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SUEZ OIL COMPANY Approved by - HSEQ General Manager

Print Date - 24 January 2012
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Procedure for Issue of Work Permits

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to describe how all maintenance or other

intervention work is controlled using the Work Permit system.

2.0 Scope of application

This procedure covers procedures to be followed in maintenance work applicable

to all SUCO operations in the fields. All work at any operational facility will
require a Work Permit. A copy can be seen in Appendix 1. A list of additional
Control Certificates for High Risk Work can be seen in Appendix 2.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 Permit Applicant

The Permit applicant is responsible for initiating the permit to carry out the work.
He is also responsible for discussing manning, location, equipment access, tools,
conditions, risks and controls of the work with the Area Authority and other
requested staff the day before starting the work.

Only staff approved by the Field Manager can be Permit Applicant.

3.2 Area Authority

Only persons defined as competent by the Field Manager can act as Area

The Area Authority carries out the risk assessment for the work and indicates the
hazards on the Work Permit form. He then indicates the required controls for the
work which include:

Additional certificates (Hot Work, Confined Space Entry etc.)

Process Preparation (Isolation, draining, blanking etc.)
Personal and other protective Equipment
Communications with others

For High-Risk work, where certificates are required, then the Area Authority
discusses the controls with the Safety Department.

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The Area Authority then transfers the approved Work permits to be registered in
the Work Permit Log Book.

At the appropriate time the Area Authority arranges preparation of the job as
described in the Work Permit. He also arranges any Gas Testing required.

He also arranges briefing of the Permit holder on the job hazards and controls.

The Area Authority also visits the worksite during the job to assess compliance
with the Permit Conditions.

Where necessary the Area Authority can cancel Permits.

Once a month the Area Authority carries out a review of all Work Permits issued
to ensure they are filled out correctly and specific controls are applied. He then
makes a written report to the field Manager on the level of compliance and
highlighting problem areas.

He also retains all Work Permits, associated Certificates and monthly monitoring
reports for two years.

No person can issue a work permit for work they are to do themselves.

3.3 Permit Holder

The Permit Holder carries out the job following the permit requirements and
bearing in mind the risks and the required controls including PPE.

Once the job is completed the Permit Holder signs off the Section in the Work
Permit as completed. If the job is not complete and is covered by an extension
then he must brief the next Permit Holder of the controls.

The Permit Holder cannot also be the Area Authority.

3.4 Field HSE Department

The field HSE Department advises in the risk assessment for those High-Risk jobs
where additional control certificates are necessary.

The Field HSE Department also carries out Gas Tests as required for the work.
The results are recorded on the Gas Test Certificate. See Appendix 4.

Where there is any lack of clarity about the roles within Operations such as Area
Authority, Permit Applicant, Permit Holder for any specific job, then Field HSE
will advise.

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Every six months the Field HSE Department carries out a Work Permit Audit to
assess conformance with the procedure and guidance.

The Senior HSE in the Field retains all audit reports for a period of two years.

3.5 HSE General Manager (Cairo)

Once a year the HSE General Manager summarises the effectiveness of the Work
permit System for the MDs at the HSE Management Review.

He maintains a central file of relevant correspondence and all documents and

reports used for the Management Review.

3.6 Field Manager

The Field Manager reviews the work permits issued and any items arising every
six months at the Field HSE Committee meeting.

The Field manager is responsible for maintaining a list of all Professional Staff
competent to fulfill the role of Area Authority, Area Electrical engineer etc.
indicating their approval of these staff based on their qualifications. See
Appendix 3.

4.0 Activities Where No Work Permit is Required

Certain activities are carried out where it is not necessary to issue work permits as
other controls are in place. Examples are shown below. If there is any doubt
about other types of work then the Area Authority should be consulted and a work
permit should be issued.

4.1 Workshop

Any maintenance work carried out in workshops is covered by maintenance

operating procedures. In addition the work items will have been prepared for
maintenance before being sent to the Workshops (a Plant Release Certificate will
be available). No additional Work Permit is required.

4.2 Taking Readings

Where readings are taken as routine work or part of Planned Maintenance PM,
then no Work Permit is necessary, provided they are visual observations only.
Any work which requires use of a portable instrument or process adjustment
requires a Work Permit.

