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Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086

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CFD simulation of steam condensation in a subcooled water pool

Satyajit Kumar Shukla, A.M. Naveen Samad, Sumana Ghosh
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In present work interfacial dynamics of steam injection to a sub cooled stagnant water pool using a ver-
Received 16 December 2016 tical blowdown pipe has been simulated using ANSYS FLUENT 14. Multiphase Volume of Fluid (VOF)
Received in revised form 19 April 2017 model is used to track the interface and standard k- model was adopted for modeling the turbulence.
Accepted 30 April 2017
Effects of pool temperature and steam injection velocity are explored to understand the hydrodynamic
and thermal characteristics of the pool. Also the effect of both these parameters on the rate of condensa-
tion is investigated. It has been observed that increase in the steam injection velocity will decreases the
interfacial temperature which in turn enhances the rate of condensation.
Two phase flow
VOF model
2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Steam condensation
Water pool

1. Introduction Many experiments were conducted in order to study about the

hydrodynamics of steam injection to a pool of water [111]. During
The energy demand of the world is increasing day by day. As the the injection of steam there will a phenomena called chugging will
fossil fuels are limited and cause pollution there is a growing need take place. A lot of studies were conducted to understand chugging
for alternative energy resources. In this context one of the potential and also to determine various characteristics of it [1213]. Nariai
alternatives can be nuclear energy. For the conversion of nuclear and Aya [14] provided an oscillation classification map in terms
energy to electricity one of the most commonly used nuclear reac- of steam flow rate and pool temperature. It has been reported that
tors is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). Most vital part of the safety at low pool temperature, there is a high frequency oscillation of
system incorporated in a BWR is the pressure suppression pool. pressure. It is termed as large chugging. Later they presented a
The pressure suppression pool of BWR is injected with a massive detailed linear frequency analysis of oscillation pattern [15]. Ali
amount of steam, air and other non-condensable gases at the time et al. [16] also performed analytical model oscillation pattern.
of loss of coolant accidents. Direct contact condensation of steam Recently computational fluid dynamics is used as tool to under-
takes place at the pool. This phenomenon is of interest for stand the chugging phenomenon. Hydrodynamic study of chugging
researchers as it plays an important role for designing of BWR. phenomenon without mass transfer has been carried out by earlier
When the steam is injected to the pressure suppression pool the researchers [17,18]. Later on Thiele [19] incorporated the effect of
steam gets condensed and the temperature of the pool water mass transfer in VOF simulations. Laine et al. [20] performed CFD
increases and sometimes it leads to the thermal stratification of simulations for the experiments conducted in PPOOLEX facility of
pool water. If the injection of steam takes place at a low mass flow Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). They used Euler-
rate then there will be a weak mixing in the pool resulting in the Euler two phase model of commercial CFD software FLUENT [21]
thermal stratification in the pool and thereby increasing the pres- to simulate the phenomenon. Weak heat transfer and condensa-
sure. Also high rate of steam injection induced pressure oscillation tion was observed by them. Bubble formation was complex and
in the pool. This condition will adversely affect the pressure sup- they suggested scope for improvement in the model. Tanskanen
pression capacity of the pool. So for a safer operation of the pres- [22] performed CFD analysis of chugging in a POOLEX/PPOOLEX
sure suppression pool a proper monitoring of thermal using NEPTUNE-CFD software They have used Eulerian-Eulerian
stratification and mixing must be done. 2D axisymmetric model to predict interfacial heat transfer. Pool
temperature range used for simulation is 47 to 77 C. A pattern
recognition approach is presented with which condensation rate
can be analyzed from the video material of the suppression pool
DOI of original article: tests during chugging condensation mode. Later Tanskanen et al.
Corresponding author. [23] used pattern recognition algorithm to obtain information
E-mail address: (S. Ghosh).
2451-9049/ 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
S.K. Shukla et al. / Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086 81

about bubble size and chugging frequency. They observed that size (VOF) technique for two-phase modeling is used to simulate the
of bubbles and frequency of chugging increased as pool water tem- phenomenon.
perature is increased. Bubble shape was fully inflated ellipsoidal Mass conservation equation:
bubbles. Patel et al. [24] performed the CFD simulations of weak   X
condensation regime using Open FOAM and NEPTUNE CFD. They r  qU Sq 1
have noted that both the solvers produce similar results. They also q

