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SPE 29302

The Significance of Large Variations in Oil Properties of the Dai Hung Field, Vietnam
Peter Behrenbruch, BHP Petroleum Pty. Ltd.
Pham Quang Du, PetroVietnamOil& Gas Co.
*SPE Msmbsr

Copyright19S5, Soobfy of PafroieumEnginaaraInc.

Thb paw was prapwed for praaenfafiin at fha Aah PacMii Oil 6 Gaa Chferanca hatdIn Kuala LumDur,MaIayaia, March 20-22, 1995.

Thii paparwaa aebcfad forpraawtatbn by n SPE PrograrnrnaComMfaa followingreviewof iniownatbnconfdnad h an bafraofwbrnltfad by tha a@hor(a).ConfanfsO/tha papar,
aapraaer-ta dhmmndbaanravbwad bytha Soohtyof Pafrdaun En@waraandaraa ubleoftooowocWn byfhe a@mr(a). The material,aa praaanfad,dwa notmaaaary rafbct any
poaifbnlxfha sootatyor PafroMm Enginaara,ka offkem, or ~ Papara praaati at SPE nmafings m atb)act to Publioatbnraviawby EdifotialComrrriltaasof fha Scdaty of
Pafrohn Er@naara. ~bn to copy ia reafrbfad to an bafraofd nof MOM than 300 words. Ihafratbrw may nd ba wpbd. The bafraofshould confdm cotwpicuoua
acknowladgrnerd d wham and by wltomftm papar ia preaa-d. Wrka Librarian,SPE, P.O. Sox S33S36, Riohardaon,7X 7WIXH836 U.S.A. Teiax 730S8S SPEDAL.

The genera! framework of crude properties established is

suitable to type other crudes, even if limited information is
?he Dai Hung Oil field, offshm Vietnam, is comprised of available.
a complex subsurfacestructurecontainingstackednxervoir
sequences typically found in many other Southeast Asian Of the existing PVT correlations testedl-s,it was found that
fields. Combined with areal fault compartmentalisation, Standingslcomelationfor the oil formation volume factor
this situation has led to the observed,large variations in oil and the Kartoatmodjo-Schmidt5correlation for the bubble
properties. Furthermore,the depositional environment in point fitted the Dai Hung crude data the best. For the
terms of burial history has created a unique oveqmssure lower shrinkage Dsi Hung crudes the Malaysian oil
situation which also had an affec~particularly on the crude formation volume factor correlation by 0mar-Todd4 gave
saturation conditions of individual reservoirs. the best data fit.

For commercial and technical reasons, this situation

required a detailed analysis, both in terms of variation in INTRODUCTION
crude assay and live oil properties. For whole crude
properties: gravity. K factor, wax content and pour point - Petroleum properties are of importance for a variety of
graphs were drawn up using a large database of worldwide purposes: in the areas of exploration, petroleum
crudes against which the Dai Hung data could be validated. engineering,productionoperations,processhigand refining,
In case of PVT properties (bubble point and formation and marketing.
volume factor) existing industry comelations were
examined. The Dai Hung field, further described below, required the
collection of a large amount of oil properties data (both
It could be concluded that the swe% medium gravity and crude assay and PVT) which, in combination with propeI?y
moderately waxy Dai Hung crude has whole crude chelations, was used to define the specific crude or oil
properties which are comparable to other, similar crude% properties of every hydraulic unit for the purpose of
production forecasting (reservoir behaviour and product
variation over time). The Dai Hung crude is also fairly
waxy, with a pour point of -27C, requiring consideration
References and illustrations at end of paper for potential process and production problems.