4.3 Equipment Entry

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Bringing any mobile equipment such as vehicles, cranes, generators, etc. into any
hazardous area requires the issue of a Mobile Equipment Entry Certificate only.
Subsequent work such as welding, excavation etc., may require a Work Permit.

4.4 Portable Electrical Equipment

Where portable electrical equipment is used as part of a maintenance task then the
risk assessment and use of the item should be included on the Work Permit, or a
separate Work Permit issued.

Where the equipment is carried without being needed for a specific task (such as
mobile phones, cameras, laptops, torches) then these must be subject to access
control. Anyone wishing to carry such equipment must obtain approval for access
from the control area before entering. Each process area keeps a logbook of all
equipment carried in to the area, defining exact location, time in and time out.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 Work Scheduling

A proportion of maintenance work will be scheduled in advance as part of routine

maintenance activities. Alternatively there is often a need to carry out repair work
that arises from equipment breakdown in operation. In either case this procedure
is to be used.

For work scheduled in advance, the Permit Applicant should arrange for the risk
assessment and other control paperwork such as Hot Work and Entry Certificates
as soon as the scope of work is identified. This will involve discussions with the
Area Authority.

For breakdown work then the Area Authority will do the risk assessment at the

5.2 Work Permit Preparation

Having identified that work is needed the Permit Applicant should discuss the
proposed work with the Area Authority to plan the work and agree the relevant
controls to manage the risks. All work will require a Work Permit. In addition,
some high-risk activities, such as Hot Work and Confined Space Entry will
require additional controls. These are identified in Appendix 2.

The necessary Control Certificates are indicated in the Work Permit. The
additional Control Certificates will be kept in a file in the Control Area until the
work is to be done.

All Work Permits have a pre-printed unique Serial Number to improve control of

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5.3 Description of Work

The Permit Applicant should describe the proposed work and details of location,
timing, duration, tools and staff needed in Section A of the Work Permit.

The Permit Applicant then signs and dates Section A.

Then he discusses the work with the Area Authority to carry out the risk
assessment and jointly agree the safety precautions required.

The Area Authority completes the Risk Assessment section of the form.

5.4 Risk Assessment

The Area Authority should carry out a pre-job risk assessment on the proposed
work using the checklist provided in Section B of the Work Permit. This
checklist identifies the main risks of the operations. Any others arising from the
work should be added to the Permit at this time. Where risks are identified and
recorded on the form, then corresponding controls should be put in place.

The Area Authority then indicates the preparation and method of isolation to be
used. The normal method of isolation for flammable, toxic or hazardous materials
will be by spade/blank or line removal. Where this is not possible then the
method used must be indicated along with additional precautions taken to manage
the risks.

For High Risk Jobs the Area Authority indicates which Control Certificates are
required and the required level of gas testing. The Area Authority then arranges
for these Certificates to be prepared.

The relevant Control Certificates are shown in Appendix 4.

Once the Certificates are prepared and approved they are attached to the Work
Permit for reference.

The Area Authority then indicates what PPE is required and whether any other
precautions, such as defined procedures, are to be used.

The Area Authority then signs and dates Section B and passes the form to the
Control Room to await issue to the Permit Holder who carries out the work.
Details of the completed and approved Work Permits are recorded in the Control
Room Work Permit Log Book.

5.5 Authorisation for Work

Work Permits are often prepared some time in advance of the work and operating
conditions occasionally change between risk assessment and the start of the job.

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To ensure that this is managed the Area Authority should carry out a review of the
work and just prior to the start of the job carry out a toolbox talk with the Permit
Holder and Work Party to ensure all precautions and work content are understood.

The Area Authority should also ensure that the required Gas Testing has been

The Area Authority then signs and dates Section C for issue to the Permit Holder
who carries out the work.

He also displays a valid copy of the work permit at the work site.

5.6 Carrying out the Work

No work is to be done unless a valid permit is clearly displayed at the work site.

Once the job has been prepared, and the Work Permit has been completed as far
as Section C, the Permit Holder reviews the Work Permit, to familiarise himself
with the relevant risk assessments, controls, prior preparations and personal
protective equipment needed. This will also involve reference to any Control
Certificates for additional precautions.

Once the Permit Holder understands the work, risks, controls and precautions he
signs and dates the first part of Section D of the work permit to start the work.

