage hostile armor at
longer ranges with the ATGM give them a massive advantage. They can also hit ATGM vehicles at
ranges that normal tanks are unable too due to the long range of their weapons.

Price: 180 points


Captured Soviet made amphibious light tank armed with a 76mm auto loaded HEAT firing main gun.
Perfect fire support platform that can chip away at even the best armor and their ability to exploit

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rivers and beaches to aggressively flank and destroy hostile units behind enemy lines. The main
downsides to these tanks are their light armor, limiting the amount of fire they can take before
destitution at the hands of hostile AT. They can take a hit or two from lower AP weapons but should
they survive it is a priority to repair them quickly before subsequent hits render them burnt out husks.

Price: 15 points

Sh'ot Kal

British made Centurion MBT packing thick armor, a powerful 105mm cannon and FN MAG MG. They
are fairly beefy MBTs but have low accuracy, potentially causing issues when engaging targets at
longer ranges with precision. They can help screen for better armor and make great fire support
weapons against soft targets. They tend to work best when working in groups with other tanks or
when supporting other combined arms attacks.

Price: 30 points

Sh'ot kal Dalet

A direct upgrade to the older version, the ERA armor, upgraded 105mm gun and an M2 mg in place
of the 7.62. The higher armor, accuracy, firepower, stability and AP allow these tanks to deal with
most AFVs and tanks of similar quality. The higher accuracy of the main gun makes these tanks fairly
deadly for their price bracket and are a massive upgrade compared to their older brothers price wise.

Price: 40 points

Israeli Recon

A unique 5 man recon team that trades AT weapons for a DMR. These scouts classic Vietnam era
M16s and M14s allow them to pick off unsuspecting infantry at a longer range then traditional recon
teams. they do lack the numbers to go head to head with most infantry units without support but allow
your other squads to both see your enemy sooner and engage them earlier at greater ranges.

Price: 15 points


Amphibious prototype M113 derived recon vehicle with a 60mm KE only autocannon. Although
unable to engage dismounted troops directly, the high AP and ROF of the 60mm HVMS cannon can
make short work of hostile armor. The KE nature makes them deadly up close against armor and
their good optics allow them to see ahead of the other units they are deployed with. They work really
well when pared with Bedouins to scout for hostiles and take out and armor the AT lacking scouts
can't engage while they take care of dismounted troops.

Price: 30 points

M325 Patrol

Soft skinned recon truck armed to the teeth with an M2 browning and 2 FN MAGs. These units are
best used to covertly observe hostile troop movements and can use their speed to evade hostile
forces. They don't fare well in direct combat but their many MGs can be used in an emergency to
shred hostile infantry, helicopters and other soft skinned units. The very good optics and high speed
of this unit allow it to go deep behind the lines to spot targets and keep up with faster units in the

Price: 30 points


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Prototype 5 man recon team packing Glilon carbines, Spike MR ATGMs and the infamous Negev
MGs. They are somewhat softer then most SF recon troops with their 5 man team size but make up
for it with their long range AT and deadly small arms. These units are like the unholy mix of a 5 man
ATGM team, 5 man recon team and half a squad of SF troops rolled into one. They excel against
anything on land and their only main weakness is their 5 man size, high price and low numbers of
units available to deploy. Work best when supporting other infantry units or as silent alarms to keep
their eyes on important flank routes.

Price: 35 points


AT packing recon armored car, they have 1 armor all around with the exception of an open roof.
Their high speed, good optics and powerful HEAT RR allow these units to observe, report, ambush
and harass the enemy behind their lines or at the front of yours. They make decent FSVs when
needed and can knock out tanks and AFVs when needed but they really excel as HVT hunters,
pegging AAA, artillery, counter recon and hostile command units then melting back into concealment.

Price: 20 points


Prototype version of the RAM armored car with very good optics and 2 20m autocannons. These fast
wheeled recon light SPAAGs can do everything from scouting and fire support to AAA and command
hunting work. They make short work of helicopters and planes that get too close and can spot
stealthy ground, air and nearby sea units with their powerful optics. They work really well when pared
with their AT counterparts to form deadly hunter killer scout teams.

Price: 45 points


Basic unarmed recon helo with very small size and very good optics. Although a soft 4 strength
defenseless AA target, the powerful optics make this unit great for directing fire support and
surveillance of troop movements. They are best kept away from hostile lines and should fly with
escorts whenever possible, allowing the formation of hunter killer teams with your armed helicopters.

Price: 40 points

Tiran-5 Blazer

Captured Soviet made T-55 with an American made 105mm main gun and Israeli ERA. This powerful
recon tank offers good optics, thick armor and a powerful main gun in addition to an FN MAG. These
units can assist your other tanks in finding targets or work alone as heavy duty observers, great for
ambushing hostile units before they know what hit them. They have medium stealth allowing them to
maneuver away from an ambush or behind hostile lines like a 105mm armed armored ghost.

Price: 30 points

Israeli Vehicles
Djapas Orev

American MUTT packing TOW ATGMs, these fast moving wheeled TDs have 4 ATGMs each, allowing
them to put a dent in hostile armor but requiring reloads whenever possible. They work great as
ambush units and can also help give fast wheeled formations much needed AT options when facing
armor. They are rather fragile so care should be taken to make sure they are not left in the open
where indirect fire can easily destroy them.

Price: 20 points

Hamer Orev

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A direct upgrade to the older MUTT, this Humvee mounted ATGM TD uses the improved I-TOW
ATGM,higher firepower, strength and twice the ammo as the older MUTT. These units are
deadly when ambushing armor and can quickly shoot and scoot when facing larger formations of
hostile units. They are still soft targets and care should be taken to keep them on the move to avoid
indirect fire from hostile forces.

Price: 35 points


Prototype upgrade to the older Orev TOW ATGM TDs, this Humvee packs the powerful laser beam
riding MAPATS ATGM with both greater range, AP and faster travel time then the older wire guided
TOWs. They can destroy most tanks in only a few shots and can engage at longer ranges then most
hostile ATGMs. Although expensive and fragile, these powerful tank hunters can really do a number
on hostile tanks and AFVs when used in hit and run attacks.

Price: 50 points

Girrafe TOW

Amphibious M113 ATGM unit that uses the powerful TOW wire guided ATGM. They are slower but
less fragile then their wheeled counter parts and have more ammo then the Djapas (and are on par
with the Hamers) allowing them to stay in the fight longer. They can also assault across rivers and
land on beaches to provide AT support and even in rare cases help hunt hostile ships. They are best
used as ambush weapons and although better protected then their wheeled counterparts they should
be moved after firing to prevent their destruction from indirect fire.

Price: 25 points

Girrafe I-TOW

A direct upgrade firepower wise, this I-TOW packing TD also has add on armor that allows it to take
more damage at the cost of amphibious capability. They suffer no other trade offs though and overall
perform better in combat with their higher end ATGMs and added protection but are harder to use in
landings and river crossings. Their I-TOW ATGMs can do a number on hostile armor and care should
be taken to protect these TDs from hostile aviation as well as indirect fire from mortars, howitzers and

Price: 35 points


Prototype M113 TD using 6 shot Spike NLOS ATGMs. They are very powerful against armor and
have some protective armor against attacks. They are still rather fragile, unable to swim and are very
expensive making them big targets for your enemy. They have a high ROF for their missiles although
when depleted the reload time is rather long at 20 seconds. They have a large amount of ATGMs
stored, totaling 12 rounds per unit. They can kill most tanks in one or two shots and are thus some of
the best ways to deal with large formations of heavy armor.

Price: 80 points


So top secret it was only declassified in 2015, this prototype ATGM unit might look like a M48 MBT at
first. This disguised Spike NLOS launcher has better armor, accuracy and stability then the Hafiz in
addition to twice the capacity at 24 shots per unit. They have 12 missiles ready to fire and enough
armor to take a few hits, making these some of the deadest ATGM AFVs in the entire game. They are
very expensive, low in number and are very high priority targets for hostile forces so great care
should be taken to protect these powerful units.

Price: 110 points

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M51 Isherman

Blast from the past tank destroyer built on the M4 Sherman hull. They have powerful French made
105mm HEAT guns perfect for tank busting and fire support. The main downside to these units is
their somewhat soft armor, low speed and poor fuel economy. They are very cost effective when it
comes to dealing with light armor and soft targets and in larger numbers can be a threat to even the
best tanks in game. Overall these tank destroyers are the only anti infantry capable unit in the Israeli
vehicle tab so they are rather useful in most decks.

Price: 15 points

Israeli Helocopters
Lahatut Orev

Classic MD500 light helicopter packing 4 TOW ATGMs. They lack armor and with 4 strength are
fragile and vulnerable to small arms but make rather swift tank hunters. They work best when pared
with friendly recon helos and AH-1s to form multi role hunter killer groups. Although they pack a
decent punch, their 4 TOWs are expended very quickly and it is very important to keep these units
rearmed to maintain combat effectiveness.

Price: 40 points

Lahatut MAPATS

A direct upgrade to the older model, this MD500 packs the more powerful, accurate, stable and
longer ranged MAPATS ATGM. These missiles will demolish armor faster then the TOW and although
less are required to kill higher end units they still rely on frequent rearming to keep them combat

Price: 60 points


AH-64 packing 16 SA hellfires and a deadly autocannon, these prototype gunships can bust tanks
and mulch infantry like it's no one's business. Their armor and 8 strength allow them to shrug off a lot
of punishment but care should be taken when fighting against hostile forces with AA or fighters in the
area. These gunships have a large amount of ammo allowing them to stay on station for a long time
but care should be taken to keep how many missiles and 30mm rounds you have so you don't run out
in the middle of the battlefield.

Price: 130 points

Tzefa B

AH-1 Cobra packing a powerful 20mm autocannon in addition to Hydra and FFAR rockets. These
helos make quick work of soft targets and can take on armor in a pinch. These gunships are hardier
then the MD500s but lack the armor of the AH-64 so care should be taken when getting too close to
small arms fire. They work best when supporting their ATGM spewing counterparts, assisting with
killing armor and mopping up soft targets and infantry.

Price: 55 points

Tzefa E

Prototype AA gunship model of the Cobra, like the B model it has a 20mm autocannon and Hydra
rockets but trades the extra FFARs for some Stinger missiles. Although not as powerful against
ground targets compared to e B model, these helos can better deal with hostile helicopters in addition

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to fixed wing aircraft. They work well when pared with the Tzefa Bs and other attack helos to help
clean up ground targets and deal with aircraft.

Price: 70 points

Israeli Aircraft

Low cost SEAD packing A-4 Skyhawk packing a 30mm auto cannon and 2 AGM-45Bs. They can
make life a living hell for radar guided AA both on land and on ships, forcing the enemy to turn their
weapons off or risk their SAMs and SPAAGs getting blown into slag. The one downside is the slow
speed, low (for a SEAD aircraft) ECM of only 30% and the limited range and number of it's SEAD

Price: 70 points

Kurnass 2000

F-4 SEAD multi role aircraft packing a 20mm autocannon, 2 AGM-78D SEAD missiles and 4 AIM-7Fs.
These aircraft benefit from high speed, 40% ECM, accurate and long range SEAD missiles in addition
to longer range MRAAMs not normally seen on SEAD aircraft. They can be used as fighters when
needed and can defend themselves in a pinch when hunting AA (but work best when escorted so
they can focus on attacking the hostile AA).

Price: 120 points


ASF F-15 packing a 20mm vulcan, 4 AIM-9Js and 4 AIM-7Fs with a high speed and 30% ECM to boot.
These deadly fighters eat fixed and rotor wing aircraft for breakfast and can hold their own against all
but the highest end aircraft one on one. They make great escorts for attack aircraft and also work
well in mixed ASF formations.

Price: 100 points

BAZ Meshupar

A direct upgrade to the older Baz, these monsters are armed with 10% more ECM, the Python4
SRAAM and F&F Derby MRAAM. They are the apex fighter for Israel and should be more then
capable with going one on one with the best your opponent has to offer. The F&F missiles allow for a
faster fire rate and allow them to hit hostile aircraft harder and faster then their SA equivalents.

Price: 170 points


Multirole monster F-4 with a 20mm vulcan, 2 20 HE LGBs and 4 AIM-7Es. These planes have 30%
ECM allowing them to avoid AA when bombing targets and evade fighters weapons when dog
fighting. They can do a number on both aircraft and ground targets but work best when doing one or
the other at a time, not both at once. The sheer amount of HE power they have will destroy almost
anything even if the bombs don't get a dead center hit.

Price: 135 points


Multi role prototype F-15 with a 20mm autocannon, 4 10 HE LGBs and 4 AIM-9Ss. Although it's
bombs have less HE each (all added up just the same) and it's AAMs have less range then the older
Kurnass, this deadly multi role can both dogfight with aircraft, hunt helos and bomb more targets with
proper micro management then the Kurnass in one run that would take 2 with the older aircraft. They
also have %50 ECM allowing them to dodge hostile fire much better then the F-4 equivalent.

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Prototype muilt role fighter bomber with 10 500 lb bombs, a 30mm auto cannon and 2 Python3
SRAAMs. They have a high ECM of 40% and can both function as deadly ground attack aircraft as
well as lethal and nimble fighters. Their one downside is their small number of missiles limiting the
number of hostile aircraft they can kill in one strike but make up for this with their massive bomb load.

Price: 150 points


Classic F-16 Falcon with it's deadly 20mm vulcan, 6 AP cluster bombs and 2 AIM-9Js to deal with
aircraft. These units are the perfect tank hunters with their large number of bombs being able to
damage and destroy large formations of hostile AFVs. They also can do a number on any hostile
aircraft they encounter but are limited by their small payload of AAMs.

Price: 135 points


Affectionately nicknamed the "Obama" by some players, this fighter bomber is somewhat similar to
the 44th president in the fact that it holds great destructive power (he has his ICBMs, this plane has
it's deadly auto cannon and missiles). This F-16 derivative has a 20mm Vulcan auto cannon to shred
aircraft and strafe ground targets, 4 AGM-65Ds to bust tanks and 2 Python3s to take care of hostile
aircraft. It can hold it's own in a dog fight and can crack open an AFV or two, making this aircraft
useful in many situations.

Price: 135 points

Barak II

Sometimes called the "SuperObama" by those with a sense of humor, this prototype F-16 ASF has
both 2 Python4s for helos and aircraft up close in addition to 2 Derbys for longer range targets in
addition to it's 20mm Vulcan. This aircraft flys fast, hits hard and if difficult to hit back with it's %50
ECM, allowing it to shoot down a wide variety of unfortunate aircraft that get too close to stately

Price: 155 points


Simple ASF Mirage III packing 2 30mm auto cannons and a pare of Shafrir 2 AAMs. These fighters
are not the best armed and have low ECM but can do a number on unlucky ground attack aircraft
and in larger numbers higher end fighters. They make great helo hunters due to their fast rearm time
and low cost, allowing them to chip away at airborne landings and ill fated bombing runs.

Price: 50 points

Nesher A

Similar to it's older cousin, this Mirage III derived aircraft has both a pare of auto cannons and 76
70mm rockets. They make quick work of light armor and infantry and can damage and destroy heavy
armor in a few runs or strikes of two or more aircraft. They can put a lot of HE in a small area that
would be too close to drop bombs or artillery and can also snipe lighter HVTs like command units,
ATGMs and other light AFVs.

Price: 80 points

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Kfir C.2

An evolution of the Mirage III, these aircraft combines futuristic canards in addition to 5 MK77 napalm
bombs. This mix of classic weaponry and futuristic design makes this aircraft just as deadly as it is
ascetically pleasing to the eye. They make quick work of dug in troops and can destroy armor when
given enough burn time. They can clear out areas and prevent hostile troops from advancing into an
area, allowing you to funnel hostile troops towards your forces or cut off their escape.

Price: 100 points

Kfir C.7

Exchanging the napalm bombs for a single 23 HE M111B, these bombers function as gird square
erasers that can remove a target from an entrenched position. Dug in infantry, clustered units in
forests or large moving formations are all perfect victims of it's massive payload of pain and suffering.
They are big targets for fighters and AA so they work best with an escort but once they get through,
not much of anything under them will be left intact.

Price: 125 points

The REDFOR faction, also known as PACT, formed from the signing of the Warsaw Pact, and the fact
that they were denoted so in previous games.

In general, REDFOR has superior armor, notably with infantry transports, almost always carrying a
fair sized cannon, or more usually, armed with the KPVT heavy machine gun (the only one in the
game). REDFOR line infantry usually has slightly superior anti-tank qualities, compared to most
BLUFOR infantry. REDFOR also has some of the longest range, and most accurate AA units in the
game. Quite a few mid level tanks available to REDFOR has some form of ATGM, which usually
enables them to get the first strike against enemy armor, provided they hit their target.


Chinese Frigate armed with 4 100mm deck guns, CWIS, anti aircraft and ASM missiles, armed to the
teeth, this vessel can be used as the nucleus of a fleet or as an escort for larger ships such as
Destroyers. Capable of capturing zones.

Price: 160 points


China's first modern locally produced Destroyer, it is armed with 4 130mm deck guns, 6 ASMs and
multiple 37mm CWIS auto cannons this 150 point destroyer is a formidable combatant as both a
flagship or escort for larger tonnage Destroyers. Works best grouped with other ships and provides a
formidable platform to support landing craft discharged troops on hostile beaches. Can capture

Price: 150 points


This North Korean frigate is a perfect escort vessel for large fleets, although it's armament is limited
by it's 2 100mm main guns, 2 ASMs and CWIS/AAA auto cannons, combined firepower from two or
more of these vessels can do a number on hostile ships by massing their fire with the rest of the fleet.
Able to capture and hold objectives.

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Price: 120 points


This Chinese landing craft is slower but much better armed then it's BLU counterpart, armed with
130mm smoke rockets to cover landings and a duel 25MM autocannon for air defense and surface
attack. The best and only option for bringing in your naval tab landing troops, this vessel is invaluable
to any coastal assault and can be reused to transport units called in traditionally in addition to the
units packaged with it.

Price: 10 points


This Soviet monster of a destroyer armed with some of the best weapons available at sea. It
possesses 4 130mm deck guns, 8 ASMs and 48 AA/CWIS missiles in addition to many defensive auto
cannons, able to capture and hold zones but is a massive target, make sure that you escort this
destroyer as it will become a massive target to hostile BLUFOR players.

Price: 500 points


Soviet destroyer similar to the Sovermenniy but trading one of it's gun turrets for additional longer
range, more powerful AA/CWIS missiles. Like the Sovermenniy, this ship should be escorted by
smaller vessels to protect it from threats targeting it. Can capture objective zones.

Price: 500 points


North Korean ASM version of the A-5 packing an autocannon and AA missiles for self defense, best
used in groups to overwhelm hostile CWIS.
Price: 100 points


Soviet ASM truck armed with 8 highly accurate missiles, can annihilate fleets in groups if properly

Price: 100 points


North Korean patrol boat that's a mix of a T-34, BM-21 Grad and BTR-152 ZPTU-2, this ship is
perfect for coastal assaults, softening up the opposition with rockets then finishing the job with it's
deck gun, can't fire on fixed wing aircraft but can fend off pesky helicopters that get too close.

Price: 80 points


Chinese Frigate armed with 6 ASMs, a duel 37mm main gun (can be used for CWIS) and 2 duel
30mm CWIS turrets. A perfect escort for larger ships, these vessels are great at air defense, fleet
CWIS protection and are useful in engaging hostile ships with their YJ-82's.

Price: 110 points


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This North Korean missile boat fills a unique role as an ASM immune, ASM packing patrol boat. They
can perform hit and run attacks on fleets in groups and then withdraw inland up the rivers, all while
immune to hostile ASMs. Their small missile payload means you need to attack in groups to fight
through fleet CWIS but their duel 25mm auto cannons can help defend against hostile fixed and roto
wing threats as well as allow limited fire support when moving up river.

Price: 40 points

KRK Rubezh

This East German ASM truck is like a land based Komar without the autocannon. They can quickly
engage hostile ships that get too close to the shore and are best used in coordinated attacks with
other ASM armed systems to break through CWIS defense networks, always keep rearmed and
protect them with AA and anti ground escorts whenever possible.

Price: 40 points


This soviet ASM helicopter is the only one of it's kind with any armor, armed with 2 missiles, it's
capable of taking a few hits but like all helos are best used in hit and run attacks. Remember to rearm
whenever possible to keep them ready for any threat.

Prce: 70 points


Chinese patrol boat with twice the ASMs as a Komar with a CWIS autocannon in exchange for being
targeted by ASMs and the inability to retreat up river. Best used for hit and run attacks in groups
where they can combine their fire to destroy their target as well as defend from hostile missiles.

Price: 60 points


Soviet supply ship, larger and slower then it's BLUEFOR counterpart, it makes up for this by bring
more spare parts, fuel and ammo to the front. On some mixed maps, they can be resupplied by FOBS
placed close to the sea or moved up river into the spawn.

Price: 120 points


Soviet naval ASM variant of the MIG-29 packing an autocannon, short ranged AA missiles and 4
ASMs. Can be used to both attack sea and air targets but when engaging ships, escort it so it can
focus on it's intended targets, best used in groups if possible.

Price: 190 points


Soviet guided missile Corvette armed with 6 ASMs, a CWIS turret, a rear mounted 76mm deck gun
and 40 OSA-M missiles. A capable fleet escort as well as a great hunter killer in groups, these
medium sized ships can hold their own against similar sized targets but work best in groups.

Price: 120 points


Chinese ASM aircraft armed with an autocannon and 2 ASMs, this cheaper alternative to it's North

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Korean brother is not as well armed with shorter ranged ASMs and lacking AA missiles, the reduced
price means one can bring them in in larger groups but they should always be escorted with other
aircraft with better AA armaments.

Price: 80 points


Chinease JH-7 packing 4 long range semi active radar AA missiles, a 23mm autocannon and 2 highly
accurate ASMs, can be used as both a fighter or anti shipping aircraft but if focusing on surface
targets it's best to send aerial escorts.

Price: 150 points


This Soviet ASM truck only packs one missile so should be used in groups if possible, the P-270
Moskit it launches will do massive damage to any ship it hits but should be fired in volleys to break
through hostile fleet CWIS, remember to reload these ASMs after every shot.

Price: 60 points


Chinese made, North Korean crewed gunboat that is armed to the teeth with autocannons, it excels in
air defense for fleets that is also well suited for coastal assaults as both AAA defense for landing
troops as well as fire support on the beaches, can also be used to great effect inland when moving
up river.

Price: 30 points

Chinese gunboat armed with an autocannon and 83mm recoiless rifle. Great for fire support when
landing troops and perfect for up river hunter killer missions, although it has less AAA armament then
the Shanghai, it packs a beefier armament for ground support/naval engagements.

Price: 30 points


Soviet gunboat armed with rare for a naval unit HEAT firing PT-76 turret, MLRS and 23mm auto
cannon, great for bombarding landing areas or inland objectives as well as river patrols.

Price: 50 points

Super Puma PLAN

Like it's french counterpart, this Chinese copy of the deadly ASM helo packs 2 Exocet ASMs that are
best fired in barrages, They are relatively fast and perfect for hit and run attacks on isolated ships or
massed fire on larger flotillas, always make sure you keep them rearmed.

Price:60 points

REDFOR Navy continued


Although armed with a singular (but extremely powerful) ASM, this Soviet ASM aircraft packs 6 long
range Fire and Forget Radar guided AA missiles and a 30mm autocannon. Able to dispatch most
ships with ease if their ASM can get through hostile CWIS (they are best used in groups), they make
exceptional fighters and can defend themselves but should always be escorted if their primary focus

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is on naval units.

Price: 165 points


This small soviet Corvette is armed with 4 powerful ASMs, 40 IR Strela-2 missiles, a 76mm deck gun
and 2 CWIS turrets. While smaller then the Nanushka-III, it packs more powerful ASMs in exchange
for lower end AAA armament. These two Corvette types work well together and are great escorts to
large fleets.

Price: 145 points


China's naval ASM carrying variant of the Z-9, it's armed with 2 powerful and accurate ASMs. These
choppers are fast, deadly and work well in groups against larger fleet sized threats and can keep
pace with escorting Z-9A's armed with either ATGMs or IR AA missiles.

Price: 60 points

East Germany National Overview

East Germany, the first (technically, according to the armory) nation in REDFOR is probably most well
known for its infantry flexibility, otherwise they are similar to most other REDFOR nations.

East Germany has a rather large variety of command units, dependent on the need for combat
effectiveness in a certain role, no command helicopter however. They also have some very high
capacity supply units, but they are all quite a bit expensive.

East Germany has a very high quantity of different types of Infantry, but most notably would be the
Special Forces units, such as the FJB-40 or LSTR-40, which are special force units armed with AA
missiles, AND quite high quality LAWs. Overall, every unit is quite cost effective for the price. East
germany has no "regular" infantry, with the exception of their fire support/AA/ATGM units.

East German transports aren't too unexpected for REDFOR, with BMP variants, a few MI-8 variants,
and with high quality infantry, Mi-24 variants.

East Germany has quite a well rounded Support tab with everything conceivable that you'd need,
only really lacking in quality howitzer type artillery, and a potentially major lack of non-radar AAA.

East German tanks are overall rather light for REDFOR units, but they are cheap, plentiful, and have
powerful cannons.

East German recon, while very well rounded dosen't have anything particularly outstanding about
them, they are effectively whatever base unit they were, with better optics.

East German vehicle tab is a bit small, but included the standard ATGM carriers, along with a few
makeshift AA units, which are probably better for infantry support, but they still can shoot at planes,
helicopters in particular.

East German helicopters comprise entirely of the Mi-24 attack helicopter. One variant with AA
missiles, and another with a 30mm autocannon, as well as one in between, with the standard minigun.

Most East German planes are pretty cheap, and easy to shoot down, with the exception of the Mig-29
air superiority fighter. There is a large variety avalible here though.

East German Logistics

Fuhrungs UAZ
The basic UAZ that most REDFOR nations get as their base CV. It's just a basic car, and should be
kept away from combat whenever possible.

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Cost: 100

The default wheeled armored troop transport. Armed with the KPVT Heavy MG, and one point of
armor all around. Pretty maneuverable unit, and usually capable of defending itself if it sees it's
attacker first, otherwise, it's a basic armored CV, and should be looked after, like most of your
command units.

Cost: 130

Command infantry. Quite powerful due to the fact that they have a RPK SAW, which is quite capable
in close quarters combat, which is where most players will try to engage this unit in. Fairly weak like
most command infantry, but will inflict some serious damage against unarmored attackers.

Cost: 100 + Transport

FUPz T-72(K1)
This is the East German command tank. Fairly durable for a Command tank, with 11 armor on the
front. It's gun is pretty short range, which can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. It deals
pretty great damage... if it hits, inflicting 13 AP damage, or 4 HE.

Cost: 150

This unit functionally serves as the armored alternative to the UAZ. It costs the same, and gets some
armor and a MG, although it's going to be slower all around, and it has a fairly bad autonomy.

Cost: 100

This is the command variant of the BMP-2. Fairly well armored, having 2 points on the front and
sides, make this unit resistant to most artillery, and effectively grants an immunity to small arms fire. It
has an autocannon for personal defense, which, assuming it can fire a burst off before getting
attacked, escape most combat situations when necessary.

V-LKV T813
Pretty high capacity supply truck, and a bit expensive. Pretty fast offroad.

Cost: 30

V-LKV T815
Pretty much the same as the above all around, but with more capacity, and a bit faster, not by much

Cost: 40

Versorgungs Mi-8
This is the one instance in which the helicopter for the nation has less supply capacity as the trucks.
This is usually bought for when you need a rapid deployment of supply, instead of a lot of supply at
once. Still carries quite a bit.

Cost: 45

East German Infantry

Starting off the list is the FJB-40. Effectively a SAS squad, but 10 points cheaper, with a barely
inferior LAW, which is still pretty damn powerful. Quite powerful multirole unit, but inherently weak
against most Shock+ infantry, since they only get the one infantry fighting weapon through the squad.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Fla-Kom Igla-1

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A two man squad armed with the Igla-1 SAM. Overall an average AA missile, for an average price. A
pretty good anti-helicopter solution, but pretty unreliable against planes, with even a little bit ECM.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Fla-Kom Strela-2
Cheap AA unit. This AA missile is fairly mediocre, but available in pre 80's decks. Pretty short range
for an AA missile, and weak warhead, but will work in a pinch. Decent accuracy for 5 points, but still

Cost: 5 + Transport

Leichte Schutzen
A shock team of light riflemen. Armed with a quite decent ATGM, and has a 10 man squad size. Pretty
useful standby infantry, with some good rapid insertion options.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Prototype infantry, only available to East Germany, or an Eastern Bloc deck. Pretty much direct
upgraded over the FJB-40 weapons, with the most powerful LAW in the game, a very flexible Assault
Rifle, and a pretty great AA missile. Still slightly weak against infantry with a CQC SAW, but a very
powerful unit to have.

Cost: 35 + Transport

This is the "standard" infantry unit for East Germany. They are rather powerful, given shock training,
and have a fairly low power, but long range RPG, as well as the RPK squad machine gun, which is
very powerful in CQC combat. They are the only unit that uses the BMP series of IFV, besides their
'90 variant.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Mot.-Schutzen '90
Can be considered to be a different unit compared to "vanilla" Mot.-Schutzen. They get a more
accurate assault rifle, a shorter range, but more powerful RPG, and a just barely superior CQC SAW.

Cost: 20 + Transport

PALR Fagot
(I was concerned that this unit might hit the censor filter, but it doesn't look like it did). This is the base
ATGM unit for East Germany. I consider it to be an average ATGM, but it works, is fairly cheap and
can be used in pre-80's decks. It can actually be quite powerful when used in a pre-80's deck.

Cost: 15 + Transport

PALR Konkurs
General upgrades over the unit noted above. Slightly more powerful, at 4 more AP power, and just a
little bit more range and accuracy.

Cost: 20 + Transport

This is the East German fire support team, armed with a very powerful RPG. This unit is quite useful
performing it's role of fire support, with a very high fire rate, accuracy, and power on the RPG, but
faced off against most units head on, this unit is unlikely to survive.

Cost: 10 + Transport

The reserve unit for East Germany. 10 man squad, armed with a pretty terrible RPG, and what would
be a decent Assault Rifle if it weren't for the Militia training penalty. Cheap to buy though...

Cost: 5 + Transport (10)

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The East German engineer squad. If I remember correctly, this is a multi linked RPG-7 with incendiary
rockets. It's got the second fastest fire rate in the game for an incendiary RPG, falling behind the
BLUFOR Flash, which is the only incendiary RPG that outpaces this. Quite good at removing infantry
from cities.

Cost: 15 + Transport

A mostly underused infantry squad, most likely due to their RPG, which is quite similar to the BLUFOR
M72 LAW. This is an excellent unit to storm towns with, as they are armed with SMGs, and the RPK

Cost: 25 + Transport

East German Transport

This is the base transport for pretty much every single East German infantry unit. One point of armor,
and amphibious. Armed with the KPVT HMG. An important thing to note is that this is only available in
a Motorized deck, and a deck of any other theme would remove this staple transport.

Cost: 15

Generally better than the above all around in every way, with extra armor on the front, faster in all
cases, and a slightly better autonomy. Causes your unit being carried to have less availability though,
in most cases.

Cost: 15

Prototype of the SPW-60PB, with the only difference being that the KPVT has double the accuravcy
when not moving. It won't incur the "less units" penalty. It also costs the same as the rest.

Cost: 15

The most common REDFOR transport helicopter. Carries most units that have an option to be
airlifted into combat. Has 4 rocket pods of 57mm rockets, which aren't that great, but make a good
entry suppression tool against enemies. Big size, but 8 health make it somewhat easy to hit, but a bit
hard to kill.

Cost: 25

Similar to the above, and is almost identical, except with two extra rocket pods, as well as an okay

Cost: 30

THS Mi-24A
I'm a bit confused why this is a prototype, while the Mi-24D isn't for this nation, but whatever, it only
transports the elite infantry, the Wachregiment, and the Liechte Schutzen anyway. This is pretty much
a regular Mi-24 with significantly cheaper eqquipment, getting a basic MG for a gun, instead of the
regular Yak minigun. It's also got two pairs of rocket pods, and two cheap ATGMs.

Cost: 45

THS Mi-24D
This is the conventional Mi-24 gunship helicopter, armed with the Yak-B minigun, the usual two rocket
pods, and the Fleyta ATGM, which honestly isn't that good, if it was, then this would be a blatantly
broen unit.

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Cost: 55

A very cheap transport, typically only used to transport support units around, like an ATGM team, or
AA team. A point of armor all around, and a decent MG, but incredibly slow offroad.

Cost: 5

Quite similar to the above, but with a fairly bad MG, small size, and decent offroad ability.

Cost: 5

SPz BMP-1 SP-1

The basic BMP, armed with the standard 73mm HEAT cannon. Honestly not good in a fire support
role, but can deal with most types of IFV or APC pretty easily. For future note, only the Mot. Schutzen
can use the BMPs.

Cost: 15

SPz BMP-1 SP-2

Same as the above, but with the cheap Malyutka ATGM strapped on top of the gun. Fair range for an
ATGM, bit i've rarely seen one hit it's mark. Incurs the "less units" penalty.

Cost: 15

SPz BMP-1 P/c

Same as the above, but with the Konkurs ATGM instead, which is a quite respectable ATGM. Will also
incur the less unit penalty.

Cost: 20

This is the autocannon armed variant of the BMP, which makes it much more potent in a fire support
role, at the cost of what anti-armor power it had. This variant won't incur the standard fewer unit

Cost: 15

SPz BMP-2 P/c

Same as the above, but with the Konkurs ATGM. Incurs the less unit penalty.

Cost: 20

Only used for Militia grade units. A cheap armored car armed with a fairly bad MG.

Cost: 10

Base SPW-40 with the PKT machine gun. This good optics recon APC might lack in fuel economy but
makes up for it as the East Germans only recon transport. Able to assist it's dismounted recon teams,
this two for one combo works really well when you need to cover large areas with sharp eyes.

Cost: 15

East German Support

Fla-Kom KUB-M
A pretty cheap, and fairly decent radar AA unit. Fairly good range, better than most IR AA units, but
pretty inaccurate, which really makes it a bad choice for shooting down most aircraft, with even
modest ECM.

Cost: 40

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Fla-Kom OSA
Quite similar to the above, but mounted on a chassis with wheels, and a slightly worse missile system
all around. Cheap, unarmored, but pretty fast.

