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SUEZ OIL COMPANY Approved by - HSEQ General Manager

Print Date - 16 January 2012
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Control of Radioactive Sources

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to describe how radioactive isotopes are controlled within

2.0 Scope of application

This procedure covers procedures to be followed for safe handling of radioactive sources.
Radioactive Sources are often used for weld testing or tracer applications onshore.
Radioactive sources are used offshore for well logging. Occasionally fishing is required for
radioactive tools.

In all of these cases, use of the radioactive sources will be covered by a Work Permit and
Ionising Radiation Sources Certificate as described in Cairo-HSE-P-07.

Handling of Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) is covered by the general

precautions here but detailed handling procedures are included in other documents. Similarly,
medical uses of X-rays (which are not generated from a radioactive source) are covered by
medical centre procedures.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 Initiator

The SUCO manager who initiates the request should complete the notification form. See
Appendix 1.

3.2 Competent Person

Only persons with qualifications and training described in the Egyptian Law 59/1960 can be
considered Competent People.

3.3 SUCO Competent Person

Senior HSE in the Field is required to be trained to the level of Competent Person to ensure
that adequate controls are applied to the use of radioactive materials.

He arranges receipt, secure storage and handling of sources in transit within SUCO

He also advises in the event of any emergency and arranges appropriate response.

3.4 Field Medical

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The Field Medical Doctor is responsible for maintaining health records of staff regarding
radioactive exposure.

He also advises in the event of any emergency and arranges appropriate medical care.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 General

Radioactive Materials are highly hazardous to health. This is particularly important as the
hazard is normally invisible. This procedure covers the control of sealed and unsealed
sources in all Fields.

The use of radioactive materials in Egypt is covered by the Environmental Protection from
Radioactive Pollution and Marine Pollution Law No. 59/1960 and the Health Ministers
Decree No. 265/1984 Concerning Protection Measures in the Field of Industrial Radiography.

4.2 Contractor Competence

All work involving radioactive sources is carried out by contractors. The selection process for
the contractor includes confirmation that they have the required expertise and appropriate
controls to carry out the work safely.

In addition all relevant licenses and legal permissions must be available and copies held with
Field HSE.

4.3 Advance Notification

Information about the details of the source used, transport and timing are essential to ensure
that adequate control can take place.

To this end the Concerned Department Initiator raises the Notification Form to provide the
necessary data.

Once the Notification Form is received and approved by O-1 and HSE then the transportation
can be arranged.

The Notification Form specifies the sources used and strength. In addition it carries a
checklist of items that are to be available in advance for each source transported.

Copies of the approved Notification Form are sent to each relevant Field to ensure that there is
adequate advance communication. The Field Manager then copies the form to all relevant
outside parties, such as drilling contractor, maintenance contractor or marine.

4.3 Transport

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Print Date - 16 January 2012
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Transport of the radioactive materials will be arranged to meet legal requirements including
escorts, where required. Contractor Staff involved in transporting Radioactive Materials must
be fully trained in the handling and emergency precautions.

If the contractor is doing the work then the contractor competent person either takes the source
to the work site or arranges storage in the secure storage area.

If the contractor is only an authorised transport contractor then, on arrival at the SUCO facility
they must hand over custody to the SUCO competent person who will locate the materials in
the secure area. The SUCO competent person will arrange further on-site transportation to the
job site.

At no time is a radioactive source to be left unattended.

4.4 Handling

The Notification Form specifies the type and the strength of source, with the precautions to be
followed before allowing the source to be used.

Radioactive sources are only to be handled by the specified competent person.

4.5 Storage

Storage of radioactive materials including sources is only allowed in fenced off, secure and
dedicated areas with the specific written permission of the Field Manager.

Sources to be transported by boat cannot be stored on the jetty areas but are brought and
transferred directly to the ship and subsequently directly to the rig. On return they will be
removed directly to the secure storage area.

Drilling rigs must be provided with secure storage in the event that sources have to be held
waiting on work or on weather.

4.6 Working with Sources

The main protections for SUCO staff are the competence of the contractors working with the
sources and the understanding of the risks.

Where sources are used all precautions should be taken to exclude people from the area by
distance and by timing and this should be defined within the Ionising Radiation Sources
Certificate and Work Permit.

The SUCO competent person also arranges to examine the work precautions before the job
and to take readings as required.

4.7 Removal of Materials off-site

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Once the sources are to be transferred off-site when the job is completed the SUCO Competent
Person receives a receipt from the contractor that they have taken over custody of the source.

5.0 Emergencies

Emergencies involving radioactive materials are particularly hazardous.

Fields maintain emergency plans to handle all scenarios that could involve radioactive
sources, including excessive exposure, fire and explosion, loss of source etc.

Drills are also scheduled quarterly to cover these scenarios.

6.0 Records

All records related to the use and transport of radioactive sources must be retained for a
minimum of ten years. These records include Notifications, receipts, work permits,
monitoring results etc.

7.0 Audit

The system is audited as one of the audits as part of the Field Internal Audit Plan.

Cairo HSE also audit this element annually in the review of Legal Compliance Audit.

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SUEZ OIL COMPANY Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
Print Date - 16 January 2012
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Radioactive Sources Control Flow Chart

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SUEZ OIL COMPANY Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
Print Date - 16 January 2012
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Radioactive Source Request Reference Number:

Concerned Department Requesting Source: Date:

Concerned Department Contact Name:

Field Usage Location: Proposed Date:

Reason for the Source:

Service Company Name:

Service Company Responsible Person: Telephone:

Transport Company Name:

Transport Company Responsible Person: Telephone:

Date of Transport:

Time of Transport: Departure: Arrival:

Means of Transport:

Type of Source:

Strength of Source:

Documents to be Provided to Field

Local Authorities Approval: Reference:

Proposed by:

Approved by:

_______________________ __________________
Operations General Manager HSE General Manager

Original: Concerned Department Copy1: O-1/O-1D Copy 2: Cairo HSE Copy 3: Field(s)

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SUEZ OIL COMPANY Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
Print Date - 16 January 2012
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Radioactive Substances Field Control

Radioactive Source Request Reference Number:

Date of Arrival: Time of Arrival:

Type of Source: Strength of Source:
Safe Distance to be kept: Approved Certificates Attached: Y/N
Correct Labelling: Y/N Correct container: Y/N
Transport Company Name: Signature:

Received Field or Land Rig

SUCO Field HSE Name:
Sign: Date:
Source Storage Location:

Transferred to Work Site/Rig Location:

SUCO Field HSE Name:
Sign: Date:
SUCO Area Authority/Company man:
Sign: Date:
Service Company Responsible Person:
Sign: Date:

Returned to SUCO storage Location

SUCO Field HSE Name:
Sign: Date:

Source Despatched from SUCO

SUCO Field HSE Name:
Sign: Date:
Transport Company Responsible Person:
Sign: Date:

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