Hotel Reservation System

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In Nigeria today and other countries, hotel business has become more sophisticated
than it was years ago. Hotel business was developed to solve problems of
accommodation of visitors and for recreation purpose.
Thousands of people travel from their countries to other countries in search of jobs
and business transaction. They always become anxious of where to lodge or sleep
for a specific time. Hence mans quest for solving this problem has result in
development of hotel in order to eradicate the problem of accommodation.

Therefore a hotel is a building where people stay usually for short period of time
paying for their rooms and meals. There are different categories of hotel they
Two star, three stars, four stars, five stars, Restaurant, Resort, Motel.
Five star hotel business include single room, suite, double room etc. In restaurant
refreshment services are rendered to visitors. On the other hand, reservation and
booking system has long been done manually such that one may wonder how to
cope with recent development and increase in tourism. Hence there is need for
hotel prospectus to change from manual system which is time consuming and
labour intensive to computerized methods. Thus, this project aims at finding
system approach to computerize the hotel reservation and booking system so that
data can be processed at high speed.

The following data can be input into computer; they are customer name, Room
number, Occupation, Date of arrival, Date of departure.

These input data can be save into the system, thus ones time is save from going
through numerous files. When information are needed, the file used to save the
information can be called if there is a need for file maintenance or updating


The use of manual methods in hotel is tiresome, burdensome and time consuming.
The manual methods of reservation is prone to errors, therefore a computerized
version should be adopted in hotels because involves less human effort, it is
efficient, reliable and data are process at a very high speed.

In Newton hotel, customers are allocated to their desired accommodation by the

use of reservation form. This reservation form create a lot of problems, it needs
more human effort and it also prone to error. Therefore the personal department is
face with more task of file maintenance.

File maintenance is an act of amending deleting and adding of standing data on a

reference or master file some of the information contained in the reservation form
include: room number, account number, daily rate, Guests name, number in party,
Nationality, Occupation, Identification: passport no, address in full(office or
residence), Nature of visit business/pleasure,
Date of arrival time.,
Date of address.

The receptionist always keeps the record of the number of occupied or unoccupied
rooms on a source document so as to know where to allocate a quest to. Thus the
information gathered from the guest consumes time. They are inaccurate and
untimely. Therefore to avoid this method a better method can be adopted which
involves computerizing the reservation and booking system. The computerized
version will consume less time, is easier to operate, it is more efficient and more

The main objective of this research is to provide an automatic system which will
help to speed up services rendered to guest. In this research we shall aim at
modeling a web-based hotel information system for booking and reservation.
Therefore, the presence of these computerized systems will help to update file
accurately, hence reservation terminal can be linked to other offices in the hotel.
After the data or information of a guest or customer has been collected (this data
include room number, guests name, date arrived, departure time) they are process
by the computer, the output file will be produce which consist of guests name room
number, departure time and date arrived etc. is updated and it is then used fro
report making or accounting. These report obtain from the updated file can be used
for auditing by their board of director.


Computerizing of hotel increases the speed which access is made to data. Hence
data can be retrieved or processed when necessary.
Furthermore in computerize hotel reservation and booking system, data is;
a. Collected in full with accuracy.
b. Generated at appropriate time.
c. Kept up-to date and accurate in file.
d. Process properly accurately to provide good information.


The extent to be covered in this project is modeling of a web-based hotel

management system for booking and reservation.

Realizing the financial and time constraints usually associated with students in
project of this nature, there is no research carried out that does not experience some
difficulties. This work is no exception; the following factors posed serious
limitations to the research work.
Financial constraints: a study like this nature is expected to be carried out
on a broader base but because of lack of funds required, some function and
programs could not be applied.
Time constraint: in the course of the study, time posed a serious problem in
carrying out the test. The duration given for the conduct of this study was
Non-availability of materials: during the course of this research, there were
non-availability of some critical documents and materials which were
classified as confidential.
Unlimited power supplier: due to poor adequate power supplier especially
in this community (Umuagwo), student cannot power their devices for
necessary research and programming.


