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EpilEpsy Warning

Please read this caution before you, or your child, commence play of a videogame
: Certain people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or lose consciousness aft
er exposure to flashing lights or light patterns in our daily lives. Such people
may have a seizure while watching particular televised images or when they play
some videogames. This phenomenon may appear even if the subject has no previous
history of seizures. If you or a member of your family has ever had symptoms re
lated to epilepsy (seizures or loss of awareness) when exposed to flashing light
s, please consult your doctor prior to use. We advise parents to supervise their
children when playing videogames. If you or your child experiences any of the f
ollowing symptoms while playing a videogame: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or m
uscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or c
onvulsion IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your doctor. Standard Precauti
ons When Playing Videogames: • Do not stand or sit too close to the screen. Posi
tion yourself as far away from the screen as possible. • Play videogames on a sm
all screen (preferably). • Avoid playing if you are tired. • Make sure that the
room in which you are playing is well lit. • Rest for 10 to 15 minutes for every
hour you play.
IntroductIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 4 the technIcal Part . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 6
SyStem requIrementS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 6 InStallatIon . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 6 Start game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 navIgatIng the menu . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 7 game controlS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ProPertIeS . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 15 develoPment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 your home
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 actIonS . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 19 Inventory & equIPment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 buSIneSS . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 20 trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 goodS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Favour . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 27 dIPlomacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 FamI
ly & chIldren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 28 the town councIl . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 rIght & w
rong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 33 about lIFe and death . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 arm yourSelF .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 36 duelS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 36 guIld maSter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
the game begInS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 7
ProductIon & tradIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 20
Favour, dIPlomacy & courtIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
PolItIcS & law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 31 FIghtIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
the guIldS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 37 Keyboard controlS and mouSe controlS . . . . .
. . credItS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . technIcal SuPPort . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product warranty . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . end-uSer lIcenSe agreement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 40 42 43 44
My Dear Friend, Many a year has passed since we last sat together in the back ro
om of my abode plotting intrigues, and it has indeed been many winters since we
last saw one another. Blessed with my trust in thy skills and thy wisdom, I am b
ut certain that thee have done thou very best with the enterprises that I have l
eft to thee to manage. Yet now, in the calm evening hours of a land bathed in au
tumn, I would like to tell thee how I am faring here in Venice. Indeed, Venice!
City of the Lagoons, wrested from the seas by the hard work and skill of the Ven
etian builders, a trading city of no compare, where the possibilities will have
thy heart rejoicing. The glaziery here, which has grown into a blossom that none
had expected, overshadows everything that I had considered to be craftsmanship
at home. Trade flourishes, exotic wares from the farthest reaches of the East ar
rive and the events put on by society leave nothing to be desired in their splen
dour and extravagance. Truly, even the politics are different here - more a coun
try than a state, for Venice has its own fleet that could even dare to defy the
Ottoman Empire. And here, the word of a doge is as much law here as the that of
a prince within the empire or even of the Emperor himself. Powerful houses devot
e themselves to trade, politics and, of course, scheming schemes that are only a
ll too similar to those we know of at home. But a keen ability to persuade often
provides hired mercenaries offering their own services here. He who hath seen t
he Swiss warriors in battle will know why many a noble enlists their services. Y
et at its heart, life here differs not hugely from the life under our native ski
es. With honest work and good trading, I have been able to procure a permanent p
osition within the city’s guilds, even if it has cost me some years. Many a comp
etitor hath beheld my successes with jealousy in his heart, but thus far I have
been successful in making all attempts at sabotage in vain. And who knows, perha
ps I shall find myself moving into the doge palace one day... Fare thee well, ol
d friend, and I send thee greetings from afar. Vero von Carnstein.
The Guild 2: Venice is a trade and life simulation that takes place during the M
iddle Ages. This curt phrase may indeed be a short description, but it can in no
way capture the level of fascination that “The Guild” offers. You can quite lit
erally experience medieval Europe, step into the shoes of a single character or
an entire dynasty, acquire businesses and properties, produce goods and trade th
em, involve yourself in politics and society, court women or men, love, hate, br
ibe, fight and live through good times as well as bad. We hope you enjoy this ga
me! The developers and JoWooD Productions
thE tEChniCal part
systEm rEquirEmEnts
Your PC must fulfil the following minimum system requirements in order to be abl
e to play The Guild 2: Venice : DirectX9 capable system with Windows XP or Windo
ws Vista Processor with 2.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM (Vista 2 GB) We recommend that your sy
stem fulfil at least the following requirements: • 2.8 GHz Processor • DirectX9
capable graphics card with pixel shader model 2 • 1 GB RAM main memory (Vista 2
Place The Guild 2: Venice DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive. If the autorun functi
on for your drive is activated, the Setup program will start automatically. If i
t isn’t, you will have to start the installation program manually. To do this, d
ouble-click the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and then the icon for your DVD
drive. Either double-click the file autorun.exe or the file setup.exe and the s
tart menu will open. Click the button labelled Install and follow the instructio
ns on the screen. To play this standalone product, you do NOT require The Guild
2 or Pirates of the High Seas to be installed beforehand!
start gamE
Make sure that you deactivate any virtual CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives before starting
the game!
starting thE gamE from thE dVd
When placing your The Guild 2: Venice DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive, the DVD’s
start menu will open. Click the button labelled Play within this window.
starting thE gamE from thE dEsktop
If the DVD start menu doesn’t open automatically even though you have already in
serted your The Guild 2: Venice into your DVD-ROM drive, you can also start The
Guild 2: Venice manually. To do this, open the start menu on your desktop, open
Programs and then The Guild 2: Venice. Select the option Play.
thE gamE bEgins
naVigating thE mEnu
main mEnu
The mouse is used to navigate the menus. The keyboard is only used to enter word
s and figures. The main menu appears whenever you start The Guild 2: Venice or q
uit a game in progress.
singlE playEr
Clicking this button once allows you to start the tutorial for The Guild 2, begi
n a single player game or load a single player saved game.
This allows you to access the game’s options menu.
You can find out about all those involved in making The Guild 2: Venice here.
Clicking here ends The Guild 2: Venice and returns you to the desktop.
singlE playEr
Three options are available to you when starting a single player game.
start gamE
If you decide to click Start Game please read the information under Starting a N
ew Game.
This option provides you with an introductory game of The Guild 2: Venice. Here
you will receive an explanation of the basic controls and most important feature
load gamE
You can use this to load a previously saved game and continue playing it.
options mEnu
The options menu offers you a wide range of options to adjust the graphics and s
ound within The Guild 2: Venice as well as a number of settings that affect the
game itself.
You can change the image quality, screen resolution, brightness, contrast, vario
us detail levels and more within the graphics options menu.
The game options menu offers you the chance to adjust the game speed, camera spe
ed, tool tips, tips & tricks, switch automatic save on and off and more.
You will find all of the settings affecting music, sound effects and speech with
in the sound options menu.
singlE playEr gamE
When creating a single player game, you will start within the Select World menu.
The Select World menu is broken down into several parts - on the upper-left, yo
u can select the map that you would like to play on. Below that is a brief descr
iption of the selected map. The representation of the map shown to the right of
the top half shows you the towns on the map. You can now set your home town. To
do this, simply use the mouse to select one of the towns by clicking on it. If y
ou do not select one, one will be selected randomly for you. On the right, in th
e bottom half of the window, you can select a Game Mode and Goal. The Goal optio
n will vary depending on the game mode that you have selected. The modes you can
choose from are: Dynasty Mode Extermination Time limit Contract is awarded
Win power & influence for your dynasty! Exterminate all of the opposing dynasti
es. Select a time limit. Once this limit is reached, the points are compared. (*
) Select a contract. Each team must fulfil this contract.
(*) The points are calculated based on the family
property, titles acquired, offices achieved and
opponents defeated.
Adjusting the Number of Players allows you to set the number of computer-control
led dynasties that you will be competing against for dominance of the map. Adjus
ting the general Difficulty Level means that you make the game more difficult fo
r yourself, but not for the computer dynasties. The Difficulty Level of the Cont
racts, however, also affects the computer dynasties.
Finally, you can select one of sixteen family crests. This crest represents your
dynasty throughout the entire game.