The Work Permit is valid for one shift (12 hours maximum). If necessary the
Permit may be extended by the Area Authority on a shift-by-shift basis. The job
will remain open according to the Validity stated in Section E of the permit until it
is completed.

If the job carries on beyond the shift then the Permit Holder passes his copy of the
Work Permit to the next person doing the work and explains the hazards, controls
and job progress. This person then becomes the Permit Holder and signs and
dates the control room copy of the permit to confirm the extended validity on the
Control Room Copy of the Work Permit.

Once the job is completed then the Permit Holder signs and dates the second part
of Section D of the Work Permit.

If the job cannot be completed then the Permit Holder should indicate the reason
in Section D of the Work Permit and sign and date Section D.

The Area Authority may cancel a Work Permit at any time for operational or
safety reasons.

5.7 Validity and Renewals

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The Work Permit is valid for one shift (12 hours maximum). When starting the
work, the Area Authority indicates the expiry in the first box of Section E of the
Work Permit. For a job that extends beyond one shift, the Area Authority should
indicate the time and date of validity for each extension though if it is to be
extended more than 12 hours a new permit should be raised.

In addition, for jobs that extend beyond one shift, before the Permit Holder starts
work again, the operating staff must review the workplace and operating
conditions to ensure that the Risk Assessment, Precautions and Controls are still

5.8 Job Completion

Once the Permit Holder has completed the job and signed Part D of the Work
Permit. The Area Authority checks the work and signs and dates Section E that
the job is completed or not completed and the Permit is cancelled.

6.0 Authorisation

Only authorised staff are allowed to complete any parts of the Work Permit or
Control Certificates.

Each Field Manager maintains a list of authorised staff with the relevant
competence to carry out these functions.

7.0 Administration

All SUCO Work Permits and Control Certificates have a pre-printed Serial
Number on the document. This is used to ensure traceability to the original
documents and to cross-refer between documents.

The Work Permit has four copies. The Original is given to the Permit Holder who
carries out the work. Copy 1 is retained in the Control Area. The Permit
Applicant retains copy 2. The Area Authority holds copy 3 and the HSE
department keeps Copy 4.

A Log Book is kept in the Control Area to record the Work permits and their
status. The format for this is seen in Appendix 5.

Completed and cancelled Work Permits and relevant Control Certificates are
retained in the Control Area until the work is completed. The Area Authority then
keeps these completed and cancelled Work Permits and all associated Control
Certificates in a file for a minimum of two years.

8.0 System Checking

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To ensure Work Permit controls are adequate, a variety of monitoring measures
are required.

8.1 Work Inspections

Whilst the work is being done, the Area Authority must visit the worksite to
ensure that specified controls are applied and adequate.

8.2 System Monitoring

Once a month the Area Authority must review all the Work Permits issued in his
area to ensure that they are filled out correctly and specified controls are applied
and adequate. The Area Authority reports monthly to the Field Manager in
writing on the level of compliance with the requirements of the Work Permit
procedure. This report should also highlight any problem areas.

8.3 System Auditing

Once every six months the Field HSE sector/Department will carry out an audit
on the Work Permit system. The audit will assess conformance with this
procedure and associated guidance.

This audit will include a review of the Reports from the Area Authority. The
audit will also include an examination of the contents of the Work Permits to
determine adequacy of Risk Assessments and other controls.

The Field HSE Sector/Department will produce a report of the audit findings
indicating conformance and any areas for improvement.

8.4 Accident/Incident Investigation

In any accident and incident investigation the investigator should consider the
effectiveness of the Work Permit system and potential breakdown of controls.

8.5 System Review

Once a year the effectiveness of the Work Permit System is reviewed at the
Management Review Meeting.

The HSE General Manager (Cairo) provides a summary report of the system for
consideration using the monitoring and audit information obtained in the sections

9.0 Applicable Forms etc.

Work Permit
Control Certificates

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Control Room Log Book

10.0 Required Records

The Area Authority is required to retain all Work Permits and associated Control
Certificates, and monthly system monitoring reports for a period of two years.

The Senior HSE Adviser in the Field retains all audit reports for a period of two

HSE General Manager holds a record file of documents and reports used for
submission to the Management Review.

