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Level of Effectiveness of the Continuing Professional Development Activities to the

Accounting Professors of Selected State Universities in Metro Manila

Statement of the Problem

This study also aims to answer the following specific questions:
1.0 What is the profile of the accounting professor in terms of the following:
1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Highest Educational Attainment

1.5 Employment Status

1.6 Length of Service

1.7 Subjects Handled?

2.0 How do the respondents assess the level of effectiveness of Competence Areas activities in terms of the
following aspects:

2.1 Technical Competence

2.2 Professional Skills

2.3 Professional Values, Ethics and Attitudes?

3.0 Is there a significant difference between the profile of the respondents and in the respondents
assessment on the level of effectiveness of the Continuing Development Activities in terms of the above
mentioned aspects?

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