Cost: 30

Fla-Kom OSA-AK
Same unit as above, but with a better missile system installed. Pretty good missile, but fairly short
range for a radar SAM.

Cost: 40

Same as the above, but with a slightly upgraded missile giving a greater range. Otherwise the same.
Decent unit for the price. Pretty reliable.

Cost: 65

Fla-Kom STRELA-1
Cheap IR missile carrier. Quite mobile unit, and armed with a decent AA missile versus helicopters.
The only real problem with this unit for it's price is the on board ammo capacity, which is only 4

Cost: 25

Fla-Kom STRELA-10M
Less mobile version of the last unit, since it's on tracks and is slower all around because of it. Armed
with a better missile all around, and shouldn't have a problem dealing with most flying units, including
close flying jets.

Cost: 50

Fla-Kom TOR
Prototype East German radar AA unit. This is identical to the USSR TOR. Quite good range against
helicopters, but fairly poor range versus planes compared to other radar AA solutions. Still a good
unit to have against planes.

Cost: 80

L0-1800 Fasta-4
This mostly unimpressive looking unit is quite similar to the US Avenger jeep almost entirely, but with
a lesser quality SAM. Still quite useful in multiple cases, but unlikely to single shot any helicopter with
it's 3 HE per shot.

Cost: 30

Fla-SFL 23/4W1
This is the basic AAA unit available to East Germany. Quite cheap, but pretty inaccurate, and
unfortunately radar guided, which on this unit is bad, especially when compared to the next unit. If it
had these stats, without radar guidance it would probably be OP at it's price though.

Cost: 35

Fla-SFL 23/4M
Same as the above, but with a much better targeting system. Will easily shred helicopters, and put a
lot of pressure on any Jet that passes by it.

Cost: 50

Fla-SFL 256
This is the East German Tunguska. Pretty much no REDFOR deck would be complete with out one of
these. It's a very powerful utilitarian radar AA piece. It's armed with a quite decent pair of
autocannons, AND AA missiles.

Cost: 85

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GW-SFL Tundscha
The only mortar available to East Germany. Quite powerful for a mortar, if a bit limited by how many
you can buy. Not many mortars can deal 5 HE per round like this can. It's also a decent unit for
smoke as a result too.

Cost: 40

Cheap, and short range napalm rocket artillery. Very high dispersion, but when multiple units fire at
the same time, can be very useful.

Cost: 50

A rather basic HE MLRS system mounted on a truck. Still pretty short range, but will get the job done,
and suppress a lot of units.

Cost: 75

Similar to the above, but on a larger truck, a bit faster, with double the rockets, and a closer minimum
range. They also have smoke rounds that allow them to conceal troop movements, allowing your
forces to close the distance between them and dangerous long range ATGMs.

Cost: 100

This is the prototype cluster munition MLRS available to East Germany. Decent range for a MLRS of
it's type, and a pretty small dispersion (well, the same dispersion as the last bunch). Only deals 5 AP
power, so it shouldn't be expected to kill anything, especially high end tanks which have about 4 or 5
top armor.

Cost: 120

SFL-Hb 2S1
A decent, if fairly short range artillery piece. Has a pretty high dispersion as well, but it works. Fires 5
122mm rounds downrange which can be quite useful sometimes.

Cost: 55

SFL-Hb 2S3
I can't really say this unit is any better than the above. In quite a few ways it's worse, and in a few, it's
better. Decent range, and a high power gun are two things this thing has. It's major lack is accuracy,
so much so that it rarely actually hits it's target, especially when firing out to max range. When it
works it's a quite useful unit, when it doesn't it's a pretty good way to waste money, and supply.

Cost: 55

SFL-Hb 2S19
Prototype artillery unit. Very long range, quite high accuracy, and is also capable of direct fire when
required (but don't you ever rely on it). Quite useful if you can afford the price, as it can reliably hit
most units during it's barrage, as well as drop a lot of smoke when needed.

Cost: 130

East German Tanks

KPz T-34/85M
The mighty and feared T-34 (Not really, not in this lifetime anyway). An old, and largely outdated
tank. Considered a Cavalry Tank. Very, very high availability, and honestly a gun which isn't half bad
when in the right spot. Although it's "terrible", a well placed T-34, or a lot of spread out T-34's can
deal a lot of hurt, especially if it manages to score a side or rear shot on something. The HEAT
rounds they fire can damage even the best armor and sustained fire can demolish top line MBTs.

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Cost: 15

KPz T-55A
This is the base model of the T-55. Arguably a pretty terrible tank, some put it in the same class as
the T-34, but it's cheap, available and functional, with a decent gun for 25 points.

Cost: 25

Virtually identical all around compared to the T-55A, but with slightly better armor, and a slightly
upgraded gun in all categories.

Cost: 40

Similar to the T-55 above, but with a little bit more armor on the front, and armed with the Bastion
ATGM, which is incredibly useful, usually capable of dealing with most midline tanks that are a bit
more expensive than this if it hits it's mark.

Cost: 55

KPz T-72
A rather basic tank, but a surprisingly good workhorse tank. Short range 125mm gun, but deals 4 HE
on hit, as well as 13 AP, which isn't bad for the price. Kinda poor accuracy, but it works. The gun is
competitive with the M1PB above, this is less accurate and shorter range, but deals a point more HE,
and has a better stabilizer, while the PB is more accurate while not moving That's mostly the 5 point
difference explained. This is slightly better for fire support than the Anti-Tank ability of the PB.

Cost: 45

KPz T-72M
Similar to the above, with a general weapon improvement straight up giving it more range and AP
power, as well as notching the armor up a point on the front and sides.

Cost: 55

KPz T-72M1
Quite powerful version of the T-72, and can deal 18 AP power at max range. It's got comparatively
weak armor though for the price.

Cost: 80

KPz T-72S1
Quite expensive, but pretty high availability for the price of the unit. Very powerful gun, capable of
dealing 20 AP, and quite respectable armor of 18 points worth.

Cost: 120

KPz T-72S
For 5 points more, and a little less availability, you can get the unit above, with the Sivir ATGM, which
is pretty damn powerful.

Cost: 125

East German Recon

AHS Mi-2
The basic tiny Mi-2 Helicopter, used for recon, like most of the other REDFOR nations. Very easy to
kill, and very slow for a helicopter, but Very Good optics aren't something to pass up.

Cost: 40

This is a quite decent, but potentially unnecessary recon helicopter, with the gift of Exceptional optics.
The optics quality enables it to see clear across most maps, and spot most infantry squads moving

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through forests at a fairly long range. Big size makes it vulnerable to most AA, and planes if someone
tries to strafe it, but it does have 8 strength.

Cost: 75

AufkPz BRM-1
This is a basic BMP with exceptional optics. Quite good unit to use in support of your tanks, or when
performing a push with infantry transports, as this unit will help the rest of the force see what they
ordinarily couldn't. Quite useful when hidden in forests too, but that's a given for most recon units.

Cost: 50

AufklFz UAZ
The standard truck with a guy holding binoculars. Not much else to say about this one. Very Good
optics, like usual for this type of unit.

Cost: 25

The SPW-60 with optics. Can be used in the same manner as the SPW-60, or as a very mobile
ground based scout.

Cost: 35


A good recon truck with a KPVT. I honestly can't find a good use for this... ever, especially when the
next unit is a lot tougher for the same price, and can do pretty much the same thing except for deal
AP. If you are using this to deal AP... yeah... it won't work...

Cost: 10

Good optics on a small, fast armored car, with a decent MG for self defense.

Cost: 10

Broad base upgrades over the above unit. Gets a KPVT, can go faster, and can go farther.

Cost: 10

Cheap recon infantry. This is a militia class unit. They do have Very Good optics, like most recon
infantry, but they also don't hide as well as most infantry, as their stealth rating is only set to "good"
and not very good, like most recon infantry.

Cost: 10 + Transport

East German sniper team. Exceptional stealth makes them incredibly hard to spot, even over open
ground. They don't have the greatest combat ability, but they do have their sniper, which is very good
at making a unit panic.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Shock trained recon unit, which I rarely see used in games. Quite decent defensive infantry with a
pretty great RPG, but probably won't hold up well in most CQC situations.

Cost: 20 + Transport

A SPW-40 with good recon optics, and a twin mount KPVT. Same availability as the PA, as before,
with absolutely terrible autonomy. Overall it's a great unit if you can get it close enough to fire before

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running out of fuel.

Cost: 15

SchwPz PT-76B
A pretty new unit for East Germany, and this is the only place that they have it. This is pretty much
used as an amphibious support tank, as it's pretty cheap with good availability.

Cost: 15

SpPZ T-55
This is a T-55A with Good optics, a slightly inferior gun, and no MG, for the same price. A good unit
to have on hand to help deal with the usually terrible optics of normal T-55s.

Cost: 25

East German Vehicle Tab

Fla SFL 57-2
This fairly old unit is pretty much an alternative AA piece. It's really the only AAA East Germany has
that isn't radar guided. It's commonly used as a ground support unit as the cannons deal 2 HE per
shot, and are capable of dealing 3 AP per shot, with KE rounds though.

Cost: 20

Fla-MG SPW-152E
This is the SPW-40A without the optics. Pretty great fire support unit with it's twin KPVT.

Cost: 10

FlammPz TO-55
This is the flamethrower variant of the T-55. Pretty much every REDFOR nation gets one. One thing
to note is that the main gun deals no HE damage, requiring the unit to use it's flamethrower to
damage any infantry, which usually won't work against infantry with a low end ATGM.

Cost: 35


The UAZ with a recoilless rifle. Not much to say about it, the rifle is fairly mediocre, but that's what's to
be expected from one of these types of units.

Cost: 10


UAZ armed with the FAGOT ATGM. It's an OK unit I guess, if it is capable of firing at max range,
otherwise, most tanks can close the distance to this unit before the missile hits, and kill it.

Cost: 15

SPW-40P2 Malyutka-P
The SPW-40 armed with Malyutkas. Although the missile itself is pretty low quality, this unit does have
a lot of them, which might be useful, along with the point of armor all around.

Cost: 20

SPW-40P2 Konkurs
SPW-40 with the Konkurs ATGM. Quite a reliable ATGM, and usually does it's job, unless the unit
firing is under stress.

Cost: 35

East German Helicopters

DHS Mi-24P
The usual Mi-24, but this particular variant is armed with AAMs, the R-60 Molniya, basically the

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Russian Sidewinder, as well as the Kokon-M ATGM, which is very powerful against ground units.
Would be weak against infantry, and light armed ground units if it wasn't a Mi-24 with it's point of front

Cost: 95

A dedicated Mi-8 Attack chopper, this variant armed with 6 57mm rocket pods, and a few Malyutka
ATGMs. Decent ground attacker overall.

Cost: 45

KHS Mi-24P
This is the specific ground attack MI-24. Armed with four 80mm rocket pods, four basic Kokon
ATGMs, and a 30mm autocannon. A very powerful ground attacker for sure.

Cost: 95

East German Aircraft

This early post WWII aircraft is a ground attacker armed with four 250kg bombs, as well as it's
cannons, which can be used to reliably damage quite a few ground units. Mostly a throwaway bomber
though. You can buy A LOT of these, for aircraft standards.

Cost: 50

Same as the above, but with two 500kg bombs instead of the four 250s.

Cost: 55

This is the napalm aircraft for East Germany. Two 500kg napalm bombs provide some nice area
denial for when you need it. Also gets 10% ECM, which while it isn't much, can save you.

Cost: 70

Same aircraft performance as above, with a wee bit more time over target available. This aircraft is
armed with two 57mm rocket pods, as well as two Molinya AAMs. I strongly advise against trying to
use this for air to air combat, unless you are going for an unescorted bomber.

Cost: 75

Mig-21 Bis LAZUR

This is the air superiority version of the Mig-21. Honestly, not particularly good, unless it manages to
close to infrared range, where it excels, since it can fire two types of AAM simultaneously.

Cost: 80

Newer model of aircraft, armed with quite a lot of 500kg cluster bombs. Has a decent ECM of 20% for
the price, and is pretty fast.

Cost: 95

Air superiority version of the above aircraft. Along with the Molniya IR missiles it has, it's also armed
with two early model Vympel semi active radar missiles, which usually gives this aircraft the upper
hand, as long as it's pointed in the right direction against another equal aircraft. Low ECM for an air
superiority fighter is a killer though.

Cost: 95

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It's just a big bomber, quite a bit like the Aardvarks the US has. 30% ECM and 8 500kg bombs, but no
other armament whatsoever.

Cost: 140

Mig-29 9-13S
The mighty Mig-29, REDFOR's answer for the F-15 (or at least it's equal). Very powerful Air to Air
weapons all around, on par with the F-15. The only real disadvantages this plane has versus a F-
15C is that it's a tad slower at 900 km/h versus 1000, has a slower autocannon, and a wee bit less
ECM. This plane requires half the fuel the F-15C does to stay up for the same period of time, and
can turn a bit tighter.

This is the Anti-Tank aircraft of East Germany, armed with two Molnyia AAMs, and two 30 AP semi
active ATGMs.

Cost: 95

East Germany's SEAD aircraft. Honestly not a particularly good SEAD plane, since SEAD relies on
ECM to live. This plane only has 30% ECM, but it also has two very, very accurate and powerful
antiradar missiles.

Cost: 90

USSR (URSS) National Overview

The central force of REDFOR, Russia is without a doubt the most powerful nation in REDFOR, having
the most unique units available to them in the game.

The USSR has the most CV units available to them, including the most expensive command tank in
the game, the T-80UK. They also have some of the most variety in terms of supply units, and the
highest supply capacity helicopter in the game.

USSR infantry is quite powerful all around, although one could argue that they aren't particularly
powerful against other infantry, unless you use the Spetznaz, which have NO anti armor ability, but
excel at removing other infantry.

Russian troop transports are quite well armed in virtually every case, however, there are very few
wheeled troop transports available, so getting to the midline of a battle first can be difficult, unless
you use high end infantry, like Spetznaz, which deploy in Mi-24 helicopters, the fastest helicopters in
the game.

The USSR has the best support tab in REDFOR, all around, and arguably the best in the game. They
get the BUK, and Tunguska model AA vehicles, as well as a high variety of long range Howitzers and

Russian tank variety is immense, and even cheap tanks like the T-55 have very useful roles. More
expensive tanks also come with an ATGM able to be fired, usually enabling the first shot against
enemy armor. Stabilizers used on Russian tanks are decent, but not like most BLUFOR equivalents.

Russian recon units are all very powerful, especially in combat roles, but they are usually very
expensive to deploy. They also get the only SEAD helicopter in the game within this category.

The Russian vehicle tab on it's own is quite powerful as well, including the probably OP BMPT, which
for all intents and purposes should be in the tank category, as well as a few quality ATGM carriers.

Russian helicopters are some of the fastest in the game, and almost all specialize in a ground attack
role, comprising almost completely of Mi-24 variants, as well as two very potent prototype helicopters.

Russian air is very powerful all around, with some of the most unique aircraft in the game, including 3
armored aircraft, which as a result can take multiple hits from AA and keep going. Pretty much every

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aircraft is VERY expensive, but very powerful, most capable of performing multirole abilities very well.
There is a distinct lack of napalm bombers here though, which might be a critical weakness.

USSR Logistics
This is a very light unit, quite similar to the BMP series of IFV, but with a bit less armor. It's armed with
a relatively bad 73mm gun, which has pretty terrible accuracy, and low HE power, but decent AP
power for a unit of it's type. Available in pre-80s decks.

Cost: 130

The exact same unit as the above in pretty much every way, but the gun, which is now the 30mm
autocannon, which works quite well for personal defense.

Cost: 130

This is the command variant of the BMP. A well armored IFV, with the 73mm gun found on the BMD,
with the same stats, AND a few ATGMs. While these ATGMs aren't powerful overall, and pretty
inaccurate, it does well to convince players that this isn't a CV, since this, and the T-80 are the only
CV units that can fire an ATGM.

Cost: 130

This is the base T-72, with command authority. A decent tank, with a fairly bad gun in terms of
accuracy. In terms of stopping power when it hits though, it's a very powerful shot, especially in terms
of HE, as it deals 4 HE on impact.

Cost: 150

This prototype USSR command tank is the most expensive unit in the game, short of capital ships for
quite a few good reasons. It's got 20 armor on the front, which will take some concerted effort to get
through, a very powerful, accurate, and fast firing gun, AND it can fire the Refleks ATGM. While it's
an excellent tank for combat, once the enemy identifies it, you can bet that there will be a massive
strike against it's position, mostly due to it's sheer price, especially in a Destruction game.

Cost: 200

Komandnoe Otdelenie
This is the USSR command infantry. I have trouble calling this unit anything but generic. Armed with
the standard AK-74, and a PKM machine gun, which has decent range, but fairly low accuracy.

Cost: 100 + Transport

This is the USSR command helicopter. Ungodly slow for a helicopter, can only go 180 km/h, which is
just a little faster than most wheeled ground units on roads. It can get to places ground units would
usually struggle to get to though.

Cost: 100

I probably don't need to say much about this. It's the standard UAZ CV car. Unarmored like all other
UAZs, and decently quick offroad.

Cost: 100

This is the USSR basic armored, wheeled CV. Pretty fast everywhere, a point of armor all around,
and amphibious. It does have poor optics, so it's unlikely for this unit to spot an approaching attacker
on it's own without another unit on hand, and it is unarmed.

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Cost: 120

This is the CV variant of the BTR-70 (if you haven't already guessed that by now). A well rounded CV
for the price, armed with the KPVT HMG, as well as getting 2 frontal armor, medium optics, and quick
all around.

Cost: 135

This is the supply variant of the BTR-D. It's an armored, amphibious supply unit, at the cost of a lot of
supply capacity. It can only carry 500 units of supply each, which usually isn't enough to do much,
except possibly get some more AA missiles to infantry based AA, or a few ATGMs to an ATGM unit.

Cost: 10

This unit is pretty much the direct competitor to the US Super Chinook, and for all intents and
purposes, it is an identical unit in every way. Very Big size, 10 Strength, and flies at 300 km/h.

Cost: 85

The largest supply unit in the game, short of the FOB, and naval supply units. This unit is capable of
carrying roughly 1/3 of an entire FOB with it. This unit if bought is going to be incredibly useful, as
well as a huge liability, if you manage to empty its first load.

Cost: 120

Ural-375D Cargo
The basic supply truck. Carries 800 units of supply. Not much else to say.

Cost: 15

Same as the above, but slightly more capacity.

Cost: 20

USSR Infantry
This is the base unit of Gornostrelki available to the USSR. A pretty useful unit of line infantry
particularly for defense. They are armed with the usual AK-74 assault rifle, a PKM machine gun, and
the basic Meyts ATGM, which although has a fairly short range is quite reliable, and can deal decent
damage. One potential issue when fielding these guys is their cost, since they must use a Mi-8
variant or Mi-24 variant in order to deploy, which pretty much always doubles their price.

Cost: 20 + Transport(No less than 25)

Gornostrelki '90
Prototype version of the above unit, with a huge exception, as the ATGM is significantly upgraded in
terms of warhead power, equal to the Milan F3, with it's 26 AP power, as well as a base 55% chance
to hit, which pretty much makes it one of the most reliable infantry based ATGMs in the game, if it's
able to fire, which usually isn't an issue.

Cost: 30 + Transport

Morskaya Pekhota
This is the base Marine unit for the USSR. 15 man squad size make it a tough unit to kill, and it's not
half bad in CQC combat, due to their Shock training, and RPK machine gun. They are armed with the
basic RPG-7 which is pretty decent overall for an AT weapon, since it has quite long range for a
RPG, but a fairly low AP power of 14. This unit can carry quite a few rockets though, at 9 per squad.

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Cost: 25 + Transport

Morskaya Pekhota '90

Same unit as above, almost entirely, and costs the same. This unit gets a slightly superior RPG,
using the RPG-7V, instead of the base RPG-7. It's got the same accuracy, but it get's 3 extra AP,
which is the difference between 1 shotting a Warrior IFV, and simply cutting it's Strength down to 2.
Small availability penalty, but almost unnoticeable in a strictly USSR deck.

Cost: 25 + Transport

This is the basic USSR infantry unit, cheap to buy, and high availability. Identical to the Gornostrelki,
but instead of their ATGM, this unit gets the basic RPG-7, which pretty much has the same AP power,
just 1 point less, that can be fired off a bit quicker, and at a shorter range. This unit can also be
loaded into many different kinds of BMP variants at an availability cost, which i'll cover later.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Motostrelki '90
Pretty much the same unit as above, but with a quite significant RPG. This unit loses quite a lot of
range on the RPG, dropping it down to rifle range of 525, but it has a quite massive amount of AP
power, hitting 24 AP, with a 50% accuracy. Same availability as the basic Motostrelki, and they can be
carried in the BMP-3, which is basically a tank, but I'll cover that later.

Cost: 15 + Transport

PTUR Faktoriya
I rarely see this unit used in game, probably because of the difference between this unit, and the next
ATGM unit. A bit surprising that it's overlooked in my opinion. 16 AP power, and a 45% accuracy, as
well as it's range are all actually quite decent for an ATGM. (Note: From this point and on, units are
able to be carried in support variants of the BTR, which is worth noting.)

Cost: 15 + Transport

PTUR Konkurs
Mostly the same as the above unit, but with a little more range, and AP power, able to hit 20 AP.
Quite massive availability difference, you can only take 9 of these in a USSR deck per card,
compared to the 18 above.

Cost: 20 + Transport

PTUR Konkurs-M
The most recent rendition of the Konkurs ATGM, with quite good stats for an ATGM. Really far range,
on par with the last, 23 AP, and 50% accuracy. Quite powerful AT unit, but fairly low availability.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Not the "base" USSR AA missile team, but it is the unit that shows up first in the armory. Quite reliable
AA missile, with a base 55% chance to hit it's target, as well as decent range for an IR SAM versus
aircraft. Deals 4 HE on impact.

Cost: 15 + Transport

This prototype version of the last unit is pretty much the same, except in one major area. This version
of the unit deals 5 HE on impact, meaning 2 hits from this can take out almost any BLUFOR jet in the
game on their own.

Cost: 20 + Transport

PZRK Strella
This is the basic AA unit available to the USSR. Lower range and accuracy compared to the Iglas of
course. A potentially big issue is also that this unit only does 3 HE on hit, which on it's own, without
causing a crit, means it can't 1 shot even the cheapest of helicopters. It is the only infantry based AA

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unit the USSR gets in a pre-80s deck though.

Cost: 10 + Transport

A basic flamethrower team, armed obviously with a flamethrower. Once you've seen one, you've seen
them all. 10 man team with assault rifles, and their flamethrower, which makes an excellent support

Cost: 15 + Transport

Sapery '85
The "other" flame team for the USSR, this time armed with the RPD, incendiary rocket launcher.
There is currently a debate over which unit is better. Rocket incendiary infantry, in theory would beat
regular flamethrower infantry over open ground, which as we know (or should know) should never
happen. A 10 man team of fire troops will usually beat a 5 man unit, simply due to attrition at close
range within around 300 meters. As a result it seems that basic flamethrowers, at least right now are
better than the rocket based flame unit in a 1v1 scenario.

Cost: 15 + Transport

The task force of most REDFOR players. These guys are absolutely deadly versus enemy infantry,
with a quite high power SMG, an incendiary rocket launcher, and an RPK. Most players that know
what they are doing will do whatever they can to keep their infantry away from these guys unless they
objectively outnumber them, and even then, that might not go over well. They also have access to
pretty much every single transport available, except for the BMP series.

Cost: 35 + Transport

This is the airborne Shock infantry unit of the USSR. Quite similar to the Morskaya Pekhota, except
with a few important differences, this unit has only 10 men, they ave slightly less availability, and are
armed with a (mostly) unique RPG, the RPG-160, which has quite a long range for a RPG, and a
decent AP power.

Cost: 20 + Transport

VDV '90
Almost identical to the above, but with a majorly improved RPG, as this unit is armed with the RPG-29
Vampyr (arguably the best RPG ever), capable of hitting a target at max RPG range with 70%
accuracy, and inflict 23 AP damage, with the same availability as the regular VDV.

Cost: 25 + Transport

USSR Transports
This is the base Mi-8 transport helicopter available to the USSR, and quite a few REDFOR nations in
general. This version is armed with 4 57mm rocket pods, and is decently fast for a helicopter. It is
tough, but classed as large, and fairly easy to shoot down, as well as the fact that it can take a
moment for this to land, like the rest in this series.

Cost: 25

Similar to the above, but with double the rockets (not shown in the visual model), and a NSVT
machine gun, which can potentially help the unit to defend itself.

Cost: 30

Same chassis, but armed with much bigger rockets, each capable of dealing 4 HE, as well as a
decent accuracy for a rocket pod, if not moving, and just in a hover. Pretty amazing fuel efficiency
too, almost able to fly corner to corner on a 10v10 map.

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Cost: 30

I have never seen a single person use this, ever, most likely because of the negligible price
difference between the A to the D for the improvement gained. Still, 1 point of armor on the front and
sides, a few 57mm rocket pods, and a pretty cheap ATGM set.

Cost: 45

This is the "real" Mi-24. Armed with a Yak-B minigun, the 57mm rockets, and a slightly better ATGM
(not really reliable, but better ATGM). This the A variant, and the rest of the Mi-24 family are the
fastest helicopters in the game.

Cost: 55

This is a staple transport for the USSR, only available in a marine or motorized deck though. It's a
generally fast wheeled transport, with a KPVT HMG. A bit pricey, but fair.

Cost: 15

Same as the above, but with extra frontal armor, otherwise, exactly the same in terms of performance.
It does incur a minor availability penalty.

Cost: 15

This is the cheap 5 point APC for the USSR. Average offroad performance, and a pretty pitiful
armament. It is amphibious, and classified as small though, making this a bit harder to hit.

Cost: 5

This is the marine transport helicopter. Quite well armed with 80 80mm rockets, as well as a minigun,
AND it gets armor on all the sides, including the rear.

Cost: 40

This prototype of the BTR is armed with a 30mm autocannon, with a pretty great stabilizer for an
autocannon. Quite powerful support unit, although it tends to run out of ammo pretty quick, especially
in prolonged infantry fights. Incurs a nice penalty to availability though.

Cost: 20

This final version of the BTR is quite the powerhouse. Quite powerful in every way. Extremely fast,
very good fuel efficiency, great amphibious ability, the 30mm autocannon, and a grenade launcher. I
have seen many people complain that this unit is OP, and it probably is, but the price on it keeps it
from being commonplace.

Cost: 30

The basic BMP IFV. This is the earliest model of BMP, armed with the 73mm gun noted about earlier,
which in all honestly isn't that useful unless it manages to hit it's target, which can be hard to see
happen at max range. It's also armed with the Malyutka ATGM, which is pretty innaccurate, and fairly
low AP power for a REDFOR ATGM. Contrary to popular belief, this unit actually excells in close
range combat, since close range gives accuracy boosts, which this unit desperately needs. It's overall
OK for the price. Most of the BMPs will reduce availability by about a quarter.

Cost: 15

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Same as the above, but with the Konkurs ATGM, which is significantly better in pretty much every

Cost: 20

BMP armed with the 73mm gun, AND an AGS-17 grenade launcher. Combining the two guns against
infantry make this an exceptional infantry killer, and a very powerful support unit. It's got 3 armor on
the front, which is worth noting too.

Cost: 20

Almost identical to the BMP-1P, but with an extra point of side armor, and a 30mm autocannon in
place of the 73mm "tank gun". The autocannon alone make this unit quite useful in a support role
against infantry, and having the ATGM too is a pretty great way to deter tanks.

Cost: 20

Same unit as above almost completely, but with more armor at the cost of amphibious ability.

Cost: 20

BMP-2 Obr. 1986

This is (kinda obviously) the 1986 update of the BMP-2. This unit gets the Konkurs-M ATGM, which is
honestly pretty amazing against armor, 3 points of armor on the front, and regains amphibious ability.
Fairly stiff availability penalty of half.

Cost: 25

This final BMP is only available to the Motostrelki '90. This thing is pretty damn amazing, and
borderline OP. It's got the Arkan ATGM as an antitank weapon, which is very accurate, and travels to
the target quite quickly, a 100mm HE only gun, that can shoot 200 meters farther than every high end
MBT in the game, and the 30mm autocannon, with no cost to amphibious ability. Very pricy for an
infantry based transport, and if it runs out of ATGMs (which happens quite frequently) it will die to
most enemy armor.

Cost: 35

Surprisingly good for a 5 point unit. 2 points of frontal and side armor, as well as a quad PKT. An
individual PKT is pretty terrible, but if you can get 4 to fire simultaneously, it will inflict quite a lot of
suppression, as well as some damage. Equally maneuverable as a BMP.

Cost: 5

Same unit as above, but with the Fagot ATGM installed, which is actually a quite decent anti-armor
weapon. It does rely on recon to be useful, since this unit is basically blind.

Cost: 15

BTR-ZD Shrezhet
One of the few infantry transports in game that can target a jet. Don't expect it to ever actually hit
anything, but it makes a decent air defense unit on the cheap, as well as a good unit to support
infantry fights with, since it's presence in a fight will help to deter most helicopters.

Cost: 15

Available only to the Sapery units. This appears to be a T-62 with it's turret removed, and as a result,

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has 7 frontal armor. This is a prototype unit for the USSR, armed with the DShK machine gun, and an
AGS-17 grenade launcher. Quite powerful, but pretty situational, and uncommon to see, since people
rarely take Sapery over Spetznaz.

Cost: 20

This particular transport is only available to the VDV, and is restricted to Airborne theme decks only
as well, along with the VDV. Broadly comparable to the BMP-1, as it's got the same armament exactly.
The major differences here are speed in general, this being faster, at the cost of the armor.

Cost: 15

Same comparison as the above, with the BMP-1P. Exact armament, lighter armor and higher speed.

Cost: 20

Same comparison again, with the similarly named BMP. Do you want me to keep repeating myself?

Cost: 25

This is a copy of the BMP-2 Obr. 1986 armament, on the usual faster chassis. A notable difference is
that this particular version, along with its prototype status, also gets 2 armor on the front and sides
compared to the 1 before.

Cost: 30

USSR Support
2S1 Gvozdika
The "base" USSR turreted artillery piece. Pretty average, which should be expected for the price. A
point of armor all around. Fairly short range, and noticeable shot dispersion, but deals 6 HE per
round, which is pretty nice damage for artillery, and makes some nice smoke when needed. It is
amphibious, which can be useful occasionally.

Cost: 55

2S3 Akatsiya
A different, but fairly similar artillery piece. This unit can shoot 3.5km farther than the Gvozdika, but at
the cost of a lot of accuracy at maximum range, and at the range of the Gvozdika. Each round deals
an extra HE point, which is useful, if it manages to hit, as well as the fact that it will add a bit more

Cost: 55

2S3M Akatsiya
Same as the above, but with refined gun statistics giving the same accuracy as the Gvozdika, and a
bit more range than the base Akatsiya.

Cost: 75

This is the "top tier" USSR turreted artillery piece. Surprisingly well armored for artillery, as well as the
fact that it's got some pretty great range for an artillery piece of it's class, and a decently low shot

2S7 Pion
This is the base USSR high caliber artillery piece. Fires one (or two, can't remember) rounds at an
extreme distance. Each round inflicts 10 HE damage on impact, easily capable of 1 shotting multiple
different CVs, and quite a few IFVs. Accurate as the Akatsiya at max range.

Cost: 100

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2S7M Malka
Same unit as the above, but with an even longer range, as well as a lower shot dispersion. Not much
else to say about it.

Cost: 120

9K33 OSA
The base OSA radar guided AA missile available to REDFOR nation. Pretty cheap, and pretty
unreliable against planes, even ones that have no ECM. 7 HE per warhead, and a very high speed
make this is useful mobile AA solution. If you can remember to keep this, and the other AA in this
series moving, it will be pretty hard for your enemies to zone in on the location of it, since it's pretty
fast, and amphibious.

Cost: 30

Same as the above in every way, but with an improved warhead enabling 50% accuracy. Pretty low
reload/fire rate though, at one shot every 25 seconds

Cost: 40

Final upgrade over the last unit, this time boosting firing range by quite a bit, making it quite
competitive as an AA piece. A cool thing to note is that all OSA units are able to be used in Pre-80s

Cost: 65

9K330 TOR
This is the TOR. It fires what can roughly be considered an upgrade over the previous missiles. This
unit presents more of a threat to helicopters than jets, compared to the next unit, but it is still very
competitive against most jets. Fairly self reliant, with 8 missiles on board, compared to 4.

Cost: 80

9K37 BUK
The mighty BUK. I'm pretty sure most of us know what this is at this point, even if you've never played
Wargame. This thing is an absolute beast against Jets, with a 4200 meter range, 50% accuracy, and
9 HE per hit. It is quite supply hungry, with only 4 missiles, which is important to remember.

Cost: 70

9K37 BUK-M1
Pretty much the same as the above, but with an upgraded missile, able to shoot out to 4550 meters
against jets, with a 65% accuracy, which pretty reliably beats out ECM.

Cost: 85

The base MLRS unit for the USSR. Pretty short range for a MLRS, and is armed with 40 122mm
rockets. A very good saturation tool, although very unlikely to actually kill anything on it's own, even
exposed infantry.

Cost: 75

BM-27 Uragan
The second MLRS available to the USSR. Quite a bit larger range, and bigger warheads. 11 HE
power on impact with each round, combined with the splash radius of each make it a rather powerful
softening tool against fortified positions, if fired at medium range. Otherwise, the rockets tend to
scatter everywhere (like they should).

Cost: 120

BM-30 Smerch

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Quite a few people love this unit, and quite a few hate it. It's got pretty amazing range for a MLRS,
and it fires cluster munitions. Lots of "pro" players tend to use these at the start of the game to pretty
much cripple the enemy if they use the usual road to deploy units. Lots of "noobs" tend to buy this,
and use it as their general artillery piece, because since it costs so much, it must be OP right? Then
they find out that it only works against soft armor, and not infantry, or heavy armor. 12 warheads that
deal 8 AP.

Cost: 140

BDRM-2 Strela-1M
The base AA "truck" for the USSR. Quite a fast unit all around, as well as very fuel efficient with a
45% accuracy and stabilizer on it's missile which isn't bad, although it does have a fairly short range
against aircraft.

Cost: 30

MT-LB Strela-10M
Improvement of literally all missile characteristics, at the cost of a lot of mobility. Quite a powerful AA
piece though, with 50% base accuracy, and a 5 HE warhead.

