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Reflection for Domain A Artifacts

Reflection for Domain A Artifacts

Damon Garner
National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690 Capstone Course
Dr. Pengilly

Reflection for Domain A Artifacts


I will be looking back at my 3 artifacts, or pieces of evidence for Domain A of the

California Teaching Performance Expectations. Making subject matter comprehensible to

students is the focus of this domain. I will cover the rationale and value of selecting these


Reflection for Domain A Artifacts

Lesson planning is one the most fundamental jobs of a teacher. To reach students all of

our students learning abilities we must carefully craft and design lessons that show

differentiation, will engage, inspire and teach students skills and content. In my first piece of

evidence I used a Madelyn Hunter style lesson plan format to clearly show my methodology and

areas for checking for understanding and differentiation. The lesson focuses on the progressive

movement of the late eighteen hundreds to early nineteen hundreds. I attached a student sample

to show the amount of time and effort that the students made in their presentations.

Being observed can be a bit nerve rattling for teachers, newbies and veterans alike. When

you carefully plan your lesson and the students are engaged and participating, it can be very

satisfying to receive praise and constructive feedback from your administrator. In this particular

observation the administrator noticed my use of SIOP and Common Core strategies to engage the

students as well as the humor and energy that I brought to the lesson. By scaffolding my DOK

level questions I was able to catch students from all levels up to speed on the content and skills

being taught during the lesson.

My last artifact was a literature review of Daisy Martins Lower Level Learners:

Teaching Their Way. In this article I learned specific strategies to use in my classroom. She

walked through the benefits of using graphic organizers, KWL charts, pre-teaching vocabulary,

guided notes and adapted reading material. These are all tools that I have used or will use in the

upcoming school year. The major area she focused on was reaching lower level learners.

According to Martin (2017) As teachers, we often focus so much on where we want students to

be that we forget we must begin by meeting them where they are. (p. 1) This is very true in

todays diverse classroom. We have so many variables as teachers that sometimes its best just to

slow down and make adjustments for all of your students. In my particular district, Im blessed

Reflection for Domain A Artifacts

with having a great team in the EL and special education department that will help out and

pinpoint strategies and areas to help with each individual student.

Reflection for Domain A Artifacts


Martin, Daisy. (2017). Lower Level Learners: Teaching Their Way. (1) Retrieved from:

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