UNG FIEIJUW) DEVEIQHWNX Ihedual 3 (75 mmbore) flowlinesconnect each well to the
FPU via a mid-depth buoy. This configuration allows for
Field Description pigging and the circulation of hydrocarbons and displacing
the flowline contents with another fluid to avoid possible
The Dai Hung field is located 270 km southeast, offshore probiemsfrom wax formationcl-wing@@of prootictiofi
Vietnam, in 110 m of water (Fig. 1). shutdown. Under normal operation,production will be via
both flowlines. Eachproductionflowlineis comected to the
-..+ A;- +hm
,11u=cm son hd.
-..., ...]=.
r---- -
IU?trO@rn COn@hhI~ riser balcony on the FPU. The configurationfor the two 6
horizons of the field are the Thong and Dua elastics, and export flowlinesis similar. Crude pour point considerations
the overlying Mang Cau carbonates. More minor are further described below.
petroleum occumences have also been found in the
underlying granitic basement.
The structure is heavily faulted, particularly at the lower
horizons,as shownin Figure2 forthe CoalMarker,ahorizon
in the lower elastics. Figure 3 shows a schematiceast-west Introduction
cross-section,indicatingthe three major formationintervals
and relative depth of some of the major fault blocks. As with any detailed analysisof a large amount of physical
data, particularattentionwaspaid to validate the data as part
Figures2 and 3 also showthe locationof the 12wellsdrilled of the final analysis. Furthermore,less recent data for which
to date. Wells DH-1,-2 and -3 were drilled by Vietsovpetro details are less well known received less weighting in the
(1989/90)and all other wellsweredrilledrecently(1993/94) overall analysis. Particular attention was also paid to
as part of a major appraisal/early development drilling sampling conditions, sample condition prior to analysis,
campaign. laboratorytesting methodsandcalculations,and consistency
with (other) prOdiiCtiOriureS&$@~i @t&.

Field Development and Facilities

Reservoir Pressures
The initial phase of the development utilises an Early
ProductionSystem(EPS)and firstpr(xiuctionfromthe field Static press~ variations in this field are particularly
was established just 18 months after the signing of the interesting as they relate to individual hydraulic units of a
production sharing contract (PSC) with the Vietnamese compiex structurewhich had a rapid b-uiiaihistory, creating
government. The fast track natureof the project was further substantial overpressures; see for example Mann and
complicated by the fact that appraisal and development MackenzieG.Figure5 showsa static pressureplot indicating
drilling proceeded concurrently. the same overprewre gradient in different fault blocks for
the EPS area. Similar trends are seen in other parts of the
The EPS facilities consists of a semi-submersibleFloating field.
Reduction Unit (FPU)and a Floating Storageand Offshore
(FSO)vessel comected to a Catenary AnchorLeg Mooring To furtherdemonstrateobservedpressure variations,Figure
(CALM)buoy. Figure4 shows a schematicof the facilities. 6, for example, shows more detailed pressure gradients for
weii DH-lP,These pRSSUR gradientshave been compared
Theproductionfromfive subseawells(initiallyfour),drilled with PVT properties and production test data as further
fromthree separatesurfacelocations,passesthroughdual 3 mentionedbelow.
subsea flowlinesto the FPU. lluee of the wells are located
under the FPU and the other two wells are located Crude and Oil Properties
approximately 1.5 km from the FPU. The oil is separated
from gas and water on board the FPU and the gas is used fix Wellsdrilled duringthe recentcampaignnot only conthned
fuel with the remainderflared, me oil is then pumped ftom the complex nature of the field, which had first become
the FPU to the FSO vessel where it is stored before evident from the 3D seismicinterpretation, but also a large
offloading to another vessel. variation in cmde gravity and associated properties. From