CrEating a CharaCtEr
Here you can create your initial character and define their name, gender, appear
ance, class, profession, talent points and abilities. Remember while doing this
that you are not just creating an irrelevant character in the game, rather you a
re bringing to life the very founder of one of the most successful family dynast
ies of all time.
namE, gEndEr & rEligion
The surname of your character is the foundation of your family dynasty - the dyn
asty will bear the name and honour as long as it exists. You should also select
a suitable forename to go with the surname. The gender of your character hides a
number of unique characteristics, but there are certainly no disadvantages to e
ither - a male character cannot flirt with men, while a female character cannot
read poetry to another woman in order to win favour with them. It is also only p
ossible for a man and a woman to marry - after all, you do want successors to co
ntinue your dynasty... The selection of your religion affects whether your chara
cter will form part of the Catholic or Evangelical communities. Your characters
will always receive a lower favour rating with people of other faiths. Of course
, it is also possible to change religion during the course of the game.
CharaCtEr Class
In The Guild 2 you can select between one of four character classes. Each class
covers a number of professions that you are free to follow with your character d
uring the game. You can find a more precise description in the chapter The Chara
CTer. Character class Patron Craftsman Academic Crook Professions Baker, farmer,
innkeeper, fisher Blacksmith, tailor, joiner, glazier Alchemist, priest, medicu
s Thief, robber, pirate, mercenary
ZodiaC sign
Each zodiac sign provides your character with a talent bonus. You can find more
on the zodiac signs in the chapter The CharaCTer.
A summary of all the zodiac signs can be found under Tables & summaries.
Depending on the character class you select, your character will demonstrate str
engths (+) and weaknesses (-) in learning his or her ten talents. A strength mea
ns that your character will find it easier to improve his or her talents with ex
perience points (EP), whereas a weakness means the opposite. Generally speaking,
all talents can be raised to a value of ten points, regardless of whether your
character is strong or weak in learning the specific talent. You can find a summ
ary of the talents under Tables & summaries. At the beginning, your character wi
ll receive a number of extra experience points. You can spend these on your tale
nts. The EP costs for the next level for a specific talent can be found alongsid
e the plus and minus signs.
thE CharaCtEr.
Each character possesses specific abilities. Some may be able to carry particula
rly heavy loads, others may be excellent speakers.
Are you looking to play a well-off patron on whom you can see that he has enjoye
d his fair share of delicious and nutritious food? Or are you thinking more of a
n agile thief, sneaking stealthily like a cat through the grated windows of a ma
gnificent manor? You decide what you would prefer. The following settings can be
changed to make your character look just as you want: Facial features, physique
, hairstyle, hair colour, head covering (*), voice and beard (*). (*) only
selectable with male characters The colour of the clothing is selecte
d based on the family crest selected during the Game CreaTion phase.
– 10 –
gamE Controls
The Guild 2 has been designed for use with the keyboard and mouse. While a mouse
wheel is not required, it makes controlling the game considerably easier if you
r mouse has one. The left mouse button is used to select characters, buildings a
nd carts and to carry out actions when clicking a button or icon. You can select
multiple characters and carts at the same time by holding down the left mouse b
utton and dragging the mouse. Holding down the right mouse button provides you w
ith more detailed information if the mouse pointer is located over an icon. Clic
king the right mouse button once allows you to close windows that have been open
ed and deselect objects that have been selected. A more precise overview of all
of the keyboard commands and shortcuts can be found under Tables & summaries at
the end of the manual.
thE usEr intErfaCE
The user interface of The Guild 2 offers you many useful functions. The most imp
ortant functions are detailed below.
1) gEnEral information
Here you will find your dynasty’s crest, the name of your active character, the
current date and the time.
2) playEr group
In The Guild 2 you can take up to three characters into your group and control t
hem. Your dynasty can, of course, consist of far more characters than this, but
only three of them can be controlled by you personally. A simple left-click on t
he character’s portrait will suffice to select one of the characters within your
group. Double-clicking with the left mouse button will make the camera jump to
that character.
3) list of buildings
This list shows you all of the buildings owned by your dynasty, as well as the t
own hall and marketplace of your currently active character’s home town Moving t
he mouse pointer over one of your own buildings will show the characters, employ
ees and carts residing within the building.
– 11 –
Keep the mouse pointer still over a building in the list for a moment to view th
e characters working or living within the building or the carts located within t
he building. Clicking a building icon, character or cart in the building list on
ce with the left mouse button allows you to select the building, character or ca
rt in question. Double-clicking with the left mouse button will make the camera
jump to your target. If you have selected one of your own characters or carts, y
ou can send it to a specific building by right-clicking the appropriate building
in the building list once.
4) aCtions list
This bar shows you all actions that you can carry out using the currently select
ed character, cart or building. For example, you can open the inventory of your
own character or view the extensions made to one of your own buildings. You can
also access special actions here, for example Talk To someone or aTTack. The spe
cial actions are broken down into groups and have a colour-coded background depe
nding on the type of action. For example, social actions are coloured turquoise
and aggressive actions are displayed in red. Moving the mouse pointer over an ac
tion symbol will show you all of the actions belonging to that group. To make us
e of the action, click the action icon using the left mouse button. For some act
ions, a target must be selected. This needs to be done after clicking the action
icon by selecting the target with the left mouse button. You can abort an actio
n in progress by clicking the X symbol in the actions bar.
5) information bar
Information on actions with the currently selected character, building or cart i
s shown here. For example, if you want to execute an action with a character for
which a target must be selected, a message will appear in this bar asking you t
o select the target.
6) mEssagE bar
Whenever you receive a message, it will appear in this bar as a small icon. Left
-clicking a message once will open it, allowing you to read it. Right-clicking t
he message icon once, however, deletes the message permanently. Particularly imp
ortant messages are shown as a flashing icon. You should open them quickly, as t
he events described within may be something important that you cannot afford to
– 1 –
Some messages are displayed with a time bar. In these cases, you are usually req
uired to make a decision. If you do not make this decision in time, the question
will automatically be answered with “no”. Clicking the message icon once with t
he left mouse button opens the message, clicking it once with the right mouse bu
tton deletes it. If you no longer wish to receive certain types of messages, you
can use the letter icon below the message bar to filter all incoming messages.
For example, you can have all messages affecting your business blocked. Using th
e message filter, you can decide for yourself which types of messages you wish t
o receive and which you don’t.
7) gEnEral funCtions
You can find the general functions on the left and right of the lower edge of th
e screen:
This brings you to the opTions menu.
map of surrounding arEa
Clicking the globe icon once opens the map of the surrounding area. Double-click
ing an object on the map moves the camera to it. If you have selected one of you
r own characters or carts, you can move it to an object on the map by clicking i
t with the right mouse button.
This icon provides you with access to information sheets on your own characters,
family tree, dynasty and a summary of the most important people. You can increa
se the number of talent points for your character via their information sheets u
sing the experience points gained and obtain new skills when levelling up. You c
an find all important information on this in the chapter The characTer. You can
use the information sheets for your characters to improve their talent point lev
els and select particular skills. Your dynasty’s family tree shows you all famil
y members and the relation of the characters to one another.
– 1 –
Select a family member within the family tree using the left mouse button to add
the character to or remove it from your character group. Select a family member
in the family tree to include it in or remove it from the character group. You
can find all of your family members, friends and enemies in the summary of the m
ost important people. You can also find information on all competing dynasties h
ere. If you wish to select a character as the target of an action, e.g. for the
action Talk To someone, you can simply select one of the characters listed here
as a target.
You can use the diary to not only read about the latest events, but also read yo
ur character’s appointment calendar, containing court appointments, arrangements
for duels and more, the evidence book, in which all of the evidence you possess
against your competitors is entered and the contract book, in which all contrac
ts are listed. You can read about the latest events and your current appointment
s in the diary, as well as read about all of the evidence collected against your
competitors and your current contracts in the game.
This icon brings you to a summary of all towns and cities on the map according t
o the authorities. As with the summary of important people, you can use the auth
orities summary to select a character as the target of an action.
This summary provides you with information on your dynasty’s fortune, score and
more. The statistics contain the value of the dynasty’s fortune, the statement o
f accounts, your dynasty’s score and more.