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Appendix 1.1
The Work Permit

SUCO Work Permit Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown

Work to be done: Plant/Location:

Tools/equipment to be used:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Staff:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Area Authority Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Isolation/Preparation Required Control Certificates

Pressure Dust/Fume Spades/Blinds Electrical Isolation
Toxic Access/Overside/Height Double Valve/drained Hot Work
Corrosive Wind/Weather Closed valve Confined Space Entry
Flammable Explosive From motive power Radioactive Source
Hot Sea State Depressuring/draining Excavation
Fire/flame HP Water Jets/Blasting Flushing with water High Pressure Water Jet
Flying particles Static Blown with nitrogen Work on Electrical Equipment
Pyrophoric Scale Diving Blown with air Diving
Electricity Norm/radioactive Electrical Isolation/Earthing Gas Tests Cont/Intermittent
Moving Machinery Other Work in Progress Steamed Flammable
Lifting Other - Access Toxic
Confined Space Other - Shoring Oxygen
H2S Other - Other Norm

Protective Equipment and Clothing Required Special Precautions

Full Chemical Suit Normal Special/Other
Gloves Follow Standard Procedure
Dosimetere Firewatcher present
Goggles Fire Extinguishers
Face Shield Hose Reel Run Out
Dust Mask Welding Equipment Check
BA Set Spark Screening
Safety Harness Earthing
Helmet Drains Covered Within 15m
Life Vest Wet down Area
Hearing protection Emergency BA set
Safety Footwear Gas Detectors
Radio Watchers
Other Routine Inspection
Standby Vessel

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:


Area Authority Authorisation for Work

Work site is prepared and isolated for the work

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Permit Holder Carrying out the Work

I understand the work, the Control Certificates, the precautions and the required protective measures

Permit Holder Name: Signature: Date:

Job Completed Job Not Completed (Reason)

Permit Holder Name: Signature: Date:

Area Authority Validity and Renewals Job Completed/Cancelled

Date This Permit is Cancelled

The job is complete/not complete
Valid Until
Signature Date

Original Permit Holder, Copy 1 Control Room, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 1.2
Permit to Work on Electrical equipment
SUCO Permit to Work on Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:
Electrical Equipment
Permit Description of Electrical Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Plant/Location: Item to be worked on:

Electrical Work to be done:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Staff:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Area Preparation and Risk Assessment


Equip[ment Is Electrically Isolated by: Preparation Required

Equip[ment Is NOT Electrically Isolated: Preparation Required

Include Detailed Description of Hazards

Area Electrician Name: Signature: Date:


Permit Approval

Position Signature Date

C Area Authority

Electrical Engineer


Field Manager (for Live Working)

Permit Holder
Work site is prepared and isolated for the work Carrying out the Work

I understand
Responsible Area Managerthe work, the Control Certificates, the Signature:
Name: precautions and the required protective measures

Permit Holder Name: Signature: Date:

Job Completed Job Not Completed (Reason)

Permit Holder Name: Signature: Date:

Area Authority Validity and Renewals Job Completed/Cancelled

Date This Permit is Cancelled

The job is complete/not complete
Valid Until
Signature Date

Original Permit Holder, Copy 1 Control Room, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 2
Control Certificate Types
Work Type Control Prepared By Approved and
Issued By

Hot Work Hot Work Certificate Area Engineer + HSE Area Authority

Confined Space Entry Confined Space Area Engineer + HSE Area Authority
Entry Certificate Sector/Department

Gas Test Certificate Authorised Gas Tester HSE Sector/

Department Manager

Electrically Driven Electrical Isolation Area Engineer + Electrical Area Authority

Equipment Certificate Engineer

Excavation Excavation Area Engineer + Engineering Area Authority

Certificate Office + HSE Sector/Department

Radiography Radioactive Area Engineer + HSE Area Authority

Substances Sector/Department

HP Water Jetting HP Water Jetting Area Engineer Area Authority


Work on Electrical Electrical Work Area Engineer + Area Electrical Field Manager
Systems/Equipment Permit Engineer + Area Authority
and Work on Live

Diving Diving Diving Supervisor + Marine Area Authority


Hot Tapping Hot work Permit applicant + Area Field Manager

Authority/Production Manager

Removal of Equipment Plant Release Area Engineer Area Engineer

offsite or to

Vehicle or Equipment Equipment Entry Area Authority Area Authority


Laboratory Analysis Laboratory Analysis Laboratory Technician/HSE Laboratory


Rotating equipment Work Permit Area Authority + Engineer Area Authority

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Appendix 3 - Competent Staff for Work Permits and Control Certificates.