recent laboratory sample analyses, crude oils fkomthe field to variation as a result of the sample temperature history
exhibit properties in the following ranges (on average): (hysteresis effects). Crude gravity measurements are
gravity, 28-37API;wax content, 10-16%by weight pour relatively precise (k 1%) but actual figures are subject to
w~~~{= crude)? -27C; bubble point, 27004300 psia; variation as related to the gas-oil separation process and
solution gas-oil ratio, 500-1100 scf/stb; and formation normalisationadjustmentsmay therefore be required.
volume factor (at bubble point), 1.3-1.8 rb/stb. For further
details see Tables 1 and 2. It should be noted that the The K factor is usually accurate to within *0.05 units but
indicated ranges are larger when all data are included from relativelyinsensitive due to its scaling. It is also subject to
the entire field. misinterpretationwherecalculationsare basedon the weight
% boiling point curve rather than volume%. Fwlhermore,
an estimateof the K factor can be obtained horn correlation
with various other parameters which may be less precisely
determined(forexamplemolecularweight). Publicationsby
Parameter Description the American Petroleum Institute should be consulted for
further details,
In analysing the variations in crude properties for the Dai
Hung field, one of the early aims was to be able to predict Dai Hung Data Correlation
crude property variations during (initial) production, in
particular as related to product quality and field operation. As indicated by the assay data in Table 1, the Dai Hung
crude is a medium-heavycrude, on average 31APIgravity.
For this purpose, it was decided to examine the following The sweet crude has a sulphur content of only 0.09%.
wholecrude properties: API gravity, K factor, wax content With a K value of around 11.9, it has intermediate
m! Polmpoint, The Watsoncharacterisationfactor(UOPK) paraffhicity. While the naphtha yields are low, it has,
was found to be useful in correlating the other three however, good yields of middle distillates and vacuum oils
parameters;it is by definition given by, can be achieved. The crude is of high quality, good for
refining. With low contaminants, Dai Hung crude is well
K = [T* (50)]%/pO~C................................... (1) suitedfor both hydroskimmingand cracking refineries.

Where Tti (50), is the absolute mean average temperature Two plots were constructed, Figures 7 and 8, to examine
~R) of the cumulative boiling point curve (% VOI)and p~ all available data for the above mentioned parameters and
is the oil density at standard conditions. lle K factor thus the Dai Hungfield. As evident, there is considerable data
describes in a global sense the average behaviour of the scatter, particularly in Figure 8. it siiouid be ernphasked
mixture of compoundsin a crude. A minimumvalue of 10 tiiliit
. .. : k - 4A,..A:## -* 1
tk ddlil 1S 110111 lUUI LMllei%k
cabdquw @_

(practically not less than 11) indicates a very this aspect turned out to be particularly significant in case
naphthenichtrornaticcrude and a maximum value of 13 of the reported K factor and wax content (see below).
indicates an extremely waxy crude.
For the Dai Hung field, the correlation for K vs API
The significance of the paraffinicity and the paraffin compares very well with that which can be derived ikom
distribution in crudes has been describedpreviouslyby one crude samples using a much larger data base (see next
of the authors. section). As evident, there are also different trends among
various data sources, although in some cases less
A few brief commentsshould also be made as to the general significant due to few data points. Variation in repofled
accuracy of the four parameters selected. Wax content results are also evident (Table 1), even if sampledfrom the
measurementsare perhaps the least accurate (*5% for the same original sample. he Blend samples (used for a
same laboratory), partially due to variation in laboratory pre-production assay), for example, were derived by
testing methods, specifically the wax crystallisation blending a number of samples from different wells (at
temperature,andalsome ndkwc ~f~G~L
- ~~ --.-+ --- -=~:=
-+ . ...-.-
w ~=,
:-ml. Aim
.ll&ldW1lg ~iWM subsequent Mlb-S2n@ing prior to
teIRper2t!!W) ZUld

their distribution in a particular crude. The pour point analysis by three different laboratories. As evident, crude
measurement may also be imprecise due to testing gravity falls into a very narrow range while the K-factor
conditions, in particular for on-site measurements. As is varies more markedly. This variation in K factor is mainly
well-known,pour point measurementsmay also be subject due to different calculation/comelation methods used in


A.* :A..
UGIG1llUIULIE ~ f~9~~ v~~~. ~a~ nnrnmlicfd
... . .... . .
@~~ .Apcrt frC-Jrn.condensate.
------. * -.-, cmdes
-. ___ were divided into four