noticed that prediction of surface divergence is more accurate where q; U; t, Sq are density, velocity, time and mass source respec-
while the surface renewal model overestimates it. Li et al. [25] tively. In the present case, Sq is zero
used VOF method along LES turbulence model to simulate sub Equation for conservation of momentum: A single momentum
cooled pool condensation. They observed qualitative agreement equation is solved throughout the domain and the resulting veloc-
with experimental data. It has been observed that the pressure ity field is shared among the phases. Assuming turbulent flow, the
fluctuation influenced by steam velocity, rate of condensation momentum equation can be written as:
and pool pressure.
The review of the past literature reveals that majority of the qv r  qvv rP r  lrv rv T qg F 2
researchers have performed experimental work on direct contact @t
condensation for various regimes of condensation. However very where P, g, F, l are pressure in the flow field, acceleration due to
less information is available on the modeling of each regime. At gravity, body force acting on the system and viscosity of the flow
the same time not much is known about the large chugging regime, system respectively.
which is typically observed if the pool temperature is quite low Equation for conservation of energy: Like the momentum, a sin-
(below 50 C). An interest is therefore felt to simulate, the conden- gle energy equation is solved throughout the domain and temper-
sation of steam in sub cooled pool is temperature of which kept ature field is shared among phases. The energy equation is given
below 30 C. The purpose of the present study is to investigate as:
the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of the water pool
at different steam injection velocity. qE r  v qE P r  keff rT Sh 3

2. Model development where E, T, keff, Sh are energy, temperature, effective thermal con-
ductivity and heat source respectively.
1 av qv Ev
In this study, simulations of a steam jet injected into a stagnant
pool of sub cooled water through a vertical pipe is carried out using E P 4
commercial CFD software ANSYS FLUENT.
1 av qv
Fig. 1 depicts the geometry of the computational domain. A 3D
numerical model has been developed using commercial software 2.2. Turbulence model
to study the steam injection in a cylindrical pool filled with sub
cooled water. Geometry consists of a cylindrical pool of height The standard k  e model for each phase was chosen to model
2.63 m and pool is 2.4 m diameter. A blowdown pipe is submerged the turbulence in the steam-water system. The standard k  e
in water pool. It is placed non-axisymmetrically 0.3 m from pool model is a model based on model transport equations for the tur-
center. Height and diameter of blowdown pipe is 1.83 m and bulence kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (e) and the equa-
0.214 m respectively. tion is given by:
@ @ @ lt @k
2.1. Governing equations qk qkui l Gk Gb qe  Y M
@t @xi @xj rk @xj
The governing equations used for the development of the model Sk 5
are mass conservation equation, momentum transfer equation,
The kinetic energy k is obtained by solving Eq. (5)
energy conservation equation, turbulence model, condensation   
and evaporation model, and interfacial heat and mass transfer @ @ @ lt @ e e
qe qeui l C 1e Gk C 3e Gb
coefficients. Condensation of steam in water involved deformation @t @xi @xj re @xj k
of interface with time and space and large number of interacting
phenomena. Hence, Eulerian-Eulerian based Volume of Fluid  C 2e q Se 6
The dissipation energy e is obtained from Eq. (6).
where lt eddy viscosity. Gk and Gb represents the generation of
turbulence kinetic energy due to the mean velocity gradients and
buoyancy respectively. YM represents the contribution of the fluc-
tuating dilatation in compressible turbulence to the overall dissi-
pation rate. The constant are taken as C l 0:09; rk 1;
re 1:3; C 1e 1:44; C 2e 1:92.