Cost: 50

MT-LB Pondos
This is the base mortar for the USSR. Overall, not too powerful, but that's not what this unit is for. It
has a very high rate of fire, and very low dispersion, although a short range too. Just a conventional
mortar, not much else to see here.

Cost: 30

MT-LB Vaselik
Same unit, but with a Vasilek "cannon" for a mortar instead. The only real major difference is it's fire
rate, which although it might not look like it on paper, it quite a lot in practice.

Cost: 45

2S9 Nona
One of my personal favorite mortars in the game. Very accurate, tight dispersion for a shot at max
range, and each mortar deals 5 HE damage, and also capable of direct fire, on the same level of a T-

Cost: 50

2S9 Nona-SVK
Basically the same as the above, but better all around. Faster, more armor on the front, and an even
tighter dispersion. Arguably the best mortar in the game.

Cost: 60

TOS-1 Buratino
I remember the days when this was horribly imbalanced... back when this was in the vehicle tab. Now,
it's a still competitive napalm MLRS unit, but in the support tab. It's got quite a load of rockets, pretty
low dispersion, but suffers from an incredibly short firing range. This short range is somewhat
negated by the fact that this is a T-72 chassis, and as a result still has some decent armor.

Cost: 140

Ural ZU-23-2
I have never seen anyone bother to use this unit, ever. It's the same gun as on the BTR Skrezhet, but
mounted onto the back of a truck. Notoriously inaccurate, and often considered to be useless, and to
be honest, kinda is, especially compared to the next few units.

Cost: 15

ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka
The Shilka, probably one of the most terrifying thing to see when you deploy a jet, or move a

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helicopter into range of this monster. Quite good range, and an incredible rate of fire for any SPAAA
piece. Murders most helicopters, and does a great job of scaring off aircraft, as well as inflicting quite
good damage.

Cost: 35

ZSU-23-4MZ Shilka
Same as the above, but better. More accurate, and can start shooting from a bit farther.

Cost: 50

2K22 Tunguska
This and the next unit pretty much represent the pinnacle of the USSR AA technology. Amazing
accuracy on it's autocannon, with a godly fire rate, as well as a bunch of standard guided AA missiles,
for when you don't want to use the radar for the guns, that are all quite accurate, and have a high HE

Cost: 85

2K22 Tunguska-M
Same as the above almost exactly, but with improved range on the missile, enabling it to be fired at
the same ranges as the autocannons, as well as boosting accuracy a lot.

Cost: 100

USSR Tanks
T-34/85 Obr.1969
This is the 1969 update of the T-34/85 (yes, I know, but it was such a reliable tank, even if it was
horribly outclassed by the T-55 (T-54 at the time), T-62, and T-64 in the real world). It's identical for
all REDFOR nations, so I will just copy and paste from this point on... The mighty and feared T-34
(Not really, not in this lifetime anyway). An old, and largely outdated tank. Considered a Cavalry
Tank. Very, very high availability, and honestly a gun which isn't half bad when in the right spot.
Although it's "terrible", a well placed T-34, or a lot of spread out T-34's can deal a lot of hurt,
especially if it manages to score a side or rear shot on something. Using HEAT rounds, even high
end armor can be damaged or destroyed with sustained fire.

Cost: 15

This pre 1980's prototype "tank" is based off the PT-76 (which i'll cover later, under recon). It's got
the armor of your average APC/IFV, an autoloaded 90mm gun, which is great for supporting infantry,
or killing APCs and a Malyutka-P ATGM, which is a decently powerful ATGM, if a bit inaccurate.
Really slow offroad, and over water though, so don't expect this to be a rapid response unit.

Cost: 25

This is basically the BMP-3, but with an actual tank cannon, instead of the HE only gun, and ATGM,
and autocannon... It is available as a prototype in a pre 1980's deck though, which to be honest, is
kinda amazing considering the availability, price, and accuracy of the gun.

Cost: 30

This is the base T-55 MBT, which happens to be given to every European nation on the REDFOR
side, and they are all identical. Arguably a pretty terrible tank, some put it in the same class as the T-
34, but it's cheap, available and functional, with a decent gun for 25 points. (Copy, paste will happen
a lot on this tank model.)

Cost: 25

This is an early modernization of the T-55, with what appears to be some extra spaced armor cast
over the turret. In game, literally every aspect of the vehicle is upgraded as a result, giving better

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everything, except for fuel efficiency.

Cost: 40

Pretty much identical to the last unit, but with a bit of extra armor on the front and sides, as well as the
Bastion ATGM in place of 4 rounds in the tank. Overall a quite decent ATGM for the price, combined
with a decent lower-midline tank.

Cost: 50

Same as the above, but better armor (using ERA, which isn't modeled as a thing in game), and an
optical upgrade making it not Poor, but medium instead, along with a slightly faster offroad speed.

Cost: 60

It's pretty safe that one can argue that this tank is in fact worse than the T-55A in a few ways, most
notably it's rate of fire, which is 6 rpm compared to 7, which in practice is a lot, justified with an extra
point of armor, and 5% more accuracy. This unit also doesn't come with a MG.

Cost: 25

T-62 obr 1975

The same comparison above, literally, but with the T-55AM instead. This unit DOES have the DShK
MG though, like most REDFOR tanks.

Cost: 40

Okay, this one can be argued to be better than the comparable T-55 (in this case the ANM2) for a
cheaper price, solely because of the max firing range on the gun. It's still going to shoot slower, and
also move slower in this particular case.

Cost: 50

Literally the same as the last, except capable of firing the Sheksna ATGM, which is actually pretty
decent for an ATGM fired from a tank, with a 40% accuracy, and 20 AP power, although, of course, it
does have a comparatively long reload time.

Cost: 60

An actual upgrade instead of just boosting the firepower of the gun. This unit gets more armor added
to all sides of the vehicle, including the top and rear of the tank, along with the standard 2 AP bonus
to firepower, and the Arkan ATGM (that I mentioned about earlier on the BMP-3).

Cost: 65

An actually pretty great tank for an A model. An 125mm autoloaded gun capable of the same fire rate
of most competing high end tanks, as well as the inherent 4 HE power of 125mm guns. Fairly light
armor, and low AP power for a tank of this price are something to be noted though. Otherwise, this
series makes for some great workhorse tanks.

Cost: 50

Pretty great upgrades all around, upgrading pretty much everything on the tank, but the maximum
firing range. This unit can fire the Kobra Semi-Active ATGM, which let's this unit move while guiding
it's ATGM (I'll leave that open to you whether on not that's a good thing though... line of sight and
whatnot). Surprisingly modern equipment for a pre-80s tank.

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Cost: 70

Same concept as above, but upgraded once again, getting a quite reliable and powerful main gun, as
well as quite a lot more armor, optics, and movement speed.

Cost: 100

Same as the above, and honestly doesn't upgrade much, and the price for this upgrade seems high
to me. It gets some extra armor upgrades, by a point all around, it can fire farther, and gets 1 more
AP power.

Cost: 110

Same as the above, almost entirely, but with the choice to use the Agona ATGM, which is mostly
general upgrades over the Kobra ATGM.

Cost: 120

The basic T-72. This tank honestly isn't much but the models after it become progressively more
amazing. A 125mm gun, capable of dealing 4 HE, as usual, and a fairly low AP power of 13, along
with an honestly low accuracy, and comparatively low fire rate. Quite decent armor for the price
though, and the fuel economy can't be beat.

Cost: 45

Broad base upgrades over the above. Better gun statistics all around, as well as better armor, and
optics. Just squeaks under the 1980 limit for a pre-80s deck.

Cost: 55

Another broad base upgrade of the T-72, with a quite hefty price and availability change. Better gun
stats in every way, including reload rate. Better armor all around too, and better speed.

Cost: 85

Same exact unit as above, but with the Sivir ATGM. Very high power, and fast traveling ATGM which
is pretty hard to break LOS on, unless you knew it was coming before it was fired.

Cost: 90

T-72B Obr 1987

An identical copy of the unit above, but with ERA, bringing the frontal armor rating up to 18.

Cost: 110

T-72B Obr 1989

Another copy of the above, but with "modern" ammo boosting AP power to 20, as well as boosting
frontal armor to 20 as well.

Cost: 150

The final "prototype" upgrade on this tank, and (I think) the most expensive REDFOR non CV tank in
the game. A massively upgraded gun, granting 23 AP power, at a 65% base accuracy while not
moving, and 9 rpm . You can only buy 2 MAX, but it's an offensive, and defensive powerhouse, with
22 frontal armor.

Cost: 175

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The basic T-80. Surprisingly powerful tank for the price, with a 40% accuracy max range gun with 16
AP power. Absolutely terrible fuel economy is a thing to be aware of, on all T-80s.

Cost: 65

Similar to the above, but with the Kobra, an extra point of armor, and more accurate.

Cost: 75

Similar to the above, but with upgraded everything, armor, gun power, range, accuracy and optics.

Cost: 110

This is a prototype version of the T-80. It's got slightly better gun and armor statistics all around
compared to the T-80B, and instead of the Kobra, it gets the Refleks, a very powerful Semi-Active

Cost: 105

Quite a monstrous tank. Very good gun stats, the Refleks ATGM, and better armor.

Cost: 150

Identical to the above, but with an Invar ATGM, and boosted stats all around except armor.

Cost: 165

USSR Recon
This is the basic BMP in every way, but the optics, which are Exceptional. One of the few armored
pre-80s units in game with Exceptional optics.

Cost: 50

This is the REDFOR go-to recon chopper. Overall, not much to say about it. Small, slow, and useful.

Cost: 40

This is the recon variant of the MI-8 (obviously). Same characteristics of regular Mi-8s, a large target,
but fairly fast, and this version has Exceptional optics.

Cost: 75

This is the conventional Mi-24 attack chopper, but with Exceptional recon optics. Just armed with
rockets in this case, and the minigun. Quite useful to have, and usually a pain to kill.

Cost: 110

Most people consider this to be the REDFOR longbow, and with good reason, as this unit is armed
with a pair of SEAD missiles, and 4 Igla-V AA missiles, which are pretty reliable at the job. Very hard
to kill, since this unit has a point of armor on every side, including the rear, which means shooting it
while stunned will yield the same result as shooting it while not stunned, since there will be no "full
fare" HE damage from shooting the rear.

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Cost: 130

Prototype version of the PT-76 (which i'm getting to). This has Very good optics, a 76mm HEAT gun,
and the Malyutka ATGM. A decent low price ground recon unit.

Cost: 35

Identical to the above, but with an 85mm autoloaded KE gun, which isn't half bad to be honest.

Cost: 40

I told you i'd get to it. This is the PT-76, and honestly it isn't that impressive, as it's gun is on par with
the BMP-1, with a tad more accuracy, and a tad less AP power.

Cost: 15

The scout version of the T-55. Often can be a useful supplement to an armored push, as this unit
has good optics. It's gun is terrible, and it has no MG, but it can survive small fights, which is going to
be useful as an aggressive recon unit.

Cost: 25

This is your conventional USSR recon infantry. 5 man squad, and a RPG-7, with no SAW, or LMG.
This unit isn't intended to really fight anything, since they have regular training, but they are fairly
cheap (kinda), and work well when attempting to infiltrate enemy lines.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Sptesnaz GRU
These guys are pretty beastly. They are armed with an assault rifle with the same stats of a SMG, a
unique RPG, the RPG-26, which is pretty great as an AT weapon, as well as the Dragunov sniper
rifle, which has near pinpoint accuracy (80% accuracy is the max the game allows, so there's an
inherent 15% crit chance at base training). They are weak against other infantry in CQC, since they
only really have their primary weapon.

Cost: 30 + Transport

Spetsnaz VMF
This is the dedicated sniper team of the USSR. Quite alike to other sniper units. Hard to spot, and
can wreak havoc behind enemy lines.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Your basic unarmed recon truck. Very Good optics, and that's it.

Cost: 25

UAZ-489 Plamya
Similar to the above, but with Exceptional optics, and an grenade launcher attached. It's very
tempting to use the grenade launcher, but it's almost always a bad idea.

Cost: 50

A UAZ with the KPVT HMG. Good optics, and not much else to say about it.

Cost: 15

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Same armament as above, on a faster armored chassis for the same price, and less availability.

Cost: 15

A prototype unit with good optics, and a 30mm autocannon. Quite useful in a support role, like
escorting other wheeled IFVs or APCs.

Cost: 35

USSR Vehicle Tab

This vehicle is essentially a TD variant of the T-34-85. Much smaller, and a greater range than on the
T-34 making it competitive with cheap tanks, as well as a 9 AP power, with 3 HE power. Okay as a fire
support unit.

Cost: 10

BDRM-2 Malyutka-P
Malyutka carrier. Overall a decently powerful ATGM, but fairly low accuracy. Quite mobile unit which is
something to be worth noting.

Cost: 20

BDRM-2 Konkurs
Same as the above, but with the Konkurs ATGM, which i've covered under the Infantry section. The
only major difference between the two units, infantry, and this, besides the obvious fact that this is an
APC, is the fact that this takes about 4 times as long in order to reload the next shot before being
able to fire.

Cost: 35

BDRM-2 Konkurs-M
Same as the above again, in every way, but with the Konkurs-M which, again i've covered before.

Cost: 45

BTR-152 ZPTU-2
This unit is almost strictly a fire support unit for infantry. Two linked KPVT machine guns, with a high
rate of fire, and AP capability, great for suppression, as well as a surprisingly good stopping power
versus APCs.

Cost: 10

BTR-152 ZPTU-4
Same unit as the above, but modified to have an extra two KPVTs. It does shoot twice as fast, but it
also takes about 3 times as long to reload the weapons.

Cost: 15

This prototype of the BTR-70 is quite amazing, and available in a pre-80s deck surprisingly. This unit
is 100% autoloaded, with a RPM of 20, making it an excellent light armor killer, and an exceptional fire
support unit against infantry. When/if it does run out of it's 20 rounds, it does take an incredibly long
time to reload though, almost on par with a high end MLRS.

Cost: 30

MT-LB Shturum-S
This is the MT-LBV, armed with the Kokon ATGM, typically found on assault helicopters, like the MI-
24 variants. A quite good, and powerfull ATGM, with a pretty great range, and fair accuracy.

Cost: 50

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This unit overall isn't that impressive, except for one major detail, and that is that it fires 5 HE rounds.
Generally light armor, slow speed, and near blindness make this unit very unwieldy against tanks, but
a great fire support unit against infantry, and other light armor.

Cost: 20

2S15 Norov
A prototype version of the Gvozdika, but instead of the howitzer, it gets an anti-tank cannon, with a
pretty great rate of fire of 12 RPM, along with a decent accuracy, although a fairly low AP power of
13, since it is only a 100mm round.

Cost: 35

This is the flamethrower variant of the T-55. Pretty much every REDFOR nation gets one. One thing
to note is that the main gun deals no HE damage, requiring the unit to use it's flamethrower to
damage any infantry, which usually won't work against infantry with a low end ATGM.

Cost: 35

This is the flamethrower variant of the T-62. The USSR is the only nation that gets this one. One
thing to note is that the main gun deals no HE damage, requiring the unit to use its flamethrower to
damage any infantry, again. It does have slightly more AT capabilities, since this is a T-62, and not a
T-55, but you still need to deal with the reload rate...

Cost: 35

UAZ-469 SPG-9
A comparatively low end recoilless rifle mounted onto the UAZ. Very inaccurate, and low HE, as well
as pretty low AP power. Cheap to buy though, and sprinkled about can make for some nasty

Cost: 10

UAZ-469 Faktoryia
A UAZ with the Faktoryia ATGM. What else is there for me to say? This will fire at the same speed of
a comparative ATGM team, as will the rest of the UAZs.

Cost: 20

UAZ-469 Konkurs
The UAZ with the Konkurs, no different stats.

Cost: 25

UAZ-469 Konkurs-M
Same as the above, but with the Konkurs-M.

Cost: 30

ZSU-23-4 Afganskiy
This is the fire support variant of the ZSU-23. Incredible fire density for a single unit, and can, and
usually will single handedly stun and kill a 15 man infantry team if not shot at first. Also still works
quite well for AA, although at a reduced efficiency, since there is no radar.

Cost: 20

This arguably OP prototype unit is a significantly up armored variant of the BMP-3, and given a
grenade launcher in place of the ATGM. Except for the autocannon, it has no offensive power against
enemy armor, unless it closes to about 500 meters. Incredible fire support unit, and 15 frontal armor
enables it to withstand quite a few RPG rounds to the face before going down or retreating.

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Cost: 70

USSR Helicopters
Ka-50 Akula
This chopper is pretty much the equivalent of the Apache, but with AA missiles instead of rockets. It's
got 16 26 AP Semi-Active ATGMs, and 4 Igla-V AA missiles, as well as it's 30mm autocannon, as well
as a 330 km/h top speed. A huge pain in theto kill, since the entire aircraft has armor on all its
sides. It often requires a large scale AA missile, such as the Crotale, or HAWK to kill this reliably, or a
lot of AAA guns.

Cost: 150

The "first" Mi-24 available to the USSR. A quite potent ground attacker, armed with a 30mm
autocannon, 80 80mm rockets, and 4 Kokon ATGMs. One minor thing to note is that the autocannon
is NOT mounted in a turret on this version, so it must be pointed directly at the target it's shooting to
use the gun. It is mostly blind for a helicopter, so it will need a spotter to be effective.

Cost: 80

Same as the above, but with 2 changes. This version gets the Kokon-M, which just boosts AP power
a bit, and this also gets the turret to fire the autocannon a bit more freely.

Cost: 100

This prototype version of the Mi-24, often referred to as the mouse, by it's appearance, is an
exceptionally powerful aircraft. 16 Ataka V ATGMs, that are 65% accurate at base training, inflicting
25 AP each, as well as two 122mm rocket pods, and the standard 30mm autocannon. It also gets the
gift of being medium in size, which helps survivability compared to the MI-24s which are defined as

Cost: 130

A fairly lightly armed version of the Mi-24. This version is more of an anti-helicopter... helicopter, as
it's defined in game. This gets the slightly weaker Yak-B minigun, which is actually better for close
defense, mostly due to it's fire rate. It's got 57mm rocket pods, which to be honest, are pretty
mediocre. It's defining feature is that's it's armed with 8 basic Igla AA missiles, which are exactly
identical to the infantry based Igla, except that this can be fired while moving.

Cost: 100

The basic Mi-4 helicopter modified into a fire support/assault role. Quite a lot of rockets that are
decently accurate, and will inflict quite a lot of suppression. It's also got a PKT, but that's mostly
worthless on something like this.

Cost: 40

Quite similar to the above, but with more of an AT role in mind. This gets 57mm rockets, and 4
Malyutka-P ATGMs, which as I mentioned before, are decent, but unreliable.

Cost: 40

USSR Aircraft
First of the 3 armored aircraft available to the USSR. Pretty slow for a jet, on par with the BLUFOR
Harriers. This thing is a monster at performing carpet bombings, as a result of the 14 500kg bombs.
It's also got a tail gunner apparently, but I have yet to see that work since the Beta for the game.

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Cost: 180

Your basic, cheap multirole aircraft. Armed with a pair of 57mm rocket pods, and 2 cheap Molniya AA
missiles. No ECM, and honestly largely disposable.

Cost: 70

Same plane as above, but instead armed with 2 500kg cluster bombs. A cheap way to panic tanks.

Cost: 60

A cheap Air Superiority Fighter. 0 ECM, but armed with 6 Molniya AA missiles. It can probably do well
at shooting down unarmed aircraft, like most dedicated bombers, but it will be pretty much killed
instantly by anything that can defend itself.

Cost: 65

A decent upgrade over the ML, making this an actually serviceable fighter, receiving upgrades to the
missile, granting better range, and accuracy, as well as getting some ECM.

Cost: 90

This is roughly comparable to the US Raven, but with 4 missiles instead of two, with better accuracy,
and AP power. Gets 50% ECM too, which is quite useful.

Cost: 150

Same aircraft as above, but armed with 8 500kg cluster bombs, which makes it surprisingly useful as
an AT aircraft. It's only got 20% ECM though, and it isn't the most maneuverable plane.

Cost: 105

Same aircraft again, this time in an air superiority role. It fires fairly short range IR, and semi active
radar missiles, that are fairly inaccurate, but each deal a massive ammount of damage when they hit,
as 8 HE is pretty damn high.

Cost: 100

This small series is a set of modified Mig-23s put into a precision ground strike role. This particular
unit has 2 28 AP semi active missiles, and 20% ECM, as well as a 30mm HEAT autocannon, similar to
the variant on the US A-10.

Cost: 105

Same thing as the above, but with a longer range missile, and 10% more ECM, otherwise, no

Cost: 115

Same aircraft stats, but this missile is now Fire and Forget, and also deals 2 extra AP power.

Cost: 140


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This is a multirole fighter, roughly on par with the standard F-18. This aircraft gets a quite nice 40%
ECM, 4 500 kg bombs, and 2 high quality Vympel IR AA missiles. Can take out a single aircraft wit
ease in most cases, and also serves in a quite useful ground attack role.

Cost: 135

Almost an interceptor with cluster bombs at this point. This aircraft gets 4 radar guided fire and forget
missiles, along with it's 5 500kg cluster bombs.

Cost: 145

This is officially an interceptor class aircraft. It's got 4 Semi-Active missiles, that can fire insanely far.
A potentially major weakness with the Semi-Active nature of the missile is that closing the distance is
a requirement for this aircraft in order for it to hit it's target. Doing so exposes it to return fire, which is
bad for obvious reasons.

Cost: 140

This is a "true" interceptor. This variant is armed with 4 even longer range, fire and forget missiles.
There is no "standard" BLUFOR equivalent to this plane outside the Naval tab.

Cost: 150

A fairly low end SEAD aircraft when compared to the Mig-25, but a unique thing about this aircraft is
that it's available in a Pre-80s deck. One of the only "early" SEAD aircraft in the game. 20% ECM
makes this thing quite unlikely to survive against it's targets if it enters their firing range.

Cost: 80

Same as the above, but with a much different role. This thing is a carpet bomber, carrying 30 250kg
bombs, which makes quite a long line of explosions. Very powerful if dropped side on into an enemy
defensive line, or against infantry in city sectors.

Cost: 130

Another armored USSR aircraft, this variant capable of performing both types of ground assault roles,
be it AT ability, or anti-infantry ability, with it's 240mm rockets. Very low ECM and speed, but a pretty
tight turn radius.

Cost: 140

I can probably consider this a bit overpriced, but I know why it's priced what it is. It's got 16 semi
active ATGMs, which would be great if the unit could fire more than one ATGM at a time. It's also got
the HEAT autocannon, and a pair of IR missiles. It looks great in an AT role on paper, but in reality,
not so much, since there's only so much you can do in 2 minutes before either getting killed, or
running out of fuel.

Cost: 200

I'm pretty sure that this thing is the mot expensive non-prototype jet on REDFOR, tied with the above
aircraft. This thing is pretty amazing. 50% ECM, 4 TV guided (technically) fire and forget ATGMs, and
4 radar guided Fire and forget Vympels. I call the ATGM's "technically" fire and forget, because of the
way TV guidance works. If the plane gets stunned or destroyed while the missile is in flight, the pilot
won't be controlling the missile, using the TV control system, usually causing a miss.

Cost: 200

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The basic Su-27 air superiority fighter. Quite decent armament, including 4 7700 meter semi active
missiles, along with 4 IR Vympels too. 40% ECM, although it can be outrun by some BLUFOR jets,
assuming both fly in a straight line.

Cost: 155

Pretty much identical to the above, but with Fire and Forget radar missiles, instead of the semi-active
missiles. This gets an ECM of 50%, and is one of the two prototype jets available to the USSR.

Cost: 180

I completely forgot this existed, as I assume mostly everyone else did too. I rarely see this in games.
It's got the same armament of the Su-27PU, with the exception of missile quantity, this has more IR
missiles than Radar guided, a bit less ECM, and can fly faster. It's actually on par with the F-15, with a
slightly bigger turn radius.

Cost: 140

The only Napalm bomber available to the USSR. Very slow speed, but carries 4 500kg napalm
bombs. If the enemy lets you drop this, it will cover a wide area, but it's rare to actually see this
unload it's ordinance if there is any form of AA in the area.

Cost: 70

Almost identical to the above, but with HE bombs instead of napalm, and 10% ECM. Honestly, fairly
useless compared to other aircraft in this nation with a similar role. If one good thing can be attributed
to it's speed, it's that the bombs drop in a fairly tight cluster.

Cost: 70

Poland National Overview

Poland is usually overlooked by most players in the game, for some reason. Poland has a
surprisingly good amount of unique units though, particularly in terms of high quality infantry, as well
as a good selection of very small sized helicopters, with some potent weaponry attached.

Poland has a pretty good selection of CV units, particularly armored variants which are overall pretty
durable, and quick moving when needed. Ground based supply is restricted to a single fairly low
capacity unit however, and this mostly means that supply relies on helicopter transport, usually not a
good idea near the front.

Poland infantry overall, are honestly pretty average, with the exception that virtually every unit has
Shock training. The LAW for each of these units are pretty good, but overall, not particularly

Poland has an extremely large variety of infantry transports for their infantry, able to fill virtually any
given role you can think of, including AA support, which is fairly uncommon to see.

Poland is supprisingly well rounded in the support tab, with a very good selection of AA pieces, and
howitzers. They don't have ANY mortars however, although from what I've seen, most people use the
Danna as their mortar piece.

Polish tanks overall are cheap and fairly easy to keep coming, their armor is a bit light though, and
only the T-72S gets an ATGM, if you wanted a lot of tanks that can do that, don't go with Poland.

Polish recon is overall pretty high quality, very powerful infantry fighting infantry, as well as multiple
Exceptional optic options, as well as an AT recon helicopter.

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There are not too many vehicles in the vehicle tab, just the usual vehicles for REDFOR.

Poland seems to use a lot of Mi-2 variants as assault helicopters, including the Mi-24 with AT
missiles. Most of the Mi-2 variants excel in a support position, provided they can't get shot at, since
they are incredibly flimsy. They are cheap to replace however.

Poland overall has a largely inferior air force compared to other REDFOR nations, and most BLUFOR
nations, most aircraft are cheap enough to be considered "throwaway" aircraft to most people. You
do get a lot of each per card though.

Polish Logistics
Mi-2D Przetacznik
The basic Mi-2 helicopter given a command role. This is identical to most other Mi-2 helicopters in
that it's pretty slow for a helicopter, and very weak at 4 strength. Not much else to say about it really.

Cost: 100

Sztab Dowoozenia
Basic command infantry in pretty much every possible way, armed with the AKM, and the PKM MG.
About as basic as command infantry gets.

Cost: 100 + Transport

It's a UAZ. Fairly cheap, and reasonably fast. About what you'd expect at this point.

Cost: 100

An unarmed version of the SKOT APC. Very fast all around, as well as amphibious, as well as a point
of armor all around. A pretty good choice for a CV in my opinion.

Cost: 120

Topas R-2M
This is the slightly more conventional APC that Polish infantry tends to use. Slower than the SKOT all
around, mainly due to having tracks, however, this unit has a PKT machine gun, as well as the
Tarasnice recoilless rifle to defend itself with.

Cost: 115

It's a T-55, with it's standard fairly poor armor, and gun handling. It is still a tank of course, and can
withstand a minor beating against quite a lot of artillery types.

Cost: 120

This is the Polish variant of the Russian T-72B1, in a command role. The only differences between
the two tanks really, is the accuracy, and the AP power of the guns, as well as slightly inferior armor.

Cost: 160

Mi-8 Zaop.
The Mi-8 transport helicopter. Identical to most other Mi-8 supply choppers, with a reasonable supply
payload, as well as the usual big size penalty.

Cost: 45

A very large supply helicopter in all senses of the word. It can carry 3700 units of supply, as well as
shift pretty fast when needed.

Cost: 85

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Star 266 Zaop.
The Polish supply shuttle. Pretty basic, about what you'd expect out of a truck for it's price.
Reasonably slow off road, and a fairly small supply capacity.

Cost: 15

Polish Infantry
Starting off Polish infantry is the Komandosi. This is the elite, special force unit of Poland. They are
armed with a SMG, the RPK machine gun, and the RPG-160, which is a very reliable, long range anti-
tank weapon, it does have a relatively low AP power of 15 though, but it still can quite handily deal
with any armor that comes into range.

Cost: 35 + Transport

Niebieskie Berety
Polish Marine infantry. Armed with the usual AK rifle, the conventional RPG-7, and the RPK. Great
general purpose infantry with decent airborne insertion options, but lackluster ground based insertion

Cost: 25 + Transport

Niebieskie Berety '90

Almost exactly the same as the above, but with an apparently lower caliber primary weapon, that does
exactly the same damage, fire rate and suppression. They get the RPG-7V for a straight up damage
boost over the RPG-7, and lastly they get the lower caliber variant of the RPK, which shoots slower,
and inflicts less suppression (although i'd believe it would be the other way around).

Cost: 25 + Transport

Piechota Zmech.
This is the only "standard" infantry unit Poland gets that has regular training. They are armed with the
AKM assault rifle, the RPG-7, and the PKM. It doesn't get much more conventional than this. This is
the only unit that gets to use the Polish BMP variants however.

Cost: 10 + Transport

PPK Fagot
This is the earliest Polish ATGM unit. It's actually not bad for an ATGM team of it's price. 40%
accuracy, as well as 16 AP power make it something to be noticed in era restricted Polish decks.

Cost: 15 + Transport

PPK Konkurs
The conventional Konkurs ATGM team. Long range, 20 AP power, and 45% accuracy all make this a
good ATGM unit.

Cost: 20 + Transport

One of the best MANPAD units available to REDFOR in general. The Grom has a 60% accuracy as
well as a rather high range. It is costly to call out, being a prototype unit.

Cost: 20 + Transport

PPZR Strazala-2
It's a Strela-2 team. It's a pretty bad AA missile, but it's really cheap to buy. 30% accuracy, fairly short
range, and low HE power makes it incapable of killing even the weakest of helicopters on it's own.

Cost: 5 + Transport

Polish incendiary flamethrower team. This 10 man unit is armed with the RPD incendiary rocket

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launcher, which while not quite as good as the BLUFOR equivalent FLASH, is still quite useful,
especially in a supporting position. This is also the only Polish unit that can get access to the MT-LB
23M Krak APC, which has an autocannon.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Saperzy Szurmowi
The only shock trained flamethrower unit in the game, which makes them a quite tough nut to crack
when they are in a good defensive position. This unit is rarely seen in games, but i've used them to
quite good effect killing most types of Elite infantry units.

Cost: 20 + Transport

This is the conventional Polish airborne infantry unit. Fairly average squad statistics for a shock
trained unit, but they get the job done.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Spadochrronizare '90
Almost completely identical to the above, but with the difference being that these guys carry the RPG-
7VR instead of the conventional RPG-7. They have a shorter AT range as a result, but are
significantly more lethal.

Cost: 20 + Transport

This is a support unit armed with the usual AK rifle, a SPG-9D AT rifle, which is actually pretty decent,
actually being more effective than the RPG-7 in almost every way, except for fire rate. A quite useful
utility infantry unit, especially considering that they are a shock trained unit, and the AT rifle can deal
HE damage.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Strzelcy Poohalanscy
Functionally identical to the Piechota Zmech. except instead of the RPG, they get the Metys ATGM,
which is usually unreliable, but functional.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Polish Transports
This is the staple Polish infantry transport. Very fast all around speed, including amphibious ability.
This variant is only armed with a PKT machine gun though, making it a somewhat weak support unit.
The entire Skot series is also categorized as motorized only, so using any other type of thematic deck
usually means you won't be able to use these.

Cost: 10

Same as the above, but armed with the KPVT heavy machine gun. This alone makes it a great unit to
take out enemy APC's when able.

Cost: 15

Continuing to be the same as the last, but this version is armed with the Malyutka ATGM for the same
price as the last Skot, but at an availability penalty.

Cost: 15

Pretty much identical to the Skot-2A, but the MG has greater accuracy, which helps surprisingly a lot,
as well as boosting the range at which it can shoot at helicopters.

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Cost: 15

The basic tracked APC available to Poland. Not too many units are able to use it, but it's there. A
point of armor all around, and the PKT. It's also amphibious, which isn't bad for a 5 point APC.

Cost: 5

Pretty much identical to the above, but with a Tarasnice recoilless rifle. It's got pretty bad accuracy,
but 12 AP power,and 2 HE power. It will usually work out well in a pinch.

Cost: 10

Same as the basic Topas, but instead of the PKT, it gets a KPVT.

Cost: 10

This is a basic BMP, with the Malyutka ATGM, and the 73mm gun. Only the Piechota Zmech. are able
to use them.

Cost: 15

This is a BMP-2, armed with the usual 30mm autocannon, as well as the quite powerful Konkurs
ATGM. A quite powerful support unit for your infantry squads. The only possible downside is the
availability hit you take when using these.

Cost: 20

An up armored version of the above, giving it 3 armor on the front and sides instead of just 2. It does
have a slower off road speed than the above marginally, and it's no longer amphibious. However, the
extra point of armor often makes the difference between being 1 shot by a cheap tank, or RPG and
getting away.

Cost: 20

A unique Polish prototype infantry transport that can only transport MANPAD teams. It appears to be
a BTR chassis, with the usual PKT, AND a ZSU-23 twin autocannon. Granted the autocannon isn't too
accurate, it will definitely be a good unit to support your AA missiles, by stunning their target.

Cost: 15

MT-LB 23M Krak

This unit often justifies the reason to buy the basic flamethrower team, as it's got a reasonably
powerful autocannon for it's price. A decent anti-infantry unit, as well as a pretty great close range AA
unit, when needed.

Cost: 15

The usual Mi-8 transport chopper, armed with 2 pods of 57mm rockets. A decent choice for first

Cost: 25

Same as the above, but with 122mm rockets instead of the 57mm. This unit can, and usually will kill
entire squads of infantry, especially if caught out in the open.

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Cost: 30

It's not often that you'd imagine a Mi-2 being used as a transport chopper, but the Polish use it for
such a role. It's armed with a quad PKT, which make a rather excellent support weapon, provided the
chopper doesn't get shot back at, which, given it's weapon range is quite likely.

Cost: 15

W3-T Sokol
A unique helicopter type, that i'm pretty sure no other nation in this game has. This chopper can only
really carry airborne infantry units. It's pretty fast, reasonably durable, and has a 23mm 2 AP

Cost: 25

This is the Mi-24 again. Only available to Elite infantry squads. This particular variant has the Yak-B
minigun, a whole lot of 57mm rockets, and the decent, but usually unreliable Fleyta ATGM. It does
however have a role throughout the whole game most of the time.