actually plotted in Figure 7 are strictly based on Equation categoriesaccordingto reportedwax content and individual
1 above. sub-groups Were then ordered by crude gravity.
Particularly for the groups with lower wax content a
he correlationfor pour point vs wax, Figure 8, also shows correlation between crude gravity and K factor became
differences among laboratories. The results reported by apparent from inspection. Furthermore, as expected, very
Laboratories A and B appear to be more consistent. waxy crudes tended to exhibit extreme pour points. This
LaboratoryCon average measureda higher wax content as data was then used to construct two plots, Figures 9 and
a result of using a different crystallisation temperature 10, similar as for the Dai Hung data. A line was initially
when compared to the standard (UOP 46) utilised by fitted to data for the Naphthenic Group (d in Table 3)
Laboratories A and B. Less recent data (LaboratoryD) on except for two, more paraffinic crudes which tended to
-. ._n-- J
average showed much less wax content, possiDIydue to scatter significantly fiorn the main trend. A scwnu
different testing conditions,althoughthe data trend may be correlationwas also derived for the ParaffinicGroup(~
explainedby comparisonof results using a larger database in Table 3), except for two samples which deviated
(next section). Another interesting observation is that by considerably ITom the main trend. After slight slope
blending different crude samples, the measured wax adjustments, the final equations shown in Figure 9 were
content and pour point are reduced, a phenomenon which derived for the two sub-categories. The average 5.0% wax
can be beneficial in operational situations (see further line was then established by interpolation. Similarly, the
below). Again, the iieia specific Correlationfor Dai Hung qprNfi,*e &v=age ~~~ .... Wm
. llIIG w- cwa)llcillw
..s,.. -* h.,

compares favorable to that derived for various other consideringthe three crude samples in the rangeof12-13%
crudes of similar composition (next section).
For the pour point vs wax plot (Figure 10) a number of
Other Vietnamese Crudes comments can be made. There are two approximate
asymptotes, the pour point axis (no wax) and the
Other crudes offshore southern Vietnam genertily snow temperature for iOO%wax (average composition). The
similar properties than those for Dai Hung. average trend for naphthenic crudes (~ in Table 3) shows
good correlation except for two crudes which are more
me crude gravity for the White Tiger field is generally in paraffinicand one which is extremelynaphthenic/aromatic.
the range of 31-38APIwith K factors of around 12.2 and Crudes with very low wax content (<1%) could also be
higher. Wax content is also considerably higher, approximatelycorrelated with the naphthenicgroup, except
approximate]y twice that for Dai Hung, with a pour point that the very low pour point temperatures are often not
of -30C (blend). precisely known. A second solid line marks the average of
U* rmWP
fli ohtl
-. -
-. -
ac ~virlent
- . .. ...

The satellite field, Dragon, on the other hand, contains a there is a gradation in paraffinicity. With increased
much heavier crude (22API)with a K factor, wax content waxinessthere is an increase of heavierparaffins,until they
and pour point similar to Dai Hung. tend to dominate the pour point, where the approximate
upper limit in pour point for such crudes is indicated by
Morerecent basementdiscoverieson the same geological the third solid line in Figure 10.
trend as the White Tiger field exhibit very similar crude
properties to the latter. It should be noted that a lot of iterative work was carried
out for the two plots before the final framework was
Worldwide Data and Correlation decided. It is believed that the plots are useful in typing
various crudes and to estimate values in case of missing
In order to gain more insight and to validate the data and data. (It should be remembered that the K factor is best
comelations for Dai Hung, a more extensive data base of calculated IYomthe boiling point curve or as a second
39 additional crudes (mainly Asia-Pacific and some North choice estimated from correlation with other parameters.)
Sea) was utilised. Table 3 lists the four basic parameters
selected for these crudes (including one sample for Dai
Hung), together with the grouping into five categories.



PVT pRop~ incorporatingtheir suggestedseparatorconditioncomection,

all other correlations performed best without any
Introduction correction.

As is customary with any new field, particularly one that Pressure Gradient Data
contains many reservoirs, PVT and other fluid properties
need to be determined from laboratory data for majcx As a further check, the consistency of PVT samples was
reservoirs; this data is then correlated and applied in compared with static oil pressure gradients obtained for
instancesof an incomplete data set for other or more minor various reservoirs. As mentioned above, Figure 6 shows
reservoirs. an example for well DH-lP. For the lower zone indicated,
the equivalent pressure gradient calculated from PVT
For Dai Hung, seven detailed PVT studies had been properties (DST #2) is 1.03psi/m, which compares well
completed (at the time of writing this manuscript), with the two gradients indicated for the same zone.
indicating considerable variation in live oil properties (see
T..hla 9\
1WIGL]. Field Operation and Pour Point Considerations