– 1 –
naVigating With thE CamEra
You can use the camera in The Guild 2 to view the world from both a bird’s eye p
erspective and zoom in to a close-up shot of characters and buildings. With a vi
ew from far above, you have a good overview of what is going on, but a closeup s
hot allows you to eavesdrop on conversations between characters and view their f
acial expressions and body language in the process. You can use the mouse and/or
the keyboard to control the camera. Hold the right mouse button down and move t
he mouse. The camera will follow the movements of the mouse. Holding both mouse
buttons down at the same time and moving the mouse allows you to rotate the came
ra freely and zoom in and out. It is also possible to use the mouse wheel to zoo
m and rotate the view by holding the mouse wheel down. Hold the right mouse butt
on down to move the camera. Holding both mouse buttons down at the same time all
ows you to rotate and zoom the camera freely. If your mouse has a mouse wheel, y
ou can use it to zoom in and out and even rotate the camera by holding the mouse
wheel down. If the camera is located inside a building, you can still hold the
right mouse button down to move the camera and rotate it by holding both mouse b
uttons down. You are only prevented from zooming while in interior spaces. You c
an move and rotate the camera freely while you are inside a building. It is not
possible to zoom here.
moVing CharaCtErs & Carts
You can select and move your own characters by selecting them with the left mous
e button and selecting the target with the right mouse button. The target may be
a building or a particular point on the map. Select a character or cart with th
e left mouse button and use the right mouse button to click a spot on the map or
a building. You can also use the character and cart icons in the building list
to select a particular character or cart. If the destination is a building, you
can also select it by right-clicking it in the building list.
CharaCtEr ClassEs & profEssions
In The Guild 2, each character belongs to one of four character classes. Dependi
ng on the class that a particular character belongs to, the character will be ab
le to execute particular actions and follow any profession within his or her cla
– 1 –
Dynasty characters, i.e. all of your own characters - can also build and manage
any business that follows a profession in their class, as long as they have the
necessary character level.
Patrons ensure that food is available. They can pay your employees a bonus or pu
t pressure on them to work to improve their short-term productivity. They are al
so permitted to take out loans at a bank. As a farmer, you provide the raw mater
ials that bakers and brewers process into food and drinks. The farmer also provi
des wool needed by the tailor. The brewer can also rent out beds in his tavern a
nd set up a bathtub for his guests. Profession Baker Farmer Brewer Fisherman Bui
lding level 1 Baker’s shop Farrier Bar Fishing Hut Building level 2 Bakery Farm
Tavern Smokehouse Building level 3 Confectioner’s Estate Inn Fisher shack
Craftsmen form the commercial backbone of any town or city. They can - just like
the patron - pay their employees a bonus or put pressure on them to work. They
are also permitted to take out loans at a bank. Depending on the speciality that
a blacksmith might select, his focus might be on jewellery and trinkets or on w
eapons and armour. The tailor manufactures all kinds of garments, both beautiful
and useful, and the joiner offers his services in the manufacture of torches, w
alking sticks and wooden weapons. Profession Blacksmith Tailor Joiner Glazier Bu
ilding level 1 Building level 2 Forge Foundry Weapons smithy Weaving mill Tailor
’s Joinery Turnery Glass works Glass blower’s Building level 3 Goldsmith’s forge
Armour smithy Deluxe Tailor’s Fine joinery Crystal producer’s
Academics are able to put pressure on their employees to work, threaten people a
nd take courses at the university to educate themselves. The priest is able to i
nfluence his congregation during his sermons and win over new believers by preac
hing fire and brimstone at the marketplace. The alchemist can, depending on the
speciality he selects, either decide to develop useful devices as a honest inven
tor or hold-off dark incantations as a mistrusting, watchful sorcerer.
– 1 –
Profession Alchemist Priest Medicus
Building level 1 Building level 2 Apothecary Chapel (cath.) Healer’s Alchemist’s
shop Sorcerer’s shop Church (cath.) Infirmary
Building level 3 Inventor’s workshop Magician’s guild Cathedral (cath.) Hospital
Crooks earn their living from the suffering of honest citizens through stealing
and blackmail. Crooks are also born fighters, unlike any other character class.
They can also threaten someone to reach their goals, rob an opponent defeated in
battle and even break bones. Robbers can also regenerate their life points in t
heir own camp. Thieves can not only pickpocket and break into properties - they
can also blackmail people by kidnapping and demanding horrendous sums. Robbers c
an lurk on the wayside and pick off passing individuals and transport carts as w
ell as plunder buildings. Profession Thief Robber Pirate Mercenary Building leve
l 1 Smuggler’s cove Robber’s den Pirate sanctuary Mercenary camp Building level
2 Thieves’ hideout Robber’s camp Pirate den Mercenary quarters Building level 3
Thieves’ guild Robber baron’s camp Pirate quarters Mercenary fortress
Each character in The Guild 2 possesses 10 talents, with each talent possessing
a value between one and ten. This values indicate how good a character is at thi
s talent, with one meaning little skill and ten meaning absolute mastery. The ta
lents affect a character in particular ways. For example, the talent Constitutio
n is used to calculate the number of life points - the health level - of a chara
cter. Some talents can be made use of for certain actions. As a rule of thumb, s
imple actions are often successful even if the talent values are low, difficult
actions are often only successful if the talent values are high. With some actio
ns, the talent values of two characters are compared with one another to determi
ne the victor. This is the case for battles, for example, where the talent value
s for the fighting skills of both fighters are compared with one another. The fi
ghter with the higher talent value is more likely to be successful in striking t
heir opponent and will thus land blows more frequently than his or her opponent.
– 1 –
ZodiaC sign
A zodiac sign provides a character with a talent bonus. You can determine your f
irst character’s zodiac sign yourself. The zodiac sign of your offspring will be
determined based on their date of birth.
lifE points
A character’s life points are calculated based on his or her constitution and ch
aracter level. These values determine by and large how long a character will liv
e - should he not meet a violent and premature end. Life points are always reduc
ed whenever the character takes damage. If the number of life points drops to 10
% of their maximum value or less, the character will fall unconscious and sleep.
The exceptions to this rule are the non-dynasty characters of the crook class,
who will fight to the death. While a character is sleeping, he can regenerate hi
s life points up to the maximum number of points possible. Characters can only s
leep in their own abode or in a rented bed in a tavern. Your characters can also
Take a break at camp fires, benches, statues etc.
ExpEriEnCE points
A character gains experience by carrying out actions. This experience is represe
nted by experience points - otherwise known as EP. EP allows you to improve the
talent values of your character.
CharaCtEr lEVEl
The character level shows you how experienced a character is. The more experienc
e points a character has received, the higher his level will be. The number of E
P you have invested in a character’s talents is irrelevant here, as the characte
r level is always determined by the total EP.
spECial abilitiEs
Special abilities provide a character with advantages against others. For exampl
e, he may be able to carry particularly heavy loads and thus has an additional i
nventory slot available, or may be particularly good at learning things and so w
ill receive more experience points for actions carried out. You can select certa
in special skills once your character has reached a specific characTer level. On
ce again, the skills depend on your character class.
A title reflects the social standing of a family dynasty. It also provides addit
ional privileges and allows the character to own grander properties. You can pur
chase further titles for your dynasty in the town hall of your home town.
– 1 –
your homE
Your character lives in this property with his family. The home cannot - providi
ng the building condition is over 30% - be entered by fighting units not belongi
ng to you (crooks, henchmen), with the exception of the town guard. Your charact
ers can also not be attacked here. Within their own home, your characters also h
ave the advantage of being able to lay down to sleep, which allows them to regen
erate their life points. You can also train your talents in your home and - assu
ming you are married - produce offspring together with your spouse. More on this
in the chapter Favour, diplomaCy & CourTinG. If you wish to have one of your ch
aracters apply for office somewhere, the character in question must have a home
in the appropriate town. Court hearings also only ever take place in the home to
wn of the petitioner. If you have built, purchased or conquered a further home,
you can assign it to one of your characters as a home. To do this, send the char
acter into the building and click alloCaTe buildinG in the actions bar for the c
haracter. However, this will not work if the character is an official in another
town. To assign another home to a character, the character must have entered th
e building. Then simply click the action allocaTe building.
Extensions are objects that you can fit to one of your own buildings. Each exten
sion has a positive effect on the building. For example, you can extend a home w
ith storage areas, objects to prevent break-ins, as well as objects that unlock
other possible actions. As the level of the building rises, you will have even m
ore extensions at your disposal. You need to possess the appropriate title to be
able to level up a home. You can find out more about titles further back in thi
s chapter.
