Informal Self Exploration

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Informal Self-Exploration:

A variety of informal technique is open to individuals in their self exploration journey.

Data gathering Device

Informal Self-Exploration
Informal Self assessment programs

Self Help book, CD-ROMS & Audio-video tape

Data Gathering Device:

Written Interview: A personal life story including

Educational experience
Work experience
Significant people in ones life
Turning points
Key decision and
Projection into the future

24 Hour Dairy: A blow by blow account of two 24 hour periods, one on weekday and other on the

Life Style Representation: A narrative and pictorial portrayal of ones life.

Other informal Self assessment programs have include the following activities:

Ranking significant work values

Analyzing peak (high and low) experiences in life
Developing a present and future obituary notice (obituary means short biography)
Analyzing one current job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Describing an ideal job
Fantasizing about ones future life

There are also several self help books, CD-ROMs and audio/video tapes that are available
commercially that are designed to assist individuals in better understanding themselves.

One of the most well known books is Richard N. Bolies book What color is your parachute? This
book is published annually since 1970.
It focuses on such factor:

Preferred work setting

Favorite skills
Favorite types of people and things
Favorite kinds of information and
Preferred reward and outcomes

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