Oil Formation Volume Factor and Bubble Point As already mentioned above, the Dai Hung crude has a
Correlations relatively high pour point, on average -27T, determined
from the initial pre-production assay.
Initial work for Dai Hung concentrated on defining
hydrocarbon volumes in-place and for this purpose During the initial planning and design phase of the project,
variations in bubble point/gas-oil ratio and oil formation potential problems relating to the high wax content and
volume factor were studied. Five sets of comelationswere pour point were being addressed. As already mentioned
considered to determine the best fitting relationships. under the facilities description, dual production flowlines
Figures 11 and 12 show that a number of comelationsgive were incorporated in order that flowline contents can be
a reasonable fit; a differenceof less than 5% between field circulated out in case of an anticipated, longer production
and correlation is deemed satisfactory. shut-down.

For the oil formation volume factor by far the best fit (for The second measure was the testing and subsequent use of
all data) was found to be Standings correlation (within pour point depressant (PPD). As is customary, initially
5% for all samples). Excluding those crudes with a dead oil tests were conducted, using diffmnt chemicals
BO>l.4, the Malaysian crude correlation by Omar-Todd and dose rates. The optimum chemical depressedthe pour
gave the best data fit. For correlating the bubble point by more than 15C,using reasonable dose rates of
point/gas-oil ratio, the best data fit was achieved with the 400- 500ppm. These results were subsequentlyconfirmed
recently published correlation by Kartoatmodjo-Schmidt on-site during initial production.
(within 5% for all samples, except for two which
compared to within 10%). Some pre-production live oil testing was also cmied out,
and as expected the crude would only gell at a much
In correlating live oil properties,variations in separatorgas reduced temperature. Based on this result and the fact that
gravity (depending on separator conditions) can be the crude takes some time to cool down after a shut-down,
~MdiXihi-]~ S@ififii%iit, aidhi hhiS IMSOfl s~Plitivitks a further safety margin exists, It should also be noted that
were conducted incorporatingsuch adjustments. As shown the mean low ocean temperature at the seafloor is
in Table 2, it was found that the Vazquez-Beggs (V-B) approximately 16C (at 1lore). Finally, it was also
comectionwas less severe than the Kartoatmodjo-Schmidt observed that the blended crude (export line) had more
(K-S) correction. In the final results (Figures 11 & 12), favorable characteristics in that approximately 10% less
the V-B correction gave overall improvedresults in case of PPD could be used to achieve a pour point of less than
the Standing, Glas@ and Kartoatmodjo-Schmidt oil 16C. From these tests it was concluded that the injection
formation volume factor correlations. The Vazquez-Beggs of PPD is only required as a precaution during operational
and Omar-Todd correlation performed better without any upsets and that injection on a continuous basis is not
correction. For the bubble point -elation, only the necessary. Ibis situation may be fhrther relaxed as more
Kartoatmodjo-Schmidt correlation was improved, operational experience is gained.


CONCLUSIONS TOTAL Vietnam and Dai Hung Oil Development (Japan)