Role in System Job Title Competent Personnel

Area Authority

Area Mechanical

Area Electrical

Responsible Area

Area Civil engineer


Dive Supervisor


HSE Engineer

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Appendix 3 - Competent Staff for Work Permits and Control Certificates. (Continued)

Role in System Job Title Competent Personnel

Gas Tester

HSE Dept/Sector

Inspection Engineer

Laboratory Technician

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Appendix 4.1
Control Certificates Electrical Isolation Certificate
SUCO Electrical Isolation Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:
Area Request for Electrical Isolation Work Permit Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Item to be isolated: Plant/Location:

Expected Duration: Time: Date:

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Area Electrical Isolation Procedure


Method of Isolation Used

Area Electrician Name: Signature: Date:

Area Completion of Work


The Planned Work is completed/not completed and the Equipment can be electrically reinstated.

C Describe state if work not completed

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Area Electrical Reinstatement Procedure


Method of Reinstatement used

Area Electrician Name: Signature: Date:

Area Completion of Permit


The Planned Work is completed the Equipment is electrically reinstated and the Certificate is Cancelled.

E Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Original Control Room, Copy 1 Area Electrician, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.2
Control Certificates Hot Work Certificate

SUCO Hot Work Certificate Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown

Work to be done: Plant/Location:

Tools/equipment to be used:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Staff:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Area Authority Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Preparation Required Other Control Certificates

Flammable Process Preparation Other Preparation Electrical Isolation
Toxic Isolation Excavation Certificate
Explosive Gas Free Confined Space Entry
Gas Bottles Access/egress Radioactive Source
Confined Space Entry Screening High Pressure Water Jet
Restricted Working Space Ventilation Work on Electrical Equipment
Drainage Nearby Gas Testing
Lighting PPE
Gas Tests Cont/Intermittent
Weather Drains Covered
Weld Flash Fire Extinguishers
Congestion Water Hoses
Sparks Foam generator

B Hot Tap
Other Work in Progress
Gas Test

Other Other

Responsible Area Manager Name: Signature: Date:
Area Authority Name:
Department: Signature: Date:
Department: Valid Until:

Permit Approval

Position Signature Date

C Area Authority

Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

HSE dept/Sector Mgr

Contractor (if relevant)

Field Manager (for Defined Work)

Original Control Room, Copy 1 Permit Applicant, Copy 2 Area Authority, Copy 3 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.3
Control Certificates Confined Space Entry Certificate

SUCO Confined Space Entry Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:
Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Work to be done: Plant/Location:

Tools/equipment to be used:

Number of Staff: Duration: Time: Date:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:
Department/Contractor Company:

Area Authority Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Preparation Required Other Control Certificates

Toxic Chemicals/Gases Process Preparation Other Preparation Electrical Isolation
H2S Isolate/Depressure Hot Work
Lead Purge Flammables/Toxics Radioactive Source
Flammables Isolate electrical equipment High Pressure Water Jet
Oxygen Blank/Spade Other
Nitrogen Ventilation Other
Electric Cables Gas Test
Stirrers/Agitators Enter with BA
Attach Blanking Diagram
Access/Egress 2 men standby outside

B Lighting
Restricted Working Space
Enter without BA
1 man standby outside
Other PPE
Gas Tests Cont/Intermittent
Ventilation Toxic
Use of Tools/Materials Oxygen
Other Work in Progress Norm
Other -
Other -


Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Department: Valid Until:

Permit Approval

Position Signature Date

Area Authority

C Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

HSE Dept/Sector Mgr *

Contractor (if relevant)

* Gas Test Readings to be attached

Original Permit Holder, Copy 1 Control Room, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.4
Control Certificates Excavation Certificate

SUCO Excavation Certificate Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown

Work to be done: Plant/Location:

A Tools/equipment to be used:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Staff:

Sketch showing location of nearby equipment facilities and hazards:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Area Authority Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Preparation Required Other Control Certificates