System: a set of computer components i.e. in assembly of Computer hardware,
Software and peripherals functioning together.
Hotel: commercial establishment that provides lodging, food, and other services to
the public.
Information: Data that has been worked upon and processed that is mean fully.

Information System: It is a collection of procedures, people, Instructions and

equipment to produce information in a useful form.
Lodge: providing temporary accommodations, e.g. as a vacation home or a
temporary shelter for travelers, tourists etc.

Booking: an arrangement by which something such as a theater seat or hotel room
is kept for somebody's use at a specific time.
Reservation: an advance booking, e.g. of a seat, hotel room, or ticket.


Literally, the word reservation denotes keeping something for somebody. The new
lexicon Websters dictionary of English language (1988 edition) defines
reservation as the engagement in advance of a hotel room theatre seat etc, and
recording of such engaging. Also, the oxford advance learners dictionary (2000
edition) defined reservation as keeping of seat room etc in advance for somebody.
The oxford advance learners dictionary (2000 edition) defined hotel as a building
where rooms and usually meals are provided for people in reform for payment,
types of hotels include motels resort and commercial hotels. Hotels reservation is
therefore the keeping or engaging rooms or other facilities offered by a hotel for
A hotel reservation system, commonly known as a central reservation system
(CRS) is a computerized system that stores and distributes information of a hotel,
resort or other lodging facilities. A CRS offers assistance to hoteliers to manage all
of their online marketing and sales where they can upload their rates and service
availabilities to be seen by sales channels. The lists of main modules that are
present in a CRS are: Content, Information stored on a CRS and Reporting.
Content consists of Reservations, Profiles, Groups and Blocks, Rate and Inventory
Control, Administration, Global Distribution Interface, Web-based Interface.
Information commonly stored in a CRS consists of Room Types, Rate plans
architecture, Room rates and conditions (guarantee, deposit, customized
cancellation rules, minimum length of stay, maximum length of stay, closed to
arrival, arrival not allowed, departure not allowed, ), Room inventories, Generic
hotel information (address, phone number, fax number), Reservation information.

The CRS Reporting module provides a number of standard reports. System reports
may be generated automatically and may be run daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. It
includes Expected Arrivals, Reservation, Property Forecast, Total Booking
Activity, Stay Activity, Monthly Booking Activity, Daily Booking Activity and
Property Detail.

2.2.1 Hotel Reservation System

The hotel reservation system is synonymous with hotel booking system. It entails
recording of customers information informs. According to S. Meldick (1972)
former professor and head of department of university of Turkey in his book title
idea on catering and hotels management (1972) stated that it has been estimated
that in 1937 about 15 million people or about one third of British population, took
some holiday from home. In the 1950s the members. Increased from about 23 to
about 30 million that is from 45% to about 60% of the population and a growing
number of building were taken abroad therefore necessitating the need for them to
lodge in hotels. Despite the tremendous increase recording information in forms.
Nowadays most hotels have adopted the use of special software in their reservation
system. Advance in technology has made hotel reservation system to posses
qualities that makes reservation work easier for both hotels and their customer
these qualities are:
1. Possession of better and more reliable means of data gathering as long as
room reservation is concerned
2. Accuracy and speed in data processing
3. Easy accessing and retrieving of information stored in the system.
4. Ability to store large volume of information
5. Generation and production of information and report required by the
management fro decision making
6. Possession information about the status of each room at any time.

7. Maintain of data integrity.
8. Adaptability: the ability to be used for variety of purposes etc

Reservation system that posses the above qualities are called automated reservation
system. Online offline booking system, are two types of booking system in
automated reservation system. In off line booking system the customer must go to
the hotels for necessary negotiation or contact the reservation clerk by telephone or
correspondence and pay a non refundable deposit before the reservation of any
room is done. Unlike the off-line booking system booking can be done anywhere
with the aid of internet in online booking system. Payment is done with credit or
check cards with visa or master card Lagos.

According to a report from the highland group after analyzing Atlanta USA stated
that much like in the late 1990s and early 2000s when hotel business was going
through a tremendous growth the segment showed signs of a development
explosion in the first half of 004 the report of this highland group emphasized on
the impact hotel business has created in Atlanta USA and other parts of the world
thereby necessitating efficiency in reservation systems.