Cost: 55

Recon transport with an MMG, these quick moving but low fuel economy good optics APCs are great
for large maps where they and their on board recon team can cover more ground. Best used when
they both cover overlapping areas to maximize surveillance efficiency.
Cost: 15

Polish Support
2S1 Godzik
Identical to the USSR Gvozdika. Pretty cheap, fairly short range, and high dispersion. Overall, not
bad, but not really good. Considering Poland doesn't have any mortars though, I suppose this can fill
the niche if necessary.

Cost: 55

wz.77 Dana
The Dana artillery piece. In general a quite decent artillery piece, with reasonably low dispersion,
reasonably high range, and a quite decent HE power making it good for dropping smoke, and general
artillery use.

Cost: 90

2S7 Piwonia
One of the longest range artillery available to REDFOR. Quite good when it comes to "sniping"
stationary units, especially with a spotter, but otherwise, unwieldy to use.

Cost: 100

9K33M2 Romb
One of the many types of Radar AA available to Poland. This particular vehicle is a great utilitarian
AA unit, provided it stops to fire. It's got fairly short range for an AA unit, but it is quite quick on, and
off roads, and is often sent along with early ground based vehicles to knock out enemy transport
helicopters. 50% accuracy, and 2450km range for anti helicopter duties are a great deal for the price
of this unit.

Cost: 40

9K33M3 Romb
Almost exactly identical to the above, but with a slightly more accurate, and longer range set of

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Cost: 65

A very old missile "delivery" system. I'm almost certain this is the USSR world war 2 rocket launcher
(can't remember it's name offhand). This is a pretty cheap napalm MLRS as a result. These almost
never do anything on their own, unless really lucky to land on top of an infantry unit. If multiples of
these fire at the same target on the other hand (essentially the entire card worth), these can be quite

Cost: 50

BM-21 Grad
A rather basic HE MLRS truck. Fairly short range, but extremely tight dispersion for a MLRS. These
can be quite effective at bombarding enemy defenses, as they usually can deal good damage
against whatever they are shooting at.

Cost: 75

Roughly the same as the above, but with double the payload. In addition to their HE rounds these
MLRS can deploy smoke allowing them to cover advancing formations and "shake and bake" hostile
units, destroying/damaging them with HE and blinding them with smoke so your troops can destroy
the demoralized survivors.

Cost: 100

BDRM-2 Strzala-1M
This is a BDRM, with all the mobility associated with it, combined with a decent IR AA missile set. 45%
accuracy, and 4 HE power, although at a somewhat short range, especially when compared to the
ROMB. A different, good unit to send in at the beginning of the game.

Cost: 30

MT-LB Strzala-10M
The MT-LB with a different, more useful AA missile compared to the above. Better missile statistics all
around at the cost of mobility... and cost.

Cost: 50

Hibneryt ZU-23-2
A cheap, and largely unreliable AA truck. Unreliable primarily due to the lack of accuracy, which sits
at 10%. It's acceptable against weak, unarmored helicopters, but other than that, this usually won't do
much. I've seen these get strafed by Air Superiority Fighters too often to recommend them.

Cost: 15

Hibneryt ZUR-23-2S
Same as the above, but given the Srela-3 IR missile. This turns this unit from something useless to
something decent. The missile is short range, and weak, but it does have a 50% accuracy.

Cost: 25

Overall a decent, but largely unreliable radar AA missile. It has more HE power than the ROMB, at 9
instead of 7, and a longer anti jet range, but this unit essentially has 0 mobility, as it's incredibly slow
off roads, and has one of the worst fuel economy of any unit in the game.

Cost: 40

If I didn't know better, i'd say this is the Polish BUK. This is a prototype unit apparently built on a tank
chassis. The missile is very long range, very high power, and very accurate. This unit does suffer
from a lack of mobility though offroads even worse than the above, but it won't run out of fuel half way
before it gets to the battle.

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Cost: 80

Same missiles as the above, mounted onto a truck, effectively eliminating the mobility issues it had
prior. This does come at a cost of ALL the armor though.

Cost: 90

ZSU-23-4V1 Szylka
The Polish Shilka. Insane rate of fire, and exceptional range against helicopters, and jets for an AAA
gun. A great choice, provided you pay attention to enemy SEAD planes.

Cost: 35

Functionally the same as the Hibneryt, the main exceptions being that this unit gets the Grom AA
missile, which is just excellent all around, and the fact that this is an APC chassis, so it has a point of
armor. A decent prototype unit.

Cost: 45

Polish Tanks
The mighty and feared T-34 (Not really, not in this lifetime anyway). An old, and largely outdated
tank. Considered a Cavalry Tank. Very, very high availability, and honestly a gun which isn't half bad
when in the right spot. Although it's "terrible", a well placed T-34, or a lot of spread out T-34's can
deal a lot of hurt, especially if it manages to score a side or rear shot on something. Uses HEAT
rounds that can at the maximum destroy anything in 10 shots, even the best MBT.

Cost: 15

PT-76B Desant
Poland is the only nation in Wargame that actually has the PT-76 within the tank category. Overall it's
not particularly great, however for the same price of the T-34, you get a slightly better gun, fuel
efficiency, amphibious ability, and a reduced size at the cost of a bit of armor.

Cost: 15

This is the base T-55 MBT, which happens to be given to every European nation on the REDFOR
side, and they are all identical. Arguably a pretty terrible tank, some put it in the same class as the T-
34, but it's cheap, available and functional, with a decent gun for 25 points.

Cost: 25

T-55AM Merdia
The modernized version of the T-55 as usual. One notably unique thing about this tank is that it's got
5% more accuracy than all of the other REDFOR T-55 tanks of the model and price. Combined with
some veterancy bonuses, this tank can be surprisingly powerful.

Cost: 40

T-55AM2 Merdia
Not much changes here, the gun can shoot further, gets slightly more accurate, and can inflict an
extra point of AP power.

Cost: 50

This tank threads the AP needle between the T-55AM, and the AM2. It's gun is shorter range, and
less accurate than both of the T-55's though. It does have better armor, HE power, and fuel
efficiency, which should be expected from a T-72.

Cost: 45

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T-72M Jaguar
A linear upgrade over the initial T-72. More range, better accuracy, 2 more AP power, and a point
more armor on the front and sides of the tank.

Cost: 55

T-72M1 Jaguar
Another reasonably linear upgrade, this maxes out the firing range of the gun, adds 2 more AP
power, and notches up the armor, and optics a step. This tank also gets an improved autoloader, so
it can shoot faster.

Cost: 75

Not much was left to improve on over the M1, however, this tank gets extra armor, bumping it up to 18
on the front, as well as an AP boost for the shell, and lastly the Sivir ATGM. This is usually a very cost
effective, if limited availability tank.

Cost: 135

T-72M1 Wilk
A prototype separate upgrade branch from the Jaguar tank line. This is broadly comparable to the
M1 Jaguar, but with a more powerful gun, slightly more armor, and an even faster firing rate. The only
negative is a very minor debuff to stability firing, as well as a logical reduced availability.

Cost: 85

T-72M2 Wilk
A straight upgrade over the M1, doing the conventional armor boosting, AP boosting, and accuracy
boosting. A pretty dangerous tank to encounter, and a reasonably high availability for a tank of it's

Cost: 120

PT-91 Twardy
This is the highest end tank Poland can get. It's got 20 armor on the front, 10 on the side (2 more
than on the M1A1, and one more than the M1A2 Abrams). It's got a 22 AP power main gun, a pretty
great stabilizer, and a very good fuel economy for a high end tank.

Cost: 155

Polish Recon
This is the original BDRM, a rather basic amphibious armored car. Good optics, decent off road
speed, and amphibious ability make this a reasonable unit for the cost, considering it gets a DShK
machine gun for close defence too.

Cost: 10

The BDRM-2, mostly a linear upgrade over the BDRM-1 getting higher speeds all around, as well as
the KPVT, which is quite powerful in the right spots, this unit having decent optics amplifying that fact.

Cost: 15

Same as the above, but made relevant. This unit is given a twin HMG (it's not KPVT's apparently, as I
thought they were for a long time). This unit is actually decent for fire support, and light AA duties if
needed since it has twin 1 AP, 1 HE guns, granted they are pretty inaccurate.

Cost: 15


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This is the same PT-76 that Poland uses for their cavalry tank. The main, and potentially major
differences being that this "tank" has good optics, and the DShK, as should be noticed by the name,
effectively making it a better T-34.

Cost: 15

The scout version of the T-55. Often can be a useful supplement to an armored push, as this unit
has good optics. It's gun is terrible, and it has no MG, but it can survive small fights, which is going to
be useful as an aggressive recon unit.

Cost: 25

This is the Polish recon BMP, armed with the 73mm gun, which as we know isn't the best. It is an
armored amphibious recon unit with Exceptional optics, and is reasonably cheap for such a unit.

Cost: 50

This unit is the REDFOR Navy Seals. Functionally identical in role, and special weapon, having an
automatic grenade launcher, with the primary difference being that this unit gets a SMG, and will hold
up far better in CQC.

Cost: 35 + Transport

The usual Mi-2 Recon. Weak, slow, small, very good optics, very good fuel efficiency, usually worth
the price.

Cost: 60

Unarmed recon UAZ. Very good optics, and decent speed. Not much else to report here.

Cost: 25

W-3U Salamandra
A prototype helicopter unique to Poland, broadly comparable to the US Cobra series in terms of
vehicle stats. Very Good optics, two 80mm rocket pods, and 4 Kokon-M ATGM's with 22 AP, and 55%
stationary accuracy make this a powerful self contained tank hunter.

Cost: 80

This unit is functionally a better version of the Piechota Zmech, the only differences being that this
unit has the shock training level, and the ability to use the MG while moving.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Polsih Vehicle Tab

This vehicle is essentially a TD variant of the T-34-85. Much smaller, and a greater range than on the
T-34 making it competitive with cheap tanks, as well as a 9 AP power, with 3 HE power. Okay as a fire
support unit.

Cost: 10

BDRM-2 Malyutka-P
This is simply the BDRM, with Malyutka ATGM's. They aren't particularly great ATGM's, with 40%
accuracy, and 15 AP power, but this unit gets to have 18 of them on board. Mobility characteristics
remain unchanged.

Cost: 20

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BDRM-2 Konkurs
Same as the above, but with the standard Konkurs ATGM. 5% more accuracy over the Malyutka, and
5 more AP power, making it a much better option when/if it hits something.

Cost: 35

This is the flamethrower variant of the T-55. Pretty much every REDFOR nation gets one. One thing
to note is that the main gun deals no HE damage, requiring the unit to use it's flamethrower to
damage any infantry, which usually won't work against infantry with a low end ATGM.

Cost: 35

This is a pretty old AA unit which makes a pretty great fire support unit when you need one. This has
a twin 57mm cannon setup, which can fire at everything if you need it to, including planes, although
only if they are essentially on top of this. Each shot deals 2 HE power, which is pretty high for what's
effectively an AAA unit. It can also fire AP rounds for a 3 AP hit too. Accuracy all around is unreliable
at best, since it starts off at 15% for HE rounds, and 20% for AP rounds. Not a bad unit to fill a slot in
your vehicle tab though if you are lacking on reliable AAA guns.

Cost: 20

Polish Helicopters
Mi-2 Urp-G Gniewosz
The first of the many Polish Mi-2 attack helicopters. Unfortunately optics doesn't carry over. All of the
Polish Mi-2 variants within this tab are armed with the NS-23 autocannon, which has a fairly low fire
rate, and accuracy, but can deal some quite decent damage to light vehicles. This variant also gets
the four of the Malyutka ATGM, as well as four Strela-2M AA missiles, both of which are unreliable,
but for a chopper of it's price, are pretty decent.

Cost: 45

Mi-2 Urs
Same as the above, but take out the ATGM's, and upgrade the missile to the Strela-3 AA missile,
which is much more reliable, and has a slightly better range.

Cost: 50

W-3W Sokol
This unique Polish helicopter, as I mentioned before, is broadly comparable to the US Cobra
helicopters. This has a 23mm autocannon, which while sharing mostly identical stats to the Mi-2
cannon, does shoot much faster, making it much more viable. It also comes with the conventional
80mm rocket pods, and Igla AA missiles, which are quite reliable, and powerful for REDFOR IR

Cost: 80

Mi-2 US
This is the ground support variant of the Mi-2, as it has the usual autocannon, and a quad PKT
machine gun installment. Assuming you can keep this away from AA, it can, and will suppress or kill
light units, like cars, or exposed infantry.

Cost: 20

Mi-2 Urn Zmja

Same as the above, but swap out the machine guns for 57mm rocket pods. They aren't particularly
powerful, or even good, but they do make for a cheap hit and run helicopter.

Cost: 30

Mi-2 Urp Salamandra

This is the Mi-2 Urp-G without the AA missiles strapped to it. Not much else to say about it, but it's

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usually worth it for the 15 point price difference.

Cost: 30

This is the only non transport variant of the Mi-24 Poland gets. It's got the conventional Mi-24 loadout
of the Yak-B gatling gun, 57mm rockets, and the slightly above average for a Mi-24 Kokon ATGM's. A
bit pricy in my opinion, especially compared to the cheaper semi-disposable Mi-2's that can do the
same thing, however this has a much greater survivability, take is as you will.

Cost: 85

Polish Aircraft
Licensed copy of the Mig-17. Anyways. This is the first ground strike aircraft Poland gets. It's pretty
awful, especially in terms of speed and turn radius, but it does have 57mm rockets.

Cost: 50

Another reasonably low end jet. This one serves as the entry level Air Superiority Fighter (but by the
looks of the missiles, I can see how you'd think otherwise). This is only armed with 4 short range IR
rockets that have a pretty terrible accuracy. What they do have going for them is the 5 HE power for
when they might hit.

Cost: 50

A slight upgrade over the previous ASF, this one able to fly at 1000 km/h instead of the 750 before.
This aircraft has 4 Molniya IR missiles, which are much more reliable than the R-55 on the Mig-19,
with slightly lower range. This also has 20% ECM which may help in a pinch.

Cost: 80

Same craft as the above in essentially every way, but armed with 4 240mm rockets for ground attack
instead of the usual AA armament. These rockets are just as powerful as your average 250kg bomb.

Cost: 85

This aircraft is an earlyish air superiority fighter. It's armed with the Vympel Semi-Active long range
AA missile, which has a 40% accuracy, which isn't particularly good, and two seemingly unique IR AA
missiles, the R-13M. It's a decent ASF with a reasonably high availability, but it is weak within IR
missile range.

Cost: 80

Mig-29 9-13S
The good o'l Mig-29. 40% ECM, long range, high power, and accurate weapons all make this a tough
nut to crack. This variant gets 2 semi active Vympel AA missiles, and 4 short range (comparatively)
Vympel IR AA missiles.

Cost: 135

One of the two ATGM attackers Poland gets. This variant has two 50% accurate, guided 28 AP power
ATGM's, as well as twin R-13M's. Quite a decent aircraft, ignoring it's speed, as it does have 20%

Cost: 90

Su-22M4 Seria 30
Same as the above, but with slightly longer range, and more powerful TV guided missiles, which,

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assuming the plane is alive and not stunned, will continue to home in on the target whether not it can
actually "see" it.

Cost: 120

SEAD variant of the Su-22. This plane gets 4 SEAD missiles, and nothing else but it's gun, and 40%
ECM to defend itself with. Usually a reliable SEAD aircraft provided it's relatively slow speed doesn't
betray it.

Cost: 100

The basic Polish iron bomber. Armed with 2 500kg bombs. No ECM, and fairly slow speed means
most uses of this plane will be a one way trip.

Cost: 60

Similar to the above, but with 8 250kg bombs, and 10% ECM. Not much else to say about it. A decent
bomber provided it reaches it's target.

Cost: 70

Pretty much identical to the base Su-7B, but armed with quite a lot of napalm bombs capable of
coating quite a large area in fire. It doesn't have ECM though so survivability is very low.

Cost: 100

Czechoslovakia National Overview

Czechoslovakia overall consists of lighter units. Most of these units, especially ground based ones
are quite fast, but lightly armored as a result. When their units are armored, they tend to have some
quality autocannons attached to them.

Overall, Czech command units are similar to most other REDFOR nations, but with a few high quality,
in terms of offroad speed CV units. The Czech also get some rather high capacity supply units as

Czech infantry are all around pretty good at dealing with other infantry, but usually lack in having a
decent anti-tank weapon, unless you specifically pick one of the support squads, with high end LAWs,
or ATGMs.

Czech infantry transports are a bit interesting. They can either be fast amphibious units, or an
armored troop transport armed with some from of support weapon, as well as some Mi-8 variants.

The Czech overall have a well rounded support tab. They have some very high quality radar AA
units, but their AAA guns are a bit lacking in firepower. The Czech have some very good artillery
pieces available to them, as most have fairly low dispersion, and a decent fire rate.

The Czech overall have fairly light choices in terms of tanks, but most of which are surprisingly
powerful, especially if positioned correctly. It's worth noting that essentially all Czech tanks start off
with a 50% base accuracy value, which is pretty decent. They also get the unique T-72 Moderna,
which as of this date is the only actual Tank defined unit available to REDFOR that has an

The Czech have some immensely useful recon units, most of their vehicles have Exceptional optics,
and their infantry squads are very powerful outright on their own.

There aren't that many interesting units in the Vehicle tab, except for probably the ShM PRAM, which
has a direct fire 5 HE mortar, AND a Konkurs ATGM.

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Czech helicopters are entirely Assault helicopters, and have no AA defense on their own. Each Mi-24
variant is surprisingly powerful, including one variant that has 240mm rockets, which are essentially
250kg bombs.

Most Czech air units are rather weak, but cheap to put out, and have a large availability. They have
the cheapest air superiority fighter in the game, as well as the cheapest napalm bomber. It's rare to
see one of their aircraft survive a fight against another aircraft.

Czech Logistics
This is the typical BMP-1 variant, armed with the common Malyutka ATGM, and the 73mm "cannon". 2
frontal armor usually keeps it alive for that first shot that comes in on it's front, and the unit, like most
other BMP variants can swim, and go pretty far without refueling.

Cost: 130

The base T-55 command tank. Usually only bought for the armor, as the gun, like most other basic T-
55's could be better. Very long range fuel economy though, and a reasonably high durability against

Cost: 120

Effectively twice as good as the T-55 above in terms of armor, and gun statistics. This unit is usually
capable of defending itself against encroaching enemies, and is a decent choice for an armored CV,
if you can deal with the price.

Cost: 160

Same helicopter CV as the USSR gets. A very slow helicopter, armed with a PKT, which usually
doesn't make any difference in terms of survivability. Cheap to deploy though, and you do get quite a
few for a CV unit.

Cost: 100

Velitelske UAZ
The typical UAZ command truck. Not much to say about it.

Cost: 100

An unarmed command variant of the general purpose OT-64 troop transport that the Czech use. A
point of armor all around, decent speed, and amphibious ability make it a decent unit to infiltrate into
capture zones with.

Cost: 120

Same as the above, but with a KPVT machine gun, which in some situations, may prove essential in
terms of this unit surviving in a fight, especially due to the fact that this unit, if engaged, would be
doing so at very short range. The gun often justifies the extra 15 point difference.

Cost: 135

Velitelsky Stab
Conventional Czech command infantry, armed with the AK, and the Czech, UK vz. 59 MG, which is
decent, but far from the best. Pretty typical command infantry.

Cost: 100 + Transport

Mi-4 Zasobovaci
The Mi-4, with supply capacity. A very low supply capacity, which is in fact worse than both ground

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based modes of transport. However this is made up with the cost.

Cost: 25

T813 Kolos
The "standard" Czech transport. Pretty high offroad speed, as well as a very decent supply capacity
of 1750.

Cost: 30

T815 Kolos
Same as the above, but with more supplies, and a slightly better offroad speed.

Cost: 40

Czech Infantry
Granatomet AGS-17
This unit is a fire support team armed with the typical AK, as well as the AGS-17 grenade launcher.
This unit, positioned carefully is extremely powerful, sometimes capable of wiping out, even Special
Force grade units. A very powerful support unit, provided they keep out of CQC combat.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Lehka Pechota
Czech Light Infantry. Quite a powerful unit for CQC engagements, since they are armed with SMGs
and the RPK SAW. They also have the Tarasnice Recoilless Rifle for their AT weapon, which while
weak, has a pretty decent range it can fire from.

Cost: 20 + Transport

The basic Czech infantry. Typically only bought for the BMP they are transported in. They are armed
with the AK, as per usual, the Czech MG, which could be better, and the RPG-75, which is unreliable
at best, although it is decently powerful, and has a high fire rate.

Cost: 10 + Transport

This is a different fire support team, armed with the AK, and the RPG-7V, which is a decent general
purpose RPG, with a pretty good range, accuracy, and power. This unit is more suited for tank
hunting, obviously, when compared to the AGS team above, but they can fire at infantry, like all fire
support teams can do. They can also be transported in every type of Czech transport, which adds
another layer of flexibility for deck builders.

Cost: 10 + Transport

PLRK Strela-2
The Strela-2 is not the best AA missile, by far, with a pretty short range, low accuracy, and low HE
power. The unit is very cheap to buy though, and you can have a ton of them, which if nothing else,
will scare people from throwing choppers, and planes at you.

Cost: 5 + Transport

PLRK Strela-3
Essentially the same thing as the above, but with slightly more range and accuracy, which does help.
However the warhead power is still too low to 1 shot any helicopter.

Cost: 10 + Transport

PTRS Fagot
This is the base ATGM unit for the Czech. I consider it to be an average ATGM, but it works, is fairly
cheap and can be used in pre-80's decks. It can actually be quite powerful when used in a pre-80's

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Cost: 15 + Transport

PTRS Konkurs
General upgrades over the unit noted above. Slightly more powerful, at 4 more AP power, and just a
little bit more range and accuracy.

Cost: 20 + Transport

PTRS Konkurs-M
More general upgrades. This one boosting accuracy, and AP power up to 23.

Cost: 25 + Transport

Czech airborne infantry. A decent general purpose unit, armed with the AK, the basic RPG-7, and an
RPK. Decent Shock infantry, but there is better.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Vysadkari '90
Similar to the above, but with the RPG-7VR, with a glorious 24 AP power, at short range, and a
slightly different, arguably better variant of the RPK.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Czech militia infantry. Very cheap, armed with pretty poor weapons, using what appears to be a WWII
bolt action rifle, and what appears to be a Panzerfaust. An OK unit to fill in the lines, or to act as a
buffer for your pretty superior fire support units to work.

Cost: 5 + Transport(5)

Your typical flamethrower team. Not much else for me to comment on them here, as I rarely use the
Czech flame team in favor of the AGS.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Czech Transports
The Czech general purpose, wheeled transport, which is a staple transport (along with the OT-62
series). Decent all around speed, a point of armor, amphibious ability, and a KPVT machine gun, all
make this unit a very decent choice for a transport.

Cost: 15

Same as the above, for the same cost, but with a Malyutka strapped to the turret of the vehicle. This
doesn't cost any more in terms of the actual per point cost of the unit, but it does drop the availability
of the Motostrelci, if you chose to use this.

Cost: 15

The conventional "armored" transport available to essentially every Czech unit except for the
airborne forces. Reasonable speeds, and amphibious ability. This variant is only armed with a PKT

Cost: 5

Same as the above, but this variant has a fire support variant of the Tarasnice attached to the
vehicle, which makes this transport actually somewhat useful to have on hand in a fight.

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Cost: 10

OT-62 Vydra-I
Same chassis as the above, but this unit is prototyped due to having a 23mm autocannon strapped
to the vehicle in place of the PKT/Recoilless combo, as well as an extra point of armor. Fairly low
accuracy and fire rate, but it can, and will suppress anything it fires at.

Cost: 15

OT-62 Vydra-II
Similar upgrade to the above, but with a 30mm instead of a 23mm, which gives it a little more ground
oriented range, as well as a bit more accuracy.

Cost: 15

The basic BMP, armed with the standard 73mm HEAT cannon. Honestly not good in a fire support
role, but can deal with most types of IFV or APC pretty easily. Also comes with a Malyutka.

Cost: 15

This variant of the BMP is completely identical to the above, but with the Konkurs instead of the

Cost: 20

Almost identical to the BVP-1P, but with an extra point of side armor, and a 30mm autocannon in
place of the 73mm "tank gun". The autocannon alone make this unit quite useful in a support role
against infantry, and having the ATGM too is a pretty great way to deter tanks.

Cost: 20

BVP-2 vz.86
Essentially the same as the above, but with more frontal armor, and the Konkurs-M ATGM, and
longer range on the autocannon, as well as some more accuracy.

Cost: 25

A cheap helicopter, same as the command variant. Overall, not the best choice for an airborne
transport, since it barely moves faster than a wheeled ground equivelant.

Cost: 15

The typical Mi-8 transport chopper. This variant armed with the usual 57mm rocket pods, making it a
decent entry helicopter.

Cost: 25

Another Mi-8, but with much better rockets attached to it, carrying 122mm rockets, and a machine
gun. This helicopter, can, and often does wipe entire 10 man infantry squads, assuming the unit isn't

Cost: 30

A variant of the Mi-24, only used by a very small selection of units (recon, or light infantry only here).
It's really just your typical Mi-24, with the minigun, a set of 57mm rockets, and 4 Fleyta ATGMs, which
are unreliable at best.

Cost: 55

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Czech Support
2S1 Karafiat
The "base" Czech turreted artillery piece. Pretty average, which should be expected for the price. A
point of armor all around. Fairly short range, and noticeable shot dispersion, but deals 6 HE per
round, which is pretty nice damage for artillery, and makes some nice smoke when needed. It is
amphibious, which can be useful occasionally.

Cost: 55

2S7 Pivonka
This is the Czech high caliber artillery piece. Fires one (or two, can't remember) rounds at an extreme
distance. Each round inflicts 10 HE damage on impact, easily capable of 1 shotting multiple different
CVs, and quite a few IFVs. Accurate as the Akatsiya at max range.

Cost: 100

This is an artillery piece, unique to the Czech (well, not unique, but they invented it). One of the very
few wheeled artillery pieces in the game, and in fact, this is one of the only armored, howitzer defined
weapon, short of the Ondava (the upgrade of this) in the game. This has a reasonably good range,
decent fire rate, and moderate dispersion, as well as some pretty high damage shells. Being on
wheels also make it much easier to dodge enemy artillery.

Cost: 90

Prototype upgrade of the above, making it in general, better all around in terms of firing statistics,
with a much greater firing range, and tighter dispersion (as well as a much higher damage HEAT
round for close defence).

Cost: 120

This is more or less, the Czech BUK, with a quite decent anti Jet range, and a reasonable anti
helicopter range. Each one of these missiles are capable of dealing 9 HE damage when they hit
(which is pretty luck based, given a 40% base accuracy). Terrible mobility offroad though, and a very
poor fuel economy makes this unit very much of a supply burden.

Cost: 45

Same as the above, but with broadly improved missile statistics, making it a quite reliable AA unit.
Mobility is still a major issue though.

Cost: 75

M53/59 Praga
This is the only non prototype AA gun the Czech get. In general it's just a very unreliable AA gun,
usually better used as a ground based fire support unit, than helicopter or jet killer. It does have a
VERY good engagement distance to kill choppers with though.

Cost: 20

Strop 1
Same gun as the above, mounted onto a BMP giving more accuracy. Not much else to note about it

Cost: 30

Strop 2
This is an AA gun, and Igla missile mounted in a turret on the Dana chasis. In general, a quite decent
helicopter kkiller, in part to it's movement speed, and in part due to it's main gun engagement range,
which can match the Longbow Helfire missile engagement range.

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Cost: 60

The base OSA radar guided AA missile available to REDFOR nation. Pretty cheap, and pretty reliable
against planes. 7 HE per warhead, and a very high speed make this is useful mobile AA solution. If
you can remember to keep this, and the other AA in this series moving, it will be pretty hard for your
enemies to zone in on the location of it, since it's pretty fast, and amphibious.

Cost: 40

Upgrade over the last unit, this time boosting firing range by quite a bit, making it quite competitive as
an AA piece.

Cost: 65

This appears to be a BTR with AA missiles added to the top. This unit is likely going to be the staple
of your IR AA network, since this unit is pretty cheap, fast, and each warhead can deal 4 HE per hit.

Cost: 30

Similar to the above, a unit on a much slower chassis, but armed with better missiles in general, as
well as quite a few more of them.

Cost: 50

The only Czech MLRS unit in the game. Fires off quite a few rockets, pretty quickly, at roughly the
range of the Dana artillery piece, with a fairly tight dispersion. This unit often can kill bunkered down
infantry units if luck is on your side.

Cost: 100

ShM vz.85 PRAM-S

This is another unique artillery piece for the Czech. It's a BMP, with the turret assembely removed,
and replaced with a mortar. This is arguably one of (if not the) best mortar in the game in terms of the
statistics of the mortar itself, with a high HE damage value, decent fire rate, and low dispersion.

Cost: 40

Czech Tanks
This is the base T-55 MBT, which happens to be given to every European nation on the REDFOR
side, and they are all identical. Arguably a pretty terrible tank, some put it in the same class as the T-
34, but it's cheap, available and functional, with a decent gun for 25 points. (Copy, paste will happen
a lot on this tank model.)

Cost: 25

A straight upgrade to the stats of the main gun, as well as some additional armor. Not much else to
note here, although it does make a decent cheap tank.

Cost: 40

Slightly more armor is added to this model of the T-55 on the front and sides as well as the adition of
being able to fire off the Bastion ATGM, which is a reasonably decent ATGM, considering it's coming
from a cheap tank such as this.

Cost: 55

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T-55AM2 Dyna-1
This tank is a prototype of the above T-55, mainly due to the fact that it's armor is actually better than
a few other tanks at this price point, and model, as well as the fact that this can fire the Arkan ATGM,
which can effectively kill most medium tanks if needed to.

Cost: 65

This is the only Czech model of the T-62 in game. It's very much comparable to the T-55AM1, the key
difference here being that this tank gets a point more armor than the T-55, and Moderate optics,
which is better than most tanks at the price point, at the cost of the usual reduced fire rate of the T-
62, and slightly worse accuracy.

Cost: 40

The baseline T-72, roughly comparable to the above T-62, with slightly more everything, except
accuracy, and firing range, which may be essential.

Cost: 45

An upgrade of the T-72, which is making the tank roughly equal to the equivelant priced T-55,
sharing availabilities, with the fact that the T-72 has better armor, stabilization, and HE power, where
the T-55 has the ATGM, and the edge in AP power by 1.

Cost: 55

This is the point where the T-72 line for the Czech starts to seriously diverge from the T-55 models,
able to fire at the usual maximum of 2275 meters, with 16 AP.

Cost: 75

A pretty straight upgrade over the last, but adding some stabilization, as well as adding the Sivir
ATGM, which is just generally useful to have, as it's very powerful, and pretty accurate.

Cost: 90

A straight gun and armor boost to the last T-72, making it pack quite a bit more punch, with 20 AP
power, and boosting the armor up to 18.

Cost: 125

T-72M2 Moderna
This Czech prototype version of the T-72 is very unique. Along with it's usual linear armor upgrades,
and gun improvements, giving up to 23 AP power (one of the highest in the game for a cannon), it
also gets to have a 30mm autocannon, for general purpose unit shredding. A quite powerful, and
expensive tanks in terms of availability AND price, but usually worth the cost.

Cost: 160

Czech Recon
BPzV Snezka
A good optic BMP-2, with it's typical autocannon. A decent unit to move with other BMP variants, as
this unit usually will ast as the eyes of the force, enabling them to get the most out of the range
autocannons get.

Cost: 30

BPzV Svatava

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A BMP-1, with Exceptional recon optics. It is what it says on the tin, and overall it's useful in general
for recon, obviously. The ability to self spot targets for it's ATGM is also useful too, if the ATGM were
more reliable.

Cost: 50

Your typical Mi-2 recon chopper. Slow, exceptional optics, and weak.

Cost: 40

Recon variant of the BRDM Not much different from it, except for the Good optics.

Cost: 10

Same as the transport upgrade, with optics again. Decent, mainly because it self spots for the
recoilless rifle.

Cost: 15

A less than base T-55, with 30% accuracy, and optics.

Cost: 25

Czech 10 man shock recon infantry. Armed with the typical AK, the unique RPG-75, which has decent
accuracy, power and fire rate. Lastly getting the Dragunov sniper rifle in place of what would usually
be an MG. This makes them great static defenders against infantry, provided they aren't blocked by
smoke or something similar.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Specianlni Jednotky
Czech special force recon, armed with largely the same weapons as the above, but with an RPK
instead of the sniper rifle, which makes them great general purpose recon infantry.

Cost: 25

Specianlni Jednotky '90

Same as the above, but with a SMG like assault rifle, with 40% accuracy for both values instead of
the AK 60/30 ratio. They also get the RPG-26, which is a fantastic general purpose RPG, with a high
fire rate, and decent accuracy.

Cost: 30

Ural-469A vz.59
A long name for a truck with a gun on it. Very good optics, but otherwize no different than the other
recon UAZ units.

Cost: 25

Same as the base OT-65, but with Exceptional recon optics.

Cost: 55

Czech Vehicle Tab

BDRM-2 Malyutka-P
This is simply the BDRM, with Malyutka ATGM's. They aren't particularly great ATGM's, with 40%
accuracy, and 15 AP power, but this unit gets to have 18 of them on board. Mobility characteristics
remain unchanged.

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Cost: 20

BDRM-2 Konkurs
Same as the above, but with the standard Konkurs ATGM. 5% more accuracy over the Malyutka, and
5 more AP power, making it a much better option when/if it hits something.

Cost: 35

BDRM-2 Konkurs-M
Prototype upgrade of the above, giving 5% more accuracy, and 3 more AP power.

Cost: 45

This thing looks quite a lot like an old WWII German halftrack. A quite decent fire support gun, having
the best accuracy, fire rate, and range of any "recoilless rifle" defined gun in the game, which isn't
saying much, but it is useful, and easy to spam with too.

Cost: 15

ShM vz.82 Pram-S

This is the closest thing REDFOR gets to having an ARVE, or CEV. A 120mm direct fire mortar, which
deals 5 HE damage, as well as a basic Konkurs ATGM, all strapped onto a BMP chassis.

Cost: 35

This is the flamethrower variant of the T-55. Pretty much every REDFOR nation gets one. One thing
to note is that the main gun deals no HE damage, requiring the unit to use its flamethrower to
damage any infantry, which usually won't work against infantry with a low end ATGM.