Henchmen are mercenaries that you can hire for your character’s home and who bel
ong to the crook class. You can use them as an escort for your characters, to wa
tch your buildings or maybe even spy on someone. If you have installed the appro
priate extensions in your home, your henchmen can even commit sabotage. You can,
however, simply attack your foes or even conquer or destroy the buildings of yo
ur opponents.
Whenever you select a character, building or cart, you will find a list of all o
f the actions that you can execute in the action bar. Special actions are sorted
into groups with their own colours. For example, actions such as Talk To someon
e or make a complimenT belong to the social actions group with a turquoise backg
round. To display all of the actions within the same group, simply move the mous
e pointer to an action in the action bar.
– 1 –
To carry out an action, it is enough to simply click the icon with the left mous
e button. Some actions also require you to select a target. For example, if your
character should Talk To someone, you must first select your character, left-cl
ick the action and then finally left-click the person you wish to speak to. As s
oon as you have selected an action that requires a target character, an icon mat
ching the action appears above all characters within reach that can be selected
as a target for the action. Left-clicking the X symbol once in the actions bar i
s sufficient to abort an action in progress.
inVEntory & EquipmEnt
Each character possesses an inventory, in which objects can be carried around. T
hey also possess four equipment slots each. The number of inventory slots depend
s on the talent Constitution and certain skills that the character may possess.
A limited number of any raw materials, consumer goods and artefacts can be store
d in the inventory slots. It is thus perfectly conceivable for a single characte
r to buy iron on the market and bring it to your blacksmith personally. However,
characters can carry little of the material and so a transport cart is always a
better choice. You can find more information on raw materials, consumer goods a
nd artefacts in the chapter Production & Trade. When you have stored an artefact
in your character’s inventory, it will show up as an icon in the action bar. Yo
u can now use it just like an action. The only difference is that once an artefa
ct is used, it is consumed. As mentioned at the beginning, each character has fo
ur equipment slots. You can insert armour and weapons into these slots, and the
character will equip them immediately. You can find more detailed information on
weapons and armour in the chapter FiGhTinG.
produCtion & trading
Employees are the heart of a business, for without them, nothing works - unless
you want your character to do some hands-on work. Each employee receives a certa
in wage per round, which depends on his level. Employees start at level one and
can rise up to level six.
– 0 –
The higher the level, the more effectively an employee works. The levels rise wh
ile an employee is working. You have two ways of hiring employees for a business
: either select the business and then select the action Employ random jobseeker
or select a jobseeker directly and select the action Employ jobseeker while he i
s selected before clicking the target business. If you wish to fire an employee,
select him and click the action Fire employee. With the exception of businesses
run by the crook class and henchmen of the home, employees only work for a cert
ain number of hours per round. They appear for work in the morning and go to the
tavern or straight home in the evening. Employees of taverns and churches begin
their shift later in the day and finish work later accordingly. Businesses open
if at least one dynasty character or one employee is in the building. They are
closed if everybody leaves the building.
storagE & transport mEnu
Each business has a storage area where raw materials and products can be stored.
The storage area consists of a number of so-called “slots”, in which a certain
quantity of a single good can be stored.
– 1 –
You can view the storage area of your business by selecting the building and cli
cking ProducTion & sTorage within the building actions group. In addition to sto
rage slots, businesses also have a “sales storage area”. Any good that is stored
here can be purchased by other characters not in a feud with your dynasty - mor
e information on this in the chapter Favour, diplomaCy & CourTinG. To the right
of the storage area, you will find the transport menu, in which all of your cart
s and characters located within reach are listed. You can use this to move goods
into the building storage area and from the storage area to your carts and char
acters. It is possible, of course, to move goods from the carts to your characte
rs and vice versa. Left-click a slot once to pick up one unit of the good stored
within. Doubleclicking picks up all of the goods from that slot. Hold the left
mouse button down on the slot and increase or decrease the desired quantity manu
ally by moving the mouse up and down. To put the goods that you have picked up b
ack down, you should simply left-click the target storage area, the cargo area o
f a transport cart or a character’s inventory once.
As already mentioned above in this chapter, a business requires at least one emp
loyee to be able to produce. You can, however, send your own characters into the
business and have them work. The production menu, which you need to adjust prod
uction, is located in the left half of the menu produCTion & sToraGe. The main p
art of the production menu is taken up by the business’ product range. Here you
will find all products that the business can produce. To the right of this, you
can see the raw materials necessary for the product, represented by smaller icon
s. You can call up the production menu for your business by selecting the buildi
ng and then ProducTion & sTorage in the building actions menu. If a raw material
is in stock for a particular product, its icon will be displayed in a green fra
me. If not, it will be displayed in red. If all of the raw materials required fo
r a product are available in sufficient quantities in the storage area and there
is storage available for the product, the product icon will be displayed in a g
reen frame, which shows you that you are able to manufacture the product.
–  –
You can see all of the characters available for production displayed above the p
roduct range. Click one or several of these characters using the left mouse butt
on to select them. Now click one of the green-framed products in the product ran
ge using the left mouse button to commence production. To commence production, y
ou must have first selected a character from the production menu with the left m
ouse button and then clicked the desired product icon. You can stop ongoing prod
uction by clicking the small X in the upper-left corner of the product icon. You
can reassign any character producing products to another product by either sele
cting him in the list above the product range or by clicking the product icon. H
e can now be reassigned.
As with the home, you can build extensions within any of your own businesses, wh
ich will have particular effects. Some extensions create new jobs, larger storag
e areas, protect against break-ins or improve the productivity of your employees
. Others are more specific, as they unlock particular products and sometimes oth
er actions. More extensions are available when a building is at a higher level.
However, your character needs to be at a particular character level to be able t
o level up your business to a higher building level. You can obtain the building
extensions by selecting your business and then clicking exTend building in the
building’s action bar. To set up an extension, you should simply left-click the
desired object.
managing buildings - automatEd opEration
In the advanced stages of the game, you will notice that it can become quite a c
hore to take care of several businesses at the same time. This is why you have t
he opportunity of automating each one of your businesses individually. To do thi
s, select a business and click manaGe buildinG in the building action menu. Here
you can allocate a budget to the building that the automation function can work
with. This budget is reallocated at the beginning of every round - so if the bu
siness makes a profit, you will receive a surplus. If the business makes a loss,
it is balanced with money from your dynasty. The automation function can take c
ontrol of the entire administration of your business - employees, carts, purchas
ing, sales, renovations, extensions etc. - as well as only individual elements o
f the administration. What the computer should take care of for you is entirely
up to you. If you want to automate one of your businesses, select the building a
nd click manage building in the building actions bar.
–  –
The marketplace is the trading centre of every town, for it is here that all the
raw materials and local products come together. The marketplace is open at all
times of year, at all times of day. To open the market menu, you simply need to
left-click the market icon on the right edge of the screen or click one of the m
arket stands directly. The market consists of five individual stands - raw mater
ials, food, metal products, textiles and mixed. Each stand contains various raw
materials and/or products. You can use the tabs in the top half of the market me
nu to switch to individual stands. In the market menu, you will find a large num
ber of storage slots, larger than your home or business. You can sell any of you
r goods without further delay. However, you can only purchase what is offered to
you. The two prices in front of the goods icons are the price that you must pay
when buying and the money that you would receive when selling. If the upper pri
ce is green, you have to pay less than usual. If the upper price is red, however
, the product has become more expensive. If the lower price is green, you receiv
e more than usual when buying. If it is red, traders don’t want to give you much
for the product. To the right of the market menu you will find the transport me
nu, in which all of your carts and characters within reach are displayed. From h
ere you can sell the goods held by your carts and characters at the market, and
you can also store goods that you have purchased on the cargo area of your carts
or in the inventory of your characters. Left-click a slot once to pick up one u
nit of the good stored within. Doubleclicking picks up all of the goods from tha
t slot. Hold the left mouse button down on the slot and increase or decrease the
desired quantity manually by moving the mouse up and down. To put the good that
you have picked up back down, simply left-click the target storage area, the ca
rgo area of a transport cart or a character’s inventory. Clicking with the right
mouse button, however, places the good back in its original slot. If you place
a product from your cart or character in a market slot, you will receive the sal
es price of the product. If you pick up a product from a market slot and place i
t on the cargo area of one of your carts or in the inventory of one of your char
acters, you have to pay the purchase price.