Side Collapse Process Preparation Other Preparation Electrical Isolation
Electric Cables Firm Vehicle Access Hot Work
Underground pipes Shoring Confined Space Entry
Soft Ground Access Ventilation Radioactive Source
Confined Space Entry Gas Testing High Pressure Water Jet
Restricted Working Space PPE Work on Electrical Equipment
Drainage Ladders
Lighting Safe Egress
Gas Tests Cont/Intermittent
Weather Electrical Isolation/Earthing

Chemicals/Gases Other
Tools Cranes and Slings
Other Work in Progress
Other -
Other -


Area Authority
Responsible Name: Name:
Area Manager Signature:
Signature: Date: Date:
Department: Valid Until:

Permit Approval

Position Signature Date

Area Authority

Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Civil Engineer

Engineering Office

HSE Dept/Sector Mgr

Contractor (if relevant)

Original Permit Holder, Copy 1 Control Room, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.5
Control Certificates Ionising Radiation Source Certificate

SUCO Ionising Radiation Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Source Certificate
Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Work to be done: Plant/Location:

Description of source to be used:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Staff:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Risk Assessment

Area Authority Hazards Identification Preparation Required

Responsible Area Manager Name: Signature: Date:
Department: Validity

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Department: Valid Until:

Permit Approval

Position Signature Date

Area Authority

Mechanical Engineer

Inspection Engineer

HSE Dept/Sector Mgr

Contractor (if relevant)

Original Control Room, Copy 1 Permit Applicant, Copy 2 Area Authority, Copy 3 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.6
Control Certificates High Pressure Water Jetting Certificate

SUCO High Pressure Water Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:
Jetting Certificate
Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Work to be done: Plant/Location:

Tools/equipment to be used:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Staff:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Area Authority Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Preparation Required Other Control Certificates

HP Water Process Preparation Other Preparation Electrical Isolation
Flammable Isolation Excavation Certificate
Toxic Gas Free Confined Space Entry
Pyrophoric Scale Access/egress Operator Licences
Acid/Alkali Screening
Flying Grit PPE
Electrical Hazards Drains Available/Covered
Confined Space Entry Dead Mans Handle Gas Tests Cont/Intermittent
Restricted Working Space Restricted Entry to Area Flammable
Drainage Nearby Staff Notification Toxic
Lighting Other Oxygen

Other Work in Progress

Responsible Area Manager Name: Signature: Date:
Area Authority Name:
Department: Signature: Date:
Department: Valid Until:

Permit Approval

Position Signature Date

C Area Authority

Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer


Contractor (if relevant)

Field Manager (for Defined Work)

Original Control Room, Copy 1 Permit Applicant, Copy 2 Area Authority, Copy 3 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.7
Control Certificates Diving Certificate

SUCO Diving Certificate Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown

Work to be done: Area:

A Tools/equipment to be used:

Date: Time: Duration: Number of Divers:

Sketch showing location of work, nearby equipment facilities and hazards:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company: Dive Supervisor: Time:

Supply Vessels name: Captain Signature: Date:

Dive Supervisor Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Preparation Required

Weather Diving hazards Operations Preparation Other Preparation
Vessel Movements Vessel Anchor
Lines & ropes Engines stopped
Air Hoses Communication Access
Entanglement Wet/Dry Suit
Platform Discharges Scuba
Fire Pump Suction
Other Work in Progress
Other -

B Other -

Dive Supervisor Name: Signature: Date:

Department: Valid Until:

Dive Supervisor Completion of Work

The Planned Work is completed/not completed Describe state if work not completed
All divers have returned
All diving equipment/tools have been recovered
The equipment can be reinstated

Thy supply Vessel can move off.