Cost: 35 points

Czech Helicopters
The basic Mi-4 helicopter modified into a fire support/assault role. Quite a lot of rockets that are
decently accurate, and will inflict quite a lot of suppression. It's also got a PKT, but that's mostly
worthless on something like this.

Cost: 40

This is an arguably conventional (and boring) version of the Mi-24. The usual Yak minigun, 57mm
rocket pods, and 8 quite decent Kokon ATGMs.

Cost: 85

Mi-25 S-24
Another Mi-24. This variant downgrades it's ATGM to the Fleyta, but makes up for it with the S-24
rockets, which are exceptionally powerful, each one of the four are equal to an average 250 kg bomb,
and easily capable of wiping exposed infantry with each launch.

Cost: 75

Czech Aircraft
Avia S-105
This is the first Czech Air Superiority fighter, although you would probably be mistaken by looking at
it. This 40 point jet is armed with Air to Air rocket pods, which are in general a pretty terrible loadout,
especially considering the plane has no ECM, and moves very slowly. I've only ever seen one of
these fire in one actual game, but it seems once it starts firing it's barrage, it's usually going to stun
whatever is on the receiving end of it. Very high availability to make up for the outright poor quality.

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Cost: 40

L-29R Delfin
One of the cheapest jets in the game, if not so itself. A very slow jet, with no ECM, nor time over
target, armed with just 2 250 kg bombs, which can take out stuff with precision if needed.

Cost: 30

L-29RS Delfin
Same as the above with Napalm. A surprisingly common sight in most Czech and Eastern Block
decks, mostly because it's the "50 points of fire". Overall, decent at burning out city sectors, but very
easy to shoot down.

Cost: 50

L39Z0 Albatross
Roughly the same as the L-29R, but with a larger pair of bombs, and a slightly better turn radius, and
a bit less availability.

Cost: 50

L39ZA Albatross
Pretty much the same as the above, but given a cannon, ECM, and a few IR missiles. Not great, but a
decent Multirole aircraft for the price.

Cost: 60

Mig-29 9-12A
You might be thinking, "Oh great, the Mig, now we have a decent ASF, right?". The answer here is a
big no. This is actually a Napalm bomber, with some very big bombs, a pair of very good IR missiles,
and quite a bit of ECM. One thing in particular to note about the napalm bombs, is that they actually
have a HE value assigned to them, meaning they do the initial strike damage of a 500 kg bomb, as
well as apply a large area of napalm.

Cost: 135

One of the first Air Superiority fighters the Czech have that are armed with only "proper" missiles. 4
R-13M missiles, which have short range, moderate accuracy, and 4 HE power. This jet does get 20%
ECM which is pretty much the highest you get for an actual Czech ASF.

Cost: 70

The first model of Mig-23 the Czech get. This one is a multirole tank hunter, with the usual pair of two
IR missiles. The AGMs are quite powerful, with 28 AP power each, and a 50% accuracy, which while
still a dice roll, is pretty decent accuracy. 20% ECM helps a bit too.

Cost: 100

This jet, is unfortunately "the best" ASF available to the Czech. 4 IR missiles, and 2 Semi Active radar
guided missiles, which have a 50% base hit chance. One serious problem with this jet is that it only
has 10% ECM too, so sending this against another ASF is likely to result in a loss.

Cost: 100

A rather basic HE bomber, with a pair of 1000 kg bombs, which for obvious reasons are quite
powerful. This jet also gets 20% ECM, but the optics value here are only set to Good, which usually
means it won't see a jet coming at it until it's too late for you to respond.

Cost: 100


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The Su-25K armored jet. This model has the typical HEAT autocannon, 4 ATGMs, with 28 AP power,
and lastly, the defining factor (for me) is the S-24 rockets, which as previously mentioned are roughly
identical to 250 kg bombs, with the only real difference being the delivery method, making this more
of a multirole ground pounder. 10% ECM only, but the armor usually helps make a difference.

Cost: 140


Basic SEAD aircraft featuring 20% ECM and packing a single KH-28, these aircraft can rip and tear
their way through hostile radar AA. Best used with escorts, their minimal defensive armament of twin
23mm autocannons leaves them open to attack from hostile aircraft but do allow them to act as helo
hunters once all AAA has been destroyed and air superiority has been secured.

Price: 75 points

China National Overview

China probably has the most unique units available to them in the game, most of their units are
unique designs, or are heavily modified from Russian standards.

China has some very swift CV units, as well as a well armored amphibious CV. China overall is very
stuck on the supply side though. With either a huge Mi-6 transport helicopter, or a few very small
supply trucks.

Chinese infantry are all around quite great at fighting other infantry units, but are notoriously bad at
dealing with armor, with the exception of the Lu Zandui '90, which is immensely powerful against
armor, but extremely expensive.

China doesn't really have any exceptional infantry transports, except for the WZ-551 and ZSD-90,
there are no autocannons to be found. The transports are all very cheap however.

China has some unusual support units, most of which look like imperfect copies of other nations units.
They do get the HQ-1, Crotale, which is the only AA unit in game capable of effectively engaging a
Longbow gunship helicopter, otherwise, there are pretty much no useful non-radar AA units available.
Artillery units are a bit lacking here as well, most of which have short range, and fairly high

China has cheap, and surprisingly cost effective tanks. Most of which are lightly armored, cheap to
buy, but have a potent gun.

China doesn't really get any good recon units, with the exception of maybe the ZTQ-62G, pretty much
a standard tank with very good optics. Otherwise, options are limited effectively to unarmed units, and
an average recon squad.

China gets a selection of surprisingly powerful units in the Vehicle tab, including some very powerful
ATGM units, and a few tank destroyers that are surprisingly effective for their price.

China gets a few helicopters available to them, including the Z-9s. One of which carries a couple very
powerful ATGMs, and one of which carries surprisingly powerful AA missiles.

China has a very capable air force with a very wide selection of aircraft available, from very cheap
bombers, and fighters, to very high end SEAD aircraft, and Air Superiority Fighters.

Chinese Logistics
The base Chinese command car. It's another UAZ variant, so there's not much more for me to note
about it here.

Cost: 100


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Another car, which is also a boat. Very fast, pretty much everywhere, including over water. Otherwise,
the same as the above, with very little strength, and no armor.

Cost: 110

The Mi-4 command helicopter. Decent durability for a chopper, and an MG, but that's mostly it.

Cost: 100

Chinese command infantry, armed with the usual AK variant, as well as what appears to be a unique
MG, on par with the RPK, but can't be used for CQC combat.

Cost: 100 + Transport

One of the few armored, amphibious command units in the game. 2 armor on the front and sides
make this unit quite durable against artillery. Reasonably fast for an armored tracked unit too.

Cost: 120

The ZTZ-59-I conventional tank. Effectively a T-55 CV unit, but with slightly better gun accuracy at
the cost of a largely irrelavent fuel economy difference.

Cost: 135

This unit is pretty much the direct competitor to the US Super Chinook, and for all intents and
purposes, it is an identical unit in every way. Very Big size, 10 Strength, and flies at 300 km/h.

Cost: 85

SX250 Cargo
A basic cargo truck, carrying 800 units of supplies. Very cheap, and a high availability.

Cost: 15

Chinese Infantry
Fang Hua Bing
The usual flamethrower team, with a cool looking unit model (which as far as i'm aware makes no
difference when being set on fire).

Cost: 15 + Transport

Chinese AA unit, on par with the Strela 2, or the Redeye AA missile. Largely mediocre, but very

Cost: 5 + Transport

Slight upgrades to the above, boosting effective range a bit, as well as accuracy.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Li Jian
Chinese Special Forces. Extremely powerful CQC fighters, with a silenced SMG, and a Type 81 (more
or less an RPK, but a higher fire rate). They also get the Type 69 (RPG-7) to deal with light armor as

Cost: 25 + Transport

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Li Jian '90
Effectively the same as the above, but with a slightly better SMG, and a napalm rocket launcher,
which is arguably the best napalm launcher in REDFOR short of the East German Strumpionere
rocket launcher. As a result though, this unit is totally useless against armor.

Cost: 35 + Transport

Lu Zhandui
Chinese Marines. A great general purpose shock unit if you don't want to deal with the fair restriction
to availability placed upon the Li Jian. This unit can also be carried in the chinese variant of the BMP-

Cost: 25 + Transport

Lu Zhandui '90
Largely the same as the above, but with a significantly better RPG, with 60% accuracy, and a 21 AP
power value, as well as a pretty insane fire rate. An exceptional unit to support units such as the Li
Jan '90.

Cost: 30 + Transport

Prototype Chinese AA team. Slightly better stats compared to the HN-5B, with the essential difference
of having a HE value of 5, enabling it to 1 shot the usual 4 strength chopper.

Cost: 20 + Transport

Tanke Shashou
Chinese fire support team, armed with the usual rifle, as well as a recoilless rifle, which is more or less
on par with the gun on cheaper tanks. 12 AP power, and 2 HE power, as well as a very decent range.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Tanke Shashou '85

Largely the same as the above, but the rifle gets 4 more AP power, and as a result, greater
suppression power too.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Chinese Milita. Pretty terrible, as to be expected. They get a fairly poor RPG, and an assault rifle.
However, you can get a TON of them, and their transport, while not good, spammed can make great
fire support.

Cost: 5 + Transport(10)

Standard Chinese infantry. Armed with an assault rifle, the RPG-7, and the Type 67. Not great, but
not bad, especially for the price.

Cost: 10 + Transport

Zhanshi '90
Largely the same as the above, but with a better RPG, and more transport choices, including the
BMP variant, as well as the prototype chinese IFV, the ZSD-90.

Cost: 15 + Transport

Chinese Transports
The basic Chinese wheeled transport, available to essentially every unit, except the marine class
units. Decent speed, some armor, and an MG.

Cost: 10

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Chinese basic tracked transport. 2 frontal armor, and amphibious ability, as well as a quite decent

Cost: 5

Same as the above, slightly quicker and has an armor value of 2.

Cost: 5

A basic BMP, with the 73mm gun, and a upgraded domestic Malyutka ATGM. Not much else notable
about it.

Cost: 15

A prototype IFV, available only to the Li Jian '90. Same mobility, and armor characteristics of similar
wheeled IFVs, with a 25mm autocannon strapped to it. A very useful support unit, mainly due to it's

Cost: 15

Same as the ZSD-63, but with an autocannon in place of the MG. Not much else to say, but this is
also a great support unit.

Cost: 15

Your typical Mi-8 transport chopper, with the usual 57mm rocket pods. Decent speed, and durability.

Cost: 25

Only available to the Li Jian. A basic Mi-4 variant, with a PKT, and nothing else. A very cheap unit to
use, compared to the next unit.

Cost: 15

Essentially a prototype Chinese Blackhawk. This variant is armed with a 23mm autocannon, which is
quite useful in many roles. The chopper is also very fast for a transport helicopter, and has a great
fuel efficency. Works well when escorted by it's ATGM and AA attack variants.

Cost: 25

Chinese version of the classic BTR-40 recon transport, decent armor and an MG for defense, it has a
low cost but also low fuel capacity, as long as you fill the tank now and then this makes a good cheap
recon unit that's a bit better armored then the BJ 212, in addition to this, they can cover much more
ground to observe when combined with the recon team they carry.
Price: 15

Chinese Support
The only BM-24 packing HE over incendiary rockets, this MLRS has medium damage and range but
can put a lot of explosives in a decently sized area.

Price: 50


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Affectionately known as "Phil" by some, this tank cracking cluster MLRS will destroy light to medium
armor with only a few rockets and thicker armor with additional salvos, good to use against large
formations of clustered tanks or as counter battery fire, really good way to clear a patch of woods of a
command vehicle, AAA or other high valued non infantry target

Price: 80

Chinese copy of the French Crotale, this long ranged IR SAM will blow hostile helicopters and fixed
wing aircraft out of the sky. Only has 4 missiles so make sure to rearm frequently, moves fast so
quick relocation is a good way to avoid mortars, MLRS or howitzers. One of the few AA missiles that
can outrange the US Longbow.

Price: 60

Big, 2 missile radar AA mounted on a truck, make sure to rearm often, relocate often and turn it off
when SEAD comes knocking works well paired with other non radar AAA to bait in SEAD.

Price: 60

Domestic Chinese upgrade of everyone's favorite aircraft shredding, infantry mulching twin 57mm
auto cannon on a T-54/55 hull. Has better range against aircraft compared to it's "support SPAAG"
brothers, it doesn't use radar so it isn't as micro management intensive.

Price: 25

Radar guided 37mm auto cannons on a T-54/55 hull, much more accurate and has better range than
the older PGZ-80, this prototype SPAAG can be hit by SEAD so turn it off or use it as bait or as a
sacrificial lamb to protect more expensive radar AA, has some armor but remember to protect it and
escort it.

Price: 35

Everyone's favorite prototype, baby Chinese Tunguska. Armed with quad 25mm radar guided auto
cannons and 4 IR missiles, this scary SPAAG can lock down the airspace around it and shred
anything unlucky enough to contest it in a fight, make sure to turn off the auto cannons when SEAD is
active and remember, unlike Battlefield 4 this SPAAG can't swim, don't try it, sensitive radars don't
like getting wet.

Price: 70

"Phil"'s older brother, this napalm MLRS can clear out a city, forest or field of infantry and can be
used as a way to hold hostile troops at bay or cut off their exit. Works best against lightly armored
equipment but even MBT's don't like being on fire

Price: 50

hotter, bigger, slower, floater, this "Phil"'s mounted on a ZSD-63 hull, more ammo, more armor and it
floats, this napalm MLRS is great for coastal assaults and can follow your swimming tanks, APCs and
IFVs to victory.

Price: 65

Think PHL-70 without the ability to swim and the napalm rockets swapped out for 122mm howitzer.
What it lacks in accuracy and HE firepower it makes up for in it's low price and plentiful numbers. Also
has a low supply cost so you can shell a lot of hostiles before you need to rearm, remember, shoot

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and scoot to avoid counter battery fire!

Price: 50

SPH similar to (but not identical to even though the model says otherwise) the Soviet 2S3, this
152mm SPH packs more range, accuracy and firepower then the PHZ-70, it's not a super weapon but
it's one of China's best howitzers available, also packs an MG for self defense.

Price: 75

China's classic ZSD-63 APC with a decent 82mm mortar, not as powerful as the bigger 120mm YW-
381, it has more ammo and fires faster and more accurately but with less range. Good for soft targets
but prolonged fire can destroy armor, good smoke platform due to lower supply costs then it's bigger
cousin, both can swim.

Price: 30


Similar to the smaller YW-304, the larger 120mm mortar packs a larger punch and greater range.
Packs less ammo and costs more to resupply then the 81mm mortar. Can swim across rivers.

Chinese Tanks
This basic amphibious tank, like it's cousin the PT-76 can be used for naval assaults, flanking across
rivers and is generally a decent bit of light armor. Unlike it's soviet relative, it's 85mm gun fires a KE
instead of HEAT round, increasing it's killing power up close although it lacks the auto loader found
on most PT-76's

Price: 20


Like it's older counterpart, this floating tank is great for flanking your opponents across water, armed
with a bigger 105mm gun, ATGMs and a machine gun to boot, this is a direct upgrade to the 63-I.

Price: 40


This indigenous tank based on the Soviet T-54 packs an aftermarket Chinese main gun, a decent low
end tank that when used in numbers or against similarly priced tanks can hold it's own against it's
NATO counterparts.

Price: 25


pimped out with a licences copy of the western 105mm, this MBT isn't your average T-54/55, it's
accurate, powerful and longer range compared to older models and comes at a decent price.

Price: 35


T-54 made in China, armed with western optics and weapons, this tank sports additional armor, better
optics and additional MG ammo as well as a better gun, can be easily identified by it's welded on
basket armor.

Price: 45

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Made in China from the ground up, this domestic tank packs a 105mm gun, decent stabilizers, speed,
and armor, this 50 point tank will do a number on hostile armor in it's price bracket.

Price: 50


A direct upgrade to the ZTZ-80, the better optics, range, AP, accuracy and stability. These MBTs
offer a decent amount of firepower for their price and work well as a mid price range tank.

Price: 60 points


This prototype MBT is the top of the line for the 88 series. In addition to extra AP for it's main gun, it
has added front and side armor allowing it to take a bit more punishment then it's cousins.

Price: 70 points


Better armored then the ZTZ-80 line, this tank packs a 105MM main gun, as a trade off for some
speed, this tank has better armor and range then it's predecessor.

Price: 65


Bigger gun, more HE, more AP, better armor and an auto loader to boot, this upgraded 85 is a force
to be reckoned with even when panicked.

Price: 85


This 140 point monster is the best tank China has to offer, packing all the perks of the previous
upgrades plus some additional speed, armor (ERA all the way) and firepower.

Price: 140

Chinese Recon
BJ 212 ZC
Standard Chinese recon jeep with a MG for self defense, should not be used offensively unless as a
last resort, if you are hiding and want to stay hidden turn off your MG to prevent giving away your
position, MG can be useful as a last resort weapon against attacking helos, helping other units fight
soft targets and rarely killing fleeing unarmed/unarmored CVs

Price: 25

Lie Ren
These 10 man shock recon are very useful for surveillance and can be used to conduct behind the
lines raids as well as assist infantry in finding targets and assisting them in combat there MG is not
CQC but can fire on the move and their selection of transports allow them to both insert via helo
behind the lines or fight on the front lines with their ground transports, can use trucks for low cost
rapid deployment,

Price: 20 + Transport

This Soviet OG classic is a rather slow and fragile recon helicopter. It has decent optics and very

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small size that helps it avoid trouble, make sure to move it around every now and then and remember
to change altitude to suit the area you are in, low anatomy means refueling every now and then to
keep your eye in the sky moveing.

Price: 35

This lightly armored recon tank packs a decent punch for it's size, it's thin armor means it should be
deployed with support but allows it to keep pace with tank formations, great for ambushes but it has
no stabilizer so make sure to attack move if you are in hostile territory.

Price: 20

Longer range gun and better armor and AP are the main differences between this tank and it's older
brother, use it to spot targets for your other tanks and remember to attack move.

Price: 30

Packing a larger, more powerful gun, and new turret, aside from better armor, optics and gun range,
the biggest improvement is the stabilizer allowing it to fire on the move, still, makes a good escort to
stick with your tanks to spot targets and can be pared with ATGMs to both protect them from infantry
and spot for them.

Price: 60

Better armed, bigger fuel tanks but at the cost of some size and seats for infentry compared to the
ZZC-55, this anti helo AA/light armor can opener of a light recon armored car can hold it's own
against most light threats, great to ambush a hostile CV or pesky helicopter, their MGs do have AP so
they can hit way above their price in the right conditions.

Price: 15

Chinese Vehicles
BJ 212 PWL78
Jeep mounted RR, similar to your standard SPG-9, has less range but is 2 times more accurate.
Good for ambushing tanks for side shots, fire support and cheep quick response. Remember, as a
soft target your best bet is using speed to relocate and ambush predation to win engagements with
more powerful opponents.

Price: 10

BJ 212 HJ-8
Small jeep, big punch, this vehicle packs the deadly HJ-8 missile, perfect for cracking open tanks and
other armored fighting vehicles, just remember it is a jeep so it's a soft target.

Price: 25

BRDM-1 HJ-73
The only BRDM-1 ATGM carrier in game, this unit packs a indigenous version of the AT-3 with the
accuracy of the P model but with one less AP. It has better armor then ATGM jeeps and holds more
ammo and can swim but it is still a slightly soft target so be careful with it.

Price: 15

China's answer to the French VAB Mephisto, slightly faster and packing a much beefier ATGM (HJ-9
with 26 AP!), the only downside is the higher cost and smaller ammunition capacity, It can hit and run,
swim and crack open most tanks it encounters but like all ATGMs it's relatively soft and should be
used to ambush it's prey.

Price: 80

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Flavorful "support SPAAG" on a T-34 hull, sadly it can't engage fixed wing aircraft but will do a
number on helos, soft and lightly armored targets. has both AP and HE rounds for it's duel 37mm
cannons, great for fire support, ambushes or anti helo defense.

Price: 15

This old school Second World War vet is back with a vengeance when the cold war goes hot!
although it's AP and HE firepower is average, for 15 points it brings a fairly efficient fire
support/budget tank destroyer into any deck that supports it. Try and bring them in groups and
spread them along your line to support your other units and remember to cover them with AAA due to
their lack of an MG.

Price: 15

This prototype up gunned T-54 clone (ZTZ-59) packs a massive for it's size 120mm cannon. It can
fire on the move but works best when stationary, whatever it hits is going to suffer a lot of damage.
Good armor means it can back your MBTs as they move up and provide covering fire.

Price: 50

The be all end all of Chinese gun armed tank destroyers. It can't fire on the move but when set up it
spits out 120mm shells like it's no one's business. These are a great way to back your tanks up with
additional firepower and make good ambush weapons as well.

Price: 65

ZSD-63 APC packing tank killing HJ-8A ATGMs, can swim and keep pace off road with most tracked
units and is best used to ambush hostile armor, remember to bring AAA and recon to back it up.

Price: 50

Chinese Helicopters
SA.342 HOT
Chinese made French Gazelle tank hunter that's almost identical to it's western counterpart aside
from the paint job, fragile but can do a number on hostile armor as long as AAA is kept in check.
Always remember to use the right altitude toggle, low when you want to hide behind hills and woods
from AAA and high when you want to be able to see and fire on your targets.

Price: 40

Z-9A HJ-8
Ditching the troops for wire guided HJ-8B ATGMs, this tank buster is fast and deadly on any
battlefield as long as AA and ASF's are kept at bay. Works wonders when used with it's TY-90
packing brother to escort it's auto cannon armed transport variants.

Price: 70

Z-9A TY-90
What it lacks in armor and ground armament this AA helo makes up for in speed, range and
firepower. It's TY-90 IR missiles are the be all, end all of anti aircraft helicopter armament (the Super
Cobra has better missiles but only has two per helo). Perfect escort for your other Z-9A's when you
encounter hostile helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.

Price: 90

Chinese Aircraft

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A domestic copy of the Soviet MIG-17, the J-5 packs both 23mm and 27mm autocannons in addition
to it's duel napalm bombs, best used to hamper movement or evict units from cites or forests, the
slow speed and multiple autocannons make this plane a great helicopter hunter, try and avoid
engaging other fixed wing aircraft unless as a last resort.

Cost: 60

This Chinese domestically made MIG-21 is a decent multi role, with a cannon and two short range AA
missiles for flying targets and 2 500 pound bombs for terrestrial targets.

Price: 70

With better missiles and a single 1000 pound bomb, this multi role is a direct upgrade to it's older
brother, allowing it to attack a multitude of targets.

Price: 80

Another Chinese MIG-21 model, this ASF provides a cheap platform to hunt helicopters, unprotected
bombers and when deployed in mass or with other fighters, hostile AA armed aircraft.

Price: 45

Armed with an additional 2 missiles of higher quality and upgraded ECM, this plane is a direct
upgrade from the older J-7II.

Price: 60

This Chinese domestic fighter is armed with a cannon and 6 IR AA missiles, it's fast, decently priced
and a good choice for hunting similarly priced aircraft.

Price: 80

Trading 4 of it's IR missiles for semi active, longer range radar ones, it also boosts an upgraded
ECMs and can better intercept hostile aircraft due to it's increased missile range.

Price: 100

Multi role prototype aircraft armed with a gun, TV guided AGMs and IR missiles, it's perfect for tank
hunting as well as interception of hostile lightly armed aircraft, can also use it's AA payload for self
defense if jumped by hostile fighters.

Price: 130

A prototype JH-7 with 2 extra IR missiles and exchanging it's AGMs for SEAD missiles, this is China's
best and only aircraft designed to take on radar guided AA, can be used in a pinch as a fighter.

Price: 150

Based on the Soviet MIG-19, this ground attack aircraft packs 16 powerful 130mm rockets, perfect for
destroying light vehicles and infantry and with sustained fire heavier targets.

Price: 65

A Q-5I with better ECM, cluster bombs and IR AAMs, this ground attack aircraft will can open hostile
armor and can defend itself to an extent against hostile aircraft, can also be used to hunt helicopters.

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Price: 90

Armed with better missiles and swapping the cluster bombs for LGBs, this prototype Q-5 is deadly
against ground targets and can fight back against hostile fighters or hunt helicopters.

Price: 115

Chinese version of the deadly Soviet fighter, it's missiles might not stack up to it's counterpart but be
wary, it is China's best fighter available and will hold it's own against other high end aircraft.

Price: 150

North Korea National Overview

North Korea has a mixture of very cheap, and very expensive units. Cheap units are easy to "spam"
at the enemy effectively, and expensive units, surprisingly powerful.

North Korean CV units are overall not particularly powerful, nor interesting, and most of which are
fairly slow. North Korean supply options are pretty terrible in terms of max capacity as well, 1000
supply max on the helicopter, and 800 on the truck.

North Korea has some very high quality infantry units available in the Shock+ training level, but fairly
unimpressive units below that.

North Korea overall doesn't have that many choices in terms of transports, but they do have one of
the only infantry transports in the game that also comes with an AA missile.

North Korea has a very well rounded support tab, with high quality AA pieces all around, and
arguably the best artillery in the game, as well as a few useful MLRS units.

North Korea has surprisingly efficient tanks, most of which armed with very powerful cannons. They
also get one of the most well armored tanks in the game, the T-90S.

North Korea has a small, but very versatile selection of recon units. Helicopters in particular are the
choice for a North Korean commander, since they get the MD 500D, which has exceptional optics.

North Korean Vehicle tab is overall uninteresting with the exception of their Tank destroyers, mostly
ancient, but have very high rates of fire.

North Korea gets an interesting selection of helicopters, including the standard REDFOR Mi
choppers, they get modified MD 500D helicopters accepting some form of weapon for ground attack,
be it a grenade launcher, ATGM, or rocket pods.

Most North Korean aircraft are very old in game, and as a result are very cheap, although most of
these are ground attackers. They do get a fairly good Mig-29 for air superiority, as well as the B-5
(IL-28) bomber, carrying a 3000kg bomb, referred to quite a few people as "the nuke".

North Korean Logistics


NK command team armed with Type 68 rifles and Type 73 machineguns. They are best kept away
from direct fighting and should always have other units protecting them. They are best used in urban
zones or those with large forests to allow them to hide.

Price: 100 points

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Command helo that is the perfect unit for rapid early game land grabs as well as holding zones that
are contested heavily allowing for fast withdrawal. They are best used in areas where they can use
the terrain to conceal their position (hills, towns, trees, ect.).

Price: 100 points


Fast, unarmed and unarmored command jeep, it is an inexpensive and fast moving CV perfect for
holding secure rear line objectives or if carefully protected they can follow wheeled convoys to quickly
secure front line positions.

Price: 100 points


Based on the Chinese made ZSD-63 APC, this unarmed, armored and amphibious CV is great for
holding front line positions. It still requires protection from other units but it's light armor can help
keep it alive where softer units would be destroyed. They can be used to secure objectives during
coastal assaults.

Price: 120 points

Chonma-Ho CV

Based on the Soviet T-62, this command tank is perfect for holding the most heavenly contested
zones, able to hold it's own against encroaching units, it is still wise to have other units protect it from
hostile units. They have a potent main gun and also are armed the deadly KPVT machine gun,
capable of destroying light armor as well as soft targets.

Price: 120 points

MI-4 Cargo

Supply helicopter holding 1000 units of supply, able to quickly rearm troops on the front line or refill
ZIL-130 cargo trucks behind the line before moving up to rearm troops. The MI-4 might be on the
slow side for a helicopter but is faster then any ground supply units, it's mobility allows it to rearm
troops that would be difficult to reach by supply trucks.

Price: 25 points

ZIL-130 Cargo

Moving a hefty 800 units of supply, these classic Soviet made trucks are the best (and only) means
for ground based resupply for NK decks. They are fast on and off road and can keep pace with initial
rushes of wheeled APCs, allowing you to have the advantage of first contact by having supply ready
to reload your MANPADs and ATGMs

Price: 15 points

North Korean Infantry

Ban-Tank Fagot

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Armed with the Fagot-M ATGM, these two man teams are great for ambushing tanks and other AFVs
from the edge of towns or from inside forests. Their ATGMs require frequent resupply and the 2 man
size of their teams requires that they be frequently resupplied and should always have larger squads
covering them due to their lowered ability to fight off dismounted troops.

Price: 15 points


Type 59 packing FIST team perfect for tank hunting and blowing up dug in infantry when supporting
other squads. They have a very long range for a FIST team and although their AP isn't as high
compared to other teams, the additional range allows for additional shots to be fired on advancing
targets before they can open fire as well as surprising armor that would normally be out of range of
any AT but an ATGM.

Price: 10 points


Standard line infantry with Type 68 rifles, RPG-7s and the Type 73 machinegun. These troops are
perfect for large scale assaults with their affordable cost and decent transport selection. They are
fairly average for line troops with nothing in particular to make them stand out. They can hold their
own against most infantry and armored threats if they have numbers or other units supporting them.

Price: 10 points


Shock light infantry with Type 68s, Type 73s and the long range Type 56 RR. They are great for
behind the lines wet work as well as quickly seizing or reinforcing front line objectives. They are
available in both BTR and helicopter transport options allowing for rapid insertion.

Price: 20 points


Flamethrower teams that can turn even the best infantry into ash. They have a variety of transport
options and are the perfect troops for house clearing as well as woods fighting (with other troops with
AT as backup). These troops should be respected and feared but proper usage (they are great up
close but sitting ducks at range) can mean the difference between bullet filled Gongbyong or
carbonized, incinerated blufor infantry.

Price: 15 points


High end MANPAD team packing the infamous Igla. These 2 man teams are small but effective at
shooting down anything from UH-1s to F111s. They should be covered with other larger infantry
squads, preventing encroaching troops from destroying them. They are perfect to supplement radar
guided AA, allowing them to take over when SEAD comes into play or aircraft slip through the longer
range SPAAG and SAM network.

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Price: 15 points


North Korean marines roll in 15 man squads, packing Type 68s, RPG-7s and the classic RPD SAW.
These shock troops are a force to be reckoned with, able to brute force their way through all but the
heaviest defenses if properly supported with tanks and AA. These squads also work well mixed in with
line troops, allowing them to focus fire on the hostile infantry while the marines get up close and
personal with anything unlucky enough to be in the contested city block.

Price: 25 points

Jeogockdai '90

A direct upgrade to their '75 counterparts, these troops are upgraded with AKS-74Us and Type-69-III
RPGs. They can also ride in style in the deadly prototype BTR-80As, making then an even bigger
threat. These infantry are powerful but not invincible, make sure you cover them with fire support and
AAA and even though they are tough, there is no shame in backing them up with other troops in the
event they are about to be overrun.

Price: 30 points


15 man reservist troops with RPG-2s and Type 49s (PPSH-41 copys) are great for reinforcing line,
shock and SF troops. They are cheap, great up close and able to engage even elite troops with
enough numbers on their side and proper fire support. While they lack AP and accuracy on their
RPG-2s, they can still damage and destroy light armor and even heavy tanks with multiple teams.

Price: 5 points


Low end but inexpensive MANPAD teams great for destroying helicopters and fixed wing aircraft they
fly too close. These 2 man teams are fragile and best deployed with larger squads to cover them from
hostile infantry and armor. although inaccurate and only 3 HE, these missiles can still do a number on
even the best aircraft, their high availability and low price allow them to be deployed in large numbers
across your lines.

Price: 5 points


Elite North Korean special forces armed with Type 68s, RPG-7s and RPDs, they might have smaller
teams then the Jeogockdai but their training makes them even more deadly. Capable of cutting
through infantry like a hot knife through butter and able to deal with most armored threats, these SF
are some of the best troops NK has to offer.

Price: 25 points

Yuckjeondae '90

A direct upgrade to the '75 SF, these troops are armed with AKS-74Us, Type-69-III RPGs and RPD
SAWs. They have enhanced infantry and armor lethally and can ride into battle in the infamous BTR-
80A. They are best used frugally due to their low availability and high cost but are the crown jewel of
an NK infantry assault.

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Price: 30 points

North Korean Transports


Soviet made classic wheeled APC armed with a PKT. These units are quick and although heavy
armor, they can rapidly transport troops in relative safety, only usable by Juckwidae militia, their low
cost and high speed complement the heavily reactionary nature of these troops, rapidly allowing them
to deploy to weak spots in your line or to support an assault.

Price: 10 points


Amphibious tracked APC armed with the NSVT HMG. They are somewhat slow but for 5 points you
get a transport perfect for coastal assaults, river crossings and light fire support for your dismounted
troops. Their armor, although light, covers all sides of the vehicle. They work well for use with support
teams such as MANPADs, ATGMs and FIST teams but can also be used as a relatively inexpensive
transport for standard line troops as well.

Price: 5 points


Faster in the water and on land and with an additional point of frontal armor then the BTR-50PK but
with a less accurate DSHK HMG with less ammo, these APCs are great for quickly moving around
support troops or as a cheap transport for line troops, they in many ways are a direct upgrade to the
BTR-50PK but can be overshadowed by the faster BTRs or the better armed VTT-323 IFVs.

Price: 5 points


Open top Soviet BTR-60 wheeled amphibious APC great for fast land grabs and coastal
landings/river crossings. Although they lack the top armor and armor piercing KPVT machine
gun/auto cannon/ 40mm GL of their newer counterparts, they are relatively inexpensive for the
mobility they offer. They are very vulnerable to artillery including even small mortars due to a lack or
a roof but make up for this with their speed. Their NSVT is a decent weapon for fire support but lacks
the AP of the beefier KPVT found on other BTRs.

Price: 10 points


Direct upgrade to the BTR-60P with an armored roof and the deadly KPVT. The added top armor
means this APC has a better chance of surviving indirect fire and it's heavier armament allows for it to
destroy light armor and soft targets with ease, all while maintaining the high mobility on the land and
in the water of it's older brother.

Price: 15 points


Prototype wheeled IFV with a 30mm autocannon on a wheeled and amphibious BTR-80 hull. This
deadly IFV has 2 frontal and side armor in addition to it's accurate and powerful autocannon, allowing

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it to provide both fire support for it's dismounted troops as well as fight off hostile AFVs.