–  –
Carts are there to transport raw materials from the marketplace to your business
or sell the products from your business at the marketplace. You can find out ho
w loading works by reading sToraGe & TransporT menu and markeTplaCe further back
in this chapter. Here we’ll be covering transport in its own right. There are t
wo ways of sending out a cart. The first is simply to select it and then set a d
estination on the map by right-clicking it. Possibility 1: Select carts and righ
t-click on the map to set a target point or click a building in the building lis
t with the right mouse button. The second way is to have the cart in direct prox
imity of your own business or the marketplace. Open the appropriate transport me
nu, select the cart in the list and click the wheel icon in the lower half of th
e menu. This opens a map of the surrounding area, where you can select the desti
nation by clicking a building or the marketplace once with the left mouse button
. Possibility 2: Open the transport menu, select the cart and click the wheel ic
on in the lower half of the menu. This opens a map of the surrounding area, wher
e you can select the target building for the cart by left-clicking it once. The
trade routes can be very dangerous, especially if a robber camp is nearby or you
r dynasty is in a feud with another dynasty. This means that one of your carts c
an be unexpectedly plundered. To prevent this, you can hire up to four mercenari
es for each of your carts. They do cost money, which in turn reduces your profit
, but the investment will pay off as highwaymen and your opponents’ fighters wil
l think twice before attacking a well-guarded transport. To have a cart escorted
by mercenaries, you can use the icon with the crossed halberd in the transport
menu. Left-click here once to hire a mercenary. Clicking again adds another merc
enary to the escort. If you have already engaged four mercenaries, clicking once
more has the effect of releasing all of the mercenaries again. The mercenaries
will escort the cart until you release them. The escorts’ pay will always be ded
ucted from your dynasty at the beginning of a round.
minEs & WoodCuttEr huts
These two business produce metal from ore and wooden boards from logs. It is thu
s sometimes advisable when playing as a blacksmith or joiner to go to the mine o
r woodcutter’s hut and purchase the raw materials on-site instead of waiting for
a new transport to arrive at the marketplace with new stocks. Purchasing direct
ly from either business is cheaper than at the market.
–  –
raW matErials sourCEs
Raw materials sources are locations on the map where raw materials can be extrac
ted. Raw materials sources include the fields and pastures of the farm, the lode
s in the mines as well as plants and vermin dwellings, from which alchemists can
extract their ingredients. So, if you are the proud owner of a farm, chapel or
apothecary, you can send your employees to these locations to fetch raw material
s. Holy water fountains are a special type of raw material source, as the water
gained from them can, in addition to production, also be used to purify fountain
s poisoned by an alchemist. Raw materials sources have a limited number of raw m
aterials units. Once this quantity has been used up, it takes a while before the
stock can replenish itself.
raW matErials
Raw materials are defined as being any goods needed to produce high-quality prod
ucts. They include iron, gold, precious stones, oakwood, barley, wheat, fat, var
ious plants and even vermin.
ConsumEr goods
With the exception of the thieves’ guild and the robber’s camp, every business h
as their own palette of different products. Some products are pure consumer good
s with no special effect. Consumer goods may be, for example, food, tools and co
nstruction materialsWeapons, armour and clothing are also counted as consumer go
Artefacts are special products that can be used by a character. Not including th
e farm, thieves’ guild and robber camp, each building produces a number of diffe
rent artefacts. Artefacts appear as an icon in the character’s action bar once y
ou have stored them in their inventory. An artefact can be used by left-clicking
it, just like an action. However, unlike actions, they are consumed once used.
–  –
faVour, diplomaCy & Courting
Favour is defined as the reputation of a character in the eyes of another charac
ter. Favour covers entire dynasties, this means that all members of a family dyn
asty all share the same favour. A good level of favour means that a character or
family dynasty is liked by someone, whereas a bad level of favour means that th
e situation may even degenerate into hatred. When clicking a character not belon
ging to you, you can see the favour bar below his or her name in the character p
ortrait. This represents the favour that your dynasty has with this character or
with the character’s dynasty. You can recognise the favour of a character not b
elonging to you has towards your dynasty’s characters from the favour bar. You c
an find this bar below the name in the character portrait of a selected characte
r. If your dynasty has a low favour towards another character or another family
dynasty, various social actions may fail and thus have negative consequences. Yo
u will certainly not be able to count on the support of these characters during
official meetings and court sessions. Favour can only rise above 75% for team me
mbers, your own dynasty characters and lovers. This means that it is not possibl
e to reach a mutual assistance pact with all dynasties (more information is avai
lable further below in this chapter). Favour can only rise above 75% for team me
mbers (multiplayer game), your own dynasty characters and lovers.
improVing faVour
There are various ways at your disposal to improve the reputation of your dynast
y. For example, you can make someone a ComplimenT or bribe someone. However, you
should remember that with each of each actions, there must be a certain minimum
level of favour for the actions to have a good chance of success. You can also
make use of particular artefacts that have a positive effect on the favour of ch
aracters not belonging to you towards your dynasty. You can make use of various
actions and artefacts to improve the favour of your dynasty in the eyes of other
Diplomacy is used by the larger dynasties. This provides them with an extremely
simple way of managing their relationship to one another.
–  –
diplomaCy status
Depending on the relationship that you have with an opposing dynasty in terms of
favour, various diplomacy states can result: Feuds between two dynasties are mu
ch like war. In times of feud, all of the characters belonging to the dynasty wi
th whom you are in a feud - including employees - are considered to be potential
enemies. Characters of the crook class in particular will put everything into e
liminating their enemies. A feud is declared if the level of favour is particula
rly low.
This diplomacy status does not contain any special arrangement. The two dynastie
s simply live side-by-side.
non-aggrEssion paCt
The non-aggression pact represents an agreement that characters of both dynastie
s will no longer attack each other. Part of this pact is also that thieves and r
obbers will leave owners and characters from the other dynasty alone. The non-ag
gression pact applies as soon as the favour rises above twothirds of the favour
mutual assistanCE paCt
With this pact, both dynasties swear to no longer attack one another and even le
nd support to one another if it comes to war. This includes kidnapping attempts
and sabotage conducted by enemy dynasties. This pact is made if the favour is pr
actically at its maximum value.
family & ChildrEn
Below you’ll find a few tips on how you can marry and ensure that you have a suc
Courting & marriagE
In order to prevent your dynasty ending with the death of your first character,
you should act quickly to find a suitable spouse. Select your character, click t
he action courT someone and select the lady or gentleman that your character sho
uld court as a target. Select your character and click the action courT someone.
You should then left-click the person that your person should court. To do this
, you can make use of the imPorTanT Persons summary.
–  –
A window will now appear that shows you the likes and dislikes of the person. If
they appeal to you, you can begin courting by pressing OK. Your character will
then run to the selected person and speak to them. Once your favour with the per
son being courted is enough, she or he will let it be known that they are intere
sted in your client and will consent to the courtship. The person being courted
now appears in the summary imPorTanT Persons and can be selected easily as a tar
get for actions. If you select the person being courted during the courtship pro
cess, you can view the progress bar for the courting in addition to the normal f
avour bar. Your goal is now to fill this progress bar to maximum quickly before
the person being courted loses interest in your character or – worse yet - even
surrenders to the advances of a competitor. In the character portrait of the per
son being courted, a progress bar for the courtship is displayed in addition to
the normal favour bar. When courting, there are several different social actions
that you can make use of. You will have already had the chance to read about wh
ich actions you should carry out in which order from the likes and dislikes of t
he person being courted. To win the heart of the person being courted, you can m
ake use of various different social actions. Be careful that you don’t use the s
ame action again and again too frequently. As soon as the progress bar has reach
ed the maximum value, your character will be able to propose to the person by us
ing the action ask For hand. You can also enTer inTo a liaison with the person,
which provides you with a faithful ally. If the progress bar has reached the max
imum value, your character will be able to marry the person by using the action
ask for hand. You can now include your character’s spouse in your character grou
p and control them yourself. To include the spouse in your character group, you
will have to open the family tree of your dynasty. Now click the character and t
hen the action include in grouP.
building: WEdding ChapEl
Those who wish to marry can continue to do so in public on the street. If this i
s too public, however, you can opt for a ceremony in the wedding chapel. This do
es take a little more time and costs money, but for the young couple it makes fo
r an unforgettable experience and will thus bring ample amounts of experience fo
r both. It is also possible to get an engagement ring in the wedding chapel from
an orphan.