2.2.2 Motels
According to Sudhir Andrews (1975) in this book hose keeping management stated
that the principle characteristics of motels are accessibility and convenient for
motorist. Hence they are most located on the fringe of cities and near major ways.
Motels otherwise called motor inns are increasing in number throughout the world.
Their evaluation and growth have been in direct proportion to the population of
private cars. Motels are established in various sizes and styles often with
swimming pools restaurants and service stations. They always have large species
for the parking of vehicles example of motels are; Oguta motels and Mount Royal
hotel Owerri.

2.2.3 Resort Hotels
Resort hotels offers entertainment swimming pools, private beaches, tennis court
and other recreational facilities. According to M.J. Boella (1978) in her book
economic decision making in hotel stated that resort hotels by their operation are
usually located on areas popular for their national tourist attractions and not
necessary in major cities and complementing city hotels. Large destination resorts
are consist of large them properties with additional amenities and large as a hotel
connected to an indoor water park with a minimum of 10,000 square feet of indoor
water park space including amenities such as slides and tubs.
There are 40 indoor water park resort open in the limited states with the vast
majority located in Wisconsin. In addition there are five indoor water park resorts
open in Canada. Ten indoor water park additions or new construction project are
expected to open in 2009. Eight are expansion of existing facilities and two are
new construction destination resorts. According to Knink Kinsell, senior vice
president of trenching and business development for the Americas he said there
are 60 proposed in door water park resorts with an Average of 45, 750 square feet
of indoor water park space under development in the united states. The Nike resort
Enugu is an example of resort hotel.

2.2.4 Commercial Hotels

According to S. Meldick (1982) in his book titled idea on catering and hotel
management 4th edition stated that commercial hotels are primarily established to
appeal to individuals traveling on business and tourists staying for a short time.
They provide comfortable accommodation ranging from modest first class
By the nature of their operation commercial hotels are usually situated nears
business district or town central in major cities examples of commercial hotels in
Nigeria includes the NICON MUGA Nigeria hotel in Abuja the EKO Meridian in

Lagos model Nigeria hotels Owerri Imo concord hotel Owerri Newton hotel
Owerri etc.
2.2.5 Overview of Commercial Hotel Reservation System
According to M. J. Boella in his book economic decision making in hotel (1986),
the personal record of individuals allocated to rooms in hotel should be carefully
designed for it to provide valuable information quickly and easily. Information can
get to the reservation system Clark through the following. Verbal conversation,
Correspondence, Telephone conversation, E-mail, Internet, the details of
information which are often required by the reservation clerk are:
Name of guest, Arrival time, Departure time and date, the guests address wanted,
Number of rooms wanted number and type of room wanted, does she/he wish to
stay single or double in the room? Etc.
2.2.6 Confirming Reservation
When the reservation is confirmed, guests are often asked to pay a non-refundable
deposit. A receipt is normally sent back with the confirmation to the guest. In case
of cancellation of the booking, the reservation procedure has to be reserved in that
case, the booking is crossed through in the diary. All details of booking and
cancellation are saved order the date of arrival of guest. And each types of room
have different rate and deposit.

2.2.7 Charting Reservation

Reservation chart has to be kept and checked to establish whether or not possible
to accept waiting list or even to be refused. The procedures for taking a booking
must be familiar to each reservation Clark and the step for each procedure must be
followed accurately.



In this stage the current system is investigated using techniques of observation,
interview, the system is also described analysis in terms of problems working
methods and bottle neck inefficiencies.


Research methodology involves the specification of procedure for collecting and
analyzing data necessary to define or solve the problem for which the research is
embarked upon. The scope of the research covers the hotel in particular.
1. Observation: Having chosen Newton hotel as my case study. It become
necessary to go and observed their operation. From observation I discovered that
the reservation clerk perform the following operation manually.
i. Entering of data into reservation form.
ii. Processing of data and storing of reservation record.
iii. Showing state of reservation.
2. Interview: on getting to Newton hotel I have series of interview and
discussion with the front office manager who is the overall boss in charge of
accommodation reservation. I had a number of interviews with the reservation
clerk who was ever ready. Friendly and willing to make every point clerk to me.
Among the question asked during the interview where:
i. What means is used in obtaining information from customer?
ii. What types of reservation system is used and what is the process involved in
iii. What type of device is used in keeping record etc.