2.3. Evaporation-Condensation model

The evaporation-condensation model is a mechanistic model

with a physical basis (Lee [26]). The liquid-vapor mass transfer
(evaporation and condensation) is governed by the vapor transport
av qv r  av qv ~ _ lv  m
Vv m _ vl 7
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of geometry. @t
82 S.K. Shukla et al. / Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086

where av and qv are vapor phase volume fraction and density, V  v is Inlet Boundary Condition: Pressure is specified at the pipe inlet.
_ lv and m
the vapor phase velocity, m _ v l are the rates of mass transfer The velocity at which steam enters the blow down pipe is given.
due to evaporation and condensation respectively. The unit is kg/ The temperature of steam is given as 104 C. Vapor is treated as
m3 s. constant density fluid because its a dense gas and Ideal gas law
Mass transfer can be defined as: assumption leads to error. Water vapor can be treated as ideal
For T l > T sat gas if the pressure is below 10 kPa. However in the present case
the pressure specified as 119 kPa. At such high pressure the ideal
T l  T sat
_ lv coff  al ql
m 8 gas law leads to significant error. This has also been mentioned
T sat in literature (Cengel and Cimbala [28]).
coff is interpreted as relaxation time Wall Boundary Condition: A stationary no slip boundary condi-
For T v < T sat tions are imposed on the wall of the blowdown pipe and the walls
of the pool. The blowdown pipe wall is considered to be insulated
T sat  T v so an adiabatic condition is applied for the pipe wall.
_ v l coff  av qv
m 9
T sat Outlet Boundary Conditions: The upper part of the water pool is
The source term of the energy equation can be obtained by mul- considered as outlet. Pressure is specified at the pool outlet.
tiplying the rate of mass transfer with latent heat.
Flux (Fl) expressed in kg/s/m2 in case of flat interface is given by
Hertz Knudsen formula [27] 3. Numerical simulation
M 3.1. Meshing of the model and grid independence
Fl b P  Psat 10
2pRT sat
Fig. 2 depicts the meshed geometry. Four different sets of nodes
b, M, R, P and Psat are the accommodation coefficient, molecular are used to check the grid independency of the model. For grid
weight, universal gas constant, partial and saturation pressure dependence study four grids were made (50200, 71000, 110181
respectively. and 235554). Structured grid is generated with conformal mapping
At saturation condition pressure and temperature is expressed using quadrilateral and pave cells. In order to capture the boundary
by Clapeyron-Clausius equation as layer, the grids are made very fine at the interfaces and started to
coarsen as it moved away from the walls.
dP k Fig. 3 shows the result of grid independency test. It was
dT Tv v  v l observed that the volume fraction of liquid for 110181 and
235554 nodes are nearly constant. Hence, the 110181 number of
where k, v v and v l are latent heat, volume per unit mass of vapor
nodes gets selected for further computation to obtain results with
and liquid respectively.
higher accuracy.
For P and T are close to saturation condition
P  Psat  T   T sat 12
Tv v  v l
Using this Eq. (10) will be modified as
M qv ql T   T sat
Fl b k 13
2pRT sat ql  qv T sat

b will be 1 at equilibrium condition.

The mixture model assumes dispersed flow between the vapor
and liquid. If all the vapor bubble assumed to have same diameter
db then the interfacial area is given by
6av al
Ai 14
The source term in the energy equation can be obtained by mul-
tiplying the interfacial area with flux as mentioned in ANSYS FLU-
ENT user guide [21]
6b M qv ql al ql T   T sat
FlAi k 15
db 2pRT sat ql  qv T sat

The coefficient can be obtained as

6b M qv ql
coeff k 16
db 2pRT sat ql  qv

2.4. Initial and boundary conditions

Initial Condition: In the simulation flow has been initiated from

the pipe inlet. The water is filled up to a height of 2.63 in the com-
putational domain. Fig. 2. Meshed geometry.
S.K. Shukla et al. / Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086 83

Fig. 3. Grid independence test.

Fig. 4. Contours of steam and water inside the pool at a steam injection velocity of
3.2. Discretization method
10 m/s and pool temperature of 20 C.

As the flow phenomenon is dynamic in nature, variation of the

flow phenomena both in time and space has been considered. Con-
tinuity equation has been discretized by PRESTO (Patankar [29]).
Volume fraction, turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate
equation are discretized by first order upwind method. While
momentum and energy equations are discretized by second order
upwind method. SIMPLE algorithm is used for pressure velocity
coupling. The momentum and energy was solved using the second
order upwind discretization scheme. The simulation is carried out
for 50 s with a time step of 0.001 s.
The convergence criterion is decided based on the residual
value of the calculated variables, namely mass, velocity compo-
nents and volume fraction. In the present study, the numerical
computation is considered converged when the residuals of the
different variables are set as 0.001. However in case of turbulent
energy and dissipation rate more stringent criterion (five orders
of magnitude) is used.

