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Lesson Plan

Using the ASSURE Model in Social Studies

Overview: Students will create a podcasting using a Siskel and Ebert Format after reading a
novel in class.

A – Analyze learners
The students in this particular social studies class are either on or just above their reading level.
Also, most of the students were of other social classes and ethnic backgrounds. Another
positive characteristic is that that the majority of the students in the class were familiar with
various kinds of technology, which would definitely be helpful in trying to implement the lesson.
The students in this room appear to be students who learn best lessons are visual, logical and

S- State Objectives
My audience is students in my 6th grade social studies class who will use podcasting and garage
band to create a podcast using the novel read in class with 90% accuracy.

LA. The student will write narrative accounts with an engaging plot (including rising action,
conflict, climax, falling action, and resolution) include a clearly described setting with figurative language
and descriptive words or phrases to enhance style and tone; and

LA. The student will use appropriate available technologies to enhance communication and
achieve a purpose (e.g., video, online)

Technology Standards

Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and
Using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
d. identify trends and forecast possibilities.

2. Communication and Collaboration

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
and media.
S- Select Instructional methods, media, and materials

Students will be reading the novel “Elijah from Buxton”. Teacher will tell students that once
they have completed the novel, they will work in groups to collect their ideas about the novel.
The student’s ideas can be written on either Word or Microsoft office OneNote.

Teacher will tell students that once they have written down their group’s ideas about the book,
Teacher will tell students that they are going to use this information to create a podcast.
Teacher will tell students that they will use a Siskel and Ebert format.
Teacher will find examples of Find examples of Siskel and Ebert on YouTube. (Note: YouTube
is banned from school districts so teacher may have to place them on a flash drive and show
them in class. Please make sure to preview any and all videos if using them as resources).

Teacher will also find examples of podcasting for students to view, and a set of written directions
to pass out to each group.

Websites for Podcasting

Siskel and Ebert

U- Utilize media and materials

Teacher should have already previewed materials, and prepared them for class. Teacher will
take students to the computer lab and review the above websites with the students. Teacher will
have a question and answer period with the students regarding the assignment.

If, the websites do not work in the lab, teacher and can have students form their groups for the
assignment. Teacher will then have a brief discussion and activity about the novel. Teacher will
then have students use either one of the word programs to form their opinions about the book.

Teacher will place websites on the board for students to copy down the sites or give them a hard
copy to use at home, so that they can review the information.

Day 2 - Discussion on websites that they saw the previous night.

R-Require learner participation

Teacher will place students into literature groups of no more than four students. Teacher will use
.Role_Sheets.pdf, and assign each group a chapter to use for the various roles.
E- Evaluate and Revise

Multimedia Project : Elijah of Buxton Podcast

Teacher Name: Ms. N Williams

Student Name:     ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Presentation Well-rehearsed Rehearsed with Delivery not Delivery not
with smooth fairly smooth smooth, but able smooth and
delivery that delivery that to maintain audience
holds audience holds audience interest of the attention often
attention. attention most of audience most of lost.
the time. the time.
Content Covers topic in- Includes essential Includes essential Content is
depth with details knowledge about information about minimal OR
and examples. the topic. Subject the topic but there there are several
Subject knowledge are 1-2 factual factual errors.
knowledge is appears to be errors.
excellent. good.
Oral Presentation Interesting, well- Relatively Delivery not Delivery not
rehearsed with interesting, smooth, but able smooth and
smooth delivery rehearsed with a to hold audience audience
that holds fairly smooth attention most of attention lost.
audience delivery that the time.
attention. usually holds
Originality Product shows a Product shows Uses other Uses other
large amount of some original people's ideas people's ideas,
original thought. thought. Work (giving them but does not give
Ideas are creative shows new ideas credit), but there them credit.
and inventive. and insights. is little evidence
of original

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