According to Mrs. Gladys Okere, the reservation clerk of Newton hotel who told
me about the current system (Newton hotel) and the process of reservation in the
hotel. The finding are illustrated as follows to reach their customers needs, the
hotels has an efficient means of information gathering and dissemination during
the interview, I leant that information reaches them from their customer through
the following means; telephone conversation, Correspondence, E-mail, Verbal
conversation. If they received such information as a request for a room or more to
be reserved for a customer, the reservation clerk will demands for the following
information about the customer;

Name of the customer, Nationality, Occupation, Type of business/pleasure,

Address, Arrival time, Arrival date, Departure time, Departure date, Number of
room wanted.

The above information obtains either through telephone or any other means of
communication are noted on the reservation form. The reservation form of Newton
hotel is show below.

Reservation Form
Room no _____________
Account no ____________
Daily rate_____________
Guests name__________________________
Other names__________________________
Number in party adult ________Children ________Nationality _____________
Occupation __________________________
Address in full (office or residence) _____________
Date of arrival __________ Time _____________

Nature of visit business/pleasure _______________
Date of departure _____________Time ___________

3.3.1 Confirming Processing and Storing Of Reservation Form in Newton

When the information is noted on the reservation form it will then be confirm to
ensure that information obtain is accurately recorded, there after the guest will be
asked to pay a non refundable deposit. After the payment receipt is normally given
to the guest together with the reservation form the processing of receipt is done
manually. If any error occurs during entering of data or processing of the
reservation form/ receipt, the reservation procedure will be reserved. In this case
the booking is concealing in the diary. All details of reservation and booking are
saved under the date of arrival of the guest in a diary. Below are room types and
prices form
Room type rate (in naira)
Luxury Suite 1500
Deluxe single 1800
Luxury Suite(2 adults) 1750
Double rooms 3000

All rate the subjected to 10% charge. All reservation normally takes effect from
1.00am and checked is not later than 12.00pm. On checking out a clearance from
house keeper on exit is obtain.

3.3.2 Problems of the Existing System

At Newton hotel, a reservation chart is kept and checked to enable the clerk to
know the state of reservation. The procedure for undergoing the booking and
reservation process must be familiar to each clerk and the step for each procedure
must be followed accurately.

The problems of manual reservation and booking system of Newton hotel is
summaries below.
1. Manual reservation system requires more human effort in recording and
processing of data.
2. Poor storage device
3. Poor processing method
4. Manual reservation and booking system consume more time.
5. Poor user interface.
6. Inefficient method of collecting data

3.3.3 Justification for the New System

The invention of computer in our world today has greatly improved the method
and procedure through which people do things. Hence, this research aim at
employing computer to perform the reservation system that is efficient required
less human effort, less time consuming and more reliable.

Hence the provision of computerized reservation and booking system will help in
operation ensuring that data is enter procedure and output accurately and in high
speed so as to meet the needs of customers. The new system (computerized
reservation and booking system) at least must be able to achieve the following
1. It should be also to give information and status of room instantly.
2. It should be able to generate and procedure report required by the
management for decision making
3. Maintain data integrity.
4. It should be able to provide a better and more reliable means of gathering
data as long as room reservation is concern

5. Versatility, the system should be able to carry out different operations.
Different problems encounter in the hotel should be solve by the system and
information obtain should satisfy the user.
6. Capacity, the system should be able to store a large volume if data or
information and it should be able to produce information when needed.

Finally the system should process data accurately and at optimum speed.