–  –
It is possible to give this ring to the subject of your adoration during the cou
rtship. The engagement ring provides considerable progress in the courtship proc
ess. It is also possible to adopt an orphan here if you are already married. Wit
h the last action, you should remember that the orphans are only around during t
he day.
As soon as your character is married and both partners are in their home at the
same time, a new action will be accessible for your character - spend niGhT ToGe
Ther. This action will cause the married couple to retire and entertain each oth
er for a short while in the privacy of their bed chambers... When both partners
are in their own home at the same time, the action sPend nighT TogeTher will be
accessible. Depending on the age and health of both partners, a child may result
from this night spent together.
Ensuring that you haVE a suCCEssor
thE groWth of ChildrEn
Once the children reach the age of 3, you can pay the school fees and send your
characters’ children to school. If they do not quit school early, the children w
ill gain a number of talent points and will also receive the right - assuming th
ey belong to the academic character class - to go to university. Children can go
to school as soon as they reach the age of 3. Once the children reach the age o
f 7, you can send your characters’ children for an apprenticeship if you pay the
fees for them. Assuming the children do not cancel their apprenticeship, they w
ill receive talent points at the end of it as well as the character class of the
profession that they have learned. Children can begin an apprenticeship at the
age of 7. Children who have not experienced the joys of an apprenticeship inheri
t the character class of one of their parents. Boys inherit their father’s chara
cter class, girls inherit the character class of their mother. As soon as a chil
d reaches the age of 11 and if he or she is part of the academic character class
, he or she will be able to attend university. Here the child doesn’t just recei
ve more talent points - he or she also receives the right to continue with anoth
er course. Upon completing the second degree, the child receives a doctorate tog
ether with all of its advantages. At the age of 11, children of the academic cha
racter class can do a degree, followed by a second degree at a university.
– 0 –
As of the age of 15, the child is considered to be adult and can be accepted int
o the character group. To do this, open your dynasty’s family tree, click the yo
ung adult and then the button inClude in Group. At the age of 15, children are c
onsidered to be adult and can be accepted into the character group. To do this,
open your dynasty’s family tree, click the character and then the button include
in grouP.
politiCs & laW
thE toWn CounCil
applying for offiCE
For one of your characters to be able to apply for office, three requirements mu
st be fulfilled: 1. The character must live in a home in the town where he is lo
oking to apply for office. 2. The character, and as such, the entire dynasty - m
ust have at least the title of Citizen and 3. The office in question must be vac
ant at the time of application. Send your character to the town hall. Then click
the action aPPly office.
Remember: when applying for office, each character has to work his or her way up
. You can find more information on this below in this chapter.
thE toWn lEVEl
Each town has a council. The number of offices in the council, as well as the pr
ivileges linked with office are dependent on the town level. The level of a town
depends in turn on the number of its inhabitants. If the number of inhabitants
rises, so does the town level and thus also the number of offices. A summary of
all the town levels and offices in towns can be found under Tables & summaries.
ministriEs & offiCE hiErarChy
The political offices are broken down into seven ministries, whereby each minist
ry is only represented by a single office holder per town. An overview of the mi
nistries can be found under Tables & summaries. As soon as the town rises by a l
evel, the current office holders move up to the next highest office in their min
– 1 –
Whenever the town rises by a level, the current office holders move up to the ne
xt office up within their ministry. The offices within a town are broken down in
to five levels, with the first representing the lowest and the fifth representin
g the highest level. As you will see in the table below, a village offers up to
two levels, whereas a free town offers up to five. An overview of the political
office levels can be found under Tables & summaries. A character must always wor
k from the lowest level upwards. So if he were a bailiff, he couldn’t just jump
straight to the post of marshal or supreme judge. Instead, he could only apply f
or the “former level”.
priVilEgEs of politiCal offiCE
Any office holder enjoys a range of privileges from his time in office. Some of
the privileges are passive and provide the owner with particular advantages that
do not require the owner to get involved directly. The remaining active privile
ges of political office can be used just like actions. Each holder of office als
o receives remuneration for their time in office, calculated based on the level
of their office. He can also apply for the dismissal of another member of the co
uncil and, of course, he can surrender his office voluntarily. In addition to th
e privileges that office provides, each office holder receives remuneration and
may apply to have members dismissed as well as leave office voluntarily.
thE offiCial mEEting
Official meetings are called when a decision regarding a dismissal application a
nd/or application to enter office needs to be made. Each participant in the meet
ing is informed and receives an entry in his diary. Prior to the meeting, a mess
age is sent with a request for the participants’ presence. There is also an indi
cation of whether the character will be able to make it on time. For decisions m
ade during official meetings, the decisions made by the computer characters are
dependent on the level of favour. The decision is also influenced by the rhetori
cal skills of the applicant and the level of empathy of the decision
maker. You will have a moment during the period of reflection after the candida
tes are introduced to make use of particular actions and/or artefacts so that yo
u can influence the level of favour during a meeting.
–  –
Decisions made by the computer characters are dependent on the level of favour.
You can make use of actions and/or artefacts during the meeting to influence the
decision-makers among the council members. It is certainly possible that votes
may come to a stalemate or that no officials authorised to adjudicate are presen
t. Should such a case arise, the decision is always left to chance. If no result
is achieved during an official meeting, the decision is left to chance.
appliCation for dismissal
All of the officials on the council discuss applications for dismissal. The appl
icant faces-off against the person to be dismissed.
aWarding an offiCE
During council elections, the council members of the next level up from the offi
ce in question and the highest official on the council decide upon the council s
eat to be awarded. If the highest office on the council is to be awarded, everyo
ne is involved in the decision.
right & Wrong
CrimE & EVidEnCE
Whenever your dynasty characters or their employees commit crimes, all those obs
erving can collect evidence against your dynasty. When a crime is committed, the
re is a chance of all observers receiving a piece of evidence against the offend
er. Crimes are considered to be any actions that harm other persons, for example
sabotage, attacks on decent citizens (all except characters of the crook class)
, break-ins, kidnapping, highway robbery, threats, blackmail etc. Bribery and th
e use of concoctions to harm someone also count as crimes. Each crime has a part
icular level of seriousness and a “quality”. In this respect, lesser crimes such
as bribery and wallet theft are of less importance than, for example, kidnappin
g and murder. The “quality” provides information on how many people have passed
the evidence down, meaning whether the crime was witnessed personally or whether
the evidence was heard as a rumour.
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The level of seriousness shows how severe the crime is. The quality shows whethe
r the crime was witnessed personally or whether the evidence was heard as a rumo
ur. The higher the quality of the evidence, the more likely a conviction. The hi
gher the seriousness, the more severe the punishment if the person is found guil
gathEring EVidEnCE
You can make use of your henchmen to find evidence for crimes committed by your
competitors. This provides you with two possibilities, provided that the appropr
iate extensions are fitted to your home - lisTen To rumours and spy on someone.
If the first action is selected, the henchmen will speak to passers-by randomly
and so will discover low-quality evidence. Other characters also find out about
crimes in this way. When carrying out the action lisTen To rumours, henchmen ask
passers-by at random and so receive evidence of low quality. You can use the se
cond action to have a henchman keep hot on the heels of a character. Depending o
n the henchman’s talents in Empathy and the offender’s Stealth talent, the henc
hman may discover crimes himself and will find evidence of particularly high qua
lity for his client. When sPying on someone, a henchman keeps on the trail of a
character and is thus able to find evidence of particularly high quality.
submitting a Complaint
As soon as you have enough evidence against your competitor, you can bring the c
rook to justice before a judge. You can find and view the evidence you have foun
d in your diary on the page Evidence Book. Send your character to the town ha
ll. Then click the action indicT one.
thE Court proCEdurE
The court hearing essentially requires five people to be present - the defendant
, the accuser, the chairman (judge) and two observers (randomly chosen people).