4. Results and discussions Fig. 5. Contours of temperature inside the pool at a steam injection velocity of
10 m/s and pool temperature of 20 C.
The results of the simulation have been presented in the follow-
ing section. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of
pool temperature and steam injection velocity on thermal and observed that steam is coming out at vent pipe outlet shown by
hydrodynamic characteristics of pool. The parameters studied for red region. Water comes into contact with steam, a steam water
this are pool temperature and condensation mass flux. A radial mixture zone is observed at the bottom and at the walls. Average
interfacial line 0.75 m from the bottom of the pool and just below vapor volume fraction is between 0.4 and 0.5. Initial unsteady con-
steam water interface has been created to investigate the interfa- dition and fluctuations can be seen from the contours at different
cial temperature and mass flux at interface. In the following sec- time instant. After almost 35 s of injection a steady state has been
tion the development of two phase flow in the pool is discussed reached. The temperature contours of the steam injected to a pool
followed by the effect of pool temperature and steam injection is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen from the figures that change in
velocity. temperature is more prominet in the fluid layer lies between the
wall closer to the blowdownpipe. The wall closer to the blowdown
pipe is more heated and this in turn results in lesser condensation
4.1. Development of two phase flow rate of steam. Hence a higher amount of steam presence can be
noticed at this wall from Fig. 4. This is also observed from Fig. 6
Initially the water level in the computational domain is up to which depicts a typical representation of mass transfer rate at
2.63 m and the complete domain except the blow downpipe is 40 s in the same plane. Negative values of mass transfer indicates
filled with water. Steam is injected from the blowdown pipe. The condensation. Higher condensation rate is notice at wall that is
temperature of the steam is 104 C and the steam in the blowdown having a higher distance from blow down pipe.
pipe was at a pressure of 119435 Pa. Initially effect of different tur-
bulence models has been studied using constant steam injection
velocity of 10 m/s and constant water pool temperature of 20 C. 4.2. Effect of pool temperature
Fig. 4 depicts the phase contours of steam and water in the pool.
In the figures the red and the blue colors indicate the steam and Next interest is felt to investigate effect of pool temperature on
water phase respectively. From the figure it is evident that steam the effect of pool temperature on the thermal and hydrodynamics
condensation takes place at the bottom of the pool. It can be characteristics of the pool. For these simulations is investigated at
84 S.K. Shukla et al. / Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086

Fig. 8. Effect of pool temperature on average radial temperature at different axial


Fig. 6. Zoomed view of mass transfer rate contour at 40 s.

a constant steam injection velocity of 10 m/s but with three differ-

ent pool water temperatures 5 C, 10 C, 15 C, 20 C, 30 C.
Fig. 7 depicts the radial profile of instantaneous pool tempera-
ture at an axial location of 0.75 m from the bottom surface of the
pool. It shows the profile after 30 s of steam injection for different
initial pool temperatures. It can be seen from the figure that tem-
perature increases gradually with radial position attaining highest
at a location which is closer to steam injection. After attaining the
maximum, temperature decreases gradually with increase in radial
position. This trend is true for all the initial pool temperatures. To
investigate the effect of initial pool temperature on thermal strat-
ification, average radial pool temperature is plotted at different
axial locations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7 m from the bottom wall of the
pool) in Fig. 8. It can be noted that the Trad increases with axial
locations for initial pool temperature of 5 C and 10 C. This Fig. 9. Radial profile of vapor volume fraction at different pool temperature.
increase indicates existence of a thermal stratification at lower
temperature of pool. However at 15 C this trend is reduced. Also
in Fig. 9. This figure shows there is a fluctuation in steam conden-
a close observation of the figure suggests that the increase of tem-
sation along radial profile. The range varies from complete steam
perature with axial locations is not smooth but it has fluctuations.
zone to two phase mixture of steam and water. Pure steam zone
The reason may be continuous condensation and generation of
is noticed closer to the blow down pipe. A 50% mixture of water
vapor gives periodic fluctuation in composition of pool. This is also
and vapor is noticed closer to wall of the cylindrical pool. This
evident from the radial profile of vapor volume fraction as depicted
trend is true for all initial pool temperature. However, vapor frac-
tion varies very slightly with initial pool temperature. Fig. 10
depicts the time averaged rate of condensation for three different
pool temperatures at an axial location of 0.7 m from the bottom.
It can be observed that rate of condensation attain a steady state
value and it is marginally higher for the lowest pool temperature.
Thus pool water with temperature of 15 C is most likely to prevent
thermal stratification.