3.3.4 Main Objective of the New Web-Based System

The modeled web-based hotel management information system for booking and
reservation must at least be able to carry out the following objective.
1. Provide a better and more reliable means of gathering information.
2. It should be maintain data integrity.
3. General information required by management for decision making.
4. Give instant information and feedback on room status in the final.
5. Analysis the new system must combine both speed and accuracy in data

3.3.5 System Design

System design is the stage in which user or system requirement and specification
are partitioned into hardware and soft ware system. The input and output
requirement and file are obtained to produce a mode of an entity that will later be


Requirement specification is a formal process that seeks to understand the problem
that the software will address and to document in detail what the software system
needs to do. This phase involves close interaction between users and developers.
From my own requirement specification what this program will do are;

To store customer name and their Room number.
Each customer can book a room via the hotels online booking service.
The booked room number will be store in a database.
At any point in time the hotel management can check the database for
reserved rooms.

3.4.1 Functional Requirements

The following are the desired functionality of the system;
The system must have a registration layout where each customer has be
given access to book a room online.
There must be a login.
The system must have a storing database.
Allow guests to fill their course forms online

Enable management to check the database online.

Also update the database regularly.

3.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

The system cannot allow two customers to book the same room.


An analysis model is a structural model that is created from a physical model. It
is use for analysis structural behavior and load bearing, and for design.

3.5.1 Use Case Diagrams

Fig. 3.1 Use Case Diagram

3.5.2 Activity Diagram

Fig. 3.2 Activity Diagram


System Architecture is the model that defines the structure, behavior, and more
views of a system. An architecture description of a system, organized in a way that
supports reasoning about the structures and behaviors of the system.

3.6.1 Physical Architecture
The system is implemented using a three-tier architecture that comprises of user
interface, process management and DBMS as illustrated below.

Presentation Customer List

Tier Customer (Web User
Web Form Control)

Customer Data Customer Type in

your Data

Data Tier SQL Get Student

server stored (Stored procedure)

Data SQL Customer (Table)


Fig. 3.3 Physical Architecture


This figure shows the logical flow of events in the system, it caters for the time
when the user logs in and signs out from the system.


Welcome screen

Pa & =Ann

Input Enter
your password,

1 = m+1 Is Pas &

= Pas & 1
Display main

Print access
denied If t% = 1 then

CLS If t% = 2 then

If t% = 3 then
Is Print The
M=3 program has If t% = 4 then
terminate due to
unidentified user
If t% = 5 then

If t% = 7 then
Fig. 3.4 System Flow Chart

This is an object model that describes the realization of the use cases, and serves as
an abstraction of the implementation and its source code.


Fig. 3.5 Class Diagram


Fig. 3.5 User Interface Diagram


Fig. 3.6 Data Management Diagram


UML Modeling Tools: this is a general purpose development modeling language in
the field of software engineering which is intended to provide a standard way to
virtualize the design of a system which is used in this project. These tools include;
Visual Paradigm UML Tool
Argo UML Tool
Borland Together UML Tools
Eclipse UML Tool etc.



Implementation of the system involves the writing of computer program, testing
and eventually changeover to the new system. The software design is now realized
as a set of program design are written in the executable programming languages.

In the implementation stage the old system is converted to a new system, this
conversion makes the system call for an improvement or a modified software
package version. This therefore will run in a computer, which has above 5.2k bytes
free memory space. This will replace the tedious nature of having to do with duty
manually and less time will be utilized.


This section describes what is evolves to come up with the system and how the
system works.
Front end: Html (hyper text makeup language) enable the construction of easy
and intuitive user interface for accessing the database and any browser can display
and html document.
Middle end: php enables links of the text entered in the created graphic user
interface to be sent to the database

Back end: Mysql its easy to use, inexpensive database language it can run on a
variety of operating system such as; windows, Linux, Unix, os/2 and others , its

secured with technical support widely available on the internet but most of all it
support large database.


This section describes the hardware components and software requirements
needed for effective and efficient running of the system.
Hardware Specification:
Processor: 2.4GHZ processor speed.
Memory: 128MB RAM [256MB Recommended].
Disk Space: 80GB [including 20GB for database Management System].
Display: 800 x 600 colors [1024 x 768 High color- 16 bit Recommended].
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units.
It should be internet ready.

These listed configurations are the minimum requirements but if the

configurations are higher the reports derived will definitely be better and the
program will run much faster.

Software Specification:
Operating System: Windows7 or higher version for faster processing.
Database Management System: MYSQL
Run-time Environment: Apache/Tomcat5 server.


