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Noise or Barriers

This pertains to something that can distort the sending and receiving of message. There are so many
factors that can block effective communication process


Refers to conspicuous disruptions in the environment that make it difficult to hear or listen. This
includes the environmental noise or background noise


Refers to the emotions, mood, knowledge, or other mechanisms within the speaker that can impede the
speakers or receivers ability to express and to understand.


Refers to the ability of the receiver to understand the meaning of the words. It is very important to use
appropriate words and phrases the receiver understand


This is related to the receivers background, perception, values, biases, needs and expectations.

Areas that may affect communication


It is the foundation of all communication. Without sincerity and honesty, all attempts at communication
well will surely fail.


It is your ability to put oneself into someones shoes. If you can see the world through the eyes of
others, you will surely be a good conversationalist.


How we see ourselves affects our ability to communicate effectively

Role Perception

It is very important for us to know our role, and the importance of our role as a person, as a student, as
a daughter/son. This will guide us when to communicate, whom to communicate with, and what to

Listening Ability

You will not fail to understand the message of the sender when you know how to listen attentively

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