Dive Supervisor Name: Signature: Date:

Original Dive Supervisor, Copy 1 Control Room, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.8
Control Certificates Gas Test Certificate

SUCO Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Gas Test Certificate
Area Authorityr Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown

Gas to be tested: Plant/Location:

Test frequency: Exact testing point:

Serial No. Equipment Used:

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Gas tester
Test results
Gas PPM Safe Source Time
Limits pressure



B Oxygen

Gas Tester Name: Signature: Date:


Original Control Room File Copies (after completion) - Copy 1 Area Authority, Copy 2 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.9
Control Certificates Mobile Equipment Entry

SUCO Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Mobile Equipment Entry
Permit Description of Work Work Order Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Work to be done: Plant/Location:

Equipment to enter:

Route and Area to be entered (Attach Sketch):

Duration: Time: Date:

Permit Applicant Name: Signature: Date:

Department/Contractor Company:

Area Authority Risk Assessment

Hazards Identification Preparation Required Other Preparation Sketch Attached

Restricted Space Check Area Drawings
Underground Pipes Process Preparation
Underground Cables Firm Vehicle Access
Overhead height Limit Isolate electrical equipment
Narrow Road Engines Stopped
Flammables Earthing
Sparks Gas Test
Soft Ground Access Route / Location Prepared

Electricity Drains Covered
Lifting Communication
Drainage Nearby Spark Control
Lighting Watchers
Gases Fire Extinguishers
Tools Cranes and Slings Water Hoses
Moving Machinery
Other Work in Progress


Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Department: Valid Until:

Area Authority Approval

Position Signature Date

Area Authority

C Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

HSE Dept/Sector Mgr *

Contractor (if relevant)

Original Permit Holder, Copy 1 Control Room, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 4.10
Control Certificates Plant Release Certificate

SUCO Plant Release Serial Number: Control Room Reference Number:

Permit Request for Release Work Permit Number Type of Work - Scheduled/Breakdown
Item to be removed: Plant/Location:

Location Item to be Removed to:

Expected Duration: Time: Date:

Area Item Preparation Procedure


Item Has Contained Method of Preparation Used Item Has Not Been Cleaned
Toxic Chemicals/Gases Depressured Potential Hazards Present (Description):
H2S Vented
Lead Purged with N2
Flammables Steameds
Oxygen Washed with Water
Nitrogen Scale Removed
Scale Other
Norm Gas Tests

B Other
Other Oxygen

Non-hazardous Material Norm

Plant Item Release

The Preparation Work is completed/not completed and the Equipment can be removed.

Area Authority Name: Signature: Date:

Original Control Room, Copy 1 Electrician, Copy 2 Permit Applicant, Copy 3 Area Authority, Copy 4 HSE Department

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Appendix 5.1 Control Room Log Book Page 1

Control Work
Room Date Permit Type Location Recommended Control Room Supervisor
Serial Serial Plant/Unit Starting Time Duration No. of Name Sign
Number Number Date Staff

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Appendix 5.2 Control Room Log Book Page 2

Actual Completion Completion Control Room Supervisor Notes

Starting Time Duration No. of Time Date Name Sign
Date Staff

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Appendix 6
Glossary of Terms

Accident An undesired event that leads to loss (injury, property

damage, process loss or environmental harm)

Area Authority Qualified Manager who is approved to supervise activities in

an operational, maintenance, office or camp area

Asphyixiant A gas that kills by exclusion of air

Blanking A process of positive isolation of pipework or vessels that

involves inserting a plate into the line or system as a barrier
to flow

Cancellation Making a Permit Void and stopping the work

Confined Space An area that is enclosed where toxic, flammable or

asphyxiant gases can build up. Confined spaces also include
excavations in open areas as heavier than air gases can

Confined Space Entry The process of entering a confined space under controlled
conditions by issue of a Confined Space Entry Certificate

Control Certificates Additional Certificates to supplement the Work Permit to

provide a method of assessing risk and providing controls
for higher risk activities such as Hot Work or Confined
Space Entry

Control Room A nominated central control point that is usually manned

Draining Process preparation of pipework involving removal of

residual liquid

Field HSE Committee Monthly Field meeting to discuss HSE matters and
meeting Performance

Flammable Capable of creating a flame. Flammable gas can burn

directly. Flammable liquids are liquids where the vapour
produced will be capable of burning

Gas Tests A test carried out primarily as a control to determine if the

atmosphere is safe for work free from flammables and
toxics and has sufficient air

Hand Tools Tools that require no external motive power such as electric
motor or air compressor. Used to reduce flammability
hazards and where extra care is necessary

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Hazard Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of

injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the
workplace environment, or a combination of these

Hazardous Area Area defined by the Area Authority where flammable, toxic
or other hazards may exist as a result of normal or abnormal

