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Literature Review Domain B

Domain B Assessing student learning -

Damon Garner
National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690 Capstone Course
Dr. Pengilly

Literature Review Domain B


In this literature review I will be examining Robert Marzanos New Art and Science of

Teaching. Specifically I will be looking at chapter 2 that covers the topic of Using

Assessments. Robert Marzano discusses different strategies for using formal and informal

assessments effectively in the classroom.

Literature Review Domain B

As classroom teachers we use a variety of ways to assess learning. Dr. Robert Marzano

suggests that, (2017) At its core, assessment is a feedback mechanism for students and teachers.

Assessments should provide students with information about how to advance their understanding

of content and teachers with information about how to help students do so. (p. 21) As an

educator for a number of years now, I have come to appreciate the importance of constant checks

for understanding and constant monitoring of assessments to make sure that students are

learning. The informal method of checking for understanding is important to use frequently.

Marzano recommends various techniques for informal checks on understanding, (2017) one of

these methods is one I have been using for a few years and that is the confidence checking

technique of thumbs up, thumbs sideways or thumbs down. (p.22) This is a non-threatening

form of assessment that doesnt put too much pressure on the students and allows them the

freedom to share what they may or may not have picked up in a particular lesson.

Informal assessments of students are necessary to gauge the engagement of your class. It

gives you valuable feedback in your class when you can visibly see the number of students who

are participating, or not. Dr. Marzano suggests using voting devices and response boards as

successful informal assessment tools. The clicking devices or cell phones can be used to respond

to questions displayed on power point or other software applications. Using these different

informal assessment techniques successfully Marzano states that, (2017) Students will readily

engage in whole-class assessment activities, describe the status and growth of the class as a

whole, will seem interested in the entire classs progress and appear pleased as the whole classs

performance improves. (p. 22)

For formal assessments Dr. Robert Marzano prefers using proficiency scales to more

robustly assess student learning. By collaborating with teachers in your field of study you can

Literature Review Domain B

more accurately gauge the effectiveness of your units of study. Dr. Marzano states that, (2017)

Measurements over time provide a picture of students status at a particular time and students

growth. He believes that the process allows teachers to gather more accurate, more useful

information about students status and growth than the current practice of averaging test scores.

(p. 26) These proficiency scales paired with simple rubrics for the students to follow will help

students not only meet the content standards, but also their new Common Core skill based


Literature Review Domain B


Marzano, Robert J. The New Art and Science of Teaching. Solution Tree Press. 2017

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