PHP (hypertext preprocessor) PHP is a server-side scripting language designed

specifically for the web. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to
write dynamically. PHP allows interfacing too many different database systems
that provides an open database connectivity standard (ODBC) such as; MySQL,

Oracle, Microsoft products and others. Other advantages are low cost and
availability. PHP is portable across multiple platforms and is created as an open-
MySQL (My Structured Query Language)
MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that
uses Structured Query Language (SQL), the most popular language for adding,
accessing, and processing data in a database. MySQL is noted mainly for its speed,
reliability, and flexibility. It is fast, robust and scalable relational database
management system. My SQL is a true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL (structured
programming language) database server.

Apache web server

The apache web server is the software that responds to client requests by
providing resources, such as XHTML documents. Apache has other powerful
features included in a large set of modules, including mod Perl, and many
authentication modules.


Testing was done after the system was put in place. This was done in two ways
namely Unit Testing and integration testing.
The purpose of the software test plan is such as:

To achieve the correct code and ensure all Functional and Design
Requirements are implemented as specified in the documentation.

To provide a procedure for Unit and System Testing.

To identify the test methods for Unit and System Testing.

4.5.1 Process of Test Plan
Identify the requirements to be tested. All test cases shall be derived using
the current design specification.

Identify particular test to use to test each module.

Identify the expected results for each test.

Perform the test.

Document the test data, test cases used during the testing process.

The following explain the ways in which testing is done

4.5.2 Unit Testing

Unit testing was carried out on individual modules of the system to ensure that
they are fully functional units. We did this by examining each unit, for example the
Underwriters page. It was checked to ensure that it functions as required and that
it adds patients data and other details and also ensured that this data is sent to the
database. The success of each individual unit gave us the go ahead to carryout
integration testing. All identified errors were dealt with.

4.5.3 Integration Testing

We carried out integration testing after different modules had been put together to
make a complete system. Integration was aimed at ensuring that modules are
compatible and they can be integrated to form a complete working system. For
example we tested to ensure that when a user is logged in, he/she is linked to the
appropriate page, and also could access the database.
4.5.4 Output

The output form is designed to generate printable reports from the database. The
output is placed on a database grid and contains information on patients records.
The output produced can be printed on a hard copy or viewed on the screen. The
output generated includes: Customer file, Bill Record, Customer Details etc.


The hotel reservation system is to hotel industry as what the nervous system is to
the body. In fact to meet the good standard of service required of hotels, its
management should employ the services of this web-based hotels reservation
system. The system in which reservation is manually operated is not only time
consuming but also very inefficient and energy sapping, thereby exposing the
hotels to greater risk of being duped by some dubious minded employees. It is
therefore the intention of the new system (the computerized version) to eliminate
the entire shortcoming as listed above. Its major objective is to provide
management with an automated information system with minimum time lag, to
provide customers with a world standard service as demand by growing guest
Computerized hotel reservation system is very simple to operates it is very flexible
and facilities changes. This new system is designed and built with quality and
reliability paramount in mind maintenance cost is projected to the barest minimum.

In view of numerous advantages associated with the uses of computerized hotel
reservation and booking system, I therefore recommend the uses of the system in

Newton hotel. This will enhance the hotel and then eradicate loss and delay in
processing of data.

I also recommend the employment of computer personnels to ensure effective and

efficient management of the computerized system. The staff that will make use of
the new system will be educated on the uses and application of the system. This
would be achieved by organizing seminars, workshops and sending the staff on
course concerning the computerized system. The system shall be subjected to
review determined whether the new system introduced has achieved it aims.
Change over procedure should be done in phrase to avoid the total collapse of the
system. Finally, constant power supply to the new system should be ensured for
effective and proper functioning of the system.

Computer is fast changing the methods of operation by replacing the drudgery of
manual system and quickening the achievement of result. Its use cuts across all
areas of human endeavors from the simplest chore to the most complex operations.
It is worth mentioning at this point that this system if implemented will be efficient
and more reliable when compared with the old system as it eliminates all the
handicaps inherent in the old system as new and better facilities are introduced to
meet with current trends.


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