High Risk Work Work where the combination of hazards is such that
additional controls are needed. Includes Vessel Entry, Hot
Work, Excavation, work with radioactive sources etc. These
are covered by separate Control Certificates

Hot Work Work where there is a potential to generate enough heat that
could ignite a flammable atmosphere if present. Includes
welding flame, electrical arcs, grinding sparks or friction or
use of motors or engines or other non-intrinsically safe
electrical equipment

HSE Management Review A review meeting held annually to review overall HSE
performance, policy and performance against objectives

Incident An undesired event that could or does lead to loss (injury,

property damage, process loss or environmental harm)

Intrinsically safe Electrical equipment specifically designed to adequate

engineering standards so that it can be used safely in areas
where there is a possibility of flammable atmosphere. The
integrity and engineering design depends on the probability
of flammable atmosphere occurring. This is defined through
an area classification system.

Isolation The process of separating live equipment from areas where

work is being done by physical means such as blanks or
spades valves, plugs or line removal. The level of isolation
required depends on the work being done. This also
includes electrical isolation for work involving motors,
pumps or other electrical systems

Job Completion The work is completed and the permit is signed off

Mobile equipment Equipment on wheels or skids that is moved into an area to

allow work to be done. Not permanently located there.
Includes welding sets, mobile pumps, cranes, vehicles

Mobile Equipment Entry A control certificate used to assess the risk of use of mobile
Certificate equipment, issued in addition to a work permit

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Operating procedures Established written step-by-step descriptions of tasks

(usually routine). Special operating procedures may also be
written for one-off activities

Permit Applicant Authorised and competent person who can apply for work to
be done. Describes the work in detail on the Work permit

Permit Authorisation Once the risk assessment is done, controls are in place the
Permit is Authorised by the relevant Area Authority

Permit Conditions Control Requirements specified on the Permit to address the

hazards identified.

Permit extension If a Permit due to be completed has not been completed and
the work will continue (under the same control conditions)
then the permit can be extended by the Area Authority

Permit Holder The person doing the work

Personal Protective Protective clothing or equipment that is worn by the Permit

Equipment Holder (or others involved) to carry out the work

Planned Maintenance Regular, scheduled maintenance work

Plant Release Certificate A Certificate to assess the risks to others if equipment is to

be moved from the normal location to another area -such as
workshop or contractors compound - for work to be done.
Also applies to equipment to be sent to scrap area or for sale

Portable electrical equipment Small items of electrical equipment that can be carried into
the work place by hand. This includes, radios, torches, gas
testers, meters, phones, computers, cameras etc. Not all
portable equipment is intrinsically safe so the entry must be
covered by additional controls

Procedure A step-by-step method of doing a task

Records Documents that show some activity has taken place or

provides results of a monitoring exercise

Risk The combination of the likelihood and consequences of a

specified hazardous event occurring

Risk assessment The overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and
deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable

Safety Department The group of HSE professional staff located either at the
Field or in Cairo Office

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Shift The period of 12 hours working. Day shift is 07.00 to 19.00.

Night shift is 19.00 to 07.00

System Auditing Systematic examination to determine whether activities and

related results conform to planned arrangements and whether
these arrangements are implemented effectively and are
suitable for achieving the organizations policy and

System Monitoring Routine examination of activity to ensure that standards are

being maintained

System Review An examination of the overall system in the light of

monitoring results and system auditing

Toxic A material that has an adverse health effect on the human

body. Toxicity can be acute and lead to rapid effects
including death, or it can be cumulative leading to long term
negative health effects

Validity Period to the end of the 12 hours shift where the Work
Permit is in force.

Work Inspections Examination of the work activity by the Area Authority to

ensure specified requirements on the work permit have been

Work on Live Equipment Work on equipment where the source of hazard cannot be
positively isolated. Some areas, such as work on electrical
transmission systems or on long transfer pipework cannot be
isolated without considerable disruption. Work of this
nature requires signature of the Field Manager on the Permit
or Control Certificate

Work Permit The primary document for assessing risk of working,

establishing adequate controls and authorizing work to

Work Permit Audit Six-monthly detailed examination of the system carried out
by Field HSE staff. Looks at the individual permits,
monthly Area Authority reports, accidents etc.

Work Permit Review Annual examination of the effectiveness of the system at the
Management Review Meeting

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