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Stevens Career Report

1. My Top 15 Jobs
1. Bellhop 6. Mover 11. Dental Assistant
2. Flight Attendant 7. Hospital Service Worker 12. Pet Groomer
3. Lifeguard 8. Automotive Painter 13. Autobody Repairer
4. Pest Control 9. Animal Caretaker 14. Massage Therapist
5. Optician 10. Kinesiologist 15. Animal Trainer

2. Top 2 jobs

Top 2 Jobs I am most interested in

1. Lifeguard

2. Kinesiologist

3. Go to the Interviews on the left side menu. Click on Likes and Dislikes and report on 2 likes and 2 dislikes
from each interview. (See top right of interview page.) Report in point form below. Include your own likes
and dislikes

Likes Dislikes

1. Working with the public 1. The hours of the job

2. Meeting new people 2. Lack of job security
3. Working by the water 3. Must work mainly in evenings and weekends
4. Saving people in need 4. Always potential for danger

Likes Dislikes

1. Helping people 1. Decrease in government support

2. Receiving gifts from people 2. Not always getting professional recognition
3. Working on own schedule 3. Financial insecurity
4. Teaching public about personal safety 4. Some people are stubborn

4. In the interview section, there are many gems or insights each interviewee has shared. For each of the
questions below, give some great advice or information.
Career #1 Lifeguard

a) Can you tell me about your background and how you got into this field?
Always wanted to be a teacher and loved swimming
Volunteered at local pool
Eventually landed a job
b) What personal characteristics are required for someone to be successful in your job?
c) What other jobs could you do with the skills you have gained in this field?
Human resources
Parks and recreation
d) Are there many opportunities in your field? What should people do to get started?
Volunteer at a local pool
Take necessary courses
Get experience and qualifications

Career #2: Kinesiologist

e) Can you tell me about your background and how you got into this field?
Always really liked helping people
Got a Bachelor of Science degree in human kinetics and biology
Went into fitness industry
Noticed many people were getting hurt, thought I could help them
Became a kinesiologist
f) What personal characteristics are required for someone to be successful in your job?
g) What other jobs could you do with the skills you have gained in this field?
Fitness instructor
Personal Trainer
Fitness product person
Long-term care worker
Chronic pain treatment specialist
h) Are there many opportunities in your field? What should people do to get started?
Not a lot of opportunities due to decreased government funding
Should become a member of local kinesiology association
Should volunteer first at a place where you want to work
5. Go to Education on the left side menu. This will take A LOT OF TIME TO RESEARCH & it is important to see
the options available to you.


Program Health and Health and Recreation, Recreation, Diving,

Fitness Fitness Fitness, and Fitness, and Professional,
Education Education Sport Sport and Instructor
Management Management Training
School Douglas Thompson Capilano University of Capilano
College River University Victoria University
Degree Post- Professional Diploma Masters Certificate
Graduate Degree Degree
Length 2 Years 3 Years 16 Months 1-3 years 8 months

Cost Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Depends on Unspecified

the length of
time in the
Right Fit? Yes, because Maybe, Yes, because Yes, because No, because I
it teaches the because the it will teach this course believe this
necessary program is a skills allows for course covers
skills for a little longer necessary for fast-track knowledge
lifeguard. and might a lifeguard to learning, not required
cover more have. allowing me of a lifeguard.
than a to work
lifeguard sooner.
would need.

I believe that the Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Management program at the University of Victoria would
be the best fit for me.


Program Kinesiology, Kinesiology, Kinesiology, Physiology Physical

Exercise Exercise Exercise Therapy
Science Science Science
School Capilano Camosun Douglas University of University of
University College College British British
Columbia Columbia
Degree Diploma Diploma Diploma Undergraduate Masters
Degree Degree
Length 2 years 2 years 2 years 4 years 2 years

Cost Unspecified 3850 Dollars 2874 Dollars 7118 Dollars Unspecified

Right Fit? Yes, because Yes, because Yes, because Maybe, Yes, because
the course the course the course because it is it covers the
covers exactly covers exactly covers exactly twice as long information I
the the the and costs would need
knowledge I knowledge I knowledge I twice as much to become a
would need. would need. would need. as many of the kinesiologist.

I believe that the Physical Therapy program at the University of British Columbia would be the best fit for

6a) Lifeguard: Recreation, Fitness, and Sport Management

I found it interesting because I have been to many recreation and fitness centers and wonder about how
they function. It is also good to know if I do become a lifeguard. The program at the University of Victoria also lets
me dictate how fast I cover the required material; I enjoy learning at my own pace.

6b) Kinesiologist: Physical Therapy

The thing about this program that I liked is that it teaches skill not only necessary for becoming a
kinesiologist, but also for many other medical jobs and personal health. It teaches about how the body works and
how to help the body heal when it is injured. This will allow me to help others when they are hurt and myself if I get

7. Grade 11 and 12 courses I will need to take

Career 1: Lifeguard
Grade 11 Grade 12
English English
Mathematics Mathematics
Biology Biology
Chemistry Chemistry
Social Studies Social Studies
Health & Physical Education Health & Physical Education

Career 2: Kinesiologist
Grade 11 Grade 12
English English
Mathematics Algebra & Geometry
Probability & Statistics Calculus
Biology Biology
Chemistry Chemistry
Physics Physics
Social Studies Social Studies
Health & Physical Education Health & Physical Education
8. Final Reflection. Answer these questions underneath each question. Format neatly. Your response should be
longer and deeper than this.

What did I find interesting in this assignment?

I found the first quiz part of the assignment the most interesting. It was fun to see which careers the survey
thought I should be pursuing. Even though I wouldnt consider all the careers on the list, it did list out quite a few
that I have already been thinking about. There were also some careers on the list that I hadnt thought of before,
but required the same skills as the careers I was already interested in. This got me thinking more and got me to
start researching some of them, such as kinesiologist.

What did I learn doing this assignment?

I learned about some new possible careers and how to pursue them. I learned which schools I could
attend to take the programs I would need for my job. I also learned that not all programs at these schools take the
same amount of time to finish. It was also enlightening to learn what some employees who already have that job
say about it. They mentioned a lot of advantages and disadvantages to the job that I never wouldve thought of.
The interviews with them also showed me how they got to their current positions and how they feel about the job. If
I ever wanted a job in the future, I would definitely use this website to search the job up or use a similar program to
find information about the job.

What programs will I possibly want to take? (This is a summary of your research)

I would take the physical therapy program if I could. It covers subjects such as body movement and health.
What I really find interesting about this program is that it also covers how to use stretching and certain movements
to aid the body in the healing process. I find that topic fascinating.

What did I like and dislike about the programs?

What I liked about the programs was the variety of them. There seems to be a program for every interest and
every career, which means that I will probably find something to fit my interests as well. I also like how the courses
teach skills not only necessary for working, but also skills that could be useful in day-to-day life as well. The
courses also cover a large quantity of knowledge, meaning that they could be useful in multiple jobs. I disliked the
fact that many of these programs did not openly list their cost. This makes me nervous about how much I really
need to spend. I also disliked how many of these programs had a set timeframe. This means that I cant learn on
my own pace, which I feel is important.

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