Price: 20 points


Soviet made BMP-1 armed with the standard 73mm Grom and a domestic copy of the AT-3 ATGM.
These amphibious IFVs pack a large punch with their rapid firing autoloaded main gun and their light
ATGMs but are unable to defend themselves from helicopters. They are best used to provide fire
support for their dismounted troops and holding off hostile AFVs that are out of your troops AT

Price: 15 points


Amphibious IFV mounting the twin ZPTU-2 armor shredding machine guns on the hull of the Chinese
ZSD-531A, they have an extremely high fire rate and can destroy helicopters, infantry and light AFVs
with ease. They work great up close and can even surprise and destroy tanks up close in forests if
they are able to flank them. Their machine guns lack the AP of an autocannon but make up for it with
their extremely high fire rate.

Price: 15 points

VTT-323 Susong-Po

An upgrade to the basic VTT-323, this IFV mounts the deadly AT-3 copy allowing it to engage other
AFVs and even tanks at a long range, better allowing it to protect it's troops and allowing it to hold
hostile armor back while it mulches hostile infantry. The main drawback is the increased size due to
the ATGM launcher, making it harder to hide them.

Price: 15 points

VTT-323 Hwasung-Chong

VTT-323 IFV upgraded with 4 IR MANPADs, allowing it to fire on both fixed and rotowing aircraft. The
missile rack increases the size but provides an extremely unique capability to an IFV, allowing
unparalleled air defense capability for an IFV, the ammo is limited so rearming frequently is extremely

Price: 20 points


Fast, wheeled, unarmed and unarmored, this inexpensive transport truck is a great way to move
recon or command troops around the battlefield. They lack defensive armament, armor and are
fragile at only 5 strength. They are best used only as battle taxis for moveing your troops around
quickly from place to place.

Price: 5 points


Basic transport helicopter perfect for deploying troops to the front line quickly or transporting recon
or SF teams behind hostile lines to harass poorly defended rear areas. They are somewhat slow for a
helicopter but are faster then any ground or sea transport allowing for speedy deployment. They are
able to provide limited fire support to their unloaded troops with their PKT machinegun but are
relatively fragile and should only attack distracted units or those without armament that can return fire
on them.

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Price: 15 points


Direct upgrade to the MI-4 that's higher strength, faster and better armed with S-5M rocket pods.
These transports are able to stun and even destroy hostile armor with sustained fire and are able to
move troops almost anywhere on the map quickly and safely (taking hostile fighters and AAA into

Price: 25 points

North Korea Support


Soviet made napalm MLRS who's low HE impact is made up for with the massive amount of smoke
and flames generated by their incendiary payload. These MLRS are true grid square removers,
roasting any infantry and even armor unlucky enough to be caught in the resulting firestorm. Like
most MLRS they reload slowly and only have one barrage per reload making it extremely important to
keep them rearmed. They are more wisely used for high priority strikes instead of sustained fire,
allowing the tactical removal of units from a contested area.

Price: 50 points


Soviet bread and butter MLRS great for destroying soft (and with sustained fire hard) targets in
addition to causing mass panic and stunning anything not outright destroyed. They are light HE
MLRS best used on soft targets like infantry, AAA, ATGM positions and tank destroyers but they will
do a number on anything caught in the hail of 7 HE rockets.

Price: 75 points

BRDM-2 Strela-1

Extremely fast, amphibious wheeled IR AA mounted on a BRDM-2 hull perfect for escorting fast
moving troop formations. They can accurately fire on the move allowing snap shots on aircraft and
allowing them to actively chase helicopters. Their only major weakness is their limited ammo capacity
of 4 missiles per platform but this can be compensated for by using them in groups and always
keeping resupply units nearby.

Price: 25 points

VTT-323 Igla

Amphibious VTT-323 packing it's AP ZPTU-2 machine guns and 12 Igla MANPADs. This 40 point
monster is extremely efficient at destroying helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. It's large number of
ready to fire missiles (4) and large supply allows this system to function without frequently rearming.
The ZPTU-2's are also great for destroying helicopters in addition to fighting off ground units in self

Price: 40 points


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North Korean version of the soviet Strela-10M, this IR missile slinging nightmare is amphibious,
allowing it to destroy aircraft anywhere on the battlefield. It's 12 IR missiles are highly accurate and
with 5 HE can destroy almost anything with only 2 shots. These units are IR and immune to SEAD,
allowing for them to engage these dangerous aircraft if baited in with radar AA that is then turned off,
allowing them to destroy the SEAD aircraft.

Price:50 points


Truck mounted V-600P SAM that's the perfect choice for engaging non SEAD aircraft. Although only
with a 45% accuracy, the 9 HE of these missiles and their long range make them a major threat to
anything from ASFs to bombers and even helicopters. Their only real weakness is their limited
capacity of 2 missiles but this can easily be fixed by deploying them in groups in addition to keeping
supply trucks or helos on hand.

Price: 55 points

Tokchon 122mm

North Korean SPH packing the classic D-30 howitzer. These units can saturate an area in 122mm
shells that are able to destroy most light AFVs and soft targets with only a few shells. They work well
for sustained fire but only can carry 30 shells so they should be deployed close to ammunition
resupply units. They also have 10 direct fire AP shells at their disposal which although inaccurate,
their HEAT nature can allow them to damage even heavy armor but should only be used as a last
resort as these units should always be escorted and kept behind the front lines.

Price: 75 points

Tokchon 130mm

A direct upgrade to the Tokchon 122, this larger caliber gun offers better accuracy and range for
indirect fire and higher AP and accuracy for it's direct fire HEAT rounds. This SPH also gains an
additional point of armor to the front and side armor, increasing it's protection but like all SPH, it
should always have an escort and not be kept close to the front lines if possible.

Price: 85 points

Tokchon 152mm

Hard hitting 152mm SPH with 7 HE shells, although not as long ranged, fast firing and accurate as the
Tokchon 122mm and 130mm SPHs, it's added firepower can more effectively suppress and destroy
hostile targets. Although lacking a self defense armament, it can carry and additional 10 shells which
allows it to sustain longer barrages.

Price: 50 points


The be all, end all of North Korean SPHs, the 170mm monster can deliver 9 HE shells with pinpoint
accuracy, allowing all but the toughest targets to survive a hit. These units have massive range and
can strike deep behind the line but this makes them extremely large targets, making counter battery
very important and the use of escorting units is critical. They also only hold 4 shells each so it is
extremely important to keep them resupplied.

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Price: 100 points

Type 80 SPAAG

Chinease upgrade to the soviet ZSU-57-2 armed to the teeth with it's 57mm autocannons. The 2 HE
shells this beast fires shred aircraft and ground targets alike, it's Type 59 hull gives it 6 front, 3 side
and 2 rear armor allowing it to function as a FSV but it's lack of top armor leaves it open to air and
artillery strikes. Overall, these SPAAGs are nasty against everything from fixed wing aircraft to
helicopters and infantry and their lack of radar makes them immune to SEAD.

Price: 25 points

ZSU-23-4 Shilka

Quad 23mm packing SPAAG, this North Korean version of the Soviet classic lacks a radar, reducing
accuracy and range but making it immune to SEAD. It is similar to the Soviet Afganskiy but with less
ground range and higher range against fixed wing and roto wing aircraft. This unit is absolutely lethal
to anything unlucky enough to get in range and it's lack of radar allows it to safely fire on SEAD

Price: 30 points


Domestic version of the Shilka armed with twin 30mm autocannons, this radar guided SPAAG is a
direct upgrade to the basic Shilka available to North Korea with better range and accuracy but it is
SEADable, making it important to remember to turn it on and off at the right times.

Price: 55 points

VTT-323 82mm

Amphibious VTT-323 hull with an 82mm mortar, these units make short work of lightly armored and
soft targets and with enough rounds, they can even destroy heavier units. They work well for
supporting infantry with city assaults, smoking sight lines and shelling hostile troops and their support

Price: 30 points

VTT-323 120mm

Although less accurate then the 82mm model, this mortar carrier packs a larger punch and greater
range. The 120mm shells have a greater blast radius and cause more damage then the 82mm
model. It might fire slower and carry less ammo then the lighter model but it's high HE and range can
make up for these downsides, more of a side grade then an upgrade, these units are useful in any

Price: 40 points

North Korean Tanks

Chonma Ho

North Korean copy of the T-62 with lighter front and heavier side armor. It trades armor for firepower
in the form of a 13 AP main gun and a KPVT AP machinegun. The extra side armor and KPVT makes
this tank great up close against hostile armor and AFVs. It's accurate main gun has low stability but it
can fight on the move if needed, all around it's a decent tank for it's price and it's AP MG gives it a lot
of options against light armor up close.

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Price: 30 points

Chonma Ho II

Direct upgrade to the the classic Chonma Ho, this tank has additional front and side armor and a
more accurate, longer range and higher AP main gun. These tanks frontal armor is on par with basic
Soviet T-62s but is still thinner then the North Korean D model. Their range, firepower and accuracy
tend to make up for this, making these tanks a core unit to any armor formation.

Price: 40 points

Chonma Ho IV

Prototype tank packing Strela-2 MANPADs in addition to improved optics, armor, range, accuracy,
stability and AP. Although it's not as armored or well armmed gun wise compared to the the V model,
the IV's AA capabilities make this tank a threat to anything on the battlefield. The ablity to defend
itself from hostile helocopters and fixed wing aircraft makes these MBTs a solid pick in assults where
your AAA is unable to advance with the tanks.

Price: 60 points

Chonma Ho V

A direct upgrade to the IV but without the MANPADs, this prototype tank has 12 frontal, 7 side, 2 top
and 2 rear armor. These tanks have even longer ranged, more accurate main guns with upgraded
stabilizers and better 18 AP ammo. These tanks offer a lot of firepower for their armor, making them
glass cannons but allowing them to take on some of the heaver tanks in Bluefor inventory.

Price: 65 points


Classic Soviet made T-34s packing 85mm main guns and DSHK HMGs. They have relatively thin
armor and no stabilizers but make amazing fire support platforms and they can go toe to toe with
most AFVs due to their use of HEAT rounds. These tanks have relatively high accuracy for their price
range allowing them to put their rounds on target surprisingly well for their age.

Price: 15 points


Amphibious light tank packing an 85mm main gun and Susong Po ATGMs. Although lightly armored,
these tanks can quickly cross rivers and land on beaches allowing for them to bring their firepower to
the places the enemy least expect it. These units can also support heaver armor from the rear with
their ATGMs and make great ambush weapons. They lack stabilizers and should always be attack
moved when entering hostile territory.

Price: 25 points


Soviet made T-62 export model, it has less AP then the basic Chonma Ho but more armor, it lacks the
KPVT but it's DHSK HMG can still provide effective fire support against infantry and soft targets.

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These tanks work well with their North Korean made cousins and are a great tank for their modest 30
point price.

Price: 30 points


Prototype Soviet export T-72, these tanks pack a powerful main gun, thick armor and medium optics
and high stability and accuracy main guns. Their NSVT machine guns allow them to fight off
helicopters up close as well as infantry and soft targets. These tanks work well on both defense and
attack and are overall well rounded units.

Price: 65 points


Prototype Soviet export model of the T-72BU, the S model lacks the TGMs commonly found on most
Soviet and Warsaw Pact higher end tanks but it still possess great armor, range, AP, accuracy and
stability. These are the best tanks available to North Korea and care should be taken to properly
support them with lighter armor, AA and recon units to maximize their effectiveness.

Price: 170 points

Type 59

Chinese built copy of the T-54, this North Korean model packs a KPVT AP machinegun in addition to
it's D-10T 100mm main gun. With 7 front, 3 side, 2 back and 2 top armor, this tank has decent
protection for it's price range and although not the most accurate, this tank strives up close due to it's
AP machinegun. These tanks make killer fire support and can destroy most armor in their price range
very quickly up close. They also work well in armored formations when pared with other tanks, recon
and AA support.

Price: 30 points

Type 59-I

Direct upgrade to the basic version, this tank features the harder hitting, better stabilized and more
accurate T69-II 100mm main gun. This allows the tank to hit harder and more accurately then it's
older brother, allowing for increased damage to hostile targets. It works great up close with it's AP
machine gun and allows for aggressive up close assaults that similarly priced tanks would be unable
to counter due to it's added firepower.

Price: 40 points

Type 59-IB

Prototype MBT packing better optics, range, stability, accuracy and AP then it's older cousins in
addition to AA MANPADs, these tanks really shine when deployed in areas where it's unsafe to move
your AAA with your tanks due to heavy resistance. Although not the beefiest tank in North Korea's
inventory, they work well with better armored tanks where they can support against lighter armor and
hostile aircraft.

Price:45 points

North Korean Recon


Fast amphibious wheeled Soviet made armored car packing a DSHK machinegun and good optics.

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This unit is quick, lightly armored and stealthy. They can survive a few hits and can provide fire
support for infantry in a pinch but work best avoiding direct combat and spoting targets for air and
artillery strikes and relaying what they see to your other units.

Price: 10 points


A direct upgrade to the older BRDM-1, this model packs an AP KPVT machinegun, longer operational
range and higher speed on land and in the water. It can even take on light armor as well as provide
fire support but like it's older brother, it is best used covertly to observe and report.

Price:15 points


Prototype North Korean domestic prototype recon armored car. Packing 4 Konkurs ATGMs and a
AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher. These fast moving amphibious units have better (very good)
optics and more firepower then their Soviet made export counterparts. They are still best used to
observe and report but can provide fire support with their GLs and ATGMs to surgically strike high
priority threats.

Price: 45 points


Soviet made BTR40 packing a ZPTU-2 open top turret. It has good optics, good speed but low fuel
autonomy requiring it to frequently gas up. This armored car can shred helicopters and light armor
with it's AP machineguns but it's lack of top armor leaves it exposed to air and artillery strikes.

Price: 15 points


Amphibious recon tank with a rapid firing auto loaded 76mm main gun. This unit lacks stabilizers but
makes up for it with it's accurate HEAT rounds. It is easy to hide this recon tank and observe and
ambush hostile units from where they least expect it due to it's amphibious nature. It also can provide
effective fire support for troops taking towns and can roll with friendly armor to spot targets farther
away. It's HEAT rounds can damage any armor in the game and with concentrated fire they can
destroy much heavier tanks.

Price: 15 points

Type 63

Chinese export of their PT-76 derived light amphibious recon tank. armed with a more powerful 85mm
KE main gun (1 AP and 1 HE more then the PT-76), this unit is great for up close ambushing by
waiting till the enemy is right on top of them before opening fire with their main gun. They can go
places most tanks can't and their recon optics allow them to see things before the other units they
are working with can.

Price: 25 points


Soviet made North Korean recon tank packing a 100mm D-10T and unlike all other recon T-55s a
DSHK HMG. This allows this recon tank to engage helicopters and provide better fire support for
infantry. Their good optics and decent armor and armament allow them to extend the visual range for

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your tank formations and work just as well helping other tanks then scouting alone behind hostile

Price: 25 points


2 man SF recon teams packing Type 68 rifles, RPG-7s and unique Serbian M76 DMR, these units
can erase hostile troops without a trace. They work well in support of friendly infantry and also make
great sentries in well hidden locations. They are very fragile up close and should try and keep their
distance from hostile units.

Price: 25 points


Standard recon helicopter with very good optics and very small size. These helicopters work best
patrolling with armed attack helicopters or for spoting for airstrikes and artillery. They are fragile and
unarmed and should be kept away anything capable of shooting at them.

Price: 40 points


Faster, more fuel efficient and with better optics then the MI-2, this western made, discretely imported
western made helicopter (IRL used by SF units, using fake South Korean markings) is a great system
for target spoting and working with hunter killer teams of the armed attack models.

Price: 65 points

North Korean Vehicles

BRDM-2 Malyutka

Wheeled, amphibious ATGM vehicle perfect for hit and run attacks against hostile armor. They have
18 ATGMs allowing them to destroy a lot of targets without needing to rearm. They are perfect for
keeping APC and IFVs away from towns and for ambushing tanks with side and rear shots. They are
quick moving allowing them to relocate quickly over land or water, allowing for rapid reaction to hostile
flanking maneuvers.

Price: 20 points

Type 85 Susong-Po

VTT-323 based ATGM launcher, it's more accurate then the standard Malyutka but has 1 less AP.
These units are slower and have less ammo then the BRDM-2 TDs but is still amphibious and more
accurate. They work great for ambushing hostile tanks and for holding off APCs and IFVs moving
towards towns or crossing rivers. They work well when concealed in forests and in areas with long
sight lines, preferably pared with recon units.

Price: 20 points


Small Soviet made tank destroyer perfect for ambushing hostile armor and providing fire support for
infantry. These inexpensive TDs have a very high fire rate allowing them to sling a lot of shells in a
short amount of time. They lack top armor meaning they are fragile from artillery and bombers but
can take a few hits from lighter AT weapons.

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Price: 10 points


Bigger, faster and harder hitting then the SU-76M, this Soviet made tank destroyer has 1 top armor
and additional front, side and rear armor. It has a lower fire rate but higher accuracy and range
compared to the older SU-76M. This TD works well against ambushing hostile armor and putting HE
on hostile troops. This system offers a lot of protection and firepower for it's price.

Price: 15 points


Prototype 103mm tank destroyer with decent AP, range and accuracy. These units are the perfect
ambush weapons system against hostile armor and can work as self propelled guns in addition to
this. While they lack the armor of SU-100, it has similar armor values to the SU-76M with addition to 1
top armor.

Price: 30 points


Soviet made T-55 armed with a flamethrower in addition to it's 100mm main gun, this unit is perfect
for city fighting and recovering troops from forests. It can even use it's flamethrower to obstruct vision
as an improvised smoke screen when no artillery is available. They are able to engage armored
targets with their main gun unlike the dummy or non existent guns on Bluefor flamethrower systems.

Price: 35 points


"Support SPAAG" made in the Soviet union, It's T-55 hull gives it good protection with the exception
of lack of top armor for it's open turret. It's duel 57mm autocannons are not as accurate as the
upgraded Chinease Type 80 SPAAG but it's increased ground range and AP ammo allow it to destroy
most AFVs and some tanks. They retain the ability to fire on and destroy fixed and roto wing aircraft
and deal 2 HE damage, shredding hostile aircraft and ground units alike.

Price: 20 points

North Korean Helicopters

MD 500D AGS-17

Attack helicopter packing two automatic grenade launchers perfect for destroying infantry and soft to
heavy targets, even other helicopters. These helicopters are fragile but nimble allowing them to
chase down units attempting to escape from them. They have a high fire rate and the sheer volume
of fire is great for suppressing and routing hostile units.

Price: 30 points

MD 500D S-5

Packing 32 57mm rockets, this light attack helicopter is perfect for stunning and destroying
everything from tanks to infantry. They have limited ammo capacity making frequent rearms important
but their low price and high maneuverability allow them to flexibly handle most situations. They should

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keep their distance from AA as well as anything capable of firing at them due to their 4 strength.

Price: 30 points

MD 500D Susong-Po

MD 500D armed with the locally made copy of the AT-3 ATGM. These helicopters make great tank
hunters and work well when teamed with their recon, rocket and GL cousins. They are very
maneuverable allowing them to quickly acquire and engage hostile armor. They only hold 4 missiles
so rearming them after attack runs are very important to keep them combat effective.

Price: 30 points

MI-4 S-8

Armed to the teeth with 80 80mm rockets and a PKT, this slow but powerful attack helicopter is a
living nightmare for unprotected armor and infantry. They can maintain sustained fire with their 2 HE
rockets much longer then most helicopters in the same price range and can spend a lot of time in the
field before needing to rearm.

Price: 40 points

MI-8 Gunship

Packing an NSVT, S-5 Rockets and Susong Po ATGMs, this gunship is the perfect all around
workhorse for the North Korean helicopter fleet. Although not as powerful as the MI-25, it packs a
serious payload of mixed armament allowing it to deal with everything from other helicopters to
infantry and armor. They are great multi mission platforms and work well as escorts for their transport
brothers and forming hunter killer teams with recon helos.

Price: 45 points


Classic Hind gunship with a Yak-B HMG, S-5 rockets and Fleyta ATGMs. These gunships are jacks of
all trades with armor everywhere but the back, allowing them to take a lot of punishment before
needing to pull back. They might lack the advanced armaments of other models but they are the best
gunships usable to the North Koreans.

Price: 60 points

North Korean Aircraft


Chinese made multirole attack aircraft armed with A 30mm autocannon, 4 BL-755 cluster bombs and
2 PL-5 missiles. The perfect aircraft for helo hunting, tank busting and a light fighter, it should mostly
avoid direct combat with ASFs but in a pinch, it can defend itself and be used as a fighter against
hostile ground attack aircraft. This unit really shines when engaging hostile armor, it's 6 AP cluster
bombs doing a number on any non infantry ground units unlucky enough to be caught in the steel

Price: 80 points

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This one of a kind bomber packs the be all, end all 3000-2 3000 pound bomb, it's 15 strength air
frame is unlike anything else in the game at the moment and it's defensive 23mm autocannon can
surprise unlucky fighters in a panicked scramble to shoot it down. It's 30 HE bombs will silence
anything unfortunate enough to be caught in it's blast radius, vaporizing anything from tanks to
infantry exposed to it's unrivaled firepower. Some might say the B-5 pushes the bar up for what
overkill means, that bar was snapped, vaporized and blown away by the precedent set by this
amazing unit.

Price: 160 points


Chinese export model of their local copy of the MIG-17, this unit is armed with a both a 23mm and
37mm autocannon as well as 2 napalm bombs. These low flying attack aircraft can shoot down a
helicopter as easily as they can burn down an entrenched town or forest. They are best used to clear
out well entrenched pockets or to block off choke points like roads and bridges with their walls of

Price: 60 points


Another Chinese copy of the Mig-17, this variant is armed with the deadly S-5M rocket pods in
addition to their autocannons. A powerful tool for removing anything from infantry to light armor, a
wing of 2 or 3 of them are enough to destroy even the heaviest tank. They are ideally used to strike
high priority soft and lightly armored targets such as infantry and command vehicles.

Price: 40 points


Chinese export model of a MIG-19 copy, this low end fighter works great in small wings to destroy
helicopters, ground attack aircraft and with enough numbers or assistance from other higher end
fighters even engage hostile ASFs. For their 40 point price tag they bring a decent amount of
firepower in the form of a 30mm auotcannon and 16 T57-2 AA rockets. A great choice for
inexpensive, easily replaceable fighters that can make a decent amount of their cost back in one run

Price: 40 points


Chinese export copy of the MIG-21, they pack a 30mm autocannon in addition to 2 PL-5 AAMs, best
used in groups, these quick and nimble budget fighters can use their numbers to overwhelm their
opponents, they work best when pared with other aircraft armed with longer range missiles, allowing
them to stun a target so the F-7B's can get close enough to equalize the fight with their short ranged

Price: 50 points


Soviet made MIG-21 armed with KH-66 AGMs, although not the most accurate of missiles, they hit

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relatively hard and can do a lot of damage to even a high end tank in a short amount of time without
breaking the bank. They work well in formations of F-7B escorts allowing them to keep the skys clear
while they mop up armored targets on the ground.

Price: 65 points


A direct upgrade to the PFM, this multirole aircraft packs the same punch as an F-7B with shorter
range air detection but better ECMs in addition to their 2 KH-66 AGMs. They can be used as light
fighters and tank hunters but it is best they focus on one role at a time (if hunting tanks send escorts
so they can focus on their missile runs).

Price: 85 points


MIG-23 ASF armed with a 23mm autocannon, 4 R-60M short range AAMs and 2 R-23R long range
AAMs. These aircraft have low ecm but high speed and long loiter times, perfect for long CAPs. They
can quickly intercept hostile attack aircraft and duel with most fighters in their price range, allowing
them to control a good chunk of the sky for extended amounts of time. They are best used in
alternating pares allowing them to cover their refueling gaps and with a few additional aircraft on tab if
they spot a larger formation of hostile aircraft.

Price: 95 points

MIG-29 9-12B

The best fighter in North Korean inventory, this MIG-29 ASF packs a 30mm autocannon, and a total
of 6 short range IR AAMs (2 R-73As and 4 R-27Ts), exceptional air detection optics and 30% ECM.
These fighters might lack the range of the MIG-23ML or the low price of the lower end fighters
available but they are deadly in dogfights and will in many cases when pared with the MIG-23s as
backup they can clear the skys of even high end ASFs if properly micro managed.

Price: 120 points


Soviet made SU-25 export ground attack aircraft with a tank busting 3omm AP autocannon and 4 Kh-
23M AGMs, they can destroy any armor they encounter on the battlefield. These aircraft also have 2
front and 1 rear. side and top armor allowing them to survive more hits then other AGM aircraft.
These are absolute nightmares for your opponent's armor as long as care is taken to take out their
AA units.

Price: 110 points


Soviet made attack aircraft armed with a 23mm autocannon and 64 S-5 rockets. Able to unleash a
massive amount of firepower in a small, pinpoint location, these units are great for hunting high
priority soft targets like SPHs, mortars, infantry and command vehicles. They lack ECM and are best
used with escorts allowing them to get to their targets unmolested and unload their rockets into their
unfortunate targets.

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Price: 70 points

Yugoslavia National Overview

Yugoslavia is one of the nations provided in the Third paid DLC for wargame, The Reds Nation pack.
They have a very solid selection of units across the board, and probably shouldn't be

Yugoslavia has a pretty well rounded Logistics section, with a unit for every role including a locally
manufactured command tank, based off the T-72, the M-84.

Yugoslavia also has a good selection of infantry available to them with a mostly solid AT ability across
the board.

Yugoslavian transports are all pretty decent, and well armed in many cases, most ground based
transports sporting an autocannon.

Yugoslavia has a pretty well rounded Spport tab, but is light on artillery units in general. They do
have a solid amount of AA options available, and they have the only MLRS system currently in game
capable of firing smoke warheads.

Yugoslavia has quite a few tanks, including the local prototype M-91 tank, which is more or less on
par with their similarly priced M1 Abrams variants. They also get the M-84, as mentioned earlier,
which is a lighter armored T-72, with slightly better guns. Also, they get a T-55 which also has
improved Malyutka missiles, since apparently Yugoslavia never adopted any other type of vehicle
mounted ATGM.

Yugoslavia has a solid all around selection of recon, including the first REDFOR equiveland to the
Canadian Recee, the Senke.

Yugoslavia has a decent vehicle tab, most of which are ATGM carriers (mostly the Malyutka). They
also get a Hellcat, Jackson, and the first ground based vehicle with rocket pods (which I still need to
test out myself).

Yugoslavian helicopter tab is decent, with a few multirole helicopters, AT, or AA roles (granted they
could be better at both), and a few ground attack variant Mi-8 helicopters, one of which has 128mm

Lastly, Yugoslavia has a very decent air tab, with a good selection of ground attack aircraft (and
apparently an aircraft that can shoot it's ground attack rockets at planes). They also get a very solid
selection of ASFs.

Yugoslavian Logistics
HK-41 Komandni

Basic command helicopter with very good optics and the ability to take control of any zone it can land
on. They can quickly take and hold forward positions, giving you points and the ability to call in other
units (depending on the objective). The only downside to this unit is it's high visibility on the move and
on the ground. They can't be hidden from prying eyes so are best used to quickly take and hold an
area, land alongside naval landing troops or used on objectives where control is shaky at best and
quick withdrawal is needed. They can also be used as recon helos when needed but are best kept
away from fighting due to their limited numbers and high prices.

Price: 100 points

kom. odeljenje

Basic command troops packing M-70B1 rifles and M-72AB CQC capable MG. Compared with other
command infantry they tend to fare better when forced to fight hostile troops in the same city block
but should avoid direct engagements. These units are rather fragile and should be supported by

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friendly units whenever possible. They have a variety of transport options making them useful in
almost any deck but are not the best troops to hold more open objectives.

Price: 100 points

M-1107 MKsk

Basic unarmored wheeled command vehicle with high on and off road speed. This low strength, high
speed Fiat is best used to hold rear line objectives that are well protected or to quickly take a position
with the support of fast wheeled units. They are rather fragile in the field and their only defense is
quickly moving away from hostile units and work best when escorted.

Price:110 points


Affectionately nicknamed the roach due to it's shape and radio antennas, this fast, armored and
amphibious command unit offers better protection from light fire then the soft skinned Fiat as well as
the ability to perform coastal assaults and river crossings. They lack any weaponry to speak of so
extreme care should be taken to escort these units into the field to prevent their destruction.

Price: 120 points


Soviet made command tank packing a 100mm main gun in addition to a DShK HMG for soft skinned
units and helos. These units can defend themselves when the need arises and have rather thick
armor allowing them to survive return fire. They overall work best when protected by other units as it
is a major target for hostile forces. Best used to take objectives closer to the front line as well as
heavily contested zones where softer command units would be quickly destroyed.

Price: 120 points


Heavy duty command tank offering greater firepower and armor compared with the older T-55AK.
They pack 125mm main guns and NSVT HMGs that allow them to hold their own against hostile
forces if needed. They still should deploy with escorts to prevent their destruction at the hands of
hostile forces. They make great units to deploy to open objectives and are can take on most mid
range tanks if forced too.

Price: 170 points


Lightly armored tracked command vehicle with an M2 machine gun. This unit is less agile then the
wheeled equivalents but has similar armor when compared to the BRDM2 at a lower price as well as
higher armor and strength then the Fiat. They are both inexpensive and durable command units that
can take a bit of punishment but should avoid direct combat.

Price: 100 points

FAP 2026-A

This swift supply truck can quickly ferry 800 units of supply across the battlefield to where it's needed
most. They have a decent 60KPH offroad speed allowing them to supply units in hard to reach
locations like deep in the woods. Care should be taken to avoid the capture or destruction of these
units by escorting them when traveling beyond your lines or when you suspect hostile units have
compromised the security of the roads leading to your troops.

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Price: 15 points

FAP 2832-A

A larger, faster newer version of the older FAP 2026-A. They can lug a massive 2400 units of supply
wherever you need it, allowing you to supply larger formations of friendly units or to keep AA or
artillery armed for longer amounts of time before taking the journey to and from a friendly (or
captured) FOB. These units are large targets for hostile forces and can be captured if left
unattended in the presence of hostile forces.

Price: 40 points

HT-40 Teretni

Domestic version of the Soviet MI-8 helicopter able to lug 1500 units of supply anywhere you need it.
They are faster then ground supply units but are more of a target when flying to and from your
forward positions. They work best when deployed slightly behind your lines to supply friendly ground
supply units that can ferry the fuel, ammo and spare parts/replacement squad members to your other

Price:35 points

Yugoslavian Infantry
Brdska Pes

Light mountain troops armed with M-70B1 rifles, BsT M-60A RRs and M53 Sarac machine guns. They
are fast both mounted in their transports and when on the ground and pack a great long range AT
option for dealing with armor in addition to fairly powerful small arms. The speed boost attributed to
light infantry allow them to quickly maneuver through woods, town and the occasional suicidal
scramble over open ground. They are great hunter killer units that can actively hunt command units,
AA, ATGMs and other high priority targets as well as formulate nasty ambushes. They have very fast
transport options allowing them to quickly take a position or reinforce a front line when speed is key.

Price: 20 points

Mehanizovana Pes

Standard Yugoslavian line infantry with the short ranged but deadly up close M-56 SMGs, M-57A2 AT
weaponry and M53 Machine guns. These line troops are really powerful up close with their SMGs and
can still hold their own at longer ranges thanks to their great machine guns. They have a wide variety
of transport options that allow them great flexibility in the field.

Price: 10 points

Mornarika Pes

10 man marine shock infantry unit with the deadly M-70AB2 rifles, LRAC F1 AT weaponry and M-84
CQC capable machine guns. These troops have limited amphibious transport options (but all their
transports but the HT-40 can be deployed via landing craft) for a marine squad and smaller numbers
in exchange for their deadly armament. These shock infantry can rip through hostile troops, AFVs
and tanks, making them massive threats in towns or woods. They work best when deployed along
side other units that can take care of hostile aircraft and armor at longer ranges.

Price: 20 points


Airborne SF infantry that carry the infamous STG-44 rifles, LRAC F1 AT and the buzz saw that is the
M53 machinegun. They are somewhat limited in transport options are really fast, allowing for rapid
ground or air insertion into hostile territory. They have good AT and deadly small arms allowing them

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to crush most units one on one. They can both conduct behind the line raids on high value targets as
well as help friendly infantry mop the floor in cities and forests.

Price: 30 points

Padobranci '90

A prototype side grade to the older '75 version, they trade rifle accuracy for fire rate and MG rate of
fire. They also field the Bumbar short range ATGM (domestic upgrade of the Eryx) that although
subject to potentially missing if stunned and loosing line of sight has much greater AP and range
compared to the LRAC F1. These troops tend to fight better up close against infantry and have
better range against armor, allowing them to work well when deployed along side their older brothers.

Price: 35 points

Prototype ATGM team with a high AP and accuracy and a fairly long range. These units can pop a
tank open like a can opener and are a major threat to any land, sea and landed air vehicle that
happens to enter their AO. They work best when deployed in cover and concealment offered by
towns, woods and hedge rows. Care should be taken to keep hostile helicopters and attack aircraft
away from these fragile units and it is very important to cover them with other infantry in addition to
supply units to keep them combat effective.

Price: 15 points

PORS Fagot

Basic Soviet made ATGM with decent range but somewhat low AP, these missiles are great for taking
out hostile tanks and AFVs at longer ranges. They can turn a city into an armor meat grinder as long
as they have AA and infantry support. Like all 2 man teams they are somewhat fragile and their ability
to fight back against hostile troops with their two rifles is rather risky and should only be used as a
last resort. They only carry 6 missiles so frequent rearming is necessary to keep them in the fight.

Price: 10 points


Guard shock infantry with light rapid fire M72 LAWs, M-70AB2 rifles and M-72AB machine guns. They
come in a variety of transports for both fast deployment and heavy fire support. They are great for
taking care of hostile troops in towns and woods but have limited anti armor capability due to the
short range and low AP of the M72. They can still do a large amount of damage to carelessly
deployed armor that ventures too close where the high ROF can both demolish hostile armor in their
soft spots or via repetitive rapid hits to even thick frontal armor.

Price: 15 points

Proleteri '90

A direct upgrade to the older '75 version, these troops pack the M-80A rifles, M-90 AT(with less
ammo then the M72 but with much higher AP and range) and the M-82A SAW. They excel at
destroying both armor and soft targets. The lower AT ammo is made up for with greater firepower that
allow these units to destroy most lower end armor in a singular shot.

Price: 25 points


A domestic upgrade of the classic Strela-2, these low end MANPADs have better accuracy and HE
compared to the basic model. These units are very useful for keeping the sky over towns and woods
under your control clear of hostile aircraft. They have somewhat short range and have limited ammo
and work best when deployed with friendly infantry to keep them alive. Their small squad size limits

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their ability to defend themselves and leaves them vulnerable to indirect fire.