Ltd. (DOD - Surnitomoet al).
1. Dai Hung and other Vietnamese medium gravity
crudes can be successfully comelated, in terms of [n terms of preparing the graphs and manuscript,we would
their physical properties, with other crudes. Not like to thank Trinh Viet Cuong and Pham Thi Uyen Ngoc
swywisingly, they show greatest affinity to other for their assistance.
Southeast Asian crudes, most notably Malaysian.
2. Four whole crude parameters (API, K factor, wax Peter Behrenbruch would also like to thank Mike
content and pour point) have been found useful in Turninello and Bill Lawson (BHP Petroleum) for their
establishing a framework for typing various cmdes. -1.~fii..tinm .~u..-. .~ the
-- interpretation of assay data and
General graphs have been established which are making available data from the BHP Petroleum Laboratory
useful in estimating physical parameters on a quick data base.
look basis.
3. In terms of PVT properties comelations, Standings
bubble point correlation was found to be overall the
best correlation for fitting Dai Hung data. For low
shrinkage crudes (BO<l.4), the Omar-Todd 1. Standing, M.B.: A Pressure-Volume-Temperatur
correlation for Malaysian crudes gave the best fit. Correlation For Mixtures of California Oils and
For coiiela*tirlgbu~u.=~... ~..-
..hhb rmh@uaqj~ ratiothe recently Gases,~ Prod. W , API (1947) 275-287.
published correlation by Kartoatrnodjo-ScMdt was 2, Vazquez, M. and Beggs, H. il.: Comeiations For
found to be most acceptable. Fluid physical Property Prediction,paper SPE 6719
presented at the 52nd Annual Fall Technical
Conference and Exhibition of the SPE of AIME
Colorado Oct. 9-12, 1977.
3, Glas$,$.: GeneralisedPressure-Volume-Temperatu
Symbols: Correlations,J. Pet. ~ (May, 1980)785-795.
API = API,crude gravity 4. Omar, M. I., Todd, A. C.: Development of New
B= Oil formation volume factor Modified Black Oil Correlations for Malaysian
K= OUP K or Watson characterisation factor CmdeSyFWr ~ 72Q pr~~~~~d ~~ the IW3 SPE
P= Pressure Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition
T= Temperature SingaporeFebruary 8-10.
w= Wax content 5. Kartoatmodjo,T. and Schmidt, Z.: Large Data Bank
P= Dtmsi?y Improves Crude Physical prow Correlations:
(Juiy 4, 1994)51-55.
Subscripts: 6. Mann,D. M.and Mackenzie,A. S.: Predictionof Pore
abs = Absolute Fluid Ressures in Sedimentary Basins, ~
b = Bubble point ~ Geol~ (February 1990,Vol 7.) 55-65.
o = oil 7. Du,P. Q.: DetailedAssaysConductedon Vietnamese
Sc = Standard conditions Crude Oils,~ (July 16, 1990)58-60

The authors would like to thank the management of the

Dai Hung Joint Venture for permission to publish this
paper. Co-venturers are: BHP Petroleum (Dai Hung) Pty.
Lti. (Operator), Vietnam Oil & Gas Corporation -
PetroVietnam, Petronas Carigali (Dai Hung) Sdn. Bhd.,

APl W@% %
tiborstorvA als2Ed Z7.m / llm S.20 27.0
Os-nN.4x am 12.1s I 1620 22.0
n&2222.*P m.20 11,24 / lt.m 14.10 20.0
OwN.ti Z6.m 11,20 / 1120 9210 20.0 r CM30ECOmN7Rv
B 8knd so.m ma I 12.m 1240 27.0
oboPtlP 2230 11.s4 / 11.S3 12.20 20.0 -
as.r2NaP Z7.m 11.s2 / 43.20 30.0 22d2n22n N.w.wnn AMzdl w.A) 36.3 ?1.7 <0,1 .63

iawxatory c Bhld 20.20 11.s2 / 11.20 *7.EO 27.0 wry Low W22 ~ U.K (Na61Zn) 220 11.S 1 0.0 4 .30
02aN.4x 2s,20 12,02 / 11.22 22.24 15.0 0.4
OS-OH-1PM 20s0 tt,ss / 11.70 15,42 22.0 0.!
as-DN-lPra 23.s0 / tz.m 20.43 27,5 0.2
04DN-2P am 11.s7 / 11.7s f1,42 27.0 0.?
os-mwn 20.20 12,W / 1!.60 98,2a 22.0 0.7
m.w-arm 20s2 12.02 / 11.s0 Za24 22.0 27
Os.WLsx (s) 2242 11.72 / 11.22 1s.02 1s0 2.3
(1) Z2.a 12.10 / 11.20 23.44 36.0
Os-m2.4x @j zs.m 12.16 / 1Zi7 2s.02 27.0
SS.OWIP u) zr.m 11.n / 11.s2 1&22 15.0
ia70Fsto5Y D 040N-lx (s) 22s5 isa- / lzm 15.20 3*.0
4S.W-lX (11) 22.20 11.40I 11.20 7s0 120

Oww-sx (2) 2s.21 12.00 / llM 12.30
0sa$L2x (s) 38.22 11.2QI ltm 8.s0 21,0

(4) 29.s2 11.20 j tl.m 2LS2 185
3.s (c) 20,$4 t2.m I mso em 220
( )llskr,21c31626m Ta4