4.3. Effect of steam injection velocity

Three set of simulations were set up with constant pool water

temperature of 10 C using 5 m/s, 10 m/s and 15 m/s steam injec-
tion velocity. To investigate the effect of steam injection velocity
on thermal stratification, average radial pool temperature is plot-
ted at different axial locations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7 m from the bottom
Fig. 7. Radial temperature profile at steam water interface with pool temperature wall of the pool) in Fig. 11. It can be seen from the figure that Trad
as parameter for steam injection velocity of 10 m/s at 50 s. increases with axial locations for 5 m/s as well as 10 m/s steam
S.K. Shukla et al. / Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086 85

Fig. 10. Time averaged mass transfer rate at steam water interface with pool
temperature as parameter for steam injection velocity of 10 m/s at 50 s.

Fig. 12. Radial profile of vapor volume fraction at different injection velocity.

Fig. 13. Time averaged mass transfer rate at steam water interface with steam
Fig. 11. Effect of steam injection velocity on average radial temperature at different injection velocity as parameter for pool temperature of 10 C at 50 s.
axial location.

5. Conclusions

injection. Increase of temperature with axial location is highest for The present work aims to simulate the steam injection to a stag-
5 m/s. It reduces with increase in steam injection velocity to 10 m/s nant sub cooled pool of water. A 3D model has been developed by
and almost uniform temperature has been noted for 15 m/s. Hence using CFD software ANSYS FLUENT [21]. From the study the follow-
it can be concluded that with increase in steam injection velocity ing conclusions can be made:
the kinetic energy of steam increases which enhances mixing in
the pool and enhance heat transfer from liquid side. This in turn  Three temperatures were chosen for the water in the pool and
results in an average uniform temperature in the pool and the ther- the temperatures were 5 C, 10 C and 15 C and the steam inlet
mal stratification can be avoided. It can also be noticed from the velocity in these conditions was taken as 10 m/s. From these
figure that after axial location of 0. 7 m, the temperature for simulations it can be concluded that higher the pool initial tem-
15 m/s is lower than that of other two velocities. Hence it can be perature lower is the condensation rate.
said that the value of Trad decreases with increases in steam injec-  Also higher initial pool temperature leads to more uniformity of
tion velocity closer to the vent pipe outlet. Similar trend is also average radial temperature at long the axial location which can
observed reported by Li et al. (2015). Fig. 12 depict the radial pro- play a significant role in preventing thermal stratification.
file of vapor volume fraction as a function of steam injection veloc-  Next steam injection velocity are varied from 5 m/s, 10 m/s
ity. The trend of this figure is similar to that observed earlier. The to15 m/s. For this set of simulation the pool water temperature
time averaged rate of condensation for different steam injection was taken as 10 C .From the results it is concluded that the
velocity closer to vent pipe exit (axial location of 0.7 m) is depicted condition with steam inlet velocity 15 m/s is better than the
in Fig. 13. It can be noticed from the figure that rate of condensa- other two condition as it prevents the thermal stratification
tion is higher for 15 m/s steam injection velocity and lowest for due to its turbulence kinetic energy and thereby increase in
5 m/s. This can be explained from the Fig. 12, where the tempera- the condensation rate.
ture at the pipe exit is higher for 5 m/s steam injection velocity. As  The analysis further shows that proper choice of CFD model can
the average radial temperature is higher for least steam injection predict the complex hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics
velocity hence lowest condensation takes place at this situation. of sub cooled pool with steam injection to a satisfactory level.
86 S.K. Shukla et al. / Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2 (2017) 8086

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