Prior to the court meeting, a message is sent with a request for the participant
s’ presence. There is also an indication of whether the character will be able t
o make it on time. During the discussion, both the accuser and the accused court
the favour of the judge and his two observers. The decision of the judge and th
e two observers is also influenced by the rhetorical skills of the defendant
and plaintiff as well as their own empathy.
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To influence the level of favour during a meeting, you have a moment after the c
harges have been read to make use of particular actions and/or artefacts. The de
cision made by the court is dependent on the level of favour. You can make use o
f actions and/or artefacts during the meeting to influence the favour of the jud
ge and observers.
about lifE and dEath
Fighting is affected by the talents Fighting Skills and Dexterity. Characters
use fighting skills to attack their opponents, who in turn try to use their dex
terity to fend off the attack. Whenever an attack is successful, damage is infli
cted. Damage is deducted from the life points of a character. The damage is calc
ulated from the damage value of the weapon, the talent fighting skills and the c
haracter level. Armour, on the other hand, protects the character from some of t
he damage. The total armour value of the armour worn is added together and is su
btracted from the damage taken as a percentage. For example, if the entire armou
r has an armour value of 65, 65% of the damage inflicted will be repelled. Damag
e is, in part, repelled by armour: the entire armour value is subtracted from th
e damage as a percentage value. Depending on the fighting skill talent, t
here is a certain chance of landing a critical hit. A critical hit causes far mo
re damage than a normal hit.
loss of ConsCiousnEss & dEath
If the number of life points drops to 10%, the character will lose consciousness
. The exceptions to this rule are the non-dynasty characters of the crook class,
who do not fall unconscious and continue to fight until their life points are e
xhausted. It is possible to carry out appropriate actions on unconscious charact
ers, namely break bones, rob or even take them out completely (finish someone of
–  –
arm yoursElf
It is wise to arm a character who may become involved in violent disputes with a
weapon and armour. To this end you will find four equipment slots in your inven
tory - one slot each for helmet, body, arms/legs and mêlée weapon. In The Guild
2, you can select between five different weapons as well as fight with your bare
fists. The weapons differ in terms of the level of damage they inflict. A summa
ry of all the weapons can be found under Tables & summaries.
There are seven different armour parts in The Guild 2. The armour varies in the
way they are worn and in their armour value. A summary of all the armour can be
found under Tables & summaries.
From the title of patrician onwards, it is possible for a character to offend an
d insult another person such that the insulted person demands satisfaction. The
duel appointment is determined at the beginning of the next round. Not turning u
p will result in considerable losses of favour. Prior to the duel, a message is
sent with a request for the participants’ presence. There is also an indication
of whether the character will be able to make it on time. The duel area is usual
ly located outside the town in question. A doctor and two people to second a dec
ision will be waiting there for the rivals. Whoever doesn’t cheat during the due
l will be treated by the doctor afterwards.
At the beginning of the duel, both rivals can decide whether they want to cheat
or not. Cheating offers you advantages against your opponents, but it also means
that the doctor will not help. Cheating offers you advantages, but you should b
ear in mind that the doctor will refuse to help you.
rapid firE
Firing quickly does reduce the accuracy of the shot, but you can surprise your o
pponent to such an extent that he will find it very difficult to dodge the shot.
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targEting and shooting insulting
Your character targets first and then shoots. You can use this to intimidate you
r opponent to such an extent that his next action will be made more difficult, r
egardless of whether he is shooting or dodging next. For the purposes of insulti
ng, the rhetorical skills of your character will be tested against the empa
thy of your opponent.
Your character will try to dodge the opponent’s shot. The Dexterity talent is us
ed here.
thE guilds
Guilds are powerful consortia of craftsmen or traders that represent the interes
ts of their members and watch over the secrets of the guild and ensure that care
fully protected knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands.
building: guild hall
In the Guild Hall it is possible to execute tasks for the Guild, which brings fa
me. The Guild may want to purchase some special objects, for which you can buy c
onstruction plans. The Guild may also offer the character the chance to travel f
or a while. Both types of contract bring riches and varying levels of fame. It i
s also possible to purchase the mayoral chain, which has a similar effect to hig
h-quality jewellery for the wearer. The favour bonus is also influenced by the G
uild fame of the wearer, whether he is a guild master or even an Alderman.
guild mastEr
Each guild hall appoints a guild master for each of the four character classes:
patron, craftsman, academic and crook. The election takes place as of the second
round, between 5 and 6 o’clock. You are automatically registered for the electi
on if your character possesses a business of his or her character class. The sel
ection criteria for a guild master post are the number and level of all of the c
haracter’s own businesses within the class as well as the fame of the character
within the guild. Before a new election takes place in the following round, each
guild master receives a fame point. Guild masters can receive deliveries of raw
materials from cities outside of the map. Guild masters pay a lower price for a
mayoral chain and instruction in crafts.
–  –
kEyboard Controls and mousE Controls
Camera commands W, Up arrow A, Left arrow S, Right arrow D, Down arrow Shift + b
oth mouse buttons N F Ctrl + F1 – F12 Move camera forwards Move camera left Move
camera right Move camera backwards Rotate the camera with the mouse Point the c
amera north Chase camera (only if a character is selected) Save camera position
Call up camera position Default: F1 - Marketplace F2 - Town hall F3 - Home Call
up options menu Pause (*) Adjust game speed (*) very slow - slow - normal - fast
- very fast Time speed-up (*) Quicksave (game is saved as quicksave) Quickload
(last quickload is loaded) Call up / close map of surrounding area Call up / clo
se dynasty menu Call up / close statistics Call up / close diary Call up / close
politics overview Call up / close building construction menu Hide / show user i
nterface Screenshot (is saved in “shots” folder) Save character selection Call u
p character selection Default: 1 - first own dynasty character
F1 – F12
Other function keys Esc Space +/End Q L M C V B P G H Print Ctrl + 1 – 0 1–0
–  –
When constructing buildings: Ctrl + move mouse Mouse controls Right mouse button
+ move mouse Right and left mouse button + move mouse Hold down mouse wheel + m
ove mouse Scroll mouse wheel Left mouse button Right mouse button
Rotate building
Move camera Mouse, rotate and zoom camera Change camera angle Zoom camera Select
, execute action Deselect, call up information
More information is available on our community website:
–  –
Developer: Senior Project Lead F.-J. von Wegen Junior Project Lead Tobias Horn L
ead Design F.-J. von Wegen Quality Assurance Manager Tobias Horn Scripting F.-J.
von Wegen Authors F.-J. von Wegen, Tobias Horn Map Design F.-J. von Wegen, Tobi
as Horn 2D Icons Andre & Isabell Panzerzynski Art Director Yiannis Koumoutzelis
Lead Artist Sagar Lengade Programmer Vipul Varshney Kushagra Jain 3D Art Mudit S
harma Shray Khanna Rahul Joshi Raj Verma Sandeep Salunke Texturing Girish Kare O
m tandon Alok Gaikwad Abhishek Jain Rohit Kumar Texturing and Concept Art Om Tan
don Concept Nilesh Thakare Sunil Bhardwaj Manav Sachdev Associate Producer Steph
en Venables Production Coordinator Vassiliki Kontoulis Executive Producer George
Chastain Jr. Project Management Stefan Berger Markus Reutner Matthias Rathbauer
Marketing – Europe Product Managers Richard Haderer Michael Zettl PR – Europe P
R Tamara Berger Clemens Schneidhofer Graphic Design Sabine Schmid Manufacturing
Silke Schoiswohl Community Management Johann “Ivan Ertlov” Ertl Marketing and PR
– North America Senior Product Manager Byron Gaum
Trine Games:
Executive Producer Sangam Gupta Lead Producer Kevaad Abdool Director of Developm
ent Ovidiu Lupas
JoWooD Productions Software AG
Production Producer Michael Kairat
– 0 –
Art Director Jay Kinsella Graphic Designer Esther Sucre PR Coordinator Suzanne M
acGillivray Webmaster Ernst Satzinger Ted Thompson Community Management Johann “
Ivan Ertlov” Ertl Localization Senior Localization Manager Gennaro Giani Quality
Assurance Quantic Lab SRL CEO Stefan Seicarescu Lead Tester
Aura Segorean Testers Popescu Radu Sevastian Secasiu Raymond Dobai Flaviu Haiton
ic Stefan Bachner Csaba Barta Bogdan Hiriscau Vlad Ciuban
Legal Affairs and Business Development Legal Affairs Leslie Rosenthal Kourosh On
ghaie Business Development Stefan Berger George Chastain Jr. Executive Managemen
t President and CEO The JoWooD Group Dr. Albert Seidl President North America We
rner Gruenwald CEO North America Marshall Zwicker VP European Sales Georg Klotzb
erg VP Global Production George Chastain Jr. Special Thanks: 4Head “Don” Tobias
S. Stefan Dilger Ralf Adam Alexander Just “Nirvana” “Freiherr Reinhold” “McCoy!”
And all the Fans from The Guild
– 1 –
tEChniCal support
If you are experiencing technical problems with this software, and you have care
fully followed the instructions in this manual, you may find further support in
the following places: Please visit the Technical Support section of our Website
where we have posted common problems and solutions that may help you at: Online
Support: You may also com
plete the Technical Support form located at our Website at: Email Support: http:
// Please provide a detailed
description of the problem you are experiencing (i.e. error message, where in t
he game the problem occurs, etc.). This will help our Representatives find a sol
ution much quicker.