Nlll h- IW.A) 44.7 lZO i 1.8 -15<
+ 111.wll.o~d OsBN-sx 2s) Ss.zl mm- I tt.w 6.20 too
3.92 18.0 M0d2762mW22 m U.K. (HZ@ 362 11.94 5.0 ---i 6
22.M 11.50 / 1$.40
hbmzdk22 Fti @4a61*) ats 11.94 70 .3
UOP K SmPum ** 237 11,6 72 a
Table 1 Dal Hung Crud - Whole Crude Assay Data 77U9 U.N. (Nom Sn) 27.0 1204 7.7 12
VW261hk Oraup m U.K. (NC+61
S@ 272 1204 6.5 0
E8Nlt urn. **) 26.0 12.1 4 52 -3

5!= W22 JmN All- (73mr2@ 62.3 122 d 5.s w
Wka < 10% T* ~- 454 1224 m e
- mm 4s 11.s T 0,3 -2

R6EEEvdr P72ssls2 * ~--- 67.0 121 7.2 0

66.6 123 d W -
RmEIsolr F 2S2322632W 247343 = cem9r- Uti (awKaI
(c.-) 20.2 !1.6 13.0 15
WI W33 M Mmnls
P7ssslss * 3147 214.7 214.? 2147 314.7 2%4,7 214.7
161@lPOW P0k12 2a7 12.0 %24 27
mm --
T0m7psmms F 171 171 171 171 171 171 171
HIsI12JOPK m M* (E. ~) =2 11s t 720 20
M GE6vsv 31,2 22.6 2W4 33a 262 20.6 224
al, Mti (S.E.3unUa) 23.3 126 1s.6 23
OHl0E71Esy(E2mk trek) D6522 0.- 0.5766 0.32240 Q60 0.6726 0.W22
~m Q2c@ Aim Mwmia (C..lwa) 22.0 12.0 258 a
OEn spaC#lS G723i2v 0.721 0.507 0.7a 0.226 0.3M 0623 0621
w Mmndo (3.E.Sunat@ 22.2 12.7 3X2 6
Nmm2N2sd G2E S2pdltS G- ~~) 0,76 0.27 0.75 0.91 0.63 0.63 0.73 36.1 124 %2 26
lo% . W22 Wla9 61dbn6dc (c 2unua)
NzmsNzzd GE6 SpsdPk Grzdty (K-S) 077 026 0.75 037 ml 037 0.67 27.0 12.6 13.4 22
~ ~-
SwbMspdls F7322urs Sm2271 2363 4292316225202826 - Mmasb [C.-a) 28.s 12.6 17,S 23
246 610 223 11Z9 753 611 m sOll#myi2#lhdla 22.4 12.0 lo.e 16
&4dlon GEE-on R22i0
1222 1.s18 1.M3 1.222 *.474 i.wa m W- 26.3 12.3 12s 20

Tsbb 3 Vdmss Cru21aa - Whob Cruda Assay Oats
Tablel 2 Dai Hung Oile - PVT Propetiies Data
1 I
,- c WT

NO Chi Minh City (sewn)

c) MAP
south Vlatnam AREA


Cnnsmo Dal Hung w

(Big B.Sr , ~

Figure 1 Dai Hung Field - Location Map

Figure 2 Dai Hung Field - Areal Map

DH-2 DH-4X DH-1P DH-2

Level I

3000m lnte~
4000 m

Figure 3 Dai Hung Field - Schematic Cross-Section


-.. .

Figure 4 Dai Hung EPS Development - Schematic of Facilities

1,600 05-DH4X
. . . . . . -- .\- ------------------------ -.-----:------- .
Rem,, .-
Ua-un- Ir

. . . . . ... . . . . . ,--- L. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . i%
UJ ... -,----- . .. . . k-. - - . - .. --...:--- -- - - - - - -:- -..--:--- -
to o
~ 2.200
..... .... - ---

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -..-, -----


. . . . . . . . -------
; - - , - ,
. . . . . . . . . . .\...: . . . ..Y..