Price: 10 points


Bringing the infamous Thompson SMG and M-20A1 super bazooka into the fight, these prototype
militia excel at close range combat. Their low cost and high availability allow them to deploy in large
numbers to support other infantry and overwhelm hostile formations of troops. They can deal with
light armor fairly well but larger numbers are needed to take on heavy duty tanks. They work best
when pared with other units that have longer ranged weapons to help deal with targets that are
outside their small engagement range.

Price: 10 points


2 man Igla team that has greater accuracy and range when compared to the Strela-2M/A. They can
demolish helicopters and fixed wing aircraft that get too close to your other units but care should be
taken with them due to their small squad size. They work best when pared with other troops to both
cover them and take the fight to hostile ground units while these 2 man teams deal with airborne

Price: 15 points

Yugoslavian Transports
HO-42 Gazela

Light French made transport helicopter armed with two M2 Browning Machine guns and a decent top
speed of 310 KM/H. These transports are rather fragile at 4 strength but are small targets that can
quickly deploy troops into an objective, rapidly extract them from a hot LZ and provide light fire
support to it's dismounted troops. The main advantage of this helicopter is that it can keep up with it's
recon and attack helicopter cousins, allowing you to form whole task forces around the air frame.

Price: 20 points


Bigger, slower and with higher strength and better armament compared to the HO-42, this domestic
version of the Soviet MI-8 can still get troops to the front line quickly and provide powerful fire
support. They have 32 S-5Ms that let them demolish soft targets and can even destroy heavy AFVs
with sustained fire. These helicopters 8 strength allow them to take a fair amount of small arms fire
before taking serous damage but care should be taken when entering airspace with AA and hostile
fighters deployed nearby.

Price: 25 points

BOV M-86

Fast, lightly armored recon transport perfect for rapid scouting and deployment of recon teams.
These AFVs offer great off road speed, good optics and decent armor for their price. Their main
usage is to increase the area of observation provided by a recon squad, allowing either the infantry
to covertly dig in and let the M-86 actively scout ahead or let the more discrete troops take point while
it stays behind to observe and cover them. The M2 they pack allows them to act as light fire support
units when needed but limits their ability to enrage AFVs.

Price: 15 points

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Domestic amphibious IFV with 4 AT-3 Malyutka ATGMs on twin launch rails and an M-55 20mm auto
cannon. These deadly IFVs specialize in providing aggressive fire support for their dismounted
troops, destroying infantry and light AFVs with their 20mm and harder armored targets with the
ATGMs. They offer decent armor with 3 front and 1 side, rear and top allowing them to take a bit of
punishment in the field. They are great for naval landings and river crossings and can help open up
new flanks in a stagnating offensive.

Price: 15 points

BVP M-80A1 Vidra

Upgrading the Malyutka to the P1 model (better accuracy and AP) and the M-55 to the M-86 30mm
auto cannon, this direct upgrade also adds a PKT for additional firepower against helicopters,
infantry and other soft targets.The auto cannon has greater range and stability in addition to better
AP and suppression at the cost of ROF. These IFVs are great for dealing with any armor their troops
can't easily engage and provide a great backbone to any ground or coastal offensive.

Price: 20 points

BVP M-96 Vidra

Prototype upgrade to the older M-80 models that trades the PKT for Malyutka-2T ATGMs and the
upgraded M-89 30mm auto cannon with better ROF, AP and more ammo then the M-86. These IFVs
can really do a number on hostile armor that is out of range of your infantry and still has great fire
support potential even without the PKT. These units excel at protecting their dismounts and are great
for supporting your tanks or for flanking across water to hit your opponent in the rear.

Price: 25 points

OT M-5

Classic american made half track with 1 front, side and rear armor (open roof so keep your eyes out
for indirect fire and bombs), high off road speed and a .50 to put a wall of lead down range on soft
targets. These units suffer from poor fuel economy but as long as they gas up between assaults they
offer a fast and durable ride to their militia passengers. Their low price pared with that of the infantry
they carry allow them to be fielded in large numbers, allowing you to mulch unfortunate hostile
infantry under wave after wave of Thompson wielding warriors backed up by their .50 spewing OG

Price: 5 points

OT M-60P

Light APC with 1 armor all around, an M2 HMG and a M53 "buzzsaw" MMG in a hull mount. These
exotic looking AFVs can shred infantry with their heavy anti personnel armament but can't engage
hostile helicopters with the hull mounted M53. They are fairly durable but should stay away from
heavy anti armor weapons and work best when deployed with supporting tanks and AA as well as
their passengers. Once they unload they can provide heavy fire support against soft targets and
really shine when fighting infantry at the edges of towns and woods.

Price: 5 points


A direct upgrade to the older M-60P, this model packs twin M-60A RRs, allowing them to provide both
heavy fire support to their dismounted troops as well as crack open tanks and other AFVs. Their high
fire rate of their RRs allow them to maim and maul ground targets quickly and with murderous
efficiency while their dismounts advance forward. They are very flexible units that only suffer from

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limited anti helo armament.

Price: 10 points


An imported Romanian upgrade of the classic Soviet BTR-60, this lightning fast amphibious APC can
get your troops where they need to go fast and in style. Other then functioning like someone decided
to build a rally racing BTR-60 this unit maintains similar stats to it's Soviet cousin. They are armed
with the powerful KPVT AP HGM that can both turn infantry into a fine slurry but also turn a light AFV
into a block of Swiss cheese. They are very useful for river crossings and coastal assaults and can
make quick dashes across open ground to safely deploy troops in wooded or urban areas. Over all
this BTR drift mobile on crack is very useful for both transport and fire support for the mounted

Price: 15 points


Belgian made transport truck perfect for battle taxing command and recon infantry around the
battlefield. Their only real downsides are their lack of armament and 5 strength making them rather
fragile units that don't belong in the middle of a fight. They are rather fast on and off road and can
drive rather far before needing to refuel (and with a 200 L tank that's almost smart car like by
wargame standards). They are best kept not too close to the front line and should only be brought up
to pull your troops back to the rear or a FOB to lick their wounds or forward to another position.

Price: 5 points

Yugoslavian Support
RL-4M Pracka

Prototype light SAM that uses modified R-73A AAMs combined with booster rockets made from S-24
parts mounted on a Praga hull. These SEAD resistant IR monsters only carry 2 shots each so care
should be taken to keep them well supplied. They can keep up with other fast wheeled units allowing
them to rip both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft out of the sky right on the front line. They have 1
armor on the front and side allowing them to take light punishment from small arms but their
vulnerable read and top means they should stay away from hostile ground units without an escort.

Price: 40 points


Soviet made heavy SAM that features powerful long range anti aircraft armament. Their 1 armor all
around can help keep them alive but they should avoid contact with hostile ground units. They are
limited to 3 shots each so it is rather important to keep them constantly supplied allow them to stay in
the fight longer. Make sure to turn them off when hostile SEAD is in their AO and remember to pare
them with non radar AA to help deal with this kind of threat.

Price: 45 points


Faster, longer range and more accurate then the KUB, these prototype wheeled SAMs have one
additional missile compared with the KUB in exchange for no armor. These heavy SAMs can kill any
aircraft in game with only 2 missiles but are rather vulnerable to hostile SEAD aircraft. The long range
missiles make these units extremely valuable for and ADN and thus make big targets for hostile SEAD

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and indirect fire.

Price: 90 points


Prototype side grade to the older model, this version of the Nivea trades accuracy and range for
immunity to SEAD. These units work well when pared with their older brothers where the standard
M1s can engage targets at longer ranges while the M1Ts finish off anything that slips through. When
SEAD aircraft are deployed you can then turn the M1s off allowing the M1Ts to take care of them.

Price: 95 points

RSPVO Strela-1

Amphibious BRDM-2 mounted light IR SAM perfect for destroying helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.
Their high speed, ability to cross rivers and land on beaches (as well as even cover friendly ships in
some cases) make these rather flexible systems in many areas. Their only real downside is their
limited ammo capacity of 4 shots each and somewhat short range. They are great escorts for
wheeled columns and the fact they can fire on the move makes them perfect for chasing down
withdrawing aircraft.

Price: 25 points

RSPVO Strela-10

Amphibious IR SAM launcher on an MTLB hull, similar in function to the Strela-1 in some ways but
with advantages and disadvantages. They are slower in the water and on land but have better
missiles, more ammo and longer range. They offer great fire on the move capability allowing the both
cover friendly armor as they move in formation as well as chase down hostile aircraft. The IR nature
of their weapons system allow them to engage SEAD aircraft without fear of retaliation.

Price: 45 points

RSPVO M90 Sava

Prototype upgrade to the older Strela-10 with an elongated hull, longer range, higher HE and more
accurate and stable missiles. These heavy duty amphibious SAMs are some of the best fire on the
move missile armed ground units in game. They can make short work of most aircraft in less then 3
shots and have a large ammo load in the field. They can keep up with your tanks and even chase
aircraft that start to turn away from the fight when they see your ADN.

Price: 65 points

SM-82 M-60PM

82mm mortar mounted on an armored M-60 hull. these units can provide light fire support against
dug in targets as well as deploy smoke to cover an advance. They are rather useful when dealing
with soft targets like SAMs, infantry and ATGMs but with sustained fire they can even destroy tanks.
Best used when you shoot and scoot to prevent counter battery fire.

Price: 30 points

SO-105 Prist

Classic American made SPH from the 1940s packing a 105mm howitzer and a defensive M2 MG.

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These light artillery excel at blasting dug in units as well as deploying smoke screens. They have
decent armor (aside from their exposed tops) but suffer from low off road speed. Like all artillery they
should change their firing position every now and then to prevent hostile response. They are best
provided with escorts in the field and should stay behind the front lines to prevent exposure to hostile
counter attacks.

Price: 45 points

SO-122 Gvozdika

Classic Soviet amphibious light SPH packing a beefy 122mm main gun. These units can help soften
up hostile hard points before attacking as well as laying smoke to shake and bake the enemy. They
are good when river crossings as well as beach landings require indirect fire support. They also
feature direct fire defensive HEAT rounds if the enemy gets too close but it is best to keep these units
away from direct combat as well as provide escorts.

Price: 55 points

SO-155 Nora-B

Prototype wheeled SPH with fast aim times and fast movement speeds on and off road. These units
are a pain to counter battery and excel at rapid movement after firing, by the time an opponent even
notices the rounds in flight they will most likely be out of the area they fired from, making counter
battery very hard. They provide the usual mix of smoke and HE for flexible deployment.

Price: 120 points


Triple 20mm wheeled SPAAG perfect for escorting fast moving formations of wheeled units. They are
immune to SEAD and make a mean fire support unit if the need arises. They can down both fixed and
roto wing aircraft in addition to hostile ground units that get too close. They do lack top armor making
them exposed to indirect fire but their 1 front, side and rear armor can help keep them alive when
attacked by light AT and small arms.

Price: 30 points


A direct upgrade to the older 20mm model, this upgraded SPAAG has 1 top armor in addition to
better accuracy and anti helo range compared to the older triple 20mm. They do carry less ammo
and have a lower fire rate but have higher suppression. These SPAAGs maintain a very high speed
off road allowing them aggressively chase hostile aircraft as well as keep up with other wheeled

Price: 40 points


Amphibious M-80 IFV based SPAAG armed with twin 30mm auto cannons on a well armored hull. It's
radar guided weapons system can make quick work of any aircraft and ground unit that gets within
range but leaves it exposed to hostile SEAD aircraft. These units work really well as escorts for tanks
and IFVs where they can maneuver in formation and keep hostile aircraft at bay and are great assists
for crossing rivers with friendly IFVs.

Price: 55 points

SVLR M-77 Oganj

Standard napalm MLRS perfect for saturating a town or forest with sticky incendiary globs of death.
These units can function in both an area denial capacity as well as burning out deeply entrenched

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troops. They can roast soft targets with ease as well as do significant damage to armor over time.
They have great speed on and off road and have an M2 for self defense allowing them light
defensive armament in an emergency.

Price: 90 points

SVLR M-87 Orkan

Heavy cluster MLRS best used for taking out concentrations of armor in addition to hostile artillery.
They have a defensive M2 MG but work best when protected by other units. They can do a number
on most hostile AFVs but have no effect on dismounted troops. Make sure to keep them loaded with
supply units.

Price: 130 points

SVLR M-94 Plamen-S

Prototype HE MLRS with standard and smoke rounds. They have 2 loads of rockets each allowing
them to provide sustained fire support. Great for softening up a position with HE then deploying
smoke so you can then move up.

Price: 90 points

Yugoslavian Tanks
M-91 Vihor

Prototype MBT with thick armor, a 125mm main gun with high HE and AP. These tanks can use their
auto loaders and high accuracy and stability to aggressively attack hostile positions. They can hold
their own against all but the best tanks and offer great fire support platforms when deployed with
infantry. They work best when acting in combined arms with other tanks, AA and ATGM support.

Price: 130 points

M-91A Vihor

Prototype upgrade to the older M-91 with an extra 2 AP, 4 frontal, 1 side and 1 top armor. They offer
similar performance to the basic model but with slightly improved anti armor firepower and the ability
to take a bit more punishment from return fire. They are the best tanks in Yugoslavian inventory and
can go toe to toe with the best armor in the game, although they work best when pared with other
supporting units.

Price: 170 points


Amphibious light tank with a light auto loaded 76mm HEAT firing main gun. They are the perfect unit
for naval landings or river crossings and offer great anti armor capabilities when deployed in groups
as well as powerful fire support when deployed with infantry and their transports. Their low price and
high availability allow them to deploy in large numbers where their HEAT rounds can demolish even
the best tanks in the game.

Price: 15 points


Classic Soviet made T-34 with the 85mm HEAT gun in addition to an american made M2 browning .50
HMG. This decent blend of eastern and western technology create a powerful fire support unit that
can also hunt tanks and AFVs in groups. They work best when supporting other tanks as well as
infantry where low price and large numbers allow them to overwhelm higher end armor.

Price: 15 points

M-47 Patton

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Classic US made tank armed with a 90mm main gun and a M2 Browning. They offer thicker armor
then the older T-34B (both where employed in 1977 but it's a newer tank overall) as well as better
autonomy and a higher rate of fire. They have lower AP KE rounds then the T-34B's HEAT rounds
but their damage increases at closer ranges. They can provide the backbone of an assault force
when supported by higher end tanks as well as AA and infantry. Overall these units make great light
armor and fire support options in any deck.

Price: 20 points


Standard Soviet T-55 with decent armor, accuracy and stability with their 100mm 12 AP main gun.
These tanks also have a DshK HMG for use against helicopters and soft targets. They offer a well
rounded platform for both armored assaults in addition to fire support for friendly infantry. They are
modestly priced and offer a good backbone unit to support higher end tanks, AA, ATGMs and
infantry units.

Price: 30 points

T-55AI Igman

A direct upgrade to the older TLD, this T-55 model offers better main gun range, stability, accuracy
and AP in addition to higher speed, better autonomy and Malyutka-P1 missiles. They are able to
engage hostile armor at greater ranges then most tanks of a similar price in addition to firing on units
with thicker armor with their HEAT ATGMs that would require moving much closer to use the main
guns KE rounds. Overall these tanks are similar overall upgrades to their older brothers with the
addition of fairly powerful long range armament.

Price: 40 points

T-55AH Igman

Prototype side grade to the AI model featuring better armor (both ERA and a massive mine clearing
device), gun AP and medium optics. These tanks pare well with the older AI where they can help spot
targets for their ATGMs and can also help bulk up formations of the older TDLs and support higher
end tanks like the T-72M, M-84, ect. The 15 AP allows them to engage most similarly priced armor
with ease and the add on armor makes them rather durable when deployed on the battlefield.

Price: 55 points


Upgrade of the classic Soviet T-72, these middle ground tanks have an auto loaded main gun, thicker
armor then the T-55AH and better HE at the cost of 1 AP and 10% accuracy (but have an extra 5%
stability) and worse optics. These field well alongside the softer T-55s and the improved M-84s and
M-91s as the perfect medium tank. They make great fire support units for friendly infantry and can do
a number on most tanks as well, working well under fire thanks to their auto loaders.

Price: 55 points


A domestic upgrade of the T-72M with improved ROF, gun range, accuracy, stability and AP. They
have one extra point of frontal armor allowing them to take a bit more punishment in the field but their
rear, side and top armor is the same as their older cousin. These tanks work great in aggressive
pushes and can also make great ambush units when the situation arises. They can provide both fire
support as well as protect infantry and their transports from hostile tanks and AFVs but should have
AA support to cover them from attack aircraft.

Price: 75 points


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A further upgrade of the M-84, this tank has better speed, fuel economy and optics when compared
to the older model. They have added front and side armor (2 and 1 points respectively) and have
even better accuracy, AP and stabilizers on their main guns. Overall these are apex predators when it
comes to mid line tanks and can hold their own against similarly priced tanks.

Price: 95 points

Yugoslavian Recon

Basic 5 man recon teams with the M-70B1 rifles and M-57A2 RPG. These units can spot targets from
fairly far away with their very good optics and are hard to spot with their very good stealth. They can
be used to help your standard infantry in a pinch but suffer from small squad sizes of 5 and lack of
machine guns limiting their ability to fight normal squads one on one. Their AT is fairly powerful and
has relatively high accuracy. They can be used to both observe from concealment as well as probe
hostile lines looking for high value targets.

Price: 15 points

HI-42 Hera

Very good optics unarmored and unarmed recon helicopter useful for finding targets for artillery,
strike aircraft and attack helicopters. These units are best kept away from hostile units when possible
and their only real defense against attack is their speed. Care should be taken to make sure no AA is
in the area before sending these units into potentially hostile airspace.

Price: 50 points

HI-45 Hera 2

A prototype side grade to the older Hera (1) model. They trade the very good optics for good ones in
addition to adding 2 M2 brownings and 14 FFAR rockets. They can hunt down hostile light recon
helicopters and provide light fire support for ground troops. their limited rocket pod load means they
should save their shots for HVTs like command units, hostile recon units and emergencies, letting
accompanying attack helos and ground units engage anything else they find.

Price: 30 points


Unarmed recon Fiat with a high off road speed, very good optics, small size and medium stealth.
These units are not the best for aggressive recon but can be used to sneak behind hostile lines to
observe troop movements. They can also be concealed with your friendly units to better see the
enemy before they see you, increasing the range you can ambush them at. They come at a
moderate price and decent availability allowing a bit more risk to be allowed when using these fragile
units more aggressively.

Price: 30 points

M-8 Grejhaund

US made M8 armored car with a light 37mm cannon and M2 MG. They offer high speed, decent
firepower and good optics that allow them to aggressively scout behind hostile lines. Their light armor
means they work best as fire support out of range of their targets or in rapid ambushes where they
can use the element of surprise and high ROF to deal with their unlucky targets. The KE nature of
their main gun makes them much more powerful up close, something easy to attain with their high

Price: 15 points


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Fast moving amphibious scout car with light armor and a powerful AP KPVT MG. They work best to
observe hostile troop movements but can also aggressively attack light AFVs and soft targets. Their
ability to cross water can help them sneak around behind your opponents lines. High speed allows
these units to quickly advance into covert observation points as well as pull back when compromised.

Price: 15 points

PAST Izvidjac

Recon Praga SPAAG that provides the unique capability of very good optics pared with a powerful
AAA option to deal with ground units, helicopters and even fixed wing aircraft. The ability to both
observe hostile units and pluck aircraft out of the sky creates a massive threat to the other teams
recon helicopters and other aircraft as well. These jack of all trades can also mulch dismounted
troops in addition to messing up light armor that strays too close.

Price: 50 points


Prototype recon IFV with exceptional optics thanks to it's radar system. This unit also offers plenty of
firepower in the form of a 30mm auto cannon and Malyutka-P1 ATGMs. They can sneak across rivers
or onto beaches where they can both covertly observe hostile units as well as pick off HVTs like
command units, AA, artillery and other recon units. They can also keep up with their IFV and SPAAG
cousins making them valuable assists when deployed with these other units.

Price: 60 points


Prototype recon SF team with M-85 carbines and RT-20 anti material rifles. These units are fragile
but highly deadly against light vehicles and infantry. The exceptional stealth allows these units to
quietly watch for opportune moments where they can then strike a high value target such as AA,
command units or artillery. They work best when concealed in towns or forests and should stay out of
the open whenever possible. They should not get too close to their targets and use their stealth at
long range to covertly destroy infantry and thin skinned AFVs.

Price: 30 points

T-55A Izvidjac

Upgraded recon T-55A with good gun stats and decent armor. These units are a peg up from the
older basic T-55 recon tanks with better autonomy, accuracy and stability on their main guns. They
also have a DShK HMG to deal with soft targets as well as helicopters which can aid in their utility.
These recon tanks have good optics that allow them to help scout for other tanks in their formation
and the medium stealth can help them covertly observe from concealment. They are great ambush
units and can aggressively scout ahead of larger tank formations before driving your column into an

Price: 25 points


The be all, end all of recon tanks, these prototype M-84s have exceptional optics in addition to the
thick armor and great gun stats of the M-84A platform. This tank has medium stealth as well and
when pared with it's exceptional optics it can reach out and destroy targets before they even get
remotely close. Their thick armor allows them to take a lot of punishment on the front lines where
normal exceptional optic units would not be able to safely deploy.

Price: 110 points

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Yugoslavian Vehicles
Bov Raketas

Prototype FSV incorporating aircraft rocket pods on a wheeled BOV hull. These units pack a mix of
FFAR 70mm HE rockets and BR-1-57 napalm rockets. This unit can remove infantry from towns,
woods and provide area denial via direct fire commands. They can also do a number on hostile armor
with sustained fire and offer all the benefits of helicopter or plane mounted rockets with the ability to
hide in concealment to create a deadly ambush. Limited ammo means these FSVs need to rearm
rather often to keep combat effective.

Price: 25 points

BRDM-2 Malyutka-P

Basic amphibious ATGM vehicle with high speed on and off road, light armor and high capacity for
ammo (18 missiles). These units make great ambush weapons against tanks and AFVs but should
always try and engage from the longest range possible, making recon units useful to spot for them.
They are good targets for indirect fire and air strikes so care should be taken to relocate every now
and then as well as providing AA to keep hostile aircraft away.

Price: 20 points

BOV-1 Polo

A direct upgrade to the BRDM-2, these ATGM carriers trade amphibious capability for higher speed
and better ATGMs in the form of the Malyutka-P1, offering 2 more AP to assist in cracking open
tougher tanks. They work similar to their older counterparts with the exception of lacking the ability to
cross rivers and land on beaches without the aid of landing craft. A perfect ambush weapon, they
should always engage at max range where most units can't return fire until they get closer.

Price: 25 points

LT M-80A Polo

Powerful amphibious tracked ATGM vehicle packing the Malyutka-2M, boosting much higher AP and
greater accuracy then the older models. It has relatively short range for such a powerful missile but
still should take advantage of engaging at max range where many units can't shoot back until they
get closer. They can be very useful for landing on beaches or river crossings, allowing your
amphibious troops access to powerful AT.

Price: 35 points

M-1107 Fagot

Light ATGM vehicle combining the high speed of the Fiat with the power of the fagot ATGM. These
units can move at lightning speed off road allowing them to fire a missile then floor it away from any
return fire. They have limited ammo (4 shots) and are very soft targets with 5 strength and no armor,
meaning they work best in hit and run ambush attacks and require supply units nearby to keep them

Price: 15 points

M-1107 Drug

Prototype upgrade to the drift mobile Fiat fagot that trades the older ATGM for the newer, more
accurate and higher AP drug. They still can haulacross open ground, crack a target open with
one of their 4 missiles then gun it back into cover at high speed. Still very fragile and dependent on
rearming rather often, these light hit and run tank destroyers are a valuable tool for any blitzkrieg.

Price: 20 points

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PAST Praga

multipurpose FSV/SPAAG packing twin 30mm auto cannons with both HE and AP rounds. They are
just as capable at destroying light armor as they are helicopters and even fixed wing aircraft.
Available in large numbers at a low cost, these units can bulk up any offensive or defensive force as
a hearty mix of fast moving, lightly armored (but open top) light AAA/FSV.

Price: 15 points

SO-76 Helket

American made drift mobile tank destroyer that employs 100 kph off road speed, light armor (except
the top) and a 76mm main gun and .50 cal MG to provide fire support and anti armor duty. They
might lack stabilizers but their high speed lets them get up close fast for point blank KE kill shots on
unsuspecting tanks/FSVs. They have somewhat poor autonomy but if frequently refueled they can
more then keep up with any rapid advance across the battlefield.

Price: 10 points

SO-90 Dzekson

Another American made ww2 classic, this 90mm gun packing TD offers more armor and firepower
then the SO-76 at the cost of it's insane speed. They have slightly better autonomy but still can
benefit from gassing up during lulls in the fighting. They have less accuracy the their 76mm
counterparts but greater range and higher AP, allowing them to dish out more damage as well as
take more thanks to thicker armor (and the addition of an armored roof).

Price: 15 points

Yugoslavian Helicopters
HN-42M Gama

Mixed ATGM/AAM helo perfect for escorting your rocket armed attack helos and transports. They
have limited armament and are best deployed in pares to hunt armor as well as shoot down hostile
aircraft. They are fairly nimble allowing them to dart around the battle space and take pot shots on
hostile units before pulling out to reload at a FOB or other supply unit.

Price: 35 points

HN-45M Gama 2

Prototype direct upgrade to the older Gama (1) that trades the older ATGMs and AAMs for newer,
higher end models that are both more powerful and accurate. They are still limited in the number of
weapons available to deploy in one strike. The Igla-1s fire faster then the Strela-2M/A's allowing them
to take quicker snap shots on fast movers that dare to get too close. It's fairly important to provide
supply units to keep these light attack helicopters in the fight.

Price: 45 points

HT-40 NRZ 57

Local version of the MI-8 armed to the teeth with an NSVT HMG and 96 S-5 rockets. These
helicopters make amazing fire support gunships, tearing up infantry and armor with sustained fire.
Nothing can last long under the blizzard of of HE rockets, with many units getting stunned and even
routing when subjected to the extremely traumatic concussive bombardment. They work well as
heaver escorts to their troop transport cousins and are great when pared with the lighter Gama
ATGM/AA helos to help hold back aircraft and tanks.

Price: 40 points

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HT-40 NRZ 128

Carrying 16 128mm 4 HE rockets, these heavy duty attack helicopters are not to be underestimated.
The high HE and massive suppression will destroy almost anything in a handful or rockets. They work
well with their lighter S-5 armed cousins so they can save their rockets for larger targets as well as
them providing light anti helicopter protection (although the Gamas tend to fair better at this job).
Overall these helicopters are great at hitting a precise area with a lot of HE really fast (good for
danger close fire support in towns and woods) but should always have supply units close by to keep
their massive pods full.

Price: 45 points

Yugoslavian Aircraft
J-22 Orao

Basic light bomber with 8 FAB 250s and a twin 23mm auto cannon for self defense, precise ground
attack and helo hunting. They are not the fastest at 750 KM/H and only offer 10% ECM but for their
price they offer a decent strike package for their price. They work best when flying with a fighter
escort and should not bomb areas behind hostile ADNs.

Price: 70 points

NJ-22 Orao

Cluster bomber model of the J-22 that has a faster firing duel 23mm auto cannon with less ammo.
They have 10% more ECM (20% total) to allow them to dodge a bit more incoming fire. These aircraft
lack the ability to strike infantry but have increased lethally against armored targets. They work best
when attacking large formations of hostile tanks and AFVs that are tightly packed into wood lines or
fast moving down roads.

Price: 80 points

J-22B Orao 2

Faster model of the J-22 with 30% ECM, the twin 23mm auto cannons and a mixed load of S-5
rockets for soft targets and AGM-65Bs for armored ones. They have a good mix of capabilities and
can easily take care of infantry, their transports and any tanks and AFVs escorting them all in one
aircraft. They work best when flying with an escort to keep hostile fighters at bay.

Price: 100 points

L-11D Sejbr

Multi role F-86 armed with duel purpose A2A/A2G rockets. these aircraft are rather powerful up close
as dog fighters but are somewhat exposed when closing the gap with hostile fighters but can slay
ground attack aircraft with ease. They are very powerful helicopter hunters and offer a formidable
pinpoint HE ground attack package. These inexpensive aircraft are truly jack of all trades, master of

Price: 60 points

J-21 Jastreb

Light ground attack aircraft with a powerful mix of Hydra HE and HVAR thermobaric rockets. They
have an M2 browning for self defense and helicopter hunting but work best when flying with an
escort. These planes excel at blasting suborn units off a hard point like a town or forest and keeping
them off it (until the flames die down). They are rather slow with no ECM and limited time on target,
making these aircraft rather exposed when attacking without escort or in areas with heavy AA.

Price: 70 points

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A basic MIG-21 ASF with a high speed, no ECM and a light armament of 2 R-13Ms and a 30mm auto
cannon. They are deadly in large to mid sized formations and can even engage high end ASFs if
deployed with supporting MRAAM fighters. Against a ground attack aircraft they are fairly deadly and
can go one on one with other low end fighter and multi role aircraft. Their low cost and large numbers
make them great for swarm attacks.

Price: 50 points


Upgrade to the older L-12, this MIG-21 has twin 23mm auto cannons and 4 R-60Ms in addition to the
two R-13Ms. These aircraft can rapidly fire their mixed load of AAMs at both helos and fixed wing
aircraft to deadly effect. The added 20% ECM allows them to avoid some incoming fire and the tighter
turn radius allows them to dogfight better then their older brothers.

Price: 90 points


MIG-29 ASF packing 4 powerful IR SRAAMs and 2 semi active MRAAMs in addition to their 30mm
auto cannon. These fighters have 30% ECM long time on target and exceptional air detection radars
allowing them to intercept hostile aircraft as well as stay on station for a decent amount of time for
patrols. They are slightly slower then their MIG-21 cousins and can be used to take the first shots of
an air battle with their MRAAMs while their older cousins close in for the kill and then clean up
anything that's left over with it's own SRAAMs.

Price: 130 points


Prototype single engine cousin of the French Rafael, this monster of a fighter pares Soviet SRAAMs
with French MRAAMs and an a 30mm auto cannon to create an absolute ASF monster. It's 40% ECM,
high time on target allow them to stay on station and keep the sky clear for your ground attack
aircraft to demolish any hostile opposition. These aircraft excel at both long range attacks as well as
dog fighting, making them top dogs in any fur ball they get sucked into.

Price: 160 points


Ground attack MIG-21 with a 23mm autocannon and a mix of HE and cluster bombs. The mixed load
allows it to deal effectively with both hard and soft targets. The 20% ECM helps keep them alive while
the blow infantry into bits and crack hostile tanks open like raw eggs. Their only trade off is that when
attacking infantry they only have 2 bombs at their disposal and when engaging tanks only half their
bomb load (2) will be AP can openers. Overall the benefits of its mixed payloads usefulness tends to
outweigh the lower damage to either type of target inflicted then a pure normal/cluster bomber.

Price: 75 points

N-62 Super Galeb

Slow low ECM (10%) napalm bomber for both clearing out an area of hostile forces or area denial.
They can be used to influence hostile troop movements to your advantage or just roast the poor
s in their dug in forested or urban positions. These aircraft do suffer from low time on target
and lack of defensive armament means these aircraft need a direct escort to their objective with

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limited loiter time. Overall they are useful for destroying hostile concentrations of dug in infantry and
clearing tanks and ATGMs out of tree lines.

Price: 60 points

N-62M Super Galeb

Prototype ground attack aircraft with 2 R-60Ms for self defense and powerful Grom-B AGMs. These
units excel at tank busting and can be used to hunt helicopters when ground targets are scarce.
They still have low time on target but their higher speed of 900 KM/H allow them to get to their target
quicker so they have a bit of loiter time if needed. They can defend themselves against hostile
aircraft if needed but work best when deployed with fighter escorts to help keep them alive.

Price: 130 points

Finland National Overview

Note: The origonal author of this guide has a mainly Finnish heratage, and has some personal bias
towards them.

Finland is largely a well rounded nation, primarially due to the fact that they get a good combination
of BLUEFOR units along with REDFOR units.

Finnish logistics isn't too much different than their comparative REDFOR equivelants, largely using
REDFOR units for a majority, if not all of their units (excluding the Danish XA-180 series for

Finish infantry, are all around, acceptable. They aren't the strongest by any stretch, but they also
aren't weak either. They also get the only Milita grade fire support team in the game, with a very high
fire rate recoilless rifle.

The Fins get a very decent selection of transports, but have a notable lack of ATGM capable units
when compared to other REDFOR nations. They do however get multiple autocannon armed units,
as well as a Grenade Launcher armed variant of the XA-180.

The Fins also get a very solid support tab, with very few visible weaknesses, except possibly in the
tube artillery department, where their accuracy, or range could be better. One notable thing is that
the Fins do get to have a copy of the BLUEFOR Centurion Marksman.

The Fins get very few tanks, and most of the T-72 variants they get are considered prototype units.
As a result, unless you pick the Charioteer, or one of the T-55 variants, availability is comparatively
low. The prototype T-72 variants are exceptonally powerful, if a bit lightly armored.

The Fins actually have quite a lot of combat effective recon units. Some of which can completely
replace standard infantry units if needed, and hold their own very well. There's also a good selection
of armored support units in here too, including a BMP armed with a Bushmaster.

The Fins don't have much of a vehicle tab. Mostly a bunch of ATGM carriers, which range from
mediocre to amazing, armed with TOW-2 missiles. Also, the StuG, cuz why not?

Finland has very few Helicopters. One variant armed with some TOW-2 missiles, and two very similar
Mi-8 variants.

Lastly, Finland has a decent air tab, with a very poor ground strike ability versus armor, the only
ATGM aircraft they get has the French AS-11, which is MLCOS guided. If the plane gets stunned, or
shot down (which isn't too hard, it's useless). Otherwise, there are decent options all around,
including a less menacing B-5 variant.

Finnish Logistics

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Light armored amphibious command vehicle perfect for taking front line objectives where there is a lot
of action or when crossing water is needed to reach the command zone. They have an NSV for self
defense but are best kept away from hostile units and deployed with escorting troops. The high value
of command units make these prime targets for hostile units so care should be taken to conceal and
protect these valuable units.