–  –
produCt Warranty
DreamCatcher will gladly replace any disc free of charge, whether accidentally d
amaged or due to manufacturer defect, within the first year of ownership. To obt
ain a replacement disc, please return the faulty disc with a check or money orde
r for US$8.00 to cover postage and handling fees. (Please Note: Add US$2.00 for
each additional disc). Please be sure to include the following: • Full Name • Ad
dress, City, State/Prov., Zip Code/Postal Code, Country • Telephone Number • Ema
il Address (if applicable) • Product Name(s) • Brief note describing the problem
Mail To: DreamCatcher Interactive Inc. 1658 North Milwaukee Ave., Suite #450 Ch
icago, IL 60647 United States
–  –
End-usEr softWarE liCEnsE agrEEmEnt
Copyright © 1997-2008 DreamCatcher Interactive Inc. This Software License Agreem
ent (“Agreement”) is a legally binding agreement between DreamCatcher Interactiv
e Inc. (“DreamCatcher”) and you. Please read the Agreement carefully before usin
g the software. If you have any questions about it, we encourage you to seek ind
ependent legal advice. By clicking on “I AGREE,” you are agreeing to be bound by
the terms of this Agreement (by law, clicking on the “I AGREE” button constitut
es a valid signature). If you do not agree to be bound by the terms of this Agre
ement, please cancel the installation of this application and return the product
to your point of purchase for a refund. 1. License. DreamCatcher grants you a n
on-exclusive, non-transferable limited license to use, for your own personal, no
n-commercial use, the application(s), demonstrations, data files, graphic images
, and other software, whether on disk, compact disc, in read-only memory, or on
any other media (the “Application Software”), and the related documentation. (“L
icense”). 2. Intellectual Property. While you own the media on which the Applica
tion Software is recorded, DreamCatcher retains all rights to the Application So
ftware and related documentation. The Application Software contains copyrighted
material, trade secrets, trade marks and other proprietary material which is pro
tected by intellectual property laws. The copying, redistribution, selling or pu
blication of any part of the Application Software is strictly prohibited. 3. Rep
resentations and Warranties. You represent and warrant to DreamCatcher as follow
s: (a) You are responsible for supplying your own equipment and operating system
for using the Application Software, and for keeping it in good working order, a
t your own expense; (b) You will use the Application Software for your own perso
nal entertainment and not for any commercial purpose; (c) You will not copy, dec
ompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the Application Software, or otherwise r
educe the Application Software to a human-perceivable form; (d) You will not mod
ify, network, rent, lease, distribute or create derivative works based upon the
Application Software in whole or in part; (e) You will not electronically transm
it the Application Software from one computer to another or over a network; (f)
You will not make any attempts to discover the source code of the Application So
ftware, or create any derivative works. 4. ESRB Notice and Multi-User Disclaimer
. ESRB Notice: Game Experience May Change During Online Play. DreamCatcher ackno
wledges that the Application Software may be utilized by several different users
during the same session, and that communications may be exchanged between playe
rs over the Internet during play. DreamCatcher disclaims all liability for any d
amages suffered by you as a result of any such communications made by other user
s online. 5. No Endorsement.The display of the DreamCatcher trade mark, trade na
me, logo, or any domain name owned by DreamCatcher, on any third party web site
does not constitute an endorsement of such third party or its web site, nor any
products, services or content contained on such web site. Your access to or use
of such third party products, services or content is solely at your own risk. 6.
Termination.This Agreement is effective until terminated.You may terminate this
Agreement at any time by destroying the Application Software and related docume
ntation and all copies thereof.DreamCatcher can terminate this Agreement at any
time if it determines you have failed to comply with any provision of this Agree
ment. Upon receiving notice of termination from DreamCatcher, you must immediate
ly destroy the Application Software and related documentation and all copies the
reof. 7. DreamCatcher Media Warranty.DreamCatcher warrants that for one year fro
m date of original purchase, the compact disc used to distribute the Application
Software shall be free of all manufacturing defects.Additionally, for the same
one year period, DreamCatcher will replace, free of charge, any compact disc tha
t may be damaged in any way.You must return the defective or damaged compact dis
c along with proof of purchase and signed warranty card.A postage and handling c
harge of US$8.00 must accompany the order. (Please note: Add US$2.00 for each ad
ditional disc.) 8. Disclaimer of Warranty on Application Software.The Applicatio
n Software and related documentation are provided AS IS and without warranty of
any kind, and DreamCatcher expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or impl
ied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of non-infringement, m
erchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.DreamCatcher does not warran
t that the functions contained in the Application Software will meet your requir
ements, nor that the operation of the Application Software will be uninterrupted
or error-free, or that defects in the Application Software will be corrected.Fu
rthermore, DreamCatcher does not warrant or make any representations regarding t
he use or the results of the use of the Application Software or related document
ation in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. No ora
l or written information or advice given by DreamCatcher or a DreamCatcher-autho
rized representative shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of
this warranty.Should the Application Software prove defective, you (and not Dre
amCatcher or a DreamCatcher-authorized representative) assume the entire cost of
all servicing, repair or correction.You expressly acknowledge and agree that us
e, quality and performance of the Application Software is at your sole risk.
–  –
9. Limitation of Liability.Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall D
reamCatcher, its shareholders, subsidiaries, officers, directors or employees be
liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that resu
lt from this Agreement or your use or inability to use the Application Software
or related documentation, even if DreamCatcher or a DreamCatcher-authorized repr
esentative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.In no event shall
DreamCatcher’s total maximum liability to you for all damages, losses, and caus
es of action (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) exceed the total amount pa
id by you for the Application Software.Any allowable claim must be brought again
st DreamCatcher no later than sixty (60) days after the date of the event giving
rise to such claim. 10. Indemnity.You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Drea
mCatcher, its shareholders, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees in r
espect of any claims, demands, causes of action, liability, damages, costs, fine
s, expenses (including legal fees) that result directly or indirectly from your
use or misuse of the Application Software or any violation of this Agreement. 11
. Governing Law, Language and Severability.This License shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Ontario and any disput
es arising from this Agreement shall be adjudicated in the courts of the provinc
e of Ontario.The original version of this Agreement is in English, and any inter
pretation will be based on the English text.In the case of any discrepancy betwe
en a translated version and the English text, the English version will prevail.I
f for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this A
greement or portion thereof to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforce
d to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties, a
nd the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 12.
Complete Agreement.This License constitutes the entire agreement between DreamCa
tcher and you with respect to your use of the Application Software and related d
ocumentation, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agre
ements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.No amendment to or modifi
cation of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly-
authorized representative of DreamCatcher.
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© 2008 JoWooD Productions Software AG, Pyhrnstrasse 40, A-8940 Liezen, Austria.
Licensed exclusively to DreamCatcher Interactive Inc. for North America. Package
design © 2008 DreamCatcher Interactive Inc. The DreamCatcher® design and mark a
re registered trademarks of DreamCatcher Interactive Inc. Microsoft®, Windows® a
nd DirectX® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. The ratings icon is a trade
mark of the Entertainment Software Association. Software platform logo (™ and ©)
EMA 2006. All other brands, product names and logos are trademarks or registere
d trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Made in Canada.

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