2.000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000

Figure 5 Dai Hung Static Pressure - EPS Am


..\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
- ,. - - ,- - - - - - -
- --- --,
-. +s&i@Il ~

----- ,-

. . . . . . . . . . .
. ,. . . . ,. - - . - ... ..== . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-, > --- -

. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..............:...-
-----.--,.- -

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- .,-

. . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .--, --- .. -:-


, --------- ---------- . . . . .. . . . . .,.

2.460 3,900
3,550 3,600 3,650 3,700 3,750 3,800 3,850
D--ilra nehl
, .-. ., ~-

Figure 6 Dai Hung Field - Static Pressures, Weii DH-I P

12.2 4

K = 0.0273 API+ 11.07 3y

(Lab A, B) %(2) sx(s)nf~ /---------

1P/lm --- ~v
37&x(3) qj(4) - ------ lPIP

---- Oebnd
11.8 \
--- --- 1:R
--- 2)f#3)

jll.6 1~ w
x \
K = 0.0380 API+ 10.75
(Lab A, B, C & D) lx 11)
11.4 c1
t I.d U

1 0 Lab A
11.2 9 LSbC
Lab D

20 25 30 35 40
Crude Gravity, API

Figure 7 Dai Hung Crudes - K Factor (normalised) vs Oil Gravity

-- - --- w
- Crudes
. %x
., 0
. .
., 2x 2)3P ,P X(5)
30 .
Sk& {p S#ld ~ X%
Data Envelope , A
for More I%ensive ~ Pour Point = 0.926 W + 17.4 H Mu n
Data Base (Lab A&B)
(See Fwure 10) . Lab B
lPJ1) LabC
2x (3)
o Lab D
+ Average(A, B)
2x (7) , 1X(W 7j((4) 5x (2)
0, 0 u

1P(2) 4X


Napthenic / 2x(6) Paraffinic

10 Crudea \ Crudes

8 12
Wax, Weight %
Figure 8 Dai Hung Crudes - Pour Point vs Wax Content


.. -..

1~ 1:9

5S,WS1O w 37J

12.5 . 10<W
X Condanss@ y Crudm
Wax.Wgt% 11.*
Pour PT C
() Best Data Fti
K = 0.0371 API+ 10.61
I!!12.O API+ 10.60)
(K= 0.0373 ;
u I ---- \
K = 0.0371APi + 10.75
/+ ~. 4.23.Y a

g / Condensate
/ /,/$ /*4 o
2.7 y , 1.7

* ~: ,4 :$$3


/ ; = 0.0371 API+ 10.47 (K j 0:0369 API+ 10.25)

1 ?J

10 20 30 40 50 60
Crude Gravity API

Figure 9 Various Crudes - K Factor vs Oil Gravity


40 Pour Point= 288.05 W s.

~ _- __-a,- -
Pour Point = ,2. s ---- -

.240.05 W 05-273.?5- 0 % ~ ~,~

?z.2 ----

& .-
/ W.O
/ /


: :% :r~ y ;
p WI


WAX,w (v@%)
o Wcl.o
Pour Point = 209.23 W m- 273.15 5SWS1O

=2 ?20
lzo 11,s
. 10<W
x COndenMti
fl.z Il.
40 ;,

10 20 30 40
Wax, Weight %

Figure 10 Various Crudes - Pour Point vs Wax Content

1.9 / /$
1.8 / /
/ /
o ,
/ /
/ *
1.7 / ,/+
,/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
1.6 /
/ /<5%
/ /
/ /
/ o /
/ /
1.5 / /
/ L&M
/ : /
/ O stinting
/ Zf
o, Vazquez- Beggs
1.4 x Glaea
~~,,, a ~,-i_ omer.T@j
o ,
+ g, X l(wtoatmodjo- Schmidt
I .a 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
BO, rbhtb (msssursd)

Figure 11 Oil Formation Volume Factor (~) Correlation

4,500 /

/ ..ZZ?5

/ +
,: /
/0 *


/// // +
0 Smtilng

/ l Vezquez - Beggs
2,500 / /6
/ / Glaaa
/ /
/ / + Omer.T~
/ /
/ / X KarK@nocljo- Schmidt

2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500

pbj ~k (m6t8sur8d)

Figure 12 Bubble Point Pressure (~) Correlation

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