Price: 100 points

BMP-1K Kopa

Amphibious lightly armored IFV derived command vehicle with a 73mm Grom main gun for self
defense. The Finish model lacks the auto loader of other BMP-1 versions but in exchange have a
higher fire rate (but are effected by moral damage). They can cross rivers and land on beaches like
the BTR-50YBI but have extra frontal armor and better armament. It is still important to protect these
units in the field due to the high price, limited number and value of command units.

Price: 125 points

GAZ-69 Kopa

Fast moving wheeled command vehicle best used for rapidly taking forward objectives or capturing
rear line objectives that are less exposed to hostile attack. They are somewhat fragile due to their
lack of armor and 5 strength. They have no defensive armament at all so escorts are very important
to keep these units alive in the field.

Price: 100 points

XA-180 Kopa

Fast and lightly armored command vehicle with amphibious capabilities and an NSV HMG for self
defense. They can quickly take contested zones and survive a fair amount of indirect fire if the need
arises. Their ability to cross water can help in flanking around hostile forces with escorts to contest
and capture call in zones behind the line of contact.

Price: 125 points


Finnish command troops with RK 62 rifles and KK 62 MGs for holding urban and wooded zones. They
can somewhat defend themselves against hostile infantry and soft targets but should be deployed
escorts whenever possible. They work best when deployed inside of town or deep in forests where
they are less exposed to artillery spotters or other hostile units. Comes in a variety of transports for
different purposes.

Price: 100 points

MI-4 Kopa

Lightly armed command helicopter with a PKT MMG for self defense and very good optics. These fast
moving command units are hard to hide on the ground but offer exceptional speed when it comes to
quickly rushing an objective to capture it before your enemy. Their ability to cross water makes them
very useful in naval landings and the very good optics can turn them into improvised recon
helicopters if the need arises.

Price: 100 points

T-55A Kopa

Basic command tank with a 100mm main gun and DShK HMG. These units are able to defend
themselves if the need arises but work best when deployed along side other tanks to help escort it to

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a capture zone. Their relatively thick armor can help keep them alive during artillery strikes so their
limited numbers are best deployed on heavily contested front line zones.

Price: 120 points

T-72 Kopa

Higher end command tank with better weapons and armor, allowing them to both survive heavier
attacks as well as deal more damage to potential threats. They still work best when covered with
other units due to the high priority of destroying a lone command vehicle without any support. These
units are best deployed at the zones on the front line with the most action during a match where their
armor and powerful main gun can be put to use to hold these chaotic command zones.

Price: 160 points


Fast moving supply helicopter with 1500 units of supply at their disposal. Their main use in for rapid
resupply of front line troops as well as quickly topping off ground supply units right behind your lines.
They are prime targets for indirect fire when on the ground and can become a target for AA if
deployed too close to the front. They are able to ignore mountain ranges, water and other
obstructions that would slow down other supply units.

Price: 35 points

Terra 865BM KPI

Amphibious light supply truck that can take 500 units of supply over land and water at a nominal
speed. These trucks might not have as much capacity as some of the larger options but the added
mobility makes up to their low capacity. These units are perfect for landing invasions, crossing rivers
as well as conventional missions. Try not to leave them unattended to keep them from getting

Price: 10 points

SA-150 KPI

A larger supply truck then the Terra, these units are slightly faster off road but lack the amphibious
capabilities. They can haul 800 units of supply quickly across the battlefield to support your front line
fighting units as well as helos landed slightly behind your lines or to resupply artillery units.

Price: 15 points

Finnish Infantry
ITO 78

Basic 2 man MANPAD units armed with the classic Mosin Nagant rifles and Strela-2M SAM. They are
great for air defense over towns and woods when deployed with friendly infantry. They have minimal
defensive capability against hostile infantry units so care should be taken to protect them with
standard infantry troops. Their large availability and low cost make them very useful to spread across
large front lines.

Price: 5 points


Prototype MANPAD teams packing the RK 62 rifles and Igla AA missiles, best used to help keep
hostile aircraft away from your other infantry units when deployed in towns and cities with the
protection of friendly infantry. They work best when deployed with nearby supply units to keep them

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armed and combat effective when large waves of aircraft are deployed to attack their position.

Price: 15 points


Standard Finnish line troops with RK 62 rifles, M72 AT rockets and KK 62 machine guns. These
troops are great for both urban and woodland fighting up close with their rapid fire AT and potent
small arms. They make a great nucleus for any infantry force and can provide large numbers of
modestly priced troops with the support of specialized weapon teams in addition to shock and SF

Price: 10 points

Jaakari '90

A direct upgrade to their older counterparts, these troops pack the upgraded M72A4 LAW to assist
with cracking open hostile tanks and AFVs. They are still short ranged in the AT department but the
high fire rate of the disposable launchers allows them to rapidly hit a target again and again. Their
small arms are exactly the same as their '75 counterparts and they still make efficient and deadly
when it comes to infantry fights.

Price: 10 points


15 man shock infantry teams specialized in CQB city and forest fighting with their Suomi KP SMGs,
M72A4 LAW AT launchers and the RPD machine guns. They move fast, hit hard and although lack
long range AT, they can do a number on tanks and AFVs that get too close. They have a decent
number of specialized transports that assist in clearing out their objectives.

Price: 25 points


Prototype militia 5 man FIST teams that are perfect for destroying light armor and soft targets. They
lack the ability to take on heavy armor due to the KE nature of their weapons (unless at point blank
range) but the high rate of fire is perfect for turning infantry into a fine mist and turning light to
medium armor into Swiss cheese. They are slow on foot and more fragile then 10 and 15 man
reserve militia units but provide a unique weapons system to your battle group.

Price: 10 points


Shock guard troops packing the RK 62 rifles, Raikka RPGs and the KK 62 MGs. They not as
specialized infantry killing Kaartinjaakari with 5 less men, ARs instead of SMGs and more powerful
and accurate but slower firing AT weapons. These units can effectively fight heavy duty armor and
still do a number on hostile troops. Their transports are less specialized but have more variety.

Price: 20 points

Panssarijaakari '90

A direct upgrade to the older '75 model, they use the improved Rk 90 TP rifles and the high fire rate,
high accuracy and long range Apilas AT launchers. These improved weapons allow them to take on
armor with impunity and increases their killing power against soft targets on the move with their higher
stability rifles.

Price: 25 points

Pstohj 82M

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2 man konkurs ATGM teams specialized at tank and AFV hunting at long range. These units can
keep hostile armor away from towns and woods and allow your other infantry to have a way to hit
back at longer ranged threats. The limited ammo makes them dependent on frequent resupply to
keep them in the fight without compromising your troops ability to hold off hostile fire support units.

Price: 20 points

Pstohj 94

Prototype 2 man ATGM teams using the Spike MR missiles for tank and AFV hunting. These units
have very high AP and range on their missiles allowing them to destroy a top line tank in only a few
shots. They work best with the support of other infantry teams where they provide long range AT
support while line troops hold off infantry and armor up close.

Price: 20 points


Best of the best SF teams using the RK 62 rifles, Raikka RPGs and KK 62 to great effect. They move
fast, hit hard and anywhere thanks to their diverse transport lineup. Be it behind the lines of your
enemy or fighting shoulder to shoulder with conventional troops in woods and towns, these units will
kick the teeth out of your enemy and can go one on one with all but the best SF teams.

Price: 30 points

Rannikkojaakari '90

A direct upgrade to the older '75 version with the RK 62/76 TP rifles, Apilas AT launchers and the
Valmet M78 SAWs. These troops have increased tank killing ability and better small arms when
fighting up close and on the move. The main advantage they hold is the greatly higher AP, range and
accuracy of their AT launchers, capable of taking out most armored vehicles with one shot.

Price: 35 points


Standard 5 man FIST team packing the Musti RR and M/39 rifle for anti infantry use. They have a
long range on their AT/AP RRs as well as decent AP, making them a threat to both hard and soft
targets alike. They work well when providing fire support for standard infantry units as well as allowing
them to take out armor at longer ranges then their standard AT weapons.

Price: 15 points

Finnish Transports

MI-8 transport helicopter lightly armed with an NSV HMG. These helos are fast, durable transports
that can provide light fire support after dismounting their troops. Although not as well armed as their
rocket equip brothers, these helos can still do a number on other helicopters and soft targets on the
ground. They can help dump machine gun fire into hostile infantry preoccupied with shooting at their
dismounted passengers both killing and suppressing them as they struggle to cope with the
combined attack.

Price: 20 points

Super Puma

French made transport helo armed with an NSV MG, these units are faster then the MI-8Ps but have
2 less strength as well as better fuel economy. They can drop troops anywhere you need them on the

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battlefield as long as the LZ is clear of AA and hostile aircraft. They are great for air assaults when
escorted by attack helos and fighter/strike aircraft that can be quickly followed by conventional
ground forces to help secure their targeted insertion point.

Price: 20 points


Soviet made amphibious BMP-1 that trades the auto loader for slightly higher fire rate and no ATGM.
These IFVs have decent frontal armor and light armor on their sides, rear and top. Their 73mm Grom
can do a number on both armor and soft targets, protecting their dismounts from tanks and AFVs as
well as helping them pound hostile troops into a bloody pulp.

Price: 10 points


Packing a higher land and water speed and more armor then it's older cousin, the BMP-2 features a
30mm auto cannon that is less effective against heavier armor but excel at killing lighter AFVs and
soft targets with their high fire rate and longer range. Like it's older cousin these BMPs lack ATGMs
but still make great IFVs for town assaults, river crossings and beach landings where they can fight
alongside their dismounted troops and other escorting tanks and AFVs.

Price: 20 points


Basic Soviet made tracked amphibious APC with an NSVT heavy machine gun. These inexpensive
transports can move your infantry with relative safety over land and water and can provide decent fire
support for their dismounts. Their slow speed can leave them exposed when crossing open ground or
water and work well when escorted with more powerful FSVs and tanks.

Price: 5 points


Fast, amphibious and well armed and lightly armored, these Soviet made APCs use their
maneuverability to rapidly take or reinforce an objective with infantry or close the gap between them
and a hostile AFV so they can hose it with their KPVT AP HMGs. Their ability to conduct amphibious
crossings and landings where their 40 KM/H in water can catch people by surprise with an aggressive
flanking maneuver.

Price: 15 points


A faster, lighter armed amphibious APC when compared to the BTR-60, the XA-180, these units pack
the NSV HMG and very high autonomy. They are great for rushing an objective or speeding
reinforcements to the front lines. Their ability to cross water makes them very flexible APCs that can
pull of a variety of standard and specialized missions with a vast array of mounted infantry types.

Price: 10 points

a slower but better armed amphibious prototype IFV model of the XA line, it trades some speed on
land and in the water for a 25mm Bushmaster auto cannon in addition to the NSV HMG. The perfect
tool for rapid motorized pushes, it can provide extensive fire support for dismounted troops in addition
to dealing with AFVs that get too close. Their limited ammo can be expended quickly so it is useful to

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resupply these units whenever you get the chance.

Price: 15 points

XA-180 Musti

Specialized XA series amphibious IFV with the stock NSV and the addition of a 95mm Musti RR for fire
support and AT. The HEAT rounds can kill any ground unit in 10 or less shots and don't need to get
closer to up their AP. The fire rate is decent and when pared with the HMG can really do a number on
hostile units. They are limited to the more specialized infantry types but offer a lot of utility to these

Price: 15 points


Prototype amphibious XA series IFV with the 30m AGS-17 AGL for taking out soft targets and light
armor. They have no defense against helicopters but can really do a number on ground targets,
stunning and damaging soft and armored targets alike. They are great for clearing out woods and
urban fighting with their specialized dismounted infantry units. Their high speed and amphibious
capability lets them access areas that are inexpressible to land bound vehicles and difficult to reach
in time for tracked vehicles.

Price: 15 points


Basic wheeled battle taxi truck with 5 strength, decent speed and no armament and armor. These
inexpensive transports are low priced, speedy and have good autonomy, perfect for bringing their
infantry to the objective, backing off a short distance away from the fighting then picking them back
up to either push further forward or withdraw to the rear to rearm and refit them or escape an
oncoming advance.

Price: 5 points

Finnish Support
ITO 79

Radar guided truck mounted heavy SAM perfect for destroying both helicopters and planes. Their
high speed and very good air detection make these units great for initial pushes with fast wheeled
columns where they can wreck attacking aircraft. They have very limited ammo (2 shots each) so they
should travel with accompanying supply units or deploy them nearby. They should always be turned
off when hostile SEAD aircraft are nearby.

Price: 55 points

ITO 96

Prototype BUKM1 heavy SAM with twice the ammo capacity of the ITO 79 in addition to greater
accuracy at the cost of speed. They also have light armor (1 point all around) to help protect them
from artillery and small arms (and some light AT) but they work best when escorts are provided and
are kept away from front line fighting if possible. Always turn these units off when SEAD is in their AO.

Price: 85 points

ITO 86

Fast moving wheeled AA unit packing 10 Igla IR AAMs fired from a twin launch unit. They can quickly
provide SEAD resistant air defense to fast moving formations and can take on both helicopters and

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fixed wing aircraft. They are relatively fragile and should avoid getting too close to hostile ground

Price: 25 points

ITO 90

Prototype Crotale NG SAM mounted on an XA-180 hull, these powerful IR SAMs use an 8 shot
launcher to blast helicopters and planes alike out of the sky with it's 6 HE missiles. Fast, deadly and
with a decent reserve of ammo (although they should travel with or have supply units nearby) for a
system of this type, they are immune to SEAD and highly capable of efficiently dismantling hostile air

Price: 85 points


Well armored (but open top) SPAAG mounted on a T-55 hull, these SPAAGs have 2 powerful 57mm
2 HE auto cannons that can rapidly destroy hostile aircraft. They make good FSVs in a pinch do their
decent armor and heavy duty guns. They work best when pared with other units like the T-55s they
share hulls with.

Price: 25 points

ITPSV Marksman

Prototype radar guided SPAAG on the same T-55 hull as the SU-57-2, they feature improved armor
due to their newer, better armored turrets and a high accuracy and fire rate. These heavy SPAAGs
can really do a number on both aircraft and ground targets but should avoid attacking SEAD aircraft
head on (wait for them to fly over before turning the auto cannons on to engage them).

Price: 60 points

PSH 74

Amphibious 122mm SPH with a mix of HE, smoke and direct fire HEAT rounds on a lightly armored
hull. These units can rain down indirect fire on hostile troop concentrations as well as "shake and
bake" a position by useing HE to destroy and demoralize then smoke to cover friendly forces
advancing. Best kept away from direct combat and near supply units whenever possible and should
have escorts whenever available.

Price: 55 points

Telak 91

Prototype 155mm SPH with high accuracy, fast aim time, a decent ammo load and light armor (but
open top). These units are great for both conventional strikes and counter battery fire due to their
fast aim time and ability to put shells on target with pinpoint accuracy. They are also useful for
pushing your units close to your enemy with the help of smoke rounds to obscure incoming fire.
Always keep escorting units handy and supply units to keep up the barrage.

Price: 110 points


Local model of the BM-21 Grad firing 40 cluster munitions with 3 AP each. These units can't really
hurt infantry but can absolutely destroy ground vehicles and even the occasional low flying

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helicopter. They work best for either hitting large formations of advancing or withdrawing armor or
cleaning up AAA and artillery batteries. They can clear out forests of hostile armor and although not
the most powerful cluster MLRS the combined effects of 40 rockets over a relatively small area (at
closer ranges) can really do a number on even the best tanks.

Price: 75 points


Napalm MLRS with a high speed off road, 2 loads of rockets carried per launcher packing 122mm
napalm rockets and a defensive PKT MMG. They can clear armor and infantry out of woods and
towns with ease and the fact they have 2 loads of rockets carried makes them less dependent (but
still need them for sustained fire) on supply units.

Price: 100 points


Prototype 220mm HE MLRS with 11 HE for each of it's 16 rockets. A single well placed round can
destroy most infantry and soft skinned vehicles and anything that survives the duration of the
barrage will be seriously damaged and demoralized. They have 1 front armor but are rather fragile
units that should avoid direct combat and travel with escorting AFVs and AA in addition to logistics
supply units.

Price: 120 points


Ural mounted ZU-23-2 SPAAG with low accuracy but with a very high fire rate and low price. Fast, fuel
efficient and with high autonomy, this light SPAAG can wreck helicopters, fixed wing aircraft and
ground units with their low accuracy but high fire rate. The low price and high availability allows them
to deploy in mass grouped together into batteries across your line that can be augmented with other
AA units.

Price: 15 points

Sergei MOD

Prototype pimped out ZU-23-2 with higher accuracy and anti helicopter range on the lower autonomy
but faster SA-150 truck. They are insanely high end for such a simple base system (the most
expensive version of the ZU-23-2 IRL to date) that greatly increases the killing efficiency against air
and even ground targets.

Price: 40 points

Telak 84

Prototype SPH built on a Merkava hull, it is slightly less expensive then the Israeli version at the cost
of some accuracy on direct and indirect fire (still one of the most accurate KE shell packing SPH in
the game). They heavy armor on these howitzers and high AP and accuracy on their defensive KE
shells allow them to function as tanks in an emergency but should always have escorts when
possible. They can quickly shell a target then move before return fire hits and can take a beating
before it's destroyed.

Price: 110 points

Telakrh 66

Prototype heavy mortar on a light unarmored artillery tractor, they can kill most infantry squads in 2

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shells and can mess up light and even heavy armor with sustained fire. These mortars possess
firepower similar to light howitzers (with reduced range but faster aim time). These units are very
fragile and are best deployed with AA and FSVs to keep them alive in addition to supply units to keep
them loaded.

Price: 60 points

Telakrh 71

Amphibious, wheeled 82mm mortar mounted on a Terra for blowing up soft targets (and armor with
enough rounds) and smoking positions. These units are great for infantry support and combine a fast
moving indirect fire artillery unit that's also able to cross rivers and land on beaches. They work well
when pared with their logistics supply cousins that can follow them into the water when needed. Work
best with a few of their RR equip FSV brothers to help protect them in the field, overall these mortars
offer flexible, inexpensive fire support that can keep up with wheeled formations and amphibious

Price: 30 points

Telakrh 84

Amphibious MTLB mounted medium 120mm mortar with a defensive PKT. This unit blends the speed
and amphibious capability of the 71 with the firepower of the 66 as a middle ground mortar that can
still kill exposed 10 man squads in 2 hits. It has less ammo the the lighter 82mm but more then the
heavy duty 160mm. Best used to destroy soft and lightly armored targets and to lay smoke for
advancing troops.

Price: 40 points

Finnish Tanks

British made upgrade package for the Cromwell tank with the famous 84mm main gun. These tanks
have decent off road speed and fire rate with enough AP to deal with other low end tanks and other
AFVs. They are great choices for fire support units due to their high fire rate and decent HE damage
and can also help escort infantry carrying APCs and IFVs deal with beefier threats. Overall these
tanks are plentiful and inexpensive allowing them to be mixed in with larger armored formations or as
escorts for infantry and their transports. Although light for a tank their 5 front, 2 side and 1 rear and
top armor help keep them alive when dealing with light AT.

Price: 15 points


Basic Soviet made T-55 with a 100mm main gun and uniquely the NSV HMG. Overall they perform
similar to expected with the exception of improved accuracy on their machine guns allowing them a
slight advantage over their more common counterparts. Overall these tanks work well when working
with heavier armor in large tank formations or as escorts and fire support platforms for infantry units
and their APCs and IFVs. They can hold their own against most similarly priced armor and their high
availability and modest price allow these tanks to form the backbone of your armored force.

Price: 25 points

T-55M Matti

An upgrade to the older T-55A, the M version features improved range, accuracy and AP to the main
gun. They also acquire better optics which when combined with the new gun FCS and ammo it gives
them the ability to better engage targets at longer ranges. They still have decent armor at 7 front, 3
side, 2 rear and 1 top but for their price range they are somewhat glass cannons that have a lot of

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punch but not a lot of protection.

Price: 50 points


Auto loaded Soviet made tank with a powerful 125mm main gun and NSV HMG for killing soft targets
and helicopters. These tanks feature medium optics that are a step up from the T-55s and Charioteer
and have much thicker armor then these lighter tanks. They excel at combat up close thanks to their
their auto loader that won't supper reload penalties when the crew is panicked. They are fairly quick
at 60 KM/H off road and make great flanking units while your lower end armor holds the line so they
can pincer your enemy.

Price: 75 points


Prototype upgrade to the older T-72M1 with greater speed, gun accuracy, stability and AP as well as
a faster auto loader. They still posses the same amount of armor somewhat fragile for their price
range but are never the less very powerful tanks in their own right. The better AP and stability really
help these tanks use their greater speed to exploit gaps in the hostile line or to position themselves
around hostile units to encircle and eradicate them.

Price: 120 points


A further prototype of the PAIV upgrade, these tanks feature improved ERA add on armor that bumps
their armor up to a thick 21 in the front, 10 on the side, 5 rear and 4 top that allows them to take a ton
of punishment compared to the their more fragile predecessors. Arguably the best tank in Finnish
inventory, these monsters will easily demolish armor and soft targets alike with extreme prejudice.

Price: 165 points

Finnish Recon
Alouette II

Very good optics recon helicopter that although somewhat slow it can travel much faster then any
ground counterparts and without the need to worry about hills, woods and water. These units are
fragile at 4 strength and work best to spot targets for artillery, attack helicopters, strike aircraft and
ground units. They have no means to fight back when engaged so their speed (although slow for a
helicopter) and very small size are their only means of escape. Best if kept away from hostile AA and
if possible send SEAD in beforehand to test the waters and take out radar guided SAMs and

Price: 35 points

Jet Ranger

Faster then the older Alouette and with exceptional optics, these recon helicopters can see farther
and run faster then their older cousins. They still are very fragile at 4 strength and can't fight back
against anything so they really should avoid combat. They fill a similar role to the Alouette and
generally perform better but at a higher cost and lower availability.

Price: 60 points

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Amphibious recon vehicle that shares a hull the the famous BMP-1. It works great as fighting recon
with it's decent armor, 73mm Grom main gun (like all Finnish BMP-1s it lacks an auto loader in
exchange for higher ROF) in addition to a Konkurs ATGM launcher. These units can desperately
observe with their good optics or aggressively search and destroy high value ground targets like
command units, AA and artillery. They can also covertly land on beaches and cross rivers allowing
them to really cause some issues behind the lines for your unlucky opponents.

Price: 35 points


Trading the main gun and ATGM for a 25mm auto cannon and NSV HMG, this prototype side grade
to the older model has less anti armor capability in exchange for increased effectiveness against soft
and lightly armored targets. They pare well with their older brothers and can form dangerous
amphibious hunter killer recon packs that let the aggressively engage other recon units as well as
high priority targets.

Price: 35 points


Elite prototype recon infantry 10 man teams packing Jatimatic SMGs, APILAS anti armor rockets and
Igla MANPADs for dealing with any threat on the battlefield. These crazily spelled SF recon teams are
just as crazy in the field and cam demolish most tanks, infantry and aircraft. Although they don't
perform as well as MG/GL/napalm launcher SF units against infantry, they can still do a hell of a lot of
damage to them as well as crack open top tier tanks and shoot down an aircraft or two. These units
are great for observing hostile units, agressively hunting behind the lines as well as supporting
friendly dug in infantry and other units spot targets as well as destroy any that get within their range.

Price: 35 points


Unarmed recon jeep with a high speed, very good optics and no armor or armament to speak of.
These units can help see targets for friendly forces at greater ranges so they can engage them first
as well as covert observation from concealed positions. Their low strength of 5 and no armor means
these units are bet kept out of the fight directly and can use their high speed to GTFO if the need

Price: 25 points


Unique recon quad bike with 3 strength and very good stealth. This unit offers more concealment
then similar vehicles, making it harder to detect. It is also very fragile at only 3 strength but offers
higher speed then stealthier recon infantry (when on foot). They provide a very distinct capability that
is unlike anything else in game and stand out as a great discrete, fast and efficient recon unit.

Price: 30 points

PT-76B Tiedpsv

Light amphibious recon tank with a 76mm HEAT firing auto loaded main gun. These units are great
options when you need tough fighting, go anywhere recon units that can fight side by side with
standard tanks. They can both deploy on their own to scout and hunt behind the lines as well as
aggressively support armored formations and can actually fight back against hostile armor where
most recon units would simply observe targets.

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Price: 15 points

T-55M Pionpsv

Up armored recon T-55 that has overall better stats then most of it's counterparts in other nations
inventory. The powerful 100mm main gun and NSVT HMG are useful for taking out armor and can be
used for fire support when needed. These tanks have very good optics so they can not only fight with
friendly armor but scout for them as well. They are very durable recon units and although lack the
HEAT ammo and amphibious capability of the PT-76 they make up for it in thicker armor and better

Price: 65 points


Shock recon troops with a mix of powerful sort and long range small arms and decent AT. They carry
the Suomi KP SMGs, Raikka RPGs and SVD DMRs into battle and can aggressively scout or
discreetly observe hostile units. They have a variety of transport options that give them different tools
for different types of insertion depending on the mission requirements.

Price: 20 points

Finnish Vehicles
BTR-50 Vigilant

Amphibious lightly armored ATGM vehicle with short ranged but powerful Vigilant missiles. Good for
picking off lighter tanks and AFVs, these inexpensive tank destroyers are very useful for helping
protect infantry and their transports as well as assisting tanks take on hostile armor. They make great
ambush weapons and due to their ability to swim they can easily keep up with other amphibious units
without the need of bridges.

Price: 15 points

XA-180 Pstpsajon

Fast wheeled amphibious ATGM unit with a single tube I-TOW launcher. They can keep up easily with
your transport and SAM XA derived units. The light armor and high speed makes these vehicles ease
for avoiding and evading enemy indirect fire, the main counter to ATGMs. It is a direct upgrade to the
Vigilant with better accuracy, range and ammo capacity. They work best when escorting fast moving
wheeled units and as AT ambushes.

Price: 40 points

XA-185 Pstpsajon

Prototype direct upgrade to the older 180, these ATGM vehicles are still fast, amphibious and lightly
armored and have newer more accurate, higher AP TOW-2s fired from a newer two tube launcher
that allows for faster follow up shots in exchange for slightly longer reload times. Overall these units
make great tank and AFV hunters and work well with other high speed units where they can quickly
blitzkrieg across the battlefield.

Price: 60 points


Classic WW 2 era tank destroyer made famous by the infamous "Stug life" memes. They have decent
armor (3 front, 2 side and 1 rear and top armor), a DT MMG and a 75mm main gun. These units have
poor autonomy and work best when supported by supply units but offer inexpensive fire support and

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AT options to lighter task forces. They can be deployed in large numbers and are the ultimate
ambush weapon due to their small size and high fire rate.

Price: 5 points

Terra Musti

Light amphibious TD/FSV packing the powerful musti 95mm RR onto the fast moving, amphibious
Terra truck. They work best when pared with infantry to support or as added firepower to armor
formations and amphibious assaults and raids. They have a large ammo supply for light RRs and can
easily help escort their logistic tab cousins on land and water if the need arises.

Price: 10 points

UAZ Pstohi

Basic light ATGM jeep packing 4 FAGOT missiles into a fast moving but fragile UAZ. These units can
use their speed to perform hit and run strikes on hostile tanks and AFVs. They are fairly dependent
on regular resupply to stay in the fight and their lack of armor and only 5 strength do limit their
performance somewhat but as long as they keep their distance from hostile units they are very
effective as ambush and hit and run units.

Price: 15 points

Finnish Helicopters

Prototype light attack helicopter mounting the TOW-2 ATGM on a MD 500 light helicopter. These
dedicated tank and AFV hunters have no armor, 4 strength and 4 missiles each, leaving them rather
exposed to AA and limiting their time on the front line. They work best in areas where hostile AA is
light and should have resupply units nearby to top off their pylons between engagements. Their
ATGMs can crack open most tanks in game in under 4 shots but when fighting higher end armor they
should either attack in pairs or hit them from the sides.

Price: 50 points


Classic Soviet MI-8 helicopter mounting 64 S-5M rockets. A great unit for dealing with mixed groups of
infantry and armor, their versatile rockets can put a lot of HE precisely on target with minimal risk of
hitting friendly units that are danger close. They do require the occasional break at a FOB or landed
near the back of the front lines to reload their pods.

Price: 40 points


Prototype upgrade to the older 8T, this version of the attack helicopter has 40 of the more powerful
and accurate S-80FP rockets and 2 Gsh-23L auto cannons for killing light armor, helicopters and soft
targets. The massive suppression of both weapons combined will heavily stun anything tough enough
to survive an initial volley. They deplete their ammo for both weapons quickly so rearming nearby at a
FOB or supply unit is fairly important to keep these units in the fight.

Price: 50 points

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Finnish Aircraft
Avia 28

IL-28 (Soviet original version of the Chinese copy, the B-5) with it's trademark defensive tail gun to rip
up any fighters unfortunate enough to enter gun range and a massive 15000 LB 24 HE bomb for
disintegration of ground targets. It has less bomb HE then the B-5 but higher ROF, more ammo and
greater suppression then the twin 30mm auto cannons on the B-5. Overall these units are still gravely
effective against soft and hard targets alike and very little can survive a near miss, let alone a direct

Price: 110 points


Slow moving, tank killing ground attack aircraft mounting two AS-11 AGMs for anti armor use. They
are somewhat slow and have low time on target but this can in some ways help them not over shoot a
target. They are very exposed to hostile fighters and have no defensive armament so care should be
taken to destroy AA and fighters should be used to protect them from hostile aircraft.

Price: 60 points

Hawk 51

Light multi role aircraft with a 30mm auto cannon pod, 2 FAB 500s with 15 HE each and 2 R-60
SRAAMs for killing planes or helos. These aircraft can deal with ground targets and aircraft with ease
but should only focus on one job at a time. If used for ground attack they can defend themselves but
work best when flying with escorts so they can focus on bombing targets.

Price: 60 points

J 35S

Fast moving ASF with a single 30mm auto cannon, 4 RB 27 Falcon MRAAMs and 2 AIM-9P 3
SRAAMs for use on helicopters and planes. They have no ECM and somewhat low time on target so
they should focus on intercepting fighters and bombers over your objectives and be cautious when
straying into hostile airspace without SEAD support. They work well in pairs as escorts for friendly
ground attack aircraft.

Price: 85 points

J 35F

Ground attack version of the J35 using 8 napalm bombs to touch infantry out of buildings and woods
and stun and even destroy armor with prolonged exposure. They are fast aircraft but with no ECM so
care should be taken to clear the AA out first if possible or fly with SEAD escorts. They still have a
30mm auto cannon for self defense and helicopter hunting but work best when flying with an escort of
their fighter cousins or other ASFs.

Price: 90 points

J 35FS

Multi role aircraft with a 30mm auto cannon, 12 135mm rockets and 2 RB 28 Falcon SRAAMs allowing
them to rip out ground targets and blow hostile aircraft out of the sky. They can put a ton of HE
damage on a pinpoint target where bombs would be danger close to friendly forces and work best
when used on soft targets (although they can damage and destroy armor) and can defend

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themselves if needed but when flying ground attack missions they work best with fighter escorts. They
can be used as light fighters and helo hunters if needed and their multi role nature lets them fill a lot
of roles in one deck slot.

Price: 60 points


Ground attack MIG-21 using 36 SNEB rockets and a 23mm auto cannon for helo hunting or self
defense. They are best used against point targets such as infantry, and soft/lightly armored ground
units. They have very high speed and 10% ECM allowing them to dip into the battle space, dump
their pods into an unfortunate target then GTFO before any fighters can react.

Price: 70 points


ASF model of the MIG-21 mixing a 23mm auto cannon with a mix of eastern made R-60s and western
AIM-9E SRAAMs, 4 and 2 of each respectively. They have 30% ECM, high speed, very good air
detection and decent turn radius to assist with dog fighting and shooting down helos. They also work
well with MRAAM armed fighters to help finish off anything pegged with their longer ranged weapons.

Price: 90 points

MIG-29 9.13

Soviet made ASF with two F&F MRAAMs and a 30mm auto cannon, these fighters work best as hit
and run interceptors that can dump their missiles then bail. They can dogfight if needed and have a
good turn radius, 40% ECM and a high air speed. They work really well when deployed alongside
friendly fighters with additional SRAAM armament.

Price: 110 points


Prototype American made ASF with a 20mm vulcan auto cannon, 2 AIM-9C SRAAMs and 6 AIM-120A
F&F MRAAMS. These are the best fighters in Finnish inventory and offer exceptional air detection,
50% ECM and long time on target in addition to great turn radius. They can go toe to toe with the
best of the best fighters and can even hold their own against small flights of hostile ground attack
aircraft due to their large missile load.

Price: 170 points

74 Comments < 1 >

Lindsey Ray Jun 27 @ 9:24pm


bobbobersin [author] May 30 @ 3:14pm

Wait what do you mean by the phram?

bobbobersin [author] May 30 @ 3:11pm

thank you for catching that, I'm going to start working on the guide over the upcoming week as soon
as I'm done with my summer course work for the week.

Captain Fubar May 27 @ 11:22pm

nice work but you're missing the the phram for east german vehicle tab

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bobbobersin [author] May 10 @ 8:50pm
Quick update guys, semester is over, will be working on modernizeing, updateing and fine tuneing
the guide over the next few months, thank ya'll for the continued support.

bobbobersin [author] Mar 13 @ 11:47am

The real payoff of projects like this guide are not just fulfilling a personal passion but also the loving
response of a dedicated community. We really do appreciate the feedback from those who read our
guide, which wouldn't even be close to completion if it was not for your collective interest and
support. The real thank you is owed to the readers who push us to improve the content of our guide.
Although things have been somewhat quiet (we haven't given up on the guide, just have been busy
with academics and work) we still plan on overhauling and updating the guide to stay in line with the
current and future builds of the game and are always welcome to community input.

Purphoros Mar 12 @ 11:53am

I haven't had a chance to read all of this (for obvious reasons) but people like you are why I love the
online community for any game. An obsession to catagorize and list the pros and cons and a little
history is something I respect to the highest degree. Nice work.

bobbobersin [author] Mar 6 @ 5:34pm

On a good day I could do about a section or two over the summer but as the semester started it kind
of took a bit longer, all dependent on academic commitments.

Admiral Obvious [author] Mar 5 @ 6:28pm

I remember writing everything down up to Canada, and the Czech l, the way I was doing the guide
initially solo, and that took a few months of on and off writing. Then I got bored and sort of forgot the
guide. A month later, bobbobersin asked to help out, he added friends, and here we are now.

Averof Mar 5 @ 5:05pm

fuckin beutifull, i am curious though as to how